Main Narrative (2) Proposed Statement of Work and Schedule (3) Budget Form and (4) Appendix. Document 1 - Main Narrative (12 Pages Maximum)

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(1) Main Narrative;

(2) Proposed Statement of Work and Schedule;

(3) Budget Form; and

(4) Appendix.

Document 1 – Main Narrative (12 pages maximum).

This document must be submitted in a Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Adobe (.pdf) format. The Main
Narrative must include the following sections, in the order specified below:

A. Executive Summary (two pages maximum).

Briefly summarize the expertise and proposed contributions of the primary team members, the related
problem or opportunity, the proposed solution and its innovative characteristics, and the potential for
energy/GHG reductions in Lagos and environs.

Use the following outline:

a) Background;

b) Objective and Scope of Proposed Project;

c) Project Benefits; and

d) Team Members.

B. Background and Proposed Approach (two to three pages).

Provide a narrative regarding the facet of the transportation sector being impacted, how it currently
operates and what opportunities exist for improvement. Explain fully how transportation energy and
GHGs will be reduced and how the efficiency of the existing transportation system will be enhanced. If
applicable, discuss your solution’s relevance to any metropolitan transportation plan or transportation-
related regulation.

C. Proposer Qualifications (two to three pages).

Provide an overview of the relevant qualifications of the proposer, other team members and major

Include resumes, facility qualifications, and data sheets in the Appendix, rather than in Main Narrative;
Additionally, discuss any recent related contracts awarded to the proposer in the past five years and
identify the associated State or Federal project managers.

D. Project Benefits (one to two pages).

Discuss how the proposed project will reduce GHG emissions and transportation energy use, and
improve mobility conditions (e.g., congestion reduction, mode shifting) and enhance economic
competitiveness in the state and estimate the potential improvement. Describe the methodology that
will be used to collect the necessary data and quantify the project benefits. Quantify any additional
project benefits to the extent possible: reliability benefits (e.g., reduced travel variability),
environmental benefits (e.g., emission reductions, minimizing hazardous materials), safety and security
benefits (e.g., reduction in deaths, injuries and real property losses), and other benefits (e.g., cost of
compliance with State or Federal regulations, enhanced quality of life issues).

E. Path to Market Acceptance (one page).

Provide evidence that relevant stakeholders are interested in the project being investigated. Explain
how they would benefit from the project widely introduced in the State and why they would be likely to
favor that adoption over alternatives. Describe the barriers standing in the way of broad acceptance of
the project being studied and explain how the project will identify ways to avoid or break down these
barriers. Characterize a plausible path to broader adoption of the project, including a description of the
resources and stakeholders that must be engaged to accomplish this. Indicate the specific goals and
anticipated results of the outreach. Explain how the activity will be promoted to maximize participation
and replication beyond the timeframe of the deliverable.

F. Budget Description and Cost Sharing (one page).

Include a brief narrative description of the budget in the proposal narrative, including a cost sharing
table (see example below) identifying the allocation of funding by task. The net cost to the state is one
of the evaluation criteria and will be closely considered.

Cost Sharing. All proposals must provide additional funding as cost share and this will be an important
evaluation criterion.


Proposed Funding By Task (Cash and In-Kind) Project Total
Funding Source Task 0 ($) Task 1 ($) Task 2 ($) ... Cash ($) In-Kind
Task Total ($)

Document 2 – Proposed Statement of Work and Schedule.

This document must be submitted in a Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) format. The Statement of Work
(SOW) is the primary contractual document that defines the project’s objective(s), management plan
and resources and the project’s scope of work, outlining specific project tasks and task deliverables.

The SOW is the project work plan to accomplish the project objective(s). Therefore, each action needs to
be identified, indicating which team member(s) will perform it, how it will be performed, and its
intended result. At the end of each task description, specific task deliverable(s) must be listed. Be sure to
identify the task deliverable, as this will be a measure of your performance.

Document 3 – Budget Form.

This document must be submitted in a Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx) format.

Document 4 – Appendix.

This document must be submitted in a Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Adobe (.pdf) format.

The Appendix may include:

A. Proposer Qualifications Supporting Materials. As noted in the Main Narrative description above, the
proposer must include resumes, facility qualifications, and data sheets in the Appendix, rather than in
Main Narrative.

B. Letters of Commitment. If you are relying on any other organization to provide services, equipment or
cost share, include a letter from that organization describing its planned participation. Absence of
Letters of Commitment will be interpreted as a lack of support from the identified parties. In addition to
Letters of Commitment, also include Letters of Support from other organizations and entities that are
not on the Project Team, but that are critical to the success of the project. Letters of Support are highly
valued by the sponsors and by the evaluation committee. The proposer should give strong consideration
as to who the project will impact and seek Letters of Support where appropriate.

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