Soft-Computing Tools in Engineering Course: Guidelines For Preparation of The Term-Paper For

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Guidelines for preparation of the term-paper for


1. Paper Size A4

2. Margins Left, top, bottom and right 1" (2.5cm/25mm)

3. Spacing Single line spacing

4. Font Arial
14 for the Title (Bold Title case)
12 for the student's Name (Bold)
11 for the department
10 for Abstract heading (Bold Title case)
10 for the caption of Figures and Tables
10 for the text and headings:
Main: Bold Title case
Subheadings : Italics Title case
Lower level headings : Italics with first letter cap
10 for the footnote

5. Title Page Leave 5 lines blank from the top margin

Title Title case, bold and centered

Make sure the title is not more than 70 characters in length, including spaces between

Name of the Leave one line blank between the title of the paper and the student's name. Leave two
Student lines blank between the student/roll number/department and abstract.
Student's name and other details should be centered
Leave one line blank after the above details
Please follow the specimen term-paper strictly.

Abstract Abstract should be between 100 and 120 words.

After abstract leave one line blank.

6. Headings and Text Left justified bold

No numbering of main and subheadings
Leave one line blank before and after heading
Each paragraph should be separated by one blank line without any indentation.
All text should be left and right justified typed in single column on one side of paper.
Emphasized text (if any) should be written in italics.
No underlines or footnotes (except in the first page).

7. Equations Typed and numbered in sequence

Use equation editor
Equation number in brackets right justified

8. Figures and Centered and numbered in sequence

Tables The caption of the Table should be placed above and centered.
The caption of the Figure should be placed below and centered.
Leave one line blank before and after Table/Figure
The first letter of the caption should be in capitals.
Figures and Tables can be prepared using any Graphics software.
Alternatively, Figures may be drawn using Indian Ink on tracing paper, arranged at
appropriate places in the text in the hard copy.
9. References Each reference should be cited in the text by the last name(s) of the author(s) and the
year of publication of the reference.
All references should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order, according to
the last name of the first named author.
Reference should include year of publication, full title, name of source, volume and
page numbers.
Details regarding font and punctuation should be according to the enclosed specimen
copy of the paper.
10. Page numbers Page numbers should be typed

11. Maximum length Maximum 4-8 pages.

12. Forwarding Soft copy of PDF to be sent in one file as attachment by Email

13. Important The completed manuscript must be carefully checked so that there are no spelling or
grammatical mistakes and the student should strictly follow the guidelines to maintain
consistency and uniformity.
Term Paper Submission for
SCTIE Course

First A. Student
Roll Number CE12345
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - 721302, India


This document provides guidelines on the content and format of full length term paper

Problem Definition

Term paper should outline the main features, results, conclusions and general significance of the
research presented and should contain relevant references The basic structure of term is as follows:

Problem definition
Details about the actual problem
Details about soft-computing tool employed for engineering problem
Results and discussion

Important Points

Arial typeface should be used throughout with font selection specified in Table 1.

Table 1. The fonts requirements at a glance

Topic Font Size

Title 14 Bold Title case
Student's Name 12 Bold
Address 11
Abstract heading 10 Bold Title case
Text of abstract 10
Headings 10 Bold Title case
Text of references 10

Some Typical Examples

Paper referencing

Some of the citation examples are: a two-part paper (Frater and Packer, 1992a, 1992b), a University
report (Duan et al., 1990). Recently, many refer internet resources and they can be referred by the
students (ASCE, 2001)

Equation representation

Typical Eq. 1 can be given as

CollapsePotential = x100% (1)
1 + e0
Figure preparation

Typical Fig. 1 can be prepared and embedded in the text as follows.

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) Fuzzy Picture (b) Evolutionary computation


Write brief summary of the term paper


ASCE (2001), American Society of Civil Engineers,

Duvant, G., and Lions, J. L. (1972). Less inequations en mechanque et en physique. Dunod, Paris,
France (in French).

Frater, G. S., and Packer, J. A. (1992a). "Weldment design for RHS truss connections, I:
Applications”. J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 118(10), 2784-2803.

Frater, G. S., and Packer, J. A. (1992b). "Weldment design for RHS truss connections, II:
Experimentation”. J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 118(10), 2804-2820.

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