Thermodynamics: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Board Examination Review 29 July 2019, 2:00-5:00 PM

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Arnold R. Elepaño

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Board

Examination Review
29 July 2019, 2:00-5:00 pm
Table of Specifications

• Describe and apply the the basic concepts,

theories and principles, processes, and laws of
thermodynamics - 2% of 30%
• Thermodynamics is the science of energy and
entropy. It deals with heat and work and those
properties of substance that bear a relation to
heat and work. It deals with transformation of
energy of all kinds from one form to another.

• Total energy = thermal + mechanical + kinetic +

potential + electric + magnetic + chemical +

• Two important areas of application for

thermodynamics are power generation and
Basic Concepts
System and Surrounding

• Thermodynamic system is a collection of matter

in any form (material, momentum, energy),
delineated from its surroundings by real or
imaginary boundaries chosen for study.

• Everything outside the system is the

System Definition
• Closed system - consists of a fixed amount of
mass, and no mass can cross its boundary,
energy can cross the boundary

• Open system - usually involves mass flow, both

mass and energy can cross the boundary

• Isolated system - no mass and energy (heat and

work) can cross the boundary
Conservation Principle
Change (increase of charge) = Input - Output

Charge = mass, momentum, energy

Partial Differential Equation
of Mass Conservation
Partial Differential Equation
of Momentum Conservation
Laws of
Zeroth Law of

• If two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a

third body, they are also in thermal equilibrium
with each other.
Temperature Scale
• G. Fahrenheit (1686-1736)

• A. Celsius (1701 -1744)

• Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)

• William Rankine (1820-1872)

• At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit

First Law of
• Conservation of energy and the
interchangeability of heat and different types of

• It is a bookkeeping tool that defines the internal

energy change as a sum of heat plus work.

• Change in the total energy of the system = total

energy leaving the system - total energy entering
the system
Differential Total Energy
Second Law of

• dS >= 0 [L. Boltzmann 1874]

• The principle that isolated systems tend toward

their states of maximum entropy.

• Tendencies of systems toward equilibrium.

• Maximum entropy principle.

Entropy Generation

• Entropy not related to work

• Sgen > 0 irreversible, = 0 reversible, < 0


• Q/T (+) heating, (-) cooling

Clausius Statement

• It is impossible to construct a device that

operates in a cycle that produces no effect other
than the transfer of heat from a lower
temperature body to a higher temperature body.
Kelvin-Plank Statement

• It is impossible for any device that operates on a

cycle to receive heat from a single reservoir and
produce a net amount of work.
• Exergy - availability or available energy

• First Law: QH - QL - Wrev = 0

• Second Law: Sgen = QL/TL - QH/TH >= 0 or


• WQH = (1-TL/TH) QH

• Wlost = WQH - Wrev = TL Sgen

1. What is the value of the work done for a closed,
reversible, isometric system?

2. The property which expresses the work

potential of the energy contained in a system at
a specified state is called…

3. The entropy change for any closed system

which undergoes an adiabatic process…
Third Law of

• The entropy of a pure crystalline substance at

absolute zero temperature is zero - since there is
no uncertainty about the state of the molecules
at that instant.

• This provides for an absolute reference point for

the determination of entropy.
Pure Substance
Ideal-gas Equation of State

• Pv = RT

• R = Ra/ M

• Ra = 8.314 kJ/kmol.K = 1545 for.lbf/lbmol.R

• z = Pv/RT compressibility factor

• Is water vapor an ideal gas?

Thermodynamic Processes

1. The condition where all three phases of a pure

substance coexist in equilibrium is called…

2. When a system deviates infinitesimally from

equilibrium at every instant of its state, it is

3. At the critical point, the quality is…

Carnot Cycle
• The Carnot cycle is the most
efficient cycle that can be
executed between TH and TL

• Thermal efficiency is 1 - TL/TH

Reversed Carnot Cycle
Rankine Cycle
Rankine cycle - the ideal cycle
for vapor power plants

1-2 Isentropic compression in a


2-3 Constant pressure heat

addition in a boiler

3-4 Isentropic expansion in a


4-1 Constant pressure heat

rejection in a condenser

Eff = W/QH

How can we increase the

efficiency of the Rankine cycle?
Otto Cycle, eff = 1-1/r^(k-1)
Diesel Cycle

Eff Otto > Eff Diesel

Brayton Cycle

1-2 Isentropic compression

2-3 Constant pressure heat addition
3-4 Isentropic expansion
4-1 Constant pressure heat rejection

1. The maximum thermal efficiency for a power

cycle operating between 1,200F and 225F is…

2. In a diesel cycle, the ratio of the cylinder

volume after and before the combustion
process is called…

• Cengel, YA & Boles, MA. 2002.

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. 4th
edition. McGraw-Hill

• AENG 203 Notes.

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