Unit 2: Physical Fitness Test Physical Fitness Test: Fitness Test Equipment Purpose/Benefits Sit and Reach

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Unit 2: Physical Fitness Test

Physical Fitness Test gives information about the overall status of a person’s
physical fitness.

2.1 Health Related Physical Fitness Tests

Involves exercise activities that you do in order to try to improve your physical health
and stay healthy, particularly in the categories of cardiovascular endurance, muscular
strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and body composition.


Fitness Test Definition Equipment Purpose/Benefits

Sit and Reach The sit and reach test is a

• This test is designed to
common measure of
Tape test the flexibility of the
flexibility, and specifically
Measure or lower back and hamstring
measures the flexibility of
Meter Stick muscles.
the lower back and
hamstring muscles.
Push-Up An exercise in which a floor mat,
•Prevent lower back
person lies facing the floor metronome,
and keeping their back stopwatch,
• Protect your shoulder
straight raises their body by and push up
from injury
pressing down on their bars
• Improve your posture
Curl-Up • Improves balance and
Is an abdominal exercise
done to measure abdominal Flat surface
• Prevent injuries
strength and endurance, and
• Develop Muscular
which is important in back stopwatch
Strength and Muscular
support and core stability.
Step-Up Test
A simple test designed to
12 inch high
measure cardiovascular
bench or a • Low cost for equipment
endurance and aerobic
similar sized • Easy to conduct
fitness using a simple test
stair and • Test can also be self-
requiring minimal equipment
Stopwatch administered.
and space.
for timing

• Squats Help Improve
The Squat is a lower body Flexibility.
exercise. You can do the • Squats Help with
bodyweight version, without Mobility and Balance.
added resistance. •Squats Help Strengthen
Your Lungs and Heart.
Unit 2: Physical Fitness Test

2.2 Skill Related Physical Fitness Tests

Skill related fitness is the ability to do well in everyday life activities and sports.


Fitness Test Description Equipment Purpose / Benefits

Stork Balance Test Flat, non-slip

The stork balance test surface, • To assess the ability
requires the person to Stopwatch, to balance on the ball
stand on one leg for as paper and of the foot.
long as possible. pencil.

Hexagon Test
Tape measure,
This is a test of the To measure the
chalk or tape for
ability to move quickly explosive power of the
marking ground,
while maintaining legs
marking sheets.

Standing Long
Jump Test ● Also called the Broad
This is a test of the
ability to move quickly
● Leg power Tape Measure
while maintaining
● Olympic Games

Group 2

SAGAL, Jana Kc A.
TARAPE, Carla Jane
ANDAM, Jhaianne Jhoy
CAPALAD, Jherome
ILAO, Liccareign Margarette
ESTOPA, Sarah Jane
ROQUE, Trisha Mae
GALUPO, Verleen

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