Standing Long Jump: To Measure Explosive Force Production of The Lower Limb Extensor Muscles As Well As Motor Control

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Standing Long Jump

To measure explosive force production of the lower

limb extensor muscles as well as motor control

Stick Drop Test

 To measure reaction time, hand-eye quickness and

Stork Balance Test

To monitor the development of the individual's ability to maintain
a state of equilibrium (balance) in a static position
P.E 7

“ Health - Related
Skill - Related
Physical Fitness Test “

Submitted by :
John Carlo G. Hererra
Section : 7 - Tulips
Submitted to : Mam Charo Umali

Health - Related Fitness Test

3 minute step test

This test is done to measure cardiovascular


Push up

The push up test measures upper body endurance, as opposed

to a one rep maximum bench press test which measures muscular
strength. The push up test measures muscular endurance of the
upper body.
Heaxagon Agility Test
To measure the ability to move quickly while maintaining balance

40 Meter Sprint
To measure running speed
Sit and Reach

The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility,

and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back
and hamstring muscles. This test is important as because
tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis,
forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain

Skill - Related Fitness Test

To measure the coordination of the individual in the
performance of the motor tasks.
Basic Plank

The basic plank test measures the control and

endurance of the back/core stabilizing muscles.

Zipper Test

This test measures how mobile and flexible your upper

arms and shoul2der joints are.

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