Assessment Rubric Impromptu Conversation Third Cycle and Diversified Education

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Student´s name: ____________________________________ Points obtained ______

Judge’s name: ______________________________________ Circuit No. ____
School: ____________________________________________ Region:_____________

Exceptional Very Good Average Below average Unsatisfactory

Criteria Total
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Student Student Student Student Student does not
responds responds responds responds respond to any of
appropriately to appropriately to appropriately to appropriately to the questions
all questions almost all some of the some questions appropriately and
Content asked by questions asked questions asked asked with no the answers lack
(addressing the topic interlocutor by interlocutor by interlocutor examples and a elaboration of
clearly and succinctly) using examples using examples using examples few supporting content.
and supporting and some and some details.
details. supporting supporting
details. details.
Student uses Student uses Student uses Student uses Student uses
sophisticated appropriate some limited and incorrect,
and varied vocabulary to appropriate repetitive imprecise
Vocabulary vocabulary to express ideas vocabulary to vocabulary to vocabulary
(appropriate choice of express ideas suited to the express ideas express ideas related to the
words when asking and suited to the topic of suited to the related to the topic of
answering questions) topic of conversation. topic of topic of conversation
conversation. conversation conversation which impairs
with one or two with three or communication.
word choice more word
errors. choice errors.
Student always Student often Student Student rarely Student never
uses sentence uses sentence sometimes uses uses sentence uses sentence
structures and structures and sentence structures and structures and
(appropriate use of
grammar grammar structures and grammar grammar
language forms)
correctly. correctly. grammar correctly. correctly.
Student makes Student makes Student makes Student makes Student makes
no errors in minor errors in more than more than four more than five
pronunciation pronunciation three errors in errors in errors in
(accuracy in the
with great with very good pronunciation pronunciation pronunciation
articulation and
articulation articulation with good with poor with serious
intonation of English
and intonation. and intonation. articulation articulation problems in
sounds and sentences)
and intonation. and intonation. articulation and
Student asks Student asks Student asks Student asks Student does not
three or more two questions one question to one question to ask questions to
questions to to interlocutor interlocutor interlocutor interlocutor.
(ability of interviewee
interlocutor appropriate to appropriate to unrelated to
to ask follow up
appropriate to subject of subject of subject of
questions to continue
subject of conversation. conversation. conversation.
the conversation)
Exceptional Very Good Average Below average Unsatisfactory
Criteria Total
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Student Student Student Student Student does not
comments on all comments on comments on comments on comment on the
of the most of the some of the few of the interlocutor´s
Student’s feedback interlocutor´s interlocutor´s interlocutor´s interlocutor´s responses to
(participant’s comments responses to responses to responses to responses to student-produced
about interviewer´s
student- student- student- student- questions.
questions or statements)
produced produced produced produced
questions with questions. questions. questions.
Student always Student often Student Student rarely Student never
initiates uses transitions sometimes uses uses transitions follows
transitions in the successfully transitions successfully transitions made
Use of transitions
conversation each time the successfully each time the by interlocutor.
(introducing or
appropriate to interlocutor each time the interlocutor
responding to a new
the subject and changes course interlocutor changes course
direction in the
successfully of conversation. changes course of conversation.
follows of conversation.
Student always Student most of Student Student rarely Student never
uses effective the time uses sometimes uses uses uses appropriate
and appropriate: effective and effective and appropriate:  eye contact
Delivery of  eye contact appropriate: appropriate:  eye contact  facial
conversation  facial  eye contact  eye contact  facial expressions
(nonverbal language  facial  facial
used by the participant)
expressions expressions  posture
 posture expressions expressions  posture  gestures
 gestures  posture  posture  gestures
 gestures  gestures
Student takes Student takes Student takes Student takes Student does not
initiative for initiative for initiative for initiative for respond
concluding concluding concluding concluding appropriately as
conversation conversation conversation conversation at interviewer
Conclusion and includes and includes and includes after 30-second concludes.
(concluding statements appropriate appropriate appropriate indicator.
between interlocutors to leave-taking leave-taking leave-taking
finish the conversation) and two and one after 30-second
suggestions for suggestion for indicator.
follow up after follow up after
30-second 30-second
indicator. indicator.
Most/almost all = more than 75% Some = 50-75% Rarely = less than 50%

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