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Arc Blow in Welding refers to the phenomenon in which the arc does not trace the shortest path between the electrode and the work
piece. The arc gets deflected away from the desired path. This is due to the interaction of the magnetic field of the welding current
with residual magnetic field which may be present in the metal.

Under normal circumstances the arc takes the shortest path, but external magnetic fields and work piece geometry can make it
wander. It’s a particular issue when the work piece itself is magnetic. (This is why you only really see arc blow when welding steel.)
Some edge and corner geometries can also alter the shape of the field around the arc.

When welding ferromagnetic steels lack of fusion imperfections can be caused through uncontrolled deflection of the
arc, usually termed arc blow. Arc deflection can be caused by distortion of the magnetic field produced by the arc
current, through:

 residual magnetism in the material through using magnets for handling

 earth's magnetic field, for example in pipeline welding
 position of the current return cable clamp (ground cable clamp)

The interaction of the magnetic field surrounding the arc and that generated by the current flow in the plate to the ground
cable is sufficient to deflect the weld bead. Distortion of the arc current magnetic field can be minimize by positioning the
current return cable clamp so that welding is always towards or away from the clamp and, in SMAW (MMA) welding, by
using AC instead of DC. Often the only effective means is to demagnetize the steel before welding.

Interraction of magnetic forces causing arc deflection Weald bead deflection in DC, MMA welding caused by welding past
the current return connection

The following fabrication techniques can be used to prevent formation of lack of sidewall and inter-run fusion

 use a sufficiently wide joint preparation

 select welding parameters (high current level, short arc length, not too high a welding speed) to
promote penetration into the joint side wall and previously deposited weld runs without causing flooding
 ensure the electrode/gun angle and manipulation technique will give adequate side wall fusion
 use weaving and dwell to improve side wall fusion providing there are no heat input restrictions
 if arc blow occurs, reposition the current return cable clamp, use AC (in SMAW-MMA-) welding) or
demagnetize of the steel

- Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), also known as Manual Metal Arc welding (MMA)

Beata A. M. Perlaki 2018

- Arc Blow occurs only in DC welding. In AC welding, since the current and the magnetic field of the arc
reverse direction many times a second, there is no net deflection of the arc.

When the arc begins wandering the welder finds he’s fighting with the weld, and things get messy. Here’s what
to look for:

 Undercuts. These look like a groove in the work piece along the edge of the weld bead. They’re bad
because they create a weakness in the join.
 Untidy beads. A pro welder strives for a bead that’s straight and uniform. Irregular width, waviness or
wandering not only looks bad but may signify a poor quality join. However, when the arc wanders away
from the shortest path, this is what happens.
 Inconsistent penetration. Not easy to see, but a common result of a wandering arc.
 Porosity. Another result of poor control over arc and weld pool position, this can severely weaken a
 Excess spatter. When managing the weld pool is difficult there’s often a lot of spatter. That makes for
a poor appearance and lots of clean-up.

Far less often, it is the result of poor temperature control. Local hot spots in the work piece can alter the
route taken by the arc, causing it to wander and resulting in the arc blow problems listed above.


1. Switch to AC power. Welders generally prefer DC because it makes for easier starting and there’s
usually less arc wander. If you’re facing arc blow though, AC is the obvious first step. (It might
mean changing the electrode to one optimized for AC.)
- If arc blow still persists when using AC for the root run, the power cable can be wrapped
around the work piece several times near to the joint. Care will be needed if preheat is

2. Shorten the arc length. Not only does this reduce the distance over which the arc can wander, but it
usually means reducing current, which lessens the magnetic field around the arc.

3. Wrap the ground cable around the work piece. The idea is that this cancels out any magnetic
effects being induced.

4. Angle the torch. If the arc is moving a consistent direction – either lagging or leading the electrode,
try angling the torch to compensate.

5. Tack Welds. Make tack welds rather than putting in one continuous bead.

6. Reduce the residual magnetism: tolerable level less than 50 gauss

For pipe welding: This requires application of an auxiliary magnetic field with careful control. This
is illustrated as follows - for pipe welding when the joint has been set up for welding:

Beata A. M. Perlaki 2018

 Measure the residual magnetism by inserting a 'blade' type gauss-meter (a Hall probe) in the weld
gap, and move it around the circumference of the joint
 Note the maximum reading and mark its position on the pipe
 Wrap welding cable around each of the pipe ends with the edge of the extreme coil about 60mm
from the joint line. Connect cable to the poles of a DC power source (the number of coils required
will depend on the maximum level of magnetism recorded and the current-carrying capacity of the
cable and may require some trials: there will probably be need for at least 2 turns but possibly
significantly more for high residual magnetism)
 Gradually increase the current and monitor the magnetic field strength. If the strength increases,
reverse the polarity of the current through the coil and then adjust the current to reduce the
magnetic field strength in the weld gap to a low level (monitor the magnetic -filed strength at the
initial highest level position marked on the joint and around the circumference)
 Complete the root run with current applied to the de-magnetizing coils. Once the root is complete,
arc blow should not continue to be disruptive and the de-magnetizing coils can be removed.

111- SMAW (MMA) welding process

The following table lists the most common effects of magnetism on welding processes. The table shows how
welding arcs can be expected to behave in increasing magnetic field levels.

Beata A. M. Perlaki 2018

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