Failure, Causes and Analysis of Magnetic Circuit in Power Transformer

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P.K.PATTANAIK GRIDCO, E&MR DIVN, BURLA (ORISSA) Synopsis: This paper deals with the concept and expected failures in power transformers. The possible causes of failures have also been discussed. The analyses of faults bring easy procedure for the location of fault in the circuit. Some of the theoretical analyses being supported by testing results and testing procedure have been presented briefly. In general practice, the finding and location of faults of the transformer on the magnetic circuit become difficult task without opening of the transformer. Approaches have been mentioned here, by which the type of fault can be traced in minimum time without opening of the transformer. These methods are adopted in field during testing of transformer. CONCEPT OF MAGNETIC CIRCUIT The main part of the magnetic circuit is the core of the transformer. On working condition of the transformer the main flux passes through the core, for which emf is induced on primary and secondary side, according to the no. of turns on each side. So this main flux is also called mutual flux. In every transformer, along with mutual flux, leakage flux also results. The magnitude of the leakage flux depends upon the reluctance of the insulation provided around the core. So the insulations such used should have higher reluctance as compared to the core of the transformer i.e. the leakage flux should be tried for minimum in the transformer. In this paper the type of insulations and their response to the magnetic flux have not been discussed. But the concept of core to the magnetic circuit has been discussed. MAGNETIC CORE LEAKAGE FLUX



HISTORY OF MAGNETIC CIRCUIT: Solid steel structure was used as the magnetic core in the very early days. This structure was resulting severe heating of the core due to hysteresis and eddy current loss. It was subsequently replaced by the processed steel with silicon alloy and low carbon content. This time hysteresis co-efficient could be reduced but not the eddy coefficient. Then it was thought for the use of laminated processed steel. On the first attempt the processed steel was annealed by hot rolling. But this could not provide uniform magnetic properties across and parallel to the rolling direction. Finally in early 1930,s it was found that the cold rolling could be able to provide improved magnetic properties of the strip in the rolling direction. Moreover orientation was done along the axis of the crystal structure for easy magnetization. By this orientation the hysteresis and eddy coefficient could be able to minimize within limit. At present days maximum care has been given for the core construction i.e. high grade CRGO (Cold Rolled Grain Oriented) non ageing silicon steel lamination are used as material of the core. The other type of materials such used is Hypersil, Sendust, Permalloys and Hypernick. FACTORS OF CORE DESIGN Stepped Cruciform cores are used for circular cross section. Assembled core is tightened with free from air gap. The oxide and silicon coatings are given on the laminations Core clamping, framework are earthed to the tank. Insulation strips are provided for core to the bolt and to the clamping. Proper cares are also taken for robust design of the core for withstanding to the mechanical or electrical stresses. Sufficient provisions are now made to prevent the movement of core and winding during transportation and installation.

EXPECTED CAUSES OF FAILURE a) For the type of transformer, the breakdown of insulation may occur around the bolt inserted through the cores and yokes for the purpose of clamping the lamination together. This fault causes local short-circuit in the lamination itself, which produces intense local eddy current, while if in addition two or more of the core bolts breakdown, heavy currents are liable to circulate in the bolts themselves, as they form a short circuited turn through which magnetic flux passes. Some times heat generated becomes sufficiently high, may cause failure of the core.

b) Failure of the insulation between the lamination of the core may occur due to the ageing effect or manufacturing defect. This also causes the large circulation of eddy current, which generate considerable quantity of heat in the core and which may damage the core and coil insulation. c) The insulation between the yoke and yoke clamping plates may fail, for which eddy current flows through the clamping plates may cause the development of heat. d) Failure of lock of the core clamping bolts, due to vibration during operating condition of transformer, may cause weakness of the core insulating. This in turn will result effect as described in (a) e) The edge of the core and yoke laminations may have become burred, due to the continuous use of worn tools. For such cases also, the burrs will produce local short circuits in the laminations are consequent eddy current may cause abnormal heating. f) Presence of metal fillings between the core laminations may result local heating of core due to flow eddy current. g) Presence of abnormal air gap between the core and yoke at the butt joint may cause excessive heat, when transformer is used for operation or HV testing h) For supply of the voltage wave form with flat top (i.e. clipped wave form), the flux density (BM) becomes higher to cause same rms voltage. Because the Kf (Form Factor) is smaller than 1.11 for such wave form. So accordingly the magnetizing current becomes considerably high and in turn results heating of the core. E= 4 x Kf x Bm x Ax N i) Some time manufacturer use thin lamination that recommended, for which net cross sectional area becomes smaller and corresponding flux density ( Bm) becomes more, which results more iron loss and heavy magnetizing current. j) For transient phenomenon to the transformer on switching in or out on load or without load etc causes large magnetizing current inrush. This current generally dies down rapidly. But sometimes this becomes severe for the result of large emf on the transformer. k) The profile and size of the laminated strips for the construction of the core do not become identical for some cases. So the reluctance path and amount of flux in the path do not become proportionate. This un-balance flow of flux may cause distortion and disturbed emf. l) Sometimes high flux density in the magnetic circuit produces higher harmonics of voltage or current of appreciable magnitude which may have very serious effects. This harmonic voltage or current increases dielectric stresses on the coil insulation by causing inter turn shorting. m) Supply of the voltage and frequency play the important role for core saturation. If increased voltage with reduced frequency is supplied, the magnetic core gets saturated, which in result increases the iron loss and abnormal core heating..

n) The ageing effect of the core plates may result increase of iron loss and rise in temperature of transformer. This may lead to the destruction of coil insulation. o) Some cases during test of the transformer at the factory, D.C voltage is supplied beyond the recommended value for which flux density in the core becomes more and leads to the saturation value. So during operation, the core gets heated severely. FAULT ANALYSIS A. ON THE BASIS OF EDDY CURRENT LOSS For the expected faults on the on the core and their causes, it was concluded that the eddy current is becoming severe in each case, which in turn resulting iron loss and heating of the core. So for the analysis of the fault the eddy current and its effect on the transformer should be emphasized. Eddy Current and Eddy Current Loss. According to the Faradays laws of Electromagnetic Induction, whenever any magnetic material is linked with the rate of change of flux, certain emf is induced, which in turn results an internal current to the magnetic material, called eddy current. This current causes loss due to the flow through magnetic material called eddy current loss. For the case of transformer eddy current loss occurs in the iron core. This loss is given by the formula

We ( B2max f2 t2 n ) /
Where Bmax = Max. Flux density f= Frequency of the supply t= Thickness of lamination n= Volume of the core We= Eddy Current Loss = Electrical Resistivity From the above factors, for a particular transformer, the flux density of magnetic material only changes according to the change of the change of the dimension and property of the magnetic core. For determining the eddy current loss, the flux density and magnetic properties are highly responsible during working condition.

OPEN CIRCUIT TEST ANALYSIS From the open circuit test of the transformer, the no load current ( Io ) and no load can have the following components. No load current resolves two components. Iw = Working components, responsible for Iron loss of the transformer Im = Magnetizing component, responsible for providing flux in the transformer Iron loss is of two types. Wh = Hysteresis loss = Af ( A= Hysteresis Constant) We = Eddy Current Loss = Bf2 ( B= Eddy Constant ) So during test, by taking the values for different frequencies, the Hysteresis loss and Eddy Current Loss can be separated.. From the magnitude of the iron loss the intensity of fault in the core can be assessed. But the actual and exact location of the fault in the core can not be determined. B-H CURVE ANALYSIS By open circuiting one side of the transformer and supplying different voltages the magnetizing currents can be obtained. So also the corresponding flux densities can be obtained. Now for different values of magnetic intensities and corresponding values of flux densities, the B-H curve and B-H loop can be determined. Then comparison of the values with original curve and loop the condition of the magnetic core can be obtained. This method also may not provide the exact location of the fault in the core. MAGNETIC BALANCE ANALYSIS. For every transformer to know the magnetic path, magnetic balance test is done. From this test, the perfect ness of the magnetic circuit is determined. The concept is different for different transformers. For the two winding good condition transformer the following results are found.
For Y-Y transformer Supply Voltage AN in % BN in % CN in % an in % bn in % cn in % 100 85 ~ 95 5 ~ 15 100/n (85 ~ 95)/n (5 ~ 15)/n AN 45 ~ 55 100 45 ~ 55 (45 ~ 55)/n 100/n (45 ~ 55)/n BN 5 ~ 15 85 ~ 95 100 (5 ~ 15)/n (85 ~ 95)/n 100/n CN

Check:Supply voltage to BN for healthy transformer VAC = (0 ~ 0.03) Va, Vac = (0 ~ 0.03) Va/n Va = Applied Voltage = 100% n= Transformation Ratio.
For -Y transformer Supply Voltage AB BC CA AB in % 100 45~55 20~25 BC in % 75~80 100 75~80 CA in % 20~25 ab in % 100/n bc in % ca in % an in % bn in % (75~80)/ 3n 100/ 3n (75~80)/ 3n cn in % (20~25)/ 3n (45~55)/ 3n 100/ 3n

(30~45)/n (55~70)/n 100/ 3n (5~15)/n (55~70)/n (45~55) / 3n (20~25) / 3n

45~55 (85~95)/n (85~95)/n 100 (30~45)/n 100/n

Any abnormalities in the results will give the condition of the core and expected cause of faults. Then analysis can be done by comparing with the results of good condition transformer. B. On the basis Noise Noise in the transformer is developed for the following causes Magnetostriction i.e. the change of dimensions of ferromagnetic materials caused by induction. The magnetic forces set up between laminations at the joint region, where flux passes from one lamination to the next. Magnetic forces acting between two conductors or between one conductor and a magnetic member. Development of arc, due to insulation failure in the core. Sound from auxiliary cooling equipment like fans, blowers, coolers and pumps.

The most important of these sources of noise is Magnetostriction, which depends upon the flux density in the transformer. This sound is characterized by EVEN harmonics of the excited frequency. The magnetic forces due to lamination joints also play the role of developing noise. The magnetic forces acting between two conductors become predominated. The noise due to auxiliary cooling equipment is called white noise and present externally. So for consideration of the effect of noise on fault analysis the Magnetostriction and magnetic forces acting between laminations are emphasized.

SENSOR AND SIGNAL CONDITIONING. By the use of microphones internally to the core of the transformer at different places, the sound can be sensored. The effect of the sound wave i.e. its intensity and frequency can be analyzed and simulated for calibration to the fault condition of the core. The conventional microphones can not distinguish between the sound coming directly from the source and sound after being reflected from other objects. So special type microphone PZM (Pressure Zone Microphone) is to be used for this purpose. By this method the exact location of the fault can be obtained. But for the case of multifaults the results may be superimposed and may not provide the exact point of fault location. Of course for that condition, the user can know about the seriousness of the fault and accordingly can take steps to attend it. C. INDUCTION EMF ANALYSIS:



Z3 C3







Here C1 = Capacitance due to the insulation present between HT winding and core. C2= Capacitance due to the insulation present between LT winding and core. C3= Capacitance due to the insulation present between HT winding and LT winding . Z1= Per phase Impedance of HT side Z2= Per phase Impedance of HT side Z3= Standard Impedance to be connected between HT Bushing terminal and core. Z4= Variable Impedance to be connected between LT Bushing terminal and core For good condition transformer with perfect core and winding, the balance condition of the described bridge can be obtained, by the adjustment of reactor ( Z4). For the abnormality in core design or distorted disturbed flux in the core, the balance condition can not be obtained. By such method the fault in the core can be determined. Note :- The detailed mathematical concept and experimental practice are still on research work. CONCLUSION For testing of the power transformer to determine the faults in the core, the eddy current loss should be compared with the good condition transformer. Methods should be used as open circuit test, Magnetic Balance Test, B-H curve Analysis etc The noise analysis can provide the exact and actual fault location in the core. The emf induction method such described may provide mathematical concept for finding the fault in the core.

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