Impulse Response: Mathematical Considerations

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Impulse response

Impulse response
In signal processing, the impulse response,
or impulse response function (IRF), of a
dynamic system is its output when presented
with a brief input signal, called an impulse.
More generally, an impulse response refers
to the reaction of any dynamic system in
response to some external change. In both
cases, the impulse response describes the
reaction of the system as a function of time
(or possibly as a function of some other
independent variable that parameterizes the
dynamic behavior of the system).
In all these cases, the dynamic system and
its impulse response may be actual physical
objects, or may be mathematical systems of
equations describing such objects.

The Impulse response from a simple audio system. Showing, from top to bottom,
the original impulse, the response after high frequency boosting, and the response
after low frequency boosting.

Since the impulse function contains all frequencies, the impulse response defines the response of a linear
time-invariant system for all frequencies.

Mathematical considerations
Mathematically, how the impulse is described depends on whether the system is modeled in discrete or continuous
time. The impulse can be modeled as a Dirac delta function for continuous-time systems, or as the Kronecker delta
for discrete-time systems. The Dirac delta represents the limiting case of a pulse made very short in time while
maintaining its area or integral (thus giving an infinitely high peak). While this is impossible in any real system, it is
a useful idealisation. In Fourier analysis theory, such an impulse comprises equal portions of all possible excitation
frequencies, which makes it a convenient test probe.
Any system in a large class known as linear, time-invariant (LTI) is completely characterized by its impulse
response. That is, for any input, the output can be calculated in terms of the input and the impulse response. (See LTI
system theory.) The impulse response of a linear transformation is the image of Dirac's delta function under the
transformation, analogous to the fundamental solution of a partial differential operator.
It is usually easier to analyze systems using transfer functions as opposed to impulse responses. The transfer function
is the Laplace transform of the impulse response. The Laplace transform of a system's output may be determined by
the multiplication of the transfer function with the input's Laplace transform in the complex plane, also known as the
frequency domain. An inverse Laplace transform of this result will yield the output in the time domain.
To determine an output directly in the time domain requires the convolution of the input with the impulse response.
When the transfer function and the Laplace transform of the input are known, this convolution may be more
complicated than the alternative of multiplying two functions in the frequency domain.
The impulse response, considered as a Green's function, can be thought of as an "influence function:" how a point of
input influences output.

Impulse response

Practical applications
In practical systems, it is not possible to produce a perfect impulse to serve as input for testing; therefore, a brief
pulse is sometimes used as an approximation of an impulse. Provided that the pulse is short enough compared to the
impulse response, the result will be close to the true, theoretical, impulse response. In many systems, however,
driving with a very short strong pulse may drive the system into a nonlinear regime, so instead the system is driven
with a pseudo-random sequence, and the impulse response is computed from the input and output signals.

An application that demonstrates this idea was the development of impulse response loudspeaker testing in the
1970s. Loudspeakers suffer from phase inaccuracy, a defect unlike other measured properties such as frequency
response. Phase inaccuracy is caused by (slightly) delayed frequencies/octaves that are mainly the result of passive
cross overs (especially higher order filters) but are also caused by resonance, energy storage in the cone, the internal
volume, or the enclosure panels vibrating.[citation needed] Measuring the impulse response, which is a direct plot of
this "time-smearing," provided a tool for use in reducing resonances by the use of improved materials for cones and
enclosures, as well as changes to the speaker crossover. The need to limit input amplitude to maintain the linearity of
the system led to the use of inputs such as pseudo-random maximum length sequences, and to the use of computer
processing to derive the impulse response.[1]

Electronic processing
Impulse response analysis is a major facet of radar, ultrasound imaging, and many areas of digital signal processing.
An interesting example would be broadband internet connections. DSL/Broadband services use adaptive equalisation
techniques to help compensate for signal distortion and interference introduced by the copper phone lines used to
deliver the service.

Control systems
In control theory the impulse response is the response of a system to a Dirac delta input. This proves useful in the
analysis of dynamic systems: the Laplace transform of the delta function is 1, so the impulse response is equivalent
to the inverse Laplace transform of the system's transfer function.

Acoustic and audio applications

In acoustic and audio applications, impulse responses enable the acoustic characteristics of a location, such as a
concert hall, to be captured. Various commercial packages are available containing impulse responses from specific
locations, ranging from small rooms to large concert halls. These impulse responses can then be utilized in
convolution reverb applications to enable the acoustic characteristics of a particular location to be applied to target

In economics, and especially in contemporary macroeconomic modeling, impulse response functions describe how
the economy reacts over time to exogenous impulses, which economists usually call shocks, and are often modeled
in the context of a vector autoregression. Impulses that are often treated as exogenous from a macroeconomic point
of view include changes in government spending, tax rates, and other fiscal policy parameters; changes in the
monetary base or other monetary policy parameters; changes in productivity or other technological parameters; and
changes in preferences, such as the degree of impatience. Impulse response functions describe the reaction of
endogenous macroeconomic variables such as output, consumption, investment, and employment at the time of the
shock and over subsequent points in time. Recently, asymmetric impulse response functions have been suggested in

Impulse response
the literature that can separate the impact of negative impulses from the positive ones.

[1] Monitor: Proceedings of the Institution of Radio and Electronics Engineers Australia (1976) (http:/ / books. google. com/
books?id=q6w7AAAAMAAJ& q="impulse+ response"+ "loudspeaker+ testing"& dq="impulse+ response"+ "loudspeaker+ testing"&
[2] http:/ / www. acoustics. hut. fi/ projects/ poririrs/ the Concert Hall Impulse Responses from Pori, Finland

Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors

Impulse response Source: Contributors: Adoniscik, Ahoerstemeier, Aluvus, Anjosacruca, Beeline bc, BenFrantzDale, Bender235,
Benjamin.friedrich, Binksternet, Bob K, Bobblewik, CodyARay, Colonies Chris, Dan Lipsitt, Dicklyon, Econometrics0110, Firefly322, Giftlite, Iain, Jag123, Jerryfishenden, Karatsobanis, Kvng,
LRG, Lightmouse, Lindosland, Magioladitis, Melcombe, Metacomet, Michael Hardy, Msa11usec, Mwilde, Nbarth, Nolaiz, Oleg Alexandrov, Oli Filth, PeterEmanuelRoos, Phase Theory,
Rinconsoleao, Ro8269, Rs2, SUL, Satellizer, Spectrogram, Stephenellwood99, Voyaging, Wolfkeeper, 75 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:Impulse.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Iain 09:41, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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