Development of Probabilistic Production Enhancement Screening Toolbox

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Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2010



Razak, I. A.*
Morillo, T.*
Mustapah, M. F.*


There are large numbers of wells currently This paper discusses an initiative to develop
producing below their actual potential. It is very probabilistic production enhancement screening
cumbersome to manually analyze these wells; tool. The objective of the project is to formulate a
therefore, there is a need for a simple and handy simple methodology to screen well candidates for
tool to assist in screening. Substantial amounts of production enhancement from producing and idle
data are available (production data, test data, wells using a probabilistic model and encapsulate
pressure data, historical data) that can be processed the developed techniques into a user friendly
in order to identify production enhancement software tool box.
The software will have various functionalities such
An initiative has been undertaken to formulate a as ability to screen, estimate potential gain,
simple methodology to screen well candidates for recommend a suitable solution, calculate simple
production enhancement using a probabilistic model economics and rank the candidate wells. The tool
and encapsulate the results into a user friendly also will have built-in database and graphics
software tool box. The tool will have various capabilities.
functionalities such as the ability to screen, estimate
potential gain, recommend suitable solution, BACKGROUND
calculate simple economics and rank the candidates.
There are currently huge numbers of wells
In addition, it will also have built-in database and
producing below their actual potential. However, it
graphics capabilities. Some of the required basic
is difficult to identify and verify those wells due to
input is common information that should be
the complexities associated with hydrocarbon
available for most wells such as PI, latest reservoir
producing wells. As such a systematic analysis of
pressure, permeability, thickness, skin, oil viscosity,
the problematic well is necessary. It is cumbersome
oil gravity, last rate, WC, GOR, THP, oil API and
to analyze wells manually, so there is a need to have
well depth.
a simple and handy tool to assist with candidate
screening. There is substantial data available such
A simplified methodology has been devised to
as production data, test data, pressure data and
estimate a well’s potential using a Monte Carlo
historical data that can be processed to identify
Simulation (MCS) to generate a probabilistic rather
production enhancement opportunities.
than a deterministic proposition. For maturing the
results of analysis into an execution proposal, the
A number of potential benefits are envisaged from
tool can also do simple economics and perform
this development. The tool will be very useful to
“reality checks” against factors such as physical
engineers to carry out studies related to production
limitations, economic considerations, etc. This
enhancement for client’s assets. It can also help
software development has potential to assist
service companies to promote their product lines
subsurface engineers in carrying out studies related
and increase revenue.
to production enhancement.

* Baker RDS The main purpose of the project is to provide a

viable solution to the above-mentioned problems
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and to develop a useable tool for petroleum combined reported data of Glaso and Marhoun to
engineers to use for production enhancement. A develop a correlation for determining the oil
robust and reliable methodology has been formation volume factor.
considered based on all available basic data such PI,
pressure, THP, oil API, GOR, and WC. A key There was also development of PVT correlations
element of the methodology is to determine the using neural network technique, such as by (Gharby
well’s production potential. The basis is standard et. al, 1997) whereby a neural network model was
methodology in petroleum engineering analysis trained using 5200 PVT data in order to predict
such as reservoir inflow performance relationship bubble point pressure and oil FVF. The author
(IPR), vertical flow performance (VFP) and nodal claimed better accuracy of the prediction by neural
analysis. network. However, this type of correlation is not
intended to be used in the present toolbox.
A critical element in calculating IPR and VFP is the
PVT properties. These are the properties of crude Some of the common correlations used in this
oil and natural gas that form the fundamentals for toolbox are as the following. For solution GOR, one
designing and analyzing oil and gas in production of the empirical correlations is (Standing, 1947),
systems. These physical and chemical properties of 1.2048
crude oils vary considerably and are dependant on ⎡ p 10 0.0125( ° API ) ⎤
concentration of the various types of hydrocarbons Rs = γ g ⎢ 0.00091t ⎥
and minor constituents. Oil properties include gas- ⎣18 10 ⎦
oil ratio (GOR), density, formation volume factor, (Eq-1)
viscosity and compressibility; the latter four
Where γg and ºAPI are defined in the latter sections,
properties are interrelated through solution GOR.
and p and t are pressure and temperature in psia and
These fluid properties are usually determined from ºF respectively. This correlation has been found to
laboratory tests performed on samples of reservoir be inaccurate for high-gravity crude oils, but is still
fluids. In the absence of laboratory measured one of the most widely used methods.
properties of crude oils, it is necessary to determine
An improved correlation was obtained by (Vasquez
these properties from empirically derived
and Beggs, 1980) by dividing the measured data
into two groups, based on oil gravity and the
equation obtained using regression analysis
There are a large number of correlations to
determine properties of typical back oil. All the
correlations use the reservoir temperature, gas and ⎡ ⎛ γ o ⎞⎤
Rs = C1γ gs pC2 exp ⎢C3 ⎜ ⎟⎥
oil specific gravity, and the solution gas to oil ratio ⎣ ⎝ T + 460 ⎠⎦
to determine the properties of saturated oil. Several (Eq-2)
authors have provided correction factors to include
the effects of non-hydrocarbon compounds and For bubble point pressure Pb Standing’s correlation
separator conditions. All the authors have used a has given the best results in the entire group of oils.
large set of experimental data to regress the In 1981 he expressed the mathematical form in a
parameters of their proposed correlations to graphical correlation by the following expression:
minimize the differences between the predicted and
measured values. As an example, (Standing, 1947)
used a total of 105 data points on 22 different crude ⎡⎛ R ⎞

oils from California to develop his correlations. Pb = 18.2⎢⎜ s ⎟ (10)a − 1.4⎥
⎢⎜⎝ γ g ⎟
⎠ ⎥
(Lasater, 1958) presented a bubble point correlation ⎣ ⎦
using 158 measured bubble point data on 137 crude (Eq-3)
oils from Canada, Western and Mid-Continental
United States and South America. (Vasquez and With a = 0.00091(T − 460 ) − 0.0125( API )
Beggs, 1980) developed correlations for the
Standing formation volume factor is given by:
solution gas to oil ratio and formation volume factor 1.2
using 6004 data points. (Glaso, 1980) used data ⎡ ⎛ γ g ⎞0.5 ⎤
from 45 oil samples mostly from the North Sea Bo = 0.9759+ 0.000120⎢Rs ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ +1.25(T − 460)⎥
region to develop his correlations. (Marhoun, 1988) ⎢⎣ ⎝ γ o ⎠ ⎥⎦
used 160 bubble point data on 69 Middle Eastern
Europe crude samples to develop a bubble point (Eq-4)
pressure correlation. (Ahmed, 2001) used the
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The IPR describes the well’s production rate is observed most often in vertical flow in large pipe
achievable from the reservoir as a function of the at low rate. Assuming that the gas-liquid mixture is
bottom-hole pressure, which is an important tool in homogenous, we can define the mixture density by
determining the reservoir and well deliverability. introducing liquid and gas holdup variable, HL and
All well deliverability equations relate the Hg respectively, where HL is the ratio of the volume
production rate with the driving force in the of liquid in a pipe segment per volume of pipe
reservoir, that is, the pressure difference between segment.
the initial, outer boundary or average reservoir
pressure and the flowing bottom-hole pressure. Liquid holdup is a fraction varying from zero for all
gas flow to one for all liquid flow. The magnitude
Reservoir deliverability depends on several factors of holdup depends on several parameters including
including the following: the angle of inclination. Different investigators
take different approaches for determining the
• Reservoir Pressure holdup value. The most widely used correlations
• Pay zone thickness and permeability for vertical multi-phase pressure drop calculations
• Reservoir boundary type and distance are (Hagedorn and Brown, 1965), (Duns and Ros,
• Wellbore radius 1963), Orkiszewski, 1967 and (Brill and Beggs,
• Reservoir fluid properties 1978).
• Near-wellbore conditions
• Reservoir relative permeability. In some correlations, a certain parameter called "no-
slip holdup" is used. A no-slip holdup, sometimes
Reservoir deliverability can be mathematically called input liquid content, is the ratio of the volume
modeled on the basis of flow regimes such as of liquid in pipe segment divided by the volume of
transient flow, steady state flow, and pseudo-steady the pipe segment which would exist if the gas and
state flow. An analytical relation between bottom- liquid traveled at the same velocity (i.e. no
hole pressure and production rate can be formulated slippage). It can be calculated directly from the
for a given flow regime. known gas and liquid rates from:

The IPR describes the behavior of the well’s qL

flowing pressure and production rate, which is an
qL + qg
important tool in understanding the reservoir/well
behavior and quantifying the production rate. The (Eq-5)
IPR is often required for designing well completion, Therefore, the difference between the liquid holdup
optimizing well production, nodal analysis and the no-slip holdup is a measure of the degree of
calculations, and designing artificial lift. Different slippage between the gas and liquid phases.
IPR correlations exist today in the petroleum
industry with the most commonly used models are Frictional gradient arises from the drag of the fluids
those of (Vogel and Fetkovitch, 1968). on the pipe or tubing wall. In general, most of the
correlations calculate this factor using the concept
Vertical lift performance is about our knowledge of of a friction factor diagram as a function of the
how much pressure is required to lift the well’s Reynold's Number and pipe roughness.
liquid at a given rate from a given depth with a
given gas-liquid ratio through tubing of a given Generally, the Reynolds Number for flow in a pipe
size. As opposed to single phase flow in pipe, in or tubing is defined as:
multi-phase flow the pressure drop per unit length is
not constant but increases with depth. There are Re = = =
two main sources of pressure drop, viz. hydrostatic µ ν νA
gradient and frictional gradient. (Eq-6)

Hydrostatic gradient is related to fluid density. This where:

density is derived from the liquid hold-up
calculation. The liquid hold-up normally refers to V is the mean fluid velocity (SI units: m/s)
the volume of pipe or tubing occupied by liquid. In µ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa·s or
two-phase flow (liquid and gas), the gas component N·s/m² or kg/m·s)
flows faster than the liquid component giving some ν is the kinematic viscosity (ν = µ / ρ) (m²/s)
slippage between the two phases. This phenomenon ρ is the density of the fluid (kg/m³)
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Q is the volumetric flow rate (m³/s) Different types of probability distributions can be
A is the pipe cross-sectional area (m²). assigned to the inputs of the model. When the
D is the hydraulic diameter of the pipe (m) distribution is unknown, the one that represents the
best fit can be chosen. Some frequently used
This friction factor is then used to derive the probability distributions in MCS include
frictional pressure gradient. normal/Gaussian distribution, lognormal
distribution, triangular distribution, uniform
The general energy equation to obtain pressure loss distribution, and exponential distribution. MCS
along the tubing can be derived from the equation: generates the output as a range rather than a fixed
value and shows how likely it is the output value
⎛ vm 2 ⎞ will occur in the range.
∆ ⎜ ⎟
∆p fw 2 ⎜ 2g ⎟
144 = ρm + + ρ ⎝ c ⎠ Although the MCS technique is straightforward and
2.9652 × 1011 d 5 ρ m
∆h ∆h flexible, it cannot eliminate uncertainty and risk, but
(Eq-7) it can make them easier to understand by ascribing
probabilistic characteristics to the inputs and
where: outputs of the model. It can be very useful for
ρ m = ρ L H L + ρ g (1 − H L ) determining different risks and factors that affect
(Eq-8) forecasted variables and, therefore, it can lead to
more accurate predictions.

Nodal analysis views the total producing system as At present a simple knowledge-based system will
a group of components potentially encompassing be incorporated in the toolbox with the objective to
reservoir rock, completions, vertical flow strings recommend a suitable treatment solution. This
and restrictions. Improper design of any one element comprises some rules that attempts to
component or a mismatch of components will affect provide an answer to a certain problem, or clarify
the performance of the entire system. The main uncertainties where normally one or more experts
function of the system analysis is to increase well would need to be consulted. A wide variety of
rates. It identifies bottlenecks and serves as an methods can be used to simulate the performance of
outline for the design of efficient field wide flow the expert and the common ones are (1) the creation
systems. Initially, nodal analysis used pressure of a knowledgebase that uses some knowledge
traverse curves and simple PI models. Now state-of- representation formalism to capture the Subject
the-art software programs have been developed to Matter Expert's (SME) knowledge and (2) a process
incorporate advanced IPR and VFP models whereby of gathering that knowledge from the SME and
engineers can concentrate on matching field data, codifying it according to the formalism.
interpreting results, and understanding a system's
interdependencies quickly. In future we aspire to venture into areas such as
neural network, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm.
In order to manage uncertainty established
statistical algorithms such as Monte Carlo A neural network, more properly referred to as an
Simulation (MCS) has been evaluated and 'artificial' neural network (ANN), is a computing
employed as a starting point. system made up of a number of simple, highly
interconnected processing elements that process
MCS is one technique that helps to reduce the information by their dynamic state response to
uncertainty involved in estimating future outcomes. external inputs. ANNs are processing devices
MCS can be applied to complex, non-linear models (algorithms or actual hardware) that are loosely
or used to evaluate the accuracy and performance of modeled after the neuronal structure of the
other models. It can also be implemented in risk mammalian cerebral cortex but on much smaller
management, portfolio management, pricing scales. A large ANN might have hundreds or
derivatives, strategic planning, project planning, thousands of processor units, whereas a mammalian
cost modeling and other fields. The technique brain has billions of neurons with a corresponding
converts uncertainties in input variables of a model increase in magnitude of their overall interaction
into probability distributions. By combining the and emergent behavior. Although ANN researchers
distributions and randomly selecting values from are generally not concerned with whether their
them, it recalculates the simulated model many networks accurately resemble biological systems,
times and brings out the probability of the output. some have. For example, researchers have
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accurately simulated the function of the retina and “Equipment data” input is shown in Figure 6.
modeled the eye rather well. Some example of Having entered other data in “Well Geometry”,
applications of ANN in oil and gas include “Perforation” and “Plot Option”, user can plot a
prediction of hydrate formation temperature for gas well schematic diagram such as in Figure 7.
hydrate, virtual magnetic resonance imaging logs,
estimation of formation permeability, petroleum The well and down-hole equipment are drawn
reservoir characterization, virtual measurement of according to depth scale.
heterogeneous formation permeability using
geophysical well log responses and generation of User can store and later view/manipulate wells
synthetic MRI logs from conventional well logs. deviation data, as shown in Figure 8. Existing data
at the user’s disposal, such as surface well test,
Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional (Boolean) production data, etc. can be imported into the tool
logic that has been extended to handle the concept box and then viewed via the charting facilities.
of partial truth − truth values between "completely Figure 6 is a sample of daily surface production
true" and "completely false". It was introduced by data. Similarly, surface well test data can be stored
Dr. Lotfi Zadeh of UC/Berkeley in the 1960's as a and viewed graphically as in Figure 10. There are
means to model the uncertainty of natural language. options to plot different variables on the X- and Y-
Zadeh says that rather than regarding fuzzy theory axis.
as a single theory, we should regard the process of
``fuzzification'' as a methodology to generalize any Some data required specifically for the analysis can
specific theory from a crisp (discrete) to a be captured from existing spreadsheet file, such as
continuous (fuzzy) form. Thus, recent researchers the Summary of Pressure Test Analysis. In this case
have also introduced "fuzzy calculus", "fuzzy user can double-click on the required row of the
differential equations", and so on. table (as shown in Figure 11) and the relevant data
such as permeability; thickness, etc. will be
Based on the oil price at any particular time and automatically transferred to the respective screen.
treatment cost, the tool will also be able to calculate
simple economics and rank the wells. In addition it Snap Shot Analysis Module - An initial formulation
can perform “reality checks” on a decision such as algorithm using conventional well modeling has
physical limitation, economic reasons and others. been implemented. In addition a simple
probabilistic model is in progress. The algorithm is
RESULTS designed to calculate estimated potential gains of
the well and is a key element of the Tool Box. A
Most of key elements of the tool box have been normal method of using IPR, TPR and nodal
implemented in a Windows environment. An analysis has been utilized and a simplified method
interim highest level menu is shown in Figure 1. for determining well potential has been
This menu will be revised from time to time as the implemented.
development progresses. Considerable effort has
been expended on the “Data” and “Analyse” items One of the requirements for conventional nodal
since these two elements are crucial elements of the analysis is the reservoir IPR calculation. We have
toolbox. For the “Data” item, the plan is organize it written a number of IPR methods such as in Figure
as in Figure 2, while the “Analyse” menu is 12 and Figure 13 which shows a sample IPR
tentatively as in Figure 3. Most of program code for calculation using Vogel method.
the tool box is within the above modules, and the
bulk of the development time was spent there. Another element for nodal analysis, VFP
calculation was implemented using a number of
Data Input Module – Individual data input screen is correlations as shown in Figure 14. Figure 15 shows
accessible through “Data” menu item. For example, result of VFP calculation using Duns and Ross
Figure 4 shows Reservoir Data input screen. As can correlation. Finally an example of the IPR-VFP
be seen, titles for other types of data, such as fluid intersection is shown in Figure 16.
data, well’s equipment data, well deviation data,
etc. are available in the page tabs. For the probabilistic method, we begin by assigning
a distribution to each uncertainty and then run MC
To assist engineering analysis, the toolbox is to generate S curves to obtain P90, P50, P10 for the
equipped with wellbore schematic diagram. The variable previously established as highly uncertain.
input for this is as in Figure 5. For example, the A comparison between deterministic and
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probabilistic methods can be illustrated using the NOMENCLATURE

following example:
ANN = Artificial Neural Network
Figure 17 shows the results using a simplified (By API = American Petroleum Institute
% of pressure drawdown) method of determining GOR = Gas Oil Ratio
the well potential by deterministic method, while MC = Monte Carlo
Figure 18 shows the probabilistic method results to MCS = Monte Carlo Simulation
establish the well potential based on the same input MRI = Magnetic Imaging Log
and analysis data. Figure 19 shows the result of PI = Productivity Index
probabilistic estimation using proper nodal analysis PVT = Pressure, Volume, Temperature
method. In all the above cases, MC method (by a SME = Subject Matter Expert
simple random number) was used. THP = Tubing Head Pressure
VFP = Vertical Lift Performance
Advisor Module - We have developed prototype WC = Water Cut
code or a concept for an advisory module which is A = Pipe cross-sectional area
currently working. Image in Figure 20 shows a Bo, FVF = Formation Volume Factor
sample of it. However this module needs extensive D = Hydraulic diameter of the pipe
high level expert knowledge and this will be added HL = liquid holdup factor
from time to time. P, p = Pressure
Pb = Bubble point pressure
Other Facilities - The Tool Box will be equipped qL = In-situ liquid flow rates
with other facilities such as well history data and qg = In-situ gas flow rates
economic data, as shown in the static image (Figure Q = Volumetric flow rate
21, Figure 22) taken from the tool. Economic data Rs = Solution Gas Oil Ratio
essentially captures the oil price at that time and the Re = Reynolds Number
cost of individual service items. This is used in the T, t = Temperature
simple economic analysis. V = Mean fluid velocity
γ0 = Specific gravity of the stock-tank oil
Next Steps - The tool box development is done on γg = Gas specific gravity
part-time and incremental basis, and as such there γgs = Gas specific gravity of the solution gas
considerable work remains. At this moment we are µ = Dynamic viscosity of the fluid
focusing on incremental improvement to the tool ρ = Density of the fluid
box. For example, one of our priorities is to ρm = density of mixture
incorporate additional Monte Carlo methods i.e. vm = velocity of mixture
various probabilistic distribution models such as f = two-phase energy loss factor
normal/Gaussian distribution, lognormal gc = conversion constant
distribution, triangular distribution, uniform ν = Kinematic viscosity
distribution and exponential distribution. In order
to further improve the accuracy of the tool box REFERENCES
prediction, we plan to incorporate methods such as
neural network, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm. Ahmed, T. H., Reservoir Engineering Handbook -
2nd Edition, Gulf Professional Publishing, Houston,
This paper has described an attempt to develop a
probabilistic production enhancement screening tool Brill, J.P & Beggs, H.D.: Two Phase Flow in Pipes,
box. University of Tulsa, OK, 1978.

A prototype version of the toolbox is ready for Duns, H., Jr. and Ros, N. C. J.: Vertical Flow of
demonstration. The objective of the toolbox is to Gas and Liquid Mixtures in Wells, Proc. Sixth
assist petroleum engineers to analyze wells in World Pet. Congress, Frankfurt (Jun. 19-26, 1963)
uncertain environments in an integrated manner. Section II, Paper 22-PD6.
Some of the key features of the toolbox include
integrated data management, probabilistic and Fetkovich, M. J.: The Isochronal Testing of Oil
deterministic calculations, knowledge-based advisor Wells, SPE 4529. SPE of AIME
and built-in economics.
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Gharbi, R.B. & Elsharkawy, A.M.: Universal Orkiszewski, J.: Predicting Two-Phase Pressure
Neural Network Based Model for Estimating the Drops in Vertical Pipe, J. Pet. Tech. (Jun. 1967)
PVT Properties of Crude Oil Systems, SPE 38099 ( 829-838.
April, 1997) p. 619-628
Standing, M.B.: A Pressure-Volume-Temperature
Glaso O.: Generalized Pressure-Volume- Correlation for Mixtures of Californian Oils and
Temperature Correlation, JPT (May 1980), pp 785- Gasses, Drill. and Prod. Proc., 275-287 (1947)
Vasquez, M. and Beggs, H.D.: Correlations for
Hagedorn, A.R. and Brown, K.E.: “Experimental Fluid Physical Property Prediction, JPT, 968-970
Study of Pressure Gradients Occurring During (June, 1980)
Continuous Two phase Flow in Small-Diameter
Vertical Conduits”, JPT ( April. 1965). Vogel, J. V., Inflow Performance Relationship for
Solution Gas Drive Wells, Journal of Petroleum
Lasater, J.A.: Bubble Point Pressure Correlation, Technology (January 1968) p. 83-93
SPE 957-G (May,1958) p. 65-67
Zadeh, L.A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and
Marhoun, M.A: PVT Correlation for Middle East Control 8 (3): 338-35
Crude Oils, JPT, 650-665 (May, 1988).
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Figure 1 - Toolbox Interim Highest Level Menu

Figure 2 - Interim Plan for Toolbox Data Menu

Figure 3 - Toolbox Analyse Menu (Presently)

Figure 4 - Reservoir Data

Figure 5 - Required Data Type for Wellbore Schematic Diagram

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Figure 6 - Equipment Data for Wellbore Diagram

Figure 7 - Example of Wellbore Schematic Diagram

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Figure 8 - Well Deviation Data and Plot

Figure 9 - Historical Production Data

Figure 10 - Well’s Test Data

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Figure 11 - Summary of Flowing Buildup Survey Data

Figure 12 - Available IPR Model

Figure 13 - Example of IPR Plot (Vogel)

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Figure 14 - Available Flow Correlation Model

Figure 15 - Example of VLP Plot (Duns and Ross)

Figure 16 - Example of Nodal Analysis System Plot

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Figure 17 - Deterministic Potential Using Outflow Calculation method by % of Pressure Drawdown

Figure 18 - Probabilistic Potential Using Outflow Calculation method by % of Pressure Drawdown

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Figure 19 - Probabilistic Potential Using Outflow Calculation method of VLP-IPR

Figure 20 - Example of Advisor Module

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Figure 21 - Well Historical Data

Figure 22 - Economic Data

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