An Approach For Sucker Rod Lift Well Performance Optimization

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Jakarta, August 14 – 16, 2006


August J. P*
E. Patrick T.**

SUMMARY length configurations and pump speed for an

expected producing bottom hole pressure and oil
Throughout the world, the most commonly used production rate. These calculations were done for 3
method to artificially produce oil wells is known as wells (Well X-024, Well X-235 and Well X-258).
sucker rod lift. Sucker rods have been the primary The rates for these three wells can be increased
artificial lift method used in ‘Y’ field operated since from initial production. The approach used in this
1933. This mature field is currently produced study can be helpful to solve sucker rod lift well
utilizing the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) method performance optimization problems due to lack of
known as a water flood. survey reports data.

This study emphasizes an approach which has been

used to improve performance and optimize wells INTRODUCTION
produced with sucker rod lift in a field with limited
data available for analysis. Field ‘Y’ is a mature Sucker rod lift is the most commonly used artificial
field, but has extremely inadequate data for lift method in order to pump oil from the
optimization such as dynamometer and motor subsurface. The objective of this paper is to give
power surveys. information on how to apply nodal analysis to
design, optimize and analyze sucker rod
The available data consists of acoustic liquid level performance for artificial lift. In the design of
and daily production rates. The limited data set is a sucker rod lift systems for a well, it is recommended
direct result of an operating philosophy where costs that the well is initially treated as if it were a
have been minimized because of the low oil flowing well. The problem which often happens is
production rate. inefficient energy use in the sucker rod lifted wells.
Due to the inefficiencies of the various components
Sucker rods pumps have been operating for some of the sucker rod lift system, energy losses occur in
time without any management review. After a long lifting the liquid to the surface. Therefore, better
period of operation, the mechanics of the pump maintenance is needed to improve efficiencies. The
system have changed. Aspects of friction, first step in this method is to perform nodal analysis
acceleration, buoyancy, polished road load, service of sucker rod lift performance, and then adjust the
factor, and fluid weight have all changed from their setting depth to analyze the optimum production
original design condition. performance. By using pressure relationships and
depth, a correction factor for the nodal analysis can
To improve the economics of the field, an approach be obtained. Afterward, the next step is to determine
was developed to study sucker rod well possible flow rates from each pump intake pressure
performance optimization. This approach involved a by using a quadratic curve of dimensionless IPR
mathematical knowledge of linear equations, corrected with P3/PBHP. The maximum flow rate
quadratic equations, and a numerical method can be calculated using Vogel’s equation when the
solution. Correction factors due to pressure and well is in multiphase flow well. The supporting
depth relationships were developed to give accurate calculation provides the constant value of a, b and c
pump intake pressure values which were used for in pump intake pressure equations for sucker rod
the optimization study. As a result of this study, pumps. Following these steps, the optimization
optimization can be done by calculating the stroke study can be done to increase oil production rates to
* Trisakti University
the maximum incremental oil production rate.
METHODS from each pump intake pressure can be determined
using quadratic curve of dimensionless IPR
Analysis and optimization of well performance corrected with P3/PBHP (Figure 5). To create a
study : proposed new approach dimensionless IPR, one value of PBHP/SBHP and
qo/qomax is needed from well test data. Maximum
Nodal analysis of sucker rod lift performance is an flow rate can be calculated using Vogel’s equation
intersection of 3 lines (an IPR line and 2 pump when the well is in multiphase flow well. By having
intake curves). The lines represent a combination of these two values, constant values for a, b and c in
stroke length and pump speed. Ideally, if the setting the pump intake pressure equation for sucker rod lift
depth is being placed at formation depth, there is no wells can be acquired using mathematical
difference between pump intake pressure and elimination method. This elimination process is a
PBHP. Figure 1 illustrates the ideal condition linear approach which does not match the IPR
calculated using nodal analysis. In real conditions of profile if the two values of pump intake pressure
a sucker rod lift wells, common setting depths are have a great difference. A slight difference of two
not placed at formation depths. This is due to pump intake pressures will match the IPR line in a
several reasons such as setting depth being placed certain segment. After a, b and c are found, the
above formation depth to avoid sand problems or optimization study can be done to increase oil
setting depth being placed below formation depth production rate to the maximum incremental oil
for natural gas separation. Figure 2 shows nodal production rate (Figure 6).
analysis of a sucker rod lift well with its setting
depth above the formation depth. This condition can
be improved if the node point is being placed at the Well case study
pump intake depth. Pump intake depth or setting
depth has a relationship with PBHP and pump There are 3 wells which were inspected and have
intake pressure. This will happen when the pump good potential to be optimized (namely Well X-024,
setting depth is lowered gradually. If the pump Well X-235, Well X-258). These 3 wells were
intake depth is at the formation depth, the pump examined to calculate their potential incremental oil
intake pressure has the same value with PBHP. production. Acoustic liquid level surveys have been
Pump intake pressure is the lesser value from PBHP done for the inspected wells. This was done to
if the pump intake depth is above the formation combine fluid depth and a wellhead casing pressure
depth, but if the pump intake depth is set below the value to calculate producing bottom hole pressure
formation it has greater value than PBHP (PBHP) using Gilbert’s method. PBHP
(Figure 3). From this gradient relationship, we can measurement is done during the production phase,
predict the value of PBHP and pump intake pressure while the annulus is closed. The pressure value
by formation depth. Pump intake pressure increases provided by the fluid column in the annulus at
along with depth, while PBHP decreases with producing well is used. Static bottom hole pressure
formation depth. Below the formation depth, PBHP can be achieved by shutting in the well until it
value will remain constant. The relationship builds to a constant pressure value. Using the flow
between setting depth (SD) and PBHP to SBHP rate at certain PBHP, the maximum flow rate can be
(from above the formation depth down to the calculated using Vogel’s equation for a multiphase
formation depth) can be described as a reversal flow well. From 3 points of flow rates and PBHPs, a
relationship: (PBHP/SBHP)n at SDn = SDi/SDn x simplified dimensionless IPR can be constructed by
(PBHP/SBHP)i. The setting depth to formation using quadratic extrapolation. The minimum
depth ratio (SD/FD) is related to pump intake allowable PBHP is 50 psia which allows calculation
pressure and PBHP ratio (P3/PBHP). Figure 4 of the maximum allowable possible liquid flow rate.
describes a SD/FD of 0.7 with P3/PBHP of 0.8. The From these results we know the potential oil
relationship line meets SD/FD of 1 and P3/PBHP of incremental of each well.
1 when setting depth meets formation depth. This
relationship can be used as a correction factor for
nodal analysis when the setting depth is not at the RESULTS : Evaluation of the proposed
formation depth or pump intake pressure is different approach and sucker rod producing efficiency
from PBHP. Using pressure relationships and depth
as mentioned before, two values of pump intake The purpose of sucker rod lift optimization is to
pressures with the same sucker rod pump maximize flow rates and producing efficiency of the
configuration (stroke length and pump speed) at two well. The chief goal of sucker rod optimization is to
setting depth can be generated. Possible flow rates adjust the mechanical configurations to their most
efficient setting (primarily adjusting the pump speed the same configuration of stroke length and pump
and stroke length). Up to date, pump surveys such speed are needed to conduct a mathematical
as dynamometer survey, standing valve-traveling eliminating operation. That elimination allows
valve test, and motor power surveys are important approximate calculation for a, b and c values. A
to understand the current conditions of the sucker correction factor of pump intake pressure and
rod pump. Inadequate survey data is the most producing bottom hole pressure relationship is
common problem in mature fields especially if the needed for accurate values of pump intake pressure
productivity of the field is low. It is a balance at certain pump setting depths. The calculation
between minimizing cost and optimizing method involves basic knowledge of quadratic
production. Because of financial constraints, this curves and linear equations. The node point for
new approach was proposed to complete production nodal analysis is being placed at the pump intake
optimization study of sucker rod lift wells with depth to construct a suitable inflow curve for
existing data and minimal costs. There are many analysis. As a result of this study, a sucker rod lift
factors which affect sucker rod lift well well performance optimization can be simulated by
performance such as fluid weight, rod weight, crank calculating configuration of stroke length and pump
to pitman ratio, friction term, acceleration term, speed for an expected producing bottom hole
buoyancy term, service factor, peak polished rod pressure and oil production rate. This approach can
load, minimum polished rod load, stroke length and be helpful to solve sucker rod lift well performance
pump speed. These factors mentioned above are optimization problems due to lack of survey reports
always changing with time during the well’s data. Several studies have been done in ‘X’ wells in
producing life. Many of the changes are ‘Y’ field. The observed wells were using crank to
undocumented and undefined because of lack of pitman ratio of 0.33. The production optimization
survey reports and pump maintenance, making evaluation result can be seen attached below
optimization difficult. Sucker rod pump intake (Table 1).
pressure is not the same as producing bottom hole
pressure, and is dependant on the pump setting CONCLUSIONS
depth distance to formation depth.
1. An approach has been developed for sucker rod
This approach is used to solve sucker rod lift lift well optimization studies that can be applied
optimization without calculating all factors above for sucker rod lift wells without adequate
which have already changed from ideal conditions. periodic inspection such as dynamometer
Acoustic liquid level survey reports become useful surveys, standing-traveling valve tests, and
information due to accurate information of static motor power surveys.
bottom hole pressure, producing bottom hole
pressure, pump intake pressure, oil production rates 2. This approach can be used to solve sucker rod
at certain producing phases with certain pump optimization problems due to pump setting
setting depths, and configuration of stroke length depth distance to formation depth and give
and pump speed. By using Vogel’s equation for nodal analysis of sucker rod lift well
multiphase producing well, maximum oil performance when it is normally difficult to
production can be calculated to form a construct.
dimensionless Inflow Performance Relationship
(dimensionless IPR). To begin an optimization 3. The node point is placed in the pump intake
study, a calculation is needed to know the value of depth to create an appropriate inflow curve for
a, b and c from the equations below : nodal analysis.

4. The numerical method approach is needed for

*P3 = a + bNq accurate value of a, b and c.

*P3 = a + (c/S)q2 5. Correction factors for depth and pressure can

accurately determine the P3 value.

Where “P3” is pump intake pressure value (psia), 6. The Well X-024 production rates can be
“a”, “b” and “c” are constant values, “N” is pump increased from 36.3% to 53.1% of its maximum
speed value (Strokes Per Minute), “S” is stroke production rate by using configuration of 6.2
length value (inches), and “q” is oil production rate SPM pump speed and 208.6 inches stroke
(STB/d). Two pump setting depth conditions with length.
7. The Well X-235 production rate can be 8. The Well X-258 production rate can be
increased from 49.1% to 74.4% of its maximum increased from 31.7% to 41.8% of its maximum
production rate by using configuration of 5.6 production rate by using configuration of 7.1
SPM pump speed and 161.9 inches stroke SPM pump speed and 162.9 inches stroke
length. length.
WELL X-024, WELL X-235 AND WELL X-258

Well Name X-024 X-235 X-258

Pump Type C-114-D-143-74 C-114-D-143-74 C-114-173-75
Pump Depth (ft) 1430 1430 1585 1585 1512 1512
Formation Depth (ft) 1494 1494 1587 1587 1579 1579
Pump Speed (SPM) 12 6.2 12 5.6 8 7.1
Stroke Length (ft) 74 208.6 54 161.9 74 162.9
Pump Intake Pressure (psia) 250.5 209.17 149.3 99.4 147.3 134.42
PBHP (psia) 279.6 233.47 250.5 166.78 177.78 162.23
SBHP (psia) 360.3 360.3 220.2 220.2 220.3 220.3
qo (bbl/d) 31 45.3 44 66.6 42 55.2
ql (bbl/d 342 500 342 518 84 110
qomax (bbl/d) 85.4 85.4 89.6 89.6 132.3 132.3
qlmax (bbl/d) 942.2 942.2 696.1 696.1 264.6 264.6

Figure 1 - Ideal Nodal Analysis.

Figure 2 - Real Condition of Nodal Analysis.

Figure 3 - P3/PBHP to Formation Figure 4 - SD/FD and P3/PBHP Relationship.
Depth Relationship.

*P3 = a+bNq
P *P3 = a+bNq *P3 = a+(c/S)q2
R *P3 = a+(c/S)q2 R


Figure 5 - Pump Intake Pressures Figure 6 - Matched Linear Approach to IPR Line.
Elimination to Approach IPR

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