Basic Parameters in The Operation and Design of Submerged Arc Furnaces, With Particular Reference To Production of High-Silicon Alloys
Basic Parameters in The Operation and Design of Submerged Arc Furnaces, With Particular Reference To Production of High-Silicon Alloys
Basic Parameters in The Operation and Design of Submerged Arc Furnaces, With Particular Reference To Production of High-Silicon Alloys
Table I Table II
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Electrode diameter, mm 1 200
Electrode spacing centre to centre, m 2.70
Inner crucible diameter, m 6.80
Electrode diameter, mm 1 143 1 205
Furnace load, MW 18.04
Approximate electrode spacing centre to centre, m 2.80 2.74
Operating resistance, mΩ 1.244
Approximate inner furnace crucible diameter, m 6.60 6.60
Westly factor (C3) 10.11
Furnace load, MW 19.50 19.90
Furnace reactance, mΩ 0.983
Operating resistance, mΩ 1.333 1.309
Specific power consumption, kWh/t 7 997
Westly factor (C3) 9.64 9.70
Silicon recovery, % 93.60
Furnace reactance, mΩ 1.310 1.273
Furnace efficiency factor 0.857
Specific power consumption, kWh/t 12 371 11 795
Loss resistance, mΩ 0.178
Silicon recovery, % 82.17 84.55
Furnace efficiency factor 0.826 0.844
Loss resistance, mΩ 0.232 0.205
Short circuit resistance, mΩ 0.313 0.278
Short circuit reactance, mΩ 1.477 1.202 ($&!&$#&*( *)$#'&%)$* !'$%#&*)1&
As mentioned above, the operating resistance decreases with
increasing furnace size. Normally, the loss resistance also
decreases with increasing furnace size, due to the increased
efficiency factor and the loss resistance RL were calculated. cross-sectional area of the current conductors. Therefore,
In addition, a measurement of the short circuit resistance and generally, increasing the furnace size has no adverse effect
the short circuit reactance was carried out by melting down on the furnace efficiency.
the furnace and taking the electrical readings with the However, large furnaces are more sensitive to variations
electrodes resting on the furnace hearth. in raw material quality. A consistent quality of raw materials
As shown in the table, the furnace efficiency factor is and electrode paste is very important in order to achieve
higher and the loss resistance lower for furnace B than for stable operating conditions and good efficiency for large
furnace A. In addition, the silicon recovery is somewhat furnaces. The consequence of operational disturbances and
higher. furnace shutdowns are normally more severe for a large
It is thought that the reason for the higher furnace furnace than for smaller ones.
efficiency and lower loss resistance for furnace B compared to Generally, the investment cost per megawatt and the
furnace A is the larger electrode diameter and smaller manpower cost per ton of product is lower for large furnaces.
electrode spacing. It seems reasonable that the larger In our opinion, this is the main reason why large furnaces are
electrode diameter on furnace B is at least part of the reason preferable to smaller furnaces for new projects of a given
for the difference in loss resistance. overall production capacity in an established industrial
Moreover, the electrodes had an inclination with the environment.
electrode tips pointing towards the periphery of the furnace
crucible, probably caused by an inactive zone with a solid !'"&'*&+&(&$"*)$* !'$%#&*&)$
cone in the centre of the furnace. This phenomenon was more Vatvedt has recently been working on improvements in
predominant on furnace A than on furnace B. Given this design of the electrode column, including the development of
factor, there is reason to believe that part of the current in the contact clamps and pressure rings of our own manufacture.
furnace crucible was passing from the outside of the Our company supplies contact clamps and pressure ring
electrodes near the electrode tips, out to the carbon sidewall segments made of pure electrolytic copper. The water-cooled
lining and along the periphery of the furnace crucible over to shields are made of stainless steel.
the neighbouring electrodes. The wear pattern of the In particular, we are now looking at the design of the area
electrodes also supported this theory, with higher wear on the of the electrode column above the top of the contact clamps.
electrode surface facing the carbon sidewall lining. Figure 4 illustrates the conventional design of this area.
The short circuit measurements also support the above A well-known problem in operation of furnaces of this
theory. The calculated short circuit resistance was about 13% design using Søderberg electrodes, particularly for large
higher on furnace A than on furnace B, and the calculated furnaces, is that there is an abundance of thermal energy
short circuit reactance was about 23% higher. Furthermore, developed in the area above the contact clamps, caused by
this supports the above comments with respect to how the induction heating due to the strong electromagnetic fields.
location of current paths in the furnace crater has an This surplus heat causes melting and heating of electrode
influence on the furnace reactance. paste; sometimes resulting in overheating of the liquid paste,
As a consequence of the above findings, the electrode paste segregation and high liquid paste levels. This is
spacing on furnace A was reduced, resulting in a substantial resulting in poor quality of the baked electrode, causing
improvement in the furnace performance. disturbances in the electrode operation and increased risk of
Table II lists the data for the furnace supplied by Vatvedt hard as well as soft electrode breakages (Skjeldestad et al.,
to ChEMK in Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2014, for the production 2015).
of ferrosilicon. Compared to the data for the silicon metal When considering this problem in more detail,
furnaces above, the furnace efficiency is higher and the loss calculations have confirmed that with the conventional
resistance is lower. design of this area, the available heat generation by
induction heating is much larger than what is required for Above all, the silicon recovery is dependent on the raw
melting and heating of the electrode paste before baking. In material quality and the charge mix composition. The silicon
other words, this is a waste of energy, which is adversely recovery is also affected by the furnace design.
affecting the furnace efficiency. The furnace efficiency factor depends on the operating
Based on some initial studies, it is thought that by resistance of the furnace, which again depends on the
making some design modifications in the area above the top resistivity of the furnace charge mix. Smaller sizing of the
of the contact clamps, it would be possible to achieve a reductants, an increased proportion of coal, and use of wood
considerable reduction of the induction heating in this area. chips will contribute to increased resistivity of the charge
This reduction of energy loss will have a corresponding effect mix, which will make it possible to operate with an increased
on reduction of the specific energy consumption per ton of operating resistance.
alloy. Further, the furnace efficiency factor is depending on
In addition, the problem of overheating and segregation furnace design and dimensioning, which is affecting the
of electrode paste with its adverse effects on electrode quality electrical losses from the furnace. The importance of proper
and operation, which is the case on many furnaces today, is design and material selection for furnace components are
likely to be eliminated. Therefore, it will be a win-win highlighted. The significance of the furnace dimensioning is
situation. illustrated by an example from practical furnace operation.
Even with this reduction of the induction heating above Possibilities for improvements in furnace design, and the
the top of the contact clamps, calculations have shown that electrode column design in particular, were highlighted with
there will still be enough induction heating available for the aim of reducing electrical losses and hence improving
melting and heating of the electrode paste. furnace efficiency even further.
.& &'&$#&
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