Critical Analysis of Fool in Shakespeare'S King Lear: Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)

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Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)

A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.5.Issue 3. 2017

Impact Factor 5.002 (COSMOS); (July-Sept)
Email:[email protected] ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)



Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, Kanoria P.G. Mahila Mahavidyalaya,
Shakespeare is one of the most well-known and cherished playwright of English
Literature. King Lear is one of his popular tragedies. The character of Fool was
common in Elizabethan drama. The role of fool is to amuse and entertain his master.
The Fool is also privileged to speak the bitter truths to his master. This paper will
attempt to analyse the role played by Fool in King Lear.

William Shakespeare is one of the most The Tempest, Lady Macbeth in Macbeth, Hamlet in
celebrated playwrights and poet in English Hamlet and Viola in Twelfth Night.Feste in Twelfth
Literature. He was popular not only during his age Night, Clown in Titus Andronicus Falstaff in Henry IV
but even after so many centuries hispopularity Part I and Henry IV Part II, Nick Bottom and Puck in
continues.Ben Jonson one of well-known playwright A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Clown in Othello
and contemporary of Shakespeare praise him in the proves Shakespeare’s art of characterization. The
following words, “Soul of the age! The applause paper will attempt a critical analysis of Fool in
!delight! The wonder of our stage.” Shakespeare has Shakespeare’s play King Lear.
written more than one hundred and fifty sonnets. King Lear is a tragedy by Shakespeare. The
He has penned some well-known comedies like, play was first performed probably in 1605 and was
Comedy of Errors (1589), A Midsummer Night’s published in 1608. The main plot about Lear is
Dream (1595), As You Like It (1599) and tragedies borrowed from Holinshed’s Chronicles and the
like Julius Caesar (1599), Hamlet (1600), subplot of Gloucester is borrowed from Book II of
Othello(1604),Macbeth (1605) and King Lear (1606). Sidney’s Arcadia. Probably, Shakespeare also
Richard III (1592), Richard II (1595), King John(1596) borrowed from an earlier drama titled The True
and Henry V (1598) are some of his plays based on Chronicle History of KingLearand his Three
history. His plays like Comedy of Errors (1589), Daughters. L. C. Knights regards the play as “great
Romeo and Juliet (1594), The Merchant of Venice exploratory allegory” of Shakespeare.
(1596),Twelfth Night (1599), Antony andCleopatra The play narrates the tragedy of King Lear,
(1606), and The Tempest (1611)have been adopted the king of Britain who decides to divide his kingdom
on screen. amongst his three daughters Goneril, Regan and
Shakespeare was a craftsman who created Cordelia. His eldest, daughter Goneril is married to
characters that were close to reality.His plays has the Duke of Albany and Regan is married to the
many characters like kings, barons, queens, barons, Duke of Cornwall. The Duke of Burgundy and the
fools, tradesmen, witches, magicians, ghosts and King of France both wish to marry Lear's youngest
fairies. He has created some memorable characters and favourite daughter Cordelia. Lear asks his
like Rosalind in As You Like It, King Richard in Richard daughters to profess their love for him. He plans to
II, Falstaff in Henry IV, Iago in Othello, Prospero in give the largest share to the daughter who loves him


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.5.Issue 3. 2017
Impact Factor 5.002 (COSMOS); (July-Sept)
Email:[email protected] ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)

the most and professes it in the court. Goneril and According to L.C. Knights essay “King Lear”
Regan are hypocritical who express their love for (1906), the function of fool is speak truth in
Lear in passionate speeches. However, Cordelia disguised and sometimes grotesque manner. Enid
refuses to speak anything. Lear feels insulted and Welsford refers to the fool as “the sage-fool who
upset therefore, he banishes Cordelia. He also sees the truth” (qtd. in Knights 280). The Fool speaks
banishes his servant Kent. A similar sub plot in the the truth about Goneril and Regan. Through his
play is that of Earl of Gloucester. The illegitimate son witty remarks the Fool points out to Lear’s mistake
of Gloucester named Edmund convinces him that his “to make his daughters his mothers”.TheFool
legitimate son Edgar is plotting to kill him. Edgar comments that by giving up his power and kingdom
escapes to save himself from his father’s wrath and to his daughters who are hypocritical he has lost all
disguises himself as ‘Poor Tom’. Lear accompanied his authority and freedom. He now depends upon
by his Fool and Kent goes to stay with Goneril but his daughters for fulfilling all his requirements.
finds that she has no respect for his father. At The unique feature of Fool lies in how he
Regan’s place too Lear is treated badly. The Fool speaks the truth. He is an agent who prompts Lear
many times through his witty remarks, songs and to recognize the bitter truth. His words which are
jokes speaks makes Lear identify his mistakes.Lear sometimes in the form of riddles to some extent
then wishes to be united with Cordelia. Goneril and reflect the moral confusion of the world.He can
Regan plan to kill Lear. However, Gloucester warns formulate the tenets of worldly wisdom.In the first
Lear, Fool and Kent who is disguised as a servant. act, Fool observes, “Truth's a dog must to kennel; he
Cordelia who marries Duke of France after she is must be whipped out, when Lady the brach may
banished by her father; prepares her army to attack stand by the fire and stink.” This quote describes the
Goneril and Regan. In the battle against Goneril and nature of truth. He also suggests:
Regan, Cordelia is defeated. Coredelia is taken as “Have more than thou showest
prisoner and meets Lear. Goneril and Regan both Speak less than thou knowest”
are in love with Edmund and in mutual jealous all Such observations were not only true in the
three are killed. Cordelia is thus victorious but Elizabethan era but are still true in the twenty first
before that she is hanged. In the final scene, Lear century. His witty remarks prove that he is not a fool
appears carrying the dead body of Cordelia. in the literal sense.The Fool has the liberty to say
Looking at the history of the character , Jay bitter things to his master. He comments on Lear
L. Halio in his book The Tragedy of King Lear refers that, “Thou shouldstnot have been old till thou
to Enid Welsford’s essay “The Fool: His Social and hadst been wise.” Goneril is annoyed to see the
Literary History” (1935). Welsford observes that the special privilege given to the Fool of Lear.
character of fool can be traced back to the ancient The character of Fool introduces us to the
times. In the Middle Ages, jester was a familiar theme of contrast between appearance and reality
figure. In the Renaissance the fool became a in Shakespeare’s plays. Wolfgang Clemens in his
domestic servant in the homes of aristocratic essay “Appearance and Reality in Shakespeare’s
people. The figure of fool served to entertain their Plays” observes that the theme of appearance and
master. They also had liberty to criticize their master reality has always been one of the major themes of
and mistress. The fool was presented as lacking literature. The contrast between what a man
intelligence and therefore required their powerful pretends to be and what he really is pervades most
patrons to avoid social mockery. The fool was given of the plays of Shakespeare. The Fool appears to be
a privileged status in the court. The character of fool mad but in reality he could see the truth that Lear is
became popular in the Elizabethan drama between unable to see in the fit of rage.
1598 and 1605. Some of Shakespeare’s Clemens in his essay “Characteristic
contemporaries also used the character of fool. Features of Shakespearean Drama” observes that
Ralph Simnell in Robert Greene’s in his popular play one of the striking features of Shakespeare’s artistry
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay described the is the uniting of opposites. Shakespeare’s play shows


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.5.Issue 3. 2017
Impact Factor 5.002 (COSMOS); (July-Sept)
Email:[email protected] ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)

the linking of the serious and the comic. The Fool in

King Lear is not only a jester but a tragic figure who
shares the suffering of Lear. He accompanies his
master when he goes to stay with Goneril and
Regan. The Fool shares the suffering of Lear when
the king realizes his mistake of misinterpreting the
honesty and simplicity of Cordelia and falling in the
trap of Goneril and Regan’s sugar-coated speeches
expressing their love for him. He accompanies Lear
in the storm where at the heath he does a mock-trial
of his daughters.
Clemens remarks that Lear is accompanied
by Fool in many scenes whose profession is to
appear other than what he really is. The fool opens
the eyes of Lear to his own mistakes. Fool through
his jokes, songs and proverbs speak the truth which
the king would have otherwise refused to listen.
Works Cited
Campbell, Oscar James and Thomas Y. Crowell The
Reader’s Encyclopaedia ofShakespeare.
OUP:New York, 1966. Print.
Halio, Jay L, ed. The Tragedy of King Lear. Cambridge
UP: Cambridge 2005. Print.
Knights, L.C. “King Lear” (1906) Shakespeare
Criticism: 1935-1960
Clemens, Wolfgang. “Appearance and Reality in
Shakespeare’s Plays” OUP: New York, 1971.


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