Flames of War - FoW - 3.0 - Missions

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The key takeaways are that a Free-For-All battle involves each side trying to capture the other's objectives to force them onto the defensive and win the battle. Victory points are determined based on whether an objective is captured or if it ends in a fair fight.

Each side aims to seize one of their objectives placed in the enemy's deployment area before the enemy seizes one of theirs in order to secure a key piece of terrain and force the enemy onto the defensive, winning the battle.

An Encounter battle uses the Delayed Reserves, Meeting Engagement, and Scattered Reserves special rules. Each side nominates at least half their platoons to start in reserves and deploys the rest, with the goal of capturing the enemy's objective in their deployment area to win.

Free-For-All (Fair Fight)

In highly-mobile engagements it is not uncommon for forces to suddenly find themselves in contact with the
enemy. The freewheeling battles that result are little more than all-in brawls.

Your Orders
Defender places two Objectives here 8“/20cm
Attacker deploys here
Your forces have broken through the
enemy front line. The enemy must
16“/40cm be ruthlessly crushed before they can
12“/30cm No Man’s Land occupy proper defences! You must
seize one of your objectives before the
Centre line
enemy seizes one of theirs.

No Man’s Land
16“/40cm The enemy has broken through. Your
company must occupy and defend
Defender deploys here critical objectives before the enemy
secures them. Capture one of your
Attacker places two Objectives here objectives before the enemy takes one
of theirs.

Mission Special Rules Beginning the Battle

•   Free-For-All   •

Free-for-All uses the Meeting Engagement (page 264) 1. Starting with the attacker, both players make
special rule. Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
teams they have on table.
Preparing for Battle 2. Both players now roll a die. The player who finished
1. Both players roll a die. The player with the higher Deploying their platoons first adds +1 to their roll.
score chooses one of the long table edges to attack The player with the higher result has the first turn.
from. The other player defends from the opposite In the event of a tie roll again.
table edge.
2. Starting with the attacking player, both players Ending the Battle
place two Objectives on the opponent’s side of the The battle ends when:
table. The Objectives must be at least 16”/40cm • a player starts their turn having Taken either of
from the centre line of the table and may not be the Objectives that they placed in the enemy
placed within 8”/20cm of the side table edges. Both Deployment Area.
of a player’s Objectives must be within 48”/120cm
of each other. Deciding Who Won
3. Each player’s Deployment Area is their own half of The player that took their Objective has secured a key
the table, excluding the area within 12”/30cm of piece of terrain on the field, forcing the enemy onto the
the centre line. Both players, starting with the at- defensive and winning the day.
tacking player, alternate Deploying their platoons.
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
4. Both players, starting with the attacking player, Table on page 275.
now Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of
If neither side won use the Fair Fight special rule to
a platoon and all Independent teams.
determine their Victory Points.

Encounter (Fair Fight)
On the open flanks of the main battle, a small force can encounter a lot of trouble very easily.
Having found it, they call for support and the action escalates.

Each player places Attacker has

Your Orders
one Objective here scattered reserves Attacker
8“/20cm You have encountered strong opposi-
Attacker deploys here
tion and called for assistance, but so
has the enemy. You must attack now
12“/30cm No Man’s Land while they are still weak and seize one
of your objectives before the enemy
Centre line
captures one of theirs.

No Man’s Land
16“/40cm A section of the line has crumbled
and it’s fallen upon your shoulders to
8“/20cm Defender deploys here repel the enemy advance. Act aggres-
sively until assistance arrives, then
Each player places Defender has
one Objective here scattered reserves
capture one of your objectives before
the enemy captures one of theirs.

Mission Special Rules Beginning the Battle

•   Encounter   •
Encounter uses the Delayed Reserves (page 269), 1. Starting with the attacker, both players make
Meeting Engagement (page 264), and Scattered Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
Reserves (page 269) special rules. teams they have on table.
2. Both players now roll a die. The player who finished
Preparing for Battle Deploying their platoons first adds +1 to their roll.
1. Both players roll a die. The player with the higher The player with the higher result has the first turn.
score chooses one of the long table edges to attack In the event of a tie roll again.
from. The other player defends from the opposite
table edge. Ending the Battle
2. Starting with the attacker, both players place an The battle ends when:
Objective in their own half of the table. • a player starts their turn having Taken either of
3. Both players, having placed an Objective in the Objectives that were placed in the enemy
their own half of the table, now place a second Deployment Area.
Objective, this time in their opponent’s half of
the table, again starting with the attacking player. Deciding Who Won
All Objectives must be at least 16”/40cm from The player that took an Objective in the opponent’s
the centre line of the table and may not be placed Deployment Area wins the battle. They have secured
within 8”/20cm of the side table edges. key terrain, forcing the enemy onto the defensive, and
4. Starting with the attacker, both players now opening the way for the final, decisive blow.
nominate at least half of their platoons to be held Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
off the table in Delayed and Scattered Reserves. Table on page 275.
5. Each player’s Deployment Area is their own half If neither side won use the Fair Fight special rule to
of the table, excluding the area within 12”/30cm determine their Victory Points.
of the centre line. Both players, starting with the
attacking player, now alternate Deploying their
remaining platoons.
6. Again starting with the attacker, both players now
Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of a
platoon and all Independent teams.

Dust up (Fair Fight)
Two advancing forces clash, each determined to get through to their objectives. Soon a whirling battle
develops as reserves arrive on the flanks and are thrown into the fray.

Attacker deploys here Your Orders

Attacker’s reserves
8“/20cm arrive within 16”/40cm ATTACKER
of corner Seize the initiative and thrust your
Each player
8“/20cm No Man’s Land forces into the enemy’s defences
places one and secure a key objective. He who
Objective here
hesitates is lost. You must capture one
of your objectives before the enemy
Centre line

captures one of theirs.

Each player
places one
No Man’s Land 8“/20cm Objective here 8“/20cm Parry your opponents thrust and
manoeuvre your forces to take and
hold a key position behind their lines.
Defender’s reserves
arrive within 16”/40cm 8“/20cm Be ready to attack when the time is
of corner Defender deploys here
right. Strike hard and fast to take an
objective before the enemy does so.

Mission Special Rules 9. Again starting with the attacker, both players now
Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of a
Dust Up uses the Delayed Reserves (page 269) and
•   Dust Up   •

platoon and all Independent teams.

Meeting Engagement (page 264) special rules.

Preparing for Battle Beginning the Battle

1. Starting with the defender, both players make
1. Mark the centre of the table so that the table
Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
quarters are obvious to both players.
teams they have on table.
2. Both players roll a die. The player with the higher
2. Both players now roll a die. The player who finished
score chooses a table quarter to attack from, leaving
Deploying their platoons first adds +1 to their roll.
the other table quarter in their own end empty.
The player with the higher result has the first turn.
3. The other player deploys in the opposite table In the event of a tie roll again.
quarter, likewise leaving the other table quarter in
their own end empty. Each player’s Deployment
Ending the Battle
Area is their assigned quarter, excluding the area
within 8”/20cm of the centre line. The battle ends when:
4. Starting with the attacker each player places an • a player starts their turn having Taken either of
objective in their own Deployment Area at least the Objectives that were placed in the enemy
8”/20cm from all table edges. Deployment Area.
5. Next starting with the attacker each player places
an objective in the enemy Deployment Area at least
Deciding Who Won
8”/20cm from all table edges. The player that took an Objective in the opponent’s
Deployment Area wins the battle. They have secured
6. Starting with the attacker, both players nominate at
key terrain, opening the way for the decisive blow.
least half of their platoons to be held off the table in
Delayed Reserves. Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
Table on page 275
7. Each player’s Reserves arrive up to 16”/40cm from
the corner in the empty table quarter at the enemy’s
end of the table.
8. Both players, starting with the attacker, alternate
Deploying platoons.

No Retreat (Defensive Battle)
There comes a time in every conflict when a force
must dig in and prepare to repel a massive assault
from the enemy. Often the deciding battles of their
Attacker deploys here campaigns, these desperate defences can turn the tides and
determine the momentum of entire wars.

Your Orders
The enemy has fallen back to defend a single choke point of
No Man’s Land 16“/40cm your advance. Their lines disorganized, their reserves in tatters,
you must crush their resistance and open a path to victory! You
Centre line must assault and capture one of your objectives.

8“/20cm DEFENDER
Defender deploys here
The situation is desperate and your path is grim, but if you
can mount a heroic defence against their coming advance you
could turn the tide of this war. Reinforcements are coming, and
Each player places one
8“/20cm your superiors have promised you support, until they arrive,
Objective here you are on your own. There can be no retreat. You must hold
the objectives and push the enemy back.

Mission Special Rules

•   No Retreat   •
8“/20cm Defender’s reserves No Retreat uses the Ambush (page 266), Reserves (page 268),
arrive here and Prepared Positions (page 264) special rules.

Preparing for Battle Beginning the Battle

1. The defending player chooses which short table 1. Starting with the defender, both players make
end they will defend. This half of the table is their Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
Deployment Area. The attacking player will deploy teams they have on table.
in the other table half. 2. The attacking player has the first turn.
2. Starting with the defender, both players now place 3. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
one Objective each in the defender’s end of the table. may begin the game Dug In.
The Objectives must be at least 8”/20cm from the
centre line of the table, and may not be placed Ending the Battle
within 8”/20cm of any table edge.
The battle ends when either:
3. Next the defending player nominates at least half of
• the attacker has Taken any of the Objectives at the
their platoons to be held off the table in Reserve at
start of their turn, or
the start of the game. The troops held in Reserves
will arrive along the short table edge in the defend- • the defender starts any of their turns from turn six
ing player’s table half. with no attacking teams in the defender’s half of
the table.
4. The defender may then nominate one of the re-
maining platoons to be held in Ambush.
5. Finally, they Deploy the remaining platoons.
Deciding Who Won
The attacker wins if the game ended because they started
6. The attacking player’s Deployment Area is their half
one of their turns holding an Objective. They have
of the table, excluding the area within 16”/40cm
broken the defence and forced the enemy to fall back.
of the centre line. The attacker now Deploys all of
their platoons. Otherwise the defender wins. The attack has been beaten
off. Now they must prepare their counterstroke.
7. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that
are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams, Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
starting with the defending player. Table on page 275.

Hold the Line (Defensive Battle)
Surprise is paramount in any military operation, and never
more so than in defence. When significantly outnumbered
with no hope of immediate reinforcement, a defender
Attacker deploys here has to rely even more on intangibles like surprise to even
the odds.

Your Orders
No Man’s Land 16“/40cm
Your opponent is weak and isolated, ripe for destruction. Attack
immediately, smash them quickly and seize your objectives.
Centre line DEFENDER
You have been assigned a near impossible task. Only your ability
Defender deploys here to misdirect the enemy into thinking that you are weaker than
you are can save you. Use surprise well. Ambush the enemy
and prevent them from taking their objectives, then push them
8“/20cm 8“/20cm back when help arrives.
Each player places one
Objective here
Mission Special Rules
Hold the Line uses the Ambush (page 266), Delayed Reserves
(page 269), and Prepared Positions (page 264) special rules.
•   Hold the Line   •

8“/20cm Defender’s reserves

arrive here

Preparing for Battle Beginning the Battle

1. The defending player chooses which short table 1. Starting with the defender, both players make
end they will defend. This half of the table is their Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
Deployment Area. The attacking player will deploy teams they have on table.
in the other table half. 2. The attacking player has the first turn.
2. Starting with the defender, both players now place 3. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
one Objective each in the defender’s end of the table. may begin the game Dug In.
The Objectives must be at least 8”/20cm from the
centre line of the table, and may not be placed Ending the Battle
within 8”/20cm of any table edge.
The battle ends when either:
3. Next the defending player nominates at least half
• the attacker has Taken any of the Objectives at the
of their platoons to be held off the table in Delayed
start of their turn, or
Reserve. These Reserves will arrive along the short
table edge in the defending player’s table half. • the defender starts any of their turns from turn six
with no attacking teams in the defender’s half of the
4. The defender may then nominate up to two of the
remaining platoons to be held in Ambush.
5. Finally, they Deploy the remaining platoons. It is
entirely possible that all of the defending platoons
Deciding Who Won
on the table will be in Ambush with none visible to The attacker wins if the game ended because they started
the enemy at the start of the game. one of their turns holding an Objective. They have
overcome the element of surprise and triumphed.
6. The attacker’s Deployment Area is their half of the
table, excluding the area within 16”/40cm of the Otherwise the defender wins. Their ambushes stunned
centre line. They now Deploy all of their platoons. the enemy, allowing time to counterattack in strength.
7. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams, Table on page 275.
starting with the defending player.

Pincer (Defensive Battle)
The Germans developed a clever technique for
pinching off Soviet penetrations. The front-line
troops did their best to limit the penetration, then the
Attacker deploys here reserves struck the flanks of the penetration to cut it off and
destroy it.

Your Orders
No Man’s Land 16“/40cm
You have found a weak point in the enemy defences. Punch
through the front line to create a jumping off point for the
exploitation force following behind. You must break into the
Centre line
enemy position to capture one of your objectives.
Defender deploys here DEFENDER
You do not have the strength to prevent the enemy from
reserves arrive

reserves arrive
from the sides

from the sides

breaking into your lines somewhere, so you must rely on a well-



planned counterattack to regain your defences. You must hold

Each player places one
the objectives and push the enemy back.
Objective here

8“/20cm 8“/20cm Mission Special Rules

Pincer uses the Ambush (page 266), Delayed Reserves
(page 269), and Prepared Positions (page 264) special rules.

•   Pincer   •
Preparing for Battle Beginning the Battle
1. The defending player chooses which short table 1. Starting with the defender, both players make
end they will defend. This half of the table is their Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
Deployment Area. The attacking player will deploy teams they have on table.
in the other table half. 2. The attacking player has the first turn.
2. Starting with the defender, both players now place 3. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
one Objective each in the defender’s end of the table. may begin the game Dug In.
The Objectives must be at least 8”/20cm from the
centre line of the table, and may not be placed Ending the Battle
within 8”/20cm of any table edge.
The battle ends when either:
3. Next the defending player nominates at least half
• the attacker has Taken any of the Objectives at the
of their platoons to be held off the table in Delayed
start of their turn, or
Reserve. These troops will arrive along either of the
long table edges in the defending player’s table half. • the defender starts any of their turns from turn six
The defending player may choose the edge that each with no attacking teams in the defender’s half of the
platoon arrives from when it arrives from Reserves. table.
4. The defender may then nominate one of the re-
maining platoons to be held in Ambush. Deciding Who Won
5. The defender Deploys their remaining platoons. The attacker wins if the game ended because they started
one of their turns holding an Objective. Their penetra-
6. The attacking player’s Deployment Area is their half
tion has secured a jump-off for the following troops.
of the table, excluding the area within 16”/40cm
of the centre line. The attacker now Deploys all of Otherwise the defender wins. They have eliminated the
their platoons. penetration and restored their defensive positions.
7. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams, Table on page 275.
starting with the defending player.

Surrounded (Defensive Battle)
After a successful attack trapped the defenders in a pocket,
Attacker deploys here 8“/20cm only one slender corridor remains linking them to the
outside world. Recognising the importance of this lifeline,
both sides throw everything they have into the battle.
No Man’s Land
Your Orders
You have the enemy on the ropes. One more strong blow
Defender deploys here 4“/10cm will crush them. Cut the corridor and the surrounded enemy
pocket will fall. You must seize one of the objectives, breaking
the enemy’s lifeline.
8“/20cm The attacker places two 8“/20cm
Objectives here
You are the only thing standing between your army and
4“/10cm Defender deploys here
disaster. While you hold the corridor open, the pocket will
hold out, and a counterattack can be launched to relieve it. If
you fail, the whole pocket will be captured. You must prevent
the enemy from attaining their objectives.
No Man’s Land

24“/60cm Mission Special Rules

Surrounded uses the Immediate Ambush (page 265) and
•   Surrounded   •

Prepared Positions (page 264) special rules.

8“/20cm Attacker deploys here

Preparing for Battle 3. The attacking player has the first turn.
1. The attacker’s Deployment Area extends 8”/20cm 4. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
onto the table from both short ends. The defender’s may begin the game Dug In.
Deployment area is the centre of the table more
than 24”/60cm from both short table ends. Ending the Battle
2. The attacker now places two Objectives in the de- The battle ends when either:
fender’s Deployment Area at least 4”/10cm from the • the attacker has Taken any of the Objectives at the
edges of the Deployment Area and at least 8”/20cm start of their turn, or
from the table edges. • the defender starts any of their turns from turn
3. Next the defender nominates one platoon to be six with no attacking teams within 16”/40cm of
held in Immediate Ambush, then Deploys the either Objective.
remaining platoons.
4. The attacking player now Deploys their entire force. Deciding Who Won
They may Deploy their platoons in either part of The attacker wins if the game ended because they started
their Deployment Area, but must Deploy at least one one of their turns holding an Objective. They have cut
platoon in each half of their Deployment Area. the corridor and sealed the fate of the pocket.
5. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that Otherwise the defender wins. The corridor has held and
are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams, supplies will continue to flow into the pocket.
starting with the defending player.
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
Table on page 275.
Beginning the Battle
1. The defender places the platoon they held in
Immediate Ambush.
2. Starting with the defender, both players make
Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
teams they have on table.

Fighting Withdrawal (Defensive Battle)
A fighting withdrawal allows defeated commanders to preserve the bulk of their forces while falling
back to a more defensible location.

Your Orders
Attacker deploys here
To exploit an earlier victory you must
smash the enemy rearguard and turn
No Man’s Land 16“/40cm
their retreat into a rout. Break through
the enemy line and capture one of the
objectives before it is too late.
Centre line
Defender deploys here 8“/20cm
You must cover your withdrawal as the
army falls back to the next defensible
Defender places One Objective here
8“/20cm 8“/20cm position. The enemy is moving around
Attacker places two Objectives here
your flanks so you cannot stay too
long. Hold the objectives until the
rest of the army gets clear.

•   Fighting Withdrawal   •
Mission Special Rules Ending the Battle
Fighting Withdrawal uses the Ambush (page 266), The battle ends when either:
Prepared Positions (page 264), and Strategic • the attacker has Taken any of the Objectives at the
Withdrawal (page 270) special rules. start of their turn, or
• at the start of the defender’s eighth turn (remember
Preparing for Battle to check Company Morale if necessary before deter-
1. The defender chooses a long table end to defend. mining who won).
This half of the table is their Deployment Area. The
attacking player will deploy in the other table half. Deciding Who Won
2. The defender places an Objective on their side of The attacker wins if the game ended because they started
the table at least 8”/20cm away from all table edges one of their turns holding an objective. The attacker has
and at least 8”/20cm back from the centre line. smashed the rearguard and seized their objectives.
3. The attacker now places two Objectives in the Otherwise the defender wins. The rearguard has held
same area so that no two Objectives are more than out long enough for the army to get safely away and
48”/120cm apart and all are more than 8”/20cm now withdraws its last elements.
from any other Objective. Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
4. The defender Deploys their entire force. They Table on page 275.
may hold one platoon in Ambush. The attacker’s
Deployment Area is their half of the table, exclud- Turn Event
ing the area within 16”/40cm of the centre line.
Ñ 3 Withdraw a platoon if 5+ ­platoons,
The attacker now Deploys their force.
otherwise gain a delay counter.
5. Both players, starting with the defending player,
Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of a Ñ 4 Withdraw a platoon and remove all
platoon and all Independent teams. counters if 5+ platoons or counters,
otherwise gain delay counter.
Beginning the Battle Ñ 5 Repeat withdrawal.
1. Starting with the defender, both players make Ñ 6 Remove Objective. Repeat withdrawal.
Reconnaissance Deployment moves. Ñ 7 Remove Objective. Repeat withdrawal.
2. The attacking player has the first turn. Ñ 8 Check Company Morale if necessary.
3. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons Game over.
may begin the game Dug In.

Hasty Attack (Mobile Battle)
While most commanders faced with a prepared defence seek to build up the maximum forces for the attack,
sometimes they do not have the time and must attack immediately with whatever is on hand.
Attacker’s reserves arrive here Your Orders
Defender places one objective here 8“/20cm
Attacker deploys here
Find a weak point in the enemy line
and punch through. You must seize
one of your objectives before the
12“/30cm No Man’s Land enemy rallies and pushes you back.

Centre line DEFENDER

Hold the initial assault, then force
No Man’s Land 8“/20cm
12“/30cm the enemy back when your reserves
Defender deploys here
arrive. You must prevent the enemy
8“/20cm 8“/20cm from taking their objectives, then
Defender places one and attacker places two objectives here counterattack and take your own.
Defender has
scattered reserves

Mission Special Rules 7. The attacker Deploys their remaining platoons.

•   Hasty Attack   •

Hasty Attack uses the Delayed Res­erves (page 269), 8. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that
Immediate Ambush (page 267), Res­erves (page 268), are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams,
Scattered Res­erves (page 269), and Prepared Positions starting with the defending player.
(page 264) special rules.
Beginning the Battle
Preparing for Battle 1. The defender places the platoon they held in
1. The defending player chooses the long table edge Immediate Ambush.
that they will defend. Their Deployment Area is their 2. Starting with the defender, both players make
half of the table, excluding the area within 8”/20cm Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
of the centre line. The attacking player’s Deployment teams they have on table.
Area is the other half of the table, excluding the area 3. The attacking player has the first turn.
within 12”/30cm of the centre line. 4. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
2. The defending player places one Objective in the may begin the game Dug In.
attacker’s Deployment Area at least 16”/40 cm
from the centre line and not within 8”/20cm of Ending the Battle
either side table edge. The battle ends when:
3. The defender then places one Objective and then • a player starts their turn having Taken any of
the attacker places two Objectives in the defender’s the Objectives that were placed in the enemy
Deployment Area at least 12”/30cm from the centre Deployment Area, or
line and not within 8”/20cm of any table edge.
• the defender starts any of their turns from turn six
4. The attacker nominates at least half of their platoons with no attacking teams in the defender’s table half.
to be held off the table in Reserves. These arrive from
the long table edge in their Deployment Area. Deciding Who Won
5. The defender then nominates at least half of their A player wins if the game ended because they started one
platoons to be held off the table in Delayed and of their turns holding an Objective in the ­ opponent’s
Scattered Reserves. They may then nominate Deployment Area.
one of the remaining platoons to be held in
Otherwise the defender wins. The defender has held
Immediate Ambush. The defender Deploys their
their front line and halted the attacker’s offensive.
remaining platoons.
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
6. The attacker now removes one of the Objectives
Table on page 275.
that they placed on the table.

Cauldron (Mobile Battle)
When night falls on the battlefield both sides traditionally exercise a tacit truce and rebuild their
forces, resupply, and tend to the wounded.

Your Orders
Attacker’s reserves arrive from the sides

Attacker’s reserves arrive from the sides

Defender deploys here
A massive enemy offensive has
Attacker places two
punched through the front line,
Objectives here taking up positions amongst yours
during the night. You must attack
immediately to restore the situation.

No Man’s Land DEFENDER

You have pushed through the front
lines during the night and taken
Attacker uses Random Deployment.
vital ground from the enemy. Now,
On a roll of 5 or 6 they choose with dawn breaking, you must form
which quarter to deploy in
a solid defence against the inevitable
Defender’s reserves arrive here counterattack and hold your gains.

Mission Special Rules 8. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that
are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams,
Cauldron uses the Immediate Ambush (page 267),

•   Cauldron   •
starting with the defending player.
Prepared Positions (page 264), Reserves (page 268),
Delayed Reserves (page 269), and Random
Beginning the Battle
Deployment (page 261) special rules.
1. The defender places the platoon they held in
Preparing for Battle Immediate Ambush.
1. The defending player chooses the long table side 2. Starting with the attacker, both players make
where they will defend. Their Deployment Area Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
is this half of the table excluding the area within teams they have on table.
20”/50cm of the side table edges. 3. The defending player has the first turn.
2. The attacking player places two Objectives in the 4. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
defender’s Deployment Area at least 4”/10cm from may begin the game Dug In.
the centre line of the table, at least 8”/20cm from
long table edge and at least 24”/60cm from the Ending the Battle
short table edges. The battle ends on or after turn six when either:
3. The defender nominates at least half of their • the attacker has Taken any of the Objectives at the
platoons to be held in Delayed Reserve. These will start of their turn, or
arrive on the opposite table edge. • the defending player starts their turn with no attack-
4. The defender may hold one platoon in Immediate ing teams within 16”/40cm of either Objective.
5. The defender deploys the remaining platoons. Deciding Who Won
6. The attacker must nominate at least half of their The attacker wins if the game ended because they started
platoons to be held in Reserve. These will arrive one of their turns holding an objective. The enemy
from either short table edge. The attacking player penetration has been neutralized and the defensive
may choose which edge each platoon will arrive line held.
from when it arrives from Reserves. Otherwise the defender wins. All enemy counterattacks
7. Any remaining platoons are deployed using the have been held off and the enemy force ‘written down,’
Random Deployment special rules. bringing a major breakthrough that much closer.
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
Table on page 175.

Breakthrough (Mobile Battle)
A widely-stretched front has forced the defenders into a hedgehog defence. The attacker has sent a flanking
force through the gaps between the defended positions while launching a frontal assault to pin the enemy.

Defender’s reserves Your Orders

arrive in first 16”/40cm
of long table edge
Attacker deploys here 8“/20cm The enemy does not have sufficient
strength to cover the entire front. You

Centre line
Defender deploys here must seize one of the objectives, either
by direct assault, or with a cunning
No Man’s Land 8“/20cm
flank attack.
Centre line
8“/20cm DEFENDER
No Man’s Land
Your reconnaissance troops report a
8“/20cm Attacker places 8“/20cm
strong attack force moving around
Defender deploys here
two objectives your flank while another strong force
here is massing for a frontal attack. You
Defender’s reserves Attacker’s reserves must secure the objectives and drive
arrive in first 16”/40cm 8“/20cm arrive in first 24”/60cm
of long table edge of long table edge the enemy back.

Mission Special Rules 9. Both players now Deploy any Warrior teams that
•   Breakthrough   •

are not part of a platoon and all Independent teams,

Breakthrough uses the Delayed Reserves (page 269),
starting with the defending player.
Mobile Reserves (page 269), and Prepared Positions
(page 264) special rules.
Beginning the Battle
Preparing for Battle 1. Starting with the defender, both players make
1. Mark the centre of the table so that the table Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
quarters are obvious to both players. teams they have on table.
2. The defending player chooses two diagonally- 2. The attacking player has the first turn.
opposite table quarters as their Deployment Areas. 3. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
3. The attacker then chooses one of the remaining may begin the game Dug In.
table quarters. Their Deployment Area is all of this
table quarter that is more than 8”/20cm from both Ending the Battle
table centre lines. The battle ends on or after turn six when either:
4. The attacker places two Objectives in the final table • the attacking player has Taken any of the Objectives
quarter. They must be at least 8”/20cm from the at the start of their turn, or
table centre lines and edges. • the defending player starts their turn with no attack-
5. The defender Deploys any or all of their platoons ing teams within 16”/40cm of either Objective.
using the Mobile Reserves special rule.
6. All remaining platoons are held off the table in Deciding Who Won
Reserve. The troops held in Reserves will arrive The attacker wins if the game ended because they
along the long table edges in their Deployment started one of their turns holding an Objective. They
Areas within 16”/40cm of the table corner. have broken through, deep behind the enemy line.
7. The attacker must hold at least one platoon, and Otherwise the defender wins. The breakthrough has
may hold up to half of their platoons, off table to been cut off and the front lines held.
make a flank attack as Delayed Reserves. The troops
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
held in Delayed Reserves will arrive along the long
Table on page 275.
table edge within 24”/60cm of the corner in the
quarter containing the Objectives.
8. The attacker now Deploys the rest of their force.

Counterattack (Mobile Battle)
The enemy is making a counterattack to relieve their cut off comrades. Complete the encirclement
and ensure the destruction of the trapped enemy troops.

Defender’s Your Orders

arrive within ATTACKER
Attacker deploys here 8“/20cm 16”/40cm of The enemy have found a weak point
the corner
in your encirclement. They are

Centre line
No Man’s Land
launching a counterattack to link up
with their surrounded comrades. You
8“/20cm No Man’s Land
Centre line
must close the gap before they can
make the link up.
8“/20cm Defender deploys here No Man’s Land 8“/20cm
You are expecting a relieving force at
8“/20cm Defender places 8“/20cm 8“/20cm Attacker places 8“/20cm
any moment. You must exploit the
One objective here One objective here
weakness in the enemy encirclement
and link up with them. Prevent the
8“/20cm 8“/20cm enemy from taking their objectives
and completing the encirclement.

Mission Special Rules 9. Both players now place any Warrior teams that are

•   Counterattack   •
not part of a platoon and all Independent teams
Counterattack uses the Ambush (page 266), Mobile
starting with the defender.
Reserves (page 269), Prepared Positions (page 264),
and Reserves (page 268) special rules.
Beginning the Battle
Preparing for Battle 1. Starting with the defender, both players make
1. Mark the centre point of the table so that the table Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce
quarters are obvious to both players. teams they have on table.
2. The defender chooses a table quarter as their 2. The attacking player has the first turn.
Deployment Area. Their reserves will arrive from 3. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons
the diagonally opposite quarter. may begin the game Dug In.
3. The attacker chooses one of the table quarters on
the other diagonal to deploy in. Their Deployment Ending the Battle
Area is all of this table quarter that is more than The battle ends on or after turn six when either:
8”/20cm from both table centre lines. • the attacking player has Taken any of the Objectives
4. The defender places one Objective in their at the start of their turn, or
Deployment Area at least 8”/20cm from both centre • the defending player starts their turn with no attack-
lines and at least 8”/20cm from any table edge. ing teams within 16”/40cm of either Objective.
5. The attacker then places one Objective in the table
quarter opposite their Deployment Area at least Deciding Who Won
8”/20cm from both table centre lines and 8”/20cm
The attacker wins if the game ended because they started
from any table edge.
one of their turns holding an Objective. The attacker
6. The defender Deploys any or all of their platoons has prevented the defender from linking up with the
using the Mobile Reserves special rule. One of the encircled force.
platoons to be Deployed may be held in Ambush.
Otherwise the defender wins. The defender has broken
7. All remaining platoons are held off the table in the encirclement, freeing the trapped troops.
Reserve. The troops held in Reserves will arrive
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
within 16”/40cm of the table corner opposite their
Table on page 275.
Deployment Area.
8. The attacker then Deploys their entire force.

No Man’s Land (Trench Warfare)
All is quiet in your fortified sector of the line. It seems like a good time to send out a patrol and see what the
enemy is up to.
Attacker’s reserves arrive here Your Orders
Left Half Right Half ATTACKER
Attacker deploys here Tonight’s patrol ran into a strong
enemy patrol. Reinforce them and
No Man’s Land secure the objective.
8“/20cm Defender places 8“/20cm
One objective here
Attacker deploys
6“/15cm DEFENDER
Patrol here
Centre line Push the enemy out of No Man’s
Defender deploys Land and hold your objective.
Patrol here 8“/20cm Attacker places 8“/20cm
One objective here
No Man’s Land
Mission Special Rules
No Man’s Land uses the Dark­
Defender deploys here ness (page 273), Delayed Reserves
Left Half Right Half (page 269), No Man’s Land
Defender’s reserves arrive here Patrol (page 271), and Over the
Wire (page 271) special rules.

Preparing for Battle 10. The first player then places their Patrol on their
•   No Man’s Land   •

side of the table in the same half as they placed the

1. Both players must field a Fortified Company.
Objective, within 6”/15cm of the centre line and at
2. Both players roll a die with the higher score choosing least 8”/20cm from the dividing line between the
a long table edge to attack from. The defender has left and right halves.
the opposite table half. The players’ Deployment
11. The other player then places their Patrol in the same
Areas are their halves of the table excluding the area
manner in the opposite half.
within 12”/30cm of the centre line.
12. Again starting with the defender, both players
3. Starting with the defender, both players place all of
Deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of a
their Fortifications (but not their Obstacles).
platoon and all Independent teams in any Trench
4. Again starting with the defender, both players place Lines in their Deployment Area.
all of their Obstacles in the opponent’s table half
using the Over The Wire mission special rule. Beginning the Battle
5. Starting with the defender, both players Deploy 1. The entire battle is fought in Darkness.
their Fortified Platoons. All remaining platoons are
2. Both players roll a die. The defender adds +1 to
held in Delayed Reserve, arriving anywhere along
their roll. The player with the higher result has the
the long table edge in their own Deployment Area.
first turn.
6. Starting with the attacker, both players nominate
one platoon to be their Patrol using the No Man’s Ending the Battle
Land Patrol special rule, and remove it from The battle ends when:
the table.
• a player starts their turn having Taken the Objective
7. Divide the table into left and right halves across placed by the opposing player.
both Deployment Areas at right angles to the
centre line. Deciding Who Won
8. Both players roll another die. The player with the The player that took an Objective wins the battle. They
higher score chooses the left or right half to place have established their dominance over No Man’s Land.
their Objective and Patrol. They place an Objective
Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points
on the opposing side of the table at least 8”/20cm
Table on page 275.
from the dividing line between the left and right
halves, and at least 8”/20cm from the table edges. No Man’s Land is a Fair Fight, so if neither win the
battle, use the There are No Draws rule on page 275 to
9. The other player then places an Objective in the
determine each player’s Victory Points.
same manner in the opposite half.


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