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Anesthesiology Clin N Am

21 (2003) 111 – 125

Obstetric emergencies
Chantal Crochetière, MD, FRCP(C)
Department of Anesthesiology, Sainte-Justine Hospital, University of Montreal,
3175 Côte-Ste-Catherine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3T 1C5

Many anesthesiologists fear obstetric emergencies because they represent one

of the most extreme challenges in the profession. Obstetric emergencies can be
life threatening to the mother-to-be, the fetus, or both, bleeding can be cat-
astrophic, and timely intervention is important. This article focuses on common
and some less common critical obstetric events in which the anesthesiologist
plays an important role. These events include obstetric hemorrhage, fetal
compromise, and special situations, such as pregnancy-induced hypertension
(PIH), difficult airway, morbid obesity, and maternal cardiac arrest.

Obstetric hemorrhage
Hemorrhage is the underlying causative factor in at least 25% of maternal
deaths in industrialized and underdeveloped countries [1]. The incidence may be
increasing mainly because of the increased rate of cesarean section and the
complications that ensue (previa, accreta, and vaginal birth after cesarean).
A better understanding of the causes and management of obstetric hemorrhage
is a valuable guide to adequate resuscitation. Maternal physiology is well
prepared for hemorrhage, with an increase in blood volume of approximately 1
to 2 L (estimated blood volume = 6 L), a hypercoagulable state, and the ‘‘tour-
niquet’’ effect of uterine contractions on the blood vessels. Blood loss can occur
rapidly, however, because the gravid uterine blood flow is in the order of 600
to 900 mL/min. Resuscitation can be inadequate because of an underestimation
of blood loss that is often partially or completely covert and difficult to mea-
sure. Maternal response to bleeding can be misleading because vital signs may
remain near normal until more than 30% of blood volume is lost, and tachy-
cardia can be attributed to pregnancy, stress, pain, and delivery. Pregnant women
also have an increased susceptibility to develop disseminated intravascular co-
agulopathy [2].

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112 C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125

Causes of maternal hemorrhage are classified by their timing of occurrence.

Causes of antepartum hemorrhage (4% of pregnancies) [3] include placenta
previa, abruptio placenta, and uterine rupture. Postpartum hemorrhage (10% of
deliveries) [4] can be defined as a blood loss after delivery of more than 500 mL,
any amount of blood loss that threatens the woman’s hemodynamic stability, or
a 10% decrease in hematocrit from admission. Causes of early postpartum
hemorrhage (first 24 hours) include uterine atony, genital lacerations, retained
placenta, and uterine inversion. The causes of postpartum hemorrhage can
be thought of as the four Ts: tone, tissue, trauma, and thrombin [5]. Parturients
with antepartum hemorrhage are also at risk for postpartum bleeding. Different
causes and management are discussed by order of frequency of occurrence
(Table 1).

Genital tract lacerations

Genital trauma always must be eliminated first if the uterus is firm in a
bleeding postpartum parturient. Genital lacerations are a common cause of
bleeding but rarely result in massive bleeding unless large vessels are involved
or if the bleeding occurs after the patient has been transferred to the postpartum
unit. Rarely, bleeding from genital tract lacerations extends into the retro-
peritoneal space. Retroperitoneal hematomas are dangerous because they can
become large and develop insidiously, and treatment often requires exploratory
laparotomy, blood transfusion, and possibly a hysterectomy [6].

Uterine atony
Uterine atony is the most common cause of significant obstetric bleeding; it may
occur alone or in association with placenta previa, placental abruption, or retained
placenta. Atony is the most common complication that leads to blood trans-
fusion. Many factors are associated with uterine atony: multiple gestation, macro-
somia, polyhydramnios, high parity, prolonged labor, excessive use of oxytocin,
and chorioamnionitis. An atonic uterus may contain up to 1 L of blood.
Although hemorrhage is common, life-threatening hemorrhage is less fre-
quent. Each hospital should have a protocol for the management of a bleeding

Table 1
Obstetric hemorrhage
Cause Incidence Timing
Genital tract lacerations 1:8 Postpartum
Uterine atony 1:20 – 1:50 Postpartum
Abruptio placenta 1:80 – 1:150 Antepartum
Retained placenta 1:100 – 1:160 Postpartum
Placenta previa 1:200 Antepartum/postpartum
Placenta accreta 1:2000 – 1:2500 Antepartum/postpartum
Uterine rupture 1:2300 Antepartum/postpartum
Uterine inversion 1:6400 Postpartum
C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125 113

parturient [7]. Because timing is of the essence, all members of the obstetric team
should be familiar with the protocol (Box 1).
The key to eliminating the need for a hysterectomy is the immediate and
aggressive use of uterotonic drugs. Oxytocin (40 U/L) infused under pressure is
the first-line drug. Higher concentrations might provoke hemodynamic instability
and fluid overloading (antidiuretic effect). Oxytocin has an immediate effect, so
there should not be more than a few minutes delay in adding other drugs if rapid
improvement in uterine tone does not occur. 15-Methyl prostaglandin F2a
(Hemabate) 250 mg, preferably used as an intramyometrial injection for a faster
onset than with intramuscular use, is currently the second choice in many
hospitals. Hemabate may succeed in controlling hemorrhage when all other
treatments have failed [8]. Intravenous administration is not recommended in
North America. Hemabate should be used with caution in a parturient with
asthma because it has the potential to cause bronchoconstriction and intra-
pulmonary shunting [9]. Doses may be repeated every 15 minutes but should
not exceed a total dose of 2 mg.
Ergonovine (an ergot alkaloid), 0.2 mg intramuscularly, can be used when intra-
myometrial Hemabate is contraindicated. Ergonovine, given as an intramuscular
injection, has a faster onset (a few minutes) when compared to Hemabate.
Ergonovine is contraindicated in patients with hypertension (chronic or PIH)
and coronary artery disease. The onset is immediate if the intravenous route is
chosen, but the dose should be fractionated (0.06 mg at a time). Cases of myo-
cardial infarction and cardiac arrest have been described after the use of ergot
derivatives [10].

Box 1. Bleeding parturient management

 Provide early diagnosis, treat the cause
 Follow general principles of resuscitation (airway,
breathing, circulation)
 Call for help
 Begin second large-bore intravenous line
 Order blood tests (hemoglobin, coagulation screen,
 Order blood (hematology consultation?)
 Provide crystalloid/colloid (pentastarch) to maintain isovolemia
 Start high-pressure infusion system
 Begin arterial line (serial hemoglobins, coagulation studies)
 Provide air warming blanket
 Provide autotransfusion device?
 Begin central venous pressure line (after stabilization)
 Begin prompt treatment of clotting disorders
 Monitor urine output
 Consider use of vasopressors
114 C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125

Uterine massage, arterial embolization, or laparotomy may be necessary to

control hemorrhage from an atonic uterus. Uterine packing, an ‘‘old fashioned’’
treatment, seems to be making a come back and should be considered for
stabilizing a bleeding patient or a patient with disseminated intravascular coagu-
lopathy [11,12]. Amniotic fluid embolism may present as uterine atony without
pulmonary symptoms. In that situation, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
is the predominant problem, and treatment with blood products should be ag-
gressive [13]. Uterine exploration or laparotomy in a bleeding parturient may be
necessary. Anesthetic considerations are summarized in box 2.
General anesthesia is mandatory when the patient needs a laparotomy or is
hemodynamically unstable. One should be prepared for massive bleeding because
hysterectomy may be the final treatment. One may have to consider total
intravenous anesthesia during general anesthesia because all volatile agents [14]
may worsen uterine atony. Regional anesthesia may be an option in a stable patient
who needs uterine or genital tract exploration but the anesthesiologist needs at
least a T7 block if manual uterine exploration is likely. Sedation is less than ideal
because a thorough examination of the genital tract, including uterine exploration,
is a painful procedure. In a patient at risk for aspiration, sedation may cause the
loss of protective airway reflexes in the immediate postpartum period.

Abruptio placenta
Placental abruption is defined as separation of the placenta from the decidua
basalis before delivery of the fetus. Associated conditions are hypertension
(chronic or PIH), premature rupture of membranes, previous abruption, high
parity, smoking, cocaine abuse, trauma, and decompression of polyhydramnios.
The fetal status, the maternal hemodynamics, and the coagulation status correlate
with the degree of placental separation. Hemorrhage may be obvious or
concealed (up to 2.5 L). A concealed hematoma increases intrauterine pressure,

Box 2. Anesthesia for a postpartum bleeding parturient

General anesthesia (rapid sequence induction)
 Ketamine 1 mg/kg or etomidate 0.3 mg/kg
 Succinylcholine 1.5 mg/kg
 Volatile agents or total intravenous anesthesia
Regional anesthesia (hemodynamically stable patient, examina-
tion under anesthesia or curettage)
 T7-S4 block
 Epidural (in situ) lidocaine 2%: 10 mL ± epinephrine
 Spinal (no coagulopathy) bupivacaine 0.75%: 1 mL ± fen-
tanyl 25 g
C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125 115

and amniotic debris may be forced through open venous sinuses, provoking
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (10%). Sonographic examination is not
reliable in detecting abruptio placenta.
If the coagulation profile is normal and the woman is hemodynamically stable,
epidural analgesia can be used to control labor pain. Cesarean section is reserved
for situations such as fetal distress or heavy maternal bleeding combined with
minimal cervical dilatation. Emergency cesarean section may become necessary at
any time because further placental separation may cause fetal death. General
anesthesia is indicated for prolonged fetal bradycardia or a hemodynamically
unstable or coagulopathic parturient. Regional anesthesia may be used in less
dramatic situations, but hypotension must be treated promptly and appropriately.
During surgery, coagulopathy and uterine atony, secondary to a Couvelaire uterus,
may occur. Couvelaire uterus is the widespread extravasation of blood into the
myometrium, and it impairs uterine contraction. Hysterectomy may be required. In
cases of massive abruption, intensive resuscitation of the newborn is essential and,
if the infant is hypovolemic, blood transfusion may be lifesaving.

Retained placenta
Retained placental fragments are a leading cause of early and delayed post-
partum hemorrhage. Treatment is manual removal, and choice of anesthesia has
been discussed previously (see box). General anesthesia with any volatile agent
(1.5 –2 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC)) may be necessary for uterine
relaxation. Nitroglycerin, 50 to 250 mg intravenously or two puffs (800 mg) inhaled
[15], is clinically an effective uterine relaxant and is worth a try in any case of a
contracted uterus. Nitroglycerin neither promotes separation of an adherent
placenta nor provides analgesia. On rare occasions, a retained placenta is an
undiagnosed placenta accreta, and massive bleeding may occur during attempted
manual removal.

Placenta previa
A placenta previa occurs when placental implantation takes place in the lower
segment of the uterus in front of the fetal presentation. It varies in degree and may
be total, partial, or marginal. Risk factors include prior placenta previa, uterine
scar, advanced maternal age, and multiparity. Placenta previa accounts for one
third of antepartum bleeding but rarely puts the life of the mother or the fetus at
risk because the bleeding usually stops spontaneously. Antepartum bleeding is the
result of placental separation during cervical dilatation and lengthening of the
lower uterine segment. Diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound in more than 95% of
cases. Transvaginal sonography differentiates a marginal previa from a low-lying
placenta so a double set up examination is rarely necessary [16]. An elective
cesarean section is planned as soon as the fetus reaches maturity.
With massive blood loss and a hemodynamically unstable mother, cesarean
section under general anesthesia is the best way to deliver the infant and stabilize
116 C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125

the mother. If bleeding has stopped and the mother is hemodynamically stable,
regional anesthesia can be used after careful assessment. If one strongly suspects
a placenta accreta, it may be safer to use general anesthesia. Postpartum
hemorrhage may occur when the surgical incision goes through an anterior
placenta, there is poor contractile capacity of the implantation site (lower uterine
segment being less muscular), or there is a placenta accreta. The hypovolemic
newborn may need resuscitation.

Placenta accreta
Placenta accreta is defined as an abnormal implantation of the placenta in the
uterine wall, of which there are three types: (1) accreta vera, in which the placenta
adheres to the myometrium without invasion into the muscle, (2) increta, in
which it invades into the myometrium, and (3) percreta, in which it invades the
full thickness of the uterine wall and possibly other pelvic structures, most
frequently the bladder. After delivery, the placenta does not completely separate
and severe, life-threatening blood loss may result. The link between previous
cesarean section, placenta previa, and placenta accreta is well established [17,18].
In a patient with a previous cesarean section and a placenta previa, the risk of
accreta is 14% to 24%; this risk increases for a patient with two (23%) or three
(47%) previous cesarean sections. Unfortunately, most cases of placenta increta
and percreta require a hysterectomy. It is currently the leading cause of emer-
gency obstetric hysterectomy [19].
Preoperative diagnosis of placenta increta and percreta is usually possible
using transvaginal ultrasound in the third trimester [20]. In some patients, MRI
can evaluate the extent of invasion [21]. Preoperative placement of balloon
catheters in the hypogastric arteries (via axillary or femoral arteries) under light
sedation may prove helpful to control bleeding before hysterectomy. Massive
hemorrhage is still possible even with balloon catheters already in place because
of heavy collateral vascularization. Experienced surgeons and radiologists are
needed. The baby is delivered via a uterine incision remote from the placenta
(when possible), the placenta is left in situ, the uterus is closed, and hysterectomy
is performed after the balloon catheters are inflated.
Regional anesthesia may be appropriate in many cases of placenta previa and
repeat cesarean section, but one must remember that immediate conversion to
general anesthesia may be required. General anesthesia may be safer when an
antenatal diagnosis of placenta increta or percreta is made. Aggressive resuscitation
is required for massive hemorrhage. Manual aortic compression and vasopressors
may be needed to stabilize the patient until the hemorrhage is controlled [22].

Uterine rupture
The most frequent variety of disruption is uterine scar separation. Uterine
rupture involves separation of the old incision with possible extension and rupture
of the fetal membranes, with either all or part of the fetus extruded into the
C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125 117

peritoneal cavity. The incidence of uterine rupture has increased from less than 1%
to 3% in the last 10 years because of the increased incidence of vaginal birth after
cesarean [23,24]. The most common sign of uterine rupture is a nonreassuring
fetal heart rate pattern, with variable decelerations that may evolve into late
decelerations, bradycardia, and loss of fetal heart rate. Severe abdominal pain is
rarely a presenting symptom [25]. Uterine repair is appropriate for most cases, and
blood loss is usually moderate. Hysterectomy is rarely needed. Significant fetal
mortality and morbidity still occur because of the high possibility of anoxia;
prompt response is vital. Physicians or neonatologists should be immediately
available to resuscitate the newborn [26]. General anesthesia is mandatory for
cases with fetal compromise or maternal hemodynamic instability.

Uterine inversion
An atonic uterus and an open cervix allow the uterus to ‘‘turn inside out’’
through the birth canal. Fundal pressure and inappropriate traction on the umbilical
cord to hasten placental delivery contribute to uterine inversion. Prompt reposi-
tioning of the uterus is mandatory and if this fails, transfer to the operating room
should be immediate because blood loss may be rapid. Administration of general
anesthesia (with endotracheal intubation and a volatile halogenated agent) is the
most proven method for producing the uterine relaxation needed for reduction of
the inversion. Case reports suggest that nitroglycerin may obviate the need for
general anesthesia [27,28]. Nitroglycerin may be tried but should not delay the
induction of general anesthesia. Fluid resuscitation should take place at the same
time. Once the uterus is replaced, all medications that cause uterine relaxation
should be stopped. Uterotonic treatment should be started to prevent uterine atony.

Fetal compromise

Excluding premature infants, up to 23% of cases of cerebral palsy are related
to intrapartum asphyxia [29]. The consequences of unrecognized or poorly
managed emergencies can be devastating. A well-coordinated team that consists
of an anesthesiologist, obstetrician, neonatologist/pediatrician, and nurses is one
of the most important elements in the care of a compromised fetus. There must be
uniform agreement on the terms used to describe the fetus at risk.
The American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists (ACOG) has
suggested that the term ‘‘fetal distress’’ be replaced with the term ‘‘nonreassuring
fetal status,’’ which describes the clinician’s interpretation [30]. Clinicians rely on
indirect parameters such as fetal heart rate, fetal acid-base status, and, more
recently, fetal pulse oximetry. All of these parameters are subject to interpretation.
Nonreassuring status describes compromised fetal gas exchange (asphyxia) and,
at the extreme, there can be a complete cessation of fetal gas exchange (ie, fetal
118 C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125

anoxia). Complete cord occlusion, sustained bradycardia, uterine rupture, and

ongoing tetanic uterine contractions are examples of complete cessation of gas
exchange (anoxia). Fetal anoxia can be lethal in less than 10 minutes [31]. All
hospitals need a well-planned emergency protocol to distinguish the different
kinds of ‘‘unplanned’’ or ‘‘emergency’’ cesarean sections to help delineate an
optimal time frame for delivery.

In utero resuscitation
Before deciding on an intervention (forceps, cesarean section) the obstetrician
or the anesthesiologist or both should ensure that in utero fetal resuscitation has
been attempted. Supplemental oxygen to the mother, adequate maternal position-
ing, discontinuation of oxytocin, normalization of blood pressure, and tocolysis
in cases of uterine hypertonus are all effective maneuvers. These steps may allow
a fetus to deliver vaginally if delivery is imminent or give time to induce
anesthesia for cesarean section less urgently (non-stat). If these measures are not
rapidly effective, the parturient should be transferred to the operating room for
operative delivery.

Choice of anesthesia
It is critical that the obstetrician communicate the severity of the fetal heart
rate abnormality to the anesthesiologist (Table 2). If fetal anoxia is presumed
(prolonged bradycardia, cord prolapse with bradycardia, uterine rupture, maternal
hemodynamic instability), delivery should take place as soon as possible (stat).
There is less than 10 minutes between the onset of fetal anoxia and permanent
fetal brain damage [31]. Rapid sequence induction of general anesthesia is

Table 2
Anesthesia for fetal compromise
Rapid history
Clear antacid (sodium citrate)
100% O2 for 3 – 5 min or 4 vital capacity breaths
Continue to monitor fetal heart rate
Airway evaluation
Optimal maternal positioning (left uterine displacement and airway)
Check the intravenous line

Regional General
Epidural extension Induction when surgeon ready to start
15 – 20 mL 2% lidocaine + epi 1/200 000 or Ketamine 1 mg/kg or
20 – 30 mL 3% 2-chloroprocaine Thiopentone 4 – 6 mg/kg
1 – 2 mg/kg fentanyl Succinylcholine 1.5 mg/kg
Spinal Cricoid pressure
12 – 15 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine 02 – 100% until delivery
15 mg fentanyl (optional) Volatile agent: 1 – 1.5 MAC
0.1 – 0.2 mg morphine (optional)
Abbreviation: MAC, minimum alveolar concentration.
C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125 119

preferred for most cases of stat cesarean section. The mother’s life should not be
endangered if the fetus is compromised, however. If general anesthesia is
contraindicated, regional anesthesia or, rarely, local anesthetic infiltration is more
appropriate [32]. Continuing internal fetal monitoring until delivery allows
ongoing assessment [33]. Delivery of the scalp electrode, along with the infant,
should not increase the risk of maternal infection [34].
Regional anesthesia is the preferred anesthetic technique for pregnant women
and can be used in most cases of emergency cesarean section (dystocia, variable
decelerations with recovery, failed forceps). Epidural analgesia for labor should
be encouraged in patients at high risk for operative delivery (multiple gestations,
PIH, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, macrosomia, intra-uterine growth retardation
(IUGR)). Preservation of uterine blood flow gives the fetus the best chance to
survive with the fewest sequelae. To achieve this, maternal positioning should be
optimal, hypotension should be aggressively prevented and treated with appro-
priate vasopressors, increased uterine venous pressure from uterine hypertonus
should be treated, and adequate anesthesia must be administered to prevent an
increase in catecholamines.

Neonatal resuscitation
Each hospital should decide who is responsible for neonatal resuscitation.
Ideally this decision does not include the anesthesiologist, because there are
situations when the anesthesiologist is unavailable to take care of the baby.
Nevertheless, anesthesiologists who work in obstetrics should reassess their
knowledge of neonatal resuscitation regularly.

Special considerations
Occasionally the anesthesiologist is confronted with a parturient with an
‘‘explosive’’ combination of risk factors, such as a difficult airway, PIH, morbid
obesity, other medical conditions, and an obstetric emergency. Ideally, a woman
with medical problems has been seen in consultation in the antepartum period;
otherwise, a consultation should be arranged as soon as she is admitted to
hospital. Epidural anesthesia during labor must be encouraged in patients with
potential complications. The patient and her obstetrician should understand that a
mother’s life should not be jeopardized to save a compromised fetus.

Difficult airway
Anesthesiologists must have a plan for the parturient at risk for difficult or
failed intubation. The incidence of failed intubation is higher in the obstetric
population than in the general population. Many authors have estimated the
incidence as between 1:250 and 1:750 [35,36]. Fortunately, failed ventilation by
mask is rarer than failed intubation. Pharyngolaryngeal edema, weight gain,
enlarged breasts, full dentition, and the urgency of the situation place the
120 C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125

parturient at increased risk for difficult intubation. Careful preoperative evalu-

ation is essential because deterioration in airway status may occur during labor
[37]. The Mallampati classification used alone is imprecise. If combined with
other predictors of difficult airway criteria (thyromental distance, neck exten-
sion), the specificity and sensitivity of the preoperative assessment are improved
[38]. Optimal maternal position (sniffing) should be achieved in every patient
before induction, even for a stat cesarean section. In obstetrics, the first attempt at
intubation should be the best attempt. Assistants should be trained to apply
cricoid pressure. Should intubation attempts fail and there is no fetal compromise
or other obstetric emergency, the patient should be awakened. Once the patient is
awake, regional anesthesia or awake intubation can be performed.
When general anesthesia is given for fetal compromise and the patient cannot
be intubated but mask ventilation with cricoid pressure is adequate, the anes-
thesiologist should call for help and proceed with the case. When the lungs can be
ventilated easily with a face mask after a failed intubation, the laryngeal mask
airway offers little advantage [39]. The laryngeal mask airway may promote
gastric regurgitation and may prevent escape of regurgitated stomach contents
from the pharynx, which ‘‘provokes’’ pulmonary aspiration. Surgery can start
when the patient is well anesthetized using a volatile agent in 100% oxygen. The
surgeon can provide local anesthetic infiltration while the anesthesiologist deep-
ens anesthesia. Fundal pressure and uterine exteriorization should be avoided.
If a parturient cannot be intubated or ventilated by mask, one must provide
oxygen rapidly to the patient. An esophageal-tracheal combitube, a laryngeal
mask airway, and a percutaneous cricothyrotomy kit should be readily available.
As a last resort, a surgical cricothyrotomy should be performed. Anesthesiologists
are encouraged to familiarize themselves with various airway devices in the event
of a difficult airway. Cesarean section should wait until the patient is stabilized. In
this situation, the anesthesiologist is unable to attend to the neonate, so another
physician should be called or the obstetrician should resuscitate the baby.

Pregnancy-induced hypertension
A high proportion of patients with PIH and adverse criteria (ie, severe
preeclampsia) need anesthesia for cesarean section for fetal indications (pre-
maturity, IUGR, breech) and, less often, because of rapid deterioration of the
mother. Most of the time, a stat cesarean section is not required, so one has a few
minutes to prepare. Epidural analgesia is advantageous in women with severe
preeclampsia because it increases uteroplacental blood flow [40] and improves
maternal blood pressure control during painful contractions [41]. If the patient
does not have an epidural, she should have one placed, if time permits. Spinal
anesthesia also can be used cautiously with strict attention to blood pressure
control [42]. The anesthesiologist should decide on the lowest acceptable blood
pressure before the birth of the baby. There is probably no need to aim for a blood
pressure less than 160/100. Ephedrine is still the best vasopressor, but small
incremental doses (2.5 mg) are advised to avoid rebound hypertension. Prehy-
C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125 121

dration should be limited to 1 L in patients with normal oxygen saturation and

respiratory rate. This fluid replaces the blood that is lost (minimum 300 mL)
during surgery. In some patients, neuraxial block is contraindicated because of
concurrent coagulopathy, active bleeding, or a compromised fetus.
The main goal of general anesthesia in patients with severe preeclampsia is to
prevent hemodynamic instability during intubation and extubation. An overt
hypertensive response may lead to cerebral complications. Conversely, aggres-
sive use of vasodilators in a hypovolemic, hemoconcentrated woman may
precipitate hypotension that could threaten the fetus further. The pressor response
to laryngoscopy can be reduced by the use of various medications. The
commonly used drugs are either labetalol (20 mg bolus up to 1 mg/kg) alone or
combined with nitroglycerin bolus (50 – 100 mg) or fentanyl sodium nitroprusside
(2 mg/kg) or both or remifentanil (0.1 – 0.5 mg/kg/min). Rarely, an infusion of
nitroprusside (0.1 mg/kg/min) with direct arterial monitoring is necessary.

Morbid obesity
Unfortunately, in the last decade, the number of obese (20% in excess of ideal
weight) parturients has increased in all industrialized countries. Morbid obesity is
defined as a body weight more than twice the ideal weight or body mass index
[weight/height 2 (Kg/m2)] of more than 35. In the parturient, many complications
are associated with morbid obesity, especially with android obesity (truncal
distribution of fat) [43] or excessive gestational weight gain (more than 15 kg)
[44] (Box 3). It is suggested that the increased incidence of cesarean section is
caused by anatomic distortion of the birth canal by intrapelvic, perineal, and
vaginal wall fat deposits [45].
The anesthesiologist should discuss the anesthetic implications of morbid
obesity with the obese patient and her obstetrician before labor begins. Consul-
tation with anesthesia during pregnancy is ideal but, failing that, a consultation
should be conducted on admission to the labor suite. A ‘‘stat’’ cesarean section,

Box 3. Complications associated with maternal morbid obesity

 Chronic hypertension or PIH
 Insulin-dependent diabetes
 Coronary artery disease
 Difficult airway
 Induced labor, prolonged labor, difficult delivery
 Increased primary cesarean section rate (> 50%) [51]
 Increased perinatal mortality [52]
 Pulmonary embolism
 Wound infection
 Increased maternal death [53]
122 C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125

for a compromised fetus, could prove unrealistic and dangerous for many
morbidly obese parturients.
Evaluation of the airway is most important. The cardiovascular, respiratory,
and gastrointestinal systems must be reviewed. Depending on the clinical
situation, a chest radiograph, electrocardiogram, and arterial blood gas and liver
function tests should be done. Measurement of oxygen saturation in the sitting
and supine positions provides an easy way to assess the degree of airway closure
and the potential for deterioration with further decreases in functional residual
capacity. Blood pressure should be measured with the correct size cuff; occa-
sionally an arterial line is necessary. When labor begins, reliable, peripheral
venous access should be secured; if not, a central line should be inserted. Fetal
heart rate and intensity of contractions may prove difficult to evaluate, and direct
internal monitoring is usually necessary. An appropriately sized labor bed,
operating table, and adequate personnel for transport are required.
Epidural analgesia provides numerous advantages for obese parturients,
including the flexibility to extend the block for emergency cesarean section.
There is a higher failure rate of the epidural, but reliable epidural analgesia can be
obtained in most obese parturients. The epidural catheter should be well secured.
A malpositioned catheter should be replaced early; continuous spinal analgesia is
an alternative.
Regional anesthesia should be used for cesarean section unless contraindicated
or not feasible for technical reasons. An H2 blocker, metoclopramide, and sodium
citrate should be given before induction of anesthesia, even if regional anesthesia is
planned. Access to the airway and comfort are facilitated greatly by careful
positioning of the parturient. Epidural, spinal, combined spinal-epidural, or
continuous spinal anesthesia can be used depending on the clinical situation.
Hypotension should be treated promptly, and one must remember to displace
adequately the uterus and the panniculus. Intraoperative fetal death has been
reported in a parturient with an epidural, probably secondary to hypotension caused
by retraction of a large panniculus [46]. Local anesthetic requirements are decreased
in all pregnant women; further diminution of doses in obese parturients is not
recommended because of the serious consequences of unsatisfactory anesthesia
[47]. The level of anesthesia must be tested carefully and must be adequate before
surgery starts. Sedation for the obese parturient requires extreme vigilance.
If general anesthesia is ‘‘inevitable’’ and a difficult airway is anticipated, the
airway should be secured either by awake direct laryngoscopy and intubation or
awake fiberoptic intubation. The alternative is for the surgeon to use local
anesthetic infiltration, provided that he or she is familiar with the technique.
Ventilation by mask may prove difficult or impossible in a morbidly obese patient.
If the airway appears favorable, after 3 to 5 minutes of denitrogenation, rapid
sequence induction with thiopentone, 4 to 6 mg/kg ideal body weight (maximum
500 mg), and succinylcholine, 1 to 1.5 mg/kg of total body weight (maximum
200 mg), should give good intubation conditions. If the patient cannot be intubated
or mask ventilated, a laryngeal mask airway or a combitube should be inserted
rapidly; cricothyrotomy may prove difficult to accomplish in obese patients.
C. Crochetière / Anesthesiology Clin N Am 21 (2003) 111–125 123

Appropriate analgesia, supplemental oxygen, O2 saturation monitoring, pul-

monary physiotherapy, prophylactic heparin, and early mobilization may help
prevent postoperative complications.

Maternal cardiac arrest

Fortunately, the need for cardiac resuscitation of a parturient is infrequent
(1:30,000) [48]. The incidence of cardiac arrest may be increasing because of
advanced maternal age, survival of women with medical conditions, and the use
of cocaine [49]. Pulmonary embolism, cardiac disease, hemorrhage, PIH,
hypoxia, hypotension, drug overdose, sepsis, and trauma are some of the causes.
Standard resuscitative measures and procedures should be used without modi-
fication, remembering that it is essential to maintain left uterine displacement
during resuscitation. After 20 weeks of gestation, aortocaval compression may
prevent adequate resuscitation, so cesarean section should be initiated within
5 minutes of cardiac arrest to achieve the most favorable outcome for the mother
and her newborn [50]. Open cardiac massage by an experienced surgeon should
be considered if cesarean section fails to improve the maternal condition.
Cardiopulmonary bypass can be lifesaving in rare situations (massive embolism)
but is not a standard of care. Cesarean section should be attempted, even if more
than 5 minutes has passed, because many newborns with a normal outcome have
been delivered 11 to 15 minutes after maternal cardiac arrest [50].

Obstetric hemorrhage is still a significant cause of maternal morbidity and
mortality. Prevention, early recognition, and prompt intervention are the keys to
minimizing complications. Resuscitation can be inadequate because of under-
estimation of blood loss and misleading maternal response. A young woman may
maintain a normal blood pressure until sudden and catastrophic decompensation
occurs. All members of the obstetric team should know how to manage
hemorrhage because timing is of the essence. Good communication with the
blood bank ensures timely release of appropriate blood products.
A well-coordinated team is one of the most important elements in the care of a
compromised fetus. If fetal anoxia is presumed, there is less than 10 minutes to
permanent fetal brain damage. Antepartum anesthesia consultation should be
encouraged in parturients with medical problems.

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