This Is Maharishi's Beautiful Comment On Mahalakshmi... Very Timely For This Auspicious Occasion... DIVALI Day...

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This is Maharishi's beautiful comment on

Mahalakshmi...very timely for this auspicious

occasion...DIVALI day....

... Maha Lakshmi... the first syllable is Maha. Maha,

great. And this great in the context of education is

the characteristic of consciousness.

This Maha is the goal of anyone who is not yet Maha.

So, Maha goal is the meaning of the word Laksha...
Laksha means the goal (Maha means unbounded, infinite,
immortal, eternal, Brahm, Totality, whole).

Maha is the goal of that which is not Maha. The goal

of Maha is to swing in his greatness. It should be a
living reality.

That the unbounded does not remain only silent. But in

that silence, there should be lively all
possibilities. So, the Laksha, the goal, the goal of
Maha is to have many in its unified wholeness.

And the goal of that what is not Maha, the goal of

small is to be big and the goal of big is to swing in
its own expressions.

Infinity wants to flow from one end of infinity to the

other end of infinity and it s flowing, it divides
itself, it quantifies itself, it qualifies itself.

So it is the qualification which makes one look to the

goal. Small wants to qualify itself into as big as
possible. The big wants to qualify itself as the
field of all possibilities from this end to that end.

Maha is a goal and MI is a very, very significant word

which is made of two values, MA and I. When we look to
MA, naturally it is me, the first to the self, ME,
even in English me, but in the Vedic terminology MI we
understand as total value of all four Vedas. MA, what
MA is, it s the HUM, Hummm.

Agnim-m-m. Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharva. Then Atharva is

a Hum. Hum of all the four Vedas... Agni, it s a
collapse of all the progression of all the Vedas into
a Hum.

Hum means the total values of all sounds; all

sounds are inherent in Hum. And in that Hum which is
focused on a point, that reality of the point is then
transformed into dynamism, which is represented by I.

So, Maha Lakshmi this is the total Veda, concentrated

into the Hum and made dynamism. Here is concentration
at a point, which then in its nature is all dynamism.

So, in the word Maha Lakshmi we have that enormous,

unbounded, total, infinite, eternal immortality
expressed in all the Vedas and found located in a

And then expanding a point in infinity, and dynamism

again into Maha. So, here is the total __expression of
the Veda, total __expression of pure knowledge.

Along with its infinite organising power in one point

concentrating and expanding. This point value, this is
Maha Lakshmi...

So, the element of Maha Lakshmi is a composite of two

values of opposite directions. Focal point and
expanding in its nature, this is called Anyonyabhava.

It has two kinds of directions, coming in, expanding

and going out... So, the Laksha, the goal of expanding
value is to concentrate.

The goal of concentrated value is to expand. And here

is the seed of Maha. This is Maha Lakshmi, at the
point, which is both, expansion and contraction,
infinite potential of the expansion element we could
see along with infinite expansion of contraction

That means no matter where the situation is, there is

all possibility, no matter at what level we are
considering or at any level of contraction or at any
level of expansion, here or here, at any level is Maha
There is a field of all possibilities and the field of
all possibilities in each cell is a concentrated point
of silence within the quality of infinite dynamism.
Silence and dynamism, that means completely fulfilled
of wakefulness.

Completely fulfilled because it is not devoid of

anything. Infinite silence concentrated, infinite
dynamism concentrated and therefore it is eternal
state of fulfilment.

It is a fulfilment of eternal value. Fulfilment of

immortal value because there is a field of all
possibilities and in this field of all possibilities
is the element of fulfilment, infinite bliss.

Infinite bliss is a quality of fulfilment and

fulfilment the quality of lack of lack. Devoid of

It is all fullness, completely fulfilled,

self-sufficient infinity, eternity, capable of flowing
in terms of waves, modified, qualified and still
remaining unqualified at all time.

Unqualified qualified fulfilment, that means it is

unmanifest total potential of all qualifications that
may be thought or desired.

Maha Lakshmi is an element of all possibilities,

completely self-sufficient at any time,
and any place. It is the total potential of all

In the __expression of prosperity, the __expression of

growing prosperity, it is not stagnant prosperity it s
growing prosperity, growing and growing and growing.
Growing up to what?

Beyond the capability of growth it grows and grows and

grows. This is what is materialised in the
ever-expanding universe. So, this ever-expanding value
of universe and in every step of progress there is a
wave of happiness, wave of happiness. Progress means
successive waves of happiness. Progress is
always progressive.

So, Maha Lakshmi is a basic of all progress, it is

so self-sufficient in its self interacting dynamics
that it creates and creates and creates itself in
terms of infinite variety.

This is the progressive fulfilling Nature of Maha

Lakshmi. And in this fulfilling Nature of Maha
Lakshmi, because everything is growing, growing
fulfilment, the progressive Ananda growing, bliss,
moving around in waves and this, what we have in this
is the power of Ananda, keeping everything

So, we say this is organising power, Maha Lakshmi is

not only the element of progress but also an element
of progress, which is always waves on this
evolutionary direction.

So, this aspect of Maha Lakshmi is called Durga,

action principle. Now, this action principle is the
characteristic of pure knowledge.

Knowledge is the characteristic of Saraswati. So, this

Saraswati is present in Maha Lakshmi. Durga is present
in Maha Lakshmi. Maha Lakshmi present at a point and
in the unbounded infinity.

So, in this what we see is the element of Maha

Lakshmi, that element is present everywhere, lively
everywhere, action everywhere, silence everywhere.

From this angle what we see is as the whole creation

is nothing other than the _expression of Maha Lakshmi...

Maryanne Lee-Hartman

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