Tutorial 1

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EE2004: Digital Signal Processing

Tutorial 1
(January 23, 2019)
1. Given a continuous-time signal specified by

1 − |t| −1 ≤ t ≤ 1
x (t) =
0 otherwise

plot the discrete-time sequence that results from uniform sampling of x (t) for the fol-
lowing sampling intervals: (a) 0.25 s, (b) 0.5 s, and (c) 1 s.
2. Determine whether the following signals are energy signals, power signals, or neither:
(a) e− at u(t), a > 0, (b) t u(t), (c) A cos(ω0 t + φ), (d) (−0.5)n u[n], (e) x [n] = u[n], (f)
2 e j3n .
3. For x (t) given below sketch and carefully label x (4 − 2t ).

✻ x (t)


−3 −2 ❅
❅ ✲

−1 1 2 3 t

4. Let x (t) = 1 for 0 < t ≤ 1. Plot y(t) = x (et ) and carefully label the important points.

5. Let x [n] = {−1, 0, 1, 2, 5} (where the arrow indicates the sample corresponding to
the index n = 0). Sketch and label carefully each of the following signals: (a) x [4 − n] ,
(b) x [n] u[2 − n] , (c) x [n − 1] δ[n − 3] , (d) x [n2 ] , (e) even part of x [2n + 1].
6. Let x [n] be a signal such that x [n] = 0 for n 6∈ {−2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. For each signal
given below determine the values of n for which it is guaranteed to be zero. (a) x [n + 4],
(b) x [−n], and (c) x [−n + 2].
x [n] + x [−n] x [n] − x [−n]
7. Let x [n] ∈ R. Define xe [n] = and xo [n] = . Define Ex =
2 2
∑ | x[n]| . It is claimed that Ex = Exe + Exo . Prove or disprove the claim.

8. Sketch the odd and even components of the following signals: (a) x (t) = 54 t for 0 ≤ t ≤
5 and zero otherwise, (b) x (t) = 4 exp(−t/2) for t ≥ 0 and zero otherwise, (c) x [n] = 1

for 0 ≤ n < 6, and (d) x [n] = {. . . , 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, . . .}.

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nπ nπ
9. Find the odd and even components of: (a) u [ n ] , (b) n u [ n ] , (c) sin 4 , (d) cos 4 , (e)
nπ nπ nπ π
sin 4 u[n], (f) cos 4 u[n], (g) cos 4 + 4 , (h) u[n + 5] − u[n − 5]

10. Let x [n] ∈ C. The conjugate even part of x (t) is defined as

xce (t) = [ x (t) + x ∗ (−t)]
xce (t) is also called as the conjugate symmetric part. Similarly, the conjugate odd part of
x (t) is defined as
xco (t) = [ x (t) − x ∗ (−t)]
xco (t) is also called as the conjugate anti-symmetric part. Note that whenever x (t) ∈
R, xce (t) = xe (t) and xco (t) = xo (t). The discrete-time counterpart definitions are
Find the conjugate symmetric and conjugate antisymmetric part of x (t) = e jt .
11. Let xe [n] and xo [n] be the even and odd parts of x [n] u[n]. Find the simplified expres-
sion of

∑ xe [n] · xo∗ [n]
n =− ∞

12. Let x1 (t) and x2 (t) be periodic signals with periods T1 and T2 . Derive the conditions
under which the sum x (t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t) is periodic. What is the fundamental period
of x (t) ?
13. Determine if each of the following signals is periodic; if yes, find the fundamental
frequency; otherwise, state the reason why it is not periodic. (a) x (t) = cos π3 t +

sin π4 t , (b) x (t) = sin2 t, (c) x (t) = cos t + sin 2t.

14. In the continuous-time framework the complex exponential has the form x (t) = est .
Its discrete-time counterpart x [n] can be thought of as the sampled version of x (t),
obtained by replacing t by nT, where T is the sampling period. Thus, an alternate form
for the discrete-time exponential is x [n] = esTn . It is easy to go from one form to the
other. Let x [n] = e−n . Express it as z0n and find z0 . Next, let x [n] = 2n . Express it in the
form ec·n and find c.

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On a computer, continuous-time signals have to be necessarily represented in sampled
form, i.e., replacing t by nT, where T is the sampling interval. A small value of T is
required to get good plots and good numerical accuracy; the sampling interval must cover
all events of interest. However, too small a value of T will result in a large number of
samples, increasing memory and storage requirements.

MATLAB and Scilab are two very powerful, easy-to-learn, software packages that
significantly help in learning concepts taught in this and more advanced courses. Their
syntax is very similar. We cannot overstate the importance of learning to use these
packages and trying out various computer exercises to fortify the ideas learnt in class.
Besides the assigned computer problems, you should explore ideas on your own.
11. Computer assignment Consider the DT exponential Re{zn } obtained by sampling the
signal Re{est } with T = 1. Using z = esT , plot Re{zn }, as well as Re{est } for reference,
over −5 ≤ n ≤ 5 for the cases s = −0.1 and s = −0.1 + j2π. Comment on the results.
12. Computer assignment Let x (t) = cos(2π f 0 t). Form x [n] = x (nT ), where T is called
the “sampling period”. Let f 0 = 50 Hz. Plot the signal x [n] versus nT for a duration of
40ms for various values of T: 125µs, 1 ms, 2 ms, and 10 ms using the default option
(which joins the individual points by straight line); repeat to get “stem” plots.
Observe what happens when you plot x [n] versus n in all these cases.
n π π n 49π π

13. Computer assignment Plot (0.9) cos 6 n − 3 and (1.1) cos 6 n − 3 for
−10 ≤ n ≤ 10.
14. Computer assignment Let x (t) = A sin(ω0 t + φ) exp(− at). Let A = 60, ω0 = 20π,
φ = 0, a = 6, and t = [0, 1] (in steps of 1 ms). Plot x (t) versus t.
15. Computer assignment
(a) The figure on the right shows two frequency 1/4
frequency 5/4
sinusoids with frequencies f 1 = 1/4 1
and f 2 = 5/4. They coincide when
t ∈ Z. Reproduce this plot.
(b) Let x (t) = cos(2π f t) where f = π 0

and T = 1 (sampling interval). Is

the sampled signal periodic? Plot it
over the interval [0, 50]. −1

0 1 2 3 4

16. Computer assignment Let x (t) = sin(2π f t), where f is some given frequency.
(a) Choose a convenient time interval and a suitable f and plot the signal.
(b) Plot the signal after time compression by a factor of 2.
(c) Plot the signal after time expansion by a factor of 2.
(d) Plot the signal after time reversal.
(e) Plot the signal after translating it by a non-zero time.

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