Lectureslides#5 Chapter#9: R Andom P R Ocesses
Lectureslides#5 Chapter#9: R Andom P R Ocesses
Lectureslides#5 Chapter#9: R Andom P R Ocesses
R andom P r ocesses
O ver view
1. Definition of a Random Process
2. Specifying a Random Process
3. Discrete-Time Processes: Sum Process,
4. Gaussian Random Processes
W hy R andom Pr ocess?
The outcome of a random experiment is a function of time or space
Time: Audio signals: voltage measured continuously by a
microphone, usually in [−5, + 5] volts.
Space: Image: collection of RGB triples that correspond to pixels.
Time and Space: Digital communication: message decoded by a
sequence of packets from many stations.
The observations are viewed as numerical quantities that are
generated in time or space
We need a family of random variables indexed by the time or space
Time: Audio signal at an instant
Space: RGB values at a pixel
Time and Space: Packet received at a certain time from a specific station
9.1 Definition of a R andom Pr ocess
Suppose that to every outcome ζ ∈ S, we assign a function of time:
9.6 iid Gaussian RVs Let X n be a sequence of iid Gaussian RVs with zero
mean and variance σ 2 . The joint pdf for any k time samples is then
1 .
exp −
1 !
= 1 exp − 2σ2
E x 9.8 Filter ed Noisy Signal
Let X j = µ + N j be a sequence of iid observations of a signal voltage µ
corrupted by zero-mean Gaussian noise N j with variance σ 2 . Consider
the signal that results from averaging the sequence of observations:
Mean , Variance : First-order statistic ( use the sample at single time instant)
Auto-covariance, Auto-Correlation: 2nd order statistic ( use the samples at two
different time instants)
9.2.2 M ean, Autocor r elation
Note that those are deterministic function of time variable t. The variance
indicates the spread of X (t) at different time instants.
The autocorrelation R X (t1 , t2 ) is defined by the joint moments:
Note that
CX (t, t) = E [{ X (t) − mX (t)} 2] = VAR [X (t)]
The correlation coefficient of X (t) is defined as that of different times:
Discr ete Indexing
For discrete-time RVs, we can use t(n) = nT for the fixed unit
interval length T > 0. Let X n = X (nT ), then
mX (n) = E[Xn ]
VAR[X(n)] = E[(Xn − mX (n))2 ]
RX (n1 , n2 ) = E[X(n1 )X(n2 )]
CX (n1 , n2 ) = E[{X(n1 ) − mX (n1 )}{X(n2 ) − mX (n2 )}]
= RX (n1 , n2 ) − mX (n1 )mX (n2 )
E x 9.9 Sinusoid with R andom Am plitude
Let X (t) = A cos 2πt, where A is a RV.
Find mean, autocorrelation, and autocovariance of X (t) in terms of the
statistical moments of A.
E x 9.10 Sinusoid with R andom Phase
Let X (t) = cos(ωt + Θ), where Θ is uniformly distributed in (−π, π).
Find mean, autocorrelation, and autocovariance of X (t) in terms of ω.
9.2.3 M ultiple R andom Pr ocesses
Joint CDF A joint cdf (or pdf) is useful to describe the joint behaviour of two
different random processes at different times, X (t1 ) and Y (t2 ):
R X ,Y (t1 , t2 ) = 0 ∀(t1 , t2 )
CX ,Y (t1 , t2 ) = 0 ∀(t1 , t2 )
E x 9.11 C r oss-covar iance of sin and cos
Let X (t) = cos(ωt + Θ) and Y (t) = sin(ωt + Θ), where Θ is uniformly
distributed in [−π, π].
Find the cross-covariance of X (t) and Y (t).
E xample 9.12 Signal Plus Noise
Suppose Y (t) consists of a desired signal X (t) plus noise N (t).
Find the cross-correlation between the observed and the desired signal
assuming that X (t) and N (t) are independent random processes.
9.3.1 IID R andom Pr ocess
Let X n be a discrete-time RP consisting of a sequence of iid RVs
with common cdf FX (x), mean m, and variance σ 2 . The sequence X
is called the iid random process, with its joint cdf:
𝑅𝑋 𝑛1 , 𝑛2 = 𝐶𝑋 𝑛1 , 𝑛2 + 𝑚2
E x 9.13 Ber noulli R andom Pr ocess
Let I n be a sequence of independent Bernoulli random variables as
shown in Figure 9.4(a).
Then I n is an iid random process taking values from { 0, 1} . It has
mean and variance
CT Variable
Transition pdf
9.3.3 Sum Pr ocesses
sum process is obtained as the sum of a sequence of iid random variables:
Sn = X 1 + X 2 + ···+ X n n = 1, 2, . . .
= Sn −1 + X n (S0 = 0)
The value at every time instant is independent of the value at all other
time instants.
E xample 9.28
Continuous-Time Gaussian Random Process
Let X (t) be a continuous-time Gaussian random process with mean
function and covariance function given by: