PROBLEMS AvogadrosLawIdealGasLawStoich

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1) If 0.950 mol of O2 has a volume of 20.0 L at some temperature and pressure, what would be the volume of 1.350
mol of O2?

n1 = 0.950 mol V1 V2
V1 = 20.0 L =
n1 n2
V2 = ?
n2 = 1.350 mol V1 n2 (20.0 L)(1.350 mol)
V2 = =
n1 0.950 mol

V2 = 28.4 L

2) If 0.500 mol N2(g) has a volume of 11.0 L at some temperature and pressure, what volume would 0.750 mol
CO2(g) have at the same temperature and pressure?

n1 = 0.500 mol N2 V1 V2
V1 = 11.0 L N2 =
n1 n2
V2 = ?
n2 = 0.750 mol CO2 V1 n2 (11.0L N2 )(0.750 mol CO2 )
V2 = =
n1 0.500 mol N2

V2 = 16.5 L CO2

3) What is the volume of a 1 mol of a gas at STP?

V=? PV = nRT
n = 1 mol
T = 273.15 K nRT (1 mol)(0.08206 mol·K )(273.15 K)
P = 1 atm V= =
P 1 atm

V = 22.41 L

4) Determine the volume of 3.30 mol of a gas at 25°C and 0.995 atm.

V=? PV = nRT
n = 3.30 mol
T = 25°C = 298 K nRT (3.30 mol)(0.08206 mol·K )(298 K)
P = 0.995 atm V= =
P 0.995 atm

V = 81.1 L

5) Determine the temperature, in °C, if 10.0 g CO2 fills a 2.35 L container at 745 torr.

T=? gRT
g = 10.0 g CO2 PV =
V = 2.35 L
1 atm PV(MM) = gRT
P = 745 torr ( ) = 0.980 atm
760 torr
PV(MM) (0.980 atm)(2.35 L)(44.01 mol )
T= = L·atm
gR (10.0 g)(0.08206 mol·K)

T = 124 K = -149°C
6) Determine the molar mass of a gas if 0.500 g of it fills a 1500. mL container at 1.02 atm and 30.5°C.

MM = ? gRT
g = 0.500 g PV =
V = 1500. mL = 1.500 L
P = 1.02 atm PV(MM) = gRT
T = 30.5°C = 303.6 K
gRT (0.500 g)(0.08206 mol·K )(303.6 K)
MM = =
PV (1.02 atm)(1.500 L)
MM = 8.14

7) For the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g), if 2.25 L H2 reacts, what volume of NH3 forms if both are at the same
temperature and pressure?

2 mol NH3
2.25 L H2 ( ) = 1.50 L NH3
3 mol H2

8) For the reaction: Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g), if 10.0 g Zn reacts at STP, what volume of H2 forms?

1 mol Zn 1 mol H2 22.4 L H2

10.0 g Zn ( )( )( ) = 3.43 L H2
65.38 g Zn 1 mol Zn 1 mol H2

9) For the reaction: CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(g), if 15.00 L of CH4 is burned with excess O2 at 23°C and
1.05 atm, what mass of H2O is produced?

Find molar V at this T and P: PV = nRT

nRT (1 mol)(0.08206 mol·K )(296 K)
V= = = 23.1 L
P 1.05 atm

1 mol CH4 2 mol H2 O 18.02 g H2 O

15.00 L CH4 ( )( )( ) = 23.4 g H2 O
23.1 L CH4 1 mol CH4 1 mol H2 O

There are basically 3 types of stoichiometry situations involving gases.

Situation What you need to do.

1) same T and P Multiply the given volume by the mole ratio between the two gases.

2) at STP Use 22.4 L as the molar V of the gas when volume is used in the calculation.

Find the molar volume for the given T and P using PV = nRT and then use that as the
3) not at STP
molar volume in the stoichiometry calculation.

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