Gas Stoichiometry

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German Chemist
It was Richter who coiled the term STOICHIOMETRY, a
tongue-twisting word that baffles students to this day.
Stoichiometry was derived from stoikheion, greek for
element and “metron”, meaning measure
Stoichiometry is the quantitative study of the
relative amounts of reactants and products in
chemical reactions; gas stoichiometry involves
chemical reaction that produce gases.
Stoichiometry is based on the law of
conversation of mass, meaning that the mass of
the reactants must be equal to the mass of the
products. This assumption can be used to solve
for unknown quantities of reactants or products.

V= nRT

 Balance The Equation

 Convert Units Of A Given Substance To Moles
 Using The Mole Ratio, Calculate The Moles Of Substance
Yielded By The Reaction.
 Convert Moles Of Wanted Substance To Desired Units
What makes gas Stoichiometry Important?

Stoichiometry allow us to make predictions about

the outcomes of chemical reactions.
 Predict the volume of a gas which will be
produced by a reaction if given the starting
amounts of reactants.
Determine the optimal ratio of reactants for a
chemical reaction so that all reactants are fully
Problem #1

 34.0 mL of a 6.0 mol sulfuric acid

solution is spilled on the floor. The acid
is neutralized by pouring sodium
hydrogen carbonate on the spilled acid.
What is the volume, in L, of the carbon
dioxide which is released? The gas
being released is at 25⁰ C and 1 atm.
Problem #1

What volume of oxygen at STP is

produced when 10.0 g of potassium
chlorate decomposes to form potassium
chloride and oxygen
First, you need to balanced chemical equation
for the reaction.
You then use the molar mass to convert grams
of potassium chlorate to moles potassium
Next the central part of the problem is to get
the molar ratio between potassium chlorate
and oxygen. This gives you the moles of
Finally, you see the molar volume to convert
moles of litres.
If the question had asks you to
find the volume of gas at some
other temperature or pressure, you
can use the Ideal Gas Law.
Suppose the question had asked
for the volume at 1.05 atm and
25⁰C .
Problem #2

What mass of potassium

chlorate is required to produce
3.00 L of oxygen at STP?
First, you need to balanced chemical equation
for the reaction
Next, you use the molar volume to convert
litres to moles.
The central part of the problem is to get the
molar ratio between potassium chlorate and
oxygen. This gives you the moles of
potassium chlorate.
You then use the molar mass to convert moles
of potassium chlorate to grams of potassium
If the question had asks you to
find the volume of gas at some
other temperature or pressure, you
can use the Ideal Gas Law.
Suppose the question gave you the
volume at 1.05 atm and 25⁰.
Problem #3

Ethylene gas burns in air

according to the following
If 13.8 L of C2H4 at 21⁰C and
1.083 atm burns completely in
oxygen, calculate the volume of
CO2 produced. Assuming the CO2
is measured at 44⁰C and 0.989
You already have the balanced chemical
equation, so your first task is to use the
Ideal the Ideal Gas Law to calculate the
moles of C2H2.
The central part of the problem is to get
the molar ratio between CO2 and C2H2.
This gives you the moles of CO2
You then use the Ideal Gas Law to
convert moles of CO2 to litres of CO2
under the new conditions
When 11.2 Liters of
Hydrogen gas is made by
adding zinc to sulfuric acid,
what mass of zinc needed?
How many moles of nitrogen
gas is needed to react with
44.8 liters of hydrogen gas to
produce ammonia gas
How many liters of NH₃ can
be produced at a
temperature of 27 degree
Celsius and a pressure of 760
torr, if 20 moles of N₂ are
How many liters of H₂ will be
required at a temperature of
300K and 3atm pressure to
consume 56 grams of N₂?
How many liters of water
vapor can be produced if 40
liters H₂ is consumed in the
above chemical reaction all
gases at the same
temperature and pressure
How many liters of NH₃ will
be produced if 10 liters of N₂
are consumed according to
the following reaction:

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