Set 4 Soal Uji Pengetahuan PPG

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Set 4 Soal Uji Pengetahuan PPG 2017


Directions: To answer questions 1 – 20, Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, D, and E
– to each question.

1. The ability to use language is supported by linguistic competence which includes four types of the
following knowledge EXCEPT ….
A. phonological knowledge
B. morphological knowledge
C. syntactic knowledge
D. collocation knowledge
E. lexical knowledge

2. Apart from the culture of the world, the students’ attitude to language learning will be greatly
affected by the influence of the following EXCEPT ….
A. parents and older siblings
B. people who are close to them
C. their responsibility beyond the subject
D. the way they think about the subject
E. peer’s attitude towards the subject

3. In a task-based activity, the teacher pays attention to the students’ performance with the target
language and ….
A. set up an plan which involves students participation
B. note down errors but not correct them during the activity
C. note the learners’ use of certain grammatical features
D. decide whether to conduct practice or revise it briefly
E. compare performance particularly on the final task

4. An effective lesson plan should fulfill the following requirements EXCEPT that….
A. it should provide an accessible framework of the knowledge and skills
B. it should offer a sense of continuity and direction in the learners’ work
C. it should represent a retrospective account of what has been achieved
D. it should provide a basis on which learner progress may be evaluated
E. it should be described in terms of statements of the whole subjects

5. Error analysis studies the types and causes of language errors which are classified, among other
things according to the following EXCEPT ….
A. modality (i.e. proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, listening)
B. linguistic levels (i.e. pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, style)
C. aims (e.g. instrumental, external, internal)
D. form (e.g. omission, insertion, substitution)
E. cause (e.g. interference, interlanguage)

6. In order make sure that a test fulfills its face validity, the teacher should give an assessment
procedure that is “biased for best” which includes the following EXCEPT ….
A. structure the test so that the best students will be modestly challenged
B. encourage the weaker students so that they will not be overwhelmed
C. offer students appropriate review and preparation for the test
D. suggest strategies that will be beneficial to the students
E. forget how challenging the test is for the whole students

7. Applying Portfolio assessments, an innovative English teacher expects that he/she may strengthen
student learning in the following ways EXCEPT that they ….
A. increase students’ involvement in the learning processes
B. foster student-teacher and student-student collaboration
C. interpret the portfolios in a way that is fair to all students
D. encourage students to learn the metalanguage to talk about language growth
E. provide means for establishing minimum standards for classroom progress

8. A well-developed lesson plan reflects the interests and needs of students. It incorporates best
practices for the educational field. The writing of a good lesson plan should consider the following
criteria EXCEPT ….
A. provide a new learning experience
B. needs, capabilities, and interest of the learner
C. obtain the attention of the learner and stakeholders
D. related to social and physical environment of the learner.
E. development of learner's personality.

9. To write an effective lesson plan, you must define the Anticipatory Set. The following are its
purposes EXCEPT ….
A. to involve the learners in formulating lesson's objectives
B. to provide continuity from previous lessons, if applicable
C. to allude to familiar concepts and vocabulary as a refresher
D. to tell the students briefly what the lesson will be about
E. to activate the students' existing knowledge base

10. During the free practice section, the teacher can use feedback to help everyone. The following are
lesson plan formats that is popular EXCEPT that ….
A. the students have a number of chances to learn a concept
B. the facilities are well prepared for effective learning
C. the standard lesson plan format provides structure
D. the students have plenty of time to practice
E. the teacher can give detailed instruction,

11. Which learning resource is most suitable to teach a group of auditory learners the learning objective
of which focus is describing the physical appearance of a bedroom?
A. Classroom activities involving a still picture of a bedroom for the group to describe
B. Outdoor activities in which the group has the chance to observe a real bedroom
C. Worksheets with questions guiding the group to describe parts of a bedroom
D. A audio recording describing the parts of a bedroom to the group to listen
E. Discussions requiring the group members to share ideas of a bedroom

12. For the students to get the data from not just written, spoken, but also pictographic materials for
them as a basis to explain in a written text on why cats purr when sleeping, a teacher can most
appropriately make use of ….
A. video recordings
B. audio recordings
C. journal articles
D. online sources
E. text books

13. Mr. Andi plans to teach his students lexical items in written report texts. He wishes to have them
practice the items in controlled yet contextual exercises. For the purpose, he can utilize….
A. gap-fill exercises
B. simulated dialogs
C. substitution drills
D. transformation tasks
E. dicto-gloss exercises

14. Andika is an extrovert. To set up an environment most preferable to him, Ms. Takeko would set up
a room that suits him for studying English that….
A. is colorful
B. is totally quiet
C. holds a lot of books
D. has background music
E. allows much light to get in

15. To motivate students before dealing with the day’s reading class on healthy life styles, the
empathetic communication strategy Ms. Erwina can have is to….
A. show a video on unhealthy life styles
B. tell the students to pay more attention
C. raise several background knowledge questions
D. ask the students to consider danger of the styles
E. tell the students the meaning of healthy life styles

16. When reflecting on the day’s topic, the class gave no response to the teacher’s reflective question.
Ms. Dianika – the teacher – could have remarked the situation by saying….
A. “Class, are listening to me?”
B. “Everyone, don’t you understand me?”
C. “Hi class, what’s gone wrong with you?”
D. “Class, is there anything bothering you?”
E. “Is my question not clear to you all class?”

17. Assessing students’ learning is comprehensive which means that….

A. assessment covers all essential areas intended to be assessed
B. assessment results provide stakeholders with true information
C. scores gained from assessment are indicative of competences
D. procedures in assessment are to reveal main intended abilities
E. professionalism is the basis for everyone to perform assessment

18. Based on the indicator that follows: “Students present a monolog based on a series of photographs
depicting a metamorphosis of an animal using appropriate language and idea organization”, the
appropriate assessment procedure for the purpose is….
A. project
B. product
C. observation
D. performance
E. extended response

19. Ms. Iwuk observes that her students’ achievement in listening comprehension on dialog sections is
low based on the result of the tryout on the National Examination. An innovative strategy she may
take through classroom action research to solve the problem would be….
A. dictation-based
B. dicto-gloss-based
C. dicto-comp-based
D. communicative dictation
E. running dictation

20. In planning the innovative instructional strategy to solve practical problems in classroom action
research, the teacher researcher needs to be more specific in….
A. basic competences to be addressed
B. instructional materials to teach
C. instructional delivery stages
D. setting up criteria of success
E. data collection instruments


To answer the following test items, you will have to read the related short texts. Each is followed
by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, D, and E – to each

Questions 21 – 23 refer to the text below.

10th district, close to Reumannplatz, newly renovated old Viennese house in a quiet neighborhood with
lift, public transport connection to U1.
Accommodation: all shopping facilities in immediate proximity to the pedestrian zone Favoritenstraße.
Specials: Next to the recreational area Böhmischer Prater with excellent jogging-lanes, connection to
the motorway in 2 minute driving distance.
Parking: no short term parking zone, public garage at Reumannplatz.
Public transport: Subway: U1, station Reumannplatz; tram: line 67; bus: lines 7A, 14A, 65A, 66A, 67A
and 68A; city center reachable within 8 minutes.

21. The text informs us about ….

A. an apartment with shopping facilities
B. an accommodation close to the garage
C. an advertiser offering an old residence
D. a flat completed with a parking zone
E. a house close to the subway station

22. The house is furnished with ….

A. shopping facilities
B. public transport
C. a parking area
D. a public garage
E. an elevator

23. The following are the facilities around the house EXCEPT ….
A. public transport
B. shopping mall
C. recreational zone
D. reachable city hub
E. common parking area

Questions 24– 26 refer to the text below.

Use of other than genuine Panasonic supplies can damage the machine. This may void the warranty of
the machine and supplies. Be sure to use only genuine Panasonic Toner designed for the machine.
The machine should not be installed in areas with the following conditions:
 Extremely high or low temperature and humidity.
The machine should be installed under the following ambient conditions:
 Temperature: 50-86 °F (10 - 30 °C)
 Relative humidity: 30-80 %
 In areas with chemical fume concentration.
 With unstable or uneven conditions (floors, etc.).
 Direct exposure to sunlight or fluorescent light.
 In areas of high dust concentration.
 Directly in the air conditioning flow.
 In areas of poor ventilation.
 In areas with extreme vibration.

24. The text implies that the machine ….

A. Is suitable only with genuine parts
B. May tolerate fake supplies
C. Was genuinely designed with toner
D. And its supplies are inseparable
E. Is installed in areas with moderate temperature

25. The word void most nearly means ….

A. take something away from somewhere
B. force someone to leave an important position
C. remove the legal force from a legal agreement
D. make something smaller in degree or importance
E. remove the controls on someone or something

26. The machine along with its genuine toner should be installed under the conditions below EXCEPT

A. In an area with high humidity
B. In a relatively low polluted area
C. In areas with good ventilation
D. In places with relatively low vibration
E. Indoors or places with little light
Questions 27 – 29 refer to the text below.
About 2200-1800 BC a wave of newcomers arrived in the Cyclades and on the mainland. They caused
considerable destruction, and for about two centuries civilization was disrupted, especially on the
mainland. New pottery and the introduction of horses at this time indicate that the invaders were of the
Indo-European language family, to which both Ancient and Modern Greek belong.
On Crete, impressive buildings, frescoes, vases, and early writing are evidence of a flourishing culture
of the 2nd millennium BC, which came to be known as Minoan. Great royal palaces built around large
courtyards were the focal points of these communities. The most magnificent of the palaces was at
Knossos. Destroyed presumably by an earthquake or a foreign invasion about 1700 BC, it was rebuilt
on a grand scale. It seems likely that the Minoans maintained a marine empire, trading not only with the
Cyclades and the mainland but also with Sicily, Egypt, and cities on the eastern shore of the

27. The text tells us about ….

A. arrival of Middle Bronze Age
B. introduction of Horses
C. destruction of Cyclades
D. two Centuries Civilization
E. Indo-European Language Family

28. The most magnificent palaces was at Knossos were ….

A. rebuilt in 1700s BC
B. maintained as a marine empire
C. broken down by foreign invasions
D. probably destroyed by an earthquake
E. on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean

29. The word “frescoes” in the passage most nearly means ….

A. pictures made by painting on wet plaster
B. paintings of the 2nd millennium BC
C. potteries created by ancient sculptors
D. statues figuring gods and goddess
E. ornaments symbolizing kings and queens

Questions 30 – 32 refer to the text below.

Making a herb and vegetable paste is a quick and simple way of producing vibrantly colored,
flavorsome rice.
1 large green capsicum, quartered and seeded; 1 onion, quartered; 1 clove garlic, crushed; 1⁄2 cup (15
g) fresh coriander leaves; 1⁄2 cup (10 g) fresh flat-leaf parsley; 2 teaspoons (10 g) butter; 2 teaspoons
extra virgin olive oil; 1 cup (200 g) long-grain white rice; 600 ml boiling chicken stock; salt and pepper;
sprigs of fresh coriander, to serve.
1. Put the capsicum, onion, garlic, coriander and parsley in a food processor and blend to a very finely
chopped paste. Alternatively, very finely chop them all together with a knife.
2. Heat the butter and oil in a large saucepan, add the rice and fry gently for 2–3 minutes, or until the
grains are translucent. Remove from the heat and stir in the herb paste.
3. Return to the heat and cook for 2 minutes, stirring all the time.
4. Pour in the boiling stock, and season with salt and pepper to taste.
5. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and cook very gently for 10–15 minutes, or until the
rice is tender and the stock has been absorbed.

30. The word “translucent” in the passage most nearly means ….

A. allowing light through something attractively
B. needing only a very small amount of effort
C. not covered or blocked by anything
D. lit by the natural light of the day
E. small and easy to digest

31. The last step to be done in the procedures is ….

A. bringing the wok to the boil
B. reducing the heat
C. covering the wok
D. cooking the rice gently
E. absorbing the stuff

32. The best title of the text is ….

A. Green Coriander Rice
B. Vibrantly Colored Rice
C. Quick Vegetable Paste
D. Herbal Flavorsome Rice
E. Capsicum-Flavored Rice

Questions 33 – 35 refer to the text below.

Indonesia will deport 153 Chinese nationals arrested for alleged involvement in a multimillion-dollar
cyber fraud ring targeting wealthy businessmen and politicians in China, police said Tuesday. The
syndicate, who ran their operation from abroad to avoid detection by Chinese officials but did not target
any victims in their host country, made around six trillion rupiah since beginning operations at the end of
2016, Indonesia police said. They were arrested following a tip-off from Chinese authorities. "We are
conducting an intensive investigation and currently coordinating with the Chinese police to deport
them," said national police spokesman Rikwanto, who goes by one name. The group, based in several
locations across Indonesia, contacted victims pretending to be Chinese police or law officials, promising
to help resolve their legal cases in return for immediate cash transfers, Jakarta police said. The criminal
network included IT specialists who would retrieve information on victims and develop communications
systems for contacting them, he said.

33. The text above intends to ….

A. report Indonesia’s plan to deport a number Chinese for a scam
B. describe Chinese residents’ involvement in a cyber fraud
C. argue about a syndicate who ran an operation from abroad
D. discuss a fraud ring targeting wealthy figures in China
E. expose a criminal network retrieving information on victims

34. The Chinese syndicate ran their operation from Indonesia in order to ….
A. follow a tip-off from the Chinese authorities
B. pretend to be Chinese police or law officials
C. to be free in targeting wealthy businessmen
D. direct their target in their host country
E. avoid detection by Chinese officials
35. Below are among the procedures used by the syndicate EXCEPT ….
A. contact victims
B. promise to help
C. retrieve information
D. develop IT systems
E. settle down in this country

Questions 36 – 38 refer to the graph below.

Parent Cell

36. The new cells produced by cell division are genetically ….

A. Exactly the same as the parent cell
B. Relatively similar to the parent cell
C. divide themselves into other cells
D. produce new chromosomes
E. smaller than the parent cell

37. The chart shows that the parent cell and daughter cells are identical because the daughter cells ….
A. are just the direct division of the parent cell
B. inherit the characteristic features of the parent cell
C. intend to resemble the characteristics of the parent cell
D. receive a copy of all the chromosomes of the parent cell
E. are a copy of all the chromosomes the nucleus of the parent cell

38. The figure implies that new celled are produced by means of
A. congruent multiplication
B. geometric progression
C. arithmetic progression
D. direct multiplication
E. consistent division
Questions 39– 41 refer to the text below.
Amerigo Vespucci (Latin Americus Vespucius) (1454-1512), Italian navigator, for whom the continents
of North and South America are named. He was born in Florence. In 1495 he took over the business of
a merchant in Seville, Spain, who had furnished supplies to ships voyaging to the West Indies.
Vespucci later set out for the New World himself and left accounts and maps of four voyages. Most
scholars agree that Vespucci explored a large section of the northern coast of South America during an
expedition led by Spanish soldier Alonso de Ojeda in 1499 and 1500. Most also believe that he might
have explored part of that continent's eastern coast on a subsequent voyage. German geographer and
cartographer Martin Waldseemüller, who translated Vespucci's narrative in 1507, was the first to use
America, an adaptation of the explorer's given name of Amerigo, as a name for the southern continent.
The name gradually came into use to refer to the two western continents after it appeared on a world
map published in 1538.

39. Born in Italy, Amerigo Vespucci began to make his debut in ….

A. Spain
B. West Indies
C. North America
D. South America
E. Germany

40. That Vespucci explored a large section of the northern coast of South America is ….
A. questionable
B. absolutely true
C. agreeable
D. beyond doubt
E. unbelievable

41. The text implies that Vespucci explored the eastern coast of America ….
A. after doing other voyages
B. as the main exploration target
C. before exploring the west coast
D. together with a photographer
E. long after voyaging the West Indies

Questions 42– 44 refer to the text below.

The Cowardly Skydiver
At the age of 43 he made the decision to jump out of a plane.
The idea scared the shit out of him but the reward of finally feeling like a real man was worth it. So all
geared up away he flew — the plane’s door open during the whole flight.
Trying hard not to gag in front of anyone he approached the door once they were above the clouds.
Don’t think you coward! Just jump! What’s the worst that could happen? Living like this is far worse than
the shoot not opening, he thought.
So he jumped and fell towards the Earth at 120 mph.
He felt at peace as he fell. Frantic thoughts did not cross his mind as one might think. Just peace.
When he hit the ground and stood up tears filled his eyes.
He would never be a real man.
That ship sailed long ago.

42. The story is about….

A. An easy way of skydiving
B. a man intending to defeat his own cowardice
C. Obtaining the experience of parachuting
D. A man trying to skydive for the first time
E. The way to get the feeling of a real man

43. It is implied in the story that the man ….

A. eventually regretted that he did the diving
B. was very happy after the successful diving
C. skydiving had made him scared
D. skydiving had changed the man’s attitude
E. the man voluntarily jumped out of the plane

44. We learn from the story that ….

A. Skydiving does not need much bravery
B. The man would no longer skydive
C. It is hard to defeat cowardice at old ages
D. Being a coward is not comfortable
E. It is not easy to change one’s attitude

Questions 45– 47 refer to the text below.

Malnutrition is one of the most common effects of poverty. In developing countries, the poorest people
cannot obtain adequate calories to develop or maintain their appropriate body weight. In Ethiopia, for
example, it is estimated that almost half of all children under the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition. Poor
children in developing countries often suffer the most, commonly from a deficiency known as protein-
energy malnutrition. In these cases, children lack protein in their diets, especially from an insufficient
amount of mother’s milk. Protein-energy malnutrition leads to a variety of problems, including
gastrointestinal disorders, stunted growth, poor mental development, and high rates of infection.
Prolonged malnutrition can lead to starvation, a condition in which the body’s tissues and organs
deteriorate. Long-term starvation almost always results in death.

45. The best title of the text is….

A. Protein, Energy, and Malnutrition
B. Adverse Effects of Malnutrition
C. Malnutrition and Starvation
D. Malnutrition among Youngsters
E. Effects of Long-term Starvation

46. Insufficient amount of mother’s milk may lead to the following problems, EXCEPT….
A. undersized growth
B. high infection rates
C. inadequate calorie intake
D. organ deterioration
E. mental development

47. It can be inferred from the text that….

A. more than 50 percent of children in the world suffer from starvation
B. in developing countries starvation leads to mental breakdown
C. malnutrition is closely related to a country’s development level
D. there is a causal relation between malnutrition and poverty
E. most children in developing countries suffer from starvation
Questions 48– 50 refer to the text below.
Spinach is one of many leafy greens that have been shown to drop the risk of developing diabetes;
collards are another great choice. People who consume more than one serving a day of spinach and
other leafy greens slashed their risk by 14 per cent, compared to people who ate less than half a
serving daily, found one British study. This green is particularly rich in vitamin K, along with several
minerals including magnesium, folate, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It’s also a good source of the
plant chemicals lutein and zeaxanthin, and various flavonoids. Although spinach is technically a rich
source of calcium, another nutrient in spinach called oxalic acid prevents much of that calcium from
being absorbed, but you can blanch spinach to reduce this chemical.

48. It is implied in the text that ….

A. The more leafy greens we eat the better for our health
B. The more spinach we consume the worse for diabetes
C. Leafy green is particularly rich in vitamins and minerals
D. Spinach is as important as leafy greens to give vitamins
E. Spinach provides much calcium as an intake for our body

49. The word “slashed” in the text means ….

A. cut with a sharp blade using a quick strong action
B. made something smaller in size, amount, or degree
C. reduced something to the least level or amount
D. made something shorter, lower, smaller, etc.
E. removed something from something else

50. The text suggests that ….

A. we be considerate in consuming leafy greens
B. leafy greens are the only healthy food for our health
C. leafy greens lower all risks of developing diabetes
D. we have to consume as much spinach as possible
E. consuming spinach is the same as consuming leafy greens

Items 51 and 52 are based on the following passage.

Content-based instruction (CBI) is a teaching method that emphasizes learning about something rather
than learning about language. Although CBI is not new, there has been (51) … in it over the last ten
years, particularly in the USA and Canada where it has proven very effective in ESL immersion
programs. This interest has now spread to EFL classrooms around the world (52)… that their students
like CBI and are excited to learn English this way.

51. Which option best completes (51)?

A. an increased interest
B. a heated controversy
C. an amplified alarm
D. a confusing trend
E. a current affair

52. Which option best completes (52)?

A. where teachers are discovering
B. that everyone begins to realize
C. in which parents are conscious
D. where school principals observe
E. that communities are now fond

Items 53 and 54 are based on the following passage.

While often defined simplistically as “school work at home and home work at school,” Flipped Learning
is an approach that allows teachers to (53) implement a methodology, or various methodologies, in their
classrooms. To counter some of the misconceptions about this term, the governing board and key
leaders of the Flipped Learning Network (FLN), all experienced Flipped Educators, have (54) composed
a formal definition of “Flipped Learning.”

53. The underlined word ‘implement’ is synonymous with….

A. employ
B. to utilize
C. to manage
D. to organize
E. to administer

54. The antonym of the underlined word ‘composed’ is ….

A. assembled
B. collected
C. dispersed
D. amassed
E. clustered

Barbara Walvoord and Virginia Johnson Anderson who promoted the use of the flipped classroom
approach propose a model in which students gain first-exposure learning prior to class and focus on the
(55) … part of learning (synthesizing, analyzing, problem-solving, etc.) in class.

55. The word that best completes the missing space is….
A. processes
B. processed
C. processing
D. process
E. procession

Items 56 and 57 are based on the following passage.

CALP-Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency which requires students to demonstrate
understanding and comprehension of academic terms. Students move from (56) … to actually
understanding and participating in the regular classroom. CALP is said to occur in 'context reduced'
academic situations. (57) … in the curriculum, language is `disembedded´ from a meaningful,
supportive context.
56. Which option best completes (56)?
A. basic skills conversation
B. skills basic conversation
C. conversation basic skills
D. conversation skills basic
E. basic conversation skills

57. Which option best completes (57)?

A. Where higher order thinking skills are required
B. Where are higher order thinking skills required
C. Where are required higher order thinking skills
D. Where required higher order thinking skills are
E. Where higher order thinking skills required are

Natural language processing, or NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that has many important
implications on the ways that computers and humans interact. Human language, developed over
thousands and thousands of years, has become a nuanced form of communication that carries (58) a
wealth of information that often transcends the words alone.

58. The underlined part a wealth of information in the passage may be best rephrased as….
A. portions of material
B. bits of evidence
C. reports of facts
D. pieces of data
E. facts of news

KWL is a part of constructivist method of teaching and a form of instructional reading strategy that is
used to guide students taking them through the idea and the text. The table comes in various forms as
some have modified it to include or exclude information. KWL chart is a useful tool, (59) which makes it
possible for students to focus on essential things and expand their ideas beyond the materials used in

59. The underlined part which makes it possible for students to focus on essential things in the
passage may be best rephrased as….
A. allowing students to highlight key parts
B. emphasizing students on vital points
C. providing students with an emphasis
D. permitting students to stress spots
E. students’ prioritizing vital targets

Assessment should be embedded in all aspects of a course rather than being something that just
happens at the end. More than any other aspect of the curriculum, well-designed assessment is the key
to engaging students in active and productive learning. When you design assessment for a course of
study, (60) teachers essentially design what and how students will learn. What you decide to assess
should be closely aligned with the stated learning outcomes for the course.

60. The underlined part teachers essentially design what and how students will learn in the passage
may be best rephrased as….
A. teachers plan the best achievement for their students in learning
B. teachers’ responsibility is principally planning students’ learning
C. basically teachers develop what and how to learn for their students
D. broadly teachers create positive learning setting for the students
E. mainly teachers’ job is creating their students’ learning strategies

61. The meaning that best expresses these two sentences: ‘I was in a seminar session by an expert’
and ‘Her presentation was amazing.’ is….
A. I was in a seminar session by an expert the presentation of whom was amazing
B. I was in a seminar session by an expert, the presentation of whose was inspiring
C. I was in a seminar session by an expert which presentation was inspiring
D. I was in a seminar session by an expert whose presentation was inspiring
E. I was in a seminar session by an expert that presentation was inspiring

62. … we have learned the new teaching technique; we need to start practicing it in the classroom.
A. Even if
B. While
C. Now that
D. Wherever
E. As though

63. The meaning that best expresses this: ‘Technical testing of writing skills is not yet with us. As a
result, scoring students’ writing is physical’ is….
A. If technical testing of writing skills is with us, scoring students’ writing will not be physical
B. Were technical testing of writing skills with us, scoring students’ writing would not be physical
C. If technical testing of writing skills was with us, scoring students’ writing would not be physical
D. Should technical testing of writing skills be with us, scoring students’ writing will not be physical
E. If technical testing writing skills would be with us, scoring students’ writing would not be

64. In the English teaching learning process under meaning orientation, the structure of passive voice
constructions in grammar lessons in particular seems to….
A. be less emphasized
B. have less emphasized
C. having less emphasized
D. they are less emphasized
E. have been less emphasized

65. We once discussed concepts of ‘critical period’, one sub-topic … dealt with its impact on language
learning among adults.
A. with which
B. which
C. which it
D. from which
E. of which

66. Although they are constructive, her advisor’s comments on her thesis draft may be a kind of … pain
she can experience.
A. an excruciating
B. a sickening
C. an extreme
D. an awful
E. a sharp

67. Finally all the students in the class gave their feedback on the arguments … by their teacher.
A. stated
B. lifted
C. raised
D. expressed
E. conveyed
68. Some students do cheating during exams, which is a … stupid thing to do.
A. entirely
B. utterly
C. fully
D. totally
E. wholly

69. In order not to make any noise, the exam proctor stepped her shoes … on the room floor and then
sat down.
A. quietly
B. gently
C. carefully
D. silently
E. mutely

70. College students as young and enthusiastic generation needs … to show their academic capacities
and capabilities in their research.
A. fair deals
B. iron wills
C. elbow rooms
D. fellow feelings
E. Herculean tasks

71. Thesis advisors commonly have high expectations on their students’ thesis completion based on
the standards set up by the university, hoping that students can … them.
A. live up to
B. keep up with
C. get away with
D. stick up for
E. get on with

72. Her students like her very much not only because of her teaching performance but also her
appearance that is always….
A. spick and span
B. safe and sound
C. fair and square
D. rough and ready
E. bright and early

Items 73 and 74 are based on the following passage.

(73) …. First off, the Coke is taken to the cleaning unit. Here, the bottles get cleaned, steamed and
sanitized to rid them of any dirt and debris. This is done by jet streams and water. Then, the bottles are
picked up by something that can only be described as an overhead conveyer belt. (74) …. In this stage
individual clamps pick up a bottle. The clams then transport the bottles from station to station above the
room. It is time for the Coke to be put into the bottles.

73. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (73) is….
A. To ensure good quality, the Coke is processed tightly
B. There are secrets behind the popular drink called Coke
C. The bottling process of the Coke is a complex process
D. The Coke is a popular soft drink throughout the globe
E. The careful processing of the Coke is the key process

74. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (74) is….
A. The belt is surely not a old-style conveyer
B. This is the process of picking up the bottles
C. Each bottle is cleaned up carefully by a clamp
D. One supervisor observes carefully the process
E. The next process is conveying the bottles

Items 55, 76, and 77 are based on the following passage.

The Input hypothesis is Krashen's attempt to explain how the learner acquires a second language. (75)
…, this hypothesis is only concerned with 'acquisition', not 'learning'. That is, how second language
acquisition takes place. According to this hypothesis, (76) …. when he/she receives second language
'input' that is one step beyond his/her current stage of linguistic competence. (77) …., if a learner is at a
stage 'i', then acquisition takes place when he/she is exposed to 'Comprehensible Input' that belongs to
level 'i + 1'. We can then define 'Comprehensible Input' as the target language that the learner would
not be able to produce but can still understand.

75. Which option best completes (75)?

A. Clearly
B. Essentially
C. Surprisingly
D. Practically
E. Conversely

76. Which option best completes (76)?

A. the learner does so
B. so does the learner
C. does so the learner
D. the learner is so
E. so is the learner

77. Which option best completes (77)?

A. For example
B. Nevertheless
C. Furthermore
D. Above all
E. In brief

Items 78 and 79 are based on the following passage.

Alternative energy is the application of alternative energy sources to save the actual capacity of energy.
This is done in a reasonable economic and environmentally friendly manner to face many global
challenges related to the rising consumption of global resources. Alternative energy sources are not
based on the splitting of atoms or burning of fossil fuels. (78) …. This writing discusses marine energy,
hydroelectric, wind, geothermal and solar power as alternative sources of energy.
(79) … These include ocean waves, tides, salinity, and ocean temperature differences. The
movement of water in the world’s oceans creates a vast store of kinetic energy, or energy in motion.
This energy can be harnessed to generate electricity to power homes, transport and industries. The
term marine energy encompasses both wave power i.e. power from surface waves, and tidal power i.e.
obtained from the kinetic energy of large bodies of moving water.

78. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces is.…
A. In addition, alternative energy is more eco-friendly
B. However, there is a range of sources in this context
C. Furthermore, it is cheaper in several terms
D. Yet, not many are aware of its benefits
E. there are options of alternative energy

79. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces is.…
A. Renewable ocean energy harnesses the ocean power for electricity
B. Marine energy refers to the energy carried by ocean properties
C. Marine energy technologies are renewable energy from the sea
D. Ocean energy can play a vital role in nations’ renewable energy
E. Oceans are rich with unexplored potential for energy sources

80. The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph is…
1. Therefore, it needs a broad effort by everyone to make the proper education system in such
2. Education is very necessary for the betterment of everyone’s life.
3. However, the education system is still weak in the undeveloped countries.
4. It enables us and prepares us in every aspect of life.
5. People living in such countries are poor and spend their whole day in arranging only some
basic needs.
6. Proper education also creates lots of ways to go ahead in the future.
7. Thus, we all should know the importance of education in our life.

A. 2–7–4–3–1–5–6
B. 2–6–7–4–3–5–1
C. 2–7–4–6–3–5–1
D. 2–6–4–7–1–3–5
E. 2–5–7–4–6–3–1

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