Tryout (2) Bahasa Inggris

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1. Berdo‟alah sebelum mengerjakan soal tryout ini.
2. Bacalah butir pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan seksama.
3. Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling benar dengan memberi tanda silang.
4. Jika jawaban benar mendapat nilai 1 dan salah mendapat nlai 0
5. Bekerjalah dengan jujur dan percaya pada potensi Anda.


Directions: To answer questions 1 – 60, Choose the one best answer – marked A,
B, C, D, and E – to each question.

1. The ability to use language is supported by linguistic competence which includes four
types of the following knowledge EXCEPT ….
A. phonological knowledge
B. morphological knowledge
C. syntactic knowledge
D. collocation knowledge
E. lexical knowledge

2. Apart from the culture of the world, the students‟ attitude to language learning will be
greatly affected by the influence of the following EXCEPT ….
A. parents and older siblings
B. people who are close to them
C. their responsibility beyond the subject
D. the way they think about the subject
E. peer‟s attitude towards the subject

3. In a task-based activity, the teacher pays attention to the students‟ performance with
the target language and ….
A. set up an plan which involves students participation
B. note down errors but not correct them during the activity
C. note the learners‟ use of certain grammatical features
D. decide whether to conduct practice or revise it briefly
E. compare performance particularly on the final task

4. An effective lesson plan should fulfill the following requirements EXCEPT that….
A. it should provide an accessible framework of the knowledge and skills
B. it should offer a sense of continuity and direction in the learners‟ work
C. it should represent a retrospective account of what has been achieved
D. it should provide a basis on which learner progress may be evaluated
E. it should be described in terms of statements of the whole subjects

5. Language transfer is a complex phenomenon resulting from the following EXCEPT ….
A. the learners‟ cognitive processes
B. interaction between learners‟ prior linguistic knowledge
C. the target-language input encountered by the learners
D. the learner‟s mastery of their native language
E. the particular domain of the students‟ language

6. In order make sure that a test fulfills its face validity, the teacher should give an
assessment procedure that is “biased for best” which includes the following EXCEPT ….
A. structure the test so that the best students will be modestly challenged
B. encourage the weaker students so that they will not be overwhelmed
C. offer students appropriate review and preparation for the test
D. suggest strategies that will be beneficial to the students
E. forget how challenging the test is for the whole students

7. Applying Portfolio assessments, an innovative English teacher expects that he/she may
strengthen student learning in the following ways EXCEPT that they ….
A. increase students‟ involvement in the learning processes
B. foster student-teacher and student-student collaboration
C. interpret the portfolios in a way that is fair to all students
D. encourage students to learn the metalanguage to talk about language growth
E. provide means for establishing minimum standards for classroom progress

8. A curriculum provides information on the following aspects EXCEPT ….

A. the goals of education
B. the subjects to be taught
C. the extracurricular activities
D. the methods and materials
E. the assessment of students

9. To write an effective lesson plan, you must define the Anticipatory Set. The following are
its purposes EXCEPT ….
A. to involve the learners in formulating lesson's objectives
B. to provide continuity from previous lessons, if applicable
C. to allude to familiar concepts and vocabulary as a refresher
D. to tell the students briefly what the lesson will be about
E. to activate the students' existing knowledge base

10. During the free practice section, the teacher can use feedback to help everyone. The
following are lesson plan formats that is popular EXCEPT that ….
A. the students have a number of chances to learn a concept
B. the facilities are well prepared for effective learning
C. the standard lesson plan format provides structure
D. the students have plenty of time to practice
E. the teacher can give detailed instruction,
11. Which learning resource is most suitable to teach a group of auditory learners the
learning objective of which focus is describing the physical appearance of a bedroom?
A. Classroom activities involving a still picture of a bedroom for the group to describe
B. Outdoor activities in which the group has the chance to observe a real bedroom

C. Worksheets with questions guiding the group to describe parts of a bedroom
D. An audio recording describing the parts of a bedroom to the group to listen
E. Discussions requiring the group members to share ideas of a bedroom

12. Ms. Ana wants her students to write an autobiography of a national figure. She
wants her students to get the data from not just written, spoken, but also
pictographic materials. For the purpose, the learning sources she can make use
for her students to get the information needed would involve them to….
A. browse the Internet
B. interview a historian
C. read historical books
D. do small library research
E. exchange ideas with classmates

13. Mr. Andi plans to teach his students lexical items in written report texts. He wishes to
have them practice the items in controlled yet contextual exercises. For the purpose, he
can utilize….
A. gap-fill exercises
B. simulated dialogs
C. substitution drills
D. transformation tasks
E. dicto-gloss exercises

14. Andika is an extrovert. To set up an environment most preferable to him, Ms. Takeko
would set up a room that suits him for studying English that….
A. is colorful
B. is totally quiet
C. holds a lot of books
D. has background music
E. allows much light to get in

15. To motivate students before dealing with the day‟s reading class on healthy life styles,
the empathetic communication strategy Ms. Erwina can have is to….
A. show a video on unhealthy life styles
B. tell the students to pay more attention
C. raise several background knowledge questions
D. ask the students to consider danger of the styles
E. tell the students the meaning of healthy life styles

16. When reflecting on the day‟s topic, the class gave no response to the teacher‟s reflective
question. Ms. Dianika – the teacher – could have remarked the situation by saying….
A. “Class, are listening to me?”
B. “Everyone, don‟t you understand me?”
C. “Hi class, what‟s gone wrong with you?”
D. “Class, is there anything bothering you?”
E. “Is my question not clear to you all class?”

17. Assessing students‟ learning is comprehensive which means that….

A. assessment covers all essential areas intended to be assessed
B. assessment results provide stakeholders with true information
C. scores gained from assessment are indicative of competences

D. procedures in assessment are to reveal main intended abilities
E. professionalism is the basis for everyone to perform assessment

18. Based on the indicator that follows: “Students present a monolog based on a series of
photographs depicting a metamorphosis of an animal using appropriate language and
idea organization”, the appropriate assessment procedure for the purpose is….
A. project
B. product
C. observation
D. performance
E. extended response

19. Ms. Iwuk observes that her students‟ achievement in listening comprehension on dialog
sections is low based on the result of the tryout on the National Examination. An
innovative strategy she may take through classroom action research to solve the
problem would be….
A. dictation-based
B. dicto-gloss-based
C. dicto-comp-based
D. communicative dictation
E. running dictation

20. In planning the innovative instructional strategy to solve practical problems in classroom
action research, the teacher researcher needs to be more specific in….
A. basic competences to be addressed
B. instructional materials to teach
C. instructional delivery stages
D. setting up criteria of success
E. data collection instruments


Consumable Safeguards

Ensure that batteries are installed with correct polarity. Incorrectly installed batteries can
burst or leak, resulting in spillage or injuries.
■ The machine has a built-in circuit for protection against lightning-induced surge current. If
lightning strikes in your neighborhood, maintain ample distance from the machine, and
do not touch the machine until the lightning has stopped.
■ If you notice flickering or distorted images or noises on your audio-visual units, your
machine may be causing radio interference. Switch it Off and if the interference
disappears, the machine is the cause of the radio interference. Perform the following
procedure until the interference is corrected.
 Move the machine and the TV and/or radio away from each other.
 Reposition or reorient the machine and the TV and/or radio.
 Unplug the machine, TV and/or radio.
 ….

21. Among the purposes of the correct polarity of the battery installment is to ….
A. avoid its content from flowing
B. prevent us from possible pain
C. reduce serious injuries

D. protect it from lightning
E. eliminate any possible accident

22. In order to detect whether the machine causes radio inference on your appliance, you
need to ….
A. switch if off and on to see its effect
B. switch it off and see what happens
C. maintain ample distance from the machine
D. notice any flickering or distorted images
E. perform necessary procedures to check it

23. The expected step after unplugging the machine and the TV and/or radio is ….
A. move the machine far enough from the appliance
B. check whether the interference has been corrected
C. replug them into outlets operating on different circuits
D. switch the machine on and off several times
E. make sure that there is no more electric circuit


Trojan War, in Greek legend, a famous war waged by the Greeks against the city of Troy.
The tradition is believed to reflect a real war between the Greeks of the late Mycenaean
period and the inhabitants of the Troad, or Troas, in Anatolia, part of present-day Turkey.
Modern archaeological excavations have shown that Troy was destroyed by fire sometime
between 1230 BC and 1180 BC, and that the war may have resulted from the desire either to
plunder the wealthy city or to put an end to Troy's commercial control of the Dardanelles.
Legendary accounts of the war traced its origin to a golden apple, inscribed “for the fairest”
and thrown by Eris, goddess of discord, among the heavenly guests at the wedding of
Peleus, the ruler of Myrmidons, and Thetis, one of the Nereids. The award of the apple to
Aphrodite, goddess of love, by Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, secured for Paris the favor
of the goddess.

24. The text tells us about ….

A. a legendary war of the Greeks against Troy
B. a traditional belief about heroism
C. a reflection of love against the war
D. the historical destruction of Troy
E. Troy's control of the Dardanelles

25. The Trojan War was triggered by the desire to ….

A. destroy the wealthy city of Troy
B. stop Troy's commercial control of the Dardanelles
C. reflect a war between the Greeks and Troy
D. control the goods violently from the city
E. punish the son of King Priam of Troy

26. The word “discord” in the passage most nearly means ….

A. condition of agreeing to do something
B. state of not agreeing or sharing opinions
C. situation symbolizing a state of hatred

D. circumstance implying agreement
E. position of challenging an opinion

Cooking fish in foil parcels on the barbecue is a great way to ensure that the fish remains
soft and moist without being overcooked.
1 tablespoon olive oil; 250 g cherry tomatoes; 2 cloves garlic; 1⁄2 cup (75 g) pitted
kalamata olives, halved; 2 tablespoons capers; 2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest; 2
teaspoons fresh thyme leaves; black pepper; 4 blue-eye fillets or other thick firm white
fillets; 1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1. Preheat a kettle or covered barbecue to 200°C. Combine the oil, tomatoes, garlic, olives,
capers, lemon zest and thyme in a bowl.
2. Season with pepper. Tear eight squares of baking paper, and divide into 4 lots of
double-thick baking paper.
3. Brush lightly with oil, and place a fish fillet onto each sheet. Top with the tomato
4. Fold the foil or baking paper up around the filling, and seal the edges to enclose. If you
used baking paper, place the parcels on a tray before putting into the barbecue; this
will prevent the paper from burning. Place the parcels on the hotplate or grill rack over
indirect heat and close the hood.
5. Cook for 20 minutes, or until the fish flakes when tested with a fork. Open the parcels,
watching for steam.

27. The word “barbecue” in the passage most nearly means ….

A. a metal frame on which something is cooked outside over a fire
B. a spicy sauce which is used to flavor food
C. a meal prepared and eaten outside, often during a party
D. a piece of equipment to heat a place
E. a hard black substance which can be used as fuel

28. Wrapped in baking paper, the parcels are placed on a tray before cooking in order to ….
A. heat it quickly
B. produce good smell
C. be easy to remove
D. prevent it from burning
E. keep them fresh prior to cooking

29. The best title of the text is ….

A. Barbecued Fish Parcels
B. Fish in Crushed Tomatoes
C. Blue-Eye Fillets in Parcels
D. Fish in Pitted Kalamata Olives
E. Fish in Parcels on Hotplate

Read the text and answer the following questions:
Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Pandjaitan has contacted high-ranking Australian
officials to speed up the legal process for the class action lawsuit against Thailand-based oil
producer PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) Australasia. The lawsuit was filed by Care
for West Timor Foundation (YPTB)‟s advocacy team, which represents 13,000 East Nusa
Tenggara seaweed farmers affected by the Montara oil spill, which occurred following the
blowout of an oil rig operated by PTTEP Australasia. “I have tried to reach George Brandis
[Australian Attorney General] to ask for his support in order to speed up this process,” Luhut
said on Tuesday in Jakarta. While the Australian government has received compensation for
the environmental damage caused by the oil spill, the Indonesian government is still
pursuing similar compensation. However, Luhut said he was yet to receive any response
from the Australian government. “At the same time, we are also filing a case to the central
court in Jakarta and we‟ll see what happens,” he said.

30. The text above intends to ….

A. report Indonesia calls on Australia to expedite legal process of oil-spill
B. describe the Australian compensation for the environmental damage
C. explain Pandjaitan contacting Australian officials on a class action
D. discuss a lawsuit against a Thailand-based oil producer
E. argue about the filing of a case to the central court in Jakarta

31. The party responsible for the oil spill would be ….

A. the Australian Government
B. The Care for West Timor Foundation
C. The PTT Exploration and Production
D. a Thailand-based oil producer
E. the Australian Attorney General

32. It is implied in the text that the Maritime Coordinating Minister has filed ….
A. a number of cases
B. two cases
C. some legal process
D. environmental damages
E. the oil spill

Cell division
The basic structure of most animal and plants cells is shown below.

33. Compared to the animal cell, the plant cell …

A. is more complicated
B. is less comprehensive

C. similar to that of the animal
D. has different membrane
E. is different in shape

34. It can be inferred from the figure that the basic structure of most animal cells is …
plants cells.
A. similar to
B. different from
C. the same as
D. equivalent to
E. resembling

35. The figure shows that the cell membrane ….

A. resembles the cell wall surrounding it
B. separates the cell wall from the cytoplasm
C. is protected by the cell wall from outside
D. protects the cytoplasm, the nucleus, and the vacuole
E. covers the inside of the plant cell


Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008), mountain climber and Antarctic explorer. He was the first to
reach the summit of Mount Everest (8,850 m), the world's highest peak, with Nepalese
Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. Born in Auckland, New Zealand, Edmund Percival Hillary served in
the Royal New Zealand Air Force during World War II (1939-1945). He obtained his early
mountaineering experience in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. In 1951 Hillary joined the
British Mount Everest Expedition. Over the next two years he joined the British Mount
Everest Expedition reconnaissance and practice climbs. By the time the British Mount
Everest Expedition was ready to attack Everest in the spring of 1953, Hillary had become
one of its strongest climbers. In April and May the climbing party ascended the mountain by
way of the South Col, the pass between Everest and neighboring peak Lhotse. After the first
team of climbers was forced to turn back, Hillary and veteran Sherpa climber Tenzing
Norgay were called on to make an attempt.

36. Edmund Percival Hillary spent most of his life ….

A. as a mountain climber and Antarctic explorer
B. in the Royal New Zealand Air Force
C. a British Mount Everest Expedition member
D. the pioneer of expeditions to the Himalayas
E. as a pioneer in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
37. Two years after joining the British Mount Everest Expedition, Hillary ….
A. obtained his early mountaineering experience
B. led reconnaissance and practice climbs
C. was quite ready to attack Mount Everest
D. joined the British Mount Everest Expedition
E. became one of its strongest climbers
38. It is implied from the text that Hillary ….
A. was successful in reaching Everest from the South
B. failed in climbing Everest in his first attempt

C. made an effort to expedite the Antarctic alone
D. considered Everest as the ultimate destination
E. succeeded in defeating Everest and the neighboring peak

The focus of a content-based instruction (CBI) lesson is on the topic or subject matter.
During the lesson students are focused on learning about something that interests them
from (1) … to their favorite pop star, or even a topical news story or film. They learn about
this subject using the language (2) …, rather than their native language, as a tool for
developing knowledge and so they develop their linguistic ability in the target language.

39. Which option best completes the blank spaces in (1)?

A. a serious science subject*
B. a popular exciting hobby
C. a humorous fiction topic
D. a dramatic thriller theme
E. a detective story novel

40. Which option best completes the blank spaces in (2)?

a. they are trying to learn
b. that becomes the tool
c. they have firmly learnt
d. that is considered useful
e. they think it practical

Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that (1)
reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often
online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have
traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom,
students watch online lectures, (2) collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at
home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.

41. The underlined word „reverses‟ is synonymous with….

A. swops
B. alters
C. mixes
D. returns
E. combines

42. The antonym of the underlined word „collaborate‟ is ….

A. distinguish
B. connect
C. isolate
D. differ
E. attach


Once a new idea becomes a buzzword, pinning down the definition can become a little more
(1) …. The flipped learning network has developed what they hope will be seen as the
definitive definition.

43. The word that best completes the blank spaces in (1) is….
A. challenging
B. challenged
C. challenge
D. challenger
E. challenges
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) are language skills needed in social
situations. It is (1) …. to interact socially with other people. English language learners
(ELLs) employ BIC skills when they are on the playground, in the lunch room, on the school
bus, at parties, playing sports and (2) …. Social interactions occur in a meaningful social

44. Which option best completes the blank spaces in (1)?

A. the day-to-day language needed
B. needed the day-to-day language
C. the day-to-day needed language
D. the needed language day-to-day
E. the language needed day-to-day

45. Which option best completes the blank spaces in (2)?

A. talking on the telephone
B. on the telephone to talk
C. on the talking telephone
D. the talking on telephone
E. to talk on the telephone

Suppose we want to build a machine that understands or generates linguistic

communication between humans. So, we need models and processes for (1) getting chunks
of information from voice or textual utterances and manipulating them inside a computer.
These models‟ catch-all name is natural language processing.

46. The underlined part getting chunks of information in the passage may be best rephrased
A. obtaining portions of materials
B. collecting bits of evidence
C. synthesizing facts of news
D. receiving reports of facts
E. attaining pieces of data

In order to engage in problem-solving or analyzing issues that will assist students in

accomplishing their goals, they need to gather new information and link it to what they
already know. This process is referred to as "constructing meaning." Finding out what
previous information students have about a topic/subject helps them bring meaning to any

new information acquired. One strategy they can use to help them construct meaning is a
strategy called the KWLH technique.

47. The underlined part what previous information students have in the passage may be
best rephrased as….
A. students‟ prior knowledge
A. past processing data of students
B. students‟ initial data processing
C. preceding understanding of data
D. students‟ earlier understanding

Assessment is an essential component of the teaching and learning cycle. Assessment for,
assessment as and assessment of learning are approaches that enable teachers to gather
evidence and make judgments about student achievement. (1) These are not necessarily
discrete approaches Also, they may be used individually or together and formally or
informally. The principles of assessment for learning and assessment as learning strategies
have some common elements.

48. The underlined part These are not necessarily discrete approaches in the passage may
be best rephrased as….
A. these methods are as a whole to be linked
B. these strategies are similar to one another
C. they do not have to make any distinction
D. by system these practices are one notion
E. methodically these are one in system
49. The meaning that best expresses these two sentences: „The facilitator taught me a
teaching technique.‟ „It was practical to me.‟ is….
A. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique that I found it practical
B. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique I found it was practical
C. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique, which I found it practical*
D. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique that I found it was practical
E. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique, which was I found it practical
50. I never knew how wonderful life could be … I became an English teacher.
A. until
B. supposing
C. as much as
D. in so far as
E. in as much as
51. The meaning that best expresses these two sentences: „I do not know the steps of the
PQRST strategy.‟ and „I cannot implement the strategy in my reading class.‟ is….
A. If I know the steps of the PQRST strategy, I will implement it in my reading class
B. If I knew the steps of the PQRST strategy, I would implement it in my reading
C. If I knew the steps of the PQRST strategy, I would implement it in my reading
D. If I would knew the steps of the PQRST strategy, I would implement it in my
reading class
E. If I did not know the steps of the PQRST strategy, I would not implement it in my
reading class

52. In the English teaching learning process under meaning orientation, the structure of
passive voice constructions in grammar lessons in particular seems to….
A. be less emphasized
B. have less emphasized
C. having less emphasized
D. they are less emphasized
E. have been less emphasized
53. The experiment results indicate that the short period … the PQRST strategy
implemented to college students allows them to yield significant effects on reading
comprehension of academic reports.
A. within which
B. from which
C. at which
D. by which
E. of which
54. When traveling by …. trains, we can not only arrive on time but also save our time to
our destination.
A. express
B. speedy
C. quick
D. rapid
E. swift
55. Everyone present in the seminar was … petrified seeing that Raisha answered the
examiner‟s questions brilliantly.
A. completely
B. massively
C. extremely
D. wholly
E. fully
56. ..… riding a motorcycle or driving a car can be blamed as the main cause of accidents on
the road.
A. Reckless
B. Hurried
C. Speedy
D. Quick
E. Rapid
57. Some birds do migrate in a particular season by flying … across continents in the sky.
A. high
B. in height
C. in altitude
D. at highness
E. highly
58. Friends in need are friends indeed. Many are, but some are just … one taking the
advantage of us when we are winning.
A. a closefisted
B. a fair-weather
C. an absent minded

D. an argus-eyed
E. a bad sheep

59. Izal lost his laptop in which he kept his draft of his research instruments. There was
anything he could do to continue writing his draft, except that he needed to … with his
research instruments.
A. turn over a new leaf
B. take it to his heart
C. work up a sweat
D. cross his mind
E. give a hand
60. Her students like her very much not only because of her teaching performance but also
her appearance that is always….
A. spick and span
B. safe and sound
C. fair and square
D. rough and ready
E. bright and early


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