Anticipations of The Geometric Phase: Additional Resources For Physics Today

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Anticipations of the Geometric Phase

Michael Berry

Citation: Phys. Today 43(12), 34 (1990); doi: 10.1063/1.881219

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The notion that a quantum system's
wovefunction may not return to its original
phase after its parameters cycle slowly around
a circuit had many precursors—in polarized
light, radio waves, molecules, matrices
and curved surfaces.

Michael Berry

In science we like to emphasize the novelty and originality A physical example of this "global change without
of our ideas. This is harmless enough, provided it does not local change" is the Foucault pendulum (figure 1), whose
blind us to the fact that concepts rarely arise out of direction of swing, described by a unit vector e, is slaved to
nowhere. There is always a historical context, in which the local vertical, described by the radial unit vector r.
isolated precursors of the idea have already appeared. The slaving law is parallel transport, which means that
What we call "discovery" sometimes looks, in retrospect, the direction of swing does not rotate about the vertical—
more like emergence into the air from subterranean that is, e has no component of angular velocity along r.
intellectual currents. However, in spite of never being rotated, e does not return
The geometric phase, whose discovery I reported early to its original value when, after a day, r has completed a
in 1983, is no exception to this rule.1 The paper was about circuit C (here a circle of latitude). The anholonomy is the
quantum systems forced round a cycle by a slow circuit of angle between the initial and final swing directions e, and
parameters that govern them; it gave rise to a number of is equal to the solid angle subtended at the Earth's center
applications and several generalizations, documented in a byC.
series of reviews and books.2"5 My purpose here is to look A note about terminology: Although the anholonomy
back at some early studies that with hindsight we see as of parallel transport of a vector on a curved surface was
particular examples of the geometric phase or the central known to Gauss nearly two centuries ago, the word seems
idea underlying it. to have entered the literature through the study of
mechanics in the presence of constraints. A constraint is
Parallel transport holonomic if it can be integrated and thereby can reduce
First I need to explain this central idea. It is the geometric the number of degrees of freedom, as with a rolling
phenomenon of anholonomy resulting from parallel trans- cylinder. Otherwise, it is nonholonomic (or nonholono-
port. This is a type of nonintegrability, arising when a mous, or anholonomic), as with a rolling disk, which can
quantity is slaved to parameters so as to have no local rate sway from side to side. According to the Oxford English
of change when those parameters are altered, but never- Dictionary the word was first used by Hertz in 1894.
theless fails to come back to its original value when the pa- Nowadays the concept of anholonomy is familiar to
rameters return to their original values after being taken geometers, but they often call it "holonomy," a reversal of
round a circuit. usage I consider a barbarism.
The geometric phase can be regarded as anholonomic
for the parallel transport of quantum states. Mathemat-
Michael Berry is a professor of physics at the University of ically, quantum states are represented by unit vectors in
Bristol, in Bristol, England. Hilbert space. Although these unit vectors are complex,

34 PHYSICS TODAY DECEMBER 1990 © 1990 Americon Insrirure of Physics

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Foucault pendulum at Griffith Observatory in
Los Angeles, and diagram showing its
anholonomy. The direction of swing does not
return to its initial value when the pendulum
completes its one-day trip around a circle of
latitude. (In the diagram, the direction of
swing e is parallel-transported around the
diurnal circuit Cby the local vertical r.) At
the latitude of Los Angeles, the direction of
swing comes back to its original value after 42
hours, and so the pit is marked off in 42
segments. (Courtesy of Edwin Krupp, Griffith
Observatory.) Figure 1

parallel transport can still be defined. A natural way to direction of propagation, which they accomplished by
implement it is by a slow cycle C of parameters in the sending the light along optical fibers that were coiled into
Hamiltonian governing the evolution of the system paths such as helices, and for which the initial and final
according to Schrodinger's equation. The quantum adia- tangent directions r were parallel. An obvious way to
batic theorem guarantees that if the system starts in the observe the geometric phase would be to split a beam of
instantaneous eigenstate labeled n, it will still be in the (say) left circularly polarized light into two coherent
state n at the end of the cycle C. However, the phase of the beams, send them along two oppositely coiled fibers,
state vector need not, and usually does not, return. Part of recombine them and detect the resulting opposite geomet-
this change—the geometric phase—is the manifestation of ric phases by interference. Instead, Chiao, Tomita and Wu
anholonomy. performed the simpler experiment of sending a single
To give an account of the earlier work, I have first to beam of linearly polarized light along a single fiber. The
describe the geometric phase for spinning particles. This initial linear polarization is a particular superposition of
concerns a spinor state corresponding to a definite value s the s = + 1 and s = — 1 states, which acquire opposite
(integer or half-integer) for the component of spin along phases after passage through the fiber and so emerge in a
some direction r. An example is a spin eigenstate different superposition, corresponding again to linear
(s = ± V2) of a neutron in a magnetic field with direction r. polarization, but now in a different direction. (The
If the direction is cycled, that is, taken round a closed "interference" and "superposition" techniques correspond
curve Con the unit r sphere, the state acquires a geometric to two different general methods for detecting the phase,
phase equal to — s times the solid angle subtended by C at employing, respectively, one state and two different
the center of the sphere. As is well known, the spin-1/, case Hamiltonians or two states and one Hamiltonian.)
is isomorphic to the general quantum two-state system, One manifestation of the geometric phase for light is
where the Hamiltonian is a 2x2 complex Hermitian therefore a rotation of the direction of polarized light
matrix. (figure 2) after it has traveled along a coiled optical fiber.
The angle of rotation is equal to the solid angle through
Coiled light which the fiber tangent r has turned, implying that the po-
Raymond Y. Chiao, Akira Tomita and Yong-Shi Wu were larization has been parallel-transported. Chiao and his
quick to apply the spin phase to optics, by regarding a light coworkers themselves pointed out that this appears to be a
beam as a stream of photons with quantization direction r phenomenon of classical optics, which although originat-
along the direction of propagation.2 The two states, ing in the quantum mechanics of spinning photons
s = + 1, correspond to left- and right-handed circularly survives the classical limit ft — 0 up to the level described
polarized light. To cycle r they therefore had to cycle the by Maxwell's equations. They did not, however, show how


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Rotation of linear polarization by parallel
transport along a coiled optical fiber. The
vectors e and h represent the electric and
magnetic fields, respectively. Figure 2

Fiber tangent r

in which Vladimirskii worked. In 1941, a few months

after he submitted his paper, the Soviet Union was
plunged into the turmoil of World War II by Hitler's
sudden invasion.
Polarization cycles
the rotation of polarization is contained in Maxwell's In a different application to optics, I considered not light
equations; nor had J. Neil Ross of the Central Electricity with a fixed state of polarization (circular, for example)
Generating Board Laboratories, in Leatherhead, England, and changing direction, but the opposite, namely light
who had demonstrated the rotation earlier, in a 1984 traveling in a fixed direction with a slowly changing state
experiment. (Ross implicitly assumed the parallel trans- of polarization.8 A way to accomplish this, and thereby
port law.) generate a geometric phase, would be through a transpar-
However, in a remarkable paper, published in 1941 ent medium that was both anisotropic and chiral (such as a
(the year I was born) and the first of our "anticipations," liquid in strong electric and magnetic fields) and so
Vassily V. Vladimirskii had, in effect, done just that, in an possessed both birefringence and gyrotropy. These prop-
extension of an earlier paper published in 1938 by Sergei erties would be reflected in the complex Hermitian
M. Rytov.6 Rytov was concerned with the short-wave dielectric tensor of the medium, which could be varied
limiting asymptotics of electromagnetic waves in inhomo- along the beam and then brought back to its original form.
geneous media. He was dissatisfied with the conventional (Actually what is relevant is only the 2x2 matrix
derivations of the generalized Snell refraction law of representing the components of the inverse of this tensor
geometrical optics (ray curvature is equal to the compo- perpendicular to the beam.)
nent of grad[log(refractive index)] perpendicular to the This too had been anticipated, in a strikingly original
ray), because this ignores the vector nature of light waves: paper published 30 years before by S. Pancharatnam of
There had to be a transport law for the directions e and h Bangalore.9 He was investigating the interference pat-
of the electric and magnetic fields. He showed that the terns produced by plates of anisotropic crystal, and found
law is parallel transport—of the orthogonal triad consist- existing theory inadequate to explain what he saw. In
ing of e, h and the ray direction r. particular, he needed to define how two beams in different
Vladimirskii's contribution—surprisingly modern in polarization states (linear and elliptic, for example) could
tone—was to show that Rytov's law is nonintegrable and have the same phase. He did this by considering the
implies the solid-angle law for the rotation of polarization. intensity of the wave obtained by coherent linear superpo-
Vladimirskii pointed out one consequence of his analysis: sition of the two beams. As the phases of the individual
Observation of polarization rotation of an outgoing ray beams are varied, this intensity waxes and wanes. When
relative to a parallel incident ray does not imply anisotro- it is maximum, the two beams are defined as being "in
py (or chirality) of the intervening medium, because it phase." The two beams could represent successive states
could result from ray curvature induced by inhomogeneity in the polarization history of a single beam, so this
of the medium. He did not state that parallel transport procedure also enabled him to define how a beam can
of the fields implies phase anholonomy for circularly preserve its phase while its polarization state is altered
polarized rays, but Rytov came close, remarking that it (not necessarily slowly).
implies different phase velocities for the two circular Pancharatnam then made the important observation
polarizations. that this law of phase preservation is nontransitive. Thus
In essence, the theory that Vladimirskii and Rytov a beam may start out with a polarization 1, which is
developed contains the explanation of the experiments of altered first to polarization 2, in phase with 1, then to 3, in
Chiao's group. Strictly speaking, however, Vladimirskii phase with 2, and then back to 1, in phase with 3; and yet
and Rytov's analysis cannot be invoked, because those the final polarization-1 beam need not have the same
experiments employed monomode fibers, which are too phase as the initial polarization-1 beam, in spite of the fact
thin for geometrical optics to be validly applied. It is that all three local phase changes were zero. To calculate
necessary to use the full Maxwell equations, either in a the phase change, he represented states of polarization as
modal analysis7 or, when recast as a Schrodinger-type points on the "Poincare sphere" (see figure 3). In this
spinor equation, to enable immediate application of the picture, the poles represent left- and right-handed circular
spin-1 geometric phase formula.5 polarization; points on the equator represent linear
It is worth pausing to note the political circumstances polarizations (with the direction rotating by 180° in a 360°


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Poincare sphere of polarization states r. The
phase change associated with a circuit Cof
polarization states is half the solid angle
subtended by Cat the center of the
sphere. Figure 3

circuit, because two polarization orientations differing by

180° are the same); and all other points represent elliptic
polarizations. The path 1231 is a circuit C on the sphere,
and Pancharatnam discovered that the associated phase
change is half the solid angle subtended by C at the center
of the sphere.
Clearly, Pancharatnam discovered what we would
now call the geometric phase for polarization circuits of
light. To make the connection with the way we see things (such as refractive index) at the ends of the ray.
nowadays, it is first necessary to know that the polariza- Budden and Smith's contribution was to show that in
tion associated with the point on the Poincare sphere all but a few cases the simplest theory is wrong, because
indicated by the unit vector r (that is, the corresponding there is an additional factor, which they called "additional
transverse electric field represented by the complex unit memory," whose exponent also depends nonintegrably on
vector e) is represented by the complex eigenvector of S 1T , the propagation path. The additional memory may be real
where S10is the vector of three 2x2 Pauli spin- /, or complex and so can contribute nonlocally to the phase
matrices. (The components of r are the Stokes param- or the amplitude. They gave a theory covering a very
eters of the polarization.) This relation between polariza- general class of waves, described by vectors whose
tions and quantum states of spin-1/, particles—that is, evolution along the ray is driven by a matrix embodying
with two-state systems—is unsurprising, because any the properties of the medium. Although they did not
polarization of light traveling in a fixed direction is a consider cycles of the medium parameters, their general
superposition of two basis polarizations—for example, left formula expressing the additional memory as an integral
and right circular, or horizontal and vertical linear. The along the ray can be shown to be exactly the one we are
crucial step is now to demonstrate that parallel transport now familiar with in quantum mechanics, which can be
of these eigenvectors is equivalent to Pancharatnam's viewed as a special case where the driving matrix is
phase preservation rule for the associated polarizations. Hermitian and the ray parameter is time.12
The "half the solid angle" rule follows at once from the
spin-V2 analogy.
Pancharatnam was a nephew of C. V. Raman, and so
belonged to the distinguished dynasty that includes the
astrophysicist S. Chandrasekhar, the liquid crystal physi-
cist S. Chandrasekhar, the crystallographer S. Ramase-
shan and the radioastronomer V. Radhakrishnan. When
Pancharatnam wrote about polarized light, he was only 22
years old. In spite of this brilliant beginning, his story
ended sadly, with his untimely death at the age of 35.
While writing this article I discovered some remark-
able papers written 11 in 1975 by Martin S. Smith and
Kenneth G. Budden, who although unaware of the
earlier works by Vladimirskii and Pancharatnam never-
theless provide a more general viewpoint into which these
fit as special cases. Budden and Smith were studying the
propagation of short radio waves in the ionosphere, where
the "ray" or "WKB" approximation is appropriate. Such
wavefieldsare dominated by a complex exponential factor
whose phase is the familiar optical path length—the
integral of the local wavenumber. They called this path Line of degeneracies of elements of a real
integral "phase memory" because it depends on the symmetric 2 x 2 matrix. The circuit d
properties of the medium—the atmosphere—along the encloses the line L of degeneracies and so
entire propagation path. Thus it is nonintegrable, in generates a geometric sign change; C2 does
contrast to the wave amplitude, which in the simplest not enclose L, and so does not generate such
theory is a "local" factor depending only on the properties a change. Figure 4


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As well as including technicalities that are still Here degeneracies in the u,v,w parameter space corre-
interesting today,12 Budden and Smith gave many applica- spond to the line v = 0, u = w, and so there is a sign change
tions, demonstrating phase memory in seismic waves, in the eigenvectors only if Cencloses this line (seefigure4).
magnetohydrodynamic waves, electroacoustic plasma Such a simple property—even of 2 X 2 matrices—was
waves and atmospheric acoustic gravity waves as well as i- not well known in 1983. I could find no reference to it in
onospheric radio waves. (Readers are warned, however, textbooks of matrix theory (and would welcome informa-
that Budden and Smith's initial illustrative example,11 tion about any). Nevertheless, it was known, in particular
predicting that light traversing a transparent and vari- to quantum chemists studying the vibrations and rota-
ably optically active refracting medium will exhibit tions of molecules. In the Born-Oppenheimer (adiabatic)
additional memory, is wrong because they employ an approximation, the coordinates of the nuclei are regarded
unphysical constitutive relation. When this is corrected, as parameters, to which quantum states of the electrons
the additional memory is canceled by a part of the are slaved. Nuclear configurations with symmetry can
ordinary memory.12) give rise to degeneracy of the electronic energies. In 1958,
H. Christopher Longuet-Higgins, Uno Opik, Maurice H.
Degeneracy L. Pryce and Robert A. Sack noticed that in the solution of
The existence of geometric phases implies that quantum a particular model the electronic wavefunctions changed
eigenstates are not single-valued under continuation of sign when the nuclear coordinates made a circuit of the
parameters in the Hamiltonian. Thus expressed, phase symmetric (degenerate) configuration (see figure 5).13
anholonomy appears to be a rather subtle property, This is the TT anholonomy of real symmetric matrices,
especially when contrasted with the more familiar single- recognized as a general phenomenon by Gerhard Herzberg
valued-ness demanded of wavefunctions under continu- and Longuet-Higgins14 in 1963.
ation of position coordinates, which is necessary to get Longuet-Higgins and his coworkers realized that the
quantized energy levels (in the harmonic oscillator, for
example). However, when detached from its original
quantum mechanical context, the geometric phase can be
regarded as an expression of a simple property of matrices
that depend on parameters—that is, of families of
matrices: Their eigenvectors are not single-valued when
parallel-transported via changes of the parameters. After
a parameter circuit C, the eigenvectors do not return to
their original values. In the class of complex Hermitian
matrices important for quantum physics, the failure to
return takes the form of a phase shift.
Special among Hermitian matrices are real symmet-
ric matrices, which in quantum mechanics can represent
Hamiltonians of systems with time-reversal symmetry—
for example, charged particles in electric, but not magnet-
ic, fields. The eigenvectors of these matrices are real, and
so the only phase anholonomy is 77, corresponding to a
change of sign of the eigenvectors. The sign change occurs
only if the circuit C encloses a degeneracy of the
transported state. The simplest case is that of 2x2

V i' w

Nuclear coordinate circuit. The circuit C is

in the space of nuclear coordinates X of
triatomic molecules. The circuit surrounds the
equilateral molecule, for which there is an
energy level degeneracy (at the conical
intersection). Figure 5


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Drumhead-shape circuit. The circuit Cis in
the space of boundary shapes of triangular
drums, and surrounds a shape for which the
vibration mode is degenerate. (The shapes
look the same because the circuit is small.)
The dark and light areas of the vibrating drums
correspond to the conventional labels + and — .
Note that the vibrations in the triangles at
the beginning and end of the circuit (the
triangles on either side of the arrow) differ
only in phase, by 180°. Figure 6

sign change has physical consequences when the nuclear

coordinates are themselves quantized instead of being
regarded as externally specified parameters: The vibra-
tion-rotation energies have half-odd-integer quantum
numbers, rather than the usual integer ones. They
remarked, "This half-oddness is at first sight strange, but
may be understood by noting that [around a circuit] the
electronic factor in the wavefunction will be multiplied by
— 1, so that the angular part of the nuclear factor must do
likewise if the total wavefunction is to be single-valued."
This is the phenomenon of pseudorotation, which has been
of considerable interest recently.15 circuit, of the field of curvature lines near an umbilic is
Among mathematicians, the sign change was also + 72 or - %.
known. In his celebrated text on classical mechanics, A complete characterization of the geometry of an
Vladimir I. Arnold describes it for a modal eigenfunction umbilic is complicated.19 Figure 8 shows the three typical
of a vibrating membrane, or drum, whose boundary is patterns of curvature lines, one of which (the "star") has
varied round a circuit C in the space of boundary shapes1 index — V2 and the others of which (the "lemon" and the
surrounding a shape for which the mode is degenerate." "monstar") have index + V2. The half-integer index is
For any point on the circuit, the drum eigenfunction is typical of singularities of line fields (which do not have
divided by nodal lines into regions that may be convention- arrows), such as those associated with eigenvectors of
ally labeled + and — . Around the circuit, the nodal lines families of matrices, in contrast to the integer indices of
move over the domain and collide, disconnect and recon- vector fields (which do have arrows). The star and lemon
nect so as to change the + regions into — regions singularities are familiar, with one of the two orthogonal
continuously, and vice versa, as figure 6 illustrates for a sets of lines deleted, as disclinations in the molecular line
set of triangular membranes. Arnold traces the sign fields of liquid crystals,"021 and in fingerprints.
change to a 1976 paper of Karen Uhlenbeck,17 but, as we In 1976, Anthony J. Stone22 generalized the connec-
have seen, the chemists knew about it in 1958. tion between degeneracy and the sign change1314 by
considering complex Hamiltonians. He realized that in
Curved surfaces this general case, where the wavefunctions are also
The 2x2 sign change is much older. I do not know when complex, an arbitrary phase, not just n, could be generated
this was first recognized as a property of matrices, but it is by taking a system round a circuit C. Without giving a for-
implied by a result in Gaston Darboux's monumental 1896
treatise on the differential geometry of curved surfaces.1"
This might be the first example of phase anholonomy,
albeit the rudimentary TT case. Locally, a smooth surface
can be specified by its deviation z(x,y) from a plane, as
figure 7 indicates. From this function one can form the
2x2 real symmetric Hessian (curvature) matrix H(x,.y) of
second derivatives, and x and v can be regarded as
parameters. The eigenvalues of H are the principal
curvatures of the surface at (x,y)—that is, the greatest and
least curvatures of normal sections through the surface at
(x,y). The corresponding eigenvectors are the directions of
these special cuts, and are orthogonal. An unusual
feature of this example is that the eigenvectors can be
considered to lie in the parameter space, as well as being
functions of the parameters. Degeneracies (x,y) corre-
spond to equality of the two curvatures—that is, to Curvatures at a
"umbilic points," where the surface is locally spherical point on a surface.
rather than ellipsoidal or saddle-shaped as it is at typical Curvature lines Locally, a smooth
points. Umbilics are singularities of the orthogonal net of surface can be
curvature lines. The sign change characterizes such a specified by its
singularity by a reversal of the curvature directions in a deviation z(x,y)
circuit of it. Alternatively stated, the Poincare index, or from a
signed number of rotations associated with an oriented plane. Figure 7


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Star Lemon Monstar

The three typical patterns of curvature lines near an umbilic singularity, where the surface is locally spherical.
The star has index — '/,. The lemon and monstar have index + '/,. Figure 8

mula for the phase, he showed how its existence, for a 2. A. Shapere, F. Wilczek, eds., Geometric Phases m Physics,
succession of circuits that together cover a closed surface, World Scientific, Singapore (1989).
could provide a topological indicator of the presence of a 3. R. Jackiw, Commun. At. Mol. Phys. 21, 71 (1988). J. W.
degeneracy. Zwanziger, M. Koenig, A. Pines, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem.
Another anticipation, of which I was regrettably (1990), in press.
unaware when writing my original paper,' was the 4. B. Markovski, V. I. Vinitsky, Topological Phases in Quantum
important work by C. Alden Mead and Donald G. Truhlar Theory, World Scientific, Singapore (1989).
in 1979, containing two developments in the theory of 5. M. V. Berry, in Anomalies, Phases, Defects, M. Bregola, G.
general complex Hamiltonians.23 This theory would Marmo, G. Morandi, eds., Bibliopolis, Naples (1990), p. 125.
apply, for example, to systems with magneticfields,which 6. S. M. Rytov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. USSR 18, 263 (1938); reprint-
do not have time-reversal symmetry. Like Longuet- ed in ref. 4, p. 6. V. V. Vladimirskii, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. USSR
Higgins and his coworkers, Mead and Truhlar were 21, 222 (1941); reprinted in ref. 4, p. 11.
studying molecules in the Born-Oppenheimer approxima- 7. M. V. Berry, Nature 326, 277 (1987); reprinted in ref. 2, p. 197.
tion. The first of the developments was that they not only
realized that the electronic states must acquire a phase 8. M. V. Berry, in Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Theory,
when the nuclear coordinates are cycled, but they also NATO Adv. Stud. Inst. Ser., vol. 144, V. Gorini, A. Frigerio,
gave a general formula for the phase in the case of eds., Plenum, New York (1986), p. 267.
infinitesimal circuits. Second, they discovered another 9. S. Pancharatnam, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. A 44, 247 (1956);
role for the expression whose line integral around the reprinted in ref. 2, p. 51. S. Ramaseshan, R. Nityananda,
circuit generates the phase: It is the potential of an Curr. Sci. (India) 55, 1225 (1986).
effective "gauge force" contributing to the dynamics of the 10. M. V. Berry, J. Mod. Opt. 34,1401 (1987); reprinted in ref. 2, p.
nuclei. The effect of this force is to modify the nuclear vi- 67.
bration-rotation spectrum, as in the special case of 11. M.S. Smith, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 346, 59(1975). K. G.
pseudorotation mentioned earlier. Budden, M. S. Smith, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 350, 27
As elaborated elsewhere,24 in 1983 I was familiar with (1975).
the 77 phase shifts of Longuet-Higgins and Darboux 12. M. V. Berry, Proc. R. Soc. London (1990), in press.
through studies of the quantum mechanics corresponding 13. H. C. Longuet-Higgins, U. Opik, M. H. L. Pryce, R. A. Sack,
to classical chaos, where degeneracies play a useful part. Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 244, 1 (1958).
In retrospect it now appears natural that the generaliza- 14. G. Herzberg, H. C. Longuet-Higgins, Faraday Soc. Disc. 35, 77
tion to the full geometric "phase that launched a thousand (1963); reprinted in ref. 2, p. 74.
scripts" should have been made in my department at 15. G. Delacretaz, E. R. Grant, R. L. Whetten, L. Woste, J. W.
Bristol. The reason is that in Bristol there had been Zwanziger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2598 (1986); reprinted in ref. 2,
several discoveries, over the years, of interesting physics p. 240.
associated with quantities that fail to return after being 16. V. I. Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Dynamics,
taken round circuits—that is, anholonomy.21 I have fol- Springer-Verlag, New York (1978).
lowed that intellectual thread elsewhere, and here 17. K. Uhlenbeck, Am. J. Math. 98, 1059 (1976).
simply list some of those contributions: the descriptions by 18. G. Darboux, Lecons sur la Theorie Generale des Surfaces, vol.
F. Charles Frank of crystal dislocations (1951) and liquid 4, Gauthier-Villars, Paris (1896), note VII, p. 448.
crystal disclinations (1958) in terms of anholonomy; the 19. M. V. Berry, J. H. Hannay, J. Phys. A 10, 1809 (1977).
description of the n-phase for molecular electrons (1958) by 20. F. C. Frank, Faraday Soc. Disc. 25, 19 (1958).
Pryce, one of Longuet-Higgins's coauthors and head of the 21. M. V. Berry, in Sir Charles Frank 80th Birthday Festschrift,
Bristol physics department; and the discovery by Yakir R. G. Chambers, J. E. Enderby, A. Keller, A. R. Lang, J. W.
Aharonov and David Bohm of the electron phase shift in a Steeds, eds., Adam Hilger, Bristol (1990), in press.
circuit of a magnetic flux line (1959). 22. A. J. Stone, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 351, 141 (1976);
reprinted in ref. 2, p. 80.
References 23. C. A. Mead, D. G. Truhlar, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 2284 (1979);
1. M. V. Berry, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 392, 45 (1984); reprinted in ref. 2, p. 90.
reprinted in ref. 2, p. 124. 24. M. V. Berry in reference 2, p. 26. •


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