Data Analytics For Accounting 1st Edition Richardson Solutions Manual

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Some key takeaways are that the document discusses creating a data request form to extract sales data from various tables for analysis. It also discusses using pivot tables to analyze and normalize the extracted data.

Some example questions are: What is the highest selling product? How do quantities sold per product differ across states? What is the average quantity of each product sold per day/per state/per month?

The tables needed are the Sales_Subset table with attributes Customer_ID, Product_Code, Sales_Order_Quantity_Sold and the Customer_Table with attributes Customer_ID and Customer_State. The time period and other details would also need to be specified.

Data Analytics for Accounting 1st Edition Richardson Solutions Manual

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(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-1 Create a request for data extraction

Q1. Given that you are new and trying to get a grasp on Sláinte’s operations, list three questions
related to sales that would help you begin your analysis. For example, how many products were
sold in each state?

Open-ended – no key provided.

Possible answers:

What is the highest selling product?

How do quantities sold per product differ across states?
What is average quantity of each product sold per day/per state/per month?
What is the total quantity of each product sold per day/per state/per month?

Q2. Now hypothesize the answers to each of the questions. Remember, your answers don’t
have to be correct at this point. They will help you understand what type of data you are looking
for. For example: 500 in Missouri, 6,000 in Pennsylvania, 4,000 in New York, etc.

Open-ended – no key provided.

Q3. Finally, for each question, identify the specific tables and attributes that are needed to
answer your questions. For example, to answer the question about state sales, you would need
the [State] attribute which is most likely located in the [Customer] master table as well as a
[Quantity Sold] attribute in a [Sales] table. If you had access to store or distribution center
location data, you may also look for a [State] field there as well.

Open-ended – no key provided.

(Level 2 Header) Part 2: Generate a request for data

Now that you’ve identified the data you need for your analysis, complete a Data Request Form.
1. Open the Data Request Form
2. Enter your contact information.
3. In the description field, identify the tables that you’d like to analyze, along with the time
periods (e.g. past month, past year, etc.)
Table - Sales_Subset: Attributes: Customer_ID, Product_Code, Sales_Order_Quantity_Sold
Table - Customer_Table: Attributes: Customer_ID, Customer_St
4. Select a frequency. In this case this is a “One-off request”.
5. Enter a request date (today) and a required date (one week from today)
6. Choose a format (spreadsheet).
7. Finally complete the To be used in box (internal analysis).

8. TAKE A SCREENSHOT (2-1) of your completed form.

(Level 2 Header) Part 3: Perform an analysis of the data

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This sample only, Download all chapters at:

Q4. Take a moment and identify any attributes that you are missing from your original request
that would be necessary to answer your original question of “How many products were sold in
each state?”.
Missing Customer_ID and Product_Code from the Sales_Subset table. Missing Customer_ID
and Customer_St from Customer Table.
Q5. Evaluate your original questions and responses. Can you still answer the original question?
Q6. Is there another question you could answer from the data Rachel provided?

Possible answers:
How many sales orders has each employee created?
How many sales were created in the month of October?
How much money was generated through sales for the entire period?
How much money was generated through sales for the month of October?


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(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-2 Use PivotTables to de-normalize and analyze the data

(Level 2 Header) Part 1: Identify the Questions

Q1. Given Sláinte’s request, identify the data attributes and tables needed to answer the

Sales_Subset: Product_Code, Sales_Order_Quantity_Sold

(Level 2 Header) Part 2: Master the data: Prepare data for analysis in Excel

Q2. When would it be a good idea to use a single table?

Anytime all of the data you need are in a single table, there is no need to extract more than
one table.

Alternative 2: Use the Excel Internal Data Model

1. TAKE A SCREENSHOT (2-2a) of the Manage Relationships window with both relationships

Q3. How comfortable are you with identifying primary key-foreign key relationships?

KEY: open-ended question, no key provided

Alternative 3: Merging the data into a single table using Excel Query Editor

13. Maximize the Query Editor window, and TAKE A SCREENSHOT (2-2b).

KEY Screenshot:

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Q4. Have you used the Query Editor in Excel before? Double-click the [Sales_Subset] query and
click through the tabs on the ribbon. Which options do you think will be useful in the future?

KEY: Open-ended question, no key provided.

Alternative 4: Use SQL queries in Access


KEY: Screenshot

(Level 2 Header) Part 3: Perform an analysis using PivotTables and Queries



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Key screenshot:


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Key screenshot:

2. Save your query as Total_Sales_By_Product and close your database.

(Level 2 Header) Part 4: Address and refine your results

Q5. If the owner of Sláinte wishes to identify which product sold the most, how would you
make this report more useful?

Several possible answers. Some options include: sorting the data or filtering the data to view
only the product associated with highest total_sales.

Q6. If you wanted to provide more detail, what other attributes would be useful to add as
additional rows or columns to your report, or what other reports would you create?

Many possible answers. A good option would be to include Date data from the Sales_Subset
table to do analysis on which product sells more based on months or seasons.

(Level 2 Header) Part 5: Communicate your findings

Let's make this easy for others to understand using visualization and explanations.

Q7. Write a brief paragraph about how you would interpret the results of your analysis in plain
English? For example, which data points stand out?

Open-ended question, no solution provided.

Q8. In Chapter 4 we’ll discuss some visualization techniques. Describe a way you could present
this data as a chart or graph.

Open-ended question, no solution provided.

End of lab
(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-3 Resolve common data problems in Excel and Access

Q1. What do you expect will be major data quality issues with Lending Club’s data?

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Open-ended question, no key provided.

(Level 2 Header) Part 2: Master the Data

Q2. Given this list of attributes, what concerns do you have with the data’s ability to predict
answers to the questions you identified in Chapter 1?

Open-ended question, no key provided.

Q3. Is there anything in the data that you think will make analysis difficult? For example, are there
any special symbols, non-standard data, or numbers that look out of place?

Open-ended question, no key provided.

Q4. What would you do to clean the data in this file?

Open-ended question, no key provided. The next section of the lab, “Let’s identify some issues
with the data…” introduces several of the items that need to be cleaned (or transformed).

Let’s identify some issues with the data.

 There are many attributes without any data, and that may not be necessary.
 The [int_rate] values are written in ##.##%, but analysis will require #.####
 The [term] values include the word “months”, which should be removed for numerical analysis.
 The [emp_length] values include “n/a”, “<”, “+”, “year”, and “years”, which should be removed
for numerical analysis
 Dates, including [issue_d], can be more useful if we expand them to show the day, month, and
year as separate attributes. Dates cause issues in general because different systems use
different date formats (e.g. 1/9/2009, Jan-2009, 9/1/2009 for European dates, etc.), so typically
some conversion is necessary.

First, remove the unwanted data:

1. Save your file as “Loans2007-2011.xlsx” to take advantage of some of Excel’s features.

2. Delete the first row that says “Notes offered by prospectus…”
3. Delete the last four rows that include “Total amount funded…”
4. Delete columns that have no values, including [id], [member_id], [url]
5. Repeat for any other blank columns or unwanted attributes.

The columns with the headers revol_bal_joint, sec_app_earliest_cr_line,

sec_app_inq_last_6mths, sec_app_mort_acc, sec_app_open_acc, sec_app_revol_util,
sec_app_open_act_il, sec_app_num_rev_accts, sec_app_chargeoff_within_12_mths,
sec_app_collections_12_mths_ex_med, and sec_app_mths_since_last_major_derog can also
be deleted.

Next, fix your numbers:

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1. Select the [int_rate] column.
2. In the Home tab, go to the Number section and change the number type from Percentage to
General using the drop-down menu.
3. Repeat for any other attributes with percentages.
4. TAKE A SCREENSHOT (2-3a) of your partially cleaned data file.

Key Screenshot:

Then, remove any words from numerical values:

1. Select the [term] column.

2. Use Find & Replace (Ctrl+H or Home > Editing > Find & Select > Find & Replace) to find the words
“ months” and “ month” and replace them with a null/blank value “”. Important: Be sure to
include the space before the words and go from the longest variation of the word to the
shortest. In this case if you replaced “ month” first, you would end up with a lot of values that
still had the letter “s” From “months”.
3. Now select the [emp_length] column and find and replace the following values:

Original value New value

na or n/a 0
< 1 year 0
1 year 1
2 years 2
3 years 3
4 years 4
5 years 5
6 years 6
7 years 7
8 years 8
9 years 9
10+ years 10
, (comma) (blank)

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This can be done either with Find and Replace or with a False VLookup. The n/a cells have
nonprintable characters in them, so the =CLEAN function will be useful for ensuring the n/a values are
found in their cells.

4. TAKE A SCREENSHOT (2-3b) of your partially cleaned data file, showing the [term] column.

Q5. Why do you think it is useful to reformat and extract parts of the dates before you conduct
your analysis? What do you think would happen if you didn’t?

Open-ended question, no key provided.

Q6. Did you run into any major issues when you attempted to clean the data? How would you
resolve those?

Open-ended question, no key provided.


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(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-4 Generate summary statistics in Excel

Because every question in this lab is open-ended, there is no key provided.


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(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-5 – College Scorecard Extract and Data Preparation

(Level 2 Header) Part 2: Master the Data

1. Take a screenshot (1)

Screenshot Key:

Q1. By looking through the data in the text file, what do you think the delimiter is?


2. Take a screenshot (2)

Screenshot Key:

3. To ensure that you captured all of the data through the extraction from the .txt file, we need to
validate it. Validate the following check sums:
 You should have 7,704 records (rows).
 Compare the attribute names (column headers) to the attributes listed in the data
dictionary. Are you missing any, or do you have any extras?

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 The average SAT score should be 1,059.07 (this is leaving NULL values as NULL).

Q2. In the check sums, you validated that the average SAT score for all of the records is 1,059.07. When
we work with the data more rigorously, several tests will require us to transform NULL values. If you
were to transform the NULL SAT values into 0, what would happen to the average (would it stay the
same, decrease, or increase)?

The average would decrease

How would that change to the average impact the way you would interpret the data?

It would inaccurately represent a very low SAT average across all schools (Correct Answer)

Do you think it’s a good idea to replace NULL values with 0s in this case?


4. To avoid the issues with NULL, blanks, and 0s, we will remove all of the records that contain
NULL values in either SAT_AVG or C150_4. Do so.

5. Perform a =COUNT() to verify the amount of records that remain after removing all records
associated with NULL values in SAT_AVG or C150_4. 1,271 records should remain.
6. Take a screenshot (3)

Key Screenshot:

Your data is now ready for the test plan. This lab will continue in chapter 3.


(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-6 Comprehensive Case: Dillard’s Store Data: How to Create an E-R Diagram

Questions for Parts 1-3 are all open-ended, no key provided.

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(Level 2 Header) Part 4: Address and Refine Results

Q3. What is the primary key for the TRANSACT table? What is the primary key for the SKU

ITEM_ID – Correct Answer for SKU table

TRANSACTION_ID – Correct Answer for TRANSACT table

Q4. How do we connect the SKU database to the TRANSACT table? How do we join tables
from two different related tables?

Tables are joined by relating the foreign and primary keys. The TRANSACT table has a foreign key
from the SKU table, so the relationship between the two characters is the joining of

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(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-7 Comprehensive Case: Dillard’s Store Data: How to Preview Data From Tables
in a Query

(Level 2 Header) Part 1: Identify the Questions

Q1. How would a view of the entire database or certain tables out of that database allow us
to get a feel for the data?

Open-ended question, no key provided.

Q2. What types of data would you guess that Dillard’s, a retail store, gather that might be
useful? How could Dillard’s suppliers use this data to predict future purchases?

Open-ended question, no key provided. Possible answers include: sales data (sales
orders, sales order dates, items sold), customer data (what each customer purchases,
where they live), inventory (retail price, cost, category), etc.


KEY Screenshot

Q3. What do you think ‘P’ and ‘R’ represent in the TRAN_TYPE table? How might
transactions differ if they are represented by ‘P’ or ‘R’.

Answers will vary, but P represents Purchase and R represents Return.

Q4. What benefit can you gain from selecting only the top few rows of your data,
particularly from a large dataset?
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Answers will vary, but some possible solutions include getting a quick glance at the data without
having to wait for the query to run if it’s a large dataset.

(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-8 Comprehensive Case: Dillard’s Store Data: Connecting Excel to a SQL

Q1. What can you do in Excel that is much more difficult to do in other data management

Open-ended question, no key provided.

Q2. Since most accountants are familiar with Excel, name three data management functions
you can do easier in Excel than any other program? How does that familiarity help you
with your analysis?

Open-ended question, no key provided.

1. Take a screenshot of the PivotTable.

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Q3. Reference your PivotTable and find which state has the highest number of Dillard’s
stores. Which states have the fewest? How many stores are there across the country?

Texas has the highest number of stores, New York and Wyoming have the lowest.
There are 313 stores across the country.

Q4. Counting the number of stores per state is one example of how the data that has been
loaded from SQL Server into Excel can become useful information through a PivotTable.
What are other ways that you could organize the STORE data in a PivotTable to come up
with meaningful information?

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Open-ended question, no key provided.

Q5. Joins are made based on their Primary Key – Foreign Key relationship. Looking at the ER
Diagram or the dataset, which two columns form the relationship between the TRANSACT and
STORE tables?

Transact.ITEM_ID = Store.ITEM_ID

Q6. Looking at the first several rows of data, compare the amounts in ORIG_PRICE, SALE_PRICE,
TRAN_AMT. What do you think tran_amt represents?

The total transaction amount, taking into account discounts.

Q7. What are the means for each of the attributes?

ORIG_PRICE: 53.9857

SALE_PRICE: 35.461

TRAN_AMT: 27.83595

Q8. The mean from TRAN_AMT is lower than the means for both ORIG_PRICE and SALE_PRICE, why
do you think that is? (Hint: it is not an error).

The TRAN_AMT not only takes into account discounts, but also is negative when the
transaction is a return.

(Level 2 Header) Part 5: Address and Refine Results

Q9. How does doing a query within Excel allow quicker and more efficient access and analysis of the

Open-ended question, no key provided. Possible responses include not having to export the
query results from the database.

Q10. Is 15 days of data sufficient to capture the statistical relationship among and between different
variables. What will Excel do if you have over 1 million rows? There are statistical programs
such as SAS and SPSS that allow for transformation and statistical analysis of bigger datasets.

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Open-ended question, no key provided. Possible responses include – that 15 days of data may
be sufficient for a snapshot, but more data would make for stronger statistical analysis. If Excel has
over 1 million rows, it will cut off the results at the 1,048,576th row.

(Level 2 Header) Part 2: Master the Data and Part 3: Perform an Analysis of the Data

For Step 8, the query the students should run should be:


FROM Transact
ON Transact.Cust_ID = Customer.Cust_ID

Q1. How many different states are listed?

65 states with values, 67 states if NULL values are included

Q2. Why are there so many more states listed than 50?

Answers will vary. Possible answers include that non-state territories are listed in the
state field of the Customer table, and there could be inconsistency in the state field of the Customer
table that would create duplicate state values.

Q3. What do you assume the Other, XX, blank, and Null states represent? If you were to analyze
this data to learn more about the amount of customers from different places have shopped at
Dillard’s, what would you do with this data – group it, leave it out, leave it alone? Why?

Answers will vary. The Other, XX, blank, and Null states probably represent Customers who
didn’t indicate their state when they made their purchase. There is inconsistency in the way
unknowns have been recorded in the data. Leaving the data with Other, XX, blank, or Null out of the
analysis is likely the best solution if you are doing analysis based on geographic data – it is not
meaningful if there isn’t a geographic location attached to the record.

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(Level 1 Header) Lab 2-9 Comprehensive Case: Dillard’s Store Data: Joining Tables

(Level 2 Header) Part 1: Identify the Questions

Q1. If we wanted to join the TRANSACT and the CUSTOMER tables, what fields (or variables)
would we use to join them?

The two tables are linked by the Customer.Cust_ID primary key in the Customer table and the
Transact.Cust_ID foreign key in the Transact table.

Q2. Because most accountants are familiar with Excel, name three data management functions
you can do easier in Excel than any other program. How does that familiarity help you with your

Answers will vary. Possible answers include pivoting data, working with long calculations, etc.

(Level 2 Header) Part 2: Master the Data and Part 3: Perform an Analysis of the Data

Step 8 has the students create a query that will show how many customers have shopped at Dillard’s,
grouped by their respective states (using the entire dataset). The query is:

Possible modifications – you could count any field in the Transact table, it does not have to be
Transact.Cust_ID. The alias could also be different (whatever you would like to rename the field).

Q3. How many different states are listed?

67 records are returned, indicating there are more than just the 50 states listed.

Q4. Why are there so many more states listed than 50?

The table lists a few options for when the employee didn’t gather the customer’s state information
(blanks, NULL, Other, XX). The table also lists territories (such as PR for Puerto Rico). Several of the
other options are acronyms for branches of armed forces (AE, AP, AA).

Q5. What do you assume the Other, XX, blank, and Null states represent? If you were to analyze
these data to learn more about the number of customers from different places have shopped at
Dillard’s, what would you do with these data: group them, leave them out, leave them alone?

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You can assume that the Other, XX, blank, and Null state values represent customers who did not
provide their state information to the employee. Answers will vary for the second part of this
question, and it depends on the analysis the student wishes to do.

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Solutions Manual – Chapter 2

Solutions to Discussion Questions

1. The information needs only to be entered once and changes or edits only need to be done in
one file versus multiple files. It won’t take up unnecessary space (which is expensive), take up
unnecessary processing to run reports to ensure that there aren’t multiple versions of the truth,
and will not increase the risk of data entry errors.
2. Relational databases are designed to support business processes across the organization, which
results in improved communication across functional areas and more integrated business
3. Relational databases all connect with each other by use of the primary and foreign key. That
makes data analysis very easy to do since you can readily join the tables and run the requested
data analysis.
4. Relational databases can be designed to aid in the placement and enforcement of internal
controls and business rules in ways that flat files cannot. Due to the nature of the primary
key/foreign key, both a primary key and a foreign key must line up with each other before any
business can be transacted. If there is no supplier in the approved supplier file, it is not possible
to process a purchase order without linking to the approved supplier file.
5. The data dictionary is a centralized repository of descriptions for all of the data attributes of the
data set. Attributes of a data dictionary for each field might include a variable name, a brief
description, whether the field is made up of numbers or text or alphanumerics, the size (or
number of digits) of the field, whether it serves as a primary or foreign key and notes, etc.
6. Before extracting the data, it is important to be able to answer these questions:
a. What is the purpose of the data request? What do you need the data to solve? What
business problem will it address?
b. What risk exists in data integrity (e.g., reliability, usefulness)? What is the mitigation
c. What other information will impact the nature, timing and extent of the data analysis?
7. The analyst needs to know what data is available, how it comes, what it includes, and how
reliable the data is to be able to answer the central question which was the reason for the
8. The more frequent the requested report, the more the database administrator will set it up for
automatic extraction and delivery. It may also be a question of how often the data changes. If
the data is updated weekly and the data is extracted daily, that may not make any sense.
9. The database administrator is most familiar with the data and may be able to help the analyst
get the data needed to address the question. There also might be some sensitivities to who gets
what data to ensure that the data gets to the intended analyst and audience.
10. The impact of transforming data to work with NULL, N/A and zero values in the dataset might
have an impact on programs like Excel.
a. Transforming NULL and N/A values into blanks.
i. The COUNT and AVERAGE functions would not include these fields in their
computation for these variables.
b. Transforming NULL and N/A values into zeroes.

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i. The COUNT and AVERAGE functions would incorporate these zeroes and would
be included in their computation for these variables. It would have an impact
particularly on the computation of the average since it would have the value of
c. Deleting records that have NULL and N/A values from your dataset.
i. The COUNT and AVERAGE functions would not include these fields in their
computation for these variables. If they are deleted all of the other fields and
variables would be deleted as well, thus having a bigger impact on the overall

Solutions to Problems

Problem 2.1

Attributes needed from the College Scorecard data to compare the cost of attendance across types of
institutions (public, private non-profit, private for-profit) would include:

a. CONTROL – 1 = Public. 2 = Private nonprofit. 3 = Private for-profit

b. COSTT4_A – Average cost of attendance

Problem 2.2

Attributes needed from the College Scorecard data to compare SAT scores across types of institutions
(public, private non-profit, private for-profit) would include:

a. CONTROL – 1 = Public. 2 = Private nonprofit. 3 = Private for-profit

b. SAT_AVG – average equivalent SAT of students admitted
c. UNITID – a unique identifier for the institution

Problem 2.3

Attributes needed from the College Scorecard data to compare levels of diversity across types of
institutions (public, private non-profit, private for-profit) would include:

a. CONTROL – 1 = Public. 2 = Private nonprofit. 3 = Private for-profit

b. UNITID – a unique identifier for the institution
c. UGDS – enrollment of undergraduate certificate/degree-seeking students
d. UGDS_WHITE – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are white
e. UGDS_BLACK – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are black
f. UGDS_HISP – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are Hispanic
g. UGDS_ASIAN – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are Asian
h. UGDS_AIAN – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are American
Indian/Alaska Native
i. UGDS_NHPI – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
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j. UGDS_2MOR – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are two or more races
k. UGDS_NRA – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are non-resident aliens
l. UGDS_UNKN – total share of enrollment of undergraduates whose race is unknown

Problem 2.4

Attributes needed from the College Scorecard data to compare completion rate across types of
institutions (public, private non-profit, private for-profit) would include:

a. CONTROL – 1 = Public. 2 = Private nonprofit. 3 = Private for-profit

b. UGDS – enrollment of undergraduate certificate/degree-seeking students
c. UNITID – a unique identifier for the institution

Problem 2.5

Attributes needed from the College Scorecard data to compare the percentage of students who receive
federal loans at universities above and below the median cost of attendance across all institutions
(public, private non-profit, private for-profit) would include:

a. CONTROL – 1 = Public. 2 = Private nonprofit. 3 = Private for-profit

b. PCTFLOAN – Percent of all federal undergraduates receiving a federal student loan
c. COSTT4_A – Average cost of attendance
d. UNITID – a unique identifier for the institution

Problem 2.6

Attributes needed from the College Scorecard data to compare the percentage of students who receive
federal loans at universities above and below the median cost of attendance across all institutions
(public, private non-profit, private for-profit) would include:

a. UNITID – a unique identifier for the institution

b. STABBR – State postcode
c. COSTT4_A – Average cost of attendance

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Problem 2.7


Contact 479-345-0537
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Description of From the College Scorecard data, I need the following data items for each year
Information and unique identifier (UNITID) of the dataset:
Required (Please
a. UNITID – a unique identifier for the institution
b. STABBR – State postcode
c. COSTT4_A – Average cost of attendance
for any analysis, and
other specific
required in the data)

Purpose/Context I am trying to determine if different regions of the country have significantly

(what the data is different costs of attendance.
required for)

Frequency (circle as Annually

One Off Request / Other Term
appropriate) X

Request Date 7/15/2020 Required Date 7/28/2020

Format Required Tab Delimited File Customer (if not

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Problem 2.8

Diversity can be determined by a number of different dimensions. The College Scorecard data seems to
have information on race including the following fields:

UGDS – enrollment of undergraduate certificate/degree-seeking students

UGDS_WHITE – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are white
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UGDS_BLACK – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are black

UGDS_HISP – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are Hispanic
UGDS_ASIAN – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are Asian
UGDS_AIAN – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are American Indian/Alaska Native
UGDS_NHPI – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
UGDS_2MOR – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are two or more races
UGDS_NRA – total share of enrollment of undergraduates who are non-resident aliens
UGDS_UNKN – total share of enrollment of undergraduates whose race is unknown

Depending on the focus of the report, it may make sense to capture broader dimensions of diversity
rather than knowing the population of each individual race category. In that case, it may make sense to
combine categories to have less categories.

Problem 2.9

You would first need to calculate the median cost of attendance at universities and determine which
universities are above and below that median. You may need to do this for each year included in the
analysis as the cost of attendance changes from year to year. Once this is done, you can compute the
percentage of students who receive federal loans at each university and compare them for those both
above and below the median cost of attendance.

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