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Quarterly newsletter of Weldwell Speciality Pvt. Ltd.
Vol. 24 No. 3 July - Sept., 2017

Welding of Nickel and Nickel Alloys

A Century of Discoveries, Inventors and New Nickel Alloys
Dissimilar Welding with Nickel Alloys
Many Applications of Nickel
Development of Nickel Alloy Welding Products
Selecting the Right Nickel Welding Electrode
Nickel in Tomorrow’s World - Tracking Global Challenges
Usage of Nickel in Aerospace Industry

HIGHLIGHTS For your free copy please write to : The Editor,

Weldwell Spectrum, Weldwell Speciality Pvt. Ltd.
• History of Nickel alloy developments
401, Vikas Commercial Centre, Dr. C. Gidwani Road,
• Dissimilar Welding with Nickel Alloys Chembur, Mumbai - 400 074.
• Development and selecting the right Nickel E-Mail : [email protected]
Welding consumables or read on line at www.weldwell.com

Welding Nickel Different Not Difficult …



I have pleasure to present to you this special edition on Nickel OF SPECIAL METALS - WELDING
and its welding. Nickel is one of the special materials which PRODUCT DIVISION, NEWTON, NC,
are extensively used under severe operating conditions. This
special edition covers developments of nickel alloys over the USA
last century. The articles have been contributed by invitation
to international authorities on the subject. To all readers of Weldwell Spectrum,
The 20th century saw invention of hundreds of new alloys.
The lead article, A Century of Discoveries, Inventors and New I say welcome to one of the premier welding
Nickel Alloys, is authored by Dr. Shailesh Patel, a renowned publications of India. From its remarkable approach
technologist in the field of development of nickel alloys.
to educating its readers so that they are better
Development of nickel alloy welding electrodes is closely prepared to perform their duties to the introduction of
intertwined with that of nickel alloys. The second article
new products, Weldwell offers friendly support to the
pictorially explains the path of this development and is
authored by Dr. Sam Kiser, Technical Manager, SMWPC, welding community of India and beyond. When I think
one of the authorities in this field. of friendly, I am reminded of the many welcoming,
The next article is on dissimilar metal welding with nickel alloys friendly members of the welding community whom I
by the same author. This subject assumes importance since met while touring your country in the middle 1990’s.
most fabricated structures are composed of more than one
What is more, I continue to enjoy occasional contact
material. The selected welding consumable must be capable
of accepting dilution without forming a composition that is with friends at Larson and Toubro, BHEL, and other
crack-sensitive or that has other undesirable characteristics. major companies as well as individuals such as
Nickel alloys are one of such materials.
Manas Ghosh. I am reminded that the technical
Since various high nickel alloys have been developed and meetings that I addressed during the tour drew huge
are being developed to meet the demanding operating
conditions a large number of welding consumable have also
crowds of interested listeners ….all with friendly
been developed keeping pace with the base materials. The faces and encouraging words. It is pleasing to be
choice of consumable has become exacting and critical. able to continue to offer nickel alloy welding technical
Of all the applications of nickel, probably its applications assistance to all Weldwell clients and Weldlwell
in aerospace industry, is most stringent. Here reliability readers through the auspices of Weldwell and I am
is a matter of life-and-death. With that in mind, aerospace
engineers rely on nickel-based alloys. A glimpse at how encouraged that the relationship between Special
these hybrid metals contribute to the aerospace industry is Metals and Weldwell continues to be strong and
presented in this section.
mutually beneficial to both our companies and our
I hope you will enjoy reading this special edition on nickel countries. May God continue to bless you all richly,
and its alloys. I will appreciate your feedback to improve best wishes,
forthcoming editions. In case you have any query regarding
welding of nickel and its alloys we will be glad to provide you
the solution.

Dr. S. Bhattacharya Sam Kiser, P.E., FAWS

Editor R&D Welding Engineer
Special Metals – Wire Products Division
Editorial Board: P.S.Nagnathan, Sanjay Sahay, Ashok Rai and
Kapil Girotra


A Century of Discoveries, Inventors and New Nickel Alloys*

Dr. Shailesh Patel

The 20th century was an explosive period for the growth of the nickel industry beginning in 1906 with the
development of MONEL® metal. What followed over the next 100 years is literally the invention of hundreds of
new alloys uniquely designed for scores of applications in a multitude of industries. This paper acknowledges
a number of the prolific inventors that pioneered new fields of alloy development. It also highlights a long list
of major metallurgical discoveries made by the metallurgists of the International Nickel Company.

INTRODUCTION the post World War I period, that N. B. Pilling, E.

On January 30th, 1906, Ambrose Monell received a Merica and P. D. Merica first explored the hardening
patent on the manufacture of a nickel-copper alloy, that effect of aluminium and titanium on nickel alloys for
eventually became known as MONEL alloy 400, an the first time that led to the ultimate development of
alloy still in much demand today. With this invention, Aluminium-Monel Metal, which then became known
began a century of explosive expansion of the nickel as ‘K’ MONEL and finally as MONEL alloy K-500. The
industry. What followed over the next 100 years has optimization of the aging reaction was concurrently
been the development of literally hundreds of new pursued by W. A. Mudge at Inco’s new Huntington,
alloys uniquely designed for scores of applications in WV works. A. P. Gagnebin, K. D. Millis and N. B.
a multitude of industries. Leading the charge was the Pilling in 1947 are credited with the discovery that
International Nickel Company (Inco) with major new magnesium additions to cast iron would spheriodize
alloys in every decade. This impressive track record the graphite and dramatically ductilize the material
is briefly reviewed here. Special acknowledgment as shown in Figure 1. With the advent of the gas
is given to a select number of prolific inventors that turbine engine during the years of WW II, came
pioneered in alloy development. Acknowledgment the need for stronger more durable alloys capable
is equally given to certain major metallurgical of high temperature service. First to answer this
discoveries and developments uncovered by Inco challenge was Pfeil, working at Inco’s Wiggin facility
metallurgists, including gamma prime and gamma in the UK, and the development of NIMONIC alloy
double prime hardening of nickel alloys, ductilization 80 in 1941. This was followed four years later by
of cast iron, the role of nickel in inhibiting stress NIMONIC alloy 80A, a stalwart alloy widely used
corrosion cracking, maraging, mechanical alloying in engine valves even today. Over the years came
and a host of metallurgical phenomena exhibited by progressively stronger alloys, NIMONIC alloy 90
nickel-containing alloys. (1945), NIMONIC alloy 95 (1951), NIMONIC alloy
100 (1955), NIMONIC alloys 105 (1960) and 115
RECOGNITION OF KEY NICKEL ALLOY (1964). Then in 1971, Wiggin Alloys commercialized
INVENTORS NIMONIC alloy 263 invented by metallurgists from
While the Inco hosted a large number of metallurgists Rolls Royce. These developments were the result
who became alloy inventors, a select few deserve of improved methods of hot working and careful
special mention for their outstanding contributions selection of the optimum additions of aluminium,
to the family of nickel-containing alloys. Ambrose titanium and other constituents, principally cobalt
Monell has already been mentioned. It was during and molybdenum. Meanwhile inventors were at work

*Shailesh Patel is currently Vice President of Technology for PCC Forged Products,
which is a group of companies including all of the Special Metals, Wyman Gordon and
Timet companies, dedicated to serving the needs of the Energy and Aero Gas Turbine
Industries. He is responsible for directing the Research and Development activities across
the Forged Products Segment of PCC and also for broadly coordinating the Technical and
Engineering functions within the Group.


Fig. 1 a: Microstructure of Ductile Iron Fig. 1 b: Stress Strain Relation in Ductile and Gray

at Inco’s U. S. research laboratories developing their of wrought alloys, including, INCONEL alloy 625
unique answers to meet the need for more advanced (1964), INCONEL alloy 718 (1962), INCOLOY alloy
super alloys. Principal among them was Clarence 903 (1964), INCONEL alloy 601 (1971) INCONEL
Bieber, who is credited with the development of alloy 706 (1972) INCOLOY alloy 840 (1973) and
INCONEL alloy X (1944) (later to be renamed INCONEL alloy 617 (1975). All are mainstays of his
X-750), the cast nickel alloys INCONEL alloy 713 company and the nickel alloy producing-industry
(1956), IN-700 (1961), IN-100 (1962), INCOLOY today.
alloy 901 (1962), IN-713LC (1965), IN-738 (1969),
IN-103 (1970), IN-748 (1970), IN -731 (1971), IN- Then during the 1980s and 1990s, John and Darrell
792 (1971), and the first of the maraging steels in Smith developed a series of low expansion alloys for
1959. Concurrent to the time of Clarence Bieber, the gas turbine and other applications that include
but working at Inco’s Huntington Alloys Company, INCOLOY alloy 907 (1977) - an improvement in notch
was Herbert Eiselstein, who developed a long series toughness over INCOLOY alloy 903, INCOLOY alloy

1900-09 MONEL alloy 400
1920-29 MONEL alloy K-500
1930-39 INCONEL alloy 600, MONEL alloy R-405, PERMANICKEL alloy 300
1940-49 INCONEL alloy X-750, NI-SPAN-C alloy 902, DURANICKEL Alloy 301, INCOLOY alloy 800, INCOLOY alloy
801, NIMONIC Alloy 75, NIMONIC alloy 80, NIMONIC alloy 80A, NIMONIC alloy 90
1950-59 INCONEL alloy 751, INCOLOY alloy 825, NIMONIC alloy 105, NIMONIC alloys 108, PE 11, PE 16
1960-69 INCONEL alloy 718, INCONEL alloy 690, INCONEL alloy 625, INCOLOY alloy 840, NIMONIC alloy 81
1970-79 INCONEL alloy 601, INCONEL alloy 617, INCOLOY alloy 800H, UDIMET alloy 720, INCOLOY alloy 903,
NIMONIC alloy 101, INCOLOY alloy MA 956, INCONEL alloy MA 754, NIMONIC alloy 86
1980-89 INCOLOY alloy 925, INCONEL alloy 601GC, INCONEL alloy 706, INCOLOY alloy 800HT, INCONEL alloy
625LCF, INCONEL alloy 725, INCOLOY alloy 907, INCOLOY alloy 908, INCOLOY alloy 909
1990-99 INCONEL alloy 622, INCONEL alloy 686, INCOLOY alloy 890, NILO alloy 365, INCOLOY alloy 864,
INCONEL alloy 783, INCONEL alloy 718SPF, INCOLOY alloy 832

Fig. 2: A century of innovation


908 (1981) and now a leading candidate for ITER advancement of nickel alloys into high temperature
superconductor sheathing, INCOLOY 909 (1982) - oxidation resistant applications. It was their research
developed to improve processability, and INCOLOY that stated if the molar volume of the metal to the
alloy 783 (1995) - with greatly enhanced oxidation molar volume of oxide that formed on it was close to
resistance. K. C. Russell and D. F. Smith published 1; the oxide did not spall while large deviations from 1
a review of the physical metallurgy of controlled led to spallation. K. Delong in 1956 expanded on the
expansion Invar-type alloys in 1989 that contains a well-known Shaeffler diagram by including nitrogen
history of the development of these alloys. in the calculation of nickel equivalents thus greatly
aiding the welding of stainless steels by developing
Following Clarence Beiber’s invention of the first true ferrite content numbers. Also working out of
maraging steel in 1959, a decade of alloy development Inco’s Bayonne Research Laboratory, H. R.Copson
occurred within the Inco research laboratories. In published his classic Copson Curve showing the
1963, R. F. Decker received a patent for the 18%Ni, effect of nickel on resisting stress corrosion cracking
250 ksi Y. S. grade of maraging steel. In 1966, E. in boiling 42% magnesium chloride. It wasn’t until
P. Sadowski patented two grades of cobalt-free 1963 that the hardening phase in MONEL alloy
maraging steel and Clarence filed for his amazing K-500 was positively identified by W. Fragetti and
400 ksi Y. S. grade in 1965. During 1966 and 1967, J. Mihalisin using the electron microscope. H.
S. Floreen and R. F.Decker received patents for two Eiselstein is credited with showing the slow kinetics of
maraging alloys, one with a silicon addition and one the precipitation hardening effects of gamma double
with a manganese addition. The last Inco inventor to prime in the 1960s. The slow aging formation of
file a maraging steel patent was G. W.Tuffnell in 1967 Ni3Nb lead to series of new alloys, notably INCONEL
for a 350 ksi Y. S. grade. The century of key alloy alloy 718, the most widely used nickel alloy in the
inventions by the metallurgists of the International manufacture of gas turbines today.
Nickel Co. and Special Metals Corp. the current
owners of the Huntington Alloy Division since 1998 PROCESS INNOVATIONS AT INCO
is depicted in Figure 2. Inco became a pioneer in the development of vacuum
melting of super alloys during the 1950s, and was
HIGHLIGHTING THE DISCOVERY OF CERTAIN honoured in 1989 by ASM as a historical site for
METALLURGICAL PHENOMENA the installation of its continuous annealing sheet
The Pilling-Bedworth Ratio, developed in 1923, furnace and for being the first production site for
was one of first research discoveries that aided the

Fig. 3: Innovations in Processing


the exclusive production of nickel alloys dating from Zr and N to withstand grain growth in the ceramic
1922. Additionally, mechanical alloying is certainly furnace environment (INCONEL alloy 601GC).
a unique innovation among metallurgical process INCONEL alloy 718 was given a special final anneal
developments (a process employed by Huntington to produce a fine-grain superplastic version of the
Alloys, Inc. since the late 1970s). Inco has been alloy for enhanced fabricability of complex aerospace
a major contender in the field of P/M super alloys components (INCONEL alloy 718SPF). The fatigue
since the inception of this manufacturing technique properties of INCONEL alloy 625 were improved by a
in the 1960s and is today a leading producing of series of compositional and process modifications to
such powder super alloys as P/M Udimet 720, P/M extend the life of heat recuperators (INCONEL alloy
Astroloy and P/M Alloy 10. The special contributions 625LCF). To increase the metal dusting resistance
of Inco and Special Metals Corp. to the many process of alloys used in syngas and ammonia production,
innovations made by the metallurgical industry during INCONEL alloy 693 was developed. To aid the
the past century are shown in Figure 3. weldability of INCOLOY alloy 840, INCOLOY alloy
832 was developed with a controlled ferrite number.
UNIQUE ALLOYS FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS Rising exhaust temperatures necessitated increasing
Inco must be credited with a number of alloy the temperature capability of NI-ROD Filler Metal 44
innovations down through the years. Some of which (a welding product for joining cast iron parts of the
are recorded here. NI-RESIST and NI-HARD were auto exhaust system). The new ductile iron welding
introduced by the company in 1927. O. B. J, Fraser product is called NI-ROD Filler Metal 44HT.
developed what became known as INCONEL alloy
600 in 1932 (the first chromium-containing alloy Alloy development continues into this new century
produced in Huntington, WV). NI-SPAN-C, the with the development of INCONEL alloy 740
first commercial age-hardenable Fe-Ni-Cr-Ti with for advanced ultra-supercritical boiler tubing,
constant modulus, was patented in 1941. The first Experimental Alloy 4023 was developed as a low
of the 9%-nickel steels was developed in 1946. cost, intermediate performance diesel exhaust valve
INCOLOY alloy 800, a workhorse thermal processing alloy, INCONEL alloy TD for thermocouple sheathing
alloy, was introduced in 1949. In 1952, a highly where severe oxidation is expected and INCOLOY
corrosion resistant alloy for the chemical industry and alloy 27-7MO for seawater corrosion applications
oil patch was introduced. Initially, it was called NI-O- and general chemical uses.
NEL but subsequently renamed INCOLOY alloy 825, References
INCOCLAD tubing (50% Cr-50%Ni clad on INCOLOY 1. U. S. Patents Nos. 1,755,554, 1,755,555, 1,755,556, 1,1755,557.
alloy 800) was first sold in 1972 to electric utility 2. A. P. Gagnebin, The Fundamentals of Iron and Steel Castings, 1957,
The International Nickel Company.
industry to overcome severe ash corrosion in coal- 3. L. B. Pfeil, N. B. Allen, C. G. Conway, I. S. I. Special Report No. 43, July
fired boilers. Also in the early 1970s, H. R. Copson 4.
1952, pp. 37-45.
W. Betteridge and J. Heslop, The NIMONIC ALLOYS, Pub. Edward
and G. Economy developed INCONEL alloy 690 to Arnold, 2nd. Ed. Bristol, UK, 1974.
solve a critical chloride stress corrosion cracking 5.
J. S. Benjamin, Met. Trans. 1970, 1, pp. 2943-2951.
K. C. Russell and D. F. Smith, Physical Metallurgy of Controlled
problem in nuclear steam generators. INCOLOY Expansion Invar Type Alloys, Pub. The Minerals, Metals & Materials
alloy 925 is an age hardenable grade of INCOLOY 7.
Society, Warrendale, PA., 1989, pp. 253-272.
N. B. Pilling and R. E. Bedworth, J. Ins., Met., Vol. 29, 1923, pp. 529-
alloy 825 invented by D. F. Smith and E. F. Clatworthy 582.
in 1982 that offers exceptional high strength along 8. W. DeLong, Welding Research Supplement, AWS, July 1973, pp. 281-s
with resistance to aqueous corrosion in sour oil 9. H. R. Copson, physical Metallurgy of Stress Corrosion Fracture,
and gas production. Alloys developed by Inco and Interscience Publishers, Inc. New York, NY, 1959.
10. W. A. Fragetta and J. R. Mihalisin, ASTM Special Technical Publication
subsequently by Special Metals metallurgists play a No. 339, 1963, pp. 69-72.
prominent role in this family of alloys. During the 1990s, 11. H. L. Eiselstein, ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 369, 1965,
pp. 62-79.
G. Smith undertook a series of alloy modifications 12. U. S. Patent No. 6,491,769, issued December 10, 2002.
to tailor a number of company products for specific 13. U. S. Patent No. 6,372,181, issued April 16, 2002.
14. U. S. Patent No. 6,537,393, issued March 25, 2003.
applications. INCONEL alloy 601 was modified with 15. U. S. Patent No. 6,918,967, July 19. 2005


Dissimilar welding with nickel alloys*

S.D. Kiser
INTRODUCTION and the area of the original base metal included in
AMONG the factors that determine an alloy’s it. Areas can be determined with a planimeter or by
commercial usefulness, weldability is often critical. tracing the cross section onto quadrille paper.
An alloy that cannot be welded to itself is virtually
useless as a general engineering material. And, since A Weld Metal
most fabricated structures are composed of more
than one material, it is highly desirable for an alloy to Base Metal Dilution =
be weldable to other alloys as well as to itself.

Most nickel alloys have good weldability and can Fig 1.: Calculation of dilution rate
be joined to a wide range of dissimilar alloys. The
success of a particular dissimilar-joining operation In practice, dissimilar joints are often evaluated by
depends largely on the final chemical composition using an assumed dilution rate based on known
of the weld deposit. The composition of the deposit dilution levels for various welding processes. For
is controlled not only by the electrode or filler metal example, shielded-metal-arc welding, the most
but also by dilution from the two base metals. widely used process for dissimilar joints, normally
The selected welding product must be capable of produces a dilution rate of 30% when welding is done
accepting that dilution without forming a composition in the flat position. The welder’s technique may vary
that is crack-sensitive or that has other undesirable the rate by plus or minus 10%, but the welder has
characteristics. the least influence on dilution with shielded-metal-
arc welding.
A good estimate of the probability of success can be
made by first determining the amount of dilution that Gas-metal-arc (MIG) welding has a wider variation
is likely to occur and then comparing the results with in dilution. Rates may range from about 10% to
known metallurgical limits for dilution by the elements 50% depending on type of metal transfer and torch
involved. manipulation. Spray transfer gives the highest
dilution, and short-circuiting transfer the lowest.
Gas-tungsten-arc (TIG) welding has the greatest
The amount of dilution produced by a set of welding
variation in dilution. When filler metal is used, rates
conditions can be determined by two ways. The most
range from 20% to 80% or higher depending on
accurate way is to mill off a sample of a trial bead and
operator technique. A weld made without filler metal
perform a chemical analysis on it. A sample from the
would have 100% dilution since all of the weld bead
top of the bead is suitable since weld beads show
is supplied by the base metals.
little change in composition from top to bottom. If
analytical facilities are unavailable, dilution rate can Regardless of the welding process used, dilution
be calculated from an area comparison on a joint is also affected by such factors as joint design and
cross section. As shown in Figure 1, dilution rate is fit-up. In overlaying by automatic processes, proper
derived from the total area of the bead cross section electrode positioning and the use of oscillation can

*Adapted from the excerpts from a presentation by S. D. Kiser

Samuel (Sam) D. Kiser is Director of Technology for the Special Metals Welding Products
Co., formerly INCO. Holds more than ten patents for nickel alloy welding products. Sam
is the recipient of the A.F. Davis Silver Medal and the Samuel Wylie Miller Memorial
Medal Awards, and has published more than eighty articles and lectured extensively
around the world


greatly lower dilution. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the relative amounts of each material in the bead.
dilution control in overlaying.
Monel alloy 400 304 Stainless Steel
Although it is always best to keep dilution low, it is
also important for dilution to be consistent along the 15% 15%
weld. Variation in dilution rate will result in variation
Fig. 4.: Weld metal contribute by each source in a
in weld properties along the length of the joint.
dissimilar weld
The amounts of the major elements in the weld bead
can be calculated as follows:

Nickel Content:
15% dilution X 67% Ni = 10% from alloy 400
15% dilution X 8% Ni = 1.2% from 304 stainless
70% X 70%Ni =49% from electrode, 60.2% total
nickel content

Chromium Content:
15% dilution X 18% Cr = 2.7% from 304 stainless
Fig 2.: Cross section of overlay on carbon steel. 70% X 15% Cr = 10.5% from electrode, 13.2% total
Poor electrode positioning chromium content

Iron Content:
15% dilution X 74% Fe = 11.1% from 304 stainless
70% X 8% Fe = 5.6% from electrode, 16.7% total
iron content

Copper Content:
15% dilution X 32% Cu = 4.8% from alloy 400

In a multiple-pass weld, composition of each bead

will be different. The root bead will be diluted equally
by the two base metals. As shown in Figure 5,
Fig 3.: Cross section of overlay on carbon steel. subsequent beads may be diluted partially by a base
Welding with oscillation of electrode metal and partially by a previous bead or entirely by
previous beads.
With a known dilution rate. the composition of the
weld bead can be predicted using the compositions A 2 3 B
of the welding product and base metal. For example. 1
assume that a job calls for welding MONEL* alloy
400 (67% Ni. 32% Cu) to Type 304 stainless steel
Fig. 5.: Multi-pass dissimilar weld
(8% Ni. 18% Cr. 74% Fe) and you need to know
whether INCO-WELD* A Electrode (70% Ni. 15% DILUTION LIMITS
Cr. 8% Fe) would produce an acceptable wled-metal After the composition of the weld metal is calculated,
composition. With a dilution rate of 30% the weld it can be compared with known dilution limits for
bead would be made up of 15% from each base nickel-alloy weld metals to determine whether it is
metal and 70% from the electrode. Figure 4 shows crack-sensitive or sound. The elements normally of


concern in considering dilution of nickel-alloy weld Nickel-chromium welding products are the most likely
metals are copper, chromium. and iron. The weld to be used for joints involving dilution by chromium.
metals can accept unlimited dilution by nickel. With those products, the total chromium content of
the weld metal should not exceed about 30%. Since
Copper Dilution the welding products contain 15 to 20% chromium,
The limits for copper dilution of the four major types of dilution should be held to under 15%. Fortunately,
nickel-alloy weld metal are snown in Figure 6. As the applications in which high chromium dilution could
chart indicates, copper dilution is of no concern with occur are rare.
nickel, nickel-copper and copper-nickel weld metals.
With nickel-chromium weld metals. e.g. INCO-WELD Iron Dilution
A Electrode or INCONEL Welding Electrode 182, The most frequently encountered source of dilution
copper dilution should not exceed 15%. in dissimilar welding is iron. Many applications
require joining of ferrous materials to nickel alloys,
Maximun Copper Dilution %
0 10 20 30 40 100
and steel is the usual substrate for overlays. Most
nickel-alloy weld metals can accept a substantial
Nickel amount of iron dilution, but the dilution limit for a
weld metal generally varies with the welding process
Nickel Copper used. Figure 8 shows the limits of iron dilution for the
weld metal

various weld metals and welding processes.

Copper Nickel
Maximun Iron Dilution %
0 10 20 30 40 60
Nickel Chromium


Fig. 6.: Limits of copper dilution of nickel and nickel
alloy welds metals GTAW & GMAW, Stress Relieved
Nickel Copper GTAW & GMAW as welded
Chromium Dilution:
weld metal


As shown in Figure 7, chromium dilution must be

controlled with all of the weld metal. Dilution of nickel Copper Nickel

weld metal by chromium should not be more than

30%. Nickel-copper and copper-nickel weld metals Nickel Chromium GTAW, GMAW, SAW

have low tolerance for chromium: dilution should be SMAW

kept under 8% for nickel-copper and under 5% for

Maximun Chromium Dilution %
Fig. 8.: Limits of iron dilution of nickel and nickel
0 10 20 30 40 60 alloy welds metals
Nickel weld metal can accept up to about 40% iron
dilution when welding is done by the shielded-metal-
Nickel Copper
arc (coated electrode) process. If applied with bare
weld metal

Copper Nickel
filler wire, however, nickel weld metal should not be
diluted with more than 25% iron.
Nickel Chromium

Limits of iron dilution for nickel-copper weld metal

vary greatly depending on the welding process
Fig. 7.: Limits of chromium dilution of nickel and used. With shielded-metal-arc welding, iron dilution
nickel alloy welds metals of upto about 30% causes no problems. Submerged-


arc deposits should not be diluted more than 25% place stress on the joint and can reduce fatigue life.
by iron. When deposited by the gas shielded From the standpoint of dilution, either a stainless-
processes, nickel-copper weld metal is less tolerant steel or an INCONEL nickel-chromium weld metal
of iron dilution, especially if the weld is to be stress would be suitable.
The stainless weld metal would expand about the
The limits are not closely defined at present, but recent same as the stainless base metal, and the nickel-
research indicates some conservative guidelines are chromium weld metal would expand at a rate near
15% maximum iron dilution for deposits to be used that of alloy steel. If the joint is welded with a stainless
as-welded and 10% maximum dilution for stress- electrode, both the weld metal and the stainless base
relieved welds. Since those values are likely to be metal will expand more than the alloy steel, placing
exceeded when a joint involves steel, a layer of the line of differential expansion along the weaker,
nickel weld metal or nickel-copper weld metal from alloy-steel side. If nickel-chromium weld metal is
a coated electrode should be applied to the steel used, the stress resulting from unequal expansion
before completion of the joint. The nickel-copper will be confined to the stronger, stainless-steel side
barrier layer may also be applied by submerged-arc of the joint.
Differences in melting point between the two base
Copper-nickel weld metals can accept only small metals or between the weld metal and base metal
amounts of iron. With all welding processes, iron can result, during welding, in rupture of the material
dilution of copper-nickel deposits should be limited with the lower melting point. Solidification and
to 5%. contraction of the material with the higher melting
point places stress on the other material while it
Nickel-chromium weld metals can accept relatively is in a weak, incompletely solidified condition. The
large amounts of iron dilution, making them useful problem can often be eliminated by applying a layer
for many dissimilar joints involving stainless and of weld metal on the low-melting-point base metal
carbon steels. Deposits of nickel-chromium coated before the joint is welded. A lower stress level is
electrodes can be diluted up to about 40% with iron. present during application of the weld metal layer.
Deposits applied by bare wire can accept up to 25% During completion of the joint, the previously applied
iron dilution. weld metal reduces the melting-point difference
across the joint.
Silicon Dilution
Dilution of nickel-chromium weld metal by silicon Prevention of carbon migration is sometimes important
should also be considered, especially if the joint in dissimilar joints involving steels. Nickel-alloy weld
involves a cast material. Total silicon content in the metals are effective barriers to carbon migration and
weld deposit should not exceed about 0.75%. are sometimes used for that attribute when carbon
migration would be undesirable. An example is a
OTHER FACTORS joint between stainless steel, which typically has
In addition to dilution, factors such as differences in low levels of carbon. and alloy steel which contains
thermal expansion and melting point often influence higher levels of carbon for strengthening. The
selection of a weld metal for a dissimilar joint. A joint carbon content would tend to equilibrium across the
between austenitic stainless steel and low-alloy steel joint, migniting from and weakening the alloy steel
such as T-22 illustrates the need to consider thermal presence of nickel-alloy weld metal in the joint would
expansion. This type of dissimilar joint is found discourage carbon diffusion.
in the superheater and reheater tubing of power-
plant boilers. The expansion rate of low-alloy steel EVALUATING WELD QUALITY
is lower than that of stainless steel. During service The characteristics of dissimilar joints must be
at moderate temperatures, unequal expansion will considered in performing bend and tensile tests to


Fig. 9.: Transverse bend-test specimen in which Fig. 10. : Longitudinal bend-test specimen in which
most of the bending occurred on one side of the all areas of the joint were forced to bend the same
joint. amount.

evaluate weld quality. In general, longitudinal instead depends largely on the final composition of the weld
of transverse specimens should be used to avoid deposit. That composition is controlled not only by
misleading results. the composition of the welding product but also by the
amount of dilution from the base metals. Dilution rate
A dissimilar joint consists of three alloys (two base can be measured or estimated and used to predict
metals and diluted weld metal) plus two heat-affected the final weld-metal composition. That composition
zones. If the various areas have different mechanical can then be compared with known dilution limits for
properties or work hardening rates, a guided bend the various nickel-alloy weld metals to determine
test on a transverse specimen will likely show an whether the deposit will be crack-sensitive or sound.
erroneously low value for weld-metal ductility. The Other factors to consider in dissimilar welding are
indication of low ductility is obtained because all of differences in thermal expansion and melting range
the bending takes place in the softest area. With between the base metals or between a base metal
a longitudinal specimen all areas of the joint are and the weld metal. In evaluating weld quality,
forced to elongate at the same rate, providing a more transverse bend and tensile tests can be misleading.
realistic indication of weld quality. The ASME and Longitudinal specimens give better indications of
API codes permit the use of longitudinal specimens weld quality.
when materials of markedly different strengths are
Additional references on Nickel and
Similar results are obtained with transverse tensile
tests. Most of the elongation occurs in the softest Nickel Alloys
zone, yet a standard 2.0-in. (51-mm) gauge length • Welding Cast Iron: Straightforward (if the iron is
averages the elongation over all five zones, giving known and understood)* - Samuel D. Kiser, P.E.,
values misleadingly low. Elongation of a transverse FAWS, and Michael Northey
specimen means nothing unless the gauge length is
restricted to the zone of fracture. • Nickel Alloy weld overlays improve the life of
power generation boiler tubing - By Rengang
SUMMARY Zhang, Samual D Kiser and Brian A Baker
The success of a dissimilar-welding operation


Development of Nickel alloy welding products

Development of Nickel alloy welding electrodes is closely intertwined with that from Special Metal Welding Product
Company, formerly known as International Nickel Co (INCO). The lead article has already summarised the key
achievements of INCO

Special Metal Welding Product Company, as is known metallurgists were hired along with 8 technicians to
today, began as INCO or the International Nickel Company staff the welding laboratory and the welding products
with headquarters on Wall Street in uptown NYC. Our first department was peopled with a Superintendent, six
welding facility began as a foundry in Bayonne, NJ. The foremen and about 35 employees. Greatly improved
very first Welding Forums were conducted in Bayonne by products were developed especially in the coated
the legendary Ken Spicer. The Bayonne Foundry began electrode variety. Smooth arc characteristics and good
making A-nickel and B-MONEL castings in the 1930’s. Our out-of-position capabilities were developed for most of
Huntington facility was built beginning in 1922. We began our products. By the middle 1970’s, 2,000,000 lbs / year
making wrought A-Nickel and B-MONEL shortly after of coated electrodes were being produced to meet normal
the early 1920’s. The development history of the alloys demand and the surging nuclear market.
that were invented by Huntington and Sterling Forrest
metallurgists has been presented in the lead article (A INCONEL Welding Electrode 182 was the premier
Century of Discoveries, Inventors and New Nickel Alloys electrode and INCONEL Filler Metal 82 was the primary
by Dr. Shailesh Patel). The castings from Bayonne more bare wire used for nuclear fabrications and installations.
or less followed or coincided with the alloy developments MONEL Welding Electrode 130 went through multiple
from Huntington. However, castings almost always need improvements and names of WE 140, WE 180 and finally
a little touch up welding, so it was natural that the welding MONEL WE 190. The last product, WE 190 was versatile
products be developed by the foundry. and able to weld both low and high carbon MONEL alloys
as well as MONEL castings in all positions. The alloys
The earliest developments were Nickel Welding electrode themselves changed identities from A Nickel to Nickel
131, MONEL WE 130 and INCONEL WE 132. These were 200 and B-MONEL to MONEL 400 and INCONEL 600
formulated in approximately the 1940’s to 1950’s. Up until remained the same. Following base metal developments
the early 1940’s the oxy-fuel process was the leading came FM 601, FM 69 for INCONEL alloy X-750 followed
wire welding process and the welding wires used were by the superior age- hardenable alloy718 and FM 718.
Nickel Filler Metal 41, MONEL FM 40 and INCONEL FM
42. These wires were simply made from exactly the same The cast iron welding product, NI-ROD was developed
alloy as the base metals and only FM 40 and 42 required at Bayonne in the early 1940’s by using a core wire of
fluxes, Nickel FM 41 could be welded with only a mildly pure nickel (nickel 200) and adding graphite through the
reducing flame. With the advent of “Heliarc” welding or coating. This produced a soft, easily machined deposit
TIG welding, the wires required additional alloying for that precipitated graphite on solidification which acted
cracking resistance and protection against porosity. The as chip breakers during machining. In about 1948, two
new sets of wires were called Nickel FM 61, MONEL remarkable developments came from the Bayonne
FM 60 and INCONEL FM 62. These wires contained Laboratory: The invention of ductile iron and NI-ROD 55,
small amounts of aluminium, titanium and manganese a nickel iron electrode that produced better strength and
for deoxidation and malleabilization. About this time, the ductility than NI-ROD and was machinable but not quite
products were being developed and improved and were as soft as NI-ROD. After the laboratory was moved to
often labeled BP-XX for Bayonne Product. In the 1940’s Huntington, NI-ROD Flux Cored 55 was invented and was
and 1950’s some of the earliest developmental products closely followed by NI-ROD Filler Metal 44 , a nickel-Iron-
were BP-39 and BP-85. Some of these later became manganese bare wire product that provided even more
INCO-WELD A and INCONEL WE 182. strength and ductility than NI-ROD 55 for GMAW welding
several grades of ductile iron and some gray irons. As the
In 1964, the welding products facility in Bayonne was automotive market grew and catalytic converters were
moved to Huntington with substantial investment in
personnel and equipment. Five welding engineers and ...continued on Page 18

Samuel (Sam) D. Kiser Director of Technology, Special Metals Welding Products Co., USA


Selecting the Right Nickel Welding Electrode

Nickel and High Nickel Alloys are used in fabrication restricts to only nickel consumable electrodes used
of equipment which have to withstand highly corrosive for welding or cladding purpose.
environments. Often the corrosion is enhanced
by the operating conditions of high pressure and Selecting the correct electrode for the job is a
temperature. Various high nickel alloys have been challenging task. Stick electrodes are available in a
developed and are being developed to meet these wide range of types, each of which provides different
demanding operating conditions. In some cases, mechanical, chemical and metallurgical properties
due to cost considerations, the mild and low alloy and operates with a specific type of welding power
steel equipment and vessels are clad by nickel alloys source and must be considered for the selection of
to combat corrosion. the welding consumable. Factors one should also
consider when selecting an electrode include its
Welding of nickel is different from welding other size, base metal type, joint fit-up, service conditions
metals and alloys. Two characteristics contribute to and welding positions too.
this difference:
Factors to help selection
1. Nickel could form a tenacious viscous oxide during Selecting the right nickel welding consumable is
welding which restricts the wettability and flow of the more complicated than the other metals due to the
weld metal.
constraints mentioned earlier besides its extensive
2. Nickel is highly susceptible to embrittlement by sulfur, usage for joining dissimilar metals and cladding
phosphorus, lead and other low-melting substances. making it necessary to consider dilution factor.
Nevertheless one could consider the following basic
The weld metal flow problem can, however, be guidelines for the purpose:
reduced by:
Assess the Base Metal
• Selecting an appropriate joint design The first step in choosing an electrode is to determine
the base metal composition. The goal is to match
• Choosing the correct type of gas and gas flow (or closely match) or at least be compatible with the
rate to ensure proper protection from atmospheric base metal that is welded, the electrode composition
oxygen to the base metal type, which will help ensure to
get a strong weld. For welding dissimilar welding or
• Clean welding consumables which do not contain
cladding job the dilution factor needs to be consider
any lubricants or oxides or contaminants.
to ensure the chemistry of the weld joint.
• Selecting a superior formulated covered electrode
Tensile Strength
to ensure proper flow and cleanliness.
To prevent cracking or other weld discontinuities,
An electrode is one of the most important materials match the minimum tensile strength of the electrode
in welding, and the wide selection of electrodes can to the tensile strength of the base metal. You can
make a choice quite overwhelming. With some basic identify a stick electrode’s tensile strength by referring
information about the factors to consider may guide to the AWS classification printed on the side of the
in choosing the right electrode. electrode. This factor is not very critical in cladding
applications. However, spalling property becomes
There are two basic kinds of electrodes. Consumable important while selecting consumable for cladding.
electrodes which are used up during the welding
processes, as they supply the filler metal used in Welding Current
the weld and non-consumable electrodes which are The type of electrical current involved in the welding
used during the TIG welding process. This article process affects the level of penetration into the base


metal, with AC current generally achieving deeper used in high heat or low temperature environments,
penetration. Some electrodes can be used with only subjected to repetitive shock loading, electrode
AC or DC power sources while other electrodes with higher ductility will reduce the chance of weld
are compatible with both. To determine the correct cracking. Also, be certain to check for welding
current type for a particular electrode, refer to the specifications if you’re working on critical applications
AWS classification or contact the manufacturer. such as pressure vessel or boiler fabrication. In most
cases, these welding specifications will require you
Base Metal Thickness, Shape and Joint Fit-Up to use specific types of electrodes.
Thick materials require an electrode with maximum
ductility to prevent weld cracking. Available Specifications
There are a number of specifications available to
The thicker the metal, the stronger the weld’s tensile help in selecting the right welding consumables.
strength should be, and the deeper the penetration Some of the important ones are AWS ASME Section
required to effectively bond the filler metal with the II Part C and ISO.
base metal. Diameter of the electrode is an important
criterion which depends on the thickness of the metal Usually the manufacturers provide full details of their
being welded. It is tempting to use smaller diameter welding consumable for its applicability. A selection
electrodes for TIG welding because the arc is quite chart provided by the Special Metal Welding Product
easy to start with them, but the quality of the final Company is given below as a ready-reckoner.
weld is a higher priority. Nickel being a sluggish
metal it needs wider joint opening and an electrode Conclusion
that provides a digging arc to ensure sufficient Consideration of the above factors will help you
penetration. overcome the challenges of selecting the correct stick
electrode for your particular application. However,
Welding Position given the wide range of available electrodes, several
To determine what position(s) a particular electrode solutions may exist for one application. If you need
is qualified for, the manufacturer will assist when additional assistance with electrode selection,
asked for details. your local welding supply distributor or a company
representative of a reputable filler metal manufacturer
Position of the Weld can serve as an excellent resource.
Some electrodes are designed to weld in only one
of the positions while other electrodes are actually Note: One may contact M/s Weldwell Speciality Pvt.
designed to work effectively in all positions. Ltd., Mumbai for any specific requirement in selecting
the right Nickel welding or cladding consumable
Welding Speed electrode/s.
Welding speed depends largely on the shielding gas,
heat transfer properties, oxidation and metal transfer Additional references on Nickel and
characteristics. An electrode’s flux coating determines Nickel Alloys
the composition of the shielding gas, which in turn
affects oxidation, as well as heat and metal transfer. • Inconel Filler Metal 72M Provides Corrosion and Wear
To achieve maximum welding speeds, one needs an Resistance and Low “Delta T” through Walls of Tubing
electrode that oxidizes quickly to ensure fast weld in Fossil-Fired Boilers by Samuel D. Kiser, Martin
solidification. Caruso, Rengang Zhang, Brian A Baker

Specification and Service Conditions • Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Nickel-Base

Make sure to assess the conditions that the welded Alloys by John N DuPont, John C Lippold and Samual
part will encounter throughout its service. If it will be D Kiser, Published by John Wily & Son, 2009


Nickel in Tomorrow’s World - Tracking Global Challenges*

There are numerous qualities associated with nickel technology – from cell phones to high-speed rails.
that will continue to provide the basis of innovation New discoveries involving nickel are showing
and breakthroughs in science and sustainability in potential for advancements in cheaper clean-energy
the decades and centuries ahead. Nickel enables technologies. Researchers at Penn State University
innovation directly because of its shape-memory, recently found an important chemical reaction
electrochemical and magnetism properties. Nickel that generates hydrogen from water – creating
also supports the use of other elements and materials an efficient way to use water as fuel. The water is
in innovative applications, via the well-known effectively catalyzed, producing hydrogen energy, by
properties of nickel alloys. Future decades will see a nanoparticle composed of nickel and phosphorus.
continuous progress in the design of processes and This process is essential for many energy-production
products so that materials can be easily identified, technologies, including fuel cells and solar cells and
separated and recovered at end of life. Designing is efficient, clean and cost-effective. Insights from
for the environment is a growing discipline and will this discovery and other research are finding new
have extraordinary impacts on how products are potential for nickel to advance our technology and
developed. This increasing emphasis on design bring beneficial innovations down in our future. Digital
reflects not only the way products are used, but also communication through mobile phones, laptops,
how they are managed at the end of their useful lives. handheld devices and other wireless gadgets that
Ever higher percentages of materials in products, continue to appear on the market in faster and savvier
including the nickel contained in batteries, electrical models will be a significant part of the future.
systems, phones, fasteners and hundreds of other
consumer products, will be diverted from landfills and Nickel’s contribution to tackle global challenges are
recovered for recycling. Because of the economic going to be mostly in the following areas:
value of nickel and its ability to be restored to its
original properties, there will be financial as well as • Water Quality and Supply Food Security
regulatory and ethical reasons for making the effort • Access to Quality Healthcare
to recover this most talented of metallic elements. • Urbanisation and Quality of Life
• Energy Supply
Although quality of life is improving in many parts • Efficient Transport and
of the world, millions of people still live below the • Infrastructure
poverty line. Innovative technologies can help make • Innovation and Technology
daily lives better and more efficient, helping to
address needs in both the developed and developing Nickel-containing materials have the further advantage
world. In order to stay competitive, manufacturers of being ideally suited for recycling because they
will have to be innovative in creating products and have end-of-life value, are easily identified, and can
services that improve the experience of the user. be turned into new high quality materials with less
At the same time, moral and ethical dimensions are energy. Less well-known properties of nickel are also
becoming more and more important to consumers, being mobilised to respond to the global megatrends.
as evidenced by the rising demand for product labels Breakthroughs are increasing efficiencies and
with environmental and social information. reducing emissions as well as the quantity of raw
materials used to produce the goods and services
In newer technology, Nickel alloys are essential in we need. New applications of nickel will be in millions
creating electromagnets and electronic plating. It of parts and processes, making contributions out of
will continue to play a role in the advancement of all proportion to the small amounts used.

*Adapted from publication of Nickel Institute

“Nickel in Tomorrow’s World Tackling Global Challenges”, No. 20130916



NICKEL ALLOYS FOR AEROSPACE Resistance to Oxidation and Corrosion
APPLICATIONS Nickel based alloys like Alloy X-750 (Ni 70%, Co 1%,
Of all the applications of nickel, probably, its applications Cr 15.5%, Fe 7%, Al 0.7%, Ti 2.5%, Cu 0.5%) have
in aerospace industry is most stringent though the total superb resistance in extremely stressful environments,
volume of Nickel used is low. Despite that there exists such as those found in rocket engines, gas turbines,
an extensive variety of Nickel based alloys which are and other aircraft structures. Being precipitation
widely used in aerospace engineering. Airplanes and hardened with other resilient and versatile metals such
spacecrafts are complex machines that are designed as aluminium and titanium, Alloy X-750 can withstand
and built to precise specifications. In many cases, very high levels of oxidation and corrosion which are
whether these aircraft work properly and reliably is a often commonplace in numerous parts of an aircraft.
matter of life-and-death. With that in mind, aerospace
engineers rely on nickel-based alloys to react as desired Low-Expansion at Severe Temperatures
when they face certain conditions in flight. Here is a Alloy 36 (nominal composition: Ni 36%, Fe remaining)
glimpse at how these hybrid metals contribute to the is a Nickel and Iron based alloy which is used in
aerospace industry. aerospace engineering. Its main advantage is its
extremely low levels of coefficient of expansion at
The Nickel alloys for aerospace use are selected based cryogenic temperatures to high of about 260°C,
on their ability to resist extremely high temperatures, allowing this alloy to consistently retain its shape and
corrosion and constant wear, and for their magnetic strength through temperature variations. Its application
properties. Nickel alloys are structurally some of the within the field of aerospace includes the formation of
toughest materials available, as well as being a good composites; thermostat rods; measuring devices; laser
conductors of electricity. components; and tanks and piping for liquefied gas
The following is enlists some of the most advantageous
properties which make Nickel alloys so vital for Creep Resistance under High Stress Conditions
aerospace applications: Nickel alloys for aerospace applications such as Alloy
80A (nominal composition: Cr 20%. Ti 2.4%, Al 1.5%,
Strength at High Temperatures
Ni remaining) have exceptional creep resistance
Nickel alloys such as Waspaloy (nominal composition properties. This alloy’s ability to retain its fortitude
Nickel 58%, chromium 19% , cobalt 13%, molybdenum under high degrees of stress and at temperatures of up
4%, titanium 3%, aluminium 1.4%) is a great example to 850°C make it extremely useful for the construction
of one of them which provides strength and reliability of aircraft exhaust valves and turbine rotors.
at high temperatures, as this alloy remains structurally
sound at temperatures as high as 870°C (156 MPa x Corrosion Properties
103 at 870°C). It shows excellent strength properties Pure nickel is slow to react to oxygen and is thus
through temperatures of roughly 980°C. As a result considered corrosion resistant. It can be combined
of these properties it has great application for use in with steel to create stainless steel, or a combination
forged part such as turbine engines of aircraft where of other metals to create the base for a superalloy
burning jet fuel can cause parts to become immensely such as Inconel group of alloys (Ni-Cr with additions
hot for extended periods of time. Other properties of Fe, Mo, Co etc). A superalloy is extremely strong,
like good corrosion resistance and practically being resistant to deformation and does not corrode easily.
impervious to oxidation makes it a perfect choice for its Not surprisingly, about 75% of superalloys are used in
application. the aerospace industry for turbine blades.

*Sources: Street, Arthur & Alexander, Metals in the Service of Man. 11th Edition (1998);
USGS. Mineral Commodity Summaries: Nickel (2011); Encyclopedia Britannica. Nickel; Metal Profile:


NICKEL ALLOYS IN AIRPLANE PARTS nickel alloys became standard.

Nickel Alloys in Gas Turbines
Other Airplane Parts
One of the best uses for nickel alloys is in gas turbines
in airplane engines. A turbine is a rotating fan that Although nickel alloys are best known for improving
uses one power source to generate another, as in a gas turbine efficiency, they have applications in other
hydroelectric dam or a wind turbine. The principle is the parts of an airplane as well.
same in an airplane’s gas turbine, except pressurized
Alloy 80A (nominal composition Al 1.5%, Cr 20%,
gas generates the energy needed to spin the turbine.
Ti 2.5% Rem Ni) resists changing shape, even at
An airplane’s turbine creates the thrust that moves the
extremely high temperatures and under intense stress.
plane forward, off the ground, and through the air.
It is commonly found in an airplane’s exhaust valve,
During World War II, gas turbine engines required which releases hot exhaust from the engine.
frequent maintenance because the high temperatures
Monel is another nickel alloy used in airplanes. This
in the combustion engine corroded the steel alloys
metal contains 68% nickel, 29% copper, and smaller
rapidly. Scientists and engineers turned to nickel,
amounts of iron, manganese, and other elements.
with its heat and corrosion resistance, to solve this
Similar to steel in many ways, monel has a high
problem. Airplane engineers replaced stainless steel
resistance to weight-bearing stress (known as tensile
alloys in turbines with nickel alloys, particularly in the
strength) and can be welded. Airplanes have monel
combustion chamber. In the combustion chamber, fuel
in their exhaust manifolds, carburettor valves and
injectors release a continuous stream of pressurized
sleeves, and the gears and chains that control landing
gas, and the flame holder keeps it burning the entire
gear. Monel rivets are used to hold nickel-steel alloys
flight-despite the high volume of wind passing through
in place as well.
the turbine. Because of this continuous flame, the
combustion chamber must withstand high temperatures
Some of the specific applications of nickel alloys are
for sustained periods of time. Nickel alloys make this
given in the table below:
After discovering the value of nickel alloys in gas
Nickel-based alloys are so useful in the aerospace
turbines, aerospace engineers continued to enhance
industry that they have been to the Moon. During the
nickel alloys for airplane flight. Adding other metals to
1960s, the United States’ Apollo missions allowed 12
the alloy, such as tungsten and molybdenum, made it
men to walk on the Moon. In order to get there, these
even more heat-resistant. Applying aluminium-based
astronauts used a spacecraft designed specifically for
coatings gave the nickel alloys greater resistance to
landing on the Moon: the Lunar Module, or LM.
corrosion and rust. New methods to cast the alloys gave
them needed directional strength. Today, a jet engine
According to the Smithsonian National Air and Space
holds about 1.8 tons of nickel alloys. These nickel alloys
Museum, nickel-based alloys comprise many of the
make it possible for a jet engine to complete about
black outer parts of the LM. These black parts used a
20,000 flight hours before requiring major maintenance.
nickel-steel alloy to absorb and reflect the Sun’s heat
Compare that to the 5-hour flight life of planes before

Application Material
Compressor blades and vanes INCONEL® alloy 718, NIMONIC® alloys 90 & 901, INCOLOY® alloy 909
Turbine blades and vanes INCONEL® alloy MA754, NIMONIC® alloys 80A, 90, 101, 105 & 115
INCONEL® alloys 706, 718 & X-750, NIMONIC® alloys 90, 105, & 901, Waspaloy, INCOLOY®
Discs and shafts
alloys 903 & 909, Rene 88, 95 IN 100, UDIMET® alloys 700 & 720, UDIMAR® alloys 250 & 300
INCONEL® alloys 600, 625, 718 & X-750, NIMONIC® alloys 80A, 90, 105, 263 & 901,
Fasteners and general engine hardware
INCOLOY® alloy A-286, Waspaloy
INCONEL® alloys 600, 617, 625, 718, X-750, 783 & HX, NIMONIC® alloys 75, 80A, 90, 105, 263,
Casings, rings, and seals
901, PE11, PE16 & PK33, Waspaloy, INCOLOY® alloy 909
Sheet fabrications (combustors, ducting, exhaust INCONEL® alloys 600, 601, 617, 625, 625LCF®, 718, 718SPF,™ X-750 & HX, NIMONIC® alloys
systems, thrust reversers, hush kits, afterburners, etc.) 75, 86, 263, PE11, PE16 & PK 33, INCOLOY® alloy MA956, UDIMET® alloys 188 and L-605


away from the LM. With the help of up to 25 layers of FM 82 were the most popular products for fabrication and
aluminium coating on top of the nickel alloy, these parts erection beginning in the late 1960’s. With the discovery
also protected the spacecraft from tiny meteoroids. of primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC),
The nickel-alloys used on the LM were incredibly the higher chromium containing alloy INCONEL alloy
thin: 0.0021072 mm thick. Compare that to common 690 was developed. This was followed by the 30%Cr
aluminum foil which is around 0.2 mm thick. A piece of WE 152 and FM 52. These products had good PWSCC
printer paper is typically 0.1 mm thick. resistance, but were found to be susceptible to ductility
dip cracking (DDC) during fabrication. SMWPC invented
CONCLUSION FM 52M, WE 152M, and INCONEL Weldstrip 52M for
With the many advantages associated with Nickel best overall cracking resistance with all processes. These
based alloys, it is evident that without the use of these products have dominated the fabrication and repair
versatile metals, aircraft would have trouble finding a markets for light water reactors since their inception
in the early 2000’s. The latest nuclear development is
replacement alloy which provide them with the same
INCONEL Filler Metal 52MSS coupled with WE 152MSS
range of applications which are essential for the high
and Weldstrip 52MSS. These products offer the very best
level of efficiency and reliability that are enjoyed today.
in DDC resistance and solidification cracking resistance
as well as PWSCC resistance. Truly our nuclear product
Clearly nickel alloys have important ties to aerospace
portfolio is complete.
history. Without these heat – and corrosion-resistant
metal alloys, we could not travel across oceans so In summary, from cast iron welding to nuclear fabrication
easily today, nor would men have walked on the surface and repair, our products lead the way. For chemical and
of the Moon. Truly these nickel-based alloys are an petrochemical we offer the NICRMO family mentioned
indispensable modern metal. above and INCONEL Filler Metal 617 and WE 117 for
maximum stress rupture strength for ethylene pyrolysis
...Development of Nickel alloy welding products - service and other high temperature applications. For both
continued from Page 12 waste to energy (biomass) and power boilers, we offer
INCONEL Filler Metals 72 and 72M and 622 for tubular
invented, the desire to move the catalytic converter as
overlays to resist sulfidation and circumferential cracking
close as possible to the engine for faster “light off” was
(coal ash corrosion). SMWPC offers a complete line of
born. This required higher operating temperatures for
nickel alloy welding products for nearly every application
the welding products used and Silicon-Moly ductile iron
and we offer experienced technical service.
grades were invented to survive the higher temperatures.
This brought forth the invention of NI-ROD 44HT shortly
The path to development of welding consumables is
before the turn of the century. This product allows high
pictorially presented on following page.
productivity welding of 400 series stainless steel catalytic
converter cans to be welded directly to Si-Mo ductile
iron with either machine welding or robotic welding. In Additional references on Nickel and
the middle 1970’s, the premium operability cast iron Nickel Alloys
electrodes NI-ROD 99X and 55X were created to compete
with the very smooth operating proprietary electrodes. • A New Welding Material for Improved Resistance
to Ductility Dip Cracking - Nickel alloy welding
Meanwhile, back at the NiCrMo family of materials, we requirements for nuclear service by Samuel D.
first invented INCONEL alloy 625 and followed it quickly
Kiser and Brian A Baker
with WE 112 and FM 625. These products have become
the most popular nickel alloys used in the oil and gas • Corrosion Resistance of NICKEL- CONTAINING
industry across all times. FM 625 is easily the most
desirable valve overlay wire ever and WE 112 is widely
used for refinery turnarounds. The product line is rounded FLUORIDE and FLUORINE Publication No. 443
out with INCO Filler Metal C-276, FM 622, and for the (CEB-5) NiDI
most stringent pitting and crevice corrosion resistance,
INCO-WELD FM 686CPT. • High-Performance Alloys for Resistance to
Aqueous Corrosion - Publication number SMC-
Returning to the nuclear arena, INCONEL WE 182 and 026 of Special Metals Corporation

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