The Small Fatal Choroidal Melanoma Study. A Survey by The European Ophthalmic Oncology Group

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The Small Fatal Choroidal Melanoma Study.

A Survey by the European Ophthalmic

Oncology Group


 PURPOSE: To determine the size at which choroidal respectively. By the time of analysis, 37 patients had
melanomas can metastasize and to report the characteris- died of metastasis after a median of 7 months.
tics of small fatal choroidal melanomas (SFCM).  CONCLUSIONS: Choroidal melanomas less than
 DESIGN: Retrospective case series. 3.0 mm in LBD are highly unlikely to metastasize. Risk
 METHODS: Ten ocular oncology services submitted 45 factors of an SFCM are similar to those for all choroidal
patients with a choroidal melanoma 3 mm or less in thick- melanomas of similar size. (Am J Ophthalmol
ness and 9 mm or less in largest basal diameter (LBD), 2019;202:100–108. Ó 2019 The Author(s). Published
when treated, who developed metastases. by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the
 RESULTS: Median tumor thickness was 2.4 mm (range, CC BY-NC-ND license (
1.0–3.0 mm) and LBD 7.3 mm (range, 3.0–9.0 mm). Of licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).)
14 (31%) tumors that were first observed, 12 grew a me-
dian of 0.5 mm (range, 0.1–1.2 mm) in thickness and

1.0 mm (range, 0–3.0 mm) in LBD within a median of MALL CHOROIDAL MELANOCYTIC TUMORS ARE
7 months; 3 were initially smaller than 3 mm in LBD. treated if their appearance or growth suggests malig-
Number of risk factors for growth and metastasis was nancy. Several studies have identified risk factors for
0 for 4% of the tumors; 60% were over 2 mm in thick- growth1–6 and metastasis3–5 of suspicious small melanocytic
ness, 63% had subretinal fluid, 84% caused symptoms, choroidal lesions so as to aid in making treatment
57% had orange pigment, and 92% were within 3 mm decisions. These include in particular tumor thickness
of the disc. Local recurrence occurred in 8 of 31 eyes over 2 mm, subretinal fluid, symptoms, orange pigment,
(26%) treated conservatively. Median metastasis-free and tumor margin either touching or within 3 mm from
survival was 4.5 years (range, 0.8–15.7 years). Kaplan- the optic disc margin, giving rise to the TFSOM (‘‘To
Meier estimate of metastasis developing was 15% (95% Find Small Ocular Melanoma’’) mnemonic.3,4 Small
confidence interval [CI], 7–26), 51% (95% CI, 36–64) choroidal melanocytic tumors, especially those without
and 85% (95% CI, 71–92) by 2, 5, and 10 years, risk factors, have frequently been observed for growth to
confirm diagnosis before being treated.7 Especially small
perifoveolar tumors have often been watched, because
treating them likely compromises vision. However, obser-
Supplemental Material available at vation before treatment might increase the risk for metas-
Accepted for publication Jan 30, 2019. tases.8 Consequently, the practice of observing suspicious
From the Ocular Oncology Service, Department of Ophthalmology, small melanocytic tumors of the choroid remains contro-
University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki,
Finland (S.J., T.T.K.); Department of Ophthalmology, Leiden versial.7,9–13
University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands (M.J.J.); In contrast to an abundance of case series that have
Department of Ophthalmology, Radbouc UMC, Nijmegen, The explored risk factors for growth and metastasis to tell small
Netherlands (S.J.R.G.); Department of Ophthalmology, Institute Curie,
Paris, France (L.D.); Department of Ophthalmology, Oslo University melanomas from other lesions, reports of small fatal
Hospital-HF, Oslo, Norway (N.A.E.); Department of Ophthalmology, choroidal melanomas (SFCM) that metastasized and killed
Croix-Rousse Hospital, Lyon, France (J.D.G.); Department of the patient are scarce and typically do not describe such tu-
Ophthalmology, Copenhagen University Hospital Glostrup,
Copenhagen, Denmark (J.F.K.); Department of Ophthalmic Oncology, mors in detail.3,14–25 Based on their size, one might infer
St. Erik’s Eye Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden (S.S.); Department of that the smallest choroidal melanomas that metastasize
Ophthalmology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy (E.M., R.P.); range from 1.7 to 2.5 mm in thickness and from 5.0 to
IRCCS - Fondazione Bietti, Rome, Italy (E.M.); Department of
Ophthalmology, Saint-Roch University Hospital, Nice, France (J.P.C.); 8.0 mm in largest basal diameter (LBD),14,19–26 and that
and Department of Ophthalmology, Poznan University of Medical several have shown evidence of growth before20,21 or—in
Sciences, , Poznan, Poland (I.R.K.). the form of local recurrence18,19,22,24—after they were
Inquiries to Susanna Jouhi, Department of Ophthalmology, Helsinki
University Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 4 C, PL 220, FI-00029 HUS, treated. Theoretical calculations based on tumor
Helsinki, Finland; e-mail: [email protected] doubling times have suggested that uveal melanomas as

small as 3 mm in LBD already might metastasize, thirdly histologic measurements, as available. The data
however.27,28 What the actual size limit is for a choroidal requested additionally included the date of birth, sex,
melanoma to gain the ability to metastasize remains ethnicity, date of diagnosis, involved eye, visual acuity, his-
unknown.5,13,17 tory of a previous nevus, high-risk factors for growth and
The European Ophthalmic Oncology Group initiated metastasis (TFSOM),3,4 observation before treatment,
this retrospective, collaborative Small Fatal Choroidal date and type of the primary treatment, histopathologic
Melanoma Study (Supplemental Text; Supplemental Ma- diagnosis, date of local tumor relapse, secondary
terial available at in order to determine whether treatments, date of diagnosis of metastases, systemic
or not a size limit for a choroidal melanoma to metastasize treatment, and last known survival status after
can be determined, and to characterize the appearance and metastases. If the tumor was first observed for growth,
course of an SFCM before and after it is treated. Such data data were collected from 2 visits: the initial diagnostic
should be valuable to inform clinicians when to treat a visit and the last visit preceding primary treatment.
small, suspicious pigmented choroidal tumor. We received data from 56 patients diagnosed between
1962 and 2010. Eleven patients were excluded after eligi-
bility check, leaving 45 (80%) in our analysis. Excluded
were 5 patients who had tumors larger than the eligibility
METHODS criteria by the time of treatment after observation for
growth, and 3 patients who had incomplete key data. More-
 AIMS OF THE STUDY: The primary aim was to determine over, we found that a patient diagnosed in 1990 with pulmo-
the size of the smallest choroidal melanomas that can nary metastases from an epithelioid cell melanoma showed
metastasize. Secondary aims were to describe the character- by immunohistochemistry a melanoma marker-negative,
istics of an SFCM at the time of treatment, local tumor cytokeratin-positive tumor consistent with a primary pul-
control, metastasis-free interval, and survival of patients monary carcinoma with satellites. Finally, we excluded 2
with an SFCM. patients who in 1973 and 2010 had only extrahepatic me-
tastases detected because these were not biopsied and we
 STUDY DESIGN: Eligible for this retrospective study were were thus unable to verify them to have originated from
consecutive patients who were diagnosed with a choroidal their uveal melanoma without reasonable doubt.
melanocytic tumor 3 mm or less in thickness and 9 mm or
less in LBD when treated and who subsequently developed  STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: All analyses were performed
metastases. All tumors were thus a subset of American Joint with Stata (release 13.0, Stata Corp, College Station,
Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Tumor, Node, Metastasis Texas, USA). Median and range are given as descriptive
(TNM) classification (7th and 8th Edition) T1a, stage I statistics. We used Fisher exact test to compare unordered
melanomas.29,30 Data on consecutive patients were contingency tables. All tests were 2-tailed unless otherwise
requested from members of the European Ophthalmic specified, and P < .05 was considered statistically signifi-
Oncology Group. This retrospective study, which was cant.
conducted using patient charts, archival images, and For comparison of the cumulative frequency of age at
pathology data acquired in the course of past treatment, diagnosis of an SFCM with that of any small choroidal mel-
primarily from patients who already had died, received anoma fulfilling the size criteria for inclusion, we
from the Institutional Review Board of the Department constructed a reference group by drawing for each case 3
of Surgery, Helsinki University Hospital (the controls that had been treated at the Helsinki University
coordinating center of the study), and subsequently from Eye Hospital in the same year as the study patient.
the participating centers a waiver for collecting these Time to local recurrence was calculated from the date of
anonymous data. For the same reason, written informed primary treatment and analyzed using the cumulative inci-
consent was not applicable. The study adhered to the dence method, modeling death of systemic metastasis as a
tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and all federal or competing risk.32,33 Analysis of time to systemic
state laws in participating countries. metastasis and survival was based on the Kaplan-Meier
product-limit method and the log-rank test because all pa-
 DATA COLLECTION: Ten ocular oncology services sub- tients developed systemic metastases and none died of
mitted anonymous data through a secure survey website. other causes, and thus competing risks were not an issue.
Tumor dimensions had been recorded clinically in disc di-
ameters (DD) and diopters of elevation, in millimeters with
ultrasonography, or both, depending on the year of treat-
ment. Disc diameters and diopters were converted to milli- RESULTS
meters (1 DD ¼ 1.5 mm, 1 D ¼ 1/3 mm).31 Median tumor
dimensions were calculated using primarily ultrasound THE MEDIAN AGE OF THE 45 PATIENTS, ALL WHITE, WAS 57
measurements, secondarily clinical measurements, and years (range, 26–81 years). The cumulative frequency


plot of having an SFCM diagnosed began to rise more
rapidly at the age of 45 years. Before the age of 50 years,
we observed no difference in the plot between patients
with an SFCM and the control group of small choroidal
melanomas fulfilling the inclusion size criteria
(Supplemental Figure 1; Supplemental Material available
at Thereafter an SFCM was diagnosed a median
of 4 years earlier than in controls. Of patients with an
SFCM and controls, 25 (51%) and 73 (51%) were female,
respectively. FIGURE 1. The size of 45 small fatal choroidal melanomas.
Scatterplot of largest basal tumor diameter against tumor thick-
ness. White circles indicate tumors without local recurrence and
Of the 45 tumors, 31 were
gray squares tumors that recurred; connected symbols indicate
treated immediately (Figure 1 and Figure 2A–C) and 14 tumors that were observed to grow before diagnosis and treat-
(31%) were observed before treatment. Twelve of the latter ment (measurements at initial visit and at last visit before treat-
(86%) grew during a median observation time of 7 months ment).
(range, 2.5 months to 5.8 years; Figure 2D–L). Of the 14
tumors, 3 had been followed for more than a year
(Figure 2D, E, G and H). The median observed growth
was 0.5 mm (range, 0.1–1.2 mm) in thickness and 1.0 mm symptoms, 21 (57%) had orange pigment, and 24 (92%)
(range, 0–3.0 mm) in LBD. Three tumors that had the had a margin within 2 disc diameters of the optic disc
smallest initial tumor diameters grew only in LBD and 7 (27%) touched the disc margin (Table). Of 3 eyes,
(Figure 2D–F), whereas 2 of the larger tumors grew only subretinal fluid over or around the tumor was diagnosed
in thickness (Figure 1). The 2 tumors that did not grow in 16 (50%) and an inferior retinal detachment in 4
had been observed for 1.6 and 6.7 months and then treated. (13%). Symptoms included blurry vision, a field defect,
floaters, photopsia, and metamorphopsia. For tumors
 TUMOR CHARACTERISTICS AND SIZE AT THE TIME OF observed for growth, orange pigment developed or
TREATMENT: The visual acuity of the tumor eye ranged increased before treatment in 1 of 9 eyes, and subretinal
from counting fingers to 25/20 (median, 20/40) at the fluid emerged or increased in 1 of 10 eyes.
time of treatment. The tumor was dark brown in 16
(36%) eyes, light brown to amelanotic in 24 (53%) eyes,  PRIMARY TREATMENT: Patients were typically treated if
and of mixed color in 3 (7%) eyes. The distances from they had a presumed small choroidal melanoma diagnosed
the posterior tumor margin to the foveola and the optic either because the tumor had been observed to grow (27%)
disc were a median of 0.8 mm (range, 0–5.0 mm) and or it showed at least 1 high-risk facture (69%;
1.0 mm (range, 0–4.3 mm) for 26 tumors, respectively Supplemental Table 1; Supplemental Material available
(Supplemental Figure 2; Supplemental Material available at Two tumors (4%) with no observed risk fac-
at The tumor margin involved the foveola in tors were immediately treated.
11 (24%) eyes and extended to within 2 DD of it in 12 Fifteen (33%) eyes were enucleated, and an extraocular
(27%) eyes. Twenty-four (57%) tumors were located tem- extension 0.5 mm in diameter was detected from 1 peripa-
poral and 18 (43%) were nasal. pillary tumor that was 9 mm in LBD (pT1c, stage IIA).
The median thickness of an SFCM when treated was Eighteen tumors (40%) were treated with brachytherapy:
2.4 mm (range, 1.0–3.0 mm) and its median LBD was ruthenium in 13 and iodine in 5 patients. The median
7.3 mm (range, 3.0–9.0 mm; Figure 1). None of the 45 tu- dose to tumor apex and sclera with ruthenium was
mors were less than 3.0 mm in LBD at the time of treat- 100 Gy (range, 80–150 Gy) and 341 Gy (range, 173–443
ment, whereas 12 (27%) were 3.0–6.0 mm (Figure 2B, E Gy), respectively. Five of these patients received adjunc-
and L), and 33 (73%) were 6.1–9.0 mm (Figure 2H–J). tive transpupillary thermotherapy within 7 months from
The LBDs for the 4 smallest tumors were 3.0, 3.4, 4.8, brachytherapy. The median dose to tumor apex with iodine
and 5.0 mm (Figure 2B). For 31 tumors measured with ul- was 85 Gy (range, 81–95 Gy). Proton beam therapy (60 co-
trasound, the acoustic profile was lower than that of the sur- balt gray equivalents) was delivered to 11 (24%) eyes. One
rounding choroid in 26 (84%) eyes, equal in 3 (10%) eyes, patient received primary transpupillary thermotherapy. No
and higher in 2 (6%) eyes. No extraocular extensions were genetic analyses had been done.
present clinically.
 LOCAL RECURRENCE: None of the 15 enucleated eyes
 RISK FACTORS FOR GROWTH AND METASTASIS: When developed an orbital recurrence. Local recurrence occurred
either first observed or observed later at the time of treat- in 8 of 31 (26%) eyes treated conservatively (Figure 2B and
ment, 27 of the 45 tumors (60%) were over 2 mm in thick- C). Four (50%) of the recurrent tumors had been observed
ness, 20 (63%) had subretinal fluid, 37 (84%) had caused to grow also before treatment. The cumulative incidence of


FIGURE 2. Representative small fatal choroidal melanomas. (A) A mostly amelanotic tumor 3 mm thick and 5.3 mm in largest basal
diameter (LBD) with 4 risk factors (thickness over 2 mm, subretinal fluid, symptoms, minor orange pigment) was treated with proton
beam. (B) A parafoveal tumor 1.7 mm thick and 4.8 mm in LBD with 2 risk factors (subretinal fluid, symptoms) was irradiated with a
ruthenium plaque; (C) the tumor developed a local recurrence 3 years later and received a secondary iodine plaque followed by further
recurrences a year later. (D) A minimally elevated peripapillary tumor 2.4 mm in LBD with 2 risk factors (orange pigment, margin
touching disc) that had doubled in area (E) after 6 years and was irradiated with an iodine plaque. (F) Flat scar and radiation retinop-
athy 8 years later when metastases were detected. (G) A variably pigmented tumor 1.6 mm thick and 6.7 mm in LBD had 1 risk factor
(margin touching disc), turned amelanotic (H), and grew to 2.1 mm in thickness and 8.2 mm in LBD in 15 months before iodine
plaque treatment. (I) A partially amelanotic tumor 1.6 mm thick and 5.0 mm in LBD with 2 risk factors (symptoms, orange pigment)
was treated with proton beam after it grew to 2.8 mm in thickness and 7.5 mm in LBD in 11 months. (J) A circumpapillary tumor
2.8 mm thick and 8 mm in LBD with all 5 risk factors after growing an unspecified amount in 7 months before treatment with a ruthe-
nium plaque. (K) An amelanotic tumor 2 mm in thickness, 4 mm in LBD with 1 risk factor (symptoms), and 3 mm from disc was when
first diagnosed. (L) It grew to 3.0 in height and 6.2 in LBD over observation time of 3 months before proton beam treatment.


TABLE. TFSOM High-Risk Characteristics for Growth and Metastasis for 45 Small Fatal Choroidal Melanomas as Compared to
Literature Data for 35 Small Melanocytic Choroidal Tumors That Metastasized3

Small Fatal Choroidal Melanoma Study

Local Tumor Recurrence

Risk characteristic TFSOM 3,4

Description (N ¼ 35), N (%)
All Cases (N ¼ 45), N (%)
Yes (N ¼ 8), N (%)b No (N ¼ 31), N (%)b P Valuec

Thickness over 2 mm 19 (54) 27 (60) 5 (63) 17 (55) 1.00

Subretinal fluid 19 (54) 20 (63) 6 (75) 12 (67) .11
Symptoms 22 (62) 37 (84) 7 (88) 25 (80) 1.00
Orange pigment 16 (46) 21 (57) 6 (75) 12 (52) .11
Touching discd 16 (46) 7 (27) 3 (50) 4 (27) .14
Within 2 DD from disce 20 (57) 24 (92) 6 (100) 14 (93) .24
Observed growth 25 (71) 12 (27) 4 (50) 6 (19) .17

DD ¼ disc diameters.
Seven tumors were up to 5.0 mm, 21 were 5.1–10.0 mm, and 7 were 10.1–15.0 mm in largest basal diameter.1
Percentages calculated from the number of patients with known data.
Fisher exact test.
Original criteria.3
Later criteria.4

developing a local recurrence was 17% (95% confidence Metastases were typically detected first by liver imaging
interval [CI], 7–29) by 5 years and 19% (95% CI, 9–32) (either ultrasonography, computed tomography, or mag-
by 10 years (Figure 3A). Twenty-seven patients died of netic resonance imaging) and when active treatment was
metastatic melanoma without developing a recurrence, considered for them, they were staged with imaging of
and 4 (9%) were lost to ocular follow-up. We did not other organs and typically confirmed through biopsy or by
have enough evidence to either confirm or exclude that tu- documenting progression. Metastases were diagnosed his-
mors with a local recurrence were more often located closer topathologically, by imaging, and clinically in 17 (38%),
to the optic disc (Table; P ¼ .14, Fisher exact test), more 20 (44%), and 2 (4%) patients, respectively
often had orange pigment (P ¼ .11) and subretinal fluid (Supplemental Table 2; Supplemental Material available
(P ¼ .11), and had more often been observed to grow at Metastases were hepatic in 28 (62%) pa-
(P ¼ .17). Two of the 8 recurrences were enucleated, 4 tients and hepatic and extrahepatic in 15 (33%) patients,
were treated with brachytherapy, and 2 received transpu- and the distribution was incompletely specified in 2 (4%)
pillary thermotherapy (1 was enucleated later). patients. The median metastasis-free survival was 4.5 years
(range, 10 months to 15.7 years). The cumulative inci-
 HISTOPATHOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS: Of 20 SFCM dence of metastasis developing was 15% (95% CI, 7–26)
with known histopathology, epithelioid cells were present by 2 years, 51% (95% CI, 36–64) by 5 years, and 85%
in 15 (75%), including those in all 3 eyes enucleated after (95% CI, 71–92) by 10 years after treatment. Of 33 patients
local recurrence, and 5 (25%) were of spindle cell type. with known data, 23 (70%) received active treatment for
One of the 3 enucleated recurrent tumors was found to metastatic disease while 10 (30%) received best supportive
have a 5-mm extrascleral extension following primary care (Supplemental Table 2). None of them had a known
brachytherapy and secondary transpupillary thermother- history of a second cancer, especially of cutaneous or mu-
apy. cous membrane melanoma.

 METASTATIC DISEASE: By study design, all patients  SURVIVAL OUTCOME: Thirty-seven (82%) patients died
developed metastatic uveal melanoma. Of 34 patients during follow-up, all of metastatic disease; 2 were lost to
with available data, 22 (65%) had participated in regular follow-up with progressive disease and are presumed dead;
surveillance and 19 (86%) of them remained asymptomatic and 6 are alive with metastases (Figure 3B). Median sur-
at the time of diagnosis of metastases. Of the 12 vival was 6.0 years (range, 1.6–16.7 years) from primary
patients who were not under regular surveillance, 1 was treatment and did not differ between patients who were
asymptomatic and the metastases were detected during treated with enucleation and conservatively with or
evaluation for an unrelated disease. without developing local tumor recurrence after treatment


FIGURE 3. Outcome after treatment of 45 small fatal choroidal melanomas. (A) Cumulative incidence plot of time to first local
recurrence (thick line) or to systemic metastases (thin line) modeled as a competing risk. (B) Kaplan-Meier plot of survival after pri-
mary treatment of the intraocular tumor for all patients. (C) No difference in survival is evident between patients whose tumor was
enucleated (thick line) and those whose tumor was conservatively treated with (thin line) or without (dashed line) later local recur-
rence. (D) Kaplan-Meier plot of survival after development of metastases. Ticks indicate censored patients and numbers below graph
are patients at risk.

(Figure 3C; P ¼ .80, log-rank test). Survival after devel- choroidal melanomas that metastasized were at least
oping systemic metastases was 8 months (range, 1 week 1.7 mm thick19 and 5.0 mm in LBD.21 To the best of our
to 3 years 9 months). The Kaplan-Meier estimate of meta- knowledge, our 3 smallest tumors, which were 3.0, 3.4
static death was 52% (95% CI, 37–66) at 1 year, 77% (95% (Figure 2D–F), and 4.8 mm (Figure 2B) in LBD, are the
CI, 60–88) at 2 years, and 84% (95% CI, 66–93) at 3 years smallest fatal choroidal melanomas reported.14,19–26 Their
(Figure 3D) after metastasis detection. thickness was 1.0 mm (in 1 case, 1.7 mm), 1 had
subretinal fluid, 2 caused blurred vision, and 1 touched
disc margin. The observational arm of the Collaborative
Ocular Melanoma Study defined a small choroidal
DISCUSSION melanoma as being 1–3 mm in thickness and 5–16 mm in
LBD; tumors smaller than this were regarded as probable
WE FOUND FROM 10 EUROPEAN OCULAR ONCOLOGY CEN- nevi.17 A large single-center study estimated that when
ters 3 patients with an SFCM that were less than 5 mm LBD is 5–6 mm, about 70 choroidal nevi are diagnosed
(about 3 DD) in LBD when treated, but none that was for every melanoma, and stated that few melanomas would
less than 3 mm (2 DD). In the literature the smallest be less than 5 mm in diameter.34 Our data confirm not only


that some choroidal melanomas indeed are smaller than an alternative. Upon observing growth not consistent with
5 mm in LBD but also that tumors as small as this even a choroidal nevus37 it is prudent to consider immediate
can disseminate. treatment, irrespective of tumor size. Indeed, 3 of our
Based on estimated tumor doubling times of primary and SFCM grew over the 3 mm limit while observed, and
metastatic lesions, choroidal melanomas were hypothesized metastasis in these patients might have been prevented
to spread micrometastases when they reach 3 mm in by earlier treatment. The risk of metastasis still seems to
LBD.27,28 The same calculation suggested that by that be relatively low until the melanoma exceeds 9 mm in
time tumor cells already had divided 22 times over LBD, provided that its thickness remains 3 mm or less:
approximately 9 years, and that clinical metastases would the collaborative cohort study mentioned reported an 8%
be diagnosed on average 5 years afterward. The vast risk of metastasis at 10 years for a choroidal melanoma of
majority of choroidal melanomas are diagnosed and this size range, as opposed to 15% for one between 9.1
treated when they are much larger than 3 mm in and 12 mm in LBD or more than 3 mm in thickness.30
diameter, and our study cannot tell which proportion of This relatively low risk may explain why small observa-
them actually first metastasize later. tional case series have not found a difference in mortality
In a collaborative cohort study of 7369 uveal melanomas from small melanomas observed for growth as compared
used to build the current AJCC TNM staging of ciliary to immediately treated ones.13,38
body and choroidal melanomas based on their anatomic More than a third of our eyes with an SFCM were
extent,30 altogether 12, 160, and 613 tumors that were managed with primary enucleation and did not develop
3.0 mm or less in thickness measured up to 3.0 mm, from local recurrence, so that micrometastases necessarily had
3.1 to 6.0 mm and from 6.1 to 9.0 mm in LBD, respectively, arisen before treatment. It remains unknown, however,
and 0 (0%), 8 (5%), and 33 (5%) of these patients died of whether metastases spread before or after local recurrence,
metastases, respectively. This translated to a 10-year sur- or both, in the 8 patients who were managed conservatively
vival rate of 100% for tumors 3.0 mm or less in thickness, and experienced such a relapse, especially the one with an
supporting the present results, as compared to 92% for extraocular recurrence. Indeed, several patients with an
the latter 2 groups.30 Our results and the previous literature SFCM reportedly have died after developing a local recur-
taken together18–22,24,30 indicate that 3.0 mm most likely rence.18,19,22,24 In our series, the recurrence rate was higher
represents a size limit before which a choroidal than usual, likely reflecting the fact that tumors in this
melanoma does not yet have the capacity to metastasize. location are anatomically more difficult to treat
One third of the 45 eyes with an SFCM were first conservatively.39 In these cases, a geographic miss in
observed for tumor growth, an approach that potentially plaque placement might have provided a chance for
increased the risk for metastases. Review of small case series dissemination. In our study, tumors that recurred did not
likewise shows that an SFCM sometimes was observed for show evidence of worse prognosis. However, half of the tu-
growth before treatment.19,22 On the other hand, data on mors that developed a local recurrence had also been
gene expression profile class 1B and 2 (recently found in observed to grow before treatment. This could indicate
3 and 2 of 14 tumors, respectively, that were 2 mm or less that at least some of the recurrent tumors may have been
in thickness but more than 5 mm in LBD, and either had more malignant to begin with.40,41 Indeed, three quarters
been observed to grow or had caused symptoms) and on of our SFCM with known histopathology had epithelioid
monosomy 3 (found in 4 of 11 tumors) at the time of cells.
treatment—tumor characteristics strongly associated with Four percent of our patients with an SFCM had no
risk of metastasis—suggest that such intrinsic genetic TFSOM risk factors for growth and metastasis. Their fre-
factors rather than observation for growth might quencies at the time of diagnosis of an SFCM were similar
determine survival outcome.8,35 Also, analysis of whole to those reported for 35 small melanocytic choroidal tu-
exome sequencing data from multiple sources suggested mors that metastasized in the study that introduced this
that somatic BAP1 mutations—which like the gene mnemonic.3 However, although tumor thickness, docu-
expression profile class 2 and monosomy 3 are strongly mented growth, margin touching the disc, and symptoms
associated with metastases developing from uveal were associated with metastasis by multivariate modeling
melanoma—as well as other types of typical genetic in that original study, comparison of our findings with those
driver aberrations apparently arise early in tumor reported for unselected choroidal melanomas in this size
evolution, whereafter occurrence of new canonical range39 suggested that neither the number nor the type of
aberrations seemed to be rare.36 risk factors can tell an SFCM from other small melanomas.
Be that as it may, our results provide evidence that if the Moreover, although in the original study 71% of the 35 tu-
diagnosis cannot be otherwise obtained it would be safe to mors that metastasized had been observed to grow, the per-
briefly observe choroidal melanocytic tumors less than centage in our series was only 31%. In a recent series, high-
3 mm in LBD to detect growth. It is challenging to biopsy risk factors for growth and metastasis were not associated
for genetic analysis, or otherwise diagnose with certainty, a with gene expression profiles predictive of patient survival
choroidal tumor less than 3 mm in LBD as a melanoma as either.42


Finally, our patients with an SFCM were a median of 4 to the estimated 5-year interval from micrometastasis to
years younger than historical controls with a small clinical metastasis based on theoretical tumor doubling
choroidal melanoma fulfilling the size criteria for inclu- time calculations.28
sion; the median tumor thickness (2.4 mm vs 2.0 mm) To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first that
and LBD (7.3 mm vs 7.4 mm) in the 2 groups also were provides an empirical answer to 2 pertinent questions
comparable. In general, older patients are thought to be already posed 4 decades ago: at what stage in the natural
at higher risk of metastatic uveal melanoma.43 Survival history a small choroidal melanoma develops the capacity
after metastases typically is short, a median of 8.4 months to metastasize, and whether there is a recognizable clinical
for unselected patients.44 The survival after metastases correlate to this event.13 We suggest that 3.0 mm is the size
from an SFCM did not differ from that of other uveal mel- limit for the ability of a choroidal melanoma to metastasize,
anoma patients.45 However, the metastasis-free interval of and that no known clinical characteristic can predict this
4.5 years was longer than average, reported to be 2.7 event. This information should help clinicians to reach a
years,44 consistent with lead time bias from an earlier decision when to biopsy or treat a small choroidal melano-
diagnosis of the primary tumor and, interestingly, close cytic lesion.

Jusélius Foundation, Helsinki, Finland, and The Eye Foundation, Helsinki, Finland. The contribution of the Fondazione Bietti was supported by the Italian
Ministry of Health and Fondazione Roma. The funding organizations had no role in the design or conduct of this research. Financial Disclosures: Tero T.
Kivelä received lecture fees from Santen Finland. The following authors have no financial disclosures: Susanna Jouhi, Martine J. Jager, Stefan J.R. de Geus,
Laurence Desjardins, Nils Andreas Eide, Jean-Daniel Grange, Jens Folke Kiilgaard, Stefan Seregard, Edoardo Midena, Raffaele Parrozzani, Jean-Pierre
Caujolle, and Iwona Rospond-Kubiak. The authors attest that they meet the current ICMJE criteria for authorship.

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