Current Oncology Advanced and Atypical Carcinoid Tumours

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Advanced typical and atypical carcinoid tumours

of the lung: management recommendations
B. Melosky md*


Background Neuroendocrine tumours (nets) are classified by site of origin, with lung being the second most
common primary site after the gastrointestinal tract. Lung nets are rare and heterogeneous, with varied pathologic
and clinical features. Typical and atypical carcinoid tumours are low-grade lung nets which, compared with the
more common high-grade nets, are associated with a more favourable prognosis. Still, optimal treatment strategies
are lacking.

Methods This review concentrates on classification and treatment strategies for metastatic low-grade lung nets,
considering both typical and atypical carcinoids. The terminology can be confusing, and an attempt is made to simplify
it. Promising results from recent trials that included lung nets are presented and discussed. Finally, guidelines from
Europe and North America are discussed, and differences are noted.

Results Even within the group of patients with low-grade nets, the presentation, the locations of metastasis, and
the speed of progression can be very different. The initial work-up and an understanding of the tumour’s biology are
key in making management decisions. Various treatment options—including somatostatin analogs, peptide receptor
radioligand therapy, and biologic systemic therapy, specifically with the mtor (mechanistic target of rapamycin)
inhibitor everolimus—are now available and are presented in a treatment algorithm.

Summary Although lung nets are rare and evidence supporting optimal treatment strategies is lacking, the recent
publication of trials that have included patients with lung nets advances evidence-based therapy for these tumours.
Many variables have to be considered in managing these tumours that have received little attention. Education for
treating physicians is needed.

Key Words nets, carcinoids, atypical carcinoids, neuroendocrine tumours, lung, everolimus, octreotide

Curr Oncol. 2018 Jun;25(S1):S86-S93

INTRODUCTION rates are high given that patients with net experience
prolonged survival.
Neuroendocrine tumours (nets) of the lung are rare and Lung nets demonstrate a variety of pathologic and
heterogeneous. The tumours derive from neuroendocrine clinical features, and require varying treatment strategies.
cells, which exist in many organs, and they can therefore A spectrum of cell histology from low-grade carcinoid to
initiate in many parts of the body, including the gastro- high-grade small-cell malignancy are observed. Although
intestinal (gi) tract, lung, thymus, and ovary. The lung it is important for the treating physician to understand
is, after the gi tract, the second most common site for the spectrum of lung nets, the present review focuses
nets, accounting for 25% of all nets1,2 and 1% –2% of all primarily on classification and treatment strategies for
lung cancers1,3,4. low-grade, well-differentiated typical and atypical car-
Neuroendocrine tumours are considered to be very cinoid lung nets.
rare, and accurate incidence and prevalence data are diffi- Although nets are slow growing tumours, advanced
cult to obtain. The reported incidence of nets is increasing, disease is associated with poor survival. The primary
likely because of better diagnostic capabilities3. Prevalence tumour site has been shown to be a powerful predictor

Correspondence to: Barbara Melosky, BC Cancer, 600–10th Avenue West, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 4E6.
E-mail: [email protected] n DOI:

S86 Current Oncology, Vol. 25, Supp. 1, June 2018 © 2018 Multimed Inc.

of survival duration, with the median survival of patients The G1 nets (typical carcinoid tumours) account for
having metastatic lung nets being found to be 16 months1. 2% of thoracic malignancies and have only a 10% –15%
In patients with well-differentiated nets [grade 1 (G1), low chance of distant spread9. The G2 nets (atypical carcinoid
grade, or typical carcinoid] and distant metastasis, 73% tumours) account for 0.2% of thoracic malignancies4 and
will die within 5 years1. have a 20% chance of distant spread9. The G3 large-cell
The clinical distinction between functional and non- nets have a 3% incidence4, and the G3 small-cell nets
functional nets is important because the management, ap- have the highest incidence at 20%4. Both G3 tumour types
proved therapies, and treatment paradigms differ between are considered more aggressive than G1 and G2 tumours.
those two types. The nets that secrete biologically active It is important to note that, despite this classification
amines or peptides are called “functional” and produce a system, many patients aren’t easily placed into a discrete
variety of patient symptoms including diarrhea, flushing, category. Although Ki-67 expression is not validated for use
abdominal pain, hypotension, and vasospasm. Depending in lung tissue, both the European Neuroendocrine Tumor
on the source, an estimated 10%–30% of advanced typical Society (enets) and the who recommend measuring Ki-67
and atypical carcinoid nets are functional3,5. to differentiate high-grade large-cell nets from G1 or G2
Most nets express somatostatin receptors (sstrs) 6,7, nets when crush biopsies or necrotic cells make the diag-
the presence of which has important implications for both nosis difficult3,8. The who does not recommend using Ki-67
imaging and therapy. Treatment of symptoms in patients to distinguish typical from atypical carcinoid tumours—a
with functional lung nets is essential for management decision that remains controversial8. The enets has incor-
and improvement in quality of life. Appropriate treatment porated Ki-67 into their most recent treatment guidelines10.
strategies for progression of both functional and nonfunc- The staging of lung nets follows the TNM staging of
tional tumours are key to prolonging survival. Although non-net lung cancers, which adheres to the current who
these tumours are rare and evidence to support optimal classification11. Given that many lung carcinoids and atyp-
treatment strategies is lacking, the recent publication of ical carcinoids are larger than 3 cm, that staging is not the
trials that have included patients with lung nets advances best for this subset of lung malignancies12.
evidence-based therapies for affected patients.
The World Health Organization (who) classification of lung
nets was updated in 2015 and organizes the types of lung Patient History
nets on a spectrum, shown in Table i8. The most important A detailed patient history is essential to determine whether
point of differentiation for the treating physician is the di- the tumour is functional and is secreting biologically ac-
chotomous distinction between tumours that are low-grade tive amines or peptides. Patients with functional tumours
(typical carcinoid and atypical carcinoid) and high-grade require treatment to manage symptoms and improve
(large-cell neuroendocrine and small-cell carcinoma). quality of life.
Prognosis and management differ widely between those two
groups. Here, the focus is on the low- and intermediate-grade Determining the Extent of Tumour Burden
nets: typical carcinoid and atypical carcinoid. Computed tomography imaging of both chest and abdo-
Typical carcinoid tumours are quite bland in their men should be obtained at baseline13. High-resolution
histology, have fewer than 2 mitoses per 2 mm 2, and lack computed tomography can be performed if contrast is
any evidence of necrosis. Atypical carcinoid tumours can contraindicated. According to the U.S. Surveillance, Epide-
have the same “carcinoid morphology,” but the mitotic rate miology, and End Results program, 12.9% of patients with
is increased (at 2–10 mitoses per 2 mm 2), and the tumour a net present with metastasis at diagnosis14. Liver, bone,
might be punctuated with necrotic features. The grading and mediastinal lymph nodes are the most common sites
of these two tumour types is different: typical carcinoids of metastasis15.
are G1, and atypical carcinoids are grade 2 (G2).
As their name implies, large-cell neuroendocrine car- Establish SSTR Status
cinomas have a large cell size, a low nucleus-to-cytoplasm Most nets express high-affinity sstr6,7. In all patients with
ratio, and frequent nucleoli. The mitotic rate exceeds 10 per advanced low-grade nets, sstr ligand–based imaging
2 mm2, and necrosis is frequently present. Large-cell neuro- should be obtained at baseline to establish sstr expression
endocrine and small-cell carcinomas are both grade 3 (G3). levels and to provide information about disease burden.

TABLE I World Health Organization (WHO) classification of neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) 8

NET type WHO grade Histology Mitosis (per 2 mm2) Presence of necrosis

Low-grade (well differentiated) 1 Typical carcinoid <2 None

Intermediate-grade (well differentiated) 2 Atypical carcinoid 2–10 Present
High-grade (poorly differentiated) 3 Large-cell Extensive
Small-cell High

Current Oncology, Vol. 25, Supp. 1, June 2018 © 2018 Multimed Inc. S87

Expression can be classified as heterogeneous, with only TREATMENT MODALITIES FOR ADVANCED
some lesions positive on imaging; homogenous, with all LOW-GRADE NETS
lesions positive on imaging; or strongly positive, with all
lesions observed and maximally accentuated on imaging. Most of the net clinical trials conducted to date have
Imaging with 111In-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid– focused on gastrointestinal nets, particularly those of
octreotide is an established method16,17. Newer imaging pancreatic (pnet) and midgut origin. Although some of the
technologies also targeting sstr expression, including trial results can be extrapolated, the heterogeneity of lung
18F–dihydroxyphenylalanine positron-emission tomog-
nets underscores the need for distinct trials in this area.
raphy or, preferably, 68Ga–dotatate positron-emission to- A key point in net management is multidisciplinary
mography, are more accurate, permit tumour staging, help consultation. A multidisciplinary approach is in the best
to localize disease, and better enable optimal treatment interest of patients because individuals with both typical
decision-making18,19. Immunostained histology specimens and atypical carcinoid tumours experience prolonged
can also be helpful for determining the sstr expression survival, and their treatment spans many disciplines,
level. Most low-grade (G1 or G2) nets will be positive on including surgery, nuclear medicine, and medical and
imaging or histology for sstrs. radiation oncology.
Guidelines from the U.S. National Comprehensive
Cancer Network (nccn) recommend that sstr-based imag- Surgery
ing be obtained if treatment with octreotide or lanreotide Surgical treatment for lung nets might be considered for
is being considered 20. curative intent or symptom control in patients with ad-
vanced or metastatic disease, depending on the individual
Other Tests patient and the site of disease3. Resection of the primary
For patients with functional nets, these tests should also tumour and oligometastases could be recommended,
be considered: depending on the site of metastasis3.
The nccn guidelines recommend that resection of
■■ 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-hiaa) recurrent locoregional disease, isolated distant metas-
In patients with functional symptoms, a 24-hour tases, or a previously unresectable tumour that has re-
urine test for 5-hiaa should be performed at baseline, gressed be considered in selected patients with adequate
because high levels of urinary 5-hiaa can correlate performance status20.
with the risk of carcinoid heart disease21. The 24-hour
5-hiaa test should be repeated upon disease progres- Systemic Chemotherapy for Advanced Low-Grade
sion, or when a change is therapy is being considered. Lung NETs
■■ Echocardiogram Low-grade typical and atypical carcinoid lung nets might
Because carcinoid complications can occur with respond to chemotherapy. Multiple cytotoxic drug com-
time, a baseline echocardiogram should also be per- binations have shown degrees of activity in lung nets,
formed 22. Approximately 50%–60% of patients with although the data are historical, and consensus about
carcinoid syndrome develop cardiac complications, standard therapy is lacking. Some studies have shown effi-
including tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonary cacy with capecitabine–temozolomide (which is a standard
stenosis23,24. An echocardiogram should be repeated chemotherapy choice in gi nets) in lung nets26.
every 2–3 years in patients with functional tumours25. The nccn net guidelines recommend cytotoxic chemo-
therapy for patients with progressive metastases when no
Table ii provides recommendations to guide clin- other treatment options exist 20. Temozolomide, cisplatin–
ical decision-making for patients with advanced low- etoposide, or carboplatin–etoposide are options. In cases
grade nets. of atypical carcinoids showing aggressive characteristics,
negative sstr expression, and Ki-67 less than 15%, the
enets recommends chemotherapy (temozolomide-based)
TABLE II Recommendations to guide clinical decision-making for as a last line of therapy10.
patients with advanced low-grade neuroendocrine tumours

1. Baseline history should be performed to determine functional

Somatostatin Analogs for Advanced Low-Grade NETs
Controlling Symptoms and Slowing
2. Baseline imaging should be conducted to determine whether Disease Progression
somatostatin receptors are heterogeneous, homogenous, or In low-grade lung nets, sstrs often show surface over-
strongly positive.
expression 27. Somatostatin analogs (ssas) bind to sstrs,
3. Pathology examination should be performed to distinguish between blocking the release of peptides and amines, and thus
atypical and typical, and to determine mitotic rate and Ki-67 if helping to control symptoms. The ssas bind to the 5 known
necessary. human sstr subtypes with different affinities. The 2 ssas
4. Patient follow-up should determine whether the disease is stable,
currently available in clinical practice for advanced low-
slow-growing, or aggressive. grade nets are octreotide and lanreotide, which bind to
sstr 2 and sstr 5 with high affinity, and to sstr 3 with
Based on the outcomes of the foregoing factors, treatment paradigms modest affinity. Pasireotide is a second-generation cyclic
can be individualized to optimize patient care and survival.
hexapeptide injectable ssa that binds with high affinity to

S88 Current Oncology, Vol. 25, Supp. 1, June 2018 © 2018 Multimed Inc.

4 of 5 sstrs (sstrs 1, 2, 3, and 5). Pasireotide is not yet in (no tumour uptake) to 4 (very intense tumour uptake).
clinical use, but is currently being tested in the luna lung The primary endpoint, median progression-free survival
nets clinical trial 28. (pfs), was significantly increased in patients who received
Octreotide is available in both an intermediate-acting the lanreotide, at an estimated 24 months compared with
subcutaneous formulation and a long-acting release (lar) 18 months in those who received placebo (hr: 0.47; p <
formulation that is administered intramuscularly. A 30 mg 0.001). An important limitation of the clarinet trial is
dose of octreotide lar can be repeated every 4 weeks and that it did not show an improvement in overall survival or
increased in 10 mg increments up to a dose of 60 mg. At quality of life.
the latter dose, most receptors are saturated, and further A comparison of the pfs in the placebo arms of promid
dose increases have nominal benefit 29. Lanreotide is ad- and clarinet (6 months and 18 months respectively) sug-
ministered as a deep subcutaneous injection at a dose of gests key differences in the patient populations, making
120 mg every 4 weeks30. These somatostatin analogs are cross-trial comparison impossible. However, both trials
both well tolerated, but can lead to increased rates of bili- illustrated that ssa treatment in patients with a net pro-
ary stones, and so abdominal ultrasonography imaging is vides an antiproliferative effect that improves survival in
recommended every 6 months. both nonfunctional and functional pancreatic and other
gi nets. Neither the promid nor the clairnet trial included
Managing Symptoms any patients with a lung net.
Patients with functional tumours need appropriate treat- The results from the luna randomized trial, which
ment to control the symptoms of diarrhea, flushing, ab- was specifically designed for lung and thymic nets, were
dominal pain, hypotension, and vasospasm. The phase iii recently presented 28 . The luna phase ii trial random-
elect trial examined the effect of lanreotide in 115 patients ized 41 patients to intramuscular pasireotide lar 60 mg
with liver metastases and carcinoid syndrome from gi and monthly, 42 patients to oral everolimus [a tor (target of
pancreatic nets or nets of unknown location. Participants rapamycin) inhibitor] 10 mg daily, and 41 patients to pa-
were randomized to subcutaneous lanreotide 120 mg every sireotide lar plus everolimus. The primary endpoint of
28 days or to placebo. A short-acting octreotide formulation the trial was the progression-free rate at 9 months (pfr-
could be used to rescue patients who were still experiencing 9). The carcinoid classification was atypical in 68.5% of
symptoms of carcinoid syndrome. To be eligible for the trial, patients and typical in 31.5%. The primary tumour site
participants had to be sstr expression–positive on imaging. was the lung in 93.5% of patients and the thymus in 6.5%.
The elect trial met its primary endpoint. Compared The trial excluded severe functional tumours requiring
with participants who received placebo, those who received symptomatic treatment with ssas. Most patients (77.4%,
the lanreotide regimen for 16 weeks required octreotide 96 of 124) had nonfunctional tumours; in the remaining
rescue medication to treat the symptoms of carcinoid syn- 22.6%, the tumours were functional 35.
drome for significantly fewer days (p = 0.0165) 31. The luna study endpoint, pfr-9, was achieved by 39.0%
A carcinoid crisis is very rare, but it can occur when a of patients taking single-agent pasireotide lar, 33.3% of pa-
net releases a large amount of amines, leading to hypoten- tients taking everolimus alone, and 58.5% taking combined
sion and flushing. Such crises can occur in patients with everolimus and pasireotide lar. The best overall response
a net as a secondary effect following from an operative at 9 months was a partial response, which was achieved by
procedure or general anesthesia 32 . To avoid such com- 2% of the patients in each treatment arm. Stable disease
plications, many surgeons or interventional radiologists was attained by 34% of patients taking pasireotide lar, 31%
require that patients be pre-medicated with a ssa before of those taking everolimus only, and 49% of those taking
a procedure. the combination. Progressive disease occurred in 17% of
patients taking pasireotide lar and in 2% of taking evero-
Slowing Disease Progression limus. None of the patients taking the combined treatment
In addition to symptom control, several randomized trials reported progressive disease. Given that the pfr-9 was en-
have demonstrated that ssas slow disease progression. The couraging in all 3 arms, the luna trial supports the use of
phase iii promid trial randomized 86 patients with midgut ssas as a viable treatment option for controlling symptoms
nets to receive either octreotide lar 30 mg or placebo33. The and provide antiproliferative benefit for patients with both
primary endpoint, time to progression, was significantly functional and nonfunctional lung nets.
increased in the octreotide arm, at 14.3 months compared The patients most likely to benefit from the antiprolifera-
with 6 months in the placebo arm [hazard ratio (hr): 0.34; tive effects of ssas will likely be those whose tumours are sstr
p = 0.000072]. Most patients enrolled in the trial (74.1%) expression–positive or even strongly positive on imaging. In
were sstr expression–positive by octreoscan, and 40% the promid trial, most patients (74.1%) were sstr expression–
had functional tumours. No information is available about positive by octreoscan, and in the clarinet and elect trials,
octreotide activity or efficacy in patients who are sstr all patients had to be sstr expression–positive. The recently
expression–positive compared with expression–negative. updated enets guidelines state that ssas can be used in bron-
The phase iii clarinet trial randomized 204 patients chial nets when the sstr status is positive (on somatostatin
with non-functioning well-differentiated or moderately imaging or histology) and if the tumour is slow growing, G1,
differentiated nets of the pancreas, midgut, or hindgut or G1 with a Ki-67 index less than 10%10. The enets guidelines
to either subcutaneous lanreotide 120 mg or to placebo34. also state that ssas can be considered in an sstr expression–
All patients had to be sstr expression–positive by sstr negative tumour if it is a small-volume lesion and imaging
scintigraphy grade 2 or higher on a scale ranging from 0 might have provided false-negative information10.

Current Oncology, Vol. 25, Supp. 1, June 2018 © 2018 Multimed Inc. S89

As was shown in the clarinet trial, sstr positivity does of life. Given that radiant-2 included only small numbers
not correlate with functionality; all patients in that trial of patients and was not stratified for primary lung site,
had to be positive for sstr expression, and yet no tumour regulators requested that the trial be repeated to test the
was functional. effect of everolimus without octreotide (radiant-4).
The radiant-4 trial randomized patients with non-
Peptide Receptor Radioligand Therapy functional nets of the lung and gi tract to either everolimus
Peptide receptor radioligand therapy (prrt) delivers a ra- or placebo40. Functional tumours were excluded because
diolabelled agent to a specific target, such as sstrs, which ssas are needed in that patient population and can affect
are often overexpressed on the surface of metastatic lung pfs, as demonstrated in the promid trial. In radiant-4, the
nets27. The first use of prrt with 90Y-labelled octreotide to median pfs was significantly prolonged in the everolimus
treat lung nets occurred in the early 1990s; that approach arm compared with the placebo arm (11 months vs. 3.9
has since been used in many centres for decades, despite months, p < 0.00001). That improvement was independent
the lack of phase iii trials confirming benefit. of the site of disease origin: lung, gi tract, or unknown.
The evidence landscape has now changed with the Everolimus was well-tolerated, with adverse events being
results of the phase iii netter-1 trial36. That trial enrolled mostly grades 1 and 2.
patients whose carcinoid disease was progressing on a stan- A post hoc subgroup analysis looked at the patients with
dard dose of octreotide lar 30 mg, randomizing 230 patients lung nets (n = 90) in radiant-4 41. In the lung subgroup, the
with G1–2 metastatic midgut nets to receive either prrt pfs with everolimus was 9.2 months compared with 3.6
177Lu-dotatate (7.4 GBq) every 8 weeks (4 administrations) or months for placebo (hr: 0.50; 95% confidence interval: 0.28
octreotide lar 60 mg every 4 weeks. The primary endpoint of to 0.88). The safety profile and adverse events were similar
pfs was not reached for 177Lu-dotatate; it was 8.4 months for to those in the overall population. Those findings have led
the control group (hr: 0.21; p < 0.0001). The objective radio- to the enets recommending everolimus as first-line treat-
graphic response rate was 18% with 177Lu-dotatate and 3% ment for metastatic progressive lung nets10. The phase iii
with octreotide lar (p = 0.0008). The overall survival analysis, radiant-2 trial (comparing everolimus–octreotide with
although preliminary, was positive as well (13 deaths in the octreotide alone) included functional tumours of both
177Lu-dotatate group and 22 in the control group, p = 0.019). lung and gi tract, and demonstrated that combination
The safety profile of prrt was favourable. Although treatment is not only safe, but complementary. However,
the netter-1 trial was conducted primarily in patients because the radiant-4 trial (comparing everolimus with
with midgut nets, the results could apply to lung nets that placebo) excluded functional tumours, the approvals from
are receptor-positive by nuclear imaging. A retrospective Health Canada and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
study that included 89 nets of bronchial origin treated with require that, in the treatment of nonfunctional lung nets,
prrt revealed a 28% response by the Response Evaluation everolimus be used without octreotide.
Criteria in Solid Tumors, supporting this treatment as an Finally, the most recently presented luna trial again de-
option for pulmonary nets37. serves discussion for proof-of-concept with respect to the use
Although the netter-1 trial did not include bronchial of everolimus in lung nets. As already described, the luna
nets, the cumulative experience and data pertaining to trial randomized 41 patients to pasireotide lar, 42 patients
prrt over the last few decades in multiple disease sites sup- to everolimus, and 41 patients to pasireotide lar plus ever-
ports this therapeutic option in patients whose typical and olimus. The study endpoint, pfr-9, was achieved by 39.0% of
atypical lung carcinoids that express sstrs are progressing patients taking single-agent pasireotide lar, 33.3% of those
and for whom systemic therapy is failing. taking everolimus alone, and 58.5% of those receiving the
combination. The best overall response at 9 months was a
Systemic Therapy: mTOR Inhibition partial response, which was achieved by 2% of patients in
Because lung nets have shown increased activation of each treatment arm. Stable disease was attained by 34% of
the mtor (mechanistic target of rapamycin) signalling patients taking pasireotide lar, 31% of those taking everoli-
pathway38, everolimus, an inhibitor of mtor, is another mus, and 49% of those taking the combination. Progressive
potential therapy for patients with a lung net. disease occurred in 17% of patients in the pasireotide lar
The phase iii radiant-2 trial compared everolimus– arm and in 2% of those in the everolimus arm. No patient
octreotide lar with octreotide lar alone in advanced nets receiving combined treatment reported progressive disease.
with carcinoid syndrome39. The trial included patients with Given that the pfr-9 was encouraging in all 3 arms, the luna
lung nets, but did not stratify them by disease site. Patients trial supports the use of ssas and the use of everolimus in the
treated with the dual agents experienced a nonsignificant treatment strategy for low-grade nets of the lung.
improvement in pfs: 16.4 months compared with 11.3 In summary, the phase iii radiant-4 trial changed the
months for those treated with octreotide lar alone (p = treatment paradigm. Whether typical or atypical, carcinoid
0.026). The predetermined pfs significance rate was 0.0246, that is advanced, nonfunctional, and progressing should be
and so with a p value of 0.026, radiant-2 was a negative trial treated with everolimus. Everolimus is currently the only
statistically. In an exploratory subgroup analysis for lung approved targeted therapy in lung nets.
nets (n = 44), a trend toward improved pfs (13.6 months)
was observed for the dual treatment compared with 5.6 Other Therapeutic Options
months for octreotide alone (p = 0.228). Interferon alfa has been used to treat patients with nets for
An important limitation of the radiant-2 trial is that it many decades; however, the side-effect profile is limiting42.
did not show an improvement in overall survival or quality The use of interferon alfa with ssas follows from a surgical

S90 Current Oncology, Vol. 25, Supp. 1, June 2018 © 2018 Multimed Inc.

trial in which an improved pfs was associated with the PATIENT FOLLOW-UP
combination of octreotide and interferon alpha compared
with octreotide alone43. Patients diagnosed with a low-grade lung net have to
The angiogenesis pathway has also been targeted in undergo frequent follow-up after surgical resection. For
patients with nets, and phase ii studies adding bevacizumab patients with typical carcinoid nets, conventional com-
to other therapeutics, including octreotide and everolimus, puted tomography imaging can be performed at 3 and 6
have suggested activity44,45. The recent phase iii swog S0518 months, and then annually. For atypical carcinoids, closer
trial explored two combinations for superiority: octreotide– monitoring is recommended: first at 3 and 6 months, and
bevacizumab or octreotide–interferon alfa46. The trial ran- then at 6-month intervals3.
domized 402 patients with advanced G1 and G2 nets from For patients with advanced disease, clear recommen-
multiple sites to those two arms. No significant difference in dations and guidelines for the type and interval of follow-up
pfs was observed: 16.6 months for octreotide–bevacizumab for patients with advanced well-differentiated nets do not
and 15.4 months for octreotide–interferon alfa (hr: 0.93; exist1,20,47. Follow-up and imaging have to be individualized
p = 0.55). However, octreotide–bevacizumab was better based on the patient’s baseline status, new symptoms, and
tolerated, with less fatigue, and the combination was asso- prior treatment, and on whether a change in therapy is con-
ciated with a higher response rate (13% vs. 4%, p = 0.008). templated. Chromogranin A measurements can be used to
Future trials to further examine inhibition of angiogenesis monitor disease progression; however, the frequency and
pathways are ongoing. duration of measurement are not articulated. More detailed
guidelines that direct the follow-up of patients with these
TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS types of tumours are needed.

The best-practice recommendations for the management of SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS

typical and atypical bronchial nets come from the enets3.
That organization’s upgraded guidelines for the manage- Lung nets are unique tumour entities, requiring a multidis-
ment of advanced typical and atypical carcinoid take into ciplinary team approach for optimal treatment. A thorough
account pathology (typical vs. atypical); mitotic rate (Ki-67); review of patient history can determine whether a tumour
sstr expression; and growth rate, which is classified as slow, is functional. A pathology review is critical to differentiate
progressive, or aggressive (progression within 3–6 months)10. between low-grade typical and atypical carcinoid nets
In contrast, the U.S. nccn guidelines (version 2.2017) state and high-grade tumours. Whether the disease is stable,
that no available data support a specific sequence of regional slow-growing, or aggressive must be determined to assist
compared with systemic therapies and that no available data in choosing appropriate management or a change in ther-
guide the sequencing of systemic therapy options20. apy. A number of treatments are available depending on
Figure 1 proposes a treatment algorithm for lung nets individual disease factors; however, sstr-based imaging
based on mechanism of action. is necessary to visualize the tumour and to predict both

FIGURE 1 Proposed treatment algorithm for typical carcinoid and atypical carcinoid bronchial neuroendocrine tumours. EGFR = epidermal growth
factor receptor; TKI = tyrosine kinase receptor; cfDNA = cell-free DNA. aFor patients with very slow and minimal disease: surgical resection or
watchful waiting could be considered. PPRT = peptide receptor radionuclide therapy; chemo = chemotherapy.

Current Oncology, Vol. 25, Supp. 1, June 2018 © 2018 Multimed Inc. S91

the potential efficacy of ssas and the options for prrt. 10. Pavel M, O’Toole D, Costa F, et al. enets consensus guidelines
Treatment with ssas can improve carcinoid symptomology update for the management of distant metastatic disease of
in functional tumours and prolong pfs in both functional intestinal, pancreatic, bronchial neuroendocrine neoplasms
and nonfunctional disease. Tumours that are sstr–positive (nen) and nen of unknown primary site. Neuroendocrinology
can be treated with prrt with the goal of improving pfs
11. Travis WD, Brambilla E, Burke AP, Marx A, Nicholson AG.
(now proven in randomized trials). Everolimus, a mtor WHO Classification of Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus
inhibitor, has demonstrated efficacy and is now approved and Heart. 4th ed. Lyon, France: International Agency for
for the treatment of advanced nonfunctional lung nets. Research on Cancer; 2015.
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with new evidence and new agents. Educating treating phy- iaslc International Workshop on Advances in Pulmonary
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metastases. Eur Radiol 2013;23:400–7.
and submission of the manuscript, and Roma Ilnyckyj, Talk Science
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to Me Communications Inc. for copyediting and proofreading.
endocrine tumours. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab
17. Ramage JK, Ahmed A, Ardill J, et al. on behalf of the UK and
I have read and understood Current Oncology’s policy on disclosing
Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society. Guidelines for the
conflicts of interest, and I declare the following interests: I am a
management of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine
co-editor of this supplement, and I have received honoraria from
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tomography for detecting gastro-entero-pancreatic neuro-
research funding from Roche and Bayer. I have received travel,
endocrine tumors and unknown primary sites. J Clin Oncol
or accommodation, or expenses from Boehringer Ingelheim,
AstraZeneca, Novartis, and Pfizer.
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lines for pet/ct tumour imaging with 68Ga-dota-conjugated
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*Medical Oncology, BC Cancer–Vancouver Centre, BC. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010;37:2004–10.
20. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (nccn). NCCN Clin-
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