Fire Technology

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Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management




(Duration: One Year)




Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


(Non-Engineering Trade)

(Revised in 2018)
Version: 1.0



Developed By

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates,

Trade Experts, Domain Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum.
Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

List of Expert Members participated/ contributed for finalizing the course curriculum of Fire
Technology & Industrial Safety Management held on 06.06.2017 at CSTARI, Kolkata
Name & Designation
S No. Organization Remarks
1. H. V. Samvatsar CSTARI, Kolkata Chairman
1. L.K. Mukherjee, DDT -Do- Coordinator
2. Soumitra Chatterjee, MD Dhruvsatya Centre for personal Expert
Transformation Pvt. Ltd.
3. Purna Chandra Barad, Dhruvsatya Centre for personal Expert
Chief Manager- HR & Admin Transformation Pvt. Ltd.
4. Mr. Kanailal Biswas, Ex- Plant Zamil Steel Tower and Galvanizing Expert
in charge factory, Dumman, Soudi Arabia
5. Mr. Krishnendu sarkar, Akass Infrastructure pvt. Ltd., Expert
Director Kolkata
6. Dipak Rungta, Manager Lalit Hardware, Expert in Disaster Expert
Management power tools &
Equipments, Kolkata-1
7. N.B. Reshamwal, Asst. Regional Labour Institute, Kolkata Member
8. Sourashis Mitra, Junior Indian Institute of Engineering, Member
Assistant Science and Technology, Shibpur
(IIEST), Howrah- 711103
9. Sujay Banerjee, Senior West Bengal Fire & Emergency Expert
Instructor Services, Seal Para, Kolkata
10. Shyam Chandra Mondal, West Bengal Fire & Emergency Expert
Officer In Charge Services, Serampore, Mahesh Hoogly
11. R.N. Bandhopadhaya, OSD Directorate of Industrial Training- Member
Govt. of West Bengal, Kolkata
12. Shri Alok Sharma, Chief Indraprastha Gas Limited, New Delhi Expert
General Manager
13. Shri Santokh Singh, Ex-Chief Delhi Fire Services, New Delhi Expert
Fire Officer
14. Capt. Krishan Kumar, Delhi Institute of Fire Engineering, Expert
Chairman New Delhi-77
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

15. Shri Praveen Choudhari, Dolphin Energy Ltd., Quatar Expert

Emergency Response Officer
16. Lt. Col. RC Shukla, Principal Delhi Institute of Fire Engineering, Expert
New Delhi-77
17. Shri P S Bhadana, Dy. Director -do- Expert
18. Shri B L Chauhan, Senior -do- Expert
19. Bhagwati Prasad Ojha, HSE -do- Expert
20. Praveen Kumar Garg, Sr. Ouippo Oil & Gas Infrastructure Ltd., Expert
Manager HSE Gurgaon, Haryana
21. Devki Nandan, HSE Expert Indraprastha Ltd. Expert
22. Sanjay Kumar, JDT/HOO CSTARI, Kolkata Member
23. A.K. Mandal, ADT -Do- Member
24. M.K. Batabyal, TO -Do- Member
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

S No. Topics Page No.

1. Course Information 1-3
2. Training System 4-7
3. Job Role 8
4. General Information 9-10
5. NSQF Level Compliance 11
6. Learning/ Assessable Outcome 12-13
7. Learning Outcome with Assessment Criteria 14-21
8. Trade Syllabus 22-37
9. Core Skill – Employability Skill 38-41
10. Annexure I
List of Trade Tools & Equipment 42-44
List of Tools & Equipment for Employability Skill 45
11. Annexure II - Format for Internal Assessment 46
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


During the one-year duration of “Fire Technology and Industrial Safety Management”
trade a candidate is trained on professional skill, professional knowledge and Employability
skill. In addition to this a candidate is entrusted to undertake project work, extracurricular
activities and on job training to build up confidence. The broad components covered related to
the trade are categorized in two semester of six months duration each. The semester wise
course coverage is categorized as below:-

1st Semester – In the first semester trainee learns about the following:-

· Chemistry of Combustion- Triangle of fire, Fire tetrahedron, classification of fire, fire

behavior, stages of fire, method of fire extinguishment and some important definitions
like, flash point, fire point- ignition temperature, Auto-ignition temperature,
flammability Range etc.
· Discipline: - introduction, importance of discipline, General principles of discipline,
essentials for discipline and outward signs.
· Fire Extinguishers; - Types of fire extinguishers, method of operation and care &
· Hose & hose fittings: types of hose-suction hose, delivery hose, and hose reel hoes,
decay and prevention method of hosed, care & maintenance. Marking & repairing of
hose, standard test of suction hose, types & construction of suction hose. Types of hose
fittings and its use. Branches & nozzles, adapters, breaching, couplings, hose ramps,
collecting heads and other miscellaneous tools and equipment.
· Hydrant & Fittings: - types of water supply, water distribution system, types of hydrants,
hydrant gears, and equipment marking, testing care & maintenance & Operation.
· Pump & Primers:- classification of pump, why centrifugal pump is suitable for
firefighting- types of primers, testing , fault finding, care and maintenance and
standard test.
· Foam & Foam Making equipment: - water as an extinguishant -its merits and demerits,
introduction to all types of foam concentrations, properties of foams and techniques of
extinguishment by foam, types of foams, characteristics of good foam, foam making
equipment, mechanical. High expansion and low expansion foam storage of foam
compound. Foam compatibility with Dry chemical powder.
· Extension Ladder: - types of ladders, construction features of conventional ladders,
operational use, elementary knowledge of TTL. & snorkel.
· Breathing Apparatus set:-introduction of types of BA Sets in use, working principles and
care and maintenance.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

· Anatomy of Fire: Definition of combustion, elements of combustion, production of

combustion, heat of reaction an calorific value.
· Basic Physics:- Definition of matter and energy, physical properties of matter like
density, vapour density, melting & boiling point latent heat, effects of density on
behaviour of gases, basics of oxidizing and reducing agents Acids, Classification of
flammable liquids, dust & explosion, liquid and gas fire, LPG.
· Small & Special gears:- Function & Construction of small gears, function & construction
of -breaking in and cutting tools, Pulley blocks, function & construction-Lighting and
rescue tools, operation of hydraulically operated, diesel operated and electrically
operated tools, care & maintenance.
· Hydraulics
· Electricity
· First Aid & Resuscitation,
· Hazards & Risk
· Hydrocarbon & industrial fires & fire prevention.
· Accident Prevention
· Safety Concept
· Factory Act- 1948
· Health
· Safety
· Welfare
· Construction industry
· Lighting ventilation & work related stress).

2nd Semester – In the second semester trainee learns about the following:-

· Fixed firefighting equipment

· Fire Detection & suppression systems
· Rescue Procedures
· Ropes & Lines
· Rural Fire
· Water Relay
· Salvage
· Practical fireman ship
· Ventilation
· Watch room procedure & mobilizing
· Disaster management
· Prevention, Public education and Pre-incident planning

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

· Personal Protective Equipment

· Means of Escape
· Aircraft Fire and Rescue
· Ship & Dock Fires
· Building Construction
· Occupational hazards & dangerous chemicals
· Working at height, confined space
· Material handling
· Housekeeping and waste disposal
· Hazardous chemicals
· Safety in Engineering industries.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management



Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &

Entrepreneurship offers range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of economy/ Labour market. The vocational training programmes are delivered under
aegis of National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) and
Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programmes of NCVT for propagating
vocational training.

‘Fire Technology and Industrial Safety Management’ trade under CTS is one of the
popular courses delivered nationwide through network of ITIs. The course is of one year (02
semester) duration. It mainly consists of Domain area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade
Theory & Practical) impart professional skills and knowledge, while Core area (Employability
Skills) imparts requisite core skill & knowledge and life skills. After passing out the training
programme, the trainee is being awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) by NCVT having
worldwide recognition.

Candidates need broadly to demonstrate that they are able to:

· Read and interpret technical parameters/ documents, plan and organize work
processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
· Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations and
environmental protection stipulations;
· Apply professional skill, knowledge & employability skills while performing jobs.
· Document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken.


· Can join Apprenticeship programme in different types of industries leading to National

Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
· Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming instructor in

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of one year (02 semesters): -

Notional Training
S No. Course Element
1. Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 1290
2. Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 258
3. Employability Skills 110
4. Extracurricular activities 62
5. Project work 120
6. Revision & Examination 240
Total 2080


The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of the
course and at the end of the training program as notified by the Government of India (GoI) from
time to time. The employability skills will be tested in the first two semesters itself.

a) The Internal Assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative Assessment
Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The training
institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment guideline. The
marks of internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure – II).

b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by NCVT at the end of each semester as per the
guideline of Government of India. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by Govt.
of India from time to time. The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for
setting question papers for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also
check the individual trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for
practical examination.


The minimum pass percentage for practical is 60% & minimum pass percentage of
theory subjects is 40%. For the purposes of determining the overall result, 50% weightage is
applied to the result of each semester examination.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial

barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking the assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for teamwork,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scrap/waste as per procedure,
behavioral attitude, sensitivity to the environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity
towards OSHE and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

· Job carried out in labs/workshop

· Record book/ daily diary
· Answer sheet of assessment
· Viva-voce
· Progress chart
· Attendance and punctuality
· Assignment
· Project work

Evidences of internal assessments are to be preserved until forthcoming semester

examination for audit and verification by examining body. The following marking pattern to be
adopted while assessing:

Performance Level Evidence

(a) Weightage in the range of 60%-75% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the · Demonstration of good skill in the use of
candidate should produce work which hand tools, machine tools and workshop
demonstrates attainment of an equipment.
acceptable standard of craftsmanship · Below 70% tolerance dimension achieved
with occasional guidance, and due regard while undertaking different work with those
for safety procedures and practices demanded by the component/job.
· A fairly good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
· Occasional support in completing the

(b) Weightage in the range of 75%-90% to be allotted during assessment

For this grade, a candidate should · Good skill levels in the use of hand tools,
produce work which demonstrates machine tools and workshop equipment.
attainment of a reasonable standard of · 70-80% tolerance dimension achieved while
craftsmanship, with little guidance, and
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

regard for safety procedures and undertaking different work with those
practices demanded by the component/job.
· A good level of neatness and consistency in
the finish.
· Little support in completing the project/job.

(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the · High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
candidate, with minimal or no support in machine tools and workshop equipment.
organization and execution and with due · Above 80% tolerance dimension achieved
regard for safety procedures and while undertaking different work with those
practices, has produced work which demanded by the component/job.
demonstrates attainment of a high · A high level of neatness and consistency in
standard of craftsmanship. the finish.
· Minimal or no support in completing the

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


Fire Fighters, Other; Fire Fighters, other includes all other Fire Fighters engaged in extinguishing
or controlling fire not elsewhere classified.

Fire Inspectors, Other; include all other associate professionals engaged in government,
industrial and other enterprises, who inspect different structures to ensure compliance with
central/state government laws and with approved plans, specifications and standards, or
inspect fire prevention systems and investigate fire sites to determine cause of fire not
elsewhere classified.

Reference NCO-2015:

(i) 3119.1000- Fire Fighters

(ii) 5411.9900- Fire Inspector

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management



NCO - 2015 3119.1000, 5411.9900

NSQF Level Level 4
Duration of Craftsmen
1 Year (2 Semesters)
a. Passed class 10th class Examination under 10+2 system of
Education or its equivalent.
b. The minimum physical requirements are
i. Height - 165 cm
Entry Qualification ii. Weight - 52 kg
iii. Chest - Normal 81 cm - Expanded 85 cm
iv. A registered MBBS doctor must certify that the
candidate is medically fit to undertake the course

Unit Strength (No. of

20 (Max. supernumeraries seats: 6)

Space Norms 1000 Sq. m (for practical Training area)

Power Norms 2 KW

Instructors Qualification for:

(i) Fire Technology and Degree in Fire & Safety Engineering/ Fire Science with one year
Industrial Safety experience in the relevant field.
Management Trade OR
Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety Engineering/
Fire and Industrial Safety Engineering / Health, Safety & Environment
with two year experience in the relevant filed.
Defence / Para military forces Officer JCOs/NCOs with 10 years of
experience in the relevant field.
National Examination Board Occupational Safety and Health
(NEBOSH)/Occupational Safety and Health Administrator (OSHA)
Certification with one year post qualification experience in the
relevant field.
NTC/NAC passed in the trade of Fire Technology and Industrial
Safety Management with 3 years post qualification experience in the
relevant field.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

Preference will be given to a candidate with Craft Instructor
Certificate (CIC).

Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2(1+1), one must
have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
(ii) Employability Skill MBA OR BBA with two years experience OR Graduate in Sociology/
Social Welfare/ Economics with Two years experience OR Graduate/
Diploma with Two years experience and trained in Employability
Skills from DGT institutes.
Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above.
Existing Social Studies Instructors duly trained in Employability
Skills from DGT institutes.

List of Tools and

As per Annexure – I
Distribution of training on Hourly basis: (Indicative only)
Total Hrs Trade Physical Employability Extra-curricular
Trade Theory
/week Practical Training Skills Activity

40 Hours 25 Hours 6 Hours 5 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


NSQF level for ‘Fire Technology and Industrial Safety Management’ trade under CTS: Level 4

As per notification issued by Govt. of India dated- 27.12.2013 on National Skill

Qualification Framework total 10 (Ten) Levels are defined.

Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome
statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes that
a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.
Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five domains,
known as level descriptors. These five domains are:
a. Process
b. professional knowledge
c. professional skill
d. core skill
e. Responsibility

The Broad Learning outcome of ‘Fire Technology and Industrial Safety Management’
trade under CTS mostly matches with the Level descriptor at Level- 4.

The NSQF level-4 descriptor is given below:

Process Professional
Level Professional Skill Core Skill Responsibility
Required Knowledge
Level 4 Work in Factual Recall and Language to Responsibility
familiar, knowledge demonstrate communicate for own work
predictable, of field of practical skill, written or oral, and learning.
routine, knowledge routine and with required
situation or study repetitive in clarity, skill to
of clear choice narrow range of basic Arithmetic
application, using and algebraic
appropriate rule principles, basic
and understanding of
tool, using social political
quality and natural
concepts environment

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will
be carried out as per the assessment criteria.


1. Apply safe working practices.

2. Comply environment regulation and housekeeping.
3. Interpret & use company and technical communication
4. Understand and apply the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare
legislation in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
5. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to
day work by optimally using available resources.
6. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in
day to day work for personal & societal growth.
7. Utilize basic computer applications and internet to take benefit of IT developments
in the industry.



8. Select suitable chemicals (industrial, inflammable liquid) usable on the workplace.

9. Identify, select & execute the application of different types of extinguisher, hose &
hose fittings.
10. Select and prepare the hydrant and pump system for proper application.
11. Plan and execute the concept of hydraulics in work place.
12. Select and categorize electrical hazard and risk & its mitigation.
13. Methods of using ladder in practical field.
14. Select the BA set and its application in appropriate place.
15. Identify and use of small and special gears.
16. Plan and execute elementary treatment at any incidental spot.
17. Utilization of knots and hitches in different special job and fire.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

18. Plan and execute to up lift various gears with proper techniques. Introduction to
Hazard and Risk evaluation & the proper method of rescue & F.F.
19. Analyze the concept of accident caused and prevention, accident investigation,
analysis and safety management.
20. Select & apply provisions related to safety, health and welfare in respect of Factory
Act, 1948.
21. Assessment of available resources and their proper use.
22. Interpret appropriate techniques of CPR.
23. Identify the importance of lighting, ventilation, work related stress and its


24. Plan and execute fixed fire fighting installations for their effective utilization.
25. Select and use PPE, its care and maintenance.
26. Select Automatic Fire Detection cum Alarm System to plan their effective utilization.
27. Plan and execute fire station administration.
28. Identify communication system in different organization and their scope of use.
29. Accustomed with different fire situations and fire fighting using extinguishers.
30. Plan and execute disaster response practices, IRS/JRT and salvage technique.
31. Select and apply correct rescue method.
32. Categorize building construction that can ensure fire and life safety.
33. Plan and execute fire protection measures based on construction and occupancy.
34. Plan and survey Airport & Aircraft, port and ship for rescue system and fire fighting
system on it.
35. Identify occupational hazards associated with different dangerous chemicals, dust,
gases, mist, vapours etc. to plan and execute rescue operations in these cases.
36. Observed safety precautions while working at height, confined place and work
permit system.
37. Identify the characteristics of various fire suppression agents including water.
Understand safety in manual and mechanical handling of materials.
38. Analysis hazard evaluation and risk analysis exercise.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management



1. Apply safe working 1.1 Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working
practices environment in line with occupational health and safety
regulations and requirements and according to policy.
1.2 Recognize and report all unsafe situations according to
1.3 Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and safety
hazards and report according to work policy and procedures.
1.4 Identify, handle and store / dispose-off dangerous goods and
substances according to policy and procedures following
safety regulations and requirements.
1.5 Identify and observe policies and procedures in regard to
illness or accident.
1.6 Identify safety alarms accurately.
1.7 Report supervisor/ Competent of authority in the event of
accident or sickness of any staff and record accident details
correctly according to accident/injury procedures.
1.8 Identify and observe evacuation procedures according to site
1.9 Identify Personal Productive Equipment (PPE) and use the
same as per related working environment.
1.10 Identify basic first aid and use them under different
1.11 Identify different fire extinguisher and use the same as per

2. Comply environment 2.1 Identify environmental pollution & contribute to the avoidance
regulation and of instances of environmental pollution.
housekeeping 2.2 Deploy environmental protection legislation & regulations.
2.3 Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner.
2.4 Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure.
2.5 Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in
the working environment.

3. Interpret & use 3.1 Obtain sources of information and recognize information.
company and technical 3.2 Use and draw up technical drawings and documents.
3.3 Use documents and technical regulations and occupationally
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

communication. related provisions.

3.4 Conduct appropriate and target oriented discussions with
higher authority and within the team.
3.5 Present facts and circumstances, possible solutions &use
English special terminology.
3.6 Resolve disputes within the team
3.7 Conduct written communication.

4. Understand and apply 4.1 Semester examination to test the concept in productivity,
the concept in quality tools and labour welfare legislation.
productivity, quality
4.2 Applications will be assessed during execution of assessable
tools, and labour
welfare legislation in
day to day work to
improve productivity &

5. Explain energy 5.1 Semester examination to test knowledge on energy

conservation, global conservation, global warming and pollution.
warming and pollution 5.2 Their applications will be assessed during execution of
and contribute in day assessable outcome.
to day work by
optimally using
available resources.

6. Explain personnel 6.1 Semester examination to test knowledge on personnel finance,

finance, entrepreneurship.
entrepreneurship and 6.2 Their applications will be assessed during execution of
manage/organize assessable outcome.
related task in day to
day work for personal
& societal growth.

7. Utilize basic computer 7.1 Semester examination to test knowledge on basic computer
applications and working, basic operating system and uses internet services.
internet to take benefit 7.2 Their applications will be assessed during execution of
of IT developments in assessable outcome.
the industry.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


8. Identify and Select 8.1 Identify various types of acids in the trade.
suitable chemicals 8.2 Identify the type of acids and their uses in the place.
(industrial, 8.3 Select the suitable acids on the workplace.
inflammable liquid) 8.4 Analyzed the effect of acids on the suitable jobs
usable on the

9. Identify, select & 9.1 Identify of fire and types of extinguishers.

execute the application 9.2 Install the wall fitting and test it.
of different types of 9.3 Technique of fire extinction smoothing cooling and Starvation.
extinguisher, hose & 9.4 Observe the safety/precaution during the operation
hose fittings. Extinguisher.
9.5 identify type of suction and delivery hoses.
9.6 Causes of hose decay & its prevention
9.7 Use of percolating & non-percolating hose
9.8 Identify of hose reel, causes of decay and its care &
9.9 Importance of hose reel hose in first aid fire fighting in buildings
and industries.
9.10 Plan of work in compliance with standard tests of delivery hoses.
9.11 Standard test of Suction hose
9.12 Identify the different groups of hose fitting.
9.13 Measure of deep lift suction fittings.
9.14 Type of Breechings and its uses.
9.15 Identify the hose ramps, care and maintenance of hose fittings.

10. Select and prepare the 10.1 Knowledge of Hydrant and Water supplies,
hydrant and pump 10.2 Identify the hydrant gear and equipment.
system for proper 10.3 Observe the making of hydrants and testing.
application. 10.4 Prepare the care and maintenance of operation.
10.5 Identify the common type in use.
10.6 Methods of priming.
10.7 Select and testing fault finding.
10.8 Working of centrifugal pump.
10.9 Observe care and maintenance of pump.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

11. Plan and execute the 11.1 Check the hydraulic system
working of hydraulics 11.2 Check the pressure
system in work place. 11.3 Calculate the water capacity of tank
11.4 Check the working of flow meter

12. Select and categorize 12.1 Identify common causes of electrical fire
electrical hazard and 12.2 Select remedial measures
risk & its mitigation. 12.3 Identify electrical hazards
12.4 Apply PPE
12.5 Follow the electrical document for safety.

13. Methods of using 13.1 Select the appropriate ladder.

ladder in practical field. 13.2 Pitching of ladder.
13.3 Pitching of ladder.
13.4 Climbing the ladder.
13.5 Use leg Lock.

14. Select the BA set and 14.1 Identify and operate B. A. set and relevant drill
its application in 14.2 Donning & doffing of SCBA.
appropriate place. 14.3 SCBA Operation & Emergency Procedures.
14.4 Inspection and Maintenance of SCBA.

15. Identify and use of 15.1 Identify, select and operate different small and special gears.
small and special gears. 15.2 Drill with different small and special gears.

16. Plan and execute 16.1 Donning, running and Rescue of casualty through tunnel.
elementary treatment 16.2 Apply Sylvester's Method, Holgar Nielsen Method, Rocking
at any incidental spot. Stretcher Method, Emerson Method
16.3 Perform Mouth to Mouth Respiration.

17. Utilization of knots and 17.1 Practical use of different knots and hitches in rescue & fire
hitches in different fighting
special job and fire. 17.2 Testing of different type of lines.
17.3 Care and maintenance.

18. Plan and execute to up 18.1 Causes, Identification, Evaluation & Control of hazard and risk.
lift various gears with 18.2 Hauling up gears and combined drill
proper techniques.
Introduction to Hazard
and Risk evaluation &
the proper method of
rescue & F.F.
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

19. Analyze the concept of 19.1 Identify different industrial accidents.

accident caused and 19.2 Prepare accident reports.
prevention, accident 19.3 Identify Methods Adopted for Reducing Accidents.
investigation, analysis 19.4 Investigation and analysis of Accidents.
and safety 19.5 Safety Slogans, Safety Precautions adopted in the Plant.
management. 19.6 Apply Safety Management, Safety Policy, Safety Committee, ,
Responsibility of Management, Safety Officers Duties &
Responsibilities, Safety Targets, Objectives, Standards,
Practices and Performances in work place.

20. Select & apply 20.1 Select & apply provisions related to safety.
provisions related to 20.2 Observation of provisions of the legislation applicable to
safety, health and different factories.
welfare in respect of
Factory Act, 1948.

21. Assessment of available 21.1 Identify and select various types of Fire Fighting Small and
resources and their Special rescue gear at Fire Service Station.
proper use. 21.2 Practical Use of equipments like cutting tools
21.3 Lifting tools Maintenance of tools.

22. Interpret appropriate 22.1 Identify techniques of CPR.

techniques of CPR. 22.2 Apply appropriate techniques of CPR.
22.3 Identify and apply Methods for rescue without equipment

23. Identify the importance 23.1 Measurement of illumination by Photo meter.

of lighting, ventilation, 23.2 Measurement of number of air changes in a room
work related stress and 23.3 Measurement of vibration of machine and equipments.
its measurement.
24. Plan and execute fixed 24.1 Identify Sprinkler System and their care and maintenance and
fire fighting operational Procedure
installations for their 24.2 Plan and execute fixed fire fighting installation.
effective utilization. 24.3 Utilize fixed fire fighting
24.4 Identify Elementary requirements of Drenchers, Rising Mains,
Hose Reels And Down-comer, Fire pump control panel.
24.5 Install Fixed Foam.

25. Select and use PPE, its 25.1 Identify various Personal Protective Equipments.
care and maintenance. 25.2 Select and use Respiratory and Non-respiratory Personal

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

Protective Equipment, their Care & Maintenance.

25.3 Observe standard and regulation related to PPE.

26. Select Automatic Fire 26.1 Identify various types of detectors.

Detection cum Alarm 26.2 Select Automatic Fire Detection cum Alarm System as per need.
System to plan their 26.3 Plan Automatic Fire Detection cum Alarm Systems effective
effective utilization. utilization.

27. Plan and execute fire 27.1 Identify various important duties of a fire station.
station administration. 27.2 Drill with ladder and water tender
27.3 Foam Drill with FBI0X single delivery.
27.4 Foam Drill with FB5X single delivery.
27.5 Wet Drill with double delivery.
27.6 Dry Drill with double delivery.

28. Identify 28.1 Identify different communication required at various fire service
communication system departments.
in different 28.2 Identify, select and apply Various lines, communication
organization and their Equipment in Fire Service.
scope of use. 28.3 Select & use Method of receiving report of emergencies.
28.4 Identify and use Radio Communication and VHF.
28.5 Practices Writing of Occurrence Book, Duty Card/ Register, Log
Book, Hose Book, Stock Register and their maintenance.
28.6 Apply fire affected room searching techniques.

29. Accustomed with 29.1 Perform Live fire extinction using all kind of extinguisher.
different fire situations 29.2 Identify Fire Hazards in rural areas and cause of fire.
and fire fighting using 29.3 Identify, select and apply Method of Fire-fighting in rural areas.
extinguishers. 29.4 Identify Difficulties in dealing with Rural fires.

30. Plan and execute 30.1 Identify Natural and Man-made Disaster.
disaster response 30.2 Use various agencies, first responders, control of situation.
practices, IRS/JRT and 30.3 Identify different types of disasters.
salvage technique. 30.4 Simulated Practices to control life and properties damages from
natural disaster.
30.5 Perform Water relay drill (All types).
30.6 Identify and select Equipment for Salvage & working at Fires
30.7 Use salvage sheets & equipments and there care &
30.8 Identify, select and apply Methods of entry into building.
30.9 Identify, select and apply Different searching methods to locate
& rescue a trapped causality.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

31. Select and apply 31.1 Observe safety Precautions when working in smoke laden
correct rescue method. buildings.
31.2 Identify, select and apply various Emergency methods of rescue.
31.3 Identify hazards associated with various rescue operations.
31.4 Select & apply various rescue equipments.

32. Categorize building 32.1 Familiarization at construction site.

construction that can 32.2 Identify building materials.
ensure fire and life 32.3 Plan escapes routine.
safety. 32.4 Practical training about Care and maintenance of sprinklers.
32.5 Use of Automatic fire alarm system, fire exit drill

33. Plan and execute fire 33.1 Classification of building in the country
protection measures 33.2 Identify Building materials and their behavior under fire
based on construction conditions
and occupancy. 33.3 Identify and apply various types of occupancies and fire fighting
33.4 Identify Important fire escapes with respect to there

34. Plan and survey Airport 34.1 Identify Different types of Air-crafts, Air craft fire fighting and
& Aircraft, port and rescue procedures.
ship for rescue system 34.2 Identify types of emergencies and apply method of dealing with
and fire fighting each emergency.
system on it. 34.3 Recognize ship fire protection and fire fighting & rescue from

35. Identify occupational 35.1 Identify HVAC system.

hazards associated 35.2 Identify various equipments used in rescue of causality.
with different 35.3 Ladder Drill with Fireman Lift.
dangerous chemicals, 35.4 Sewer Rescue drill.
dust, gases, mist, 35.5 Stretcher drill.
vapours etc. to plan 35.6 Identify Occupational Hazards & Dangerous Chemicals.
and execute rescue 35.7 Identify Dangerous Properties of Chemicals, Dust, Gases, Fumes,
operations in these Mist, Vapours, Smoke and Aerosols.

36. Observed safety 36.1 Perform High elevation drill.

precautions while 36.2 Perform Confined space rescue.
working at height, 36.3 Observe safety precaution related to Scaffolds, Ladders, and
confined place and Work at height including Roof Work.
work permit system.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

37. Identify the 37.1 Identify the characteristics of various fire suppression agents
characteristics of including water.
various fire 37.2 Perform Mechanical and Manual Material Handling.
suppression agents 37.3 Observe Safety related to Mechanical and Manual Material
including water. Handling, Lifting Appliances, Transport / Earthmoving& Material
Understand safety in Handling Equipments.
manual and
mechanical handling of

38. Analysis hazard 38.1 Perform exercise on Hazard evaluation and risk.
evaluation and risk 38.2 Use safety belt, helmets, gloves and goggles.
analysis exercise. 38.3 Identify Transportation and handling of dangerous chemicals
and explosives.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management



Professional Skills
Week Ref. Learning Professional Knowledge
(Trade Practical)
No. outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
1 Apply safe working 1. Familiarization with the Discipline: Introduction,
practices. Institute, Documentation of Importance of Discipline, General
Student, Issuance of Dress, Principles of discipline, essentials
Books, Hostel for discipline and outward Signs.
Accommodation (If required)
and Store. (06 hrs) Meaning & Definitions of
2. Importance of trade training, Discipline
Equipments used in the
trade, types of work done by
the trainees in the trade. (07
3. Introduction to safety
equipments and their uses.
Introduction of first aid,
Road safety, operation of
Electrical mains. (05 hrs)
4. Knowledge of General
Safety, Occupational health
and hygiene. (07 hrs.)
2 Identify and Select 5. Demonstration of Various Basic Physics and Chemistry
suitable chemicals acids. (20hrs) related to Fire : Definition of
(industrial, 6. Demonstration of different Matter and energy, Physical
inflammable liquid) water reactive substances. properties of matter like Density,
usable on the (05 hrs) specific gravity, Relative density,
workplace. Vapor density, Melting & Boiling
point, flammable limits, latent
heat, Effects of density on
behavior of gases,, Basics of
oxidizing and reducing agents,
Acids. Flammable liquids-
classification and types of tanks,
Dust and Explosion, Liquid and
Gas Fires, LPG. UCVE,
BLEVE,Slope over and Boil over,
Gas laws ,P-V-T relation for

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

perfect gas.
3 -do- 7. Organic flammable liquids Anatomy of Fire: Definition of
and commonly used Combustion, Elements of
industrial chemicals. (20 hrs) Combustion, Products of
8. Alkalis & Gases. (05 hrs) Combustion, Heat of reaction
and calorific value, Flash point,
Fire point, Ignition temperature
and spontaneous combustion.
Fire Triangle, Tetrahedron and
Pyramid, source of
heat(chemical, mechanical.
Electrical & Nuclear),
Classification of fire and methods
of fire extinguishment, Oxygen
and its effects on combustion,
Mode of heat
transfer(Conduction, Convection
& Radiation),
4-5 Identify, select & 9. Identification and selection Classification of Fire &
Execute the according to suitability of Extinguishers - Classification of
application of following extinguishers: Fire and types of extinguishers,
different types of (i) water type maintenance, method of
extinguisher, hose (ii) foam type operation. Techniques of fire
& hose fittings. (iii) powder type extinction-Smothering cooling
(iv) gas type and starvation. Halon and its
(v) Trolley mounted (25 detrimental effect on
hrs) environment. Alternatives of
10. Hose drill Halon.
(i) hose pick up
(ii) hose laying Types of fire extinguishing
(iii) hose joining agents, Rating system for
(iv) hose replacement at portable fire extinguishers,
different position (25 Limitation of fire extinguishers,
hrs) Inspection requirement.
Hose and Hose Fittings: Types of
Suction and Delivery Hoses,
Hose-reel, causes of decay, Care
and Maintenance, Marking of
Hose, Repair of hose, Standard
tests of Delivery Hoses, Definition
and different groups of Hose
Fittings. Types and Construction
of Suction; Monitors, Water-cum-

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

foam Monitor, Nozzles & branch

holders, collecting head and
suction hose, Fittings; frost valve,
Deep lift suction fittings,
Breechings, Adaptors and Blank
cap suction reduction piece, Hose
Ramps, Care & Maintenance of
Hose Fittings.
Definition of fire stream, solid tip
or stream, special purpose.
6 -do- 11. Familiarization of foam Foam & Foam Making
making branch Equipment: Water as an
i. Use of FB2X, FB5X and extinguish ant- its merits,
FB10X, demerits and modification.
ii. Care and maintenance of Introduction to all types of foam
foam equipments, (12 concentrate, properties of foams
hrs) and techniques of
12. Wet drill using foam and extinguishment by foam, types of
foam making equipments. foams, Characteristics of good
(13 hrs) foam, foam making Equipment-
Mechanical. High Expansion and
Low Expansion Foam. Storage of
foam Compound. Dry Chemical
Powder- Types and application.
Carbon dioxide as extinguisher.
Method of High expansion foam
generation and special use.
Methods of foam applications
7 Select and prepare 13. Familiarization and Hydrant & Fittings: Introduction
the hydrant and demonstration of Hydrant of Hydrant and Water supplies,
pump system for and its associated Hydrant Gears and Equipment,
proper application. equipments. Marking, Testing, cares
i. Hydrant Drill I : Opening maintenance Operation.
of single line of three
hoses.(03 hrs ) Source of water supply, Water
ii. Hydrant Drill. II :Change distribution system, Rural water
of burst hose.(03 hrs) supply, Determining Static,
iii. Hydrant Drill. III: Residual and Flow Pressure
Increase one length
hose. (03 hrs)
iv. Hydrant Drill. IV:
Decrease one length
hose. (03 hrs)
v. Hydrant Drill. V: Use of
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

the collecting breaching.

(03 hrs)
vi. Hydrant Drill.VI:
Disconnect collecting
Breaching. (04 hrs)
vii. Hydrant Drill.VII: Use
dividing breaching (04
viii. Hydrant Drill. VIII:
Disconnect dividing
Beaching. (02 hrs)
8 -do- 14. 4 men pump drill. (10 hrs) Pump & Pump Operation :
15. 6 men pump drill (dry and Classification of common types in
wet both) (15 hrs) use, Methods of Priming, Testing
and Fault-finding, care and
Maintenance and standard Test,
Introduction of centrifugal pump,
care and maintenance.
Advantages and disadvantages of
centrifugal pump, Importance of
Atmospheric pressure
Cooling systems
9 Plan and execute 16. Water volume calculation of Hydraulics: Pressure and Head,
the working of different water pressure and Flow, mensuration,
hydraulics system reservoirs.(06 hrs) Nozzle's discharge, calculation of
in work place. 17. Practical use of flow meter water capacity of tank,
and different pressure requirement for specific fire size.
gauges. (08 hrs) Composition of Water,
18. Fire ground calculation and Atmospheric Pressure, Weight &
theoretical calculation.(11Capacity of Water per cu.ft.
hrs) Practical & Theoretical Suction
Lift, Friction Loss, & Water
10 Select and 19. Visit to thermal power plant Electricity: Fundamentals of
categorize and electrical sub-station. electricity, Generation and
electrical hazard (25 hrs) Distribution, Common causes of
and risk & its electrical fire and its remedial
mitigation. measures, electrical hazards
including static electricity and
protective measures and fire-
fighting procedure, Elementary
knowledge of Fire Protection and
fire-fighting in different premises,
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

Electrical safety in non-industrial
installation, Industrial Installation
and mines.
Hazardous area classification and
use of electrical equipment in
hazardous area, Case studies etc.
11 Methods of using 20. Demonstration and Ladders: Introduction, Types of
ladder in practical familiarization of Extension Ladders, Construction features of
field. Ladder conventional (terminology and
i. Introduction of parts of parts) Ladders, Operational use,
extension ladder (02 hrs) Elementary Knowledge of T.T.L.
ii. Rescue Operation from & Snorkel visit at regular fire
buildings. (03 hrs) service having these appliances.
iii. Drill I: Pitching of ladder (As per Bureau of I.S.).
(04 hrs)
iv. Drill II: Climbing the Method of ladder pitching and
ladder (04 hrs) climbing, use of Arm-Hold and
v. Drill III: Use leg Lock (04 Leg-Lock
vi. Drill IV: Ladder Drill with
Fireman Lift (04 hrs)
vii. Drill V: L2 Drill (04hrs)
12 Select the BA set 21. Familiarization and Water Tender and Special
and its application demonstration of B. A. set Appliance : Introduction and
in appropriate and relevant drill. (05 hrs) description of Rescue/
place. 22. Donning & doffing of SCBA. Emergency Tender, C02 tender,
(05 hrs) DCP Tender, Hose laying lorry,
23. SCBA Operation & Water Bouser and High pressure
Emergency Procedures. (10 pumps, special appliances.(Type
hrs) & Operation of Foam tender,
24. Inspection and Maintenance Multipurpose fire tender, Crash
of SCBA. (05 hrs) fire tender, Hydraulic Elevated
13 Identify and use of 25. Familiarization and Small & Special gears: Function
small and special demonstration of different & Construction-G.R. Tools;
gears. small and special gears. (13 Function & Construction-
hrs) Breaking in and Cutting tools,
26. Drill with different small and Pulley blocks; Function &
special gears. (12 hrs) Construction-Lighting Function &
Construction-Lifting & Rescue
tools; Operation of hydraulically
operated, diesel operated and
electrically operated tools,. Care
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

& maintenance of equipment.

14 Plan and execute 27. Drill I: Donning, running and First Aid: Definition of First-Aid,
elementary Rescue of casualty through Qualities of first aider, Shock-
treatment at any tunnel. Signs and Symptoms, Asphyxia-
incidental spot. i. Familiarization and study Signs and Symptoms, Wounds
First Aid Box (02 hrs) and Hemorrhage -Classification
ii. Stretcher Drill (02 hrs) of injuries, Signs, Symptoms and
iii. Fireman Lift Drill (02 hrs) management, Burns, Scalds and
iv. Use Bandage (02 hrs) frost Bits signs and symptoms
v. Standard drills on and management. Causes and
Ambulance (05 hrs) types of fractures Sprain &
28. Rescue drill (02 hrs) Dislocation-Signs and symptoms,
29. Sylvester's Method (02 hrs) Snake Bite-Treatment.
30. Holgar Nielsen Method (02
31. Eve Rocking Stretcher
Method (02 hrs)
32. Emerson Method (02 hrs)
33. Mouth to Mouth
Respiration. (02 hrs)
15 Utilization of knots 34. Practical use of different Ropes and Lines : Construction &
and hitches in knots and hitches in rescue Fibers used for rope(Rope
different special job & fire fighting. (06 hrs) materials-Natural and synthetic
and fire. 35. Testing of different type of & their characteristics), types and
lines. (07 hrs) uses of lines, causes of
36. Care and maintenance. (12 Deterioration Inspection and
hrs) tests, methods of testing, care
and maintenance, standard knots
and their uses.(Method of rope
construction- Hauser laid,
Braided etc)
16 Plan and execute to 37. Hauling up gears and Hazard and Risk: Causes,
up lift various gears combined drill. (25 hrs) Identification, Evaluation &
with proper Control. HAZOP+HIRA Sources for
techniques. Information on Hazard
Introduction to Evaluation. Risk and Risk Analysis
Hazard and Risk confined space.
evaluation & the
proper method of
rescue & F.F.
17 Analyze the 38. Site visit for post analysis of Accident : Industrial Accidents
concept of accident different incidents. (25 hrs) (Definition), Classification of
caused and Accidents, Need for the Analysis
prevention, of Accidents(Objective of
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

accident accident prevention), Accidents

investigation, Reports, Methods Adopted for
analysis and safety Reducing Accidents, Investigation
management. and analysis of Accidents, Safety
Slogans, Safety Precautions
adopted in the Plant.(Causes and
cost of Accident/ incident,
Accident prevention technique
Safety Concept : Introduction to
Safety Management, Safety
Policy, Safety Committee, ,
Responsibility of Management,
Safety Officers Duties &
Responsibilities, Safety Targets,
Objectives, Standards, Practices
and Performances.
18-19 Select & apply 39. Visit to factories. (25 hrs) Safety, Health and environment
provisions related 40. Observation of provisions of legislation.
to safety, health the legislation applicable to
and welfare in different factories. ( 25 hrs)
(Amended) & relevant
respect of Factory
statutory rules :-
Act, 1948.
Health - Cleanness, Disposal of
Waste , Ventilation and
Temperatures, Dust & Fumes,
Drinking Water, Lighting,
Latrines & urinals.
Safety - Fencing of
machineries, Work on or near
machinery in motion, Hoists
and lifts, Pressure plants,
Floors, Stairs and means of
escape, Protection against
fumes & gases, Safety offers.
Welfare - Washing facilities in
Dry clothing, Storing, Sitting,
First Aid Appliances, Canteen,
Shelters for rest & lunch,
Crèches, Welfare officers,
Right & Obligation of workers.
2. Workmen compensation act
and rules.
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

3. ESI Act and rules.

4. Contract labour act.
5. Indian boiler act.
6. Static and mobile (unfired)
pressure vessel rules.
7. BOCW act and rules.
8. Introduction to Fire & safety
20 Assessment of 41. Familiarization with various Construction Industry: General
available resources types of Fire Fighting Small Safety Provisions related to
and their proper and Special rescue gear at construction industry, Safety in
use. Fire Service Station. (08 hrs) the use of Construction
42. Practical Use of equipments Machinery, Safe Access / Egress
like cutting tools (08 hrs) Importance of Good House
43. Lifting tools Maintenance of Keeping.
tools. (09 hrs)
21 Interpret 44. Techniques of CPR Resuscitation
appropriate i) One Sitter (03 hrs)
techniques of CPR. ii) Two Sitter (03 hrs) Resuscitation means’ Artificial
iii) Three Sitter (03 hrs) Respiration and following
iv) Four Sitter (03 hrs) methods are being used.
v) Fireman lift (03 hrs) i. Holger Neilson
vi) CPR drill (03 hrs)
ii. Silvestor
vii) Choking (03 hrs)
viii) Shaffer's Method (04 hrs) iii. Shepherd
iv. Mouth to mouth and
Above said methods sl. No I to viii
are rescue procedures. Methods v. Nose to mouth
for rescue without equipment Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
method is different.
22 Identify the 44. Measurement of illumination Lighting, Ventilation & Work
importance of by Photo meter. (07 hrs) related stress: Introduction to
lighting, 45. Measurement of number of Lighting, Ventilation, Heat Stress,
ventilation, work air changes in a room by Cold Stress, Noise, vibration and
related stress and velometer. ( 07 hrs) color codes.
its measurement. 46. Measurement of sound level. Difference between Flux and Lux
(05 hrs) (lumen), Measurement and
47. Measurement of vibration of Management of work related
machine and equipments. stress, Heat stress, and cold
(06 hrs) stress.
23 Project Work:
Broad Areas:
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

a) Identification and selection according to suitability of following extinguishers

(i) Water type
(ii) Foam type
(iii) Powder type
(iv) Gas type
(v) Trolley mounted
b) Wet drill using foam and foam making equipments.
c) Mouth to mouth respiration.
24-25 Revision
26 Examination

Note: -

1. Physical training and squad drill at the starting of everyday shall be incorporated for one
hour in each day to develop physical fitness, mental alertness and discipline among the
2. Guest faculty (Expert in particular field like air craft fire, Ship Fire, First Aid, Fire station/
service related etc) may be provided.
3. Expert may be engaged in examination.

4. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
5. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
6. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must involve
some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the power of
synergy/ collaboration, work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4 trainees). The
group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and Application of
Learning. They need to submit Project report.
7. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


Professional Skills
Week Ref. Learning Professional Knowledge
(Trade Practical)
No. outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
27 Plan and execute 48. Familiarization and Fixed Fire Fighting Installations:
fixed fire fighting demonstration of fixed fire Introduction of Sprinkler System
installations for fighting installations. (25 hrs) and their care and maintenance
their effective and operational Procedure,
utilization. Elementary requirements of
Drenchers, Rising Mains, Hose
Reels And Down-comer, Fire
pump control panel. Types of F F
F Installations- water based, non
water based.
Fixed Foam installation, Foam
poures, foam makers, HVWS,
MVWS ,Total flooding system
CO2, FM-200 etc.
28 Select and use PPE, 49. Familiarization and Personal Protective Equipment :
its care and demonstration of PPE and Need for Personal Protection
maintenance. other life saving equipments. Equipment, Selection, Use, Care
(25 hrs) & Maintenance Respiratory and
Non-respiratory Personal
Protective Equipment, Head
Protection, Ear Protection, Face
and Eye Protection, Hand
Protection, Foot Protection, Body
Standards & regulations
29 Select Automatic 50. Familiarization and Automatic Fire Detection cum
Fire Detection cum demonstration of different Alarm System: Introduction of
Alarm System to Automatic Fire Detection cum Types of Detectors- Smoke,
plan their effective Alarm System. ( 25 hrs) Heat, Flame/Gas Detectors,
utilization. Operating principles, F.D.A.
Panel M.C.P. & P.A. with talk
30 Plan and execute 51. Water tender drill. Fire Service Administration : Fire
fire station Drill I: L-2 Drill with ladder and Service Organization, Executive
duties of Officer-in-Charge of a
administration. water tender (05 hrs) Fire Station, Administrative
Drill II: Foam Drill with FBI0X duties of Officer-in-Charge of a
single delivery. (05 hrs) station
Drill III: Foam Drill with FB5X a) Writing of a report,
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

single delivery. (05 hrs) b) Occurrence Book,

Drill IV: Wet Drill with double c) Hose Card/Register,
d) Fire reports,
delivery. (05 hrs) e) Workshop Orders,
Drill V: Dry Drill with double f) Log books,
delivery. (05 hrs) g) Stock Registers,
h) Orderly Room Registers,
i) Defaulter Register,
j) Leave Register,
k) Station Discipline.
31 Identify Industrial/ Fire Service Station Watch Room Procedure &
communication Visit Mobilizing: Identification of
system in different 52. Visit of modern control room communication requirement of
organization and and watch rooms of state fire Fire Service, Watch Room,
their scope of use. service/ Industry. (25 hrs) Control Room, Equipment
Station Ground, Turn-out area,
Area of Topography, and
Telephone Call area, Mobilizing
boards and maps. The log &
occurrence book, introduction to
Various lines, communication
Equipment in Fire Service,
Introduction to Radio
Communication and Use of VHF
Sets. (Method of receiving
report of emergencies,)
32 -do- 53. Visit to Fire Service Station. Practical Fireman ship: Qualities
A. Familiarization to Fire of Fireman and his important
Station Writing practices duties at a Fire Station and Fire
of ground.
i) Occurrence Book Duties of fireman on the way to
ii) Duty Card/ Register fire scene, on the fire ground,
iii) Log Book and after returning from the fire
iv) Hose Book call.
v) Stock Register
B. fire affected room searching
C. SOP, SDP. (25 hrs)
33 Accustomed with 54. Live fire extinction using all Rural Fire: Fire Hazards in rural
different fire kind of extinguisher. (25 hrs) areas and cause of fire, Hay
situations and fire stacks, Special appliance &
fighting using equipment, Method of Fire-
extinguishers. fighting in rural areas.
Difficulties in dealing with Rural

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

34-35 Plan and execute 55. Simulated Practices to control Water Relay: Types of relay-
disaster response life and properties damages systems, water distribution
practices, IRS/JRT from natural disaster. (12 System. Advantages and
and salvage hrs.) disadvantages-Calculation of
technique. 56. Water relay drill (All types). hose. spacing of intermediate
(05 hrs) pumps, important points for
57. Practical use of salvage carrying out Relay & Study of
sheets & equipments and gauges.
there care & maintenance. Salvage - Introduction,
(13 hrs) Equipment for Salvage and
58. Methods of entry into working at Fires. list of Salvage
building, Different searching tools and equipment, Safety
methods to locate & rescue a consideration at the time of
trapped causality. (10 hrs) salvage
59. SOP, SDP (10 hrs) Disaster Management: Natural
and Man-made Disaster,
Preparedness for disaster, use of
various agencies, first
responders, control of situation,
Incident Command System (ICS)/
IRS/JRT. Understanding disasters,
classification, significance, causes
and effects. Remedy for
36 Select and apply 60. Precautions to be observed Various Rescue techniques:
correct rescue when working in smoke laden Rescue technique from lift,
method. buildings. (5 hrs.) Sewer, Collapsed building,
61. Emergency methods of motor vehicle accident, Well &
rescue.(20 hrs) river, Special equipment and
training requirements for rescue
Hazards associated with Rescue
operations, Search of Burning
structure, Extrication from
Motor vehicles, Machines,
Specialized Rescue Situation and
37 Categorize building Construction Site Visit Means of Escape: Classification
construction that 62. Familiarization at of escape routes with reference
can ensure fire and construction site. (05 hrs) to N.B.C. Fire exit drill.
life safety. 63. Introduction and What is fire exit?, places of
identification of building relative safety, places of ultimate
material. (05 hrs) safety, Width of exits
64. Planning of escape routine. requirement and calculations.
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

(05 hrs)
65. Familiarization and
demonstration of fixed
installation at visit to high rise
building. (05 hrs)
66. Practical training about Care
and maintenance of
sprinklers. Use of Automatic
fire alarm system, fire exit
drill. (05 hrs)
38 Plan and execute 67. Visit to buildings with Building Construction :
fire protection different types of Introduction, highlighting
measures based on construction& occupancy. (25 importance of the subject,
construction and hrs) Classification of building in the
occupancy. country, Building materials and
their behavior under fire
conditions, signs of collapse of
building, various types of
occupancies and fire fighting
techniques, Importance's of fire
escapes with respect to there
positioning, Reference to NBC
part II fire construction and
provisioning of fire fighting
measures. Smoke management
& HVAC .
39-40 -do- 68. Construction Site Visit Safety in Engineering Industries:
i. Practices of good House Machine Operations &
Keeping (20hrs) Guarding, Safety in the use of
ii. Study of egress and safe Machines, Safety precaution
access. (20 hrs) while using Hand Tools & Power
iii. Hands on experience with Tools, Need for selection & Care
Hand and power tools. of tools.
(10 hrs) Types of Guarding

41 Plan and survey 69. Industrial Visit: airport, Aircraft Fire and Rescue : Some
Airport & Aircraft, aircraft, helicopter etc. (25 common terminology including
port and ship for hrs) 'Ejection Seats' etc, Preliminary
rescue system and about fire hazards in Air-Craft
fire fighting system and action required for Rescue
on it. and fire-fighting, Resource of
Fighting Fire in Air Ports.
Different types of Air-crafts, Air
craft fire fighting and rescue
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

procedures, types of
emergencies, and method of
dealing with each emergency.
Hagers- types, fire protection
and fire fighting.
42 -do- 70. Visit to port Site and ships. Ship Fires: Elementary
(25 hrs) knowledge of ship fire
protection and fire fighting &
rescue from ship.
Risk and fighting fires in ship,
Types of emergencies, Dock
Fires, Fire protection of jetti.
43 Identify 71. Familiarization HVAC system Occupational Hazards &
occupational and demonstration of various Dangerous Chemicals.
hazards associated equipments used in rescue of Introduction to Occupational
with different causality. (06 hrs) Health Hazards & Dangerous
dangerous 72. Ladder Drill with Fireman Lift Properties of Chemicals, Dust,
chemicals, dust, (8hrs.) Gases, Fumes, Mist, Vapours,
gases, mist, vapours 73. Sewer Rescue drill, (06 hrs) Smoke and Aerosols, Concepts
etc. to plan and 74. Stretcher drill (05 hrs) of Threshold Limit Values,
execute rescue Classification of Hazards.
operations in these Hazchem codes, Chemical
cases. accidents source and causes,
Transportation risk in rail and by
road, emergency management
for release or leakage of
gas/chemicals during
44 Observed safety 75. High elevation drill. (12 hrs) Working at Height, Confined
precautions while 76. Confined space rescue.(13 Space: Safety precautions
working at height, hrs) related to Scaffolds, Ladders,
confined place and and Work at height including
work permit Roof Work, fall arrestors,
system. Confined Space, Work Permit
System, Excavation.
45 Identify the 77. Visit to industries to observe Material Handling: Safety
characteristics of safety in material handling. related to Mechanical and
various fire (25 hrs) Manual Material Handling,
suppression agents Lifting Appliances, Transport /
including water. Earthmoving& Material
Understand safety Handling Equipments - Cranes,
in manual and Forklift Truck, Hoists, and
mechanical Conveyors.
handling of
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


46-47 Analysis hazard 78. Hazard evaluation and risk House Keeping and Waste
evaluation and risk analysis exercise. (15 hrs) Disposal: Introduction of Good
analysis exercise. 79. Practical usages of safety House Keeping & Maintenance,
belt, helmets, gloves and Introduction of Disposal of
goggles. (10 hrs) Waste Material.
80. Visit to industrial unit and Japanese concept of 5 “S”.
adoption of safety Practice. Hazardous Chemicals: Dangerous
(10 hrs) Chemicals and substances,
81. Visit to industrial unit to Introduction to Transportation
observe prevailing welfare and handling of dangerous
measures and their condition. chemicals and explosives,
(15 hrs) Storage of hazardous chemicals,
Fire Safety and fire fighting.
Interpretation and use of MSDS.
Chemical labeling.
48-49 Project Work
Broad Areas:
a) Water tender drill.
(i) Drill I : L-2 Drill with ladder and water tender
(ii) Drill II : Foam Drill with FBI0X single delivery
(iii) Drill III: Foam Drill with FB5X single delivery.
(iv) Drill IV: Wet Drill with double delivery.
(v) Drill V: Dry Drill with double delivery.
b) Precaution to be observe when working in smoke laden buildings.
c) Familiarization HVAC system and demonstration of various equipment used in rescue
of causality.
50-51 Revision
52 Examination

Note: -

8. Physical training and squad drill at the starting of everyday shall be incorporated for one
hour in each day to develop physical fitness, mental alertness and discipline among the
9. Guest faculty (Expert in particular field like air craft fire, Ship Fire, First Aid, Fire station/
service related etc) may be provided.
10. Expert may be engaged in examination.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

11. Some of the sample project works (indicative only) are given against each semester.
12. Instructor may design their own project and also inputs from local industry may be taken
for designing such new project.
13. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must involve
some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the power of
synergy/ collaboration, work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4 trainees). The
group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and Application of
Learning. They need to submit Project report.
14. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required than he
may plan accordingly to produce components/ sub-assemblies in appropriate time i.e.,
may be in the previous semester or during execution of normal trade practical.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management



First Semester
Duration: 20 Hrs.
1. English Literacy
Marks : 09
Pronunciation Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words, Diction
(use of word and speech)

Functional Grammar Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense,


Reading Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and

Writing Construction of simple sentences Writing

simple English

Speaking / Spoken Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates,

English on know, picture reading gain confidence through role-playing and
discussions on current happening job description, asking about
someone's job habitual actions. Cardinal (fundamental) numbers
ordinal numbers. Taking messages, passing messages on and filling in
message forms Greeting and introductions office hospitality, Resumes
or curriculum vita essential parts, letters of application reference to
previous communication.

Duration: 20 Hrs.
2. IT Literacy
Marks : 09
Basics of Computer Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and
peripherals, Switching on-Starting and shutting down of computer.

Computer Operating Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of Windows
System OS, Create, Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use of External
memory like pen drive, CD, DVD etc, Use of Common applications.

Word processing and Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, opening and closing
Worksheet Documents, use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting
the Text, Insertion & creation of Tables. Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic commands, creating
simple worksheets, understanding sample worksheets, use of simple
formulas and functions, Printing of simple excel sheets.
Computer Networking Basic of computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of
and Internet Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet,
Concept of Internet (Network of Networks),
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, Web Site, Web
page and Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser,
Downloading and Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and
use of email. Social media sites and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in
Information Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.

Duration: 15 Hrs.
3. Communication Skills
Marks : 07
Introduction to Communication and its importance
Communication Skills Principles of Effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non verbal, written, email, talking on
Non verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-
Body language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.

Listening Skills Listening-hearing and listening, effective listening, barriers to

effective listening guidelines for effective listening.
Triple- A Listening - Attitude, Attention & Adjustment.
Active Listening Skills.

Motivational Training Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success.

The Power of Positive Attitude.
Self awareness
Importance of Commitment
Ethics and Values
Ways to Motivate Oneself
Personal Goal setting and Employability Planning.

Facing Interviews Manners, Etiquettes, Dress code for an interview

Do's & Don'ts for an interview.
Behavioral Skills Problem Solving
Confidence Building

Second Semester
Duration: 15 Hrs.
4. Entrepreneurship Skills
Marks : 06
Concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial motivation.
Performance & Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation
Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

to the enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas,

Entrepreneurial opportunities, and The process of setting up a

Project Preparation & Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept &
Marketing analysis application of PLC, Sales & distribution Management. Different
Between Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method
of marketing, Publicity and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
Institutions Support Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-
employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non
financing support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies
/Programmes & procedure & the available scheme.

Investment Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act,

Procurement Estimation & Costing, Investment procedure - Loan procurement -
Banking Processes.

Duration : 10 Hrs.
5. Productivity
Marks : 05
Benefits Personal / Workman - Incentive, Production linked Bonus,
Improvement in living standard.

Affecting Factors Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation - How

improves or slows down.

Comparison with Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany,

developed countries Japan and Australia) in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel,
Mining, Construction etc. Living standards of those countries, wages.

Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash
Management handling, Personal risk and Insurance.

Duration: 15 Hrs.
6. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Marks : 06
Safety & Health Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety
and health at workplace.
Occupational Hazards Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibroacoustic Hazards, Mechanical
Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health,
Occupational hygienic, Occupational Diseases/ Disorders & its
Accident & safety Basic principles for protective equipment.
Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

First Aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of
sick person.
Basic Provisions Idea of basic provision legislation of India.
safety, health, welfare under legislative of India.
Ecosystem Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and
Environment, Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.
Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous
Energy Conservation Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.
Global warming Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and
Harvesting of water.
Environment Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in -house
Duration : 05 Hrs.
7. Labour Welfare Legislation Marks : 03
Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship
Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act,
Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's compensation Act.
Duration : 10 Hrs.
8. Quality Tools Marks : 05
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.
Quality Circles Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality
Circle, Roles and function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation
of Quality circle. Approaches to starting Quality Circles, Steps for
continuation Quality Circles.
Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System qualities.
House Keeping Purpose of House-keeping, Practice of good Housekeeping.
Quality Tools Basic quality tools with a few examples.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management




Name of the Tools and

S No. Specification Quantity
A. TRAINEES TOOL KIT ( For each additional unit trainees tool kit sl. 1-10 is required additionally)
1. Water C02 Type Fire Extinguisher 9 Liters 06 Nos.
2. Stored pressure Type Fire 9 Liters 06 Nos.
3. Chemical Foam type Fire 9 Liters 06 Nos.
4. Mechanical Foam type Fire 9 Liters 06 Nos.
5. C02Type Fire Extinguisher 4.5 Kg 06 Nos.
6. BC Type Fire Extinguisher 5/10 Kg 04 Nos.
7. ABC Type Fire Extinguisher 5/10 Kg 04 Nos.
8. Extension Ladder * Size-45/35 ft 02 Nos.
9. All types of Branches or Nozzles * 04 Nos.
10. Fire Hose * a) 15 m 10 Nos.
b) 30 m 04 Nos.
B. SHOP TOOLS, INSTRUMENTS – For 2 (1+1) units no additional items are required
Lists of Tools:
11. First Aid Box *
12. All Types of small gears *
13. BA Set * Negative & Positive Pressure 02 Nos.
14. a) Gas Cylinders * 02 Nos.
b) Steel Back Plates * 02 Nos.

c) Face Masks * 02 Nos.

15. Portable Fire Pump/TFP * 02 Nos.

16. All types of couplings * 1 Set
17. Hydrant-Stand Pipe Type * 02 Nos.
18. Fire Trays * 02 Nos.
19. Manual call point * 01 No
20. Entry Suit/ Proximity Suit * 02 Nos.
21. Hose reel system * 01 No
22. Nitrogen Cylinder * 01 No
23. Hose Box * 01 No

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

24. Fire Fighting Point complete Set * 01 No

25. Suction Hose * 10 ft 02 Nos.
26. Suction Wrench * 02 Nos.
27. Metal Strainer * 02 Nos.

28. Basket Strainer * 01 No

29. Sprinkler * 02 Nos.
30. Ropes * 100 ft Long 01 No

31. Lines 100 ft Long * 01 No

32. Control Panel – Model-Pump 01 No
33. Personal Protective Equipment
a) Helmet Type A,B,C 20 Nos.
b) Laser Welding Safety Goggles 10 Nos.
c) Face Shield 10 Nos.
d) Welding Shield 10 Nos.
e) Ear Muff 10 Nos.
f) Ear Plug 10 Nos.
g) Canal Caps 10 Nos.
h) Safety Shoes 20 Nos.
I) Asbestos Gloves 10 Nos.
j) Electrical Hand Gloves 10 Nos.
k) Hand Gloves (Rubber) 10 Nos.
l) Dust Mask 10 Nos.
34. Personal Protective Clothing for
a) Safety Shirt 10 Nos.
b) Safety Trouser 10 Nos.
c)Safety Jacket 10 Nos.
d) Cooling Vest 10 Nos.
e) Gum Boots 10 Nos.
C. List of Equipment
35. Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS)* 02 Nos.
36. Tripod* 02 Nos.
37. Pulley* 02 Nos.
38. Suspended Scaffold * 02 Nos.
39. Gas Detector * 02 Nos.
40. Plastic Tunnel (Sewer Rescue Drill) 04 Nos.
41. Body Harness * 01 No
42. Collecting Breeching * 02 Nos.
43. Dividing Breeching (Hand control) * 02 Nos.
44. Hydrant Flange * 02 Nos.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management

45. Hydrant Key & Bar (With hydrant

Spindle) * 01 No
46. Adopter for Air Store Pressure 02 Nos.
47. Hydraulic Pressure Testing
Machine* 01 No
48. Sprinklers Head (Bulb Type, Fusible
Type) * 02 Nos.
49. Safety Belt 01 No
50. Computer System * 06 Nos.
51. Computer Table * 06 Nos.
52. Computers Chairs * 06 Nos.
53. White Board 01 No
54. L.C.D. Projectors 02 Nos.
55. UPS 650 VA offline 06 Nos.
56. All types of Detectors 1 Peps. of 04 Nos.
57. Flux meter 06 Nos.
58. Dosi meter 01 No
59. Cut model of Fire Extinguisher / Fire 02 Nos.
pump *
60. Fire Suit 02 Nos.
61. Fire Tender ( one For the Institute) * 01 No
62. Rescue Van ( one For the Institute) * 01 No.
D. Shop Floor Furniture and Materials - For 2 (1+1) units no additional items are required.
63. Instructor’s table 1 No.
64. Instructor’s chair 2 Nos.
65. Metal Rack 100cm x 150cm x 45cm 4 Nos.
66. Lockers with 16 drawers standard
2 Nos.
67. Steel Almirah 2.5 m x 1.20 m x 0.5 m 2 Nos.
68. Black board/white board 1 No.
69. Fire Extinguisher 2 Nos.
70. Fire Buckets 2 Nos.

In the above list of Tools and Equipment, the items bearing star mark (*) are meant to be
used for two courses viz Fire Technology and Industrial Safety Management, Health Safety and
Environment. If the institute is running both the trades, items bearing star mark are not required
to be purchased separately.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management


S No. Name of the Equipment Quantity
1 Computer (PC) with latest configurations and Internet connection with 10 nos.
standard operating system and standard word processor and
worksheet software
2 UPS - 500Va 10 nos.
3 Scanner cum Printer 1 no.
4 Computer Tables 10 nos.
5 Computer Chairs 20 nos.
6 LCD Projector 1 no.
7 White Board 1200mm x 900mm 1 no.
Note: Above Tools & Equipment are not required, if computer LAB is available in the institute.

Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Management



Name & Address of the Assessor: Year of Enrollment:

Name & Address of ITI (Govt./Pvt.): Date of Assessment:

Name & Address of the Industry: Assessment location: Industry/ ITI

Trade Name: Semester: Duration of the Trade/course:

Learning Outcome:

Maximum Marks (Total 100 Marks) 15 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 15 15

Assessment Marks
Attendance/ Punctuality

Quality in Workmanship
Skills to Handle Tools &
Safety Consciousness

Speed in Doing Work

Workplace Hygiene

Total Internal
Economical Use of
Manuals/ Written

Result (Y/N)
Ability to Follow

Application of


S No.


Candidate Name


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