Country Zip Code Years of Residence
Permanent Address Same as above
Number/Street, Barangay/Subdivision, City/Municipality, Province/State
SSS / SSS UMID GSIS Driver’s License Passport Others (pls. specify)
Nationality Citizenship
Employment Information
Number/Street, Barangay/Subdivision, City/Municipality, Province/State
Source of Funds
Average Monthly Amount
Allotment Business Commission Donation Financial Products Gaming
(Please fill out the Consent & Authorization
Are you a U.S. person? N.A. NO But with US indicator (please fill out YES for US Persons under US FATCA and W9
the W8-BEN Form) Forms)
Are you interested to avail of the products/services below?
1. certify and affirm that the information given above and in related documents is true, accurate and complete. For this purpose, I authorize PNB to
verify the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of said information and agree to promptly inform PNB in case of any change in said information;
2. acknowledge to have read, understood, agreed and received the Terms and Conditions Governing the Opening and Maintenance of Accounts,
including those on Data Privacy, which was presented to me upon opening of the Account and which can be accessed in PNB’s website
www.pnb.com.ph as well as other terms and conditions governing deposit products, services and/or facilities that I availed or will avail in the
future; and
3. acknowledge that the terms and conditions referred to above may be amended from time to time.
Signature Over Printed Name of Depositor / Date NA001.1 Sept‘18
For Bank’s Use Only
Other IDs Presented:
Walk-in Solicited Account Solicited By: ____________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name / Date
Referred Name of Referror / Relationship: ______________________________
PSIC: CRR Code: Account Officer: Processed by:
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name / Date Signature Over Printed Name / Date
Verified Against CWS, OFAC / INF & Signature Authenticated by: Approved by:
Documents Verified Against Original by:
Type of Currency:
Others ____________________________
Statement Disposition
ID Expiry Date:
ID Number : ________________________________________
Signature Taken by: Signature Authenticated by: Processed by:
31. Limitation of Actions. Any claim or action arising from any of the 37. Current Account. The ACCOUNTHOLDER shall be responsible for all
BANK’s deposit products, services or facilities shall be instituted within a checks issued from the Deposit Account. The ACCOUNTHOLDER undertakes
period of ten (10) years from the date of maturity, in case of a time deposit, or to observe extraordinary diligence in the custody and use of the checks or
from the date of the last transaction, in case of other deposit products, services checkbooks. The ACCOUNTHOLDER shall assume full responsibility for any
and facilities. The ACCOUNTHOLDER acknowledges that failure to file such forged, unauthorized and/or altered checks. In such cases, the presumption
claim or action within said period shall extinguish any right which the is that the ACCOUNTHOLDER has been negligent in the custody and/or use
ACCOUNTHOLDER may have arising from such claim or action. of the check/s or checkbook/s.
32. Article 1250 of the Civil Code. The ACCOUNTHOLDER acknowledges All blank spaces on checks drawn must be properly completed. The BANK
that Article 1250 of the New Civil Code which states that: “In case of may dishonor checks if signatures are not in accordance with the specimen(s)
extraordinary inflation or deflation of the currency stipulated should registered with the BANK. Any erasure or alteration of the date of the
supervene, the value of the currency at the time of the establishment of the check, name of the payee, amount in words, amount in figures, the drawer’s
obligation shall be the basis of payment” does not apply to the Account. signature(s), account name, account number, check number, MICR
characters, regardless of any counter-signature or initials that appear to
33. Governing Law. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the authorize the erasure or alteration will not be honored. In case of erasure or
Philippine law and rules and regulations, existing or prospective, applicable alteration, the ACCOUNTHOLDER must issue a new check.
on the Account, issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC), Philippine Clearing House Corporation A request to close or terminate the Deposit Account shall be effected by the
(PCHC), and such other agencies regulating, monitoring or supervising BANK only after all checks drawn by the ACCOUNTHOLDER against the
banking operations. Deposit Account and unissued checks shall have been accounted for to the
satisfaction of the BANK. The ACCOUNTHOLDER shall return to the BANK
34. Separability Clause. In the event that any provision of these Terms all unissued checks and shall be liable to the BANK for any damage or
and Conditions shall be declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable by liability which the BANK may incur or suffer by reason of the
competent court, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid ACCOUNTHOLDER’s failure to surrender unused checks. In addition to the
and enforceable. BANK’s right to close the Deposit Account in Section 21 hereof, the
ACCOUNTHOLDER hereby authorizes the BANK to close the Deposit Account
35. Supplementary Provisions. Provisions pertaining to specific even without prior notice to the ACCOUNTHOLDER upon the occurrence of
products, facilities, services, and channels of the BANK shall likewise be any of the following events: (i) issuance of three (3) no sufficient fund
provided in a separate supplementary document and, together with these (NSF)/late funded checks within a period of thirty (30) days; (ii) issuance of
Terms and Conditions, shall constitute one integrated document. five (5) NSF/late funded checks within a period of ninety (90) days; (iii)
issuance of NSF checks with any amount grossly disproportionate with the
Deposit Products and Services deposit balance of the Deposit Account; (iv) failure to maintain the minimum
maintaining balance requirement for at least three (3) consecutive months;
36. Savings Account. (a) Passbook. The Passbook is non-transferable. (v) overdraft (negative balances) due to service charges; or (vi) adverse
The ACCOUNTHOLDER agrees that the BANK shall not be liable for payments credit reports of findings regarding the ACCOUNTHOLDER. In the event the
made to any person who shall present the passbook issued for the Deposit Deposit Account is closed for any of the foregoing reasons, the
Account. No entries other than those effected by the Bank shall be recorded ACCOUNTHOLDER further authorizes the BANK to report such closure and
in the Passbook. The Passbook is issued to assist the ACCOUNTHOLDER in the reason/s therefore to any credit information entity or body established to
monitoring transactions and account balance of the Account. The keep record of any monitor mishandled accounts.
ACCOUNTHOLDER acknowledges that since without Passbook transactions
are allowed (i.e. through ATM or other BANK Channels), the BANK’s records a) Checkbook. Pre-encoded checkbooks are available upon opening of
shall prevail in case of discrepancy on the amount of balance shown in the the Deposit Account. The checkbook ordered will be available for pick-up at
Passbook and the BANK’s records. the Maintaining Branch (or delivered to the given address, if requested and
subject to security procedures). The checkbook request will be subject to
(b) Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Card. The ACCOUNTHOLDER fee or charge which the ACCOUNTHOLDER authorizes the BANK to debit
acknowledges that the ATM card is and shall remain the property of the from the Deposit Account. In case the checkbook(s) will be picked-up or
BANK and must be surrendered to the BANK upon request. The received by a representative, the ACCOUNTHOLDER must submit a letter of
ACCOUNTHOLDER must keep the ATM card in a secure place at all times and authorization and acknowledgment that the BANK shall not be liable for any
exercise due caution to prevent its loss, theft or misuse. In case of loss or loss or damage suffered or may be suffered by the ACCOUNTHOLDER
theft of ATM card, the ACCOUNTHOLDER agrees to immediately report the arising from the BANK’s release of the checkbook(s) to the
loss or theft by calling the PNB Customer Care Hotline or the BANK’s Branch ACCOUNTHOLDER’s authorized representative.
where the Account is maintained (the “Maintaining Branch”). ATM cards that
are captured for no apparent reason in any ATM shall likewise be considered b)Statement of Account (SOA). The BANK shall send an itemized SOA
lost and must likewise be reported promptly. Prior to the BANK’s receipt of (monthly/quarterly) through mail to the ACCOUNTHOLDER’s address on
any report of loss or theft, all transactions generated through the use of the record. The ACCOUNTHOLDER shall promptly notify the BANK in writing of
ATM card shall be deemed conclusively binding on and authorized by the any change of address, failing which the BANK’s sending of SOA to the
ACCOUNTHOLDER and the BANK will not held liable for any loss or damage address on record shall be deemed sufficient. In case the ACCOUNTHOLDER
incurred by the ACCOUNTHOLDER. opts to pick-up the SOA, the ACCOUNTHOLDER has six (6) months from
statement date to claim the SOA from the Maintaining Branch.
The ACCOUNTHOLDER shall not reveal the Personal Identification Number
(PIN) or cause to reveal the PIN to any person under any circumstances. The Except as otherwise provided hereunder or under the separate agreements
ACCOUNTHOLDER shall assume full responsibility for all transactions made covering specific accounts, the ACCOUNTHOLDER shall be deemed to have
through the use of the ATM card whether or not made with the accepted the correctness of the entries made therein and/or waived any
ACCOUNTHOLDER’s knowledge or authority. The ACCOUNTHOLDER must claims against the BANK if, after the lapse of fifteen (15) days from the date
notify the BANK of any error or irregularity in ATM transaction/statements of receipt of such statement, the BANK does not receive any written complaint
immediately upon knowledge of such error or irregularity. The BANK may or notice of discrepancy from the ACCOUNTHOLDER.
require the ACCOUNTHOLDER to submit a written report or complaint on the
erroneous or irregular ATM transaction/statements. The ACCOUNTHOLDER Failure on the part of the ACCOUNTHOLDER to pick-up the SOA within six
is bound by the additional provisions contained in the PIN mailer envelope. (6) months from statement date shall authorize the BANK to dispose the
SOA including related document/s such as scanned images of cancelled/ the processing of the services available in DBS for any reason determined
negotiated checks and copies of debit and credit memoranda. by the BANK.
c) Dishonor and Return of Checks. Return of checks drawn against The ACCOUNTHOLDER shall accept full responsibility for all transactions
insufficient funds (DAIF) or drawn against uncollected deposits (DAUD), or made through any Digital Banking channel that use the ATM Cardholder and
with technical defects shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the ATM PIN, or the Username and User Password, with or without the
PCHC and the BSP and/or the clearing arrangements entered into by the ACCOUNTHOLDER’s knowledge or authority, and shall accept the BANK’s
BANK for the clearing of the foreign currency denominated checks. The record of transaction as conclusive and binding for all purposes.
BANK reserves the right to dishonor and return checks, at its discretion,
without prior notification at any time and the ACCOUNTHOLDER agrees that The ACCOUNTHOLDER agrees that the use of the DBS is at the
the BANK shall not incur any liability arising from said dishonor and return. ACCOUNTHOLDER’s own risk and shall assume all risks, errors, omissions
Fees from the return and/or dishonor of checks shall be for the account of and delays incidental to or arising out of the use of DBS. The
the ACCOUNTHOLDER and shall be debited automatically from the Deposit ACCOUNTHOLDER shall ensure the correctness of all transaction information
Account without prior notice. given and hold the BANK free and harmless from any damages resulting
from the BANK’s reliance on the transactional information provided by the
d)Stop Payment. Stop payment request of a check or deposit item shall not ACCOUNTHOLDER.
be valid unless made in writing using the prescribed form of the BANK and
duly acknowledged as received by the BANK. The stop payment request The BANK shall not be obliged to complete financial transactions that are not
shall be subject to applicable fee pursuant to Section 8 and is accepted on covered by sufficient funds. Only cleared and withdrawable balances of
the assumption that the check has not been negotiated as of the date and enrolled Accounts shall be considered for these transactions. In case of
time of the stop payment request. insufficient funds in the enrolled Account, the request will automatically be
cancelled, without need of prior notice. The BANK shall have no obligation or
Should any lost check be negotiated despite the BANK’s exercise of liability for cancelled transactions due to insufficiency of funds in the enrolled
reasonable diligence, the ACCOUNTHOLDER agrees to hold the BANK, its Account.
directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any loss
or damage arising from such negotiation. The BANK will not be liable for any losses resulting from circumstances
over which it has no direct control, including, but not limited to, the failure of
38. Time Deposit Account. A time deposit may be opened for a minimum electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines or other
amount and term as determined by the BANK. Upon opening of a time deposit, interconnection problems, severe inclement weather, earthquakes, floods
the ACCOUNTHOLDER shall be issued a confirmation advice which shall no or other such events.
longer be presented upon maturity or pre-termination of the time deposit. In
the event the check(s) intended to fund the time deposit is/are returned, it is The BANK does not warrant or represent that access to the whole or part
understood that the confirmation advice shall be deemed as cancelled. The of the DBS, or information and/or functions herein will be provided
ACCOUNTHOLDER acknowledges that the time deposit shall be automatically uninterrupted or free from errors or unauthorized third party interception or
paid and terminated at maturity date and the proceeds thereof shall be that any identified defect will be corrected, or that there will be no delays,
credited to the designated settlement account which shall earn interest at failures, errors, omissions, or loss of transmitted information, or that no
rate applicable to such deposit account from the date of credit to the date of viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted
actual withdrawal or renewal. In the absence of a settlement account, the or that no damage will occur to the computer or mobile system of the
ACCOUNTHOLDER acknowledges that the BANK reserves the right to assign ACCOUNTHOLDER. The ACCOUNTHOLDER understands that account
a settlement account. In case of pre-termination, applicable taxes and charges information, details, and/or services may not be available during end of day
shall be deducted from the net proceeds of the time deposit and the batch processing and/or system maintenance.
ACCOUNTHOLDER hereby authorizes the BANK to debit such taxes and
charges from the net proceeds. In the event of any discrepancy between The BANK, including its directors, stockholders, officers, and agents, shall
the confirmation advice and the BANK’s records, it is understood that the in no event be liable for any loss or damages arising in connection with the
BANK’s records shall prevail. In case of renewal, the BANK shall issue a access or use or the inability to access or use the DBS, or reliance on the
new confirmation advice. information contained herein, or for any technical, hardware or software
failure of any kind, or the interruption, error, defect, omission, delay in
39. Foreign Currency Deposit Account. Withdrawals in foreign operation or transmission, computer viruses or line or system failure, even
currency notes are subject to availability of such notes. Fractions of foreign if the BANK is advised of the possibility of such damages, loss or expenses.
currencies may, at the BANK’s option, be paid in pesos. Conversion rates
from one currency to another will be based on the BANK’s prevailing buying Availment of the DBS constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions
and selling rates. The ACCOUNTHOLDER agrees that service fees may be and subsequent amendments thereof. In case of conflict between these
charged for foreign currency cash withdrawals/deposits and authorizes Terms and Conditions in the Digital Banking Service and the terms and
the BANK to debit such fees from the Account. The BANK shall pay the conditions governing the relevant transaction/s, product/s, and/or service/s
ACCOUNTHOLDER in the currency required by the ACCOUNTHOLDER and/ provided herein, the latter will prevail. All terms and conditions of the
or such other currency. ACCOUNTHOLDER’s Account with the BANK insofar as not inconsistent
herewith shall remain in full force and effect.
40. Digital Banking Service (DBS). The ACCOUNTHOLDER who wish to
avail of the BANK’s DBS shall enroll the Account with the Maintaining Branch. 41. Consumer Assistance. The Bank has provided the following
The BANK reserves the right to impose additional restrictions on or refuse channels for the ACCOUNTHOLDER to provide feedback in order to
enrolment of certain Accounts to DBS. Upon enrolment to DBS, the continuously improve the service:
ACCOUNTHOLDER will have access to the BANK’s Internet and Mobile Banking
facilities and such other facilities as the BANK may offer from time to time. 1. Approach our Customer Assistance Officer (CAO) or the Sales and Service
For joint “OR” Accounts, the ACCOUNTHOLDERS hereby authorize each Head (SSH) in the Branch.
joint ACCOUNTHOLDER to enroll the Account in DBS and agree with one 2. Call PNB’s 24/7 Customer Care Hotline at +632 573 8888 or email
another that all transactions to be made by any one of them via DBS are [email protected].
deemed done with the consent and within the lifetime of all co-depositors
and such transactions are jointly and severally binding on each and every The ACCOUNTHOLDER may also refer their concerns to the BSP Financial
one of them. Consumer Protection Office at (02) 708-7087 or email
[email protected].
The BANK reserves the right to cancel, terminate, or suspend the use of the
DBS for any reason, including, but not limited to, improper handling, zero
account balance, or violation of these Terms and Conditions and those
specific to DBS. The ACCOUNTHOLDER may, at any time, cancel or terminate
access or use of the DBS through a request made to the Maintaining Branch.
The BANK reserves the right to deny, reject or refuse to grant, act on, or
execute a request, instruction, or transaction of the ACCOUNTHOLDER for NA023 Sept‘18