B27-2011group Training Course and Workshop On Scaling-Up Apiculture and Sericulture Enterprises To Promote Rural Livelihoods PROCEEDINGS Opz

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Group Training Course and Workshop on

Scaling-Up.Apiculture and Sericulture

Enterprises to Promote Rural Livelihoods

Editors: S.K. Raina, E.K. Nguku and E.M. Muli

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Sponsored by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),
Islamic Development Bank (lOB), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and lc/pe
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The International
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Islamic Development Bank (lOB) and OPEC Fund for International
Development in holding the Group Training Course and Workshop.

Group Training Course and Workshop on

Scaling-Up Apiculture and Serlculture Enterprises to Promote Rural Uvellhoods


Copyright © 2011. The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (lclpe)
This copy may be reproduced in whole or in part and In any form for education
or non-profit use without special permission of the copyright holder,
if acknowledgement of the source is made.

ISBN 92 9064 223 8

Published and printed by:

lclpe Science Press
P. 0. Box 72913-00200 Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (20) 8632000
Fax: +254(20)8632001/2
[email protected]

Editorial assistance: D. Osogo

DTPand cover design: I. Ogendo, G. Kimani

Additional Invaluable support was provided by Gladys Mose and Sospeter Makau

Cover photos: Silkmoths and bees provide livelihood support through their silk and honey, respectively.

Foreword ........................................................................................................................... xi
Preface .......................... .................. ............................................................................ ... xlll
Acronyms and abbreviations ...................................................... ................................... xiv

SESSION 1: Resource Persons' Papers

Marketing Research and Marketplace Development, S.K. Raina
Market Research .............................................................................................................. 3
iclpe's Value Chain Approach for Silk and Honey Products .............................................. 3
Organic Certification ................................................................................................ ......... 6
What Organic Buyers Need from Suppliers ..................................................................... 6
Marketplaces .................................................................................................................... 7
Impact of Production Modules ......................................................................................... 7
Empowerment of the Community: Ownership and icipe Exit Strategy ............................ 7

Introduction to Beekeeping, E. Mu/i

What is Beekeeping? ........................................................................................................ 8
Why Beekeeping? ............................................................................................................. 8
Honeybee Biology ......................................................... .................................................... 8

Biology of the Domesticated Silkworm and Spillover Benefits of Sericulture Industry

for Rural Income and Nature Conservat1on, E. Nguku
Scientific Classification .................................................................................................. . 11
Life Cycle of the Domesticated Silkworm .:..................................................................... 11
Spillover Benefits of the Sericulture Industry ................................................................. 15

Monitoring Forest Connectivity using GIS and GPS, K. Mlthofer

Forest Management ................................................. .................................... .................. 17
What is GIS (Geographic Information System)? ............................................................. 17
What is GPS (Global Positioning System) ..................................................................... ... 17
What is Remote Sensing (RS)? ........................................................................................ 18
How Are These Technologies Related and How Can I Use Them for My Project? .......... 18
Summary .............................................................................................. ......................... 18

Organic Certification of Silk and Honey Products- Mwlngl Case Study, E.N. Kioko, J. Juma,
S. Wren
Organic Farming (or Ecological or Bio-Organic Farming) ........... ..................................... 19
Organic Certification ...................................................................................................... 19
Is Organic Certification Important? ................................................................................. 19
The Mwlngi Case Study .......... ............................ :......................................................... :.19
Planning for Organic Certification ............................ ..................................,.................... 22

Branding and Marketing Natural Based Products, B. Odwori
Business Objective ............................................................................................ .............. 23
Partnership Approach ...... ........................ ....................................................................... 23
Value Chain Perspective ........................: ........................................................................ 23
Value Chain Perspectlve-Application ............................................................................ 23
Value Chain Perspective-Benefits ................................................................................. 23
MilbaBrands Associates ............................................ .................................. .... ................ 23
NatureBrands .. .. .. ........ ...... .. .......... .. ................................................................... ........... 23
The Team Experience ... .. ............................ ...... .. ............ .......................... ................... ... 24
Branding and Marketing of Nature Based Products: The Five Important Questions ..... 24

Participatory Forest Management In Kenya, £. Wang'ombe

Introduction .............................................................................................. ..................... 31
Definition of Participatory Forest Management (PFM) ................................................. 31
Why Participatory Forest Management (PFM)? ............................................................ 31
Development of PFM In Kenya between 1996 and 2008 .............................................. 32
Progress In Initiating PFM Process in the Country ....................................: .................... 32
Objectives of PFM ........ ................................................................................... .............. 32
Tenure Arrangements under PFM in Kenya ................................................................... 33
Drivers of PFM ............................................................................................................... 33
PFM and Livelihoods ................................................. ..................................................... 33
Contribution to Improving Livelihoods ... ....................................................................... 33
The PFM Process ............... .......... ................................................. ............................ ..... 33
Conclusions .... ............................................................................................................... 34

Importance of Taxonomy in Insect Production Systems, F. Haas

Biosystematics Support Unit........................................................................................... 35
Basic Taxonomy ............................................................................................................. 35
Collection ............................................................................................ .. ......................... 35
The Bees .............. .......................................................................................................... 35
The Bee Pests ................................................................................................................. 36
More Information ................................................... ....................................................... 36

Apiforestry for Improved Livelihoods, A. Kiwia, J. Mogol and R. Onyango

Introduction ............................ :......... ...... .... .. .......... .................................... ................... 37
Why Promote Apiforestryi' ..........................,. ....................... .......... ................................ 37
Aplforestry and Livelihoods ... ,....................................................................................... 37
Benefits of Apiforestry .. ................................................................................................. 37
Shortcomings of Apiforestry .......................................................................................... 38
Conclusion· · ····· · · ····················· ··················· · ··~ ······· ············· · ··········· · ···· ·· ············ ········ · · ·· · 38

Sustainable Wild Harvest of Commercialised Plants, S. Wren

Growing Threats to Commerciallsed Indigenous Plants ................................................. 39
Source of Saplings .................................................. .. ...................................................... 39
Existing Challenges to Developing Ethical Enterprise in Indigenous Plant Products for
Rural Communities ................................................................................................. 39
Commercialisation Opportunities for Rural Communities for Indigenous Plant Extracts/
Products............................................................................................................. ..... 39
Potential .. .. .... .. ...................................................... .................................... ................ ..... 40
Natural Resource Enterprise Opportunities ................................................................... 40
Locating Species Richness/Population Density for Ensuring Sustainable Wild Harvest and
Achieving Economies of Scale ................................................................................. 41

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures Through Increasing Forest

Connectivity and Improving Biodiversity, S.K. Raina, 5. Makau, G. Pokhariyal
Introduction ..............................................................................................'..................... 46
icipe's Strategy ............ ............................................................................ ....................... 46
Overarchlng Issues ........................................................................................... ......... .... 46
Crosscutting Issues ..................,. .......... ........................................................................ .. 46
Addressing the Issues .................................................................................................... 46
Project Benefits ........................................................................................................... 47
Key Facts about Kenya ................................................................................................... 48

Insects: Climate Change, Ecosystem Services and Agricultural Biodiversity, /. Gordon

Outline of Presentation .... .................................... .. ....................................................... 49
Insect Ecosystem Services .................. ...................................... .......... ........................... 49
Insect Responses to Climate Change ........ .. ............ ...... ....................1........... ...... ........... 49

DNA Barcoding and Morphometries of Stingless Bee's in Kenya, N.N. Ndungu

Stingless Bees ................................................................................................................ 54
Biodiversity and Ecology ................................................................................................ 54
Economic Importance................................. ,.. ,............................................................... 55
DNA Barcodlng ..................: .............: ............................................................................. 55
Objectives ............................................................................... ................................... .... 55
Methodology .......................... ................................................................................. ...... 56
Results and Discussion ................................... ............................................................... 56
Conclusion ...,.............................................................................................. ................... 58
Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 58

SESSION 2: Workshop Presentations-Apiculture

Rural Livelihoods Support Programme and Beekeeping Activities in Malawi, P.c: Magombo
Introduction ....................................................................................... ............................ 61
Overview of the RLSP and Beekeeping Activities in Malawi ......... .... .... ...... ................... 61
Rural Livelihoods Support Programme (RLSP) ........................................ ....................... 61
Background to the Beekeeping Industry in Malawi ....................................................... 62
RLSP and Beekeeping- Advantages and Potential ....................................................... 62
Programme Support ................................................................ ............................. ........ 62

Sustalnablllty ................................................................................................................ 62
Challenges/Constraints .................................................................................................. 63
Improving Linkages ........................................................................................................ 63

Conclusion ·················~··· ······························································································· 63

Scaling-Up of Apiculture in Masaba Divl$lon, Southern Nyanza Community
Development Project, W.R.O. Ogot
Background .................................................................................... ...................... .... ...... 64
Masaba Division ............................................................................................................ 64
Honey Beekeeping ........................................................................................ .. ............... 64
Log Hives .............. .. .. .......... .... ............ ................................ .. .... .. ...... .......... ........ ........... 64
Modern Hives ................... .......................................... ................................................... 64
Honey Production ................................................................................. ......................... 65
Marketing .......................................... ............................................................................ 65
Challenges/Constraints .................................................................................................. 65
Coping Mechanisms/Solutions/Recommendations ...................................................... 65

Apiculture Projects in South Kordofan, Sudan, S.A. Yagoub

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 66
Activities ................................................................................................: ....................... 66
Training .............. :... ................ ........................................................................................ 66
Constraints and Solutions ..................................................................... ............. ............ 67

The IFAD Project's Status and Constraints in the Scaling-Up of Income Generation
Options In Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia, 1: Gebreamlak ·
Background ................................................. ~ .........................................•........................ 68
IFAD Projects and Their Performance ............................................................................ 68
Constraints ........................ ............................................................................................ 70
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 70

IFAD Project Status and Constraints In Scaling-Up of Income Generation Options

In Uganda, A.'T: Barwogeza and N.S. Apofta
Background ............................................. ....................................................................... 71
Agricult ure and Apiculture In Uganda ........................................................................... 71
Uganda's Supporting Policy on Agriculture ................................................................... 71
The Status of t he I FAD Project ....................................................................................... 71
Constraints in Scaling-Up of Income Generation Options in Uganda In Relation
to the Apiary Sub Sector ....................................................................................... .... 73
Way Forward .............. ...... ......................................... .................................................... 74
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 74

Apiculture In the District of Kllte-Awlaelo, Ethiopia, F. Berhe

Introduction .............................................................. ..................................................... 75
Beekeeping.Activities ................................ .................................................................... 75
Sources of Honeybee Colonies ...... .... ........ .............. :..................................'................... 75

Distribution of Modern Beehives ................................., ................................................ 75
Constraints .................... ,............................................................................................... 76

Beekeeping Activities in AI-Dhala Governorate, Yemen, F. Algallanl and A.A. AI-Hebshi

Introduction ..................... .......... .... ................................................ .............................. .. 77
AI-Dhala Community Resource Management Project IFAD Loan No. 638 Ye
Supervised by the World Bank (project period from 2007-2013) ............................ 77
Conducting a Programme to Build the Capacity of Beekeepers at Three Levels ........... 78

Effect of Project Activities on Apiculture in AI-Dhala ................................................ ..... 79

Constraints of Apiculture Development and Up-Scaling ............................................... 79
Rehabilitation of the Apicu lture Sector in H~dramout and AI Mahra
Governorates in Yemen Due to Damage by Floods in 2008
(Funded by the Islamic Development Bank and implemented by icipe) ................... 79

Session 3: Workshop Presentation--Sericulture

An Overview of Silk Production and Marketing In Ethiopia, D. A/emu, A. Tamfru,
Y. Abebe,, K. Shifa and M. Habthyimer
Introduction......................................., ........................................................................... 83
Objective ...............................................: ....................................................................... 83
Methodology ................................................................................................................. 83
Results and Discussion .................................................................................................. 83
Characterisation of Silk Production System ......................................... ......................... 86
Major Production and Markepng Constraints .................................................. ............. 89
Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................ .................. 90

Session 4: Workshop Presentations-Apiculture and Sericulture

Arable Paper by Z.F. Khalil ..................................................................................................... 95

Status of Apiculture and Sericulture Pilot Project in Kassala State, The Sudan,
K.M.S. Elmahi
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 101
Goal ........................ .. ........ ........................................................................................... 101
Achievements ................... ............ ........ ...... ................................................................. 101
Constraints ...................................................................................... .. ........ .................. 102

Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resources Management, B.M. Klkuvl
Milestones ....................... ...... ...................................................................................... 104
Objective ..................................................................................................................... 104
Coverage and Outreach ................................................................................:.............. 104
Implementation Approach .............. .... ........ .............................;:.······ .... ....................... 104
Components ................................................................................... .................. ...... ..... 104
Stakeholders .. .. ............................. ............................................................................ ... 104
Overview of Income-Generating Activities ...............................................................,. 104
Technology Dissemination ............................................................... .-........................... 105
Main Activities for Income Generation ............................................. :.......................... 105

Apiculture .......................................... ......................................................................... lOS
Serlculture ..................... ............................................................................................. 105
Challenges-Apiculture ......................................... .......... ........................................... 105
Challenges- Sericulture ............................................................................................ 105
Conclusion and Way Forward ..................................................................................... 105

L'Aplculture et Ia Sericiculture au Burundi (Projet IFAD), R. 'Bigirimana and R. Ndlkuriyo

Situation Geographique ............................................................................................... 106
Population et Mode de Vie .......................................................................................... 106
Population et Mode de Vie-Suite ................................................................................ 106
Les Institutions d'Appui Agricole au Burundi .............................._. ................................ 106
Projets FIDA Sont aces Jours Encours d'Execution au Burundi .................................. 106·
Les Projets FIDA au Burundi-Suite ............................................................................... 106
Le Projet FIDA d'Appui aux Activites Apicoles .............................................................. 107
Recommandations ....................................................................................................... 107

La Situation des Projets du FIDA au Rwanda (Cas de Ia S~rlclculture et Apiculture),

Situation Geographique ............................................................................................... 108
Le FIDA au Rwanda ..................................................................................................... . 108
La Serlclculture et Apiculture au Rwanda ................................................................... 108
Conclusion ........................................................................... ................... ..................... 110

Session 5: Workshop Presentations-Other Projects

IFAD Programmes In Nyandarua North District, Kenya, M.W. Karanja

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 113

Central Kenya Dry Areas Programme (CKDAP) ............................................................ 113
Smallholder Horticultural Marketing Programme (SHoMaP) ...................................... 115

Brief on the Agricultural Services Support Programme (ASSP) and Agricultural

Sector Development Programme-Livestock (ASDP-L) Zanzibar Sub-Programmes,
M.R. Mgenl
Background ..........................................................: ...: .................................................. . 117
Apiculture..Status ....................................... ................................................................. 117
About ASSP and ASDP-L Programmes ......................................................................... 11-7
ASSP Goal ... .... ............................................................................ .... ............................. 118
ASDP·L Goal ....................................... ...... ........................................... ...... ................... 118
Implementation ................................................. .......................................................... 118
Beneficiaries ................................................................................................................ 118
Components ................................................................................................................ 118
Achievements .............................................................................................................. 118
Constraints .................................................................................................................. 118

Smallholder Dairy Commercialisation Programme (SDCP), L. Mbatia

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 121
Goal ........................................................ ..................................................................... 121
Purposes ...................................................................................................................... 121
Target Groups .............................................................................................................. 121
A.rea .............................................................................................. t·•························· .... 121
Components •..,,, •••••••....... ..........................•••••••• .............................................•............ 121
Sub-Programme ......................................................................................:.................... 122

Programme .............................. ..................:..... ................................................................... 123

Participants' List .................................................................................................................. 127
Resource Persons' List ........................................................................................................ 129

Scaling-up beekeeping and other livelihood options means decreasing the
challenges to rural livelihoods and threats to species diversity in Africa. It is
clear that natural resource dependence has left few viable opportunities
for non-exploitative additional Income generation. Moreover, the often
observed low horticultural, vegetable and oilseed crops production In
Africa can be attributed to loss of pollinators, resulting In reduced fruit
and seed set, and erratic pollination. Loss of pollinators has also caused
thinning of forests and habitat reduction for forest species. Additionally,
African farmers have to cope with low agricultural output caused by pests
and diseases and often lack the infrastructure for value addition.

The workshop endorsed the scaling-up of technologies in beekeeping and other livelihood options and
offered definitive, off-the-shelf solutions. It also Illustrated how developing country governments can
create a national technology Infrastructure deployment that spurs effective, scaled-up and sustainable
beekeeping and other income generation sources, and improve the natural resources. Through In-
depth case study demonstrations, the workshop showed the trainers a number of key building blocks
to scale up commercialisation of beehive products and boost crop productivity to drive down costs.
While such ambitious efforts require significant human resources, time and money, the rewards are

This workshop brought together co·financers and ,operating partners in the participating countries and
supported IFAD's strategy for poverty reduction by: (i) strengthening the capacity of the rural poor and
their organisations, (If) promoting equitable access to productive natural resources and technologies,
and (iii) increasing access to financial services and markets. The workshop promoted beekeeping
technologies and other natural products livelihood options and pollination services. If widely adopted,
these technologies can make a significant impact In the improvement of natural resources, promote
the reduction of global emissions of carbon dioxide and improve farmers' income through beekeeping,
crop pollination and sustainable wild harvest.

lclpe organised this workshop to provide a valuable opportunity for the representatives of !FAD
projects, governments, NGOs and the private sector to interact and share experiences, and gain skills
on the management and scaling-up of beekeeping and other livelihood options. The workshop aspired
to design an infrastructure template for the integration of apiculture-based options with regional
crop development operations in Africa. It also encouraged private investment so that the positive
Impacts on community livelihoods are ensured, commercial profits are maximised and biodiversity and
conservation are maintained. As a result, local, national and international participants were empowered
to develop long-term policies that will guarantee sound management of commercial insects and wild
harvest-based micro-enterprises to meet local people's needs and support the economy and the
forestry sector in Africa.

Christian Borgemelster
Director General


Community empowerment means building the ability of a community to carry out development actions
on its own. Rural communities should be empowered and one of the effect1ve ways is through providing
necessary training for technology uptake.
The Group Training Course and Workshop on Scaling-Up Apiculture and Sericulture Enterprises to
Promote Rural Uvelihoods was convened by the Commercial Insects Programme (CIP) of the lclpe in
Nairobi on 21-30 October 2009. The Programme, in the Environmental Health Division, aims to create
healthy environments to develop insect-based enterprises for the livelihoods of the rural communities. ·
Scientists, scholars, project leaders, agricultural and livestock officers and other policy makers
attended this training course and workshop. The course was structured with the specific aim of
disseminating technologies to rural communities through educating extension personnel and end users.
The course also offered a forum to appraise national policy-making personnel on current methodologies
and commercial insects Issues to facilitate decision making for development planning. The ultimate aim
was to enable the beneficiaries of the course to increase their technical and management skills and to
assist rural communities to develop their own businesses in silk and bee products. .
The course was application-oriented with replicable field components in various agroecological
zones as well as hands·on demonstrations and practical training.
The course provided:
• Technical and business training on scaling-up apiculture and serlculture technologies that are
central to sound and sustainable commercial product1on system;
• Management and organisational skills to correctly operate the appropriate infrastructure and
to develop organic certification systems that provide Important value addition and improved
market access; and
• More expertise of the trainers in developing the correct mechanisms for forest resource
utilisation, pollination services, conservation, carbon dioxide sequestration and mitigation.

The training activities were conducted at icipe headquarters in Nairobi and CIP project field site located
Original short presentations as well as full conference papers are included In this book. We hope that
it will become a useful reference tool.

Suresh K. Raina


ASFADA Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Adjacent Dwellers Association

ATVET Agricultural Techniques and Vocational Education Training colleges
BAM Beekeepers Association of Malawi
BOLD Barcode of Ufe Data Systems
CBO community based organisation
CDF Constituencies Development Fund
CFA Community Forest Association
DGAK Dairy Goat Association of Kenya
EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
ETB Ethiopian birr
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FFS Farmers' Field Schools
GHG greenhouse gas
GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fOr Technische Zusammenarbeit
IBA Important Bird Area
lclpe International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
ICRAF World Agroforestry Centre
ICS Internal control system
IDB Islamic Development Bank
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IGA Income-generating activities
IMO Institute of Marketecology
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
KEFRI Kenya Forestry Research Institute
KFS Kenya Forest Service
KTBH Kenya Top Bar Hive
MARC Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre
MDBJSHG Mwingi District Beekeepers Joint Self Help Group
MDG millennium developmemt goals
MoARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
NAA.DS National Agricultural Advisory Services
NBE nature based enterprise
NGO non-governmental organisation
NOP USDA's National Organic Program
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
PADEP Participatory Agriculture Development Programme
PFM Participatory Forest Management
POP point of purchase
POS point of sale
R&D research and development
RLSP Rural Uvelihoods Support Programme

RMA rapid market appraisal
SACCO savings and credit cooperative society
TASAF Tanzania Second Social Action Fund

Marketing Resaa.r ch and
Mark.eqllace Development
- - -----
Suresh K Raina
International Centre of Insect Physiology and EC:{)Icgy {lclpe)
P. 0 . Box 30772-001001 Nairobi, Kenya

Market Research The Marketing Concept

Market research is the study of markets (or groups In the silk and honey enterprises products are based
of people) one would like to sell products to. In upon the following three orientations:
other words, it is learning about your customers. The a. Consumer Orientation-Identification of and
pertinent questions are: focus on the group of people or firms most likely
• Who are they? to buy a product, and production of goods or
• What do they want or .need? services;
• What are their lifestyles? b. Goal Orientation- A focus on the
accomplishment of corporate goals;
When you set up your marketing plan, have a c. Systems Orientation-Creation of systems to
customer base in mind for the primary and secondary monitor the external environment and to deliver
markets. the marketing mix to the target market.
The infomiation gained will help you provide an
excellent product that is well received by potential icipe's Value Chain Approach
The importance of marketing research for honey-
for Silk and Honey Products
and silk-based products is highlighted by its three The value chain framework is an approach for breaking
basic uses: down the sequence (chain) of business functions into
a. Improving the quality of decision making; strategically relevant activities through which utility Is
b. Finding out what went wrong; added to products and services (Figure 1).
c. Understanding the marketplace.
Value Chain Approach
Two steps are taken In conducting market research: African Silk & Honey Micro-enletprin DaVelopment
a. The specific nature of the problem or question
to be investigated has to be defined (such as the
reasons for declines in sales);
b. Kinds of opportunities that exist to expand
existing markets and/or to tap new markets.

Oata Collection
Three types of Information are collected:
a. Geographic (Where are customers located?);
b. Demographic (What are the characteristics
of potential customers including gender, age,
education levels, Income); and .
c. Psychographic (What drives customers' buying
behaviour? Are they receptive to new services or
products or are they ~low to accept them? What
values are most important to them?

The data can be collected directlyorvia mail, tel~phone Figure 1. The value chain approach for silk and honey
and personal interview, among other methods. microenterprises

Value Chain Methodology A third competitive strategy is called focus. This
Is a strategy for targeting a specific segment of the
The methodology for constructing and using a value
market as defined, for example, by selling Maasai silk,
chain Involves four steps: . and Royal Eco-honey, Ocimum honey or stingless bee
a. Identifying value chain activities; honey types, characteristic of a geographical area.
b. Determining which value chain activities are
c. Tracing costs to value chain activities; Value Chain Analysis
d. Using the activity cost Information to manage Value chain analysis can help an institution determine
the strategic value chain activities. which type of competitive advantage to pursue, and
how to pursue it. There are two components of the
An organisation that can do these things better than value chain analysis:
its competitors creates a sustainable competitive • The Industry value chain, and
advantage. • The organisation's internal value chain.

Developing a Competitive The industry value chain begins with the first step In
the product development process, and ends with the
Advantage completed delivery of products to the marketplace
To survive in today's highly competitive business with the help of communities.
environment, any organisation must achieve, at least The organisation supports and monitors the
temporarily, a competitive advantage. system.
A low cost/price strategy focuses on providing
goods or services at a lower cost than the competition, Product Research
or superior goods or services at an equal cost.
This strategy requires a tight cost·control system, Successful new products are essential to silk· and honey-
benefiting from economies of scale in production, based marketplaces for growth and survival. ('.t icipe,
we believe that formulating 'new products' is the most
e.g. marketplaces.
important application of marketing research, but also
The second strategy for gaining competitive
one of the most difficult to execute in practice. New
advantage Is differentiation. The primary focus of this
products can be concept·driven or product-driven.
strategy is to create a unique position in the market
through provision of goods or services that are valued
for their uniqueness (Figure 2) or fit the needs of a Pricing Research
particular group of buyers; for example; brandil)gs Pricing is one of the more technical areas of marketing
and organic certification. research. However, selecting the right technique

Mulberry silk scorvos

Bushenyi uganda Silk Markotploco Kenya anct Uganda
Figure 2. Different kinds of silk fobric unique lo different regions of eastern Africa
• Royal Eco Honey supplemented with 2% of royal
jelly powder;
• Eco Honey+ propolis.

Revenue In addition, there are various eco-types based on the

geographical location. A few medicinal honey types
have also been branded.
There are four brands of silk created by the
project. They are:
• African silk: Produced by mulberry silkworm
races developed in Africa (icipe 1- 5);
• Rainforest wild silk: Obtained from Anaphe
panda found In rainforests such as Kakamega In
' ' ,
Kenya and Budongo in Uganda;
'.o • Savanna silk: Produced by Gonometa species
.... ,""' ... feeding on acacia;
'o.. .......... 0 • Sea breeze silk: Produced at the coast by Argema
Price ----.- and Gonometa species,
Figure 3. Demand curve

ultimately depends on what the problem is that you

Promotion Research
are trying to solve. Promotion
Market context and positioning are also
Promotion is the specific mix of advertising, personal
extremely important in setting prices. In technology
selling, sales promotion and public relations a ·
markets, prices are typically falling over time.
company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing
By taking a sample of customers we can work out
what levels of demand would be expected at each
price point across the market as a whole (Figure 3).
Using this estimate of demand, the price elasticity The Offer
(or expected revenue) can be calculated and so the What are you offering the target customer? What do
optimym price-point of the honey and silk based you want the target market to do'?
products in the market established.
Measuring Response
Distribution Research Testing different offers, advertisements, direct mail
Brand Equity letters, lists, and promotion techni(iues can tell you
what method is most effective. There is a trade-off.
In a market where products are similar, branding can
have a large effect on the price that customers will
World \.Mde Web
pay. Brands therefore add value to a basic product or
service. Brand equity is used to describe both the value The Web allows for a cheap way of promoting your
of the brand and the brand's component values. product. It i~ a great tool because it allows the target
customers to educate themselves about your product
S!'lk_and Honey Brands by reading about it, seeing a demo, and downloading
Branding stimulates the growth of apiculture and
sericulture products through the development and
labeling of silk and honey based products. Branding
Direct Mail
also promotes brand franchise growth of enterprises. An average response rate for direct mall is about 1%.
There are three brands of Eco Honey created by
the project with several eco-types based on flora and Classified Advertisements
the altitude. They are:
• Eco Honey with floral types: acacia, eucalyptus, This target market will read the classified ads in the
magazines. They are looking for and willing to try new
wattle, sunflower, wild forest, litchi, Ziziphus
Organic Certification The process of developing organic certification for
smallholder/wild harvest producer groups can be
What is Certification? successfully combined with fair-trade certification.
Organic certification is a statutory requirement for
the exportation of organic products to the EU, the Price Range
USA, Australasia, Japan and many other countries. The price premium ranges from 3D-300%, resulting
The organic certification process for producers of In substantial increase in incomes for participating
organic food and other organic agricultural products rural communities, in accordance to the international
involves a set of standards pertaining to production staMory guidelines (i.e. ISO 65 for the EU and NOP
or wild harvest, storage, processing, packaging and for the USA), while substantially improving their
shipping. livelihoods,

Standards Activities
1. Avoidance of synthetic chemical inputs and Phase 1. Certification of the land
genetically modified organisms (apart from those Phase 2. Certification of the processing centre
used for veterinary requirements and disease Phase 3. Development of the ICS
prevention); Phase 4. Producer group preparation for certificati-
2. Use offarmland that has been free from chemicals on.
for several years (three years or more);
3. Keeping detailed written production and sales What Organic Buyers Need
records(audit trail); from Suppliers
4. Maintaining strict physical separation of organic
products from non-certified products; • Reliable quality
5. Undergoing periodic on-site inspections. • Reliable quantities
• Ability to handle exportation bureaucracy and
Fair Trade
• Conformation to conditions of supply
Fair trade is an organised social movement and • Effective communication
market-based approach that alms to help producers • No over-promising! Traceability
,in developing countries and promote sustainability. • Clear pricing structure.

Bushenyi Uganda Silk Madagascar Marketplace

Figure 4. Morkelploces In Kenya, Uganda and Madagascar

Marketpl~ces • 35,000 farmers were trained in 24 African
countries including IFAD project area {1996 to
The marketplace is icipe's approach to formulating
and managing partnership programmes for • 3000 extension workers, Government and
the development of a process that is equitable, university officials from 24 African countries
participatory and sustainable, and promotes self· trained;
reliance among the community. • 15 PhDs In eight African countries and several
Thus marketplaces strengthen rural development MSc students trained;
and empower farmers to control their produce and • 9 marketplaces for silk and honey product
market It without being exploited by go·betweens development in IFAD Project area and other
{Figure 4). regions (Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, S. Sudan,
Tanzania) built;
Outcomes/Output • 5 honey quality control laboratories in Libya,
Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Kenya set up.
1. A well equipped marketplace owned and run by
• The first silk quality control laboratory in Africa
community members; established at lclpe Kenya.
2. Production of quality prooucts for the market
(hive products- honey, beeswax candles,
royal jelly; silk products-scarves, shirts, mats,
Empowerment of the
carpets); Community: Ownership and
3. Market outlets through private traders; icipe Exit Strategy
4, Farmers are economically/financially Through appropriate technology and training,
empowered through participation in nature· communities are empowered to maintain their own
based enterprises. business activities and marketplaces reducing the
role of the wholesaler and allowing silk farmers and
Impact of Production Modules beekeepers to improve their livelihood.
icipe feels that poverty reduction Is not just ·
Silk and Honey Technologies: Impact, Capacity
about production, nor Is It just about food. It is about
Building and Marketplaces a change In the social existence and socio-economic
• 15-20% income of rural households Improved in balance in the society.
all project areas;

Introduction to Beekeeping
Elliud Muli
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)
P. 0 . Sox 30?72-<lOlOO, Nairobi, Kenya

What is Beekeeping? • Has hairs which deter predators, and help in

temperature control and to gather pollen, and
Beekeeping is the art and ability of managing bees
also serve as sensory organs,
to obtain honey, beaswax and other bee products
for both food (products and pollination) and income.
• The thick rigid exoskeleton plates serve as a place
for muscle attachment to allow for IQcomotion
It involves building up colony sizes in such a way as
and is waterproof enabling insects to survive on
to obtain large or maximum adult population (of
workers) to coincide with the major nectar flow of a dry land.
given·area. A large worker population is efficient and
effective in collecting nectar and pollinating crops. The Head
The main structures in the head are:
Beekeeping for honey involves three things:
a. A pair of antennae, which are sensory organs
i) A good location
(for taste, smell, detecting movements, humidity
II) Young queens bred from productive stock
levels, carbon dioxide presence and sound);
iii) Good management.
b. 3 simple eyes called ocelli used to monitor
Intensity of light and control the reaction of
Why Beekeeping? compound eyes to it;
• Source of income and food- nectar and pollen c. A pair of compound eyes, which are the main
are actually wasted if bees are not kept organs of sight;
• Sustainable form of agriculture that helps d. Mouthparts: Mandibles support the proboscis
conserve the environment (sort of 'tongue') when in use, to chew pollen,
• Expensive equipment is not necessary and basic manipulate wax to build the comb, collect
beekeeping is easy to learn propolis and for defence.
• Honeybees are efficient crop pollinators. e. Vital glands: The mandibular glands
Pollination of crops leads to higher yields, for produce a 'queen substance' in queens, 10.
example for fruit crops and vegetables hydroxydecenoic acid (10-HDA) In young
• Beekeeping does not take up valuable land- workers and alarm pheromone in foragers,
hives can be placed on the unproductive parts while the hypopharyngeal glands secrete brood
of the farm food In young workers and enzymes in old bees
• Beekeeping can be practised by both males and (used to convert nectar into honey).
females of all age groups.
The Thorax
Honeybee Biology The thorax Is the hard body part next to the head.
Important structures include wings and legs.
Honeybee Structure
2 pairs of wings (four In total), The forewings are
Basic knowledge of the important features of larger in size compared with the hind pair of wings.
honeybees will Improve your beekeeping. To increase the efficiency of the wings during flight
The Exoskeleton the two pairs of wings are hooked together by special
structures called hamuli, which enable them to flap
Like all insects, bees are covered with an outer as one.
skeleton (exoskeleton).
Three pairs of legs (six In total) located as a pair
Functions of the e><oskeleton:
per thoracic segment. Legs next to the head have a
• Forms a hard protective casing that offers
'pollen comb', used to remove bits of pollen from the
protection against injury and predators,

antennae. T_he second pair aids in pollen collection Honeybee Colony
while the third pair has adaptive structures called
Colony is. the term used to denote a number of
'pollen baskets' or (corbicula) for storage of pollen
insects living In a common nest, which they have
in the field. Legs also have Arnhart glands at the tips
constructed, working together to supply each other's
whose function'is to produce the 'footprint substance'
needs and cooperating to raise offspring. A notmal
a chemical for orientation at the hive entrance and
honeybee colony should ideally have:
on flowers.
• One queen,
The Abdomen • Several thousands of worker bees of various
This is the last segment on the posterior end of
• A few hundred male bees (drones) during peak
the insect's body and Is devoid of appendages. The
population periods,
abdomen is covered by hairs that serve a sensory
• Adequate stores of honey and pollen,
function and in addition, the terga (dorsal} and sterna
• Eggs, a brood of all ages, and
(ventral) plates of the exoskeleton in the abdomen
• No signs of disease.
.are simple in construction: The terga Is .wrapped
around to overlap the sterna. Between th~ segments Colony size is extremely variable, but a population of
Is a loose intersegmental membrane that allows for less than 200 workers is not viable, and more often
lengthening and contraction of the abdomen during than n'Ot dies off, since the individuals do not cluster
breathing movements, and to accommodate the well and normal division of labour cannot take place.
queen'~ ovaries during egg production.

Glands of Importance In the abdomen include: Members of the Honeybee Family

i) Wax glands in worker bees for secretion of wax Queen
for comb building. ·
II} Nasanov glands found beneath the tergite of The queen has a long and slender abdomen, with
wings covering about ~ of the entire abdomen. In
the last abdominal segment secrete a chemical
addition, It has two large ovaries and the spermatheca
substance used for orientation at the nest
(a sac-like structure for sperm storage), housed in the
entrance, and to attract bees of the same nest
(e.g. to swarm and at water or food collection abdomen.
sites). The queen performs no colony maintenance work
iii) Sting apparatus at the posterior end (tip) of the and hence lacks work-related structures like pollen
abdomen used for defence, comprising the sting baskets.
and poison gland. The poison gland cells secrete
The queen's function is to:
venom into the poison/venom sac, which Is
• Mate, and lay eggs for the rest of her life,
surrounded by muscles that pump the venom
• Prod.uce chemical substances called pheromones
through the sting.
that keep the colony cohesive, e.g. the queen
iv) Parts of the digestive, excretory, reproductive
substance Inhibits queen rearing and worker
and circulatory systems are also found in the
ovary development,
• Control the sex of eggs she lays- 1500 eggs/
day, and can live for up to 4--7 years.
Honeybee Nest
Bees carefully choose their nest sites, and factors
considered Include: These are the smallest in size and are the majority in
• Cavity volume-too small cavities are not the colony. They have shrunken reproductive systems
enough for resource storage, while bees have and rudimentary spermatheca, and as such cannot
difficulty in maintaining the temperature in too mate or store semen.
big cavities; The following activities form their daily duties:
• Protection from excessive exposure to rain, wind • Cleaning vacated brood cells,
and sunlight; • Feeding honey and pollen mixture to older
• Small and few entrances to facilitate defence• worker larvae,
• Secreting brood food (5 - 10-day-old bees},
• Wax-making (10 - 15-day-old bees)
• Colony defence/guarding, with their large size makes them scary; however, they
• Conversion of nectar/honeydew to honey lack the sting and thus do not sting. They lack work-
(secreting Invertase and glucose oxidase related structures and their sole function Is to fertilise
enzymes), the queens. Drones are usually run out of the colony
• Hive ventilation (to maintain correct humidity during the dearth period when resources are scarce
and temperature levels), and usually die, as they cannot fend for themselves.
• Attending to the queen, They die minutes after mating the queen as they lose
• Comb building, 'vital parts' of the abdomen In the process.
• Collecting nectar, pollen, water and propolis.
The Young [Brood]
They have the instincts, bodily structures and glands
to provide for all colony needs except to supply eggs. Laid eggs look like grains of rice, at the bottom of
The average lifespan of the worker is 6-8 weeks but comb cells. To see the eggs, hold combs from the
is usually related to pollen consumption and intensity centre of the brood nest (at the centre of the hive)
of brood rearing. up to the light
Drones 10ble t.l.if8 tyde of the honeybee (days)
Drones are the male honeybees and develop from
unfertilised eggs. They are larger than worker bees,
with large eyes that practically cover the whole head,

Q.n 3
•• la¥P. ·~l'P

~ ~i,
7 16
have a blunt abdomen covered 'With a tuft of small
hairs, and fly with a loud buzzing sound. Tt)is coupled YlolfM 3 6 12 21
Dione 3 7 14 24

Biology of the Domesticated Silkworm and
Spillover Benefits of Sericulture Industry for
Rural Income and Nature Conservation
-· -~
Everlyn Nguku
International centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (lc/pe)
P. 0 . Box 30n2-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Scientific Classification
The silkworm Is the larva or caterpillar of the Bivoltine {Two Generations Per Year
domesticated silkmoth, Bombyx. The domestic The life cycle ofthe breed starts twice within the same
mulberry silkworm Is grouped in the phylum year, due to the suitable climate (normally found in
Arthropoda, which has a complete metamorphosis. Japan, China and Korea). The silkworms are stronger
It Is a member of the family Bombycidae of about 300 and healthy compared to univoltine silkworms.
moth species under the order Lepidoptera.
Ta><onomlc classification of mulberry silkworm is as
follows: The eggs hatch in 9 to 12 days. Silkworms have a short
Phylum: Arthropoda life cycle and go through multiple generations {5-6)
Class: Insecta in a year. These strains do not undergo egg diapause,
Order: Lepidoptera which is an adaptation to tropical conditions In which
Family: Bombycidae there Is no severe winter. Cocoons are of inferior
Genus: Bombyx quality.
Species: morl.
Classification Based on Moulting
Classification Based on Native Among existing varieties, there are silkworms with
Regions three, four or five larval moults. It has been noted
that silkworms with three larval moults have shorter
Silkworms are classified into Japanese, Chinese and
life cycles and produce thin fibre, whereas silkworms
European races. The Japanese race has univoltine
with five larval moults have longer life cycle and their
and bivoltine silkworms, and the cocoons are white
cocoons have a thicker fibre.
and barrel shaped. The Chinese race has univoltlne,
blvoltine and polyvolt1ne silkworms, and the cocoons
are elliptical (almost round). The European race has Classification Based on Cocoon
only a polyvoltine silkworm. The polyvoltine cocoons Colour
are spindle shaped. Cocoons can be classified as white or coloured. The
white are either superior white or inferior white
Classification Based on Voltinism while the coloured are either yellow or green.
The number of life cycles (generations, termed as
voltinism) per year depends on the silkworm strain Classification Based on Larval
and It varies with the environmental conditions, Markings
particularly temperature.
Silkworms that appear plain are referred to as plain
silkworms, while silkworms that show a pattern are
Univoltine/Monovo/tine {One Generation Per referred to as patterned or marked silkworms. Larval
Year) markings Include stripes, zebra bands, and dark
Under natural conditions, silkworm strains undergo colour, among other types.
only one generation In a year. This is an adaptation
to overcome harsh winters In temperate countries Life Cycle of the
(usually found in Europe). The silkworms have a long Domesticated Silkworm
life cycle and the larvae and cocoons are large.
The life cycle of 8ombyx mori silkworm represents
11 J
the most advanced form of metamorphosis. Termed
holometabolous, the silkworm completes its life cycle
through serial progression of four distinct stages of
development: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Stage 1:Egg
The silkworm egg Is about the size of a pinhead and
resembles a poppy seed, and the eggshell provides
a protective covering for embryonic development.
When first laid, an egg is light yellow. The fertile ovum
darkens to a blue-grey within a few days.
figure 2. fifth instar silkworm larvae
Stage 2: Larva
:rhe larva is a caterpillar, and is the only feeding
stage in the life cycle of the silkworm (Figures 1 and
2). It is monophagous and feeds only on mulberry
(Morus alba). During the larval stage, the larva sheds
its skin (moult) 4 times to accommodate growth.
The period between successive moults is called an
instar. Before ecdysis (moulting) the larvae remains
dormant without feeding. This temporary starving
period Is referred to as period of rest. The commonly
reared strains undergo 4 rest periods .(tetramoultin~

Figure 3. Silkworm larvae spinning cocoons

Stage 3: Pupa
At the end of the 5th instar; the la'rva spins a silk Stage 4: Adult
cocoon of one continuous fibre within which It
undergoes pupation (Figure 3). After a final moult Metamorphosis of the pupa within the cocoon
Inside the cocoon, the larva develops Into a brown, results in an emerging moth or adult. The forewing
chitin-covered structure called the pupa. The silk has a hooked tip, which is a characteristic feature of
cocoon series as protection for the pupa. this family; however it is flightless. The wings and
body are usually white, but may vary in shades of
light brown. Wingspan Is 1.5 to 2.5 inches (4--6 em).
The moth is covered with heavy, round, furry scales
and lacks functional mouthparts, thus is unable to
consume food. It is the reproductive stage; adults
mate and females lay eggs.

Figure 4. Mating adults

Table l. Silkworm diseases
Drleaae ~ Deaafptlon/Adlons
Ellologlerl ~
Rllmedlel ~
1. P~bnne Symptoms P~brlne is o disease caused by microsporidion ROrosites, mainly Nosema bombyc]s (Nqegeli) 0::
• Diseased loJVoe show slow growth1 undersized body and poor appetite . g
• Diseased loJVoe reveal pole and flaccid body. Tiny block/brown spots appear on loJYol E

Deod lorvoe remain rubbery ond do not decompose shortly after death .
Causes of 0
The pa1hogen comes from infected eggs laid by infected moth.er moths.
pebrine 0
Moy exist in rearing facilities or mulberry gardens as spores.
• Comes from wild insects noturolly infected with Nosema bombycis. e-
Precautions .. Disinfect the rearing room and appliances before the rearing starts.
Pvrchose silkworm eggs certified os free of p6brine . ~
• If the hatching is poor and many daod eggs remain, identify the hatched larvoe. .a
Reject the crop when spores of Nosema bombyds are detected from larvae.
Destroy diseased silkworms by burning. {/)
Disinfect completely the rearing rooms and equipment. 1;l
Remedy • Examine larvae before larvae cross preferably 1he 2nd moult. E
• If the crop is diseased, stop further rearing, coiled all the laJVOe and silkworm waste and .Q
bumthem. . B
• Disinfect facilities and equipment completely. <1:
• Disinfect the silkworm waste pit by dusting 5% bleaching powder along with lime. c.
• Get a new botch of loJVoe/eggs. ~
2, Grasserie Symptoms The grasserie disease is coused by a nucleopolyhedrosis virus (BmNPV). 19
The larvae will be sluggish with swollen inter-segmental region. c
The integument of diseased larvae will be fragile and break easily. 0
• On piercing, a milky fluid containing many polyhedral inclusion bodies oozes out from 0
the larval body.
• The diseased larvae do not seHie for mou~.
• The larvae appear to be restless. s
• The dead larvae hong by hind legs head downward. to
Causes of If grosserie is obseJVed in young age roaring stoge, then the laJVae must have been

grosserie infected while hatching or during reciriflg. :l

(Young age 0
Young age lorvoe moy gel infected if the silkworm egg surface is not disinfected. 801
larvae) • The laJVae also get infected when the silkworm rearing house is not disinfected and c:
hygiene is not practiced effectively during young age rearing.
The disease development in early instor rearing is fdster as the early instar silkworms ore ~c.
reared at high temperature. As the loJYae are also smaller in early instars than the later
instars, the virus spreads to all tissues in a short period. ~
Causes of • It depends on the instar/time the silkworm got infected by the pathogen.
grosserie • If the silkworm gets infeded during the 4th or early 5th instors, the symptoms of the
(late oge disease will be obseJVed prior to spinning or pre-pupol stage,
larvae) 0
In the silkworm is infected with the high dose of virus, the ecdysone hormone required
for moulting and maturation will be destroyed. The laryal period will be simply conti.nued
due to lack of ecdysone till the larvae .develop the disease. Thus we see the disease
associated with worms that fail to moult/spin c;ocoons.
If the infection is low, larvo pupate but die in pre-pupal or pupal stage res~lting in
Precautions • Disinfect silkworm rearing house, its surrounding and appliances before brushing.
• Conduct additional disinfection with 0.3% lime solution .
• Rear young age silkworm as well as late age silkworm under strid hygienic conditions .
• Avoid high (28-35 °C)1 low rearing temperature (1 0-20 °C) and rearing humidity
• Dust lime uniformly when lal\lae settle for moult ot3 g/sq. ft for l stand 2nd moults and
5 g/sq. ft for 3rd and 4th moults. 13
0.0. Symploml/ o.atptlol 1//ldlons
. Dust the bed every time the larvae come out of moult and on the 4th day of the final

. instor os per the quantity cited obove.

Feed quality mulberry.
3. Flocherie Symptoms Bacteria and virus infections cause the disease individually or in combination. Fluctuating
temperature and humidity and poor quality mulberry predispose the disease development.
• The diseased larvae will be stunted in growth, dull, lethargic, soft and appear nocdd.
• The cephalothoracic region may be translucent.
• The larvae vomit gut juice, develop dysentery and excrete chain type faeces.
• The larvae on dying rot and emit a foul smell•
Causes • It is caused by bacterial pathogens such as Streptococcus sp. and/or Staphylococcus sp.
in association with infectious (viral) Oocherle infections.
• These pathogens ore released into the rearing troy/bed by diseased larvae along with
faeces and vomit.
• The released pathogens contaminate the rearing troy, bed and the mulberry leaves in
the bed. They survive in the rearing troy/bed for o long time and cause the disease a
they ore not disinfected effectively. (The role of disease development depends on the
temperature and humidity in that particular troy.).
• The temperature and humidity will be high in the tray/bed in which there Is accumulation
of faeces, waste leaves and poor air circulation. Such conditions oro suitable for the
bacteria to mul«ply in the larvae and rearing bed.
• If the there ore diseased larvae reared in high temperature condition, tho disease

. development will be foster.

As the infection tokes place In the particular contaminated troy and develops based on
the environmental conditions In that particular troy, the disease later spreads to other
trays through secondary contaminations.
Precautions • Disinfect the rearing troy by dipping in disinfectant for 10 minutes.
• Rear silkworm on good quality mulberry•
• Practice rearing and personal hygiene during rearing.
• Avoid accumulation and consequent fermentation of faeces and uneaten leaves In the
' rearing bed.
• Provide good cross venHioHon in period of high humidity.
• Dust dry lime.
4. Symptoms White musc;ordina is caused by the fungal pathogen Beowerio bosslono and green
Muscordine muscardine is causad by the fungus Spicorio prosino.
• The diseased larvae prior to death will ba lethargic and on death ore flaccid .
• Oil specks may be seen on the surface of larvae.
• They gradually become hard, dry and mummify into o white or green coloured structure.
• The diseased pupae will be hard, lighter and mummified.
Precautions .. Disinfect rearing house and appliances.
Reduce silkworm bed humidity by dusting lime powder after bed cleaning.
• Coiled all the diseased larvae and bum them .
• Practice rearing and personal hygiene during rearing.
• Practice pest control measure against mulberry pests.
• Adopt all onti·muscordine measures of village level.
5. Symptoms Aspergillosis is caused by infection with moulds ~pergil/us) and is common in young
Aspergillosis silkworms.
• The infected larvae will become shiny and die.
• Dark green ~pergi//us Ravus) or rusty brown ~pergillus taman) mycelial dusters oro
seen on the cadavers.
Precautions • Disinfect rearing house and appliances.
• Sun.dry reoring equipments .
• The faeces and bed refuse should be disposed of prope~y.

Spillover Benefits of the Anima/ Feed
Sericulture Industry Mulberry leaves are high In crude protein and low
In agriculture, .serlculture waste has many uses. This in crude fibre. This combination makes It a perfect
waste can be recycled and has high potential for use feed supplement for livestock. It has been reported
in livestock, grain and fish production. that mulberry leaves are a good source of energy and
Waste generated from silkworm rearing Includes: protein for ruminant animals. They can be used as
• Stems supplements for lower-quality forages.
• Small branches Benefits include increased body weight gain In
• Undigested leaves growing lambs and goats, and milk production in
• Silkworm litter goats.
• Skin shed during moulting.
Mulberry Plant By-products
Mulberry branches are used as raw material for
The primary use of the plant Is for raising silkworms, paper production, while the stems (after pruning)
which utilise the leaves as their main food source. It can be used for basketry and handicrafts.
also serves as fruit, and for animal feed and making
crafts, among other uses. Silkworm Waste
Fruit Silkworm waste includes silkworm litter, pupae and·
defective cocoons.
Mulberry can be consumed as a fruit, juice
(commercially produced as a health beverage In Silkworm litter can be processed for various uses:
China) or syrup. Without adding preservatives, the • Raw material (preferably fresh) for biogas pro-
original juice of mulberry fruit remains fresh under duction when combined with cow manure.
cold storage for 3 months, while the bottled beverage • Dried silkworm waste is used as manure. It con-
remains fresh at room temperature for 12 months. tains 3.06% nitrogen.
Mulberry syrup is also used as a medicine to protect Silkworm pupae can be used for the following:
against diseases of the live~ gall bladder, and heart • Compost and fish feed: Silkworm pupae, are dis-
(Oktay et al., 2004). carded when reeling, and are rich in protein and
The main content of fresh, ripe mulberry fruit fat and make an excellent nutritious feed forftsh,
includes: chickens, and cattle.
• Water: 85-88% • The pupa yields o!l that Is dark brown in colour
• Carbohydrates: 7.8--9.2% (Sugars, majnly glu- with fishy smell. Sterol can be separated from
cose and fructose, producing the sweet this oil, which is a very good hair tonic.
taste) • The white fat obtained after hydrogenation is an
• Protein: 0.4--1.5% excellent raw material for manufacture of soap
• Fat: 0.4-0.5% (Mainly fatty acids, such as lino- and candles.
leic, stearic and oleic adds in the seeds) Defective cocoons can be used for the following:
• Free acids: 1.1-1.9% (Mainly malic acid, produc- • Defective cocoons, which are unreelable, can
ing the sour taste) be used as raw material for silk hand spinning
• Fibre: 0.9-1.4% after degumming. Handspun silk yarns may b e
• Minerals: 0.7-Q.9%. used to produce various items including cloths,
Mulberry fr~it is classified in the modern Chinese sweaters and bags, among others.
Materia Medica as a blood tonic. Traditionally, • Wastes generated from reeling, re-reeling,
mulberry fruit has been used as a medicinal agent winding and throwing can be utilised for the
to nourish the blood, benefit the kidneys, treat production of spun sill< yarns. These are high-
weakness (fatigue), anaemia and premature greying grade wastes.
of hair. It is also utilised to treat urinary incontinence, With all the uses and the products that can be made
dizziness and constipation In the elderly. out of sericulture wastes, these wastes can actually
be considered as wealth. They could generate a
livelihood in the community engaging in sericulture.

e!;\!8 Reference
:.::1 Oktay, A., Erzengin M., Sinan S. and Ozensoy 0.
~ (2004) Purification of mulberry (Morus alba L.)
~ polyphenol oxidase by affinity chromatography
~ and investigation of its kinetic and electrophoretic
~ properties. Food Chemistry 88, 479--484.



Monitoring Forest Connectivity
using GIS and GPS
Klaus Mithlifer
International cj!ntre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (lclpe)
P. 0 . Box 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Forest Management What Does GIS Do?

Forest management plan involves: A geographic information system {GIS) Integrates
• Vegetation coverage (forest types) hardware, software, and data for capturing,
• Soil, geology managing, analysing, and displaying all forms of
• Rivers, drainage network geographically referenced information.
• Climate data (e.g. precipitation)
• Administrative districts GIS Data: Gao-Referenced Data
• Land ownership. • To georeference I to geocode I to geolocate:
Data required: Tagging records with geographic locations
• Topographic data • A georeference must be unique, e.g. pointing to
• Land administration data one house.
• Digital terrain data How to Georeference?
• Soil map
• Remotely sensed images. • Place name: Nairobi is unique, Makutano in
Kenya is not
What is GIS (Geographic • Mailing _address? Does not work with box
Information system)? numbers
• Metric georeferences are more useful because
GIS Philosophy they allow maps to be made and distances to be
Geography is the study of the Earth and Its lands, calculated.
features, inhabitants and phenomena. It is an
Measuring the Earth
integrative science.
Techniques: Longitude and latitude Is the most comprehensive
• Analysis
• Spatial analysis, gee-statistics. Degree ("), minute ('), second (")
1 Degree"' 60 Minutes
Visua/ising Space 1 Minute= 60 Seconds
• Understanding space/environment At the Equator:
• Orientation, navigation r-111 km
• Visualise and communicate environment 1'"'1.8 km
• Language of mapping (symbols, colours) 1""' 30 meters.
• Thematic maps I topographic maps What is GPS (Global
• Based on spatial science > Geography.
Positioning System)
GIS Data Model The global positioning system:
A vector raster Is: • Was developed by the United States Department
• Layer based concept of Defense;
• Vector and raster based data • A full constellation of 24 satellites was achieved
• Combining data of different content in 1994;
• Data from different resources. • Each satellite is built to last about 10 years;
• It Is just one global navigation satellite system
• Other navigation satellite systems are GLONASS, How Are These Technologies
Galilee positioning system, Chinese Compass Related and How Can I Use
Navigation System, and Indian Regional
. Them for My Project?
Navigational Satellite System;
• There are usually at least 5 satellites visible, Use RS, GPS and GIS for:
above a 15-degree elevation angle, often 6 or 7 · • Tree planting projects
satellites visible. • Field work
• Geo·reference locations/images
How Does It Work? • Ground truthlng for RS
• Receive a signal from 4 to 7 satellites. -land cover
• Receiver calculates distance from signal speed; ·Tracks
• You need at least 3 satellites to triangulate your -Tree density.
• The distance is measured based on the time the FIS: Image Interpretation ·
signal takes from between satellite and receiver.
Computer+ RS software +ground truthlng
• Tlme is trickyl A fourth satellite is required to
• Digital image classification
adjust time between the receiver and satellitet
., • Uses the spectral information represented by
GPS Accuracy? the digital numbers
• Spectral pattern recognition
How accurate is the measurement? • Information classes and spectral classes.
• Handheld GPS without reference signal; 5 ..: 20
GIS: Get the Data Together
• A higher quality signal (meter or sub-meter)
requires a signal from a differential global • Get your data together in a database
positioning system (DGPS) ground base station. • Analyse data (e.g. land cover change)
• Produce maps or web based GIS applications
What is Remote Sensing (Google Earth).
Remote sensing is the small or large-scale acquisition
of information of an object or phenomenon without • GIS, GPS and remote sensing are complementary
getting In contact with It technologies based on gee-referenced data.
• GPS assists our fieldwork to produce geo·
referenced data.
• Remote sensing helps us to analyse land cover
and changes in a faster and (often) cheaper
computer based approach.
• . GIS is able to combine these resources due to its
ability to integrate different data in one system.

Organic Certification of Silk and Honey
Products- Mwingi Case Study
Esther N . Kioko\ Jack Juma2 , Susie Wren 3
'National Museums of Kenya, P. 0 . Elox 40658-()0100, Nairobi, Kenya
'Konya O~nlc Agriculture Network (KOAN), P. 0 . BoK 72461, 00200, Nairobi, Kenya
'Bio-ontarllrlse Development Progr.omma, P. 0 . Box 708 -10400, N~nyuki, Kenya

"if the honeybees disappeared from the earth, Organic farming is one of the fastest growing
man would only hove four years left to live. No segments of agriculture In many parts of the world
bees, no pollination, no plants, no animals, no since the 1990s, increasing by 20 to 25% per year.
people."-Aibert Einstein Organic certification is importantfor conservation
and survival of all.
Organic Farming (or Ecological
or BioOrganic Farming) The Mwingi Case Study
Organic farming embodies the agroecosystem Study Area: The Larger Mwingi
approach. Using natural resources, it reduces build
up of harmful substances in the environment and is
economically sustainable. It uses biological methods • Mwingi lies in the eastern part of Kenya, 200 km
and natural compounds Instead of synthetic chemical east of Nairobi
pesticides to control pests and diseases. • It is situated in a semi-arid 'region with limited
modem agricultural systems
Organic Certification • The landscape is characterised by flat rocky hills,
with hilltop forests
Organic certification Is a system of regulation for
• It Is one of the high biodiversity areas, home to
ensuring that organic producers comply with set
endemic, endangered birds, reptiles and plant
standards. The standards give guidelines on the
principles to be followed in organic production and
• The National Liaison Committee in March 2008
processing. The important standardisation marks in
recognised the Mwingi hills and valleys as an
Kenya are shown in Figure 1.
Important Bird Area (IBA).

Is Organic Certification
Farmer Profile
The Akamba people, who are traditionally known
Consumers are requesting for healthy and for beekeeping, inhabit Mwlngl. Since 1995, lclpe
environmentally sound products and are ready to
has worked with the beekeepers resulting in the
pay higher prices for them. formation ofthe Mwingl District Beekeepers Joint Self
Organic certification creates trust as production Help Group. In 2007, when the organic certification
and processing are done according to defined organic process started, 45 groups had registered with the
standards and products can be sold at a premium district beekeepers organisation. To-date 51 groups
price. have registered with over 2000 members. The groups
run two marketplaces for purchasing, processing and
selling apiculture and sericulture products (Figure 2).

Achievements of the Organic

Certification Process
• Site evaluation with an organic farming expert
• Awareness creation for all stakeholders
Nllfllntfl;y lflmlriJd • Workshop with district government
Figure 1. The important standardisation marks in Kenya
- Acreage
- Vegetation
- Number of hives
- Date acquired
- Estimated yield
- Date of commencing organic management
- Others-crops, animals, any other

• Internal Inspection Farm:

- Name of field
- Acreage
- Vegetation
• ICS manual produced - Number of hives, this year, last year
• Training of 45 group secretaries - General assessment (crops, animals,
• Community nomination of field officers environment), management, pest control,
• Training of field officers . bee feeding, harvesting procedures, storage,
• Follow up on capacity building at community source of hives
level (Figure 3). - Records, management, harvests, delivery.
• Beekeepers' Contract:
Internal Control System (JCS} - Name of harvester
The Internal control system is a documented quality - Grower's address
assurance system. - Group name
I accept to become a member of MDBJSHG
organic project certified by IMO and will
Field Officers' Undertaldngs on the Ground
not use non allowed procedures during
• Farm Entrance Form: managing, harvesting, storage and handling
- Name of field (Figure 4 a and b) of honey

-----·- ......... .....
Results of the 2007 Inspection

Report on areas to improve on
All tests on samples taken passed
CERtiFICATE • Given conversion .status-A period between
~ farmer registration and time of selling organic
~ ... ,.,.riiUJa:D'OISJoorr...,H..,.- product.
" · O.IIoxMl,-.Kenyo

Results of the 2008/nspection

• Inspection of apiaries
0.._ _ .............. • Inspection of processing facility
Pfoc... \ng and Warktdftt of OrgMic Pnldw::D
•· Comparison on areas of concern from previous
external inspection

20011/;100P - - -
_.,..... • Report on areas to improve on
• Given organic certified status (Figure 6).

Figure 6. The certificote

will endeavour to maintain organic

I will report violation to internal Inspector.

External Inspection
• Farmers list
• Summary oftrainings done
• ICS staff, qualifications and responsibilities
• Filled Internal Inspection forms
• Updated farm maps
• Record on product flow-Traceability from field
to final product
• Inspection of apiaries
• Inspection of processing facility
• Taking of samples.

Other Results of Inspection Planning for Organic
Improved Human and Environmental Health Certification
From questionnaire data, there were on average two • Ensure sufficient funding to support the project
benefits mentioned by each beneficiary as follows: • All stakeholders involved in the capacity building
knowledge on useof pesticides (74.7%), 1mprovement • All should understand the process and if possible
of environment (67.1%), received training (59.5%), communicate In the farmers' language
improvement of food security (54.4%), improvement • Put in place, qualified personnel
in health (51.9%) and additional Income {44.3%- • Select a c::ertifier, e.g. Institute of Marketecology
Medlan Kshs 3800). (IMO)
• Develop suitable ICS forms and procedures
meeting the certifier's specific requirements (EU,
Boost to Initiate Other Organic Enterprises
USA etc.)
• Wild serlculture • Select minimum requirements for improvement
• Dryland crops before the first inspection
• Wild products- Tamarind, baobab, gum arable, • Gradually improve the ICS document.
and others.
At the end of the organic certification process, the
Other benefits Included exchange programmes, community should benefit, own the project and
networking and receiving beehives. sustain it.

Branding and Marketing
Natural Based Products
-- ~ -- - -

Brian Odwori Ul

MilbaBrands Associates Umited

P.O. Box 53651-00200, Nairobi, Kenya ~
Business Objective MilbaBrands Associates If
The business objective should be to achieve MllbaBrands Associates is a marketing and E
commercialsustainability of nature-based enterprises communications group e
(NBEs). The services include: B
• Milba Advertising ~
Partnership Approach - Advertising and Design Services •t:
• Creative Services
Applying a value chain perspective shows whether a
marketing consultant has a role to play in supporting
• Production Services. ~
• Milba Retail Solutions ~
nature based enterprises' (NBEs) sustalnability by: ~
Retail Marketing Services :::l
• Reinforcing market orientation;
• Providing business analysis;
• Sales Management ·~
• Merchandising Management en
• Offering business services. lJ
• Promotions Managementand Experiential
Marketing. ~
Value Chain Perspective • SouthBell i3
The value chain perspective considers all of the - Media Management Services B
factors that are linked together, and forms the basis • Media Planning and Buying <l:

for creating value in a market. • Media Development and Management.
(Input Suppliers >Producers> Processors/Packagers • Milba Corporate Communications rou
>Marketers/Retailers> Consumers) - Corporate Communications Services en
• PR and Publicity c
• Sponsorship Management c.
Value Chain Perspective- 0
• Event Marketing. ]
Application • Milba Consulting

Using value chain perspective provides the means to - Marketing Management Services s
better understand the challenges and opportunities • Research, Strategy and Planning Rl
facing the NBE. • Brand Management ~
Links can be examined both individually and • Capacity Building and Training. 5
• NatureBrands 0
collectively to see where value can be created by: Cl
- Supply Chain Management Services c
• Eliminating obstacles, e.g. lack of expertise for
better modes of processing;
• Reducing constraints, e.g. inadequate and
• Distribution Services
• Procurement/Materials Management
inexperienced sales force; • Technical Product Management. e
• Pursuing other opportunities, e.g. other product
formats. NatureBrands

Value Chain Perspective- Introduction

Benefits · NatureBrands Is positioned to offer business,
commercial and marketing consultancy to natur~
• Helps to promote market driven orientation based enterprises (NBEs).
• Shifts focus from solely production (supply)
• Helps focus on other links in the chain.
Vision Branding and Marketing of
To l:ie the base of expertise in the marketing of nature Nature Based Products: The
based products in Africa. Five Important Questions
Question 1: Is There a Market?
{Can We Create One?)
To buildgreatbrand valueforourclients by offering the
most comprehensive marketing and communication
solutions that deliver on nature-based products • To answer this, there is need to evaluate the
opportunities by clear understanding of the special market and consumer needs by gathering market
challenges ~hey face. , Intelligence and conducting surveys to facilitate
better understanding ofthe market.
Services Offered
Case Study 1
• Brand Management Services
Market Surveys Naturub•-The Brand (Figure 1):
- Strategy Development • Naturub balm and ointment are products that
- Creative Development use extracts from Ocimum kilimandschoricum;
- Advertising and Design. • They are used for alleviation of flu, colds, chest
• Retail Marketing Services congestion, muscular aches, pain and insect
- Sales Management bites;
- Merchandising Management • The ointment Is available in tubes of 15 and 30 g,
- Promotion Management. while the balm is available in a 25 gjar; and 4 and
• Supply Chain Management Services 7 g tins packaging.
- Distribution Services
- Procurement/Materials Management
- Technical/Production Management.

The Team Experience

• Executive Director: Pinnacle Management Centre
- Key Clients: Celtel, Barclays Bank, Uganda
Telecom, UML
• Managing Director: CenturyGrey Advertising EA Figur~ 1. Noturub brand
- Key Clients: GSK, BAT, EABL, Barclays Bank,
Nokia, Visa The Market:
• Deputy Managing Director: Ogllvy & Mather EA • Ointments and balm market in Kenya is estimated
- Key Clients: Unilever, British American at KShs 100m per annum (ex·factory prices);
Insurance, Welcome, Bata • Urban/rural spllt- 20:80;
• Marketing Manager: The Boots Company EA • Sales in rural areas driven by small size (4 g) due
- category: Toiletries (Lady Gay brand), to lower disposable income;
Medicines (Strepslls, Good Morning Lung • Rural usage is mostly of balms for colds and flu,
Tonic, Salimia, Brufen) nasal congestion and aches;
• Brand Manager: EAI/Unllever EA • Urban usage includes ointments for muscular
- Category: Toilet soaps (Lux, Lifebuoy and aches;
Rexana). • Western Kenya (Nyanza, Western and North Rift)
ls the leading sales region driven by the 4 g size.

Competition (Figure 2):

• OVer 15 brands in the market;
• Over 80% of them imported;
• The leading brands market share:
Robb by PZ Cussons 70%.

Question 2:
Is Our Product Formulated/
Packaged to Fulfill the Market
and Consumer Needs?

• Participate in product and packaging development

to match consumer needs:
- Fulfill regulatory requirements;
- Offer packaging meeting competitive
- Deep Heat Imported by Harleys Pharmacy Covers:
10% - Product variety
The rest 20%. Quality
Brand Positioning Features
Brand name
Naturub Is the proven natural based relief for colds Packaging sizes
and flu, congestion, muscular aches, pain and insect Services
bites for all the family. Its safe natural Ingredients act Warranties
speedily and provide fast and lasting relief. Returns.

Case8tudy2 Case Study: Nsti.Jrub

Eco Honey-The Brand: Packaging Development:
• Eco Honey is a honey product packaged as part • Brand name "Naturub" coined to send brand
of icipe's programmes to help fight poverty by cues
economically empowering local communities • Package design developed to stand out in
while conserving the environment and crowded field
biodiversity; • Developed different sizes to fulfill different
• The product is avalli!ble in only one si~e, a 500 market segment needs.
g glass jar with a metal top and sells at Kshs 150
from the community market In Mwingi and KShs The Market:
160 from the shop at iclpe; Uchumi Ngong Hypermarket
• Initially the product was available in some outlets • Naturub display is consistent
In Nairobi but currently it is only available at the • Naturub Balm placed next to Robb brand
above places. • Point of sale (POS)/point of purchase (POP)
material placed.
• In a survey conducted between 8-12 September
2008 in 80 outlets In Nairobi, 42 different brands
of packaged honey were identified;
• Market intelligence indicates the following
- Winnie's Pure Health..... 20%
- Green Forest .................. 20%
- Real Honey.....................10%
- Others ............................ 500.16

Brand Opportunity:
There is opportunity for Eco Honey as it is the only figure 3. Attractive of the Noturub product next
honey brand with the organic certification In the to the market leaders ot Uchumi Ngong Hypermorket;
market. Nairobi
Question 3: retail price. This may entail re-looking at
Is Our Product Priced all the costing parameters, e.g. packaging,
transport etc.
4. Competitor Prices Analysis
THE THIRD TASK • Analysis of competitive brands gives the
price orienting point
• Provide market intelligence to enable proper
costing and price strategy. • If the brand contains features not offered by
others, Its worth to consumers is evaluated
Price: and a premium added to the competitor's
Entails decisions on: price
• Ust price • Competitive price analysis has been done
• Discounts and the average price is Kshs 180. Eco
• Allowances Honey's competitive feature 'organic' means
• Credit terms a premium can be charged.
• Payment period.
Customer's Assessment of Unique Features:
Case Study Eco Honey From our market surveys it is dear that there is
appreciation of organic products In the market with
Pricing Decisions: most consumers Interpreting it to mean natural,
• Pricing decisions are based on how consumers healthy, no harmful effect, has medicinal properties,
perceive prices and what they consider to be boosts immunity, free from artificial chemicals and
the current actual price and not the marketer's additives, nutritious and safe. Thus we believe we
stated price. can charge a premium for this.
• They may have a lower price threshold below
which prices may signal inferior or unacceptable Determining Price:
quality and an upper price threshold above which Three bits of information are required to determine
prices are seen as prohibitive and not worth the price:
money. 1. Costs- To set floor to the price;
• It is believed that for a 500 g jar of honey, the 2. Competitor's price- To provide orienting
lower threshold Is Kshs 150 and the upper point;
threshold is Kshs 300. 3. Customer's assessment of unique features-
To establish price ceiling.
Pricing-Factors to Consider:
1. Pricing Objectives
Question 4:
• Survival-Good when there is overcapacity,
short term Is Our Product Adequately
• Maximise current profit-Short term Available Where the Consumers
• Maximise market share-Where low prices Can Conveniently Get It?
stimulate market growth
• Maximum market skimming-Where there
ishigh demand • Set up and run an efficient sales and distribution
• Product/quality leadership-Price high structure
enough but not out of consumer's reach. • Thiswas found to be one of the biggest challenges
Product/quality leadership approach for NBEs because they rarely start from the
recommended for Eco Honey. consumer end of the value chain.
2. Determining Demand
• Price sensitivity-Consider elastic v. Inelastic Place:
• Honey is in short supply at the moment, Involves decisions on:
demand is inelastic, therefore a price change • Channels
may not cause a big change In demand. • Coverage
3. Establishing Costs • Assortments
• Costs set the price floor that can be charged • Inventory
• Target costing-Sometimes, a target cost Is • Transport
set to enable the product to sell at certain • Location.
50,000r----- - . : . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - ,
• Universe - 1993/1994
D Universe - 2000

Self Large Small Kiosks Pharm- PC Hawkers Public Open Branded

service dukas du(<as acies stores markets markets kiosks






2097 276 11,883 8314 5243 1854

Figure 4. Case study: Kenya retail mopping- National outlet segmentoHon

Tobie 1. Nafiongl rvlail mopping (estimated--2008)

Open Public
SeK benge dukas! Small
ml<t mkt Hawkern
1Service Wh!!~lesolers dukos kiosks stores
stalls stalls
3000 5000 40,000 20,000 2000 3000 500 5000 8000 15,000

I /c/pe/communlty
I Mllba~raride I
I Dlsttlbutots I I Clialhs 8-10- J I Other re~ll J
H Nairobi 1 Nakumatf H Pharmacies/Chemists I
H Rift Valley· -i Uchuml H Hospitals I
H W~tem/NyanZII -i '· Tuekfs y Sports ~lubs/Gynw
-- I
Centrai/Eistem -i Ukwala

Coast -l Eastmatt

f-1 Nalvae


Y. Qtc,
Figure 5. Soles/merchandising market structure

Question 5: Promotion
Do Consumers Know About Our Covers:
Product? • Sales promotion
• Advertising
THE FIFTH TASK • Sales force
• Develop and execute appropriate promotional • Direct marketing
and advertising programmes • Public relations
Case Study: Naturub
Advertising and Design
• Designed and produced point of sale (PoS) materials
• Creative development for thematic material including radio, television and print ongoing,

Pinal bnmd mncol (lmwgo) ~ Bunungs )

Opuon 1

•lfoppf 'In poln'

OpUon 2
11ru1go con bo USCid tD •I>Oll</brlng oul dill"""'! omollono. ~ lo dynomlo

Naturub - Brand Mascot Noturub PoS - Buntings


!l Relief From:
. ._.._

i Option 1

Noturub PoS - Buntings ond Danglers

Opllon 1

Naturub PoS - Roll· up Bonners

Optlon 2

Sholl Dlvldor

Option 1 (with oop~) Opdi>n1 OpUon2

Naturub PoS- Wobblers Naturub PoS- Shelf Dividers

Shtll D•ltii!Mf

OpUon 1

OpUon 2

Noturub PoS - Shelf Defenders Wheel Cover

.0 ~ I

Front IIKic Fronl Baok

Natvrvb PromoHonal Materials ; Aprons and T-Shirts

Noturvb - Promotion Poster Naturvb- Available Here Poster

The Market Uchumi Supermarket, Adams Arcade:

Uchumi Supermarket, Koinange Street: • Naturub display consistent and attractive
• Naturub display consistent and attractive • Naturub placed at a more prominent shelf
• Naturub products strategically placed next to than competition
competition • PoS/PoP material in place.
• PoS/PoP material in place.

PR and Publicity
The objective is to build the 'naturalness' credentials
of Naturube and create interest around the brand
through PR.

Table 2. Natvrub Soles History

2005/6 315,000
2006/7 350,000
2007/8 180,000
2008/9 1,200,000*
2009/10 2,ooo,ooo·
*Involvement of Milbo/Noll.lreBronds begins August

Participatory Forest
Management in Kenya

Esther Wang'ombe
Kenya Forestry Service, Karura Forest
P.O. Box 30513-00100 Naifobi, Kenya

Introduction responsibilities, benefits and authority in the

management of defined forest resources within
Community Involvement in forestry dates back to the a framework that contributes to the community's
pre-colonial era. During this era, the communities livelihoods. PFM is carried out through stages that
managed the forests. There were community
are interdependent and as such, this is a process.
.structures as well as beliefs that promoted
conservation. For example, there were beliefs that
some trees were sacred while others harboured Why Participatory Forest
evil spirits, This helped in conservation. Alienation Management [PFM]?
of communities from forest management started In the past, there has been a significant reduction
during the colonial era through enactment of various of the forest cover, unsustainable utilisation of the
legislation and policies that had Inadequate provisions forest resource and skewed distribution of benefits
for co~munity participation In forest management. (Figure 1).
These laid emphasis on protection through command To address this situation, the government has
and control system with minimal participation of now adopted PFM (Figure 2) as a strategy to involve
other stakeholders. Consequently, communities the wider stakeholders in the management of Kenya's
have been alienated from the forest resources and forest and woodland areas so as to significantly
participation in decision-making. Over time, this has contribute towards sustainable management of
created animosity between forest managers and
communities neighbouring the resources. The result
was that communities started viewing forests as .state
forests. .
From 1910 there was formal involvement of
communities through the shamba system, which was
used In establishment of forest plantations through
Informal arrangements with farmers to grow crops
and remove weeds around the tree seedlings. The
shamba system has undergone many changes since
its inception. In 1987/88 there was a ban and all
forest villages were destroyed.
In 1994, the system was re-Introduced as Non·
Resident Cultivation (NRC). The community was
expected to be residing outside forest areas and only
go in to cultivate.

Definition of Participatory
Forest Management (PFM]
PFM is broadly defined as the Involvement of local
people in decision In some or all aspects of forest
PFM can be defined as an arrangement where
key stakeholders enter into mutually enforceable
agreements that define their respective roles,
forests. The Government even gave the authority
to pilot PFM Implementation in some parts of the
country even in the absence of an enabling legislat1ve
framework. With the enactment of the Forests Act
2005, other stakeholders' participation has now
been provided for. The Act provides a clear legal basis
for communities across Kenya to manage and utilise
forests under a wide range of conditions.

Development of PFM in Kenya

between 1996 and 2008
Majority of PFM sites were started in areas
characterised by low rainfall, limited means of Progress in Initiating PFM
livelihood, low income and high dependence on Process in the Country
forest and forest products. The distribution of these
The first PFM pilot initiative in Kenya was started
PFM sites in the country is unevenly spread spatially,
at Arabuko-Sokoke forest in 1997. Permission was
even in dry ecological ~reas. This spatial distribution
granted by the then Mihistry of Environment and
is due to several factors, among them location of
Natural Resources.
donor projects and civil society programmes.
Other initiatives followed all over the ·country
From 1996 to 1997 civil society became
and included Upper lmenti forest in Meru, and others
particularly active because of excisions of gazetted
in Loitokitok, Kakamega (Figures 3 and 4), and parts
forests. This threat helped to bring communities
of Mt Kenya and Aberdares forests.
and conservation organisations together to fight
for forest conservation. It was the same period that
communities around Arabuko-Sokoke forest came Objecti~es of PFM
together to resist proposed excisions. This culminated The main objectives of PFM are:
in formation of a community group, Arabuko·Sokoke (i) Conservation and sustainable forest
Forest Adjacent Dwellers Association (ASFADA). In management: This was the motivation for all
1997, authority was granted to the Arabuko-Sokoke the early PFM cases. It is still the motivation of
Fore5t Management Team to pilot PFM. Kenya Forest Service, which has recognised Its
The launch of the millennium development own limited capacity to manage large areas of
goals (MDGs) created a paradigm shift in forestry forest effectively. It is hoped that involvement of
management, necessitating policy and legislative local people will assist in carrying out this task,
reforms. MDGs aim at enhanclhg livelihood security. and conserve biodiversity while at the same time
Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger is one enhance people's livelihoods, and ensure the
of the MDG goals. The majority of Kenyans are rural sustainable use of forests so that present and
based, so they depend on the environment and future generations benefit. '
natural resources for their livelihood. (ii) Improving livelihoods: Governments as well
as donors have become more concerned with
achieving poverty reduction. Poverty Is often

Figure 3. Plonning for PFM activities in Kokomego Forest

concentrated Jn forest areas and PFM is seen as a of local communities under PFM. During the period
route for achieving poverty reduction. 2005 to 2007, this organisation started apiculture
and serlculture activities with Community Forest
Tenure ·Arrangements under Associations in Arabuko-Sokoke and Kakamega
forests, and CFAs based in Mwingi and Mumoni hill
PFM in Kenya forests In Mwlngi District. A marketplace was built
• Umited set of user rights and other conditions in each of these areas to ensure market for the
are given to the communities through the Forest products. Today, these communities are earning an
Act,2005 income from these Initiatives although the project
• The community members must be part of a has ended.
registered CFA, registered under Societies Act
(Cap 108) of the laws of Kenya Improvement of Forest Condition
• The CFA must apply to the Director, Kenya Forest
Service to be allowed to participate In forestry This can have a direct impact on livelihoods by
activities within the forest ensuring the provision of a more sustainable flow
• The CFA then enters into a management of benefits (fueiWood, timber, water) or ecotourism,
agreement with the Director, KFS, and this which can create employment for local people.
agreement must indicate terms and conditions of Again icipe has prepared a project proposal,
involvement, and how and when an agreement which, if implemented, will go a long way towards
can be terminated. improvement of forest conditions on farms in two
forest corridors in Kenya. The first corridor will be
connecting Nandi North and Kakamega forests. The
Drivers of PFM project targets to plant, together with the farmers,
There are many drivers of PFM in the country with two million seedlings of assorted tree species. The
varying expectations and varying objectives. second corridor will be connecting Mutaitho and
• Government institutions (KFS, KEFRI) Nuu hills, and Nuu and lmba hills In Mwingi District.
• Communities Here, another two million seedlings will be planted
• Private sector. with the farmers. Apart from improving forest
conditions on the farms, the trees will act as corridors
As a partnership arrangement, there is need to for migration of bees, provide flowers/nectar for the
synchronise the various interests with the aim of bees, and farmers will be able to place more beehives
meeting a common goal. on these corridors and of course some tree species
will be suitable for wild silk farming.
PFM and Livelihoods
The PFM Process
Early interest in PFM centered on its ability to
improve forest conservation, but the current poverty Social and Political Aspects
reduction focus of the global development agenda
Being Involved in PFM often has a positive impact on
has raised interest in the livelihood Impact of PFM. the capacity of communities to speak out for their
rights, speak out against forest excisions and engage
Contribution to Improving with other development actors to improve their
Livelihoods livelihoods.

Financial-Income Generation
Income generation from PFM includes subsistence
activities such as fuelwood collection and commercial
activities such as apiculture and sericulture. In
addition to forest-based activities, other non-forest
income-generating act1vlties include woodlots on
private farms. All these impact on people's financial
icipe, in collaboration with other institutions, has
contributed a lottowards Improvement of livelihoods Figure 6. CFA·owned tree nursery in Molindi Distrid
Negative Effects of PFM Challenges
• Exclusion of groups of people from the process, The Forests Act 2005, as well as the interest among
e.g. pastorallsts and landless peqple who rely on stakeholders to engage in PFM, are good opportunities
the forests for livelihoods for PFM. However, there are several issues that need
• The poorest people in a community may not to be addressed in PFM. These include:
have time to attend all the meetings under PFM • Gender. Most of the emerging Community
or contribute to, e.g. forest patrols, as they rely Forest Association (CFA) committees are male
· on wage labour to earn their living (Figure 7). dominated;
• In some areas, local people may have been • Feasibility of PFM. PFM may not be feasible in all
involved in forest management over the years, forests, hence the need to conduct appraisals on
e.g. the Ogiek community in Kenya. Introduction its feasibility prior to implementation;
of a formal PFM agreement may undermine • Devolution of power. The government, for
or even destroy such traditional systems by the time being. may not be willing to devolve
introducing new institutions and changing substantial powers to local communities. The
management practices. decision-making and benefit-sharing process from
government to rural communities has so far not
been adequate. But the emerging local institutions
Positive Effects of PFM
currently may not be capable of managing forests
If well implemented, PFM can lead to: in case of devolved responsibilities. There Is need
• Fewer conflicts and improved relations among for capacity building;
major stakeholders; • Governance. Governance of local institutions Is a
• Increased social acceptability; major challenge in most CFAs;
• Empowerment of marginalised groups through • Conflicts. This includes eviction of people from
recognition of rights and responsibilities; forests. Examples include Mau forest in the Rift
• Stronger alliances against external conservation Valley Province of Kenya where people have
threats; refused to move out despite the forest being the
• Mechanisms of working together that can be largest water tower in the country and Maduguni
used to address other issues; forest In Coast Province where people residing in
• A win-win situation vis-a-vis poverty alleviation the forest have refused to move out;
and natural resource conservation. • Benefits. There are high expectations among
communities over PFM that may in the long run
be counterproductive to PFM. The user rights
provided for In the Act may not be adequate to
motivate local communities to be engaged In PFM;
• Sustainability. How do we ensure that PFM
initiatives are sustainable In the long-term7Some
ofthem are there as long as the donor Is In place.
In some, more funds are being put In compared
to the returns.

Figure 7. Youth involved in forest patrols in Arabuko·
Sokoke forest • There is need for sharing of PFM experiences
to perfect the process over time. We should
replicate success stories and learn from failed
• There Is need to develop a PFM benefit sharing
mechanism (costs and benefits)
• There is need for PFM monitoring. How do we
monitor PFM initiatives and its contribution?
(Success stories may actually be failures.)
• Local .level governance structures need to be
-strengthened. How can this be addressed?
• For PFM to succeed, capacity building is essential
Figure 8. Commercial plantation in Kokamega forest at all levels.
Importance of Taxonomy in Insect
Systems -· ~

Fabian Haas
lnternationill Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (leipe)
P. 0 . Boll 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Biosystematics Support Unit Names Hierarchy aRd Rank

Having the right name is essential,
• Policy work In the . Convention on Biological
Diversity Taxonomy: Origin of Names
• Insect collection with ca. 75,000 specimens
• Morphology laboratory, digital photography and Nadzikambia for chameleon genus (derived from the
image processing, GPS capabilities. species name in Chlchewa, a language in Malawi).
Pundamilia nyererei or Pundomilio pundomi/io for
Contributions in Current Projects cichlid fish species derived from the Klswahill word
Uchambuzi wa Viumbe kwa Maendeleo (UVIMA)- for zebra.
Taxonomy for Development in East Africa, 'Mobilising Maize (leo mays) based on the American Indian word
vital taxonomic information to support human well- for maize (from Spanish maiz, afterTaino mahiz.)
being and ecosystem health In Eastern Africa' project
ABS processes and reporting in IOBC, CBD and FAO. It is a scientific not a Latin name, but grammar and
alphabet applied Is Latin.
Teaching Activities
Entomology Course for ARPPIS students and staff (10
days, annual)
Digital Photography Course (open to all).
Basic Taxonomy Why have a collection?
According to Schuh R.T. {2000) Biological systematics: • Voucher specimens/research documentation
Principles and Applications. Cornell University Press, • Specimen and taxa for comparison
Ithaca, 236 pp. (Glossary): • Material exchange
• Assembling specimens for.a revision of a taxon
Taxonomy isthe practice of recognising and classifying • Documentation of biodiversity
organisms; frequently used in a sense equivalent to • Re-analyses with new techniques
systematics. o (DNA and biodiversity informatics)
Systematics is the practice of recQgnislng taxa, • Feeding into larger systems such as GBIF (Global
determining hierarchic relationships among those Biodiversity Information Facility).
taxa, and formally specifying those relationships;
frequently used in a sense roughly equivalent to The Bees
taxonomy. Each species is different arid needs different flowers;
According to CBD·GTI PoW, broadly understood, each species builds different nests, has different
taxonomy is the classification of life, though it is most diseases and occurs at different places.
often focused on describing species, their genetic Honeybees belong to the order Hymenoptera and
variability, and their relationships to one another. For Apidae family:
the purposes of the Convention, taxonomy is taken in • Weste~n (European) honeybee, Apis mellifero
Its broadest sense and is inclusive of systematics and Linnaeus
biosystematics at the genetic, species and ecosystem • Eastern (Asiatic) honeybee, Apis cerana
levels. • Giant honeybee, Apis dorsata
• Dwarf honeybee, Apisflorea
• cape honeybee, Apls mellifera capensis Small Hive Beetle
• African honeybee, Apis m. scutel/ata
Aethina tumida {Murray) {Coleoptera: Nitidulidae:
Stingless bees (stingless honeybees) belong to Nitidulinae) adults and larvae live in hives and feed
the order Hymenoptera, family Apidae and tribe on comb and honey. In addition, they might spoil the
Meliponin.i. produce.
Further reading on stingless bees: Large Hive Beetle
Byarugaba D. (2004) Stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Oplostomus fullglneus (Olivier) (Coleoptera;
Apidae) of Bwlndl impenetrable forest! Uganda and Scarabaeidae) adults feed in hives, and larvae in cow
Abayanda indigenous knowledge. International dung.
Journal of Tropical Insect Science 24, 117-121,
More Information
Heard T. A. (1999) The role of stingless bees in crop
pollination. Annual Review of Entomology 44, 183- • GEF/UNEP/FAO Global Pollination Project on
206. "Conservation and Management of Pollinators
for Sustainable Agriculture, through an
The Bee Pests Ecosystem Approach".
• UVIMA Project focusing on invasive alien species
Varroa Mite (lAS), pests and pollinators
Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman • Bee·BOL
(Parasitiformes: Varroldae) adults and larvae • Bees for Development.
feed in hives and may kill the c'oloniesi by sucking
haemolymph they transmit viruses.
The African lnsectTaxonomyToolklt: http://taxonomy.
Greater Wax Moth icipe.org
The greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (Unnaeus) Pest and Disease Image Ubrary PaDIL: http://www.
(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Gallerllnae) larvae feed in padil.gov.au
UVIMA: http://eafrinetmuseums.or.ke/uvlma,html


Apiforestry for
Improved Uvelihoods
-- --
Abednego Kiwia, Jephlne Mogoi and Rose Onyango
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), United Nations Avenue, Gigirl
P.O. Box 30677-00100, Naimbi, Kenya

Introduction Health: Propolis and royal jelly are highly nutritious

and medicinal. Use of honey enhances body immunity
Apiculture is bee domestication as an agricultural against ailments such as colds and coughs caused by
undertaklng. Apiforestry is agroforestry practice bad weather, climate change, etc.
(deliberate tree/shrub growing) plus apiculture. In
apiculture, the apiary is fenced by dead material but
W~ather: Apiforestry helps to lower temperature,
in apiforestry, living fences are used. wh1ch limits pathogenesis (reduces the impacts of
global warming).
Agroforestry Technologies and
Tree Species for Apiforestry Food and nutritional security: In apiforestry hives
are put at 2 x 5 m to allow high value trees in the rows
The tree-planting niche can be within or near the
between hives, e.g. pawpaws and grafted mangoes.
apiary area.
Apiforestry tree species include:
Enhanced pollination of crops: Bumblebees and
1. Sesbania sesban;
stingless bees are Important for pollination In
2. Leucaena trichandria;
3. Faidherbla alblda.

Why Promote Apiforestry? Benefits of Apiforestry

The following are the benefits resulting from trees in
• Quality honey: Speciesdiversltyunderapiforestry
apiforestry systems:
is higher than apiculture with higher honey
quality of organic nature.· • Water/hydrological cycle:
- Act as water catchment areas,
• Reduced insect-human and Insect-livestock
- Break the force of falling rain hence reduce
conflict: A living fence provides a barrier. Bees fly
like airplanes when carrying nectar.
- Regulate adverse climate events, e.g.
• Reduced aggression of bees: Apiforestry
environment allows many bees from different
colonies, hence aggression to humans while • Energy:
- Water stored in the catchment areas flows to
managing them Is minimal.
da.ms and is used to produce electricity,
• Sustainability: Apiforestry bees are friendly. This
- Woodlots produce fuelwood.
averts disasters that could kill the industry.
• Soli conservation and fertility amelioration:
• Desirable effects: Apiforestry has a cooling
- They reduce soil erosion (caused by wind
effect, especially in drylands. Drylands are ideal
and rain),
for beekeeping because of less pollution from
- Leaves and the micro·organisms under trees
agricultural activities.
enrich the soils around them.
• Air quality and environmental seJVIces:
Apiforestry and Livelihoods - Apiforestry trees help to moderate the
How Apiforestry Improves climate,
- Apiforestry trees absorb COz, and regulate
the gases in the atmosphere.
Honey and Its products: Apiculture provides income • limber:
from sale of honey, wax, propolls and royal jelly. - Apif~restry trees provide timber for
construction, furniture, fences, telephone Shortcomings of Apiforestry
and electricity poles, paper, tools and works
Limitations of apiforestry include:
of art.
• Poor knowledge of management systems;
• Non-wood products:
• High focus on pesticide/insecticide use in
Apiforestry trees provide medicines, fibres
commercial/horticultural farming;
for making ropes, gums and resins, and seeds
• Value chain approach to aplforestry
for ornaments, etc.
management is lacking, there is more focus
• Biodiversity conservation:
on honey production;
- Trees shelter different kinds of animals,
• Poor marketing strategies, there is a need for
plants and micro-organisms.
value addition and packaging.
- People need biodiversity-the genes they
contain and the ecosystems in which they
live-to survive. Conclusion
• Drought refuge: Aplforestry improves livelihoods by providing tangible
- Tree foliage may be used for emergency products that can be eaten or sold to. earn income
fodder in times of drought. thereby reducing poverty. Apiforestry also provides
- By storing and releasing water, apiforestry a wide range of services that cushion human beings
ecosystems reduce the effects of drought. . against adverse weather conditions.
• Agrotourism:
- Aplforestry sites attract pe~ple to see and
learn many things.

Sustainable Wild Harvest of
Commercialised Plants
Susie Wren
Desert Edge, P.O. !lo)( 708-10400, Nanyukl, Kenya

Growing Threats to
Commercialised Indigenous
The following are the growing threats to
commercialised indigenous plants: _
• Population and livestock (numbers v units)
increase puts higher demands on all natural
resources, especially in the more fragile
environments, and the situation is worsening.
• There is loss of indigenous knowledge of the
importance and utilisation of indigenous natural
• A dramatic loss of natural resources is seen Figure l . Children ~isploying native tree saplings grown
in areas where there is increasing human from locally sourced seeds

Existing Challenges to
so·u rce of Saplings
Developing Ethical Enterprise
An estimated 50,000 - 70,000 plant species are used in Indigenous Plant Products
in traditional and modern medicine throughout for Rural Communities
the world, as a wide variety of products. The great
majority of these species are obtained through • Lack of capital or credit within the rural
collection from the wild habitat (Fig. 1). Plants communities;
harvested from natural populations continue to be • Facilities are basic or non-existent;
the most important source of medicine to cover the • Insecurity;
primary health care needs of more than two-thirds of • No direct market linkage.s (apart from local
the world's population. sales);
• Low incomes from sale of rangeland products;
Despite alternative sourcing strategies such as • Donor and relief dependency in some areas;
cultivation, the global industry is still dependent • Repetitive severe drought;
on wild collected plants as raw materials for food, • Little experience of non-traditional enterprises.
medicine and cosmetics. Ov_ er 90% of commercially • . Lower grades of gums and resins for essential
used plant species are sourced from wild collection,
this is over 70% of material trade. Only several
hundred plant species are commercially cultivated
today (Schippmann et al., 2002).
Opportunities for Rural
Communities for Indigenous
Plant Extracts/Products
• There is a commercial reward for the harnessing
and utilisation of the traditional knowledge;
• Improvement in social conditions;
• Realistic, sustainable and viable options to

natural resource utilisation;
• Big market demand for natural products/
ingredients nationally, regionally and globally;
• Certification systems have been developed
and refined for commercial natural resource
• Natural plant enterprise Is capable of bringing
environmental and social benefits (income
generation into these often-remote rural areas,
and to the disadvantaged, i.e. HIV affected and
single parent headed households.

• Openness to participate in income generating
Figure 2. Noturol gums ond resins horvesled from wild
• Widespread Interest In and willingness to drive
forward new livelihood enterprise;
• Strong community bond and linkages;
• Existing organisational and governance capacity
• Rich biodiversity providing Income opportunities
(I.e. Acacia genus or Proteaceae plant family
prevalent in high country which produce top
quality honey);
• Strong culture and traditions (i.e. utilise existing
trading system and traditional knowledge, such
as ethnobotanical);
• Existing areas set aside for cultivation with
potential for domestication and cultivation of
high value natural plants.'

Natural Resource Enterprise

Figure 3. A women in on Ocimum kilimandschoricum
Wild Harvest af Nan-timber field
Forest Products (NTFP}
Need for rapid evaluation of the indigenous plant Wild Harvest af Indigenous
materials to assess the commercial value, economies Essential Oils Plant Species
of scale and prospects for certified organic In Kenya, indigenous Ocimum, Lippia and Tagetes
sustainable wild harvest, I.e. develop sustainable species are wild harvest options for essential oil
wild harvest protocols. For example bee products, production. Distillation of these species is useful in
wjld silk and mushrooms (such as those In the genera keeping the equipment In commercial operation
Chantharellus and Amanita}, etnnobotanicals, gums between the main harvest periods of other
and resins, cold-pressed tree seed oils, essential oils commercial essential oil crops.
from aromatic indigenous plant materials (wild plants
and shrubs, e.g. Oclmum, Uppia, Tagetes, lelechwa The potential indigenous essential oils plant species
[Tarchonanthus camphoratus L.], gums and resins) Include:
(Figures 2-3). • Ocimum americonum, 0. kllmandscharlcum, 0.
• Lantana camara
• Tagetes minuta
• Beclum obovatum of all Indigenous plant product development. It
• Lippia kituiensis, L. javanlca is a concern to consumers in the North as well as
• Cyperus esculentus environmentalists the world over.
• Boswell/a spp.
• Acacia kirkii The 'Feel Good Factor' That
• Ziziphus mauritiana Comes with Organic Certified
• Tarchonanthus camphorates.
Domestication and Cultivation of Market interest in organic certification and fair
Natural Products trade certification Is rewarded by price premiums.
Certification options for community/smallholders can
The small-scale cultivation of high value natural achieve premium markets and higher price returns.
products opportunity is within the various climatic This is through products that meet the sustainability
zones, for awide range of products to be commercially standards-for organic production, e.g. EU/NOP,
produced for national, regional and international fair trade, e.g. the current international FairWild
markets. standard, developed through a combination of an
Low risk and good returns options Include Indigenous original FairWild Standard dealing with social aspects
Aloe spp., Hoodia spp., African potato (Hypoxls and the International Standard for Sustainable Wild
hemerocallldea), wild yam, Prunus africana, Collection (ISSC-MAP) dealing with ecological aspects,
Warburgia salutaris, and so on. and FSC and Rain-forest Alliance standards.

Locating Species Richness/ Focus on Sustainable Wild

Population Density for Harvest Standards
Ensuring Sustainable Wild The future of commercially utilised lnc!igenous plant
Harvest and Achieving species shall be secured through the Introduction
Economies of Scale and adoption of community-driven management
systems, sustainable harvest practices, driven by
Sodycare Industry tangible Incentives received by collectors as a result
of certification/labelling and entry Into international
Yangu oil is cold-pressed from the seeds of the
ethical markets for these materials.
Cape chestnut tree and is used in African skin care.
It Is popularly used In natural cosmetics and has
properties such as UV protection. International Standard for Sustainable Wild
Utilising Invasive Species Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Opuntfa (cactus) Is used in making jam, syrup,
beverages, and as biofuel crop, among other uses. The International Standard for Sustainable Wild
Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Market Pressure (ISSC-MAP) was developed by the Medicinal Plant
Specialist Group (MPSG) of the Species Survival
The Increasing international demand for indigenous
Commission (SSC) and IUCN - The International
plant products in the sectors of food, cosmetics,
Conservation Union, on beQalf of a Steering Group
wellness and medicinal ingredients poses major
consisting of the MPSG, Bundesamt fUr Naturschutz
ecological and. social challenges. The high pressure
(BfN), WWF Germany, and TRAFFIC. An International
on potentially vulnerable plants can endanger local
Advisory Group of more than 150 experts from
ecosystems and the livelihoods of collectors who
diverse backgrounds provided gui~ance in drafting
oftef') belong to the poorest social groups in the
the ISSC-MAP. ·
countries of origin.
The ISSC-MAPis designed to enable and involvethose
Driving Environmental participating in the harvest, management, trade,
Sustainability manufacture, and sale of wild-collected medicinal and
aromatic plant (MAP) resources to understand and
Environmental sustainability is a critical feature comply with the conditions under which sustainable
collection of these resources can take place. • Action Plan (Implementation: Responsibility,
activities, results and dellverables)
International FairWi/d Standard • Risk assessment and intervention concept to
vulnerability and strengthen resilience of the
The ISSC-MAP has evolved Into an international communities of resource users.
standard and regulatory body, FairWild. FairWild
Foundation provides a certification system and Methodology Part 2:
standard for socially and ecologically positive
• Designing Individual guidance manuals for each
collection and production of indigenous plants.
FairWild Foundation Standards are based on existing
• Applied resource assessment for each collected
knowledge and appropr)ate resource management,
focusing on:
• Area analyses by GIS and mapping and zoning
• Promoting sustainable resource management
and conservation of wild plants;
• Establishing a system for certification of • Production cost.
sustainable wild collection and fair trade Outcome: A system to feasibly Implement a
practices; management for sustainable and economically viable
• Providing advice on the application of standards wild collection.
for sustainable and fair trade in conservation
and trade policy and regulations; Methodology Part 3:
• Encou~ging sustainable and fair business • Certification-Implementation on each level of
practice and influencing consumer choice. value adding chain (collector. purchase centre,
The Institute for Marketecology (IMO), a Swiss processor, exporter)
company, manages the certification services. • Collection of data with the help of GPS system in
all the projects selected and analysis of results
Developing Sustainable Wild • Monitoring of implementation of standards,
processes and traceability
Harvest Certification under these • Additional training where needed and
Standards consulting to overcome problems by reviewing
• Situation analysis targets collection areas the conversion process in the collection areas.
(outer and inner borders, exempted areas,
existing management plans, overlap Standard Procedures 1:
with protected areas, activities of other Mapping and zoning: The map should identify the:
collection companies, etc.). • Main ecosystems and predominant botanical
• Situation analysis targets plants (protection species. The species that Is to be the subject of
status, taxonomic determination, collection wild harvesting is then marked clearly in the re·
methods, quality requirements, etc.). gions where it is most abundant.
• Situation analysis targets local • The areas where wild harvesting would damage
communities (traditional access and the health of the species/habitat/natural diver-
user rights, degree of involvement and interest, sity should be marked In red as non-Intervention
analysis of cost of living). zones (blocked from collection).
• Assessment. • Define harvesting capacity and exact harvesting
• Interaction with stakeholders and beneficiaries. thresholds of the selected species within the
identified zones. From this position the rotation
Methodology Part 1: of harvesting across and within the zones over
• Definition of collection area (rough mapping) the entire mapped areas can be developed. This
• Risk assessment of area, company and of social is the foundation for the sustainable wild har-
structure vesting protocols.
• Identification and assessment of target plants
(1-3 per company)
• Map and zone collection areas
• Agree with stakeholders

Stsndard Procedures 2:
lmle 1. HciMitlng ~
Specias fnlquerv;y HarvastirG Ccmnent
of tedlnique
harwsfing ~~

Helichrysum Harvesting Cut no Ensure

citrispinum interval of 4 lower than that the
years (of the B-lOem harvesting
same plants) from the areas are
ground well-defined
to ensure no
the park
Helichrysum Harvesting Cut no As above
splendidum interval of 4 lower than
years (of the B-lOem
same plants) from the
Thymus Harvesting Cut no Common
schlmperi interval of 2 lower than abundance
years (of the 5 em from across
some plants) the ground plateau
the plant

Standard Procedures 3:
Tobie 2. Monitoring and tWOiuotlon information for
11'1801Uring impact
Quodmt Yield Doto COllection Sheet
species (e.g.
Quadrat No.
Harvested/ non
No. of plants
per quadrat
No. of target
species plants
per quadrat
Clipping yield
No. of clippings
this year
Annual yield
(above ground
plant) g DM
Standard Procedures 4:
Once demonstrated that wild harvest can be done sustalnably, collectors should use recording sheets whenever
wild plants are harvested.

Botanical name: Common nome:

location: GPS:
Altitude: Date: Time:
Weather: Parts harvested:
Daily yield (kg): DM yield (kg):
Distance from fields, seHiements: Handling methods:
Cleaning method:
Nome of colledor:

Ha!VestlngAreo .Jon Feb Mar ~ ~ JIRI Jul ~ ;;ap O!:;t NoY

1 X X X
2 X X X X
3 X X
Training sessions
(Harvester group
leaders, X X X
field officers,
2 X X X X
3 X X
4 X X X X X
5 X X X X X
Internal Inspection X
External Inspection X X
Al HarvesHng and
A2 Harvesting and

K3 Harvesting and

for X X X
External cemficalion
External inspection X

Sample Documentation /CS Required for Producer Group
Internal regulation includes: Certification
• Organic production standards equivalent to Small-scale Producer Group Certification:
those In country of product destination; • ICS (Internal Control System)
• Rules of participation for new members, • Organic and other certification
including procedure for conversion to organic; • Supply chain structure.
• Procedure for excluding individual operators in
case of violation of standards.
All producers must be Informed of the Internal

Structure of Producer
• Organisation chart
• Constitution
• Other activities of the organisation
• Producer lists (includes producer's code, full
name of harvester, location, entrance date,
total surface area of organic harvesting, amount Figure 4. Producer group
delivered In past year, harvest estimation for next
year, name of internal inspector, date of Internal Group of Nucleus Farms
Inspection, result of internal inspection).
• Several nucleus farm groups with a common ICS
• Names, qualifications and responsibilities of ICS
• Ust of members being sanctioned In the HIVOS Project Internal Control Systems for
• Completely filled in internal Inspection report Various Quality Standards:
forms • Each nucleus group acts as ONE FARM UNIT
• Updated maps with regard to standard compliance.
• Product flow: Traceability from land to final • Farmers are not free to decide individually on
product. standard relevant activities, they agree on 'one'
The following documents must be available for each
• One person Is responsible for the nucleus
• Formal commitment of harvester members to
fulfllllnternal standard (written contract)
• Member Entrance Form- harvesting data Reference
sheet Schlppmann U., Cunningham A. B. and Leaman D. J.
• Harvesting records-harvested quantities, {2002) case Study 7: Impact of Cultivation and
postharvest procedures Gathering of Medicinal Plants on Biodiversity:
• Map Global Trends and Issues, pp. 14Q-167. In
• Annual inspection checklist. Biodive~ity and the Ecosystem Approach In
Agriculture, Forestry and Ffsherles. Satellite event
Non-physical Value Addition on the occasion of the Ninth Regular Session of.
the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food·
Organic standards offer:
and Agriculture. Rome, 12-13 October 2002.
• A template for quality
Inter-Departmental Working Group on Biological
• Independently verified traceability system
Diversity for Food and Agriculture. FAO, Rome.
• Independently verified production and
http://www. fao.org/docrep/OOS/y4586e/
management system
• Attracts premium prices in export markets
• Attracts higher demand In a competitive
1! Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Measures Through Increasing Forest
Connectivity and Improving Biodiversity

Suresh K. Raina 1 , Sospeter Makau 1 , Ganesh Pokhariyal 2

1nternationa! Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecoiogy {icipe), P.O. Box30772..00100 Nairobi, Kenya
esehool of Mathematics, CBPS College, University of Nairobi, P. 0 . Box 30197-QOlOO Ni!lrobl, Ke~ya

Introduction icipe,s Strategy

The aim of the project entitled: 'Climate change The Centre shall:
adaptation and mitigation measures through • Develop a low cost climate change mitigation
Increasing forest connectivity and improving model through the development of connectivity
biodiversity' Is to strive to succeed in climate corridors within forests; and
change adaptation and seek mitigation measures • Provide means for energy saving devices {such as
through increasing forest connectivity and Improving small intensive wood burning stoves, known locally
biodiversity values in Kenya. as jikos) that offer synergies and incentives through
The project objective is to achieve emission local adaptation. As well, we shall introduce
reductions through the creation of forest corridors community·drlven development of biodigesters for
and providing the best mlx of wild harvest and fuel and bloenterprlses for income.
commercial insect based lncent!v~ to capture the
large mitigation potential and conserve biodiversity Overarching Issues
in the forests.
• Increasing population and rising poverty levels
A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse
continue to exert pressure on the country's forest
gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event
or product". For simplicity of reporting, It Is often • Approximately 17% of global greenhouse gas
expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide, (GHG) emissions result from deforestation and
or its equivalent of other GHG~, emitted. forest degradation (JUCN, 2009);
The GHG emissions associated with land use • Greenhouse gas emissions from land use
change include carbon dioxide (C02), nitrous oxide changes in Kenya for 1990 were 57,181Gg. (One
(N20), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4 ) and gigagram is equal to one million kilogrammes.)
oxides of nitrogen (NO.). This demonstrates the importance of Kenya's
The mitigation of carbon footprints through forests as sinks for C02•
the development of alternative projects, such as
energy/solar or reforestation, represents one way
Crosscutting Issues
of reducing a carbon footprint and Is often known as
carbon offsetting (IUCN 2009; UNFCCC, 2008). Reducing emissions · from deforestation and
Project_components include: degradation In the forestry sector Is considered in
1. Mapping the forests for establishing corridors the Bali Action Plan (BAP) (UNFCCC, 2008) for all
to strengthen carbon sinks and sustainable developing countries.
2. Reducing pressure on forest resources and Addressing the Issues
generate forest ecosystem services;
3. Enhanced institutional capacity to account for Innovative Approaches to Stack
GHG emission reduction and increase in carbon Carbon and Conserve Forests in
stocki Kenya
4. Permanence, barriers and policy issues for
sustainable forest management;
5. Monitoring and evaluation; First, the project wUI encourage farmers to reduce the
6. The impact analysis drawn upon three data so_urces of greenhouse gases (GHG) that result from
sources: baseline, follow-up survey and data deforestation by substituting renewable sources of
gathered by the community: energy for fossil fuel such as the use of energy saving

jikos (small intensive wood bumlng stoves) and use of = 3.625 kg divided by density.
biodigesters as a cooking fuel. Step 3- COz sequestration in the tree
Second, the project will enhance the planting To determine the weight of C02 sequestered In the
of carbon sinks through afforestation and forest tree multiply the weight of carbon In the tree by
connectivity corridors. This Includes planting of 3.6663 (ratio of carbon dioxide to C)
bamboo and Napier grass. = 3.625 (3.6663)
Third, the project will create feasible Incentives =13.290 =13 cm3
to rural communities to conserve the critically Therefore: 1 hectare having 1100 trees of acacia
valuable remaining forests and create new carbon plantation will sequester 14,300 cm3 of C02 per
sinks through the development of bio-enterprises year.
in commercial insects, such as honeybees, silkmoths
and butterflies, and of indigenous plant products.
(Raina et al., 2009). ~ f~
E 8
. ~ J, 8 8
Project Benefits ~ ~- {~~ § § o- R~
0 0


~~~ _gl ,.._

0 L(')
Global Level Benefits: '& o- 0 ('i_
~ "~
~ ~ _§ Lr) (Y) N
• The project will increase the forest cover, by

restoring forest bufferzonesthrough reforestation ~~

of connectivity corridors;
• The project shall help Increase the carbOn sinks
t~ d- ] j
(approximately 55 kmz (55,000 hectares) in two ~1_:
8 jj
connectivity corridors by planting 4 million trees
o- ,.._ ,.._
at the rate of 700 trees per hectare);
• Community forest associations will benefit
. tl'l

.: .g -
d ".n-v
~ ......

~~ ·-
through additional incentives of commercial a~
insects and wild harvest enterprises; 8.

• The project linking forest fragments through

connectivity corridors will benefit biodiversity of ...£ .Ei
O.::j i-~

rare bird and reptile species. u,g j] 0

8N a5 8...,. §
Below is an example of the carbon sequestration
rate of a three-year-old acacia tree calculated using
f .. ~
co' N ' ~'
r--.' N N
N ::;j:

the average age, girth size and height of 20 sampled

trees for each parameter of years after plantation. 0

(Data provided by Kenya Forestry Service.) -~ ~ ~

M .-- U')
o- (Y) ,.....: 0.:
,.._ (::i
Step 1-Tree measurement
• 10 inches (25 em) girth at 1 foot above ground
(3 .Bj"'
'<i co
...,. -

level and 3 meters (300 em) height.

C! .Q -o
:2 ~ C'i
Step 2-carbon weight of the tree
Total weight of the tree = ax volume (acacia wood .gl~{ ci ..,.

density Is 0.65)
(3 ~ 8.
= Tt r2 h (height 300 em)
= 3.14 (3.98) 2300 ·o

=3.14 (4752.12) 80 d (Y) -a co 0


0 :r.§..
.: 14,921.656 cmJ x density 0.65 to get =
9699.0764 gm divide by 1000
=9.699 kg
=10 kg (total weight of the tree)
"Uj 1 Lr) ,....,

f '€u C'i 0 N

i!i .§. L(") N -o o- .--

To determine the dry weight of the tree multiply the
weight of the tree by 72.5%
~ -~
-0.725 (10):;;;; 7.25 kg
. t!
.-- (Y) Lr) c:o -
Average carbon weight In the tree =0.5 dry weight 0
=0.5 (7.25) -~-
Step 4-C02 sequestration per year • The consequence of this is the marked decrease
Divide the weight of the C02 sequestered In the tree in food production and Increase In rural poverty.
by the age of the tree
=Volume divided by age of the tree in years
= 13/3= 4.3 cm3
= 4'.3 kg
C02 sequestration by 1 million trees =4.3 kg X 1 m =
4,300,000 cm3•

·~ Figure 3. Tree plantation by Mvkimo Community Forest

Group (The seedlings were obtained from their nurseries)
To Shlnyl!lu

iUCN (2009) UNFCCC Climate Change Talks: Reducing
emissions from deforestation and forest
degradation (REDO) in developing countries.
International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN). www.lucn.org/unfccc
UNFCCC (2008) Ideas and proposals on the elements
contained In paragraph 1 of the Bali Action
Plan. Submissions from Parties. UNFCCC, FCCC/
Raina S.K., Kioko E.N., Gordon I. and Nyandlga
C., Eds (2009) Commercia/ Insects and Forest
Conservation: Improving Forest Conservation
and Community Uvelihoods through Income
Key Facts about Kenya Generation from Commercial Insects in Three
• Kenya's loss of forest cover and associated Kenyon Forests. icipe Science Press, Nairobi. 87
biodiversity has led to serious environmental pp. ISBN 92 9064 208 4.
• Closed canopy forests, today, cover less than
1.8% and woodlands less than 15% of the total
land area, and every year these forests further
decrease in size and regeneration capacity
Insects: Climate Change. Ecosystam
Services and Agricultural Biodiversity*

lan Gordon
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology {lcipe)
P.O. Box 30772·00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Outline of Presentation Key References fof' Insect

1. Importance of Insects for functional Responses to Climate Change
agrobiodiversity and ecosystem services Men~ndez R. (2007) How are insects responding to
2. Current knowledge on insect responses to global warming? Tifdschrlft voor Entomologle 150,
climate change 355-365.
3. Knowledge gaps and research opportunities. Kiritanl K. (2006) Predicting impacts ofglobal warming on
population dynamics and distribution of arthropods
Insect Ecosystem Services . In Japan. Population Ecology 48, 5-12.
Insects contribute to 7 of the 17 ecosystem services
recognised by Turner eta/. (2007). These are; Phenology
1. Food production Early adult emergence:
2. Soil formation • Aphids in UK-Zhou eta/. 1995; Harrington eta/.
3. Nutrient cycling 2007
4. Pollination • Butterflies in UK, Spain, and california-Roy and
5. Biological control Sparks 2000; Stefanescu eta/. 2003; Forister and
6. Waste treatment Shapiro 2003
7. Raw materials. • MicroIepidoptera In the Netherlands- Ellis et al.
Insects contribute to 11 ofthe 21 agricultural benefits • Odonata in the UK- Hassall et al. 2007
from biodiversity recognised by GE04 (UNEP, 2007): • Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and
1. Food and nutrients Hymenoptera- Garda and Sanz 2005
2. Animal feed • Two tortricid moths, one thrip, one diaspid scale
3. Medicines Insect, several aphids and one mites species In
4. Fibres and cloth Japan-Kiritani 2006.
5. Materials for industry
6. Pollination Increased number of generations:
7. Pest regulation
• Predicted and or recorded for 41 species of
8. Soil formation
rice pests, 30 species of pest parasitoids and
9. Nutrient cycling predators, and 10 species of spiders.
10. Agricultural lifestyles Earlier larval emergence:
11. Genetic material reservoirs. • Winter moth eggs hatching earlier in the
Netherlands-Visser and Holleman 2001
Insect Responses to Climate • Eastern spruce budworm eggs hatching earlier
Change in North America (inferred from model) -Visser
and Both 2005,
Fifty percent (SO%) of over 1700 species (including
Insects, vertebrates and plants) are already affected Earlier migration:
by climate change (Parmesan and Yohe, 2003). • Migratory aphids arriving earlier in the UK- Zhou
Other authors have also reported that insects have eta/. 1995; Harrington eta/. 2007 .
responded to global warming in all the predicted • Red Admiral arriving earlier in Britain- Sparks et
ways. a/. 2005.
•This is o presenlolion for which no paper was cvoiloble. 49
Phenology: Generalities • African Queen butterfly in Spain-Haeger 1999·
Garcia·Barros.et a/. 2004 '
• All recorded changes consistent with global
• Violet Dropwing dragonfly into southern
warming trends Europe- Bonet-Betoret 2004.
• Significant increase in the strength of advancement
of spring events in the northern hemisphere with
increasing latitude- Parmesan 2007. Distributional Changes:
BUT latitude explained only 4% of overall variation Generalities
of phenological changes- Parmesan 2007. • All recorded changes consistent with temperature
• Parasitoids and predators may benefit more changes: North and uphill expansion, south and
from warming as result of increased number of downhill contraction
generations. • Range expansions more frequently recorded than
range contractions (artefact: absence harder to
Distribution: Latitudinal Shifts establish than presence?)-Menendez 2007
North expansions and south contractions in northern • Altitudinal changes respond to tolerance of
hemisphere; · minimum and maximum temperatures, but the
• Lepidoptera in Europe-Mikkola 1997; Parmesan former rising at twice the rate of the latter- Crozier
eta/. 1999; Hill et al. 2002; Franco eta/. 2006 2004; Wilson eta/. 2005; Franco eta/. 2006.
• Chetkerspot butterfly in North America-
Parmesan 1996 Microeva/utianary Responses
• Sachem skipper butterfly In North America- • Chromosomal-Inversion polymorphlsms In
Crozier 2003 Drosophila: Warm-adapted genotypes favoured
• Garden tiger moth in UK-Conrad et at. 2002 in Europe, Australia, North and South America-
• Odonata, Coleoptera, Neuroptera and Orthoptera refs in Menendez 2007
in UK-Hickllng eta/. 2006 • Pitcher-plant mosquito initiated diapause nine
• >SO species of butterflies In Japan- Kirit.ani 2006 days later In us In 1996 than In 1972- Bradshaw
• 10 species of previously migratory butterflies and Holzapfel2001
now permanently established on Nansel Island • Host plant preferences in two butterfly species
In Japan- Kiritani 2006 In US and Britain- Singer and Thomas 1996;
• Green stink bug (rice pest) in Japan- Yukawa et Thomas eta/. 1996; Thomas et al. 2001
a/. 2007 • Colonislng genotypes favoured- Hill et a/, 1999a, b;
• Three heteropteran species In Japan- Kirltani Hughes eta/. 2003; Simmons and Thomas 2004.
Microevolutionary Responses:
Distribution: Altitudinal Shifts
Uphill expansions and downhill contractions:
• Lepidoptera In Europe- Konvicka et a/. 2003; • Short generation times, large populations and
Wilson et at. 2005 · high reproductive ratesfavourmlcro.evolutlonary
• Pine Processionary Moth in Italy and Spaln- responses in insects
H6dar and Zamora 2004; Battisti eta/. 2005 • Colonising genotypes favoured by range
• Checkerspot butterfly in North America- expansion- Hill eta/. 1999a; Hughes eta/. 2003;
Parmesan 1996 Simmons and Thomas 2004
• Mountain Ringlet butterfly in UK- Franco eta/. • Low genetic variation in tolerance of minimum
temperatures may constrain mlcroevolutionary
• l'ylountain Apollo butterfly in the Alps- Descimon responses-Crozier 2004
eta/. 2005 • No evidence yet for evolutionary responses
• Odonata, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Heteroptera at the species level (extinction, spec:iation)-
and Orthoptera in UK-Hickllng eta/. 2006. Menendez 2007

Expansion of Tropical Species Species Interactions

into Temperate Areas • Uphill expansion of Pine Processionary moth led
to utilisation of new tree host plant- Hodar and
• Dragonflies from Cuba and the Bahamas to
Zamora 2004
Florida-Paulson 2001
• Maladaptive early hatching of winter moth eggs and species extinctions will reshuffle
before oak leaf bud burst in the Netherlands- communities
V1sser and Holleman 2001 • Generalist butterflies in Britain better able to
• Red Admiral butterfly in Britain arriving before-.. expand range than specialists-Menendez 2007
host plant flowers- Sparks eta/. 2005 • Butterfly communities in Spain show altitudinal
• Phenological mismatches in timing of bird shifts (+293 m) consistent with movements of
migration and peaks in insect prey species- annual Isotherms (+225 m)-WIIson et al. 2007.
Visser and Both 2005
• Two lepidopteran stemborer species recently Knowledge Gaps and Research
expanded from wild grasses to maize in Kenya (forced
by habitat changes?)-Le Ru pers. commmun. Opportunities
1. Geographical: IPCC summary of significant
Species Interaction$: Generalities changes In biological systems that may be
attributable to climate change from 1970 to
• Trophic decoupling of food web phenology can
2004: 28,115 changes recorded in Europe, but
outstrip evolutionary responses (prey-predator,
only 2 for Africa.
plant- Insect) 2. Agrobiodiversity: Despite clear evidence for
• Potential disruption of mutualisms (pollination) climate change affecting wild insects, very few
• Potential biodiversity losses due to mismatches records exist regarding FAB.
in response times to climate change between
3. Taxonomic: Lepidoptera especially butterflies,
interacting species
hugely over-represented i~ insect climate change
• New trophic encounters and relationships can
arise from expansions In distribution 4. Pollination: Despitemajoreconomicimpactsfrom
• Modeling of tritrophic interactions (plant- pollinator losses (CCD In US), very little research
herbivorous insect- parasitoid) suggests potential
on effects of climate change on pqllinators.
for pest outbreaks- Hance eta/., 2007. 5. Monitoring actual changes: Some FAB modeling
but very few (none?) long-term FAB monitoring
Species Extinctions programmes In place.
None yet recorded, but: 6. FABmonltoringagalnstexlstlngmodel predictions
• Local population extinctions reported for four for spread of invasives, e.g. stemborers.
species of butterflies in Britain at lower altitudes 7. Understanding multitrophic interactions in
and latitudes- Franco eta/. 2006 climate change context- plant/herbivore, pest/
Habitable areas for 16 mountain species in Spain parasitoid, and predator/prey.
red!Jced by one-third- Wilson eta/. 2005 ·8. FAB monitoring to detect dlstrlb'utional shifts in
• Modeling suggests that parasltoid extinctions ecotones-montane ecosystems act as biotic
could result from extreme weather events- thermometers and proxies for climate change.
Hance eta/. 2007. 9. Phenological monitoring across crop-pest-
natural enemy food chains to detect emerging
Community Changes 10. Monitoring of host shifts and agrobiodiversity
• Differential range expansions, phenological and exchanges between cultivated and natural
evolutionary responses, interacting mismatches, habitats.

Table 1. IPCC reports summories

1 IPCC Report Insect Pest Pollincition Biodiversity
WG 2.5: Focd, Forests end Fibre 13 28 0 14
WG 2.4: Ecosystems, Goods, Services 18 9 1 3
WG2.9: Africa 3 7 0 10
WG2: Technical Summary 7 6 0 21
WG2: Policy Summary 2 2 0 20
TOTALS 43 52 1 68
Refer~nces Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea). SEA, Zaragoza,
227 pp.
Battisti A., Stastny M., Netherer S., Robinet C., Schopf Gordo o. and Sanz J.J. {2005) Phenology and climate
A., Roques A. and Larsson s. (2005) Expansion change: A long-term study in a Mediterranean
of geographic range In the pine processlonary locality. Oecolog/a 1461 484-495.
moth caused by increased winter temperatures. Haeger J.F. (1999) Danaus chryslppus (Unnaeus 1758)
Ecological Applications 15, 2084-2096. en Ia Penisula Iberica: Migraciones o dimimica de
Bonet-Betoret c. {2004) Expansi6n de Trithemis metapoblaclones? Shf/ap 27, 423-430.
annulata en Europa en los afios 80 y 90. Boletin Hance T., van Baaren J., Vernon P. and Boivin G. (2007)
de. Ia Sociedad £ntomo/6glca Aragonesa 27, Impact of extreme temperatures on parasitoids
85-86. In a c_llmate change perspective. Annual Review
Bradshaw W.E. and Holzapfel C.M. (2001) 'Genetic of Entomology 52, 107-126.
shift In photoperiodic response correlated with Harrington R., Clark SJ,, Weltham SJ., Virrler PJ.,
global warming. Proceedings of the National Denhol C.H., Hulle M., Maurice D., Roun·sevell
Academy ofScience USA 96, 5565- 5569. M.D. and Cocu N. (2007) Environmental change
Conrad K.F., Woiwood I.P. and Perry J.N. (2002) Long· and the phenology of European aphids. Global
term decline in abundance and distribution of the Change Biology 13, 1556-1565.
garden tiger moth (Arctia caja) in Great Britain. Hassall C., Thompson D.J., French G.C, and Harvey
Biological Conservation 106, 329-337. I.F. (2007) Historical change~ in the phenology
Crozier L (2003) Winter warming facilitates range of British Odonota are related to climate. Global
expansion: Cold tolerance of the butterfly Change Biology 13, 933-941.
Ata/opedes campestris. Oecologia 135, 648- Hickling R., Roy D.B., Hill J.K., Fox R. and Thomas
656. C.D. (2006) The distributions of a wide range
Crozier L. (2004) Warmer winters drive butterfly range of taxonomic groups are expanding p_olewards.
expansion by increasing survivorship. ecology 85, Global Change Biology 12, 45o-455.
231- 241. Hill J.K., Thomas C.D. and Huntley B. (1999a)
Descimon H., Bachelard P., Boitier E. and Pierrat Climate and habitat availability determine 20th
v. {2005) Decline and extinction of Parnassius century changes In a butterfly's range margins.
apollo populations in France-continued, Proceedings of the Royal Society ofLondon B266,
pp. 114-115. In Studies on the Ecology and 1197- 1206.
Cdnservatfon of Butterflies in Europe. Volume Hill J.K,, Thomas C.D. and Lewis O.T. (1999b) Flight
1: General Concepts and Case Studies (Edited by morphology in fragmented populations of a rare
E. KOhn, R. Feldmann, J. Thomas and J. Settele). British butterfly, Hesperia comma. Biological
Pensoft Publishers, Sofia and Moscow. Conservation 87, 277- 284.
EllisW.N., Donner J.H. and Kuchlein J.H. (1997) Recent Hill J.K., Thomas C.D., Fox R., Telfer M,.G., Willis S.G.,
shifts In phenology of Microl~pidoptera related to Asher J. and Huntley B. {2002) Responses of
climatic change (Lepidoptera). Entomologische butterflies to twentieth century climate warming:
Berichten 57, 66-72. implications for future ranges. Proceedings ofthe
Forister M.l. and Shapiro A.M. (2003) Climatic Royal Society of London B 269, 2163-2171.
trends and advancing spring flight of butterflies H6dar J.A. and Zamora R. (2004) Herbivory and
In lowland California. Global Change Biology 9, climatic warming: A Mediterranean outbreaking
1130-1135. caterpillar attacks a relict b_oreal pine species.
Franco A.M.A., Hill J.K., Kitschke C., Collingham Y., Biodiversity and Conservation 13, 493- 500.
Roy D.B., Fox R., Huntley B. and Thomas C.D. Hughes C.L., Hill J.K. and Dytham C. (2003)
(2006) Impacts of climate warming and habitat Evolutionary trade-off between reproduction
loss on extinctions at species' low-latitude range and dispersal in populations at expanding range
boundaries. Global Change Biology 12, 1545- boundaries. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
1553• . London B 270, S147- S150.
Garda-Barros E., Mungira M.L., Martin J., Romero Konvicka M., Maradova M., VenesJ., FricZ. and Kepka
H., Garda-Pereira P. and Maravalhas E.S. (2004) P. (2003) Uphill shifts in distribution of butterflies
Atlas de las marlposas diurnas de Ia Peninsula in the Czech Republic: Effects of changing climate
Iberica e is/as Ba/eares. Atlas of the butterflies of detected on a regional scale. Global Ecology and
Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Isles (Lepidoptera: Biogeography 12, 403-410.
Mikkola K. (1997) Population trends of Finnish {2001) Ecological and evolutionary processes at
Lepidoptera during 1961-1996. Entomologica expanding range margins. Nature 411, 577-581.
Fennlca 3, 121-143. Thomas C.D., Singer M.C. and Boughton D. (1996)
Parmesan C. (1996) Climate and species' range. catastrophic extinction of population sources
Nature 382, 765-766. in a butterfly metapopulation. The American
Parmesan C. (2007) Influences of species, latitudes Naturalist 148, 957-975.
and methodologies on estimates of phenological TUrner W.R., Brandon K., Brooks T.M., Costanza R.,
responses to global warming. Global Change da Fonseca G.A.B. and Portela R. (2007) Global
Biology 13, 186D-1872. conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem
Parmesan C. and Yohe G. {2003) A globally coherent services. BioScience 57, 868-873.
finger-print of climate change impacts across UNEP (2007) Global Environment Outlook 4:
natural systems. Nature 421, 37--42. Environment for Development. United Nations
Parmesan C., Ryrholm N., Stefanescu C., Hill J.K., Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi. 540
Thomas C.D., Decimon H., Huntley B., Kaila L., . pp.
Kullberg J., Tammaru T., Tennent WJ ., Thomas Visser M.E. and Both C. (2005) Shifts in phenology
J.A. and Warren M. (1999) Poleward shifts due to global climate change: The need for a
in geographical ranges of butterfly species yardstick. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
assodated with regional warming. Nature 399, London B 272, 2561-2569.
579-583. Visser M.E. and Holleman U.M. (2001) Warmer
Paulson D.R. (2001) Recent Odonata records from springs disrupt the synchrony of oak and winter
southern Florida: Effects of global warming? moth phenology. Proceedings ofthe RoyolSaclety
International Journal of Odonatology 4, 57-69. of London B 268, 289-294.
Roy D.B. and Sparks T.H. {2000) Phenology of British Wilson R.J., Gutierrez D., Gutierrez J. and Montserrat
butterflies and climate change. Global Change V.J. (2007) An elevational shift In butterfly species
Biology 6, 407-416. richness and composition accompanying recent
Simmons A.D. and Thomas C.D. {2004) Changes in climate change. Global Change Biology 13,
dispersal during species' range expansions. The 1873-1887.
American Naturalist 164, 378-395. Wilson R.J., Gutierrez D., Gutierrez J., Martinez 0.,
Singer M.C. and Thomas C.D. (1996) Evolutionary Aguado R. and Montserrat V.J. (2005) Changes
responses of a butterfly metapopulation to to the elevational limits and extent of species
human and climate-caused environmental ranges associated with climate change. fcology
variation. The American Naturalist 148, S9-S39. Letters 8, 1138-1146.
Sparks T.H., Roy D.B. and Dennis R.L.H. {2005) Yukawa J., Kiritani K., Gyoutoku N., Uechi N.,
The Influence of temperature on migration of Yamaguchi D. and Kaml~nl S. (2007) Distribution
Lepidoptera into Britain. Global Change Biology range shift of two allied species, Nezara viridula
11, 507-514. and N. antennata (Hemiptera: Pentatomldae), In
Stefanescu C., Penuelas J. and Filella I. (2003) Effects Japan, possibly due to global warming. Applied
of climatic change on the phenology of butterflies Entomology and Zoology 42, 205-215.
in the northwest Mediterranean Basin. Global Zhou X., Harrington R., Wolwod I.P., Perry J.N., Bale
Change Biology 9, 1494-1506. J.S. and Clark S.J. (1995) Effects of temperature
Thomas C.D., Bodsworth E.J., Wilson RJ., Simmons on aphid phenology. Global Change Biology 1,
A.D., Davies Z.G., Musche M. and Conradt L. 303-313.

DNA Barcoding and Morphometries
of Stingless Bees in Kenya

Nelly Njeri Ndungu

lnterniltional Centre of Insect Physiology anc! Ecology (icipe)
P.O. Box 30772-00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Stingless Bees There are two tribes:

1. Meliponinl-Tropical America
There are two main genera in the world, Trigona 2. Trlgonini-Africa, Southern Asia to Au.stralia.
and Melipona, that are Identified based on their
morphology. They are both of the subfamily
Meliponinae (Danaraddi, 2007).
Biodiversity and Ecology
Stingless Bees Nests

Figure 2. Dactylurino schmidti and Hypotrigono gribodoi

Figure 1. Various stingless bees spedes: Doctylurino spp., preferred nesting sites
Meliponulo bocondei and Hypotrigona gribodol

. 54
~:~ --

Figure 5. Stingless bee honey from different flora

human safety, and the honey is valued for food and

for its curative properties.
Meliponu/a terrug/nea

DNA l;)arcoding
• DNA barcoding is the use of a short 650bp COl
gene for identification of species.

Benefits include:
• A global reference library, I.e. the BOLD database
• Addressing practical problems, to differentiate
morphologically similar species
• You can identify all stages of specimens
• A cost effective tool for biodiversity research.

Justification of the study

• To obtain current Identification of morphological
features-Nest site and architecture
Hypo/rlgona gribodoi • Morphometries and DNA barcoding-Undertake
Figure 3. Arrangement of the brood cells can be used comparative studies, and vouchering of
to differentiate colonies of Hypolrigono gribodoi and
Meliponula ferruginea

Economic Importance • Morphometries can be used to differentiate
Trigona species
Stingless bees' farming (meliponiculture) can be a
• Stingless bees from various forests In Kenya that
sideline activity for the rural poor due to its low cost. are geographically isolated can be identified
The bees have many desirable attributes, including
using barcodes.

Overall Objective
lhe overall objective was to develop molecular and
morphometric tools to identify stingless bees in

Specific Objectives
Specific objectives were to:
1. Determine variations among Trigona species from
various localities in Kenya using morphometry; ·
2. Develop and apply DNA barcodes for identifying
stingless bees in Kenya.

Methodology Taklng images using Lelca EZ40-Lelca

MlcrosyStems (Swlb:ertand) (limited) microscope
Selected Forest Sites in Kenya
14 MQrphomebic characfi!rs measurement
Using LAS EZ verston ~1 .4 .0 softWare

Figure 8. Flow chart for morphometric analyis

linear relationships of the specle5 and regions. The

principal component analysis was performed on the
variance-co-variance matrix for the 10·Wing variables
(log transformed) to determine the effects of size
and shape on the distribution _scores along the first
two principal component axes (Sakal and Rolf, 1995)
Figure 6. Kokamega Forest in western Kenyo (high and their distribution without constraints of prior
altitude), Mwingi region (mid altitude) in eostem Kenyo ond assignment to particular populations observed. The
Arabuko-Sokoke Forest in coastal Kenya (low altitude) data matrix was also subjected to canonical variate
analysis to visualise shape differences and evaluate
Morphometric Methodology the values for dlscrlm'lnation among populations.
Leg measurements were arcsine transformed before
being analysed using general linear model procedure
(PROC GLM; SAS Institute Inc., 2001). Significant
(p<O.OS), means -were separated using Student-
Newman-Keuls (SNK) test.

Results and Discussion

PC and CV Plot of Wing Venation
of Hypotrigona gribodoi

0 .15r::~~:--:-:-::------r:::==;;o-::;:::::::----,
~ 0.00 I -........--::,.......=;;;"?F:;::-1~rflrn.:...:Mt-=--ti
Figure 7. The right forewing showing veins (WL, WW, -..0.05
v3-v8) used in morphometric analyses ~-0.10
g. ·0.15
Morphometries Analysis ·0.20
Morphometric analysis was performed using .o.~g_L
statistical analysis system version 9.1 (SAS Institute Prln2 (22.58)
inc., 2003) software. For multivariate analysis, Figure 9. Projection of wing vein data on first two principal
principal components analysis (PCA) and canonical components (PC) for Hypolrigono gribodoi populol!on
variate analysis (CVA) were applied to detect the collected from Kakamega, Mwingi and Coast

o A Coast
• Mwlngl
·f4 ·3 -2 ·1 0 1 2 3 4 5
CAN2 (0.07%)

Figure 10. Projection of wing vein dolo on first two

canonical variates (CV) for Hypolrigono gribodoi
population collected from Kakamego, Mwingi and Coast

PC and CV Plot of Wing Venation

of Meliponula bocandei C~------
Data analysis )

Figure 13. DNA borcoding melhodology

[J 0 o Kakamega
0.15 A Coast
c c barcodinglife.org/vlews/projectmenu). To validate
~0.10 0 c • Mwingi
oG: c the CO/ sequences obtained in this study, we
: o.os
c: De o
n ~

1:1 .


. A
compared CO/ sequences from Meliponinl for whic:h
the whole mitochondrial DNA sequences have been
;t-0.05 {).
A A Ae
~ t..A generated and deposited in GenBank. Sequence
·0.10 {). A divergences were calculated using the Kimura 2-
·0·15-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 parameter (K2P) distance model (Kimura, 1980),
Prln2 (22 .13~•)
bootstrap values were based on 1000 replicates and
Figure .11 . Projection of wing vein data on first two
principal components for Mellponulo bocondei
neighbour-joining (NJ) tree (Saitou and Nei, 1987;
population collected from Kokamego, Mwingi and Howe et a/., 2002) was created to provide a graphic
Coast representation t;~f among-species divergences using
MEGA 4.0.2 (Kumar eta/., 2008). Pair wise distances
. 6r------------------r--------. were also calculated using Kimura 2-parameter
4 model using MEGA 4.0.2.
~ IJ~~----~~~~~~;:~--~
eot- DNA Sequence Size Length
I,)J -4 f 67 8 9 1 0lllj t31-tU JOJlii71.1.9~.2 1 ~ LllJ1J24"l&
-~8 0 2 4
CAN2 (30.2%)
Figura 12. Projection of wing vein data on first two
canonical variates for Meliponulo bocandei population
collected from Kokomego, Mwingi and Coast
----~-- - -&----------- ---
DNA Barcoding Analysis ----------
Purified PCR products were sequenced in both
directions and the resulting sequences assembled
and edited using ChromasPro version 1.34 Figure 14 . 1.8% agorose gel eledrophoresis showing 92
(Tec:hnelysium Pty Ltd.). The consensus sequences sornples
were aligned In Clustal X version 1.81. The aligned
sequences were submitted to the Barcode of Ufe
database (BOLD) (www.barcodlnglife.org). The
sequences were submitted to BOFAS (Bees of the
World - Africa (Stingless bees)) database, accession
numbers BOFAS001·08-BOFAS09Q..08 (http://www.
Nearest Neighbour Distance • Discrimination of species is Important to farmers
Summary Constructed Using for breeding purposes and the production of
quality honey.
BOLD Management and Analysis
Bootstrapped Neighbouf'joining Tree • More species should be discovered and barcoded
tclpe in future
Nguni1 • Study population genetics of the bees for better
Nguni2 understanding of their diversity
Kasanga3 • Barcoding for nine more species
Kasanga2 • Commercial breeding aspects of these bees
Ngomeni2 should be enhanced to improve honey
Ngomanl1 production.
Danaraddi C. S. (2007) Studies on stingless . bee
Trigona iridipennis Smith with special reference
to foraging behaviour and n~ellssopalynology at
Dharwal, Karnataka. MSc Thesis submitted to
the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwal,
Karnataka. 62 pp.
Howe K., Bateman A. and Durbin R. (2002) QuickTree:
Building huge neighbour-joining trees of protein
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00
sequences. Bioinformatics 18, 1546-1547.
Figure 15. Bootstrapped Neighbor-joining tree calculated Kimura M. (1980) A simple method for estimating
from Kimura 2 parameter distances and based on 1000
evolutionary rate of base substitutions through
comparative studies of nucleotide sequences .
. Journal of Molecular Evolutton16, 111-120.
Conclusion Kumar S., Dudley J., Nei M. and Tamura K.
• DNA barcoding and morphometry discriminated (2008) MEGA: A biologist-centric software
stingless bees species from different ecosystems for evolutionary analysis of DNA and protein
in Kenya sequences. Briefings in Bioinformatics 9, 299-
• Species differentiation Is an Integrative process 306.
employing molecular markers, behaviour and Saltou N. and Nei M. (1987) The neighbor-joi~ing
morphology of the stingless bees method: A new method for reconstructing
phylogenetic trees. Molecular Biology and
Evolution 4, 406-425.
Sokal R.R. and Rolf FJ. (1995) Biometry; The Principles
and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research.
3rd edition. W.H. Freeman and Co., New York.
887 pp.ISBN 0-7167·2411·1.


• •

. c.
Rural Uvelihoods Support Programme
and Beekeeping Activities in Malawi
- -
Precious Chambize Magombo
Nsanje D!stria /l.$sembly, P/Bag 1 Nsanje, Malawi

Introduction intended to benefit rural poor households living In

villages in the programme area particularly female
Malawi is an agro·based economy with over 85% headed, those with smallest land holdings, school
of the population directly or indirectly relying on dropouts and other disadvantaged households.
agriculture for food security as well as for income
generation. While the traditional crops (tobacco,
Programme Target
sugar and tea) remain high on the list of export crops,
the Malawi Government currently recommends • Nsanje: 10,000 households
that we diversify our export base to cushion against • Chiradzulu: 8~10,000 households
adverse climate and uncertainties on the global • Thyolo: 20,000 households
market. Besides this, with the ever-increasing human Total population: 180,000 people (22% for each
population, per capita land holdings are diminishing, district).
hence the need to explore alternative income·
generating activities by households. Overall Goal
The overall goal of the Rural Uvelihoods Support
Overview of the RLSP and Programme (Rl.SP) is sustainable poverty reduction
Beekeeping Activities il') through the promotion of on· and off-farm and
Malawi wage-based incomes.
One of the industries that fit well In the government's
diversification policy is commercial beekeeping. Specific Objectives
Beekeeping ensures that rural communities care for • Promoting sustainable agricultural production and
and sustainably use their forest resources since they simple but efficient natural resources management
are the major source of the much-needed nectar, a technologies for improved food security, nutrition
key ingredient in honey making. Malawi is likely to and agriculture-based incomes for better living
benefit from reduced deforestation If communities· conditions for selected target groups
are encouraged to engage in beekeeping. Moreover, • Promoting the development of skills for selected
beekeeping can be practised even on marginal land. target groups and availing financial support for
Extensive beekeeping will also help in mitigating the both on· and off·farm investments that will utilise
adverse impacts of climate change. the acquired skills to improve their incomes
Beekeeping is also in tandem with the Rural • Promoting employment through support for
Livelihoods Support Programme's objective of infrastructure development to provide incomes
"promoting both on· and off·farm income generating especially during off-seasons
activities". • Developing/improving individual and local
community capacities and capabilities in terms
Rural Livelihoods Support of their organisation to access relevant resources
Programme (RLSP) to Improve their livelihoods.

The Rural Uvelihoods Support Programme (RL.SP) Is a

nine-year Government of Malawi programme funded
Rationale and Approach
by the International Fund for Agricultural Development The Rural Livelihoods Support Programme is drawn
(IFAD) In three Southern Region districts, namely up and implemented within Malawi's decentralised
Thyolo, Chiradzulu and Nsanje. The programme is framework and policy and is based on two pillars of
the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) namely RLSP and Beekeeping-
sustainable pro-poor growth and human capital Advantages and Potential
development. Again, Rl5P strategies are In line with
the new Malawi Growth and Development Strategy • Rl5P is implementing beekeeping activities In
(MGDS) 2006 to 2011, which has since superseded the Thyolo and Nsanje districts in southern Malawi
original Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. The MGDS • These two districts are strategically located so
emphasises that poverty alleviation should be brought that access to lucrative honey markets in Blantyre
about by sustainable economic growth, improved is easy
governance and infrastructure development that will • Beekeeping In Thyolo and Nsanje Is a traditional
increase returns and earnings from productive self· part time occupation as there are natural forest
employment and formal employment, and move reserves and mountains where bees get nectar
subsistence farming Into the commercial sector. and pollen
The programme promotes participation of the • Nsanje is also a flood- and drought-prone area
target groups at all stages of the programme design, with regular food shortages
implementation and review through participatory • Beekeeping is a potential income-generating
approaches. The participatory techniques and activity that could Increase households' food
methodologies developed will be Institutionalised for security
long-term sustainabillty of Rural Livelihoods Support • Beekeeping does not require huge pieces of land
Programme's interventions. • Beekeepers can produce enough honey to supply
the domestic market and k~::ep the processors
Background to the operating throughout the year
Beekeeping Industry in • With major pharmaceutical, confectionery and
Malawi industrial honey processors based in Blantyre,
Nsanje and Thyolo, they have a comparative
Development of a commercial sector of the honey advantage over the traditional northern region
industry In Malawi was started in the late 1980s suppliers by virtue of lower transportation costs.
by the German Agency for Technical Cooperation
(GTZ). Beekeeping clubs were established and Programme Support
honey production picked up. It was Immediately
evident that marketing posed' a big challenge to the The Rl5P currently supports about 345 beekeepers
beek.eepers. (214 males + 131 females) in the two districts.
Much as the formation of the now defunct The beneficiaries are supported with modern
Beekeepers Association of Malawi (BAM) was viewed equipments/materials, e.g. bee suits, smokers,
as a relief to the beekeepers' marketing nightmares, gloves, boots, pails, bottles and beehives. These
the organisation did not last long; it collapsed, just a materlals/equipments are given as loans that the
year after its inception, due to mismanagement. The Village Development Committees (VDCs) administer
collapse of BAM was a big disincentive to existing as village revolving funds. Technical and business
as well as potential beekeepers. Subsequently, the training is also provided to all the beneficiaries.
country's honey output dropped. Lo~al processors Groups are linked to the forestry and wildlife sectors
had to resort to Importation from neighbovring for technical support
Tanzania to sustain the product's ;:.vailability on the
market There was high demand for the product In Sustainability
the supermarkets. As recently as 2004, Mzuzu Coffee
The programme has mobilised beekeeping farmers
Planters Cooperative Union, the country's biggest
into groups. They have been trained In group
honey processor, imported some 5 tonnes of honey
dynamics, apiary management, honey harvesting
from Tanzania.
and processing. Efforts are underway for farmers
Efforts by several organisations and the private
to market other associated products like wax. For
sector have, in recent years, greatly rejuvenated the
sustainability purposes, training has also targeted
industry. A COMPASS survey In 2005 revealed that
frontline extension staff, both from the government
the country's total honey annual output was around
and the programme. Natural resource management
60 tonnes. As of today, because of joint efforts
has been mainstreamed into the programme
by various players, the country's honey output Is
activities. As such, natural forest management and
estimated at 150 tonnes, 75% of which still comes
afforestation are on-going activities. By organising
from the northern region of the country.
farmers into groups, they now have bargaining is need to link these producers to big market
power and are now being linked to the Bee Products outlets like Tambala Food Products, Nali Ltd, and
Association of Malawi, a successor to the defunct Malawi Pharmacies etc.
Beekeepers Association of Malawi.
Improving Linkages
Challenges/Constraints The current situation In the impact areas shows that
Beekeepers in RLSP Impact areas face a number of there is a very weak link between stakeholders in
challenges, which need to be addressed to accelerate the beekeeping industry. It is apparent RLSP farmers
the development of this sector. These challenges should be linked to relevant stakeholders if they are
are: to develop and benefit from their efforts. There is,
(i) Poor Beekeeping Management: therefore, need to Improve business contacts and
The productivity of honey produced in RLSP working relationship between:
local impact areas is too small. Currently the • Beekeepers and consolidators/processors
production Is at 750 kg per 100 hives annually. • Beekeepers, retailers and consumers
The expected yield is 1500 kg per 100 hives. To • Beekeepers, consolidators/processors and input
increase honey production there is need for manufacturers and importers
more technical training in bee management. • Beekeepers, government departments and the
Apart from increasing production this should also stakeholders in the honey sub-sector.
ensure that good quality honey is produced. The
training will enable beekeepers to produce and Conclusion
Improve ~uallty of the honey and other products,
e.g. beeswax. Beekeeping Is In tandem with the Rural Livelihoods
Support Programme's objective of upromoting both
(ii) Inadequate Market: on- and off-farm income generating activities".
The local marketfor honey in Malawi, especially in Therefore, RLSP will continue promoting beekeeping
the RLSP impact areas, is currently small and the In complementing government efforts of poverty
per capita consumption Is relatively small. Honey alleviation as long as there are readily available
is facing stiff competition from other substitutes domestic and international markets for honey and
especially sugar. If production increases, there other beekeeping products.

Scaling-Up of Apiculture in Masaba
Division, Southam Nyanza Community
Development Project

Walter R.O. Ogot

Olvlslonol Livestock Officer, M<~s<~bi!
southGrn NyMza Community Development ProJect (SNCOP), Ny;mza, !<enya

Background Modern Hives

District: Kurla West Funding Type of Hive No. Comment~
location: Nyanza Province, borders Migori District to
the North and Tanzania to the South. Action Aid Longstreth 9 Moved out
Not active on
Masaba Division CCF Longstroth 3 liveslock
Size In area: 147.1 km2 Active on the
SNCDP Longstroth 45 ground
Rainfall: SSD--1100 mm per annum
Pattern: Bimodal Farmers' Some hives not
lniliotivas langstroth 7 to standard
Population density: 149 people per square km
Vegetation: • Evergreen natural shrubs Farmers' Kenyo Top Bor
1 Newly acquired
Common trees-Acacia, Grevillea, Initiatives Hive (KTBH)
Sesbania, Terminalia
• Common grass- manyatta grass
• Fruit trees-guavas, mangoes,
Crops: Maize, cassava, sweet potatoes and tobacco
Uvestock enterprises: B.eef, sheep and ·goats, local
chicken and beekeeping.

Honey Beekeeping
'Types of Hives No. Comments
Made from wood or
Log Hives 56 pipes Figure 2. Farmers receivif'lg demonstrotlon hives from
Kenya Top Bar Hive 17 Some not to standard
Mostly acquired through
longstroth 64 Projects funding

Log Hives

-+1 long harvesting Interval

.,.. l.owylelds
-tl Exposed to destruction
-t1 Difficulty In harvesting

Figure 3. Established opiory with Longstroth hives from

Figure 1. A trodltlonollog hive SNCDP

Honey Production • Group wrangles/no accountability/individualism
• Tobacco growing
Type of Hive Average yield No. of harvests • Honeybee phobia
per hive (leg} peryeor • Environmental degragatfon.
Longslroth 10.0
Log hive 3.5 2 Coping Mechanisms/
KTBH 5.0 Solutions/Recommendations
1. To intensify level of sensitisatfon
Marketing 2. Approach of groups through adult learning
• Marketing is still very low
3. To upscale the rate of pr9ject follow-ups
• Kuria Bee Keepers Network assists farmers;
4. Emphasise the need for demonstration on safe
however, it is not active
use of chemicals
• The little production is mostly sold at farm gate.
S. Take seriously the laws governing environmental
• Low adoption
• High level of Illiteracy

Apiculture PoojectS ·in
South Kordofan, Sudan

Suliman Ahmed Yagoub

The Sudan

Introduction Omkwaro, Abosafeefa, Bagaaya, Remaily,

Alzelaitaia)to determine whether the beekeepers
IFAD has projects all over the world. In Sudan, IFAD want modem apiculture or not.
executes many projects In the health, agriculture and
education sectors. Apiculture In South Kordofan state,
Training _
in the mid west of Sudan is one of most Important
Income-generating activities. Project activities started • Trained 27 beekeepers and three technicians and
in June 2007 with a survey of the honey production provided them with apiculture equipment
sites to determine whether the communities In these • Trained 50 beekeepers (funded by Save the
villages want to change to modern apiculture or not. Children Organisation) In AI Dalang town sites
and provided all the equipment
The goals were to: • Trained 10 beekeepers in Abosafeefa village In
1. Reduce poverty by introducing a new Income- cooperation with the capacity building project
generating project; and provided 5 modern hives to each of them.
2. Increase agricultural and horticultural yields;
3. Increase the forest area by planting honey-
producing plants;
4. Increase the quantity of honey and other beehive
5. Construct honey centres for buying and selling,
and also provide other apiculture equlpments;
6. Promote modem beekeeping.

• Survey was conducted in 2008 to ·the honey
production sites (Aieeri, Korondi, Omdwal, Figure 1. Beehives for distribution

lOble 1. Honey production In modem hive! in selected honey produdion sites in South Kordofon
Modem Hooey
No. of Hives
Site colonised Empty production
absconded (Pounds)
1. Bogooyo 20 6 8 26 -
2. Remala 20 1 11 28 -
3. Agob 20 2 15 23 6
4. Zelotoya 20 16 8 16 14
5. Central apiary 1 20 10
6. 17 sites 27 23 14 17 94
Total 107 49 76 110 124

Figure 2. Former training

Constraints and Solutions • The beekeepers need enough bee suits

and adequate training to handle aggressive
• A delay in training of the technical staff in icipe honeybees. EVery two beekeepers should share
caused a negative effect in the project. a bee suit.
• The weak financial support from the Ministry • The traditional beekeepers have scattered their
of Agriculture for seven months was solved by hives in a vast area, so It is difficult for them to
shifting the beekeeping project to the forestry · gather their modern hives in one apiary.
national corporation administration. • Ashortage of nectar and water in the dry season
• Modem beekeeping is a complete package, as well as the destructive wax moth larvae are
and should not only involve the distribution the major causes of honeybees absconding. The
of modern hives. Honey extractor processors solutions are artificial feeding with sugar syrup,
should also be provided. migratory beekeeping and pest control training
of the technicians and beekeepers.

The IFAD Project's Status and Constraints
in the Scaling-Up of Income Generation
Options in ligray Regional State. Ethiopia

Teklay Gebreamlak
Tigray Bureeu of Agriculture and Rural Development
Mekelle, Tigray, Ethlople

Ba.c kground
Tigray Regional State Is located in the northern part
of the country with an estimated area of 53,386
square km, al')d a population of about 4.4 million
D -JioOiollia..<ern
OF _ __ ........
(rural residents 82% and urban residents 18%) (Figure
1). Forty-eight percent (48%) of the productive


age population Is between 15-54 years and 18% Is I%J-_.

under the five years age group. Real GDP growth ;t ......
has registered 10.07% growth on average annually
(2000/01-2006/07). The average_growth registered
during the last four years was 15.8% (2003/04-
The percentage contribution of the different
sectors in the region is:

1. Mop of Tigray National Reglonol State in

• Agriculture 47.2%
• Industry 19.4% IFAD Projects and Their
• Service 33.4%. Performance
Agriculture is the mainstay of the population Projects Supported and
contributing about 80% of employment to the Implemented by /FAD
labour force in the region. Agriculture in the region is
In Tigray, there are IFAD projects having their own
mixed subsistence farming (both crop and livestock),
regional programme coordination and management
crop production being dominant. Smallholder
units. These projects are supported and implemented
farmers who use traditional agricultural practices byiFAD. -
mainly dominate this sector. The national regional
government of Tigray has made an effort to change
The Irrigation Scheme Development
and improve the existing traditional agricultural
practices by Introducing different modern agricultural
technologies and improvements have been observed This project Is Implemented by the Bureau of
especially In the last 4-5 years. But, even though Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Bureau
the regional government has made efforts, a lot of Water, Mines and Energy.
still remains to be done to increase agricultural
productivity so as to improve the living condition of RuRP {Rural Ananciallntermediation
the rural poor. Therefore, the government of Ethiopia Programme]
and the regional government of Tigray are working
This project is Implemented by the Cooperative
with national and international partner organisations
and Marketing Promotion Agency in the Bureau of
that are involved In programmes/projects aimed to
Agriculture and Rural Development.
reduce food insecurity and alleviate poverty, a move
that will help to bring about development in the
country and the region. The IFAD project is one of the Agn'cultural Market Improvement Programme
projects Implemented jointly by the government and This project is implemented by the Tigray Agricultural
the donor agencies In the region. Marketing Promotion Agency.
Table 1. Number of beekeeping cooperatives in 11groy (1996--2001)

No. of No. of members Capitol

cooperatives Male female Total (Eth. birr)

1996 5 108 8 116 58,383.4

1997 6 132 17 149 103,038.6
1998 18 262 17 279 292,867
1999 44 607 52 659 839,441.5
2000 68 945 117 1062 1,017,232
2001 98 1672 252 1924 1,691,280
Total 239 3726 463 4189 4,002,242.5
Source: Cooperative Promotion ond MorkeHng Development Agency, 2002.

/FAD Project Performance by

The Irrigation Scheme Development
• This programme has the following components:
- Institutional development
- Small-scale irrigation development
- Agricultural development
• But this programme does not have apiculture
and sericulture as a component.

RuAP {Rural Ananciallntermediation

The main activities performed by this programme are to:
• Establish (saving and credit service) sooperatives
and unions
- 438 cooperatives (107% of the plan) having
26,351 members and an estimated capital
(asset) of 25,019,210 Eth. birr
- 4 unions (25%of the plan) established
- These cooperatives have given credit (for
investment) to their beneficiaries
Figure 3. Zanzibar modified Langslrotn hive
- 8201 members have got 22,133,383 Eth. birr

Its role is to encourage farmers to be involved in

different income-generating agricultural activities
like irrigation, animal fattening, dairy farming and

Agricultural Market Improvement

The activities done Include:
• Give market information to farmers and others; figure 4. Beekeeping in closed/rehabilitated areas In
• Create market link inside and outside the region/ Ofla Dislrid, Southern ~one ofTigroy
Along the value chain, this programme introduces • Cooperatives are weak technically and
technologies that help increase productivity, quality financially
and add value of different agricultural products/ • Long and centralised procurement procedures
commodities (e.g. introduction of honey processing by NPMCU to the IFAD project areas
equipment). • The beekeeping system (65%) Is still traditional
with low hive productivity and overall honey
Introduction of beekeeping post-harvest technology production
helps to implement beekeeping development as a • Lack of awareness, knowledge and practical
source of income in a sustainable manner. skills in beekeeping (especially in hive/colony
management, queen rearing, producing different
Constraints valuable hive products and handling them, and In
processing and marketing the products, among
• Lack of professionals and high turnover
(cooperative and auditing experts) in the IFAD
• Hive products are not diversified and there is no
project areas
market for these products locally
Table 2. Number of bee colonies in frame/modem hives • Beekeeping extension is not supported by
In Tigray (1990..2001) research
Production No. modem I • Honey and beeswax are not packed, labelled and
liiYe§ Remark.
year graded; they are simply.sold at open market in
1995/1996 1610 the raw form
• There are no facilities to check the quality/
1996/1997 14,482
standard of the hive products (equipments used
1997/1998 10,131 to grade hive products).
1998/ 1999 7743
1999/2000 15,784 Conclusion
2000/2001 24,716 If we perform well in extension, research and
2001/2002 20,000 marketing the above problems can be solved, and
apiculture can be scaled-up as an Income-generating
35% of the colony
Total 94,466 activity in the region. But development partners
Source: Bureau of Agrlculture and Rural should support the sector technically and financially.
Development (BoARD), 2002.

IFAD Project Status and Consb~ints in Scaling-
Up of Income GeneratJon Options in Uganda

Asiimwe Taddeo Barwogeza and Night Sofia Apofia

Ar~a Based Agriculture Modernization Programma (AAMP), Uganda

Background 1. Deep super Langstroth-Yield per hive is

15-23 kg per extraction, 2 times per season
Land Size and Location 2. Shallow super langstroth-Yield per hive Is
Uganda Is a landlocked East African country with a 8-13 kg per extraction per hive, 3-4 times
total land size of 236,040 square kilometers (146,675
square miles) and land boundary of 2698 kilometres 3. Long Langstroth-Yield per hive is 2D-22 kg
(1676 miles). The country's capital city is Kampala per extraction, 2 times per season. However,
(Figure 1). our bees seem to easily move upward to
cross the excluder than across
4. Dadant Beehive-Yield per hive is 15-23 kg
per extraction per hive, 2 times per season.

Uganda's Supporting Policy

on Agriculture
In 1997, Uganda underwent a number of
macroeconomic reforms to bring about economic
and social transformation. These reforms gave birth
to a Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) with
Interventions designed and Implemented within
other policy frameworks of liberallsation, privatisation
and decentralisation, which opened the business
arena and removed the various barriers which
hindered the private operators' active participation
in commercial activities. PEAP further led to a Plan
Agriculture and Apiculture in to Modernise Agriculture (PMA) through market
Uganda oriented strategies, diversification and increased
farm productivity for commercial production as a
The agriculture sector In Uganda contributes 40.7% way of enhancing participatory development.
of the national GOP (gross domestic product). Of this,
apiculture alone contributes 8%. The country has The Status of the IFAD
approximately 80,113 beekeepers producing 5012
tonnes of honey annually.
For the apiculture enterprise, the beehives mostly OVer the years, Uganda has been blessed with IFAD's
used and the corresponding production potentials (International Fund for Agricultural Development)
for each currently are as follows: enormous monetary support. This IFAD support
• Logs and clay pots-Dependant on size has always been geared at supplementing Uganda
• Woven twig- Yield per hive is 3--6 kg per government efforts to alleviate poverty. In Uganda,
season 85% of the population is scattered in remote rural
• Kenya Top Bar (KTB) hive-Yield per hive is 5-15 locations of the countryside accessing minimal
kg per season/extraction necessary services. Two-thirds of the country's
• Langstroth beehive. This has now been further poor people are smallholder farmers. Whereas the
improved locally into: rural population is estimated to be 26.1 million, the
number of the rural poor stands at 10.9 million and and equipped three big apiary farmer groups of
the rural population below the poverty line is thought Nyabubale Rural Foundation for Development,
to be at 38%. IFAD is trying to assist the govemment Kabarole Beekeepers Group and Bunyangabu
in combating the poverty issue, and has undertaken a Beekeepers Community in queen rearing which is
total of 12 projects in the areas of rural development, now practised but on a low scale.
creditandfinancialservices,agriculturaldevelopment, However, still being funded is the National
programme loans and research/extension/training. Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS} under the
The total costs of these projects have been US$ basket funding arrangement In which IFAD will
492.0 million of which IFAD loan is US$ 230.6 directly accordingly contribute funds up to 2010. This NAADS
benefiting 2,442,150 households. Of the 12 projects, programme, as a World Bank-initiated programme
7 have since completed their operations. manifesting the Poverty Eradication Action Plan
Locally, Kabarole District, with 69,708 households, through the Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture,
of which 59,524 (85.4%} are agricultural households, is generally covers the whole country at the same time
highly suitable agro-ecologically for apiary enterprises targeting 3 million households that form Uganda's
(Figure 2}.1FAD has been seen of late undertaking two farm-family base of which 75% are predominantly
successful projects/programmes, namely Area-based
Agriculture Modernization Programme (AAMP) and
District Development Support Prqgramme (DDSP}
that completed their operations in 2008.
AAMP replaced Southwest Region Agricultural
Rehabilitation Project and operated in 13 districts
covering 312,000 farming households and focused
on commerclallslng smallholder farmers, providing
technical skills, marketing, financial support as well
as investment in rural infrastructure, especially
rehabilitation of many road networks. In apiculture,
AAMP provided 33 apiary farmer groups with 660
Langstroth beehives along with protective kits.
DDSP operated in the 5 districts of Kibale,
Hoima, Kamwenge, Kyenjojo and Kabarole, and
consolidated lessons learned from Hoima--Kibale
Districts Integrated Community Development
Project. This Programme covered diverse areas of
community development (including functional adult
literacy, building community centres for community
meetings, rural finance where It Increased off·farm
and enhanced Integration to the monetary economy
through savings and credit through SIDA (Subcounty
Integrated Development Association) and BUTO figure 2. An apiary former at his apiary site in Kaborole
(Bunyoro-Tooro Rural Development Company Ltd) District
now standing at 122 SIDA's, with 37,468 savers saving
close to 802 millions, registering a loan recovery of
95% at BUTO and 90% at SIDA), health and nutrition,
water and sanitation, rural infrastructure, agricultural
development and institutional strengthening.
In the apiary subsector, DDSP Introduced the
highly productive Langstroth beehives that replaced
the previously used Kenya Top Bar hive. DDSP, after
Introducing the Langstroth beehives, with the help
of an official from icipe, Kenya conducted training
of Nyabubale Rural Foundation for Development In
making Langstroth beehives and this group has since
sold 5456 units both within and the surrounding Figure 3. Nyobubole Foundation for Rural Development
districts at a cost of UShs 120,000/~ per Langstroth artisans ol their workshop in Kiko, Koborole making
(Figure 3}. The programme then further trained Longstreth beehives as earlier trained under DDSP
and termites that attack beehives and colonies,
smallholder farmers are extremely vulnerable and
unwilling to invest in larger holdings.

Low productivity: There are considerably low

yields per season despite the abundant forage. The
low yields are mainly because of the general lack
of knowledge and expertise to understand and
appreciate the need for an economic unit following
the gross margin analysis aimed at offsetting Inputs
by maximising production outputs.
figur~ 4. Processed honey Also, backward technologies and use of
rudimentary Inputs/materials/hives still being
subsistence smallholder farmers including women and used by some of the apiary farmers highly affects
youth. Whereas the total programme cost is US$107.9 the quality of honey and beeswax. Due to use of
million, IFAD loan is US$17.5 million. NAADs,ln which traditional harvesting methods, the harvested honey
IFAD also contributes, continues to assist many apiary has a mixture of broken wax, combs, bee larvae and
farmer groups in providing Langstroth beehives (2065 pollen, hence it is of low quality, resulting in possible
langstroth beehives given to 68 apiary farmer groups loss of Income.
so far), training, essential kit packages, processing by
provision of centrifuges (6 centrifuges so far) as well as Policies and Legislation: In Uganda generally, there
strengthening market avenues. Is lack of a clear policy and legislation to promote
the beekeeping sub sector and on setting the marke~
Constraints in Scaling-Up of criteria and quality standards of honey as well as
Income Generation Options price controls. Pricing is left to the free markets
in Uganda in Relation to the under the forces of demand and supply. As honey Is
available on a seasonal basis, when in plenty, prices
Apiary Sub Sector drop drastically which discourages the producers.
Subsistence farming systems: Majority of the poor Price fluctuations have of late highly characterised
smallholder farmers are risk averse and use farming the apiary industry.
approaches that only satisfy family needs. There is
generally lack of business culture and farmers are not Poor quality controls: In some places, quality control
exposed to other approaches that could enable them is compromised owing to the crude methods of honey
to produce more on their small pieces of land. extraction where honeycombs are crushed along
with the brood population and adult bees are killed
Lack of apiary-related extension services: Many by fire during the process of driving them away. This
farmers are unable to access the advisory services reduces swam size and yields. It also leads to lower
that ideally could have helped them Increase their quality honey with a characteristic smoky taste.
agricultural output. The civil service reforms have
downsized the civil service and left few extension Inadequate marketing system: Lack of organised
workers in the community (at a ratio of extension production and marketing systems exists. Currently,
worker to farm household of 1:1500), This has some beekeepers operate and market their honey
crippled the delivery of extension services including individually, as some are not used to working In
to apiary farmers. groups and so marketing in small quantities becomes
Also, the technology, marketing, financial and difficult and discouraging. They are also ignorant of
other support services are often unattainable. the local and international markets whose demands
Traditional apiculture is unable to pull them out of are increasing.
poverty. Only 5% of the rural poor apiary farmers
have savings and credit. To some extent, farmers Inaccessible facilities for value addition: It is difficult
even lack a clear timetable to do harvesting. to access processing and packaging materials, which
when found, are very expensive for the farmers. The
Pests and predators: Without introduction of suitable few honey-processing units (centrifuges) are not
technologies to minimise pests and predators such accessible to the apiary farmers who live far away
as the wax moth, hive beetles, rodents, lizards (Figures 4 and 5),
Research and technology: In terms of research
and technology, apiculture is a comparatively less
researched and documented area in Uganda.

Way Forward .
• Popularlse apiculture as a sustainable Income-
generating activity to rural households
• More Involvement of women . and youth in
• Include apiculture in the school syllabuses as a
Figure 5. A honey-processing centrifuge special agriculture subject
NMOS of a farmers' processing site • Intensify apiculture adaptive research and fact-
• Strengthen linkages between extension workers,
Inadequate training and information on apiculture:
farmers and researchers, plus the possible
Relevant training and Information on apiary practices
funding agencies
is scanty. Apiculture training is hardly included and
• Encourage use of the highly productive beehives
considered in school syllabuses and where it is, it using Improved technologies
is not well covered although it is one of the fastest
• Farmers to engage in apiculture based on an
growing economic activities in the rural areas. economic unit centered on gross margin analysis
• Establish an organised marketing and production
Limited Access to Financial system
Credit • Solicitate funding to support apiary farmers.

Gender: Although women constitute more than 80%

of the labour force in agriculture, there exist gender·
based constraints in many parts of the country. Despite the constraints mentioned above, there is a
There are prevailing behavioural taboos and cultural potential for apiculture in Uganda. The government
practices in some communities which discourage of Uganda through PMA focuses on apiculture as
women from theapiary enterprise activities; however, one of the prospective income-generating activities
since the Intervention of many stakeholders including especially in areas where land has been highly
IFAD and with the introduction of modern beekeeping fragmented. The government appreciates the
and hives, and technological practices, attitudes have effort and funding support extended by IFAD with
been reversed as women and the youth are now Its collaborators In many areas of Implementation.
encouraged to engage in most income-generating Apiculture has come to the limelight because of its
activities, including beekeeping. enormous contribution to the livelihoods of the poor

Apiculture in the District of
Kilte-Awlaela. Ethiopia I
Fikre Berhe Ul

Kilte Awlaelo Worecla Office of Ae(iculture, Wukro, Tigray, Ethiopia 8

Introduction - Splitting (queen rearing) a:
- Buying (purchase). B
Many farmers in the district started beekeeping 0
in 2003 as a component of integrated agricultural
Distribution of Modern ~
activities applied to solve food insecurity. From
then on farmers have started to change traditional Beehives B
beekeeping to modern beekeeping system. Kl
• Distribution of beehives started in 1998 with ·r:UJc.
6 hives to 4 farmers, which has now reached L

Beekeeping Activities 12,480 beehives and 6513 beneficiaries ~

• Modern beekeeping system was fully
Implemented by 2004
Table 1. OistribuHon of modem beehives
• Inputs were distributed to the beneficiaries on a
credit basis
I Year
hives Male
Pernole Total : Jj

• Beekeeping was started in 'potential watershed 1998 6 4 - 4

areas of the district 1999 43 23 - 23 2!
• 35% of the total households are beneficiaries, 3
2000 140 92 - 92 '3
pracltslng both traditional and modern ~
beekeeping 2001 190 130 11 141 <(
• Farmers get the following from beekeeping: 2002 213 156 13 169
- Bee colony 2003 125 69 18 87
- Honey
- Wax.
2004 5241 2270 402 2672 ~c
2005 3601 1531 270 1801 0
Sources of Honeybee Colonies 2006 163 74 14 88 .c:
2007 76 35 9 44 i
• 74% of the colonies are now found in modern
hives 2008 434 217 33 250 ~
• A farmer gets a colony through: 2009 2248 1010 132 1142 ro
- Swarming Total 12,480 5611 902 6513 ~
Table 2. Number of hives, harvests and soles from 1998 to 2008
Yocii' 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 J ~
Number of g.
6 49 189 379 592 71 7 5958 9559 9722 9798 10,232
modem hives
Number of
harvested hives
6 43 126 178 201 625 1537 4621 7300 7888 8528
Percentage of
100% 88% 67% 47% 34% 87% 26% 48% 75% 80% 83%
Honey quanHty 2.4 15.05 76.2 23.6 83.3 162 201.7 1551 1997 1952.3 2993.6
Price per kg in
Ethiopian birr
Highest 20 20 23 24 25 30 35 35 45 so 60
Lowost 15 15 16 17 18 20 23 23 30 35 35
• Accessories (such as honey extractors and casting 3500 r - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .
- •- Production
moulds) were also handed over
• During introduction of modern beekeeping,
other activities introduced include: ~2500
Bee forage development
Bee management ~1: 2000
Queen rearing :I
cr 1500
- Training ~
• There are 170 technician farmers helping ~ 1000
others in transferring colonies to modem hives,
harvesting honey and queen rearing, etc. 500

• Cost of beekeeping accessories
• Lack of knowledge and ·skill
• No value addition to the obtained hive products
• Low market linkages.




Beekeeping Activities in
AI-Dhala Gavemarate. Yemen

Fuad Algailani and Ali Alawi AI-Hebshi

AI· Dhala community Rasources Managament Project
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Yemen

Introduction AI·Dhala Community

Apiculture is the second potential sector after Resource Management
livestock keeping. The number of beekeepers is Project IFAD Loan No. 638
high due to unemployment and poverty, simplicity . Ye Supervised by the World
of beekeeping and availability of rangelands. Wild Bank [project period from
beekeeping (in caves in the mountains) still exists. 2007-2013)
In AI-Dhala, 1500 beekeepers own about 7000
traditional beehives (Figure 1). Holdings range from The project alms to achieve sustainable and equitable
5 to 500 hives. They have no knowledge of other growth in the living condition of the people living in
hive products. The majority of beekeepers in AI· the rural area through rational development, use,
Dhala move from one area to another in search and management of the resources and finding new
of vegetation, in particular during the dry season income-generating opportunities.
from November to March. Honey is harvested two
or three times a year using traditional harvesting Project Components
and processing methods (Figure 2). Many
• Land and water development and conservation
beekeepers are not aware about modern apiculture.
• A_gricultural development and Improving
living standards (livestock development sub-
component, plant production improvement
sub-component, apiculture development sub-
component, and off-farm employment) c:::
• Community development component
• Supporting of community self-initiatives
• Institutional support to agricultural office in the

Apiculture Development Sub~

Figure 1. Traditional hives The objectives of the apiculture sub-component
are to: (i) transform the traditional low production
beekeeping to modern high productive beekeeping
through introduction of modern and modified
traditional beehives, and sound hive managetnent,
and (ii) assist in establishing a network of centres for
collecting, processing and marketing the production.

Results expected'
Result 1: Better understanding of the existing
ecological system available for beekeeping in AI·

Main activities include: be paid back as colonies or in cash to purchase
1. Determining the rangeland carrying capacity; new colonies for others
2. Estimating the need for afforestation; • Facilitating a research project on pest control for
3. Estimating the potential to expand apiculture. MScstudent
• Provision of beekeeping tools for beekeepers and
Result 2: Improving the methods of beekeeping and 2S manual honey extractors to be distributed to
honey pr6duction collective centres
• Provision of manual wax machine.
Main activities include:
1. Introduction of modern and modified traditional
2. Queen rearing;
3. Pest control and construction of disease

Result 3: Improving the quality and value of the

Main activities include:
1. Capacity building of the beekeepers through
Figure 3. Project apiary
2. Establishing of extension services;
3. Training of beekeeping leaders. Conducting a Programme
to Build the Capacity of
Result 4: Development of capacity building of the
beekeepers Beekeepers at Three Levels
Main activities include: • Training courses (37) for beekeepers at village
1. Assisting in capacity building of the beekeepers'
level on modern beekeeping methods and hive
management benefited about 740 beekeepers,
and 60 were women
2. Assisting in establishing of extension services;
• Training courses (2) for leaders of the beekeepers
3. Training of beekeepers leaders in the districts.
at district level benefited 60 trainees (Figures 4
Developing the Beekeepers • Advanced training for project staff benefited 10
Institutional Structure trainees and 4 of them were women (Figures 6
and 7)
• Sensitising the beekeepers about the role of
• Conducted experience and knowledge exchange
group work in improving apiculture and Increasing
visits to other governorates
production and returns of beekeeping
• Organised 2 workshops attended by beekeepers
• Technical and managerial capacity building of
from all districts to evaluate the status of
beekeepers and association leaders
beekeeping in AI-Dhala, I.e. the constraints,
• Assisting in forming branches for the association
opportunities and solutions.
in the districts and training the elected leaders
• Assisting the association at district level ' to
analyse their situation and prepare their
development action plans in a participatory way
• Assisting the beekeepers in establishing credit
• Advise and support the beekeepers association
to establish stations or centres at district level for
collecting, processing and marketing the honey
• Establishing project apiary (Figure 3) for
Information and as demonstration site
• Provision and distribution of 2000 bee colonies Figure 4. A training course for leoders of the beekeepers.
for 400 new and young beekeepers, as credit to at district level benefiHed 60 lrainBeS
• There is increasing awareness on the Importance
of queen rearlr.tg.

Constraints of Apiculture
Development and Up..Scaling
• Predominance of traditional beehives and
traditional beekeeping
• Most beekeepers lack modern beekeeping
• Poor financial resources to purchase colonies
Figure 5. The beekeepers' leaders listening ottentfvely to and modern hives
!he discussion • Absence of fin~nce for new beekeepers
• The price of mo~ern and modified traditional
hives is high compared to the traditional hives (1:
• Poor financial ability for established beekeepers
to replace their traditional with modern hives
• Deterioration of the vegetation cover due to tree
cutting for fuel, overgrazing and drought
• Belief that bees have a harmful effect on
agricultural crops and in spreading plant
• Presence of bees pests and diseases and low
knowledge In control methods
Figure 6. Women porticlponls ol • Price of beekeeping Inputs and materials is high
· training course for project s1off in AI Dholo, Yemen compared to the capabilities of beekeepers
• Poor institutional structures of the beekeepers
• The beekeepers are busy all year round with
multiplication and harvest during the wet season
and In transportation during the dry season and
little time Is left for institutional involvement
• Absence of legislation to organise the apiculture
sector and beekeeping
• Absence of quality control
• Poor marketing channels
• Traditional methods of harvesting, extraqing
and packaging of honey and marketing.

Figure 7. Participants at the odvonced level troining course Rehabilitation of the

for project staff in Al Dholo, Yemen Apiculture Sector
Effect of Project Activities on in Hadr:-amout and AI Mahra
Apiculture in AI-Dhala Governorates in Yemen
• Many beekeepers have started to use modern
Due to Damage by Floods in
and modified traditional hives and requests for 2008 (Funded by the Islamic
modern hives are increasing Development Bank and
• Beekeepers numbers are Increasing implemented by icipe)
• There is demand for colonies as credit by new
• There is increasing awareness on the modern Background
and sound management methods of apiaries Hadramout Govern9rate is the most famous
• The membership of the beekeeping association governorate in honey production In Yemen. The
Is Increasing famous Sldr honey is produced mainly from the
vegetation of some wadis in Hadramout, during the The Grant and Activities
dry autUmn season, which consists of mainly Ziziphus
To assist in the rehabilitation ofthe apiculture sector,
trees. Although the Hadramout environment is dry,
the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) allocated US$
to produce Sidr honey; hundreds of beekeepers from
500,000. The implementation responsibilities were
other governorates in Yemen migrate to Hadramout
given to fcfpe, in cooperation with the Ministry of
during autumn for two months to have one harvest.
Agriculture and Irrigation in Yemen.
The 1-jadrami pure Sidr honey Is famous In Saudi
The activities planned and implemented were as
Arabia and the Gulf States and costs up to US$ 200
a kilo. The Sidr honey is an ecological product with
1. Three training workshops, each for a region in the
special characteristics, which could be distinguished
affected area, In modern apicultu.re and queen
from other honey.
2. One ToT training workshop for selected trainers
The Disaster In the regions.
In October 2008, at the time of the Sidr season in
Hadramout, an unexpected disastrous flood washed The training aimed at enabling the beekeepers to
away about 200,000 beehives and beekeepers' produce strong queens and hence strong beehives
property, including shelters and cars. Also many · with high productivity. It also aimed to:
beekeepers lost their lives. Uke other sectors, the Avail ready q'ueens for hive multiplication;
apkulture sector infrastructure suffered huge • Achieve sound management of hives and
damages. ihis included vegetation cover. ap(aries;
The most affected regions were: • Impart awareness to the beekeepers about the
1. Districts of Wadi and Desert Hadramout (60% other hive products and their production;
d;:~mage) • Provide 12,000 locally made modern Langstroth
2. Districts of Coastal Hadramout (30% damage) beehives to be distributed to the affected
3. AI Mahrah Governorate (10% damage). beekeepers in the affected regions as nominal
gift from IDB to the beekeepers;
• Provide beekeeping tools and equipment (such
as honey extractors) to be distributed to the
beekeepers groups.


• •

An Overview of Silk Production
and Ma~ng in Ethiopia

~awit Alemu, Amanuel Tamiru, Yitayal Abebe, Kedir Shifa and Metaferia Habthyimer
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
P.O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Introduction In Ethiopia, silk is currently produced mainly by

the eri silkworm (Philosamia ricini Dru.) followed
Serlculture, silk production from silkworms, is an by the mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mor/ L), which
agro-based Industry, which was first developed in were Introduced by the sericulture research project
China. Since its discovery, the growing demand for of Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR).
silk has created Income-generating opportunities to Accordingly, efforts have been made in the past
several developing countries of South East Asia. In
years to introduce, evaluate and adopt silkworm
recent years, its production Is expanding in Africa, races/breeds and feed plants; investigate easy and
including In Ethiopia. Successful silk production economically feasible production techniques; and
endeavours involve several processes, the major popularise silk production technologies to users at
being feed plant cultivation, silkworm rearing, silk various levels. As a result silk is produced in many
fibre processing and marketing. There are a number
parts of the country, and is marketed locally and also
of activities under these processes that engage a exported to different countries (Habtyimer et al.•
considerable number of people from different age 2006; Tamiru, 2007).
and sex groups including youth, women and also the
disabled throughout the year. In addition to creating
enormous income generation and employment
opportunities, cultivation of silkworm feed plants The paper provides an overview of silk production
(mulberry and castor) provides several benefits such and marketing along with the major constraints and
as erosion control, firewood, fence and construction opportunities ln the country.
material, landscaping, and industrial products, e.g.
jam, acetic acid and oil. Methodology
The availability of required resources to produce
silk and suitability of the agro-climatic conditions The study used data from both primary and secondary
in Ethiopia have opened the opportunity· to utilise sources. The primary data were generated using the
the technology for income generation and creating rapid market appraisal (RMA) methoo through group
employment to people in both rural and urban and key Informant discussions with actors along
areas. Moreover, availability of feed plants at the market chain in Tlgray, Amhara, Oromiya and
different locations of the country and the familiarity Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP}
of Ethiopians in spinning of other fabrics (cotton) is regions ofthe country. The secondary sources were
believed to give an added advantage in adopting the organiaations involved In the sericulture sector
technology. Currently, silk production has become (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,
one of the major micro enterprises promoted by EIAR, non-governmental organisations and private
the Ethiopian government and non-governmental sources).
organisations In many parts of the country as a tool
to alleviate poverty mainly in rural and peri-urban Results and Discussion
areas, Several factors are attributed to the promotion
of the technology, the major ones being: (I) It can
Overview of Silk R&D in Ethiopia
provide additional income throughout the year, (ii) The history of silk production in Ethiopia goes back
it involves all household members, (iii) it creates job to the 1930s when Italians realised the suitable agro·
opportunities for different age and social classes of climatic conditions forgrowingfeed plants and rearing
people, and (iv) the product can fetch a good price silkworms. They Introduced and cultivated mulberry
and also can be a good source of foreign currency. plants in over 30 locations and conducted silkworm

rearing at 11 sites. As a result, they demonstrated and linking farmers to markets. Trade and industry
the potential of growing mulberry plants in diverse promotion offices at zonal and woreda levels have
agroecologies in the country with altitudes ranging also promoted sericulture as a micro enterprise for
from 1500 to 2200 masl. Moreover, several visits increased job opportunities and income generation.
paid by expatriate ,professionals confirmed ·the Similarly, cooperative unions were engaged in linking
immense potential of the country for silk production. silk producers to markets.
Sericulture technology got consideration by the In terms of building capacity, the MoARD is
national research system in the mid 1970s as a means strengthening AlVET colleges to offer sericulture as
of diversifying export crops following the sudden an Independent course for development agents {DAs).
outbreak and devastation of coffee, the major export In addition, the Ministry has delegated Alagae ATVET
crop, by coffee berry disease (CBD). Consequently, to serve as a centre of excellence for multiplication,
research and development activities were Initiated dissemination and training In serlculture for wider
and efforts continued for some years in mulberry extension programme. Accordingly, ETB 240,000 (US$
agronomy and silkworm adaptation experiments 24,000) for rearing house construction, around ETB
(Habtylmer eta/., 2006; Tamiru, 2007). 190,000 (US$ 19,000) for mulberry cutting purchase
Sericulture received considerable attention in early from abroad and ETB 1.3 million (US$ 130,000) for
2000 by the research system, when it became one of post-harvest processing plant establishment at the
the research projects with own funding. The Melkassa premises of the college was invested by the ministry.
Agricultural Research Centre (MARC) has coordinated Moreover, the ministry has developed and distributed
the research project nationally. Since September 2008, a sericulture package, from production to marketing
the project was re-organised under the Apiculture and to farmers in all regions.
Sericulture Research programme. The main activities The Involvement of the different public offices
include introduction, evaluation and adaptation of varies across different regions in the country. In
silkworm races and feed plants, evaluation of easy Amhara region, unlike other regions, three offices
and economically feasible production techniques are involved In the production and marketing of silk
and popularisation of the technologies to users at with different roles and responsibilities. In general,
all levels. Encouraging results have been achieved in micro and small-scale trade and industry enterprise
this regard, especially in popularising the technology promotion office was Involved In promotion, group
and disseminating selected silkworm races to organisation and credit facilitation role with a view to
various stakeholders in different parts of the country creating job opportunities and Income generation;
including research centres, Agricultural Techniques cooperative unions in the marketing aspect while
·and Vocational Education Training (ATVET) colleges, Bureaus of Agriculture and Rural Development were
Bureaus of Agriculture and Rural Development, NGOs, involved in provision of training and silk production
and others. inputs (like silkworms and feed plants). In other
regions, the Bureaus of Agriculture and Rural
Development Support Development at different levels play an overall role in
the provision of training, silkworms and feed plants
In general, sericulture has been incorporated as an with associated rearing facilities and facilitating
important component of millennium development producers' linkage to markets.
goal 1 (MDG 1), to eradicate extreme poverty and The major constraint identified in the provision of
hunger. The ftve-year Plan for Accelerated and support by the MoARD at different levels is the lack of
Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) a defined body fully accountable for silk production
incorporated sericulture development in the and marketing. As a result different offices and
document The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural departments (within the same office) were involved
Development (MoARD) also prepared the five years' In an unorganised way and without defined lines
action plan (until2010) In collaboration with regional of responsibility. For Instance, within zonal Bureaus
governments. of Agriculture and Rural Development, there has
As part of the implementation of this strategy, been confusion as to which department (animal
the R&D support for the promotion of silk production production or natural resources) should deal with
and marketing Is provided by both the public and sericulture. Lastly, the responsibility for sericulture
non-governmental organisations. The Ministry of activities has been given to ~piculture, Sericulture
Agriculture and Rural Development offices at federal, and Skin and Hides' section under Animal Production
regional and woreda levels are providing support in Department following the Business Process Re-
terms of availing technologies, provision of training engineerlng reforms made in the office.
A number of NGOs are also Involved in the Including high hatching capacity, higher percentage of
promotion of the production and marketing silk ratio, low mortality rates, better cocoon cooking,
of silk mainly by considering silk business as a reelability, spinning and filament length, and pest
microenterprise for improved Income and livelihood resistance. Atthe early stages of research endeavours,
of both rural and urban households (Table 1). mulberry silkworm races M113 and M134 univoltine
types were introduced from Poland and evaluated.
Sifl')ilarly, NB7 and NB18 bivoltine silkworm races were
Table 1. NGOs irwolved in 1he promoHon of the
prodlidion and morlceting of silk by region obtained from India for evaluation. In later years,
three blvoltine races (CSR2 x CSR41 PM x CSR2 and Kai,
Region NomeofNGO ; Ryo x Ake, Bono), one multivoitine (white x yellow)
• 505 village mulberry silkworm races and five eri silkworms
• GOAL Ethiopia races (10/5.6, 10/5.62, Tame, J-7 and 10/3.4) were
• CHF Durome introduced from Japan, India and Vietnam. As a
• World VJSion Ethiopia, Mudula ADP result, two eri silkworm races {Tame and 10/3.4)
• Support Africa (local NGO) and bivoltine mulberry silkworm races {PM x CSR2
• World Vision Ethiopia, Adamo ADP and Kai, Ryo x Ake, Bono) were recommended after
• CCF Meki projed evaluation, as they were adaptive to Ethiopian climate
• Care Ethiopia, West Horerghe office conditions. Moreover, modest research carried out
• Save the Children UK, Woldiya area to recommend suitable agronomic practices showed
programme application of 200 kg N/ha/yr and medium pruning
• SIDA projed gave better yield of mulberry leaves under irrigated
• Bridge to Israel in Ethiopia conditions (Habtyimer et a/., 2006, 2008; Tamiru,
Research Activities To effect fast diffusion of silk production
technologies to target clients, several theoretical and
Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre {MARC) of practical trainings were offered in the area of feed
the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research plant growing, silkworm rearing and fibre pr~cessing. c
coordinates the serlculture research activities Efforts were also made to further popularlse the a.
nationally. However, several research centres of .c.
technology through various means such as mass Ul

regional research institutes such as Adet Agricultural

Research Centre of Amhara Regional Agricultural
Research Institute (ARARI), Jimma and Bako Research
media (radio, TV), workshops and exhibitions.
Moreover, several silkworm seeds, planting material
and production.manuals' and leaflets published in the
Centre of Oromiya Agricultural Research Institute local language (Amharic) and English, were distributed Q)
(OARI), Hawassa Agricultural Research Centre of to users throughout the country (Habtyimer et a/., :J
the Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) 2006; Tamlru, 2007). 8
and Mekelle Research Centre of Tigray Regional ~
Agricultural Research Institute and universities like
Adet Agricultural Research Centre of Amhara
Mekelle University and Ambo University College are Regional Agricultural Research Institute {ARC·

involved. ARARI): Promotional activities on silk production
went ahead In the region. Micro and small-scale
Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre, EIAR: trade and industry enterprise promotion agency has
Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre is the focal been responsible for promoting silk production in the
point for research and most of the development region. The research centre started to do this in 2004.
activities undertaken in the fteld of sericulture. The The major involvements include: (i) carrying out the
research focuses on Introduction, evaluation, and introduction and evaluation of mulberry varieties
adoption of silkworm races and feed plants, modest (2 mulberry varieties from Kenya, 4 from India and
agronomic research and also Investigation of easy one recently received from Taiwan); (ii) carrying out
and economically feasible production techniques. collection of local mulberry cultivars from nearby;
Similarly, the centre is engaged in popularisation of (iii) Introduction and evaluation of silkworm varieties
available sericulture technologies (silkworms, feed (from India, Korea and MARC) and {lv) awareness
plants and production techniques). creation to visiting guests.
The Introduction of silkworm races by MARC The Adet Agricultural Research Centre (under
is targeted at selecting silkworm races that provide Forestry Department) secured a farm called Bezawit
higher cocoon yield with desirable characteristics near Bahir Dar Town with a total area of 1.3 ha
mainly for silkworm feed plants (mulberry and castor) and castor/mulberry collection and screening. The
cultivation and for research purposes. Out of this 0.75 research centre has 0.25 ha of mulberry plantation
ha is currently being used for growing mulberry and and 1.5 ha of castor plantation for research and
forest trees. Even though Bezawitfarm has some forest silkworm rearing purposes.
tree trials It Is mandated for serlculture research, I.e.
feed plant evaluation and adaptation, and silkworm Characterisation of Silk
rearing and evaluation studies. Varieties K2 and S13
Production System
(from India), Kenya variety (from ICRISAT), a variety
from Thailand and a local collection of mulberry and Silk Technologies and Their Major
some forest species are currently available at Bezawlt Sources
The silk technology package can be divided into three
Mekelle University; Sericulture activities were categories: (i) the silkworm types, (ii) the feed types
started at Mekelle University, Department of Dryland and varieties and (iii) the rearing and processing
and Horticultural Science, In 2004, for demonstration facilities. MARC of the Ethiopian Institute of
purpose. They obtained 2 eri silkworm races from Agricultural Research (EIAR) has introduced two major
MARC and 3 mulberry silkworm races (1 multivoltine types of silkworms: (i) mulberry silkworm (Bombyx
and 2 bivoltine) from India. Efforts were made mori L) and (ii) eri silkworm (Philosamla r/clnl Dru.).
to prepare a business plan by establishing a task These silkworms are different mainly in terms of type
force from l'!ntomology, rl'!sourcl'! economics, of feed they consume and biological parameters. The
animal science and crop departments. Moreover, former Is monophagous and feeds on mulberry leaves
curriculum development is underway to offer short- while the latter is polyphagous and feeds on leaves
of different plants like castor (Ricinus communis)
and long-term sericulture courses. In general, the
and cassava (Manihot utilissima). Currently; both
main involvements of the Dryland and Horticultural
silkworms are maintained and multiplied at the centre
· Science Department at Mekelle University Include:
and are given to farmers and different development
(i) training for DAs and farmers by department staff
partners for further dissemination.
In collaboration with Mekelle Agricultural Research
In terms of feed for silkworms, there is a strong
Centre and the regional agriculture bureau. For
research support for castor, where the research
example, recently they gave training to 30 farmers
system has already released two varieties of castor
on silk production skills for 3 weeks. Moreover, the
even though the released varieties are mainly grown
department gives on-work training and advisory
for their oil content. Besides, the local varieties
service for silk producers as required, through the
growing in abandoned areas and as hedges can
technician; (ii) distribution of silkworms for farmers serve as source of silkworm feed. Accordingly, local
on request; (iii) conduct modest research trials such mulberry cultivars have been collected from different
as silkworm feed plant adaptation and evaluation sites and cultivated using recommended agronomic
trials and (iv) interested 4th year undergraduate practices to serve as silkworm feed. Moreover,
students carry out their graduate research projects two mulberry varieties (K-·2 and S-13) introduced
on different aspects of silk production. from India through MoARD were found to adapt
to different agroec~logies of the country especially
· Hawassa Agricultural Research Centre of the low to mid high altitude ranges and are currently
Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI): distributed in different parts of the country. However,
Hawassa Agricultural Research Centre started there Is a report that in some locations, mainly high
sericulture research and development efforts in altitude areas with frost during some seasons of the
2004. Botti eri and mulberry silkworms were brought year, the varieties are not thriving.
from Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre (MARC); The major source of silk technology for farmers in
however, the silkworm feed plants (mulberry and the country is Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre
castor) were locally collected. The Centre has been of the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
involved in sericulture activities through: (i) silkworm {EIAR), which has the mandate for introducing the
seed maintenance, multiplication and distribution different silkworm races and feed plants In the
for silk producers in the region; (ii) training and country. In addition, with considerable variability
demonstration (on-station and on farmers' sites) among regions, the other sources are research centres
of silk production as additional income-generating of regional research institutes, ATVET colleges, and
activity to farmers and interested individuals and (iii) higher learning institutes like Mekelle University and
modest research such as study on feed preference, Mertolemarlam ForestryCollege. Unllkeotherregions,
in Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples households, and is mainly characterised by Its
(SNNP) region different silkworm multiplication small-scale nature without major Investment in
centres that are established in different woredas and required facilities like housing and rearlngJacilities,
also silk producers' cooperatives are serving as major involvement of all household members in the activity,
sources of silk technology (Table 2). and limited engagement in processing. The second
Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre system is characterised by the commercial nature of
recommends the existing rearing and processing the production, where there are full-time workers,
facilities that are promoted nationally. These include existence of modern rearing facilities (like feeding
rearing beds and trays made of wood, timber or tray and stand, and mountages), and engagement in
bamboo; mountages made of hard paper, plywood processing.
or plastic; oviposition substrate made of bundles of On average, one silk production cycle (from egg
dried grass stems (kar/ca) and cocoon storage made to cocoon harvest) takes around 2 months. After
of bamboo baskets. mating of adult silkworms overnight, the females are
separated and placed In a karica (egg laying structure
Silk Production Systems made of bunch of grass stems). The karica with female
moths is suspended from a string in avertical position
Currently, the silk production system can be (preferred for oviposition). The female starts laying
categorised into two. The first system Is the one eggs 72 hr after mating. The eggs are disinfected with
undertaken as a sideline activity by rural and urban 2% formaldehyde (formalin), washed with detergent
Tobie 2. Soultii!S of silk technology In Ethiopia by region
.. i
Reg ton Silk technology sou~ Type of silk technology
Howosso Agricultural Research Centre Eri and mulberry silkworm, castor seeds and mulberry cuttings
Melkasso Agricultural Re.seorch Centre
Eri ond mulberry silkwonns
Shebedlno Woredo Silkwonn Multiplication
En silkwonns
Centre (Sidama zone)
Silk Producers Union in Alabo woreda Eri silkwonns
SNNP Alage ATVET College Mulberry cuHings and silkwonns
Meskan Woredo Silkwonn Multiplica~on
Eri silkworms
Centre (Butajiro)
lemmu Kolisha Silk Producers Cooperative
Eri silkwonns
Rurol Women Extension Group, Wolayita Zone
Eri silkwonns
Agriculture and Rural Development Office
Wukro ATVET College Mulberry silkworms .
Hiltew lea lew Woreda Agriculture and Rurol
Mulberry cuHings
Development Office .
Deportment of Dryland and Horlicultvral
Eri and mulberry silkworms
Science, Mekelle University
Tigroy Development Association (IDA) Mulberry cuttings
Mertolemoriam Foreshy College Eri silkwonns
Melkasso Agricultural Research Centre
Eri and mulberry silkworms, castor seeds, mulberry cuttings
Adet Agricultural Reseorch Centre Mulberry cuHings
Kombolcha ATVET College Eri silkworms
Noye ATVET College Eri silkworms
Jimma Agricultural Research Centre Eri silkwonns
Chiro A1VET College Eri silkwonns
Agorfa ATVET College Eri silkwonns
Hima ond Nekemte Plont Health Clinic Eri silkwonns ond coslor seeds
and rinsed in cold tap water to remove traces of spinning efficiency Is GQ-100 g/day/person, which is
formaldehyde, and then dried under shade and kept about 3 likakit (rolls) of silk fibre per day.
in newspaper and/or cartons until hatching. Egg Simple hand processing is carried out, where the
hatching takes lG-14 days while the larval and pupal cocoons are boiled and spun by hand in alikakitand/or
periods take 2G-25 days and lQ-14 days, respectively wheel spinner to get silk 'fibre. The silk fibre Is woven
depending on temperature. Cocoons are kept for 7 using traditional handloom machines and knitted to
days before harvesting and sun drying for selling. make traditional scarves, blankets and shorts.
Almost all producers keep eggs for the Spinning using a spinning wheel is reported to
subsequent production. Normally, eggs are kept Improve considerably the efficiency of the operation
inside on dean newpapers/paper Inside cartons for with about 10o-200 g of spun silk fibre per day.
subsequent production after collecting silkworm However, the availability of spinning wheels is limited
eggs from egg laying structure, karica. The top of the for wider use not only by Saba Har but also to others
carton is usually covered by a piece of·cloth to avoid who may be interested. Therefore, it Is Important
desiccation. that such equlpments are Introduced for better
Basically the farmers produce silk throughout processing efficiency.
the year but due to shortage of feed during the dry The poor quality of supplied cocoons is another
season, they tend to reduce the production during constraint reported. This Is mainly due to the poor
this time, especially those living in r~latively drier skill of producers in post cocoon handling, particularly
areas. Farmers with access to the existing market the drying of cocoons and also the absence of cocoon
produce 3-5 times a year. From the survey, it was drying facilities.
recorded that cocoon production level varies widely The total amount of cocoons processed by Saba
ranging from 2 kg up to 150 kg per production cycle Har is summarised in Table 3. It was noted that the
per producer. processor is not getting the required quality and
As per the reported productivity level, producers quantity of raw silk. However, there Is an Increased
get about 1000 eri and 2000 mulberry silkworms to trend In terms of better quality and quantity of
produce on average a kg of cocoons, respectively. cocoon production since the start of work.

The Status of Silk Value Addition Product Handling and Marketing

The limited experience in value addition shows that In the country. producers do not practice special
the major silk processing operations such as balling, cocoon handling. After harvesting from mountage,
degumming, spinning and weaving are undertaken collected cocoons are sundried for 5 to 7 days using
mainly through manual (hand) processing equipment sacks and bamboo trays In SNNP and Oromiya regions,
and It is commonly done by women. The pioneering and using cotton cloth and sacks In Amhara and Tlgray
and major actor among the cocoon processors in regions. It was observed that the cocoon-storing box,
the country Is Saba Har, a private company located made locally from bamboo, contributed to better·
in Addis Ababa. It was estimated that 80% of the quality cocoons as it provided good ventilation.
spinning work was done manually while only 20% The main buyers in the SNNP are Saba Har PLC,
through wheel spinning. The efficiency of such Datoo Hand Spun Ethiopian Silk PLC and cooperative
manual processing Is low and It Is costly.The estimated unions like Awassa Zuria and Damota farmers'

Table 3. Silk ooooons ~ by Sobo Her by region and year (in kg)

Grode Regions I
SNNP Ororoiyo Amhoro Others Total
lsi Grode 456.60 354.60 309.3 96.40 1216.9
2006/7 (12 months) 2nd Grode 378.80 191.00 123.2 57.00 750.00
July 2006-June 2007 3rd Grode 143.40 60.00 79.5 26.00 308.90
Totol 978.80 605.60 512.00 179.40 2275.80
1st Grode 161.2 145.7 56.3 44.3 407.5
2007/8 (6 months) 2nd Grode 203.5 231.8 17.1 4.4 456.8
2007 3rd Grode 326.9 85.7 4.9 8.5 426
Total 691.6 463.2 78.3 57.2 1290.3
unions. The cooperative unions purchase cocoons producing the cocoons.
from farmers and then sell to processors Jlke Saba Even though it is mainly for educational
Har PLC with minimum profit margin. The dominant purposes, Alage ATVET College has traditional
purchaser of silk in SNNP is Saba Har, which collects processing (spinning and weaving) machines, where
the product also through the linkage commonly the produced cocoons are spun to get silk thread,
created by zonal and woreda bureaus of Agriculture which is woven on a traditional handloom to make
and Rural Development Datoo Hand Spun Ethiopian silk products. Some of the products are made of silk
Silk PLC Is also engaged in production In addition to fibre mixed with cotton.
processing and marketing of silk. Though Datoo mainly Thus, it is necessary to develop the silk market
use the produced cocoons for own processing, they first along with the promotion of production. This
also purchase cocoons from other cocoon producers involves promotion of silk processing locally along
In the vicinity. The dried cocoons are hand spun to with Improved linkage to medium level processing
obtain silk fibre and then woven Into clothes (scarves, In the short run and large-scale processing In the
shirts, etc.) using traditional weaving handloom. The long run. Unless there is competitive market with
Datoo Hand Spun PLC is not linked to the national considerable number of buyers together with local
market. It purchases cocoons from 'silk producers capacity of alternative small-scale processing, the
in Hawassa town and Its vicinity in addition to the production will be hindered.
cocoons it produces. In general, marketing of silk in the country Is
In Oromlya, Amhara and Tlgray; silk producers constrained by the size of the market, the poor
have reported lack of market as their major constraint marketing arrangements and also linkage among the
as they do not have direct access to the central market market actors. Saba Har mainly purchase cocoons
in Addis Ababa. The producers were able to sell to from individual households/producers involved
Saba Har through linkage created by woreda and in silk production in different parts of the country.
zonal bureaus of Agriculture and Rural Development. Damota Farmers Union In Wolayita Sodo from SNNP
In addition to MoARD, zonal micro and small-scale Is involved In purchasing cocoons from individual
trade and industry enterprise promotion offices have producers and supplying to Saba Har. An attempt
played an important role in linking silk producers in was made to link the production of Gozamin Farmers
Amhara region. Union in East Gollam of Amhara region with Saba Har
In general, the price setting mechanism is during the 2006/7 fisc;JI year, but it was not successful
so simple that the purchaser, Saba Har, fixes the due to limited amount and poor organisation of the
prices. However, most of the silk producers, mainly supply. The role of cooperative unions and their
in Oromiya, Amhara and Tigray, did not have access respective primary cooperatives In aggregating and
even to this market. In many Instances, the produced grading of Individually produced silk is reported to be
silk with the assumption that the promoter will buy, a good initiative In terms of creating better access to
had no purchaser, which has created disincentive to market and also in improving the existing marketing
producers to engage in silk production. It is evident system of silk in the country. In addition, there are
that a considerable number of producers have quit intermediate traders, who collect from individual
silk production due to the lack of access to market. producers and supply to Saba Har.
As in the case of Datoo Hand Spun Ethiopian Silk . Silk processors, mainly Saba Har, produce
PLC, there is an attempt by the Debere Zeit dairy farm different products from the limited supply for both
to process produced and also purchased cocoons domestic and export markets. The domestic market
locally using the cotton spinning method used by Is targeted mainly to mid-high Income category of
women. It was reported that cocoon spinning Is a bit the population in Addis as the prices are relatively
more difficult and time consuming as compared to high and also the target markets are mainly shops
cotton spinning and the performance was 3 1/kakit at different hotels, where such people can easily
of silk fibre/day where 1 1/kakft weighs 25-30 g. access the products. The export market comprises
Eventually this company started selling the cocoons wholesalers and retailers in Canada, USA, Australia,
and also the spun silk to Saba Har. UK and South Africa.
ABC, an NGO working on promotion of the
production and marketing of silk, has been involved in Major Production and
the purchase of cocoons In Amhara region. However,
Marketing Constraints
the effort by this NGO was not successful as It used
inflated prices for cocoons during the promotion, As an underdeveloped sector, the major constraints In
which discouraged many farmers, as they could not silk production and marketing are related with limited
get the value they expected in the actual market after awareness, know-how and skill, and Infrastructure.
The different public institutions engaged in the potential market. Currently, the sector is promoted
promotion of the sector have critical shortage of by both the public and NGO organisations and is
skilled manpower and associated budget along with considered as an income-generating activity, both
poor coordination of efforts among the different in rural and urban areas. It has research support,
organs within and among institutions. where both silkworms and different feed plants are
The involvement of different public organisations maintained, multiplied and disseminated to users.
shows that public support is not provided in a Similarly, MoARD and other public institutions like
coordinated and holistic manner to promote the micro enterprise promotion offices at different levels
sector. This has been reported to provide a. complete give the development support. Different NGOs are
silk production technology provision (silkworms, also engaged in promoting the sector.
feed plants, rearing and processing equipments), However, the research results Indicate the
appropriate capacity building (for promoters, following issues require due attention if the sector is
producers, traders, processors), and creation of to play Its expected role:
markets (processing capacity, market linkage along (1) There is a need to design an integrated approach
the value chain). to promote the sector in a coordinated and
As the result oft he uncoordinated intervention of holistic manner so that the different components
both the public and NGOs, the following constraints of the sector will reach the producers, i.e.
were reported: complete silk production technology (silkworms,
(1) The major constraints for silk producers are feed plants, rearing and processing equipments),
reported in their order of importance to be: appropriate capacity building (for promoters,
• Poor market Information and absence of producers, traders, processors), competitive
good marketing linkages and limited market. markets (processing capacity, market linkage
In all surveyed areas, producers reported the along the value chain);
existence of a single buyer; (2) The need to empower the value chain with
• Limited availability of inputs (silkworms, efficient marketing system. Currently, there is
seeds of feed plants, and rearing facilities); no central market for silk cocoons or processed
• Poor quality of silkworms due to continuous cocoons where competitive prices can be set.
selflng (inbreeding) of existing silkworms. The major market Is Saba Har, which is buying
No replacement or additional supply is from producers all over the country;
undertaken; (3) There is a need to Improve the processing
• Disease and insect problems on feed plants capacity and promotion of engagement of
(spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, blight, rust different processing companies in this venture
and powdery mildew). for Improved competition and efficiency;
(2) The major constraints for processors indude: (4) There is a need to further improve the human
• Limited supply from producers; capacity at different levels to promote the
• Poor quality of cocoons supplied by sector.
• Lack of modern processing equipment, which References
makes spinning tedious and time consuming
and also reduces the quality of thread. Also, Habtyimer M., Shifa K. and Tamiru A. (2008)
the thread obtained by hand spinning is not Performance of silkworm races and promotion of
uniform in thickness; silk production under Ethiopian conditions, pp.
• High price of cocoons as compared to 77-82. In EHSS (Ethiopian Horticultural Science
international prices. Society). Volume l. Proceedings of the Rrst
(3) The major constraint reported by experts In Conference. 23-24 March 2008, Addis Ababa.
the public sector is lack of skilled personnel at EHSS, Ethiopia.
different levels. This is worsened by a high staff Habtyimer M., Tamiru A. and Shifa K. (2006) Scaling
turnover. up small-scale silk production for employment
and Income generation In Ethiopia, pp. 219-224.
Conclusions and In Proceedings of Scaling Up and Scaling Out
Agricultural Technologies In Ethiopia (Edited by
Tsedeke Abate). Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural
Sericulture has a good potential in Ethiopia due to Research, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
the agro-cllmatic suitability, abundance of labour and
Hettinger H.S. (1951) Marketing In Persia. The Journal Tamiru A. (2007) Silk production in Ethiopia: Efforts,
of Marketing 15, 289-297. challenges ar:td future directions, pp. 238-240.
Kapklinsky R. and Morris M. (2000} A Handbook In Development of Sericulture and Apiculture
for Value Chain Research. IDRC (International Products for the Poor In Fragile Ecosystems
Development Research Centre), Canada. Using the Value Chain Approach. Proceedings
Lockwood W.W. (1936) Japanese silk and the of the Trainers' Course and IV International
American market. Far Eastern ~urvey 51 31-36. Workshop on the Conservation and Utilisation of
Stewart J.R. (1948) The position of silk In Japanese Commercial Insects, 5-8 December 2006. icipe
exports. Pacific Affairs, University of British Science Press, Nairobi, Kenya.
Columbia 21, 46-51.



Arabic Article
Zaghyl Fathy Khalil
Sericulture Research Centre
Gaza, Egypt

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ID Group Training Course and Workshop on Scaling-up Apiculture and Sericulture Enterprises to Promote Rural livelihoods
0 Group Training Course and Workshop on Scaling-up Api culture and Sericulture Enterprises to Promote Rural Livelihoods

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Status of Apiculture and Sericulture
Pilat Project in Kassala State. The Sudan

Khalid Mohamed Shareif Elmahi


Introduction • Supply of 60 hives to 15 farmers;

• Construction of 2 rearing houses (Priority to Mr
Kassala State is situated in eastern Sudan bordering Babiker for training purposes).
Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, Red Sea State to
the north, Gedarif State to the south and Nile and
Khartoum states to the west. It lies between latitudes
14• 45' and 17" 65' north and longitudes 34" 30' and
37" 55' east.
It covers a total area of 42,282 km 2, which
comprises 1.8% of the total area of Sudan. The total
population is estimated at 1.7 million with 42 people
per km 2• Oty dwellers are estimated at 35%, rural
inhabitants are 53% while nomads comprise 12% of
the total population.

The national ecosystem is protected and strengthened
through improved silk and honey based technologies
with the poor communities.
Successful mainstreamlng of ecosystem
conservation Is achieved through adoption of c:
collaborative management using income-generating
activities through serfculture and apiculture as
Incentives for communities.
The Islamic Development Bank, OPEC, icipe,
IFAD, Viking Umited and Biop Ltd and participating
countries (in kind) funded the pilot project for USD
Figure 2. Beehives and equipment ·
4,575,000. icipe staff conducted field visits to Kassala
area. The government agreed to offer a piece of land
to construct a marketplace at the eastern nursery
of the Horticultu~e Department, and the rest of • Establishing of the Beekeeping and Sericulture
equipment was launched by iclpe. Producers Association in Kassa Ia and Gash areas.
After. ~he last visit on the 17th-22nd March • Achieved 7 feddans, but continue to reach the
2008 and the meeting held in the IFAD guesthouse, targeted 25 feddans.
we agreed on proposed activities for the next plan • We received one computer HP530 (laptop) in July
period which were: 2008 that helps in easy and fast communication.
• Increase In mulberry acreage (15 feddans) by • Completion of all procedures to buy 60 beehives
September 2008; and beekeeping equipment. After receiving
• Construction of marketplace buildings; them, we shall transport and store them before
• Supply of 2 reeling machines by September beginning to distribute them according to the
2008; planned arrangement: Each farmer shall receive
• Silkworm rearing/beekeeping training on-site by 4 hives for each feddan of mulberry cultivated,
lcipe staff in August/September 2008; but at Wagar area we need more discussions.
the targetfarrners. This was done in collaboration
with local beekeepers and technicians.
• Identification of the three sites for the rearing
houses with the volunteer farm~rs (one at N.
Sawagl, one at s. Sawagl and one at Wagar area)
and the cost was determined (materials and
labour). Construction of the rearing houses was
finished according to specifications.
• Supplied 11 farmers with fertilisers, cost of
electricity, fuel, pruning knives, pl~stic bags,
and packing materials for mulberry cuttings
Figure 3. A part of the thriving mulberry plantation preparation and growing.
• WPB of July 2008-June 2009 was ~ejected due
to limited funding. A new WPB for 2009 with
a reduction of 80% from the previous one was
• Negotiations with the General Director of
MAl, PCU Kassala and CCU Khartoum were
held three times on how to construct the
marketplace buildings on the allocated piece of
the land, although the cost had gone up for the
government at the beginning of 2008 and 2009.

• The proposed training with tclpe staff has not yet
• Distribution of 50 hives for 15 farmers was started.
completed and they began operations after we • More training on silkworm rearing and
assisted them to gather and dome~sticate the beekeeping with the domestic types of bees Is
wi,l.d local types of bees.
essential for the farmers.
• Co~ducted 30 field surveys to the horticulture
• High temperatures, limited electric supply for
areas to assess bee colonies, so as to get a clear irrigation purposes, and drought struck in March
map for distribution of the beehives in relation to to June 2009 and had a destructive effect on

Figure 5. Silkworm rearing house in north Sawagi. Rearing equipment (rocks, montages, wooden trays, wooden beds,
mats) were prepared
mulberry seedlings, plants and trees, but efforts
are being made to overcome this problem during
the coming rainy season.
• The new association Is not active due to some
constraints that occurred later on.
• Construction of the marketplace buildings is not
yet achieved.
• Delaying of the proposed visits and training by
icipe staff has affected the confidence of the

Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural
Resources Management

·Boniface Mutuku .Kikuvi

Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resources Management
P.O. Box 996-60100 Embu, Kenya

Milestones Components
• The project period Is 2004-2011 • Water Resources Management
• Project year 1 was for start-up activities - River Basin Management
• Project year 5 was for mid-term review - Community Water Development
• Project year 6 is ongoing • Environmental Conservation
• Project year 7 is for completion and evaluation. - Community Natural Resource Management
- Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Management
Objective • Rural Uvell~ood
- On-farm Soil and Water Management
The overall objective Is to reduce poverty through - Income Generating Activities
improved food security and income levels of the - Marketing
farmers and rural women by promoting: • Community Empowerment
• More effective use of natural resources; - Community Development
• Improved access to water; • Project Coordination and Management.
• Introducing better farming methods; and
• Introducing water managemen~ practices for
sustainable use of land and water resources.
• Mlnlstly of Water and Irrigation-Lead Agency
Coverage and Outreach - Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Agriculture
The project is implemented in 8 administrative - Ministry of Livestock Development
districts. These include: - Ministry of Gender, Children and Social
1. Embu Development
2. Mbeere - Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (Kenya
3. Meru South Wildlife Service and Kenya Forest Service)
4. Maara - Ministry of Environment and Mineral
5. lmenti North Resources (National Environment
6, lmentl South
Management Authority)
7. Meru Central • Local communities
8. Tharaka. • CBOs/NGOs.

Implementation Approach Overview of Income-

• Participatory and integrated approach Generating Activities
- Community-led implementation approach
- The communities Identify their development Objective of the Rural Livelihood
constraints and are assisted to develop Component
sustainable solutions through CAPs based on
To increase food security and reduce poverty at
their priorities and local capacity
the household level through sustainable on-farm
- Annual work plan and budget (AWP/B).
incremental food production and on· and off·farm
income-generating activities.

Rural Livelihood Component - Adequate forage
- Many rivers and so crops are grown
Focuses on three areas: throughout the year
• On-farm soil and water management - Ongoing tree planting by the project
• Income-generating activities - Irrigated agriculture.
• Marketing.
Potential for Commercialisation
Technology Dissemination • Modem beehives allow women and youth to
• Training farmers on improved crop and livestock participate in the subsector. ·
husbandry practices where the focus Is on both • The local economy has sta~ed responding to the
diversification and intensification initiative:
• Improved seed and planting materials - Local artisans have trained and are making
• On·farm trials the hives
• Training of extension staff. - The strong relation between woodlot and
beekeeping has started bearing fruit.
Main Activities for Income.
Generation Project Intervention
• Intensification/diversification of agricultural • Training carried out for staff and farmers
production and enhancing processing and • Procurement of demonstration materials for
preservation of agricultural products including apiary setup
value addition • 20 apiaries set up
• Training on business management and micro- • Procured 5 centrifuges for demonstration
credit • Trained 20 artisans on langstroth hive making.
• Promotion of livestock production, apiculture
and support to animal health. Sericulture
• High potential but marketing still a challenge
Apiculture • Activity still at infancy
• Beekeeping Identified in the project design as an • Fifteen staff trained on sericulture by Thika
income-generating activity for farmers Serlculture Station
• The project has promoted this activity across the • Mulberry growing initiated (3 varieties planted-
area Embu, Thika and Thailand).
• Over 50,000 households are engaged in
beekeeping (both directly/indirectly) Challenges-Apiculture
• Marketing of beekeeping products is not
• Low hive occupancy
organised In the region
• Pests/predators
• Different stakeholders are involved in promotion
• low prices for honey
of the subsector. These include: • High cost of modern hives
- Suppliers of equipment/accessories • lack of beekeeping skills by farmers.
- Honey/waxtraders
- Processors
Challenges- Sericulture
• Prices of honey have remained low since little
value addition is done • The sub-sector Is still young
• local uses • The farmers have inadequate skills
- Sold as raw honey/semi refined for household • Marketing Is a big challenge.
- Medicinal Conclusion and Way Forward
- Beer brewing (local)
• Apiculture and serlculture have a high potential
- Dowry payment (part payment).
in the project area and there is need to upscale
these enterprises for the rural population to
Opportunities derive the benefits.
• The project area has high potential for beekeeping • Key stakeholders, including icipe and others, will
due to the following: be engaged to support the project Initiatives to
upscale them.
L'Apiculture at Ia S&riciculture
au Burundi [Projet IFAD)

Bigirimana Revocate and Ndikuriyo Renovat


Situation Geographique - FAO

• Le Burundi est situe au Centre Est de !'Afrique - FIDA
• La superftde du pays est de 28.934 kml - STABEX
• Le climat du Burundi est de type tropical - Les institutions d'appul agrlcole au Burundi
comportant une alternance de 3 saisons; 2 -suiteGTZ
saisons pluvieuses et 1 saison seche CARE
• La temperature moyenne varie de 10 a33 "C. - CISV
- De toute ces institutions precitees le FIDA
est I'organisation qui inltie plus de projets au

Projets FIDA Sont a ces

Jours Encours d~Execution au
• Projet de relance et de developpement du
monde rural (PRDMR)
• Projet transitoire aIa reconstruction post confllt
• Projet d'appui pour Ia construction du secteur de
Population et Mode de Vie l'elevage (PARSE)
• La population du Burundi est estlmee fl 8.4 - 8,6 • Projet d'appul fl l'intenslfication et Ia valorisation
millions agricole (PAIVA).
• · Plus de 90% de cette population depend des
actlvltes agrlcoles. Les Projets FIDA au Burundi-
Population et Mode de Vie· • De ces 4 projets precites les deux projets suivant
Suite se sont focalises sur Ia relance des activites
• Les princlpales cultures du Burundi sont: Ia aplcoles au Burundi:
banane, le manioc, le cafe, le the, le coton, - Projet de relance et de developpement du
I' haricot, le ma'is, le riz et Ia patate douce monde rural (PRDMR): ·
• 1: elevage bovin et eaprin sont plus pratiques au Cout total: usn 34.2 million
Burundi respectivement dans Ia partie sud, nord Duree: 1999-2010
et centrale du pays. - Projet d'appui pour Ia construction du
secteur de l'elevage (PARSE):
Les Institutions d'Appui Cout total: USD 17.8 million
Duree: 2008--2014
Agricole au Burundi • La sericiculture au Burundi est une activM
• Organisations non gouvernementales non connue par Ia population. Cependant le
contribuent au developpement des activites Burundi dispose des potentlalltes enormes pour
agricoles en milieu rural: developper Ia sericulture en milieu rural.
Le Projet FIDA d~Appui aux Tobi(IQu 2. Proj9t d'appul pour Ia oonstrudion du sedeur
Activites Apicoles de l'elayage (PARSE)

Tableau 1. Projet de relance et de c!Mioppernent du 1. Formation des formoteu~ oI' idpe:

monde rurnl (PRDMR) • 7 provinces sur 17 ont ete
Annee Actlvit6s reolisees J 2008
"1 0 formoleurs provincioux
l . Formations des opiculteurs: ant ete formes.
* 4 provinces sur 17 on! ele
cibl6es; 1. Formation des responsables
.120 opiculteurs ant ele formes d' elevoge communoux;
par province. 2. Formation en construction de Ia
ruche l.ongstrolh: 5 opiculteurs par
2004-2005 2. Dlsponibilisolion des ruches 2009 province onl ele formes;
modemes: 2 ruches l.ongslroth ant 3. Disponibilisolion el distribu~on
616 distribuees par opiculteur; 960 des ruches modemes: 250 ruches
ruches pour !cutes les 4 provinces. L.ongslroth ont ele distribuees par
Recydoge de quelques opiculteurs: 40 province.
opiculteurs penn is les 120 formes par Mises en place des mielleries: Une
2007 En cours de
region ont e!Ei recycle. miellerie dewa eire implontee por

Production en Misl 3. Dlsponibilite en matieres premieres pour Ia

• Ruche L.angstroth: 15-20 kg par ruche fabrication des ruches et autres accessolres
• Ruche traditionnelle: 5-7 kg par ruche aplcoles.
• a
Nombre de r~colte par an: 2 Uuin Septembre et
Decembre Janvier) Recommandations
• Prix de vente: 2,5$ par kg de miel. 1. Renforcement de capacite en ressources
humalnes en apiculture et sericlculture;
Conclusion 2. Disponibiliser le pays en equipement apicoles
Potentialites apicoles du Burundi et accessolres (extracteur, enfumoir, bouteilles
1. Disponlblllte de beaucoup d 'essalm d'abeille; d'emballage, etc.);
2. Cllmat et vegetation adequat pour l'elevage 3. Introduction de Ia serlciculture;
apicole; 4. Introduction des projets api·forestler en milieu

La Situation des Projets du RDA au Rwanda
[Cas de Ia SBriciculture at Apiculture)
- --
Claude Manirakiza
ISABAN!; Cooperative, Rwanda

Situation Geographique Pret du FIDA: 14,9 millions de dollars; duree

prevue: 2004-2011;
• Le Rwanda est un pays enclave sltue dans Ia • Le projet d'appui au plan strategique de
partie Centrale Est de !'Afrique, ayant Ia superflcle transformation de ('agriculture (PSTA) pr~t
de 26,338 km 2
de 8,21 millions de dollars et don de 200,000
• La capitale est Kigali
dollars; dun~e: 2006-2012; beneficiaires: 20.000
• Sa population est estimee a 9.300.000 avec un
menages. Operatlonnel dans 6 ex prefectures:
taux de croissance de 3.5%
Klbuye, Gikongoro, Kigali Ngali; Sutare, Kibungo
• 70% de Ia population totale est concentree en
et Ruhengeri;
milieu rural.
• Projet de developpement des cultures de rente
et d'exportation (PDCRE) Pret du FIDA: 16,3
millions de dollars; duree prevue: 2003-2011;
beneficiaires: 28.000 menages des provinces de
Gikongoro, Klbuye, Klbungo et Klgall-Ngall.

Les projets finances par FIDA sont conn us sous deux

- Ia premiere se situe entre 1980 et 1990
et concernait les programmes lntegres de
developpement rural;
- !'autre qui a commence au milieu de l'an
Figure 1. Rwondo 1990 visalt un seul aspect du developpement
com me I'acd!s au marche ou Ia production
Le FIDA au Rwanda agricole.
• Le FIDA a commence ses operations au Rwanda
en 1981 En general Ia strategie du FIDA au Rwanda est
• Depuis lors il a finance un total de 12 projets compile dans un document appele Country Strategic
dont 8 sont en terme d'execution et 4 en cours Opportunities Programme «COSOP)) de 2007 qui est
d'execution base sur Ia Vision 2020.
• Le montant total de ces 12 projets s'eleve a
120.17 millions de dollars americains Cette strategie du FIDA s'insert dans le Document de
• Un nombre de 350.700 menages ont ete Strategle pour Ia Reduction de Ia Pauvrete (DSRP) du
beneficia ires directs de cette aide. gouvernement Rwandais entame aIa fin de l'annee
4 projets sont aces jours en cours d'executlons:
• Projet de developpement des ressources
communautaires et des infrastructures de
La Sericiculture et Apiculture
I'Umutara: Phase I et II (PDRCIU) Pret du FIDA: au Rwanda
27,9 millions de dollars; duree prevue 2000-
La Sericiculture
2011; beneflclalres 86.000 menages de Ia
province d' Umutara (hult districts); • Depuis 2006, le gouvernement rwandais a
• Projet de promotion des petites et des commence Ia vulgarisation de Ia culture des
microentreprises rurales: Phase I et II (PPMER); a
mOriers et I'elevage des vers soie;
• L' elevage des vers a soie ne pourrait ~tre .plus
productif car 20.000 oeufs devers soie donnent
entre 25 et 35 kg de cocons;
• Le marche des cocons se trouvent a Kigali.
L'acheteur le plus offrant est UTEXRWA (qui est
une lndustrle de textiles) qui achete le kilo de
cocons de premiere categorie a 1900 Frws (3.5$
par kg de cocons);
• L'UTEXRWA a une capacite d'absorption de 2.5
tonnes de cocons par jour mais Ia production
quotldlenne de dlfferents eleveurs n'est que de
Figure 2. Trois hedores de mOrier cui live oKorongi dons 850 kg, cette difference montrant combien le
lo province de I' ouest a
trajet faire est long.

Facteurs lim#Ent Ia production et explo#Etion

• Deux varietes de murier sont cultivees:
- Kanva 2; Feuilles de qua lite, -maximale des cocons
- ThaTiande: Resistante au sol acidifie; • Le cout eleve pour Ia construction des maisons d'
elevage et equipements;
• Le manque d'un centre specialise dans Ia
production des oeufs;
• Manque de formation et de sensiblllsatlon pour
differents eleveurs locaux potentiels en culture
des muriers et elevage des vers ~ soie.

Facteurs lim#Ent Ia production et exploitation

maximale des cocons - su;te
• Manque de terrains suffisants pour Ia culture des
• Absence de marches locaux des cocons;
• Absence de connaissances en bobinage et

Perspectives 2009
• Construire un Centre National pour le
Developpement de Ia Sericiculture;
• Produire une qualite superieure des oeufs F1;
• Etablir une pepiniere des muriers (Kanva 2 et
• Mobiliser Ia population acultiver les muriers afin
de couvrir au molns 264 hectares;
• Former plus de 214 eleveurs et 74 techniciens;
Aider techniquement et financh~rement des
associations locales;
• Aider a l'etablissement d'une association
nationale des producteurs de cor:ons.

• Si !'apiculture traditionnelle existe au Rwanda
depuis des siecles celle moderne n'a ete
re.ellement lntroduite qu' en 1990 avec Ia
Figure 3. Moison d'elevoge devers osoia
• Production annuelle: 400.796 kg de miel.
(Source: Mbarubukeye et Nlang; 2003).

Contrafntes rencontrees dans I·apiculture

• Pas bon nombre des ressources humaines
qualifiees en apiculture; d'ou !'apiculture tres
tradltionnelle dans bon nombre des regions du
• lnsuffisance des arbres melllferes dans certaines
Figure 4. Ruches modemes • Probleme de marketing pour les aplculteurs.

creation d'un Programme National pour le Conclusion

Developpement de I'Apiculture rwandalse; • L'aplculture et Ia sericiculture sont au Rwanda
• Une ruche kenyane (KTBH: Kenya Top .Bar Hive) des bonnes activites generatrices de revenue qui
peut donner plus de 15 kg; contribueralt tl ameliorer le niveau de vie de Ia
• La ruche Langstroth peut donner plus de 25 kg population rurale;
demiel; • Le marche tant local qu'internatlonal sonts
• La ruche traditionnelle donne 3 kg de mlel par dlsponlble; cependant Ia piece manquante
salson; n'est que !'augmentation de Ia production et
• Groupements: 732 cooperatives apicoles; !'amelioration de Ia qualite de Ia production;
• lndividus prlves: 21.312; • Le gouvemement ainsi que ses partenaires au
• Ruches traditionnelles: 75.103; developpement en I'oct:urrence le FIDA doivent
• Ruches modernes: 15.660 (Langstroth et Kenya concentrer leurs efforts dans Ia disponibilisation
Top Bar Hive); des equipements adequate, Ia formation de
fermiers et leurs organisations en cooperatives.


• •

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IFAD Programmes in
l\lyandarua North District. Kenya
Mary Wambui Karanja
District Agricultural Officer, Nyandarua North, Keny<~

Introduction Central Kenya Dry Areas

Nyandarua North District is one of the eleven districts Programme (CKDAP)
in Central Province. Nyandarua North district was
hived from the larger Nyandarua District to form Purpose
Nyandarua North and Nyandarua South districts.
Nyandarua North comprises three administrative To improve food security, farm Incomes and
divisions (Ndaragwa, Oljoro Orok and Olkalou) and nutritional status of the beneficiaries/community.
two constituencies (Oikolou, covering Oljoro Orok
and Olkalou divisions and Ndaragwa constituency Coverage
covering Ndaragwa division). The district has
Ndaragwa Dlvision-Uruku, Mbuyu and Ndivai Focal
Institutions such as Oljoro Orok Agricultural Training
Development Areas.
Centre and Agricultural Mechanization Services
Station (Nyahururu). It covers an area of 1797.25
sq km (179,725 ha) inclusive of the forest area of Main Outputs
139.25 sq km. Of the total area there are 1142.3 sq • Promotion of droughHolerant crops and fodder
km (114,230 ha) of arable land. crops
Nyandarua North District Is bordered by • Upgrading of small livestock
Nyandarua South District to the south, Laikipia to • Application of micro-Irrigation technologies
the north, Nyeri, Murang'a and Maragwa to the east • Promotion of agroforestry and environmental
and Nalvasha and Subukla districts to the west. I~ has conservation
sixteen locations and 45 sub locations. • Strengthening partnerships among servic~
The population Is 335,485 people, with 44,412 providers and beneficiaries
farm families and an average farm size of 3 ha. • Enhancing agricultural produce utilisation,
Nyandarua North district is mainly a horticultural processing and value addition
district. The major crops are Irish potatoes, cabbages, • capacity building of beneficiaries
carrots, peas, as well as onions, shallots and kales. • capacity building of staff
The major field crops are maize and wheat, which • Strengthening monitoring and evaluation
are grown mainly in Oljoro Orok and Olkalou systems
divisions. The only industrial crop Is pyrethrum but • Promotion of agroforestry and environmental
its production has been on the decline. Dairy sheep is conservation.
the major livestock enterprise.
The district Is involved in the adoption of Energy Conservation
modern agricultural technologies with emphasis on
greenhouse technologies where high value crops 1. Fireless Cooker
are growing. Value addition is one of the key drivers
• The fireless cooker Is an insulated basket for
towards Kenya's Vision 2030 being emphasised in the
cooking food using energy or heat stored by
district. water and food

.... livelihoods
"" Group Traming Course and Vllort<shop on Scafrng-up Apiculture and Sericulture EntellJriseS to Promote Rural

Table1. Project od1ievements

' ActNny Unit Cumulative ochlevemenJ(sJ lmPQds/ Ellects
Establishment of ogroforestry and Frl.rit 30 group tree nu~ries t26 eJ)Gs, 11 - 140,000 seedlings worth aboul hhs 200,.000
tree oorseries CiGs) Plomed dlrus, avocado, tree lomoto, Calrrondro, leuooeno, Grevirlea robvsto.
Fodder production and conservolion Demonstrofions on silage making done, 35% of lhe !reined Fonner.; hove·adopted fhe rvmbvkiza
Demos 43demos
demonstro1ion technology: Napier, mulberry, vetdl, tree lucerne, desmodium, swee1pototo vines, oats, sorghum.
Promotion of micro irrigaf10n
Demos 13demos 75 farmers hove purdlased the drip kils and odopfed the kitdlen gordenirlg technology.
technologies and kitchen gardening
Fonns laid with soil. end wafer 163 fonns laid, 7 CiGs formed, 324
Forms 7700 meJres of terraces done.
consetvol'ion slrvdures (195 male, 129 female} formers !mined
3 demos done on fish forming.
Fish forming demonslrolion/stoding Demos 3 farrners hove adopted and slacked ponds wilh fish.
2 dams stocked with 5750 lilopio fingerlings
50 demos of 35 ADGs and 47 CiGs
Demo on drought loleront crops Demos 1716 formers hove adopted, 2060 formers. reporting increased yields..
(982 former.;)
Former 4241 formers !mined on vorious crop
Non residenfial CiG froining 2590 formers adopting the lechnologies.
groops ond livesioclc: prodvctioo technologies
50 demos of 35 ADGs and 47 GGs 1716 formers nove adopted.
Demo on drolJght lolemnl crops Demos
(982 fo:rrners) 2060 formers reporting increased yields..
Shoots Technical Meeting MeeJings 4 sheep and 4 goat meeJings held Technical meefi.ngs held to iniliofe formation of ossociolions.
CEPs !reining Persons 45 CEPs To build copocily of CommtJnity members and monitor perlormonce, 1 inseminotor trained.
Purchase of bicycles Bicycles Building capodty of aPs to offer mobile extension services. 40 CEPs given bic;ycles..
Livestock voccinafion Animals 5520 pooltry, 1125 shoals Vocrinotion done against Newcastle, Jowl pox. and pulpy kidney.
37 former.; toured Sogana, Nyeri, Nakuru and lone on w!Jiet' harvesting and beekeeping. 46 4k
Fonner~ visits ond youth 1rnining Vlsils 4 dub members trained.
Promotion of environmeniol coo;eNO!ion Groups 3 3 former groups given over 500 jiko liner.; to in~iote income-generating activities ~GA}.
Livestock voccinatioo Animals 5520 pooltry, 1125 shoals Voccinotion done against Newcos!le, fowl pox and pulpy kidney.
37 formers toured Sagona, Nyeri, Nakuru end lone on water harvesting and beekeeping.
Former exdmge visits ond youth 1rnining Vis~s 4
46 4k dub members trained.
Promolion ol environmenlol conseNOfion Groups 3 3 former groops given over 500 jiko liners lo inifiote IGA
38 roms, 37 bucks, 20 does, 1750 452 and 963 offspring realised,250 formers reporting improved milk production (0.5-1.51tsJ
Introduction of breeding sfock Animals
cockerels ond registered ..wth DGAK
Water Technology oclopled, on estimate of 185 odopled and excovoted by formers, formers reported
Consfrudion of water pons 6 pons constructed
pons agricultural yields increased by over 20%.
• Fireless cookers save time and energy, are clean, Coverage
pose no risk of accidents, and the food cooks Nyandarua North. It also extends up to Nyandarua
evenly with no risk of burning. West, Central and Miranglne districts (Larger
Nyandarua North).
2. Biogas Technology
• Blogas is produced by anaerobic digestion or Achievements
breakdown of organic material • Community mobilisation
• Its components are 60% methane and 40% Co2 • Ndaragwa Fresh Produce Market plan and BQs
• Biogas is clean, reduces workload of looking for in the process of completion for the market's
firewood and reduces pressure on existing wood construction
stock while the slurry improves soil when used as • District and divisional horticultural Investment
manure. committees in place
• Formation and training of 22 marketing groups
3. Maendeleo Jiko • Pilot initiatives funding for: Bahati SHG (funded
Kshs 102,000.00-Greenhouse tomato growing);
Maendeleo Jiko liners are built around a ceramic liner
Jamrock Youth Development Project (Kshs
that gives the proper size door and firebox. It saves
394,700.00-Vegetables Irrigation); Ambui A
up to 3(}-50% energy or heat. Theiiners save money
Mwananlkl (Kshs 476,720.00-Greenhouse
on firewood, retain more heat and cook faster; are
tomato growing).
smoke free and safe, beautify the kitchen and are
environmentally friendly.
Small Livestock/Emerging • Poor infrastructure
Livestock • Late arrival of AlEs
• Frequent transfers of implementing officers
• Rabbit sales • Weather hostilities (drought)
Young- Kshs 300/- • Low adoption levels by farmers.
Adult - Kshs 500/-
New breed stock of chinchilla going for Kshs
3000/- with ready market in Gilgih
Lessons Learned
• Rabbit meat contains high fat content than • Farmers are responsive to specific technologies,
poultry. Its fat has better digestibility and is which meet their immediate needs and when
cholesterol free. these demands are not met, adoption and rate
• It is a cheap source of protein for the family. of spread of technology declines.
• Engages the youth in productive farming. • Non-access to markets for produce de-
motivates the farmers particularly due to poor
Smallholder Horticultural infrastructure.
Marketing Programme • Issues related to soli fertility management should
be emphasised as this forms the key to solving a
(SHoMaP) .
majority of the farmers' production problems.
Raising the quality of horticultural produce traded in Exit Strategy
the domestic market, reducing the unit cost of farm
inputs, increasing and stabilising farmgate prices, • A micro credit component shall be considered and
employment and wealth creation. tailored to meet farmers' requirements In terms
Components: of purchase of fertilisers, seeds and chemicals,
• Market systems analysis thus increasing the size of their enterprises.
• Institutional strengthening • Astakeholder's forum at the project level with the
• Investment in domestic horticultural value buyers/exporters of produce Is being organised.
c~ains-potatoes, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, • Closer linkage between <;onstituencies
peas. Development Fund (CDF) committees and Focal
Area Development (FAD) committees being
encouraged so as to ensure farmers' priorities
are addressed.
• Formation of umbrella groups for marketing • Initiate income-generating groups/table
produce for all crops including drought tolerant banking.
crops in an advanced stage of formation. Maize • Upscaling of drought-tolerant crops production/
and legumes .umbrella committee already In Increase the number of bulking sites.
place and registered. • lnstitutionallslng the trained CEPs-Registration,
• Construction of an Input/output store and a income generation. ·
rnarket in progress. • Upscaling efficient water use technologies.
• Value addition of these crops by the farmer
groups and provision of processing equipment.

Brief on the Agricultural Services Support Programm
~ and AgriculbJral Sector Development Program
Uvastock (ASDJ11..) Zanzibar Sub-Programmes
Mgeni Rajab Mgeni
Department of Cash Crops, Fruits and Forestry
P.O. 80)( 3526, ~ nzibar, U!nzania

islands, the two main islands of Zanzibar

Background • The number of beekeepers is estimated to be

518 (422 male and 96 female).
Zanzibar is partofthe United RepublicofTanzania with • They possess about 4000 traditional hives and
semi-autonomy status. It comprises of two Islands: 100 Kenya Top Bar Hives.
Unguja and Pemba and numerous small islets. The • The honey production ranges from 9 to 30tonnes
total area of Zanlibar is 2654 km 2• A tropical climate per year.
with bimodal rainfall pattern is experienced. The • The individual beekeepers can get between
average annual rainfall is 1800 mm and temperature 208,000 to 1,528,000 Tanzania shillings per year
ranges between 21-34 ·c. The population Is 984,531 from sales.
(2002 census).
Its society is cosmopolitan with 80%Africans, 15%
Arabs and mixed, and 5% ethic Indian, Chinese and
About ASSP and ASDP-L
others. Kiswahili Is the native and national language. Programmes
Ninety-seven (97%) of the population is Muslim, • Zanzibar sub-programmes of the Agricultural
3% Christian, Hindu and other denominations. The Services Support Programme (ASSP) and
villagers depend on agriculture and apiculture to Agricultural Sector Development Programme-
raise their income. Uvestock (ASDP-L) will last 7 years.
• They started on 30 January 2007.
Apiculture Status • The project is co-financed by IFAD, Government
• Apiculture In Zanzibar Is practised mainly In the of Zanzibar and project beneficiaries.
eastern part where the coral rag forest occurs. • ASSP and ASDP·L Zanzibar sub-programmes are
Implemented together.
ASSP Goal • Support to policy dialogue, legal and regulatory
frameworks and Institutions
Greater productivity, profitability and farm Incomes
• Programme management.
from increased investment in agriculture (through
higher private sector Involvement and improved
public service delivery). Achievements
Farmer Field Schools Status

Farmers are organised in groups that are
To reduce poverty, improve food security and coherent, independent and sustainable.
incomes of the target group of approximately 22,500 • Facilitation of 360 FFS with a total of 6120
households, in particular communities with a high households (target HH 42,000).
level of livelihood dependence on livestock, in nine • FFS members are now able to articulate
districts of Zanzibar. technology, extension and development needs.
• Mobilise/facilitate registration of FFS groups
Implementation towards SACCOs formation.
• The programme monitoring system identified
ASSP/ASDP-L are Implemented at three levels:
416 individual (206 men and 210 women)
1. National-MALE supported by various
Unguja farmers and Pemba 532 (291 men and
committees and facilitation team;
241 female) plus 15 groups as those that have
2. District-DMT and DFT oversee programme
adopted some enterprises and technologies in
both crops and livestock production.
3. Shehia-Agro-pastoralist groups and service
• Strengthened beneficiary capacity in effective
providers provide Important structures for the
participation and influence In planning,
implementation of the programme.
implementation and evaluation of services.
• Farmer Field Schools have helped to change
Beneficiaries farmers' attitude towards agriculture,
• Agro·pastoralists encouraging results in terms of technology
- ASSP- 42,000 beneficiaries adoption. ·
- ASDP-L- 22,500 beneficiaries • Increased production from different enterprises.
• Ministry of Regional Administration and Local • Farmers' Field Schools are composed of 56%
Government female; and 50% in female leadership.
• District authorities
• Ministry of Agriculture, Uvestock and 200 r-..:.Nc:..::uo.:.:m..:..:b:....:e..:...r..;.of;..;rg~~~.;r..;;.
o.- up
• NGOs and private service providers.
Components ~120
ASSP Components ..
'a 100
.! 80
1. Agro-pastorallst empowerment
§ 60
2. Strengthening support services for research and
3. Programme coordination, monitoring and 2
evaluation. 0
Animal Crops and Beekeeping

ASDP~L Components Figure l. Number of groups for each enlerprise

• Agro-pastoralist empowerment
• Technical support to livestock development
- Animal production • The culture of expecting physical benefits (such as
- Animal health livestock, machinery. or seed stock) from donor
- Livestock commercialisation and market projects was an obstacle to the implementation
development of the two sub-programmes that have the
Figure 2. Some initiatives undertaken by the programme as well as hives used
objective of achieving sustainable development • Sensitisation on the importance of knowledge
through helping people to help themselves. and skills.
• Weak coordination with other on-going sector • Training of financial personnel.
projects and programmes. • Mobilisation for the formation of SACCOs and
• There are no financial institutions that provide increase collaboration between Programmes.
soft loans or grants for smallholder farmers. • Activities prloritisation.
• Insufficient Government financial contribution. • Sensitise intensification of production of high
• Inflation. value crops.
• Shortage of land. • The programme is exploiting partnership
• Different project moqalities in the area. and engagement with other organisations to
• Low quality and quantity of bee products and complement programmes achievements, e.g.
lack of market centre. TASAF, PADEP and food security.
• Transparency In programmes modalities. • Introduce modern hives and establish market
centre for beekeeping products.

Smallholder Dairy Commercialisation
Programme [SDCP) ___ I
-"""" -~

Lorna Mbatia
Oelrv Enterprise Developmant Officer
Programme Manosement Unit, Smallholder Dairy COmmercialisation Programme

Introduction • Nakuru
• Nandi North
SDCP Is a six-year programme that commenced in • Trans Nzola
July 2006 and Is expected to close on 30th September • Uasln Glshu (in Rift Valley Province).
The programme works in units called Dairy
Goal Commercialisation Areas that were selected on
To increase Income of those poor rural households the basis of poverty levels, milk density and market
accessibility as the main criteria.
that depend substantially on production and trade of
dairy products for their livelihoods.
Purposes Component A: Organisation and
1. Improving the financial returns to market-oriented Enterprise Skills
production and trade activities by small operators
Provides for substantial capacity building of groups of
through improved Information on market
smallholder dairy producers, processors and traders
opportunities, increased production, cost reduction,
to move through the MODE approach to become
value addition and more reliable trade relations.
effective enterprises.
2. Enabling more rural households to create
employment and benefit from expanded
opportunities for market-oriented dairy activities Outputs
as a result of strengthened and expanded farmer 1. Improved group organisation to access benefits
organisations. from marketing of milk and dairy products;
2. Effective application of the MODE approach and
. Target Groups improved capacity of beneficiaries for business
planning and enterprise development;
• Resource·poor dairy farmers 3. Improved access to financial services by the
• 'Part-time' dairy farmers programme target groups.
• Small-scale Intensive dairy farmers
• Crop-oriented farmers with dairy cows
• Small·scale milk bars and shop operators
Component B: Technical Support
• Mobile milk traders. to Smallholder Dairy Producers
Supports a range of measures to strengthen
The programme is also reaching out to the poor smallholder dairy producers' access to relevant up·
and vulnerable in its area of operation. The target to-date information and techniques, necessary for
is 24,000 households represented in 600 groups of improving their production and productivity.
1. Enhanced smallholder dairy farming production
The programme covers nine districts: skills;
• Bungoma and lugarl (in Western Province) 2. Increased technical capacity on appropriate feed
• Klsll Central and Nyamira (in Nyanza Province) strategies (production, sources, conservation
• Bomet and utilisation of fodder);
3. Improved capacity of public and private sector Outputs
providers to deliver good quality and cost-
1. Sustainable Low Cost Market Information System
effective Al/breedlng and other technical
(LCMIS) set up and operational and linked to the
Dairy Information Centre at Kenya Dairy Board;
4. Improved availability of viable technologies at
2. Information gathering and elaboration of ·a
low cost in the programme area, e.g. energy
strategy for Improvement of market access;
saving jikos, biogas, water harvesting, locally
3. Improved capacity of dairy groups to market
made labour-saving devices.
their products:
• Market research, milk hygiene and standards,
Component C: Development of cost reduction, value addition, promotion of
the Milk Marketing Chain milk and dairy products, contracts, record
keeping, estimating and monitoring market
Aims to Improve the milk market chain and the
smallholder dairy operators' access to it, through demand,
• Establishment of pilot milk processing units.
support to the development of a low cost market
information system, strengthening of the Dairy
Information Centre at the Kenya Dairy Board, capacity Sub-Programme
building for milk marketing groups, a school milk There is also a dairy goat sub-programme that is
programme and a study on rural infrastructure. targeted at the poor and vulnerable in the programme


083(}-0900 hrs
09D0-1000 hrs Welcome address and introducing Commercial Insects Programme- 5.K. Raina,
Prnnrnmrr1,. Leader, Commercial Insects

103(}-U30 hrs Visit to Commercial Insects Programme laboratories - E. Muli, E. Nguku and CIP staff
123D-1400 hrs Lunch Break
1400-1600 hrs Visit to Commercial Insects Programme field sites- E. Mull, E. Nguku and C/P staff
160Q-1630 hrs Health Break
22nd October
090Q-1000 hrs Scaling up operations in apiculture and serlculture enterprises for livelihood
improvement and forest conservation-S. K. Raina,
lOOQ-1030 hrs Health Break

123Q-1400 hrs
140D-1600 hrs Establishing sericulture as a nature based enterprise for Income generation (Practical)
- E. Nguku, R. Macharla and M. Kahinya,
160Q-1630 hrs Health Break
23rd October
090(}-1030 hrs Spillover benefits of sericulture Industry for rural income and nature conservation-

150Q-1600 hrs Monitoring forest connectivity using GIS and GPS- K. Mithoefet;
160D-1630 hrs Health Break
26th October
090D-1030 hrs Wlld sericulture and diversity of wild silkmoth species In Africa. (Theory and Practical)
- B. Ngoka and F. Klllu,
100Q-1030 hrs Health Break
11D0-1230 hrs Mulberry and wild silk post-harvest up-scaling technology (Practical) - B. Ngoka, F. Kiilu,
J. Lumumba, C. Mbugua and A. Moina
Continued on next page 123
Continued from previous pege
l23D-1400 hrs Lunch Break
14QO-l600 hrs Beekeeping post-harvest scaling-up technologies (Practical)- E. Mun J. Ng'ang'a, J.
Kllonzo and s. Amboka
160D-1630 hrs Health Break
27th October (Tuesday]
Field trip to Mwingi Training Site
0900 hrs Departure tci Mwingi Assembly point: Ouduville International Guest Centre (DIGC)
1800 hrs Return to Nairobi - B. Ngoka and F. Kiilu
28th October (Wednesday)
093D-1000 hrs Marketing and marketplace development- 5. K. Raina
lOOD-1030 hrs Health Break
103D-1100 hrs Insects: Climate change, ecosystems services and agricultural biodiversity - I. Gordon:
Head CBIDP and EHD
llOD--1200 hrs Climate change adaptation measures through increasing forest connectivity and
enterprise development 7"" S. K. Raina
120D-1230 hrs Importance of taxonomy in the insect production systems- F. Haas
123D-1400 hrs Lunch Break
140G-1430 hrs Uvelihood monitoring process - R. Onyango, ICRAF
143D-1530 hrs Organic certification of silk and honey products; Mwlngi Case Study- E. Kioko, NMK
153G-1630 hrs Sustainable wild harvest for commercialised ethnobotanicals- 5. Wren
163D-1700 hrs Branding and marketing of the nature based productS- Mllba Advertfsing Ltd
170D-1730 hrs Health Break
29th October (Thursday)
Chair- S.K. Raina I Rapporter- E. Nguku
083D-0900 hrs Bigirimana Revocate and Ndikuriyo Renovat, Burundi
090D-0930 hrs Zaghlol Fathy Khali, Egypt
093D-1000 hrs Amanuel Tamlru, Ethiopia
lOOD--1030 hrs Health Break
Chair - 1. Gordon I Rapporter- E. Muli
103G-1100 hrs Teklay Gebreamlak, Ethiopia
llOG-1130 hrs . Fikre Berhe, Ethiopia
113D-1200 hrs Walter R.O. Ogot, Kenya
l20D-1230 hrs Boniface Mutuku Kikuvi, Kenya
123D-1400 hrs Lunch Break
. -
Chair- S. Wren I Rapporter-E. Nguku
140D-1430 hrs Lorna Mbatla, Kenya
143D-1500 hrs Mary Wambui Karanja, Kenya
lSOD-1530 hrs Precious Chambize Magombo, Malawi
153D-1600 hrs Principal James Okpu, Nigeria
160D-1630 hrs Health Break
124 Continued on next page
Continued from previous page

30th October (Friday)

Chair-f. Kioko I Rapporter-E. Mull
09D0-0930 hrs Claude Maniraklza, Rwanda
093~1000 hrs Mwajuma Haji Ussi and Mgeni Rajab Mgeni, Tanzania
lD00-1030 hrs Maymona Amin Saad, Sullman Ahmed Yagoub and Khalid Mohamed Sharelf Elmahl, The
103~1100 hrs Health Break
Chair-f. Wangombe I Rapporter- E. Mull
llOD-1130 hrs Asiimwe Taddeo Barwogeza and Night Sofia Apofia, Uganda
113~1200 hrs Ali Alawi AI-Hebshi and Fuad Algailanl, Yemen
120D-1230 hrs Simon Samuel Tesfay, Eritrea
Venue: Thomas Odhiambo Conference Centre, icipe, Duduville I Master of Ceremony- Mr Willis Awar/
Arrival of Guests: Ms Kristine Karan}a PR Office
1245-1430 hrs Lunch hosted by Prof. Borgemeister in honour of the guests
143D-1440 hrs Introductory Remarks-Prot Suresh K. Raina, Programme Leader, Commercia/Insects
1440-1500 hrs Welcome address - Prot Christian Borgemelster, Director General, icipe
15~1530hrs Address- Mr Aeneas Chuma, Resident Representative; UNDP
153CH540 hrs Book Launch- Resident Representative, UNDP and Director General, icipe
154D-1600 hrs Presentation of certificates to trainees - Director General, iclpe
160D-1605 hrs Vote of thanks - Ms Everlyn Nguku


Participants' Ust

Porttdpant's Name Delolls/Adress Country

c/o Abdulla Solem AI Dukoil

IFAD AI Dholo Community Resource
Ali Alowi AI-Hebshi YEMEN
Management Project
E-mail: [email protected]

icipe Thomas Odhiambo Campus, Mbito Point, Ksnyo

Amanuel Tamiru ETHIOPIA
E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +256 772 991503

Asiimwe Taddeo Borwogeza UGANDA
E-moil: [email protected]

Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Noturol

Boniface Mutuku Kikuvi Resources Marlogement KENYA
E-mail: [email protected]

Claude Manlroklzo ISABANE Cooperative, Rwanda RWANDA

Kilte Awloelo Woreda Office of Agriculture

Fikre Berhe Wukro, Tigroy, E1hiopio ETHIOPIA
Tel: +251 914748492

c/o Abdulld Salem AI Dukail

IFAD AI Dhala Community R~ource
Fuad Algailani YEMEN
Management Project
E-mail: [email protected]

c/o Mr Mohammed Sir ELKhalim

Kholid Mohamed Shorelf Elmahi THE SUDAN
E-mail: [email protected]

Programme Management Unit

Lama Mbatia Smallholder Dairy Commerdollsotion Programme KENYA
E-mail: [email protected]

Smallholder Horticulture Marketing Programme

Mary Wambui Karonja E-mail: [email protected] KENYA
[email protected]

c/o Mr Mohammed Sir ElKhatim

Maymono Amin Saad THE SUDAN
E-mail: [email protected]

Con/lnved on next peg., 127

Participant's Name Detaill/~ress Counhy
Department of Cash Crops, Fruits and Forestry
P.O. Box 3526, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Mgeni Rajab Mgeni TANZANIA
Tel: +255 777 854571
E-moil: [email protected]
Deportment of Cash Crops, Fruits and Forestry
P.O. ·sox 3526, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Mwajumo Haji Ussi TANZANIA
Tel: +255 773 296 974
E-mail: [email protected]

Night Sofia Apofia Tel: +256 782 488 339 UGANDA

Nsonje District Assembly, P/Bog l Nsonje

Tel: +265 0888863484, +265 0995546267
Precious Chombiie Magombo
Fax: +265 l 456311
E-mail: [email protected]

c/o Dr Ben Odoemeno

Principal James Okpu C. P.O. Abuja, Nigeria NIGERIA
E-mail: [email protected]

Renovat Ndikuriyo E-mail: [email protected] BURUNDI

Tel: +257 078 813 779

Rtivocote Bigirimano BURUNDI
E-mail: [email protected]

Simon Samuel Tesfay

do Mr Heruy Asgedom, Director General of MOA
E-mail: [email protected]

Suliman Ahmed Yogoub

do Mr Mohammed Sir ELKhatim
E-mail: [email protected]

Tigray Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development

Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia
Tekloy Gebreomlok ETHIOPIA
Tel: + 251 914729166
E-mail: [email protected]

Soulhem Nyonzo Communily Development Project

Wolter R.O. Ogot KENYA
E-mail; [email protected] ·

Zoghlol Fothy Kholil

do Dr Usoma Ghazy
E-mail: [email protected]

Resource Persons• Ust

Participant's Name DetaiWAdress

Boniface Ngoka icipe
ElliudMuli •
Everlyn Nguku
Fabian Haas
ion Gordon
Klaus Mithofer
Nelly Ndungu "
Suresh K. Raina •
Esther Wong'ombe Kenya Forest Service
~ednego Kiwia ICRAF
Jephine Mogoi •
Rose Onyango .
Es!her Kioko National Museums of Kenya
Bio·Enterprise Development
Susie Wren
VIdor Mabochi MilbaBronds Associates lmlted

International Group T.r aining Course and Workshop on Scaling-Up
Apiculture and Sericulture Enterprises to Promote Rural Livelihoods
Duduvilfe, icipe- Kenya, 21st-30th October, 2009

Aridpati,_g IFAD froiect Comries

Eritrea, Egypt, Yemen, Ethiopia, Southern Sudan, Uganda, Toruonio, Burundi, Nigeria, Congo, Kenya end Rwanda
ISBN 92 9064 223 8

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