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Universal Platform ARM9™ System-on-Chip Processor: High-Performance ARM920T Design Ideal For Broad Range of Applications

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Universal Platform ARM9™ System-on-Chip Processor

High-Performance ARM920T Design Ideal for Broad Range of Applications
The EP9307 is a highly integrated system- machines, fitness equipment, IP camera, well suited to an even broader range of
on-chip processor that paves the way for ATM, lottery machines, automotive media, high volume applications. Furthermore,
a multitude of next-generation consumer GSM modem, VOIP, portable printers, by enabling or disabling the EP9307’s
and industrial electronic products. weigh scales and GPS devices will benefit peripheral interfaces, designers can
Designers of point-of sale terminals, from the EP9307’s integrated architecture reduce development costs and accelerate
industrial controls, digital media servers, and advanced features. In fact, with time to market by creating a single
jukeboxes, telematic control systems, thin amazingly agile performance provided platform that can be easily modified to
clients, set-top boxes, biometric security by a 200 MHz ARM920T processor, deliver a variety of differentiated end
systems, home automation, fishfinder, and featuring an incredibly wide breadth products.
medical applications, electronic gaming of peripheral interfaces, the EP9307 is

EP9307 Features
• 200 MHz ARM920T Processor • Integrated Peripheral Interfaces • Internal Peripherals
• 16 KB data cache and 16 KB • Graphics accelerator • Real-Time clock with software trim
instruction cache • Three-port USB 2.0 Full Speed host (OHCI) • 12 DMA channels for data transfer that
• MMU enabling Linux® and Windows CE® • Three UARTs (16550 Type) maximizes system performance
• 100 MHz system bus • IrDA interface, slow and fast mode • Boot ROM
• MaverickCrunch™ Math Engine • LCD interface with dedicated SDRAM channel • Dual PLLs control all clock domains
• Floating point, integer and signal • Touch screen interface • Watchdog timer
processing instructions • SPI™ port • Two general purpose 16-bit timers
• Hardware interlocks allow in-line coding • AC’97 interface • General purpose 32-bit timer
• MaverickKey™ IDs for Digital Rights • I2S interface, up to 6 channels • 40-bit debug timer
Management or Design IP Security • 8x8 keypad • General-Purpose I/Os
• 32-bit unique ID • 14 enhanced GPIOs including
• External Memory Options
• 128-bit random ID • 32-bit SDRAM interface, up to four banks interrupt capability
• 32/16/8-bit SRAM/Flash/ROM I/F • 18 additional optional GPIOs
multiplexed on peripherals
• Serial EEPROM interface

High-Performance ARM920T Processor Core The single-cycle integer multiply-accumulate MaverickKey IDs can also be used by
instruction in the MaverickCrunch engine OEMs and design houses to protect
The EP9307 features an advanced
allows the EP9307 to offer unique speed against design piracy by presetting
ARM920T processor design with an MMU
and performance while encoding digital ranges for unique IDs. For more
that supports Linux®, Windows CE® and
audio and video formats, processing data information on securing your design
many other embedded operating systems.
via Ethernet, and performing other math- using MaverickKey, please contact your
The ARM920T’s 32-bit microcontroller
intensive computing and data-processing Cirrus Logic sales representative.
architecture, with a five-stage pipeline,
functions in consumer and industrial
delivers impressive performance at
electronics. Integrated Three-Port USB 2.0
very low power. The included 16 KB
instruction cache and 16 KB data cache
Full Speed Host with Transceivers
provide zero-cycle latency to the current Graphics Accelerator The EP9307 integrates three USB 2.0 Full
program and data, or can be locked to The EP9307 contains a hardware graphics Speed host ports. Fully compliant to the
provide guaranteed no-latency access acceleration engine that improves OHCI USB 2.0 Full Speed specification
to critical instructions and data. For graphic performance by handling block (12 Mbps), the host ports can be used
applications with instruction memory size copy, block fill and hardware line draw to provide connections to a number of
restrictions, the ARM920T’s compressed operations. The graphics accelerator is external devices including mass storage
Thumb® instruction set provides a used in the system to offload graphics devices, external portable devices such
space-efficient design that maximizes operations from the processor. as audio players or cameras, printers
external instruction memory usage. or USB hubs. Naturally, the three-port
MaverickKey™ Unique ID Secures USB host also supports the USB 2.0
MaverickCrunch™ Math Engine for Digital Content and OEM Designs Low Speed standard. This provides
Ultra-Fast Math Processing the opportunity to create a wide array
MaverickKey unique hardware
of flexible system configurations.
The MaverickCrunch engine is an programmed IDs provide an excellent
advanced mixed-mode math coprocessor solution to the growing concern over
that greatly accelerates the single and Integrated Ethernet MAC Reduces BOM Costs
secure Web content and commerce. With
double-precision integer and floating- Internet security playing an important The EP9307 integrates a 1/10/100
point processing capabilities of the role in the delivery of digital media Mbps Ethernet Media Access
ARM920T processor core. The engine such as books or music, traditional Controller (MAC) on board. With a
simplifies the end-user’s programming software methods are quickly becoming simple connection to an MII-based
task by using predefined coprocessor unreliable. The MaverickKey unique IDs external PHY, an EP9307-based
instructions, by utilizing standard ARM™ provide OEMs with a method of utilizing system has easy, high-performance,
compiler tools and by requiring just one specific hardware IDs for DRM (Digital cost-effective Internet capability.
debugger session for the entire system. Rights Management) mechanisms.
The integrated design also provides
a single instruction stream and the Both a specific 32-bit ID as well as a
advantage of zero latency for cached 128-bit random ID is programmed into
instructions. To emulate this capability, the EP9307 through the use of laser
competitors’ solutions add a DSP to probing technology. These IDs can then
the system, which requires separate be used to match secure copyrighted
compiler/linker/debugger tool sets. This content with the ID of the target device
additional DSP requires programmers that the EP9307 is powering and then
to write two separate programs and deliver the copyrighted information
debug them simultaneously, which can over a secure connection. In addition,
result in frustration and costly delays. secure transactions can benefit by
matching device IDs to server IDs.

Support for a Wide Array of Display General-Purpose Memory Interface 8x8 Keypad Interface Reduces BOM Costs
Interfaces with a Flexible Raster Controller (SDRAM, SRAM, ROM, & FLASH)
The keypad circuitry scans an 8x8 array
The EP9307 processor provides The EP9307 features a unified memory of 64 normally open, single pole switches.
timing and interface signals for digital address model in which all memory Any one or two keys depressed will be
LCD, TFT and CRT displays. It is fully devices are accessed over a common de-bounced and decoded. An interrupt
programmable for either non-interlaced or address/data bus. A separate internal is generated whenever a stable set of
dual-scan color and grayscale flat panel port is dedicated to the read-only Raster/ depressed keys is detected. If the keypad
displays, with up to 18 bits-per-pixel of Display refresh engine, while the rest is not utilized, the 16 column/row pins
color resolution. System performance of the memory accesses are performed may be used as general-purpose I/Os.
is enhanced with a separate dedicated via the high-speed processor bus. The
data path to the SDRAM-based frame SRAM memory controller supports 8, 16 Multiple Booting Mechanisms
buffer, which supports resolutions up and 32-bit devices and accommodates Increase Flexibility
to 1024x768. A 16-bit PWM provides an internal boot ROM concurrently
The processor includes a 16 KB boot
control for LCD panel contrast. with a 32-bit SDRAM memory.
ROM to set up standard configurations.
In addition, the EP9307 provides direct Optionally, the processor may be booted
timing and interface signals for TV 16-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
from FLASH memory, over the SPI serial
displays, with support for both NTSC Provides an Integrated Touch-Screen
interface or through the UART. This boot
and PAL formats through either RGB Interface or General ADC Functionality
flexibility makes it easy to design user-
or YCrCb outputs. The EP9307 includes a 16-bit ADC, controlled, field-upgradable systems.
which can be utilized either as a touch-
High Quality Sound Delivered in screen interface or for general ADC Abundant General Purpose I/Os
Multiple Audio Configurations functionality. The touch-screen interface Build Flexible Systems
performs all sampling, averaging, ADC
The EP9307 delivers SPI, I2S and AC’97 The EP9307 includes both enhanced
range checking and control for a wide
serial interface support. The processor and standard general- purpose I/O pins
variety of analog-resistive touch screens.
can be configured to provide up to six- (GPIOs). The 14 different enhanced
To improve system performance, the
channel I2S 24-bit audio. The AC’97 GPIOs may individually be configured as
controller only interrupts the processor
port supports multiple CODECs for inputs, outputs or interrupt-enabled inputs.
when a meaningful change occurs. The
cost-effective stereo audio output. Cirrus There are an additional 18 standard
touch-screen hardware may be disabled,
Logic provides high-performance audio GPIOs that may individually be used as
and the switch matrix and ADC controlled
decode and encode algorithms for a inputs, outputs or open-drain pins. The
directly for general ADC usage if desired.
number of popular formats including MP3, standard GPIOs are multiplexed with
Windows Media® Audio and AAC™. peripheral function pins, so the number
available depends on the utilization of
peripherals. Together, the enhanced
and standard GPIOs facilitate easy
system design with external peripherals
not integrated on the EP9307.

The Cirrus Logic ARM9™ Embedded Processor Family
EP9315 Premium-Featured Solutions
Connected, high-performance graphics system
with mass storage


EP9307 Full-Featured Solutions

Connected, high-performance graphics terminals


EP9301 Entry-Level Solutions

Non-graphical terminals, standard connectivity

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Product Bulletin 0125-0607-PB © 2007 Cirrus Logic, Inc. All rights reserved. Product information is subject to change without notice. Cirrus Logic, Cirrus, and the Cirrus Logic logo designs
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