Effect of The Parameters of The Semiconductive Coating On The Anti-Icing Performance of The Insulators

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4, AUGUST 2016 1413

Effect of the Parameters of the Semiconductive

Coating on the Anti-Icing Performance
of the Insulators
Xiaoxing Wei, Zhidong Jia, Member, IEEE, Zhenting Sun, Masoud Farzaneh, Fellow, IEEE, and
Zhicheng Guan, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Partial coating of insulators with semiconductive sil- According to CIGRE TB 438 [11], the mitigation methods
icone rubber has proved to be a potential method for reducing for overhead phase conductors and ground wires subjected to
ice accretion on insulators. The performance of the coated insu- icing are passive methods, active coatings and devices, mechan-
lator strings is mainly determined by the insulator parameters, the
coating resistance, and the coating area covering the insulator sur- ical methods, and thermal methods. However, none of these
face. This research is to investigate the effect of using semiconduc- methods are applicable to outdoor insulators.
tive silicone rubber coating on the anti-icing performance of ce- Insulator dimensioning and positioning approaches are
ramic insulators, considering the coating resistance and the coating widely used in most of the icing prone areas since the 2008 ice
area. A series of icing tests was carried out in a climate room and storm in China [12], [13]. For example, insulators with larger
the results obtained from tests on a single insulator unit were ex-
tended to short insulator strings. The experimental results showed shed spacing, resulting in longer ice bridging time, as well as
that the magnitude of the appropriate coating resistance was below insulators with alternative shed diameters have been identified
in the freezing condition recommended, and that the suit- as potential mitigation options [14].
able width of the band of the uncoated area was about 5 to 8 cm. Thermal methods are considered to be an effective de-icing
Since the main heating power was consumed in the region of the un- approach and widely used for preventing ice accretion on over-
coated band, the uncoated area should better be close to the edge
of the top surface of the insulator, in which case the icicles could head conductors [15]–[17]. Then, the idea of using the thermal
fall off more easily. method was extended to the ice prevention for insulators by in-
troducing a semiconductive silicone rubber coating to which
Index Terms—Anti-icing, aging, coating area, coating resistance,
semiconductive silicone rubber. conducting particles, such as carbon black and carbon fibers,
were added [18].
The semiconductive silicone rubber is applied to the bottom
I. INTRODUCTION side of the insulator to configure the surface resistance of the
insulator in order to eliminate power loss and accelerated aging

I CE AND snow accretion on exposed structures, including

power networks, can lead to their failure [1]. In particular,
ice or wet snow accretion on insulators can bridge the shed
due to the continuous thermal consumption when there is no pre-
cipitation [19]. In this case, a conductive path forms when the
top side of the insulator is wetted by moisture or precipitation
spacing, which can cause flashovers with resulting power out- under certain conditions. Leakage current and electric discharge
ages [2]. Much progress has been made in understanding the occurring between water droplets can generate enough heat to
physical processes involved in ice or snow accretion [3]–[5]. defer the ice accretion. With this method, good anti-icing perfor-
Moreover, investigations have been carried out on the impact of mance of tested insulators was obtained under certain laboratory
ice buildup or snow cover on insulator strings [6]–[10]. conditions [19]. However, this paper was only a rough introduc-
tion of using semiconductive silicone rubber for anti-icing on
Manuscript received June 13, 2013; revised November 13, 2013; accepted
suspension ceramic insulators. An effective anti-icing behavior
June 14, 2014. Date of current version July 21, 2016. This work was supported depends on the heating power generated by the leakage current
in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Project no. across the insulator surface. Except for atmospheric conditions,
51177081, in part by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), and in part by
CIGELE, Université du Québec, Canada, within the framework of a collabo-
the coating resistance and coating area covering the insulator
ration with Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China. Paper no. TPWRD-00673- surface are the two important factors, and can be adequately
2013. controlled and fixed. Therefore, the following research focused
X. Wei, Z. Jia, Z. Sun, and Z. Guan are with the Graduate School at
Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China (e-mail:
on investigating the effect of the parameters of the semicon-
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; guanzc@sz. ductive coating to the anti-icing performance of the suspension
tsinghua.edu.cn). insulators.
M. Farzaneh and X. Wei are with the NSERC/Hydro-Quebec Industrial
Chair on Atmospheric Icing (CIGELE) and the Canada Research Chair on II. EXPERIMENT AND SETUP
Atmospheric Icing Engineering of Power Networks (INGIVRE), Univer-
sité du Québec in Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC G7H 2B1 Canada (e-mail: All of the experiments were carried out in a climate room and
[email protected]).
the anti-icing performance of the treated insulators was tested
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. according to IEEE Standard 1783 [20] and using the experi-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2337012 mental facilities, samples, and procedures that will be described.

0885-8977 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experiment setup T1-regulator: 0.22 kV/35

kV, 50 kVA; R1–protection resistor: 10 k ; V.D.—capacitive voltage divider:
35 kV; R2–35 kV bushing; R3–resistor used for the measurement of leakage
Fig. 2. Illustration of insulators tested.
current; PLC- PLC control system; ADLC—acquisition device of leakage cur-
rent; TS—temperature sensor; WS—weight sensor; SN—spray nozzle; IS—in-
sulator tested; AI—additional insulator; RI—paperless recorder.

A. Experimental Setup
The schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown
in Fig. 1, It is similar to those presented in [21] and [22], but
with some modifications and enhancements as described in this
The inner size of the climate chamber is
length width height and the air temperature inside the
chamber can be reduced down to 20 . In the setup, several
temperature sensors (TS) filled in the space to measure the tem-
perature accurately. Two pneumatic nozzles (SN) were on one TABLE II
of the walls of the chamber as shown in Fig. 1. The water pres-
sure and air pressure were simultaneously controlled by a PLC
control system (PLC) to ensure a uniformly distributed mist
around the insulator. The insulator unit or string was hung in the
center of the chamber. Another insulator (AI) was used to allow
for leakage current measurements. A weight sensor (WS) was
included to measure the weight of ice accretion on the insulators.
The applied voltage and the leakage current were monitored and
recorded by a data-acquisition (DAQ) system. The data of tem-
perature and weight were recorded in real time by the paperless
recorder (RI) at 1 Hz. The applied voltage and the leakage cur-
rent were monitored and recorded by a DAQ (ADLC). Mean- preparation of normal room temperature vulcanization (RTV).
while, the ice-covered insulator strings were photographed and Following this, some material characteristics, such as hy-
their surface temperature distribution was measured by an in- drophobicity, tear and tensile strength, elongation at break,
frared camera. as well adhesion ability stayed almost the same compared to
normal RTV. However, resistance to tracking and erosion, di-
B. Insulators and Coatings electric strength, and volume resistivity was decreased because
Three types of insulators were used in the tests, which was of the presence of conductive fillers in the final product.
abbreviated as: 1) Ins A; 2) Ins B; and 3) Ins C, respectively, as
shown in Fig. 2. The parameters of the insulators are shown in C. Coating Resistance and the Measurement
Table I. Ins A is a porcelain insulator, the Ins B and Ins C are Coating resistance is another important factor in anti-icing
glass insulators, and Ins C is an aerodynamic insulator with a performance under freezing conditions. The conductivity of the
greater shed. semiconducting coating is sensitive to the volume fraction of
The parameters of the coating used in the tests are sum- carbon black and to temperature [18]. So the coating resistance
marized in Table II. Similarly, as described in [18] and [22], can be changed by adjusting the concentration of the carbon
the semiconductive coatings were prepared by adding carbon black in the preparation. The scope of volume resistivity used in
black fillers into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) during the the tests varied from to . To determine the coating

Fig. 4. Configurations of the coating on insulators.


Fig. 3. Measurement method of coating resistance.


divided into three ring-shaped bands: coating band A, coating

band B, and a blank band without any coating. The widths of
the three bands are expressed as , , and , respectively.
To determine the appropriate coating resistance for anti-icing,
a single-unit insulator test with 5 kV was carried out in the cli-
mate room. Ins C with a relatively large shed diameter on the top
resistance, Ins A was used and the coating was only treated on side was used in the tests for configuration design. The coating
the bottom side. used was the same as that of sample A4. There are six configu-
The measurement of the dc resistance of the coating was car- rations listed in Table IV: samples B1, B2, and B3 with ,
ried out until the coating was cured completely after being ex- and B4, B5, and B6 with . The case of and
posed to atmospheric moisture. The equivalent dc resistance of will be discussed in Section IV.
the coating was measured by using a megameter and a flat bare
wire. The measuring method is shown in Fig. 3. A flat shape E. Icing Conditions
bare conductor was used to form a circular ring and was tied
up tightly on the outer shed of the top surface. The two heads This study was performed under the wet ice growth regime,
of a megameter were connected with the pin and conductor. and the experimental conditions, as set out in Table V, were
Then, the megameter multimeasurement average readings were chosen to mimic freezing rain. The water was sprayed con-
recorded when they were stable. tinuously onto the insulator surface during the subsequent test
The coating dc resistances selected in the tests are pre- process. The water conductivity was adjusted to S/cm at
sented in Table III. Except for the insulator without coating, in- 20 C, as recommended in IEEE Standard 1783 [20]. A thermal
sulators with different magnitudes were also tested. Every test infrared imager was additionally used at the end of the test to
includes three insulators of the same coating. All of the coated record the surface temperature of the insulator string as needed.
insulators were treated with a semiconductive coating on the In order to directly reflect the impact of coating resistance and
lower side. coating configuration on the performance, the single insulator
test was adopted, and the test voltage for evaluating the anti-
D. Coating Configurations icing performance of the unit was 4 or 5 kV rms at 50 Hz.
Actually, the coating can also be applied to the top surface of
the insulator rather than on the bottom surface only. The novel III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
design is sketched in Fig. 4, which represents the top view of
the insulator being partially treated with the coating. The bottom A. Design of the Coating Resistance
side is covered with the coating, which is not displayed in Fig. 4. The results of the anti-icing performance after about 2 hours
On the top surface, however, the entire porcelain or glass area is of icing test are presented in Fig. 5. The evolution of the leakage



Fig. 6. Evolution of leakage current during anti-icing performance of insulators

of different resistance.

enough to resist the freezing conditions. At difference with sam-

ples A1 and A2, however, sample A3 showed were few icicles
left, teetering on the edge of the insulator A3. As its average
leakage current was 2.8 mA, it produced almost 4 times more
heat than sample A2 did with the same applied voltage. Ob-
servation through the icing process of sample A3 showed that
icicle growth still continued, but that ice accretion was greatly
prevented. Moreover, the roots of the icicles, by which long ici-
cles can stick tightly to the edge of the insulator, were eroded by
the “hot water” from the melting of the ice layer or heating of
the impacting droplets on the blank area of the insulator. Then
the adhesive strength between ice and insulator was not strong
enough to stop the icicles from dropping off due to gravity.
When coating resistance further decreased to an order of mag-
nitude of 0.03 M , the average leakage current increased to 6
mA (Fig. 6 A4), and eventually the heat flux rate was 30 W (5
kV 6 mA), nearly 4 times as much for sample A2 and twice as
much as for sample A3. A better anti-icing performance than for
samples A2 and A3 was obtained as the slightly larger discrete
ice layers were melted and all the icicles dropped off after the
2 h icing test.
Whether the surface temperature of the insulators can be
raised to over 0 C or not, depends on the competitive rela-
tionship of the sources of heat production: leakage current,
heat convection, heat conduction or other forms of heat loss.
Generally, the voltage applied to the insulator strings is fixed,
though sometimes with small changes. So, the heat production
rate depends only on the leakage current across the insulator
surface. Fig. 7 shows the average leakage current (RMS) of all
the coated samples during the icing process. In the above con-
Fig. 5. Anti-icing performance of insulators treated with semiconductive coat- ditions recommended, a remarkable leakage current, more than
ings of different resistance. 3 mA, can be obtained when reducing the coating resistance to
lower than about 0.3 M . Combinedwith the results in Fig. 5,
it could be roughly inferred that better anti-icing performance
current of the above samples during the icing process is shown could be obtained when reducing the coating resistance to no
in Fig. 6. more than about 0.3 M in the aforementioned recommended
As can be seen in Fig. 5, since the coating resistance of sample conditions. As for the specific environment conditions, just like
A2 was 1.38 M , there was still a thick ice layer and long ici- wind, surrounding temperature and the contamination level, the
cles like that of an insulator without coating. Apparently, the leakage current has an inverse relationship with coating resis-
heat generated by the low leakage current 1.5 mA) was not tance, which is shown in Fig. 7. Especially when the resistance

Fig. 7. Average leakage current (rms) of samples A2 to A4 during the icing


of the coating is far less than the equivalent resistance of the

water or mixture of water and ice, almost all the heat generated
will be entirely consumed on the top surface increasing the
water droplet temperature and melting the ice layer and the

B. Design of Coating Configuration Fig. 8. Anti-icing performance of insulators for different configurations;
arrow: the radial length of the uncoated area.
In this section, all of the insulators were treated with the
semiconductive coating, which was the same as that of sample
A4. The appearances of the ice buildup of the single aerody-
namic insulator after a 2-h icing period are presented in Fig. 8.
Fig. 9 shows the average leakage current (rms) of all the sam-
ples during the icing process.
In Fig. 8, for samples B1, B2, and B3 with 0, long ici-
cles and thick ice layers indicated that this kind of configura-
tion could not improve the anti-icing performance, even though
the width of the blank area decreased to only 8 cm and the
leakage current increased to about 4.5 mA (Fig. 9). Unexpect-
edly, there was no significant increase in the leakage current and
heating power when more area was covered with semiconduc-
tive coating. Especially as shown on the top surface of sample
B2, the Joule heat was mainly generated in the uncoated area
since most of the resistance is situated in this area. At the same
time, however, most of the Joule heat was also generated in the Fig. 9. Average leakage current (rms) of Samples B1 to B6 during the icing
same area. Since icicle accretion is more dangerous than the process.
ice buildup on the top insulator surface, it is more important
to prevent the growth of the icicles. However, this was only of
little help for the 0 configuration. The coating temperature sample B4, the longer radius of the blank band caused a decrease
showed only little increase for the above reason. Hence, for this in conductivity, with a small resulting leakage current, about 3
configuration, ice accretion near the edge of the insulator and mA. So long icicles and thick layers also appeared, just as in
icicle growth were observed, even when the coating area was samples B2 and B3, since the very close heat rate with them. Un-
expanded. like sample B3, the leakage current of sample B5 was enhanced
Conversely, the use of the 0 configuration proved the greatly when the distance decreased to 7 cm and eventually the
above conclusion that for samples B4, B5 and B6, the coating is heat rate strengthened to be about 30 W. Therefore most of the
to be applied not only on the bottom side but also near the cap. icicles dropped off and the rest is about falling off the edge of
The main purpose was not only to increase the leakage current the insulator, as shown in Fig. 8. Moreover, all the icicles disap-
and then the heat rate by narrowing the area of the blank band, peared during the icing period when the width of the blank band
but also to let the melted water reach the edge of the insulator further decreased to 5 cm, as a result of an important rise in the
more quickly followed by more soft icicles roots. In Fig. 8, for heat rate.

Fig. 11. Weight of ice accretion and leakage current of the four insulator strings
during the icing process.

Fig. 10. Anti-icing performance of insulator strings for different configura-

tions: (a) appearance of icing after 1.5 h and (b) infrared images of the tested
insulator strings after the experiments.

The case of an insulator string is different from that of a single
insulator. When every insulator of the string is partially coated,
it means that there will be more “gaps” (uncoated areas) along
the insulator string. In principle, anti-icing process will not be
triggered until all the gaps are covered and connected by the
liquid water. In order to investigate the anti-icing performance
of the coated insulator string or string with alternative sheds,
two additional groups of tests were carried out under the same Fig. 12. Anti-icing performance of insulator strings with five units or alterna-
tive sheds.
conditions as presented in Table II. The coating configurations
and insulator information are presented in Table IV. The coating
resistance is the same as for sample A4 in Fig. 5.
shifted to the external side from the adjacent area of the cap. The
A. Short Insulator Strings With the Same Sheds case is more obvious for sample C4, where the area with higher
heating is closer to the edge of the insulator, in which case most
Fig. 10 shows the icing appearance and infrared images of
of the ice layer can melt with more icicles dropping off.
the short insulator strings after an icing process of 1.5 h. Fig. 11
presents the change in the weight of ice accretion during the
B. Short Insulator Strings With Alternative Sheds
icing process.
Compared to the uncoated insulator string, the three coating For the purpose of improving the performance of an insulator
ones with the same volume resistivity can greatly prevent ice in cold and freezing rain areas, insulator strings with longer
buildup during the icing tests at different levels, even with in- leakage distance (more units) or with alternative sheds are
creasing units and more gaps. The temperature of most of the top widely used. Figs. 12 and 13 show the icing/anti-icing perfor-
surfaces of these three samples increased to above C (as in- mance of insulator strings with more units or alternative sheds
dicated by the white rectangles in Fig. 10). However, it must be at the 35 kV level.
admitted that this performance cannot catch up with that of the In Fig. 12, samples D2 and D4 seem to present features of
single insulator, sample A4, since they shared the same coating. icephobicity. However, Ins A and Ins B had similar parameter
In the last 5 min of the test when the leakage current was more values except for surface curvature. The amount of accumulated
stable, the leakage current of samples C1, C2, and C3 were mea- water droplets on the top surface of Ins B per unit of time is
sured to be 3.82, 4.01, and 4.28 mA, respectively. The leakage higher than that of Ins A, since water droplets or water film
current was somewhat like that of sample A3, but much lower fall off more easily for Ins A than Ins B from the top surface.
than sample A4. Therefore, the anti-icing capability will decline Then water film thickness will decline, that is, the equivalent
for long insulator strings. resistance of the water film or mixture will increase, causing
For samples C2 and C3, with the same width of the coating the leakage current to decrease. It is the reason why the leakage
at the edge of the insulator, the narrowing blank band increased current of sample D2 was higher than that sample C2. So, the
the heating power rate. But for sample C3, the main heating area anti-icing performance of an insulator string is not only related

Fig. 13. Leakage current of the four insulator strings during the icing process.

Fig. 14. Comparison of the icing appearance of the insulator string: (a) treated
to coating resistance, configuration, and environment, but to the with the new coating and (b) taken down from a 35 kV line after one year's
operation. (a) New coating. (b) Aged coating.
specific parameters of the insulator as well.
For the insulator string with alternative sheds, the icicles
need a long time to bridge the whole insulator string, thus im-
proving the performance of the insulator in freezing conditions,
which has also been reported in [2]. Moreover, the anti-icing
coating was also effective when comparing samples D3 and
D4, as shown in Fig. 10.
In the case of sample D4, some of the icicles formed on the
edge of the small insulators (white rectangle) fell onto the top
surface of the aerodynamic insulator, whereas another portion
of them fell out (red rectangle A). However, there were a lot
of icicles (red rectangle B) adhering stubbornly to the edge of
the aerodynamic insulator. It is an important difference with the
single insulator (sample B6), as shown in Fig. 8. A possible
reason for that is the low leakage current density when the radius
of the insulator increases resulting in a lower power generation
Fig. 15. Leakage current of the insulator string treated with the new coating
rate, unable to compensate for the freezing rate. In addition, and aged coating.
because of the larger area of the top surface, more water was
collected on the top surface and more energy was required to
increase the temperature of the water. Otherwise, some of the V. CONCLUSION
water would freeze with an increase in electrical resistance and This paper focuses on investigating the effect of the semi-
a decrease in leakage current. conductive coating applied on suspension insulators on the anti-
icing/icing performance. Considering the aforementioned anal-
ysis, the following conclusions can be drawn.
C. Long-Term Aging Problem Appropriate coating resistance and configuration are neces-
sary conditions for the effective anti-icing, but these are not suf-
Because of the conductive fillers, the aging problem is always ficient conditions. The necessary maximum order of magnitude
the main concern. As for the different principle, the coating was of the coating resistance of the single insulator is below 0.3 M
not ensured by the Inclined Plane Test, but some field trials for the recommended icing conditions of IEEE Standard 1783.
were carried out to investigate the performance of the coating. A But a very low coating resistance is not safe for the insulators
coated string running for one year was taken down for an icing during heavy rain or polluted environment.
test from a 35-kV line. The appearance after the 3 h icing test When applied on short insulator strings, the coating of
(Fig. 14) and the leakage current in Fig. 15 indicated that the the resistance in the above scope also has a positive role in
capacity of anti-icing of the operating insulator was almost the overcoming ice accretion as compared to an uncoated insulator
same with the new coated one. string.
Even so, however, longer time is required to monitor their Configuring the coating on the top surface of the insulator in-
performance, especially during the polluted, heavy rain, and fluences the growth of the icicles. The coating should preferably
icing environment. be applied not only on the bottom side of the insulator, but also

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[10] M. Farzaneh, “Ice accretions on high-voltage conductors and insulators 2008. His major research fields are high-voltage in-
and related phenomena,” in Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, Nov. sulation, improvement of room temperature vulcan-
15, 2000, vol. 358, pp. 2971–3005. ization coatings, preventing ice on outdoor insulation, and discharges along hy-
[11] M. Farzaneh (Chair), “Systems for prediction and monitoring of drophobic surfaces.
ice shedding, anti-icing and de-icing for overhead lines,” in CIGRÉ
Working Group B2.29, Electra no. 25, Dec. 2010, pp. 36–59.
[12] Q. Hu, L. C. Shu, X. L. Jiang, C. X. Sun, Z. J. Zhang, and J. L. Hu,
“Effects of shed configuration on AC flashover performance of ice-
covered composite long-rod insulators,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Zhenting Sun was born in Jilin Province, China, on
Insul., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 200–208, Feb. 2012. March 18, 1985. He received the B.S. and M.S. de-
[13] P. Li, J. B. Fan, W. F. Li, Z. Y. Su, and J. Zhou, “Flashover performance grees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua Univer-
of HVDC iced insulator strings,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., sity, Beijing, China, in 2010 and 2012, respectively.
vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1334–1338, Dec. 2007. His major research fields are outdoor insulation
[14] M. Farzaneh, A. C. Baker, R. A. Bernstorf, J. T. Bumhan, E. A. and the application of silicone rubber on anti-icing
Cherney, and W. A. Chisholm, “Selection of line insulators with for outdoor insulators.
respect to ice and snow—part II: Selection methods and mitigation
options,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2297–2304, Oct.

Masoud Farzaneh (M’83–SM’91–F’07) is AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, Convenor of CIGRE WG B2.44 on coatings for
Director-Founder of the International Re- protection of overhead lines during winter conditions, as well as member of the
search Center CENGIVRE, Chairholder of the Executive Committee of CIGRE Canada.
NSERC/Hydro-Quebec/UQAC Industrial Research
Chair CIGELE, and Chairholder of the Canada
Research Chair INGIVRE related to power trans-
mission engineering in cold climate regions at Zhicheng Guan (M’06) was born in Jilin Province,
the University of Québec at Chicoutimi (UQAC), China, on November 10, 1944. He received the B.S.,
Chicoutimi, QC, Canada. He has authored or co-au- M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in high voltage engineering
thored about 600 technical papers, and 17 books from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ts-
or book chapters. To date, he has trained about inghua University, Beijing, China, in 1970, 1981, and
130 postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. His field of research 1984, respectively.
encompasses high voltage and power engineering, including the impact of cold Currently, he is Full Professor of the Graduate
climate on overhead transmission lines. School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University. His
Prof. Farzaneh is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineering and Technology major research fields are high-voltage insulation
(IET) and Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). His contribu- and electrical discharges, flashover mechanisms on
tions and achievements in research and teaching have been recognized by sev- contaminated insulators, electromagnetic environ-
eral prestigious prizes and awards at national and international levels. Actively mental technologies, as well as the application of plasma and high-voltage
involved with IEEE and CIGRÉ, he was President of IEEE DEIS for 2013, and technologies to biological and environmental engineering.
is a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS

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