Nonlinear Characteristics of Leakage Current For Flashover Monitoring of Ice-Covered Suspension Insulators

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1242 Y. Liu et al.

: Nonlinear Characteristics of Leakage Current for Flashover Monitoring of Ice-covered Suspension Insulators

Nonlinear Characteristics of Leakage Current for Flashover

Monitoring of Ice-covered Suspension Insulators
Yong Liu1, 2, Masoud Farzaneh1 and B. X. Du2
Canada Research Chair on Engineering of Power Network Atmospheric Icing (INGIVRE) (
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Qc, Canada
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education (Tianjin University)
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

This paper investigates nonlinear characteristics of leakage current (LC) for analyzing
and monitoring AC flashover performance of ice-covered suspension insulators. The
experiments were carried out in a cold climate room of CIGELE Laboratories
according to the methods recommended by IEEE Std. 1783/2009. The maximum
withstand voltage (VMW = 81 kVrms) and minimum flashover voltage (VMF = 84 kVrms)
were obtained to reflect electrical performance of suspension insulators under a most
dangerous ice type. The ice accretion process, the length, width and number of icicles
associated with the appearance of partial discharges were observed and discussed to
present the final formation of a relatively uniform ice layer and vertical icicles along
the insulator string. This ice-covered insulator string was characterized by air gaps on
the grounded-side shed space and complete ice bridging of the other shed spaces, which
have significant influence on the development of arcing discharges leading to flashover.
Nonlinear characteristics of LC were analyzed by using a recurrent plot (RP)
technique, which graphically gives nonlinear variations of LC on RP maps as well as
nonlinear indicators for quantitative prediction of the flashover. The obtained results
reveal that dynamic behavior (initiation, propagation, extinguishment and re-ignition)
of arcing discharges on ice-covered suspension insulators can be visually reflected by
the texture transition of RP maps of LC, which correlate with different stages during
the flashover process. The quantitative indicators including a recurrence rate (RR)
value lower than 0.24 and a deterministic (DET) value lower than 0.965 are proposed
as the predictive values to indicate the highest probability of flashover occurrence. The
results obtained will be helpful to predict most hazards of ice-covered outdoor
insulators; this is one of monitoring methods based on LC characteristic analysis.

Index Terms - ice-covered suspension insulator, wet-grown icing condition, AC

voltage, surface flashover, leakage current, nonlinear characteristics, performance
monitoring, flashover prediction.

1 INTRODUCTION mathematical models to predict the flashover voltage of ice-

covered insulators, as a function of electric field strength,
AS is generally known, ice accretion threatens reliable
voltage polarity, ice surface condition, presence of ice-free
operation of power systems in many cold climate countries [1-
zones, environmental conditions and insulator type and
3]. Much research has been published on surface flashover of
configuration. The latter mainly focuses on measurement and
ice-covered outdoor insulators. These investigations can be
analysis of leakage current (LC) on the insulator surface
mainly divided into two categories: one concerns the
during icing and melting periods [4-9], in order to develop
characteristics and mechanisms of flashover performance of
diagnostic criteria for monitoring icing severity and flashover
ice-covered insulators; the other is to provide the condition
imminence. So, it is a source of increasing interest from both
monitoring methods for preventing icing flashover. The
academics and utilities to investigate dynamic characteristics
former has contributed to establish experimental and
of LC for monitoring the performance of ice-covered
Manuscript received on 9 May 2015, in final form 8 September 2015, insulators.
accepted 9 September 2015.

DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2015.005396

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 3; June 2016 1243

As pointed in an earlier investigation [4], the flashover of relatively uniform wind through a diffusing honeycomb panel
iced suspension insulators can be initiated at lower values of by using a 10-fan system, through which wind velocity can be
LC, and the magnitude fluctuation and wave-shape variation controlled by changing the fan rotating speed.
of LC correspond to irregular discharge behaviors on the
insulator surface, as it is significantly affected by ice Table 1. Configuration, dimensions and parameters of each unit of the
experimental specimen.
components and ice density. Phan et al [5, 6] have measured
LC to investigate the electrical behavior of ice-covered Main Dimension and Parameters Configuration
insulators during growth and melting of icicles. Based on the Diameter (D) = 254 mm
magnitude variation of LC in relation with surface Height (H) = 146 mm
performance of ice-covered insulators, the LC was divided Leakage Distance = 305 mm
into four components to reveal different threshold values for
analyzing icing rate, melting rate, white arc and flashover, Number of Unit = 5 units
which depends on thickness of ice accumulation, ice type and Arcing Distance for 5 units = 809 mm
ambient temperature. Studies carried out at CIGELE reveal
temporal and frequency characteristics in the LC of ice-
covered station post insulators. It was proposed that the time
evolution of LC harmonics and phase angle variations
between LC and applied voltage can characterize ice
precipitation behavior on the insulator surface, which makes it
possible to detect the transition of ice accumulation period and
to identify the severity of ice accretion [7]. Moreover, an
artificial neural network model of LC was presented to
identify the evolution of surface discharges to flashover on an
ice-covered station insulator during the ice melting period, for
the purpose of predicting the flashover occurrence [8].
Comparing with investigations on other aspects, there are a
few publications on monitoring and diagnostic of outdoor (a) Photo of the cold-climate room.
insulators under icing conditions, which need further
investigation to reduce icing flashover hazards.
In this paper, based on LC distortion caused by dynamic
behavior of arcing discharges on ice-covered insulators [9],
nonlinear characteristics of LC are analyzed by using a
recurrence plot (RP) technique for the purpose of monitoring
surface flashover of ice-covered insulators.


The experimental specimen is a 5-unit suspension ceramic
insulator string, with the schematic configuration, dimensions
and parameters listed in Table 1.
(b) Schematic diagram of experimental setup.
Figure 1 shows the experimental facilities used at CIGELE
Laboratories, including a picture of the cold-climate room Figure 1. Experimental facilities at CIGELE (Canada).
(Figure 1a) and the schematic diagram of the experimental
arrangement (Figure 1b). All the icing experiments were The AC high voltage is supplied by using an especially
carried out in the 4.8 m × 2.8 m × 3.5 m cold room, whose designed power system for flashover experiments under icing
lowest temperature is -30 °C. The ambient temperature inside conditions. The rated voltage and power of the power source
the room can be quickly reduced by heat exchange through the are 120 kVrms at 60 Hz and 240 kV·A respectively, with a
mesh-grid ceiling and controlled by a proportional integral short-circuit impedance of 5%. Both applied voltage and
and differential (PID) temperature controlling system with a leakage current (LC) can be simultaneously recorded by using
precision of ±0.2 °C. The water spraying system is mainly a synchronized measuring system based on a National
composed of a water supply system and a wind generating Instrument PCI-6251 DAQ device and a Labview
system. The former produces liquid water mixed with high- programmed software. The applied voltage is measured
pressure air spray on the insulator surface through 4 air through a resistance-capacitance (RC) divider directly
atomizing nozzles, which can oscillate along the vertical axis connected to the output of the HV power source, and the LC is
of insulator string resulting in the formation of a uniform ice measured through a sampling resistance connected to a
thickness on the insulator surface; the latter generates a grounded line.

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1244 Y. Liu et al.: Nonlinear Characteristics of Leakage Current for Flashover Monitoring of Ice-covered Suspension Insulators

2.2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE experimental procedure was conducted on the specimen

It should be noticed that wet-grown ice accretion except for the voltage level of the flashover test under (VF-
characterized by glaze accompanied with icicles is considered ǻV). Therefore, under the same icing condition, the voltage
as the most dangerous ice type for outdoor insulators, because level under which the flashover did not occur for 3 flashover
it has the highest probability of surface flashover [10, 11]. tests was determined as the maximum withstand voltage
Therefore, wet grown ice was artificially accreted on the (VMW), while the voltage level under which the flashover
experimental insulator to investigate the flashover process of occurred for 2 flashover tests was determined as the minimum
suspension insulators under this environment, in accordance flashover voltage (VMF). During these flashover tests, both the
with the ice test procedures and evaluation methods applied voltage and LC in relation with the lapse time were
recommended in IEEE Std. 1783/2009 [12, 13]. simultaneously recorded with the sampling frequency of 10
kHz. Each flashover test was carried out only one time under
The experimental parameters and procedure conducted in the settled icing condition and predetermined applied voltage
this paper are shown in Table 2 and Figure 2 respectively, and level.
are detailed as follows.
1) Preparation for ice accretion - All the surfaces of the Table 2. Experimental parameters for ice accretion.
insulator units were cleaned by using deionized water and Water conductivity 30±2 μS/cm at 20 °C
dried at room temperature. Then, the experimental insulator Climate room temperature -12.0±0.2 °C
string was fixed in the climate room without rotating and kept Wind velocity 3.30±0.01 m/s
under -12.0 °C for more than 16 hours, giving all the
Support oscillating rate 16 rpm
specimens and experimental devices enough time to reach the
same temperature as that of the experimental environment. Applied voltage during ice accretion 75 kVrms

2) Ice accretion - A constant voltage of 15 kVrms per Ice accreting duration 90 min
insulator unit was used as the applied voltage (V0 = 75 kVrms) Ice thickness measured by rotating
2.0 cm
to the experimental insulator string during ice accretion. monitoring cylinder
Meanwhile, the water fed to the spraying system started was Data sampling frequency 10 kHz
contaminated by adding sodium chloride into deionized water
to obtain a conductivity of 30 μS/cm. The velocity of wind
associated with the spraying water was adjusted at 3.30 m/s.
The wind was generated through 10 fans vertically to the
specimen surface, producing a fixed and uniform wind
blowing on the windward face of the insulator string during
the accretion process. The ice accretion duration (t0) was fixed
at 90 minutes to obtain a 2-cm ice thickness on the specimen
surface, which was measured by using a monitoring rotating
cylinder with a diameter of 3.8 cm and a rotating speed of 1
rpm. According to the insulator icing test methods presented
in [13] and the determined icing conditions, only a one-time
measurement of the ice thickness was needed before Figure 2. Experimental procedure and determination method for maximum
conducting the accretion tests. withstand voltage (VMW) and minimum flashover voltage (VMF).

3) Preparation for the flashover test – Immediately after the

water spraying system and the applied voltage were turned off,
the resulting ice accretion of the energized insulator strings 3 CLASSIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF
was photographed and some preparation work was carried out SURFACE PERFORMANCE OF AN ICE-
for the flashover test. This preparation duration (ǻt0) was COVERED INSULATOR
strictly less than 2 minutes to make sure the water film on the
ice surface was not frozen. 3.1 SURFACE PERFORMANCE ON A SUSPENSION
4) Flashover test - The voltage was applied again on the
ice-covered insulator string at an increasing rate of 3.9 kV/s
controlled by an automatic system, until it reached the Due to specific control of the experimental conditions, the
estimated value of flashover voltage (VF), as shown in Figure ice accretion to flashover related phenomena show repeatable
2. If no flashover occurred during a period of 15 minutes, the and reproducible characteristics. Figure 4 shows the surface
test was stopped and the ice on the insulator string was performance on the energized insulator string during ice
removed. After this, the same icing experiment was carried accretion, including both surface discharge phenomena and
out again following the procedures 1) to 3). Then, the physical performance of wet-grown ice. At the onset (Figure
flashover test was conducted under the voltage level of 4a), the accretion of icicles can be observed at the edges of
(VF+ǻV), where ǻV is the fixed voltage step by an increment insulator sheds due to the accumulation of freezing rainfall
of 3 kV (less than 5% of the initially applied voltage). If the vertically along the air space between the insulator sheds (G1
flashover occurred under the voltage level of VF, the same to G5). With increasing precipitation of super-cooled water

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 3; June 2016 1245

droplets, the length, width and number of icicles showed an As the experimental parameters for ice accretion were fixed
increasing tendency, and icing layers can also be observed to (Table 2), the corresponding stage of ice accumulation on the
form and become thicker on the upper surface of the insulator insulator string surface can be obtained. The different results
sheds, as shown in Figures 4b and 4c. obtained during the flashover tests are mainly dependent on
With the variation of icicle characteristics, the distribution the dynamic behavior and varying characteristics of surface
and strength of the electric field along the insulator string can discharges on ice-covered insulators. So, two approaches will
be distorted to produce local intensification. Once the electric be used for the analysis of surface discharge phenomena and
field strength is higher than the threshold value of air for the underlying variation of LC during the flashover
breakdown, partial arcing discharges can be observed between process. Therefore, the monitoring method based on nonlinear
the icicles and the metal fittings or between the icicles and the characteristics analysis of LC is proposed to investigate the
ice-covered upper surfaces along the insulator string. With the propagation of surface discharges to flashover arc on ice-
shortening of air gaps resulting from ice accretion, the covered insulators, and to establish the predictive values of
discharges were increasingly strengthened to show a brighter flashover occurrence.
light. Although the discharges can produce heat energy that Figure 6 shows the initiation and propagation of surface
may influence droplet freezing, this influence is much lower discharges on an ice-covered suspension insulator during the
than heat transfer by forced convection between the climate flashover process. Due to the accumulation characteristics of
room and the environment, which can stabilize the the ice accretion on the insulator surface and the complete
experimental temperature at around -12°C. Therefore, the icicle bridging of the air gaps of the shed spacing (Figure 4),
icicles kept on growing to progressively shorten the spaces the partial arcing discharges were firstly observed across the
between the insulator sheds, until some of them (G2 and G3) upper two air gaps (G4 and G5) with increasing the applied
were completely bridged due to the icicle buildup. The voltage, as shown in Figure 6a. The reason for the initiation of
discharge arcs were also extinguished at G2 and G3, while discharge arcs in air gaps is that the ice accretion causes the
they became stronger at other air gaps (G1, G4, G5) due to the uneven distribution of the electric field so that ice melting can
decreasing air gap and the increasing voltage gradient, as be ignored due to the rapid increase in applied voltage to the
shown in Figures 4d and 4e. Figure 4f shows the final stage of certain value. At this stage (Stage I), the ice-covered insulator
the icing formation on the insulator surface, displaying the string mainly shows a capacitive performance. As the
characteristics of a relatively uniform ice-covered layer and permittivity of ice is greater than that of air and, conversely, as
vertical icicles along the insulator string. Air gaps can be air has a relatively lower breakdown voltage, most of the
observed on the top of the insulator string (grounded side), electric field strength along the insulator string is sustained in
which is caused by the precipitation characteristics of freezing the air gaps, which can cause the occurrence of discharge arcs
water droplets associated with more and stronger discharge at those positions (G4 and G5). However, discharges at this
activities during the ice accretion regime. stage are weak and instable, resulting from the combined
action of ignition and re-ignition characteristics of AC arcs
3.2 ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE OF ICE- and the inhibiting influence of ice melting.
COVERED SUSPENSION INSULATOR DURING With the development of partial arcing discharges and ice
FLASHOVER melting, stronger partial local arcs are generated to shorten the
After the ice accretion regime, a series of flashover tests air gaps, as shown in Figure 6b. Due to the conductive
were carried out to obtain the minimum flashover voltage properties of discharge arcs, most of voltage gradient are
(VMF = 84 kVrms) and the maximum withstand voltage (VMW = imposed to the ice-covered units, which significantly changes
81 kVrms), as shown in Figure 5. Therefore, the flashover tests the distribution of the electric field along the insulator string.
can be divided into two groups according to whether or not Under the heating effects produced by the partial local arcs
there is flashover occurrence. and the increased current, melting of the wet-grown ice layer

Figure 4. Surface performance on the experimental insulator string during the ice accretion regime.

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1246 Y. Liu et al.: Nonlinear Characteristics of Leakage Current for Flashover Monitoring of Ice-covered Suspension Insulators

is accelerated, causing droplets to form and drip along the electrical properties of the ice-covered insulator. At Stage I
insulator string. Therefore, a conductive layer is formed on the (the initial stage of voltage application for the flashover test),
ice due to the rejection of conductive impurities (Na+ and Cl-) the dominated acts on the insulator surface concern the
from the applied contaminated water. This contributes to capacitive ice layer with unstable and weak arcing discharges
sustain local arcs in the air gaps and to establish another in the air gaps, leading to a triangular waveform containing
ignition of arcing path from the HV electrode, as shown in some sawtooth shapes. The tip parts of LC waveform look
Figure 6c. With the increase of the heat generated by the sharper with a lower amplitude.
energy from discharge activities together with the Joule
energy from LC, ice melting is enhanced to produce enough
energy from the applied voltage in order to sustain the
VMW = 81 kV rms
propagation of local arcs, as shown in Figure 6d. Once the
VMF = 84 kV rms
dynamic arcs from the HV electrode side propagate to connect

Flashover Test (kVrms)

Applied Voltage for
with the stable local arcs in the air gaps, the complete 85 Flashover Flashover
flashover of the ice-covered suspension insulator string is
Withstand Withstand Withstand
mainly caused by the initiation and stability of air-gap
discharges and the dynamic propagation of arcing discharges 80
along the ice layer. These discharge performances on the ice-
covered insulator were recorded in the form of underlying
variations of LC, whose characteristics can be extracted to 75
reveal transitions from surface discharges to flashover arc.

Flashover Tests
4.1 TEMPORAL VARIATION OF LC Figure 5. Determination of maximum withstand voltage (VMW) and minimum
DURING THE FLASHOVER flashover voltage (VMF).
In relation with the development of discharge phenomena
on the ice-covered insulator during the flashover process, LC Except for stage I, the LC waveforms are almost the same
was recorded from the voltage application to the flashover as the pulse shapes, but show a tendency of the amplitude to
occurrence. In order to clearly show the temporal increase, which is associated with an increase in intensity of
characteristics of LC prior to the flashover, some typical arcing discharges on the insulator surface. It should be noted
waveforms were taken out in time series from the whole that the applied voltage is sufficient enough to supply the
process, as shown in Figure 7, which is also in accordance necessary energy for the ignition and re-ignition of the
with the evolution of surface discharges from stages I to V discharge arcs at both positive and negative half cycles which
during the flashover test of Figure 6. It was found that the are extinguishing when the arc passes through the zero point.
LC waveform distortion at “Stage I” is significantly different Such transition in both waveform and magnitude of LC from
from those at other stages, which is dependent upon the stages II to V clearly reflects the discharge performance on the

Figure 6. Propagation of surface discharges to the flashover on the ice-covered insulator string.

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 3; June 2016 1247

ice-covered insulator. Due to the stable discharge arcs formed 4.2 NONLINEAR LC CHARACTERISTIC ANALYSIS
in the air gaps (Figures 6b to 6e), the insulator surface is
dominated by the discharges compared with the conductive Although the traditional monitoring technique based on LC
current passing through the ice-melting layer. Therefore, the levels is useful to specify the surface performance of outdoor
enhancing development of discharge arcs from the HV insulators under various conditions, it is also found to not
electrode side increases the LC amplitude, but causes little always match the discharge activities propagating along the
change in the LC waveforms. insulator surface [22, 23]. As the discharges show complex
and irregular properties, non-linear characteristic analysis of
Based on the observation of discharge phenomena and the LC can help to understand the underlying propagation of
analysis of LC temporal variation, it can be shown that the surface flashover. Therefore, this paper continues the work on
flashover occurrence is related to the dynamic behavior the development of monitoring methods for outdoor insulators
(initiation, propagation, extinguishment and re-ignition) of the by using the recurrent plot technique, which provides a
arcing discharges. Flashover seems to occur suddenly through graphical framework for dynamic changes and underlines
visual observation at a certain LC level as some researcher characteristics of LC for monitoring surface performance of
reported [14-16]. However, different researchers gave ice-covered outdoor insulators. Figure 8 shows an example for
different amplitude values for predicting the flashover RP maps of LC by using the RP technique to reveal LC
occurrence, which needs further investigation on the nonlinear variations in relation with the propagation of surface
monitoring method for the flashover prediction of ice- covered discharges on an ice-covered insulator during the flashover
insulators. In recent years, surface discharges on outdoor process. In this figure, the axes are the number of LC data
insulators have been proved to be nonlinear, which can be related to the lapse time of 1s used in the calculation. Based
investigated by using nonlinear analyzing methods to extract on the calculating procedures detailed in our previous papers
the underlying mechanism and transition of surface discharges [18, 19], the specific parameters in this paper are as follows:
to flashover [16-18]. Therefore, a nonlinear analysis method the delay time IJ=10 (1 ms) and the embedding dimension m=3
named recurrent plot (RP) was selected to extract the internal were chosen according to the C-C method [24] and the
characteristics from time series of LC signals, providing a threshold value (İ) was selected as 0.25ı, where ı is the
graphical framework to visualize the aperiodic degree of LC standard deviation of LC in the time series.
time sequences in a m-dimensional phase space [16, 18]. So,
the nonlinear characteristic of LC signals related to the It was shown that the RP topological structures are
dynamic variation on the insulator surface can be reflected on significantly different from one stage to another, from the
a RP map, which is visualized by the variation of high-density initial discharges to just prior to flashover. The distribution
points in a rectangular block structure. On this map, of dense points in the RP maps are related to the stationary
homogeneous patterns reveal the stationary and regular performance of surface discharges on the insulator and
variation of the given LC signals. More detailed information the white blank components correspond to the transition
of this can be found in our previous papers [16, 18-21]. of different discharge performance. In other words, the

(a) Stage I (b) Stage II (c) Stage III

(d) Stage IV (e) Stage V

Figure 7. Temporal variation of LC on the ice-covered insulator just prior to the flashover.

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1248 Y. Liu et al.: Nonlinear Characteristics of Leakage Current for Flashover Monitoring of Ice-covered Suspension Insulators

concentration of RP points is related to the sustained burning shown in Figure 8d. Such non-stationarity and complexity of the
of discharge arcs and the white blanks are related to the RP structure reveals that there is little correlation among the
extinguishing of surface discharges. Such alternating texture discharge activities. Once one of these arcing discharges
in an RP map indicates the ignition, propagation and re- indiscriminately becomes long enough, it will dominate the
ignition of surface discharges on their way to flashover. discharge performance on the insulator, and essentially cause
At stage I (Figure 8a), the RP map is characterized as a the flashover, which can be characterized by the dominated
random distribution of RP points. It indicates less correlation concentration of one dense RP point area, as shown in Figure 8e.
between the embedding vectors of LC, which is consistent with
the discharge activities on the insulator, as shown in Figure 6a. 4.3 QUANTITATIVE NONLINEAR INDICATORS OF
With the development of surface discharges from stages II to V, LC FOR FLASHOVER PREDICTION
the RP maps (Figures 8b to 8e) show a prominent characteristic
By calculating the quantitative indicators of nonlinear
that is the separation of dense RP point areas, which is due to
characteristics of LC [25], the recurrence rate (RR) and
the fact that the arcing discharges are becoming relatively stable
deterministic (DET) values were obtained to identify their
on the insulator surface (Figure 6). However, by comparing
varying characteristics in relation with the propagating stages
Figures 8b to 8e, individual characteristics can also be obtained.
of surface discharges during the flashover tests of the ice-
At stage II, the RP map is almost entirely covered with RP
covered suspension insulator, as shown in Figure 9. The
points, except for a few regions of white blanks, which indicates
values shown in Figure 9 were obtained based on RP maps of
that most of discharge activities on the insulator surface are
LC during all the flashover and withstand tests, which are
stable arcing discharges. This relatively deterministic structure
related to the reproducibility of both the discharge phenomena
and high degree of regularity suggest less complex discharge
and the obtained data discussed above. The RR value reveals
activities, which are initiated and sustained in the air gaps
the nearness degree of different vectors obtained by the
formed during the ice accretion regime. At stage III, the dense
reconstruction of LC time sequences in the phase space, where
RP point areas are divided into more components by the white
the increasing closeness of two vectors is reflected by a bigger
blanks, which is due to the appearance of arcing discharges
RR value. The DET value is related to the connectedness
from the HV electrode side. However, with the propagation of
relationship of isolated points with each other in the diagonal
these arcing discharges from the HV electrode side to the
direction of a RP map, where a bigger DET value indicates the
grounded side, the occurrence of ignition and re-ignition of
presence of more deterministic elements in the investigated
discharge arcs show randomly developing tracks, which is
LC signals.
reflected by an increase of number of dense RP point areas, as
10000 10000 10000

8000 8000 8000

Number of LC Data

Number of LC Data
Number of LC Data

6000 6000 6000

4000 4000 4000

2000 2000 2000

0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Number of LC Data Number of LC Data Number of LC Data
(a) Stage I (b) Stage II (c) Stage III

10000 10000

8000 8000
Number of LC Data

Number pf LC Data

6000 6000

4000 4000

2000 2000

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Number of LC Data Number of LC Data
(d) Stage IV (e) Stage V
Figure 8. Nonlinear variation of LC reflected in RP maps during the flashover process of an ice-covered insulator.

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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 3; June 2016 1249

The nonlinear characteristics of LC under both flashover and surface flashover. Nonlinear characteristics and related
and non-flashover conditions were quantitatively represented quantitative indicators of leakage current (LC) were
during the whole process, where the obtained value is the investigated by using the recurrent plot (RP) technique to
average of all the experiments. As shown in Figure 9a, it was reveal underlying variation characteristics of surface
found that the RR value decreases with the propagating stages discharges during the flashover and to propose a monitoring
of surface discharges during the flashover process, while method and predictive values for the flashover occurrence.
showing an inflection point during the withstand process, The main conclusions drawn are as follows.
where the RR value decreases to about 0.3 (lowest value) and 1) A relatively uniform ice layer and vertical icicles were
then shows an increasing tendency. The same varying finally formed along the insulator string during the ice
tendency can also be found for the DET values, as shown in accretion process, which is mutually affected by the increase
Figure 9b, where the lowest value for the withstand process in length, width and number of icicles associated with the
was about 0.97. Therefore, in accordance with the surface appearance of partial discharge arcs. This is characterized by
discharge phenomena and the related nonlinear variation of the presence of air gaps on the grounded-side shed space and
LC, the predictive values for the flashover occurrence can be by complete ice bridging of the other shed spaces.
obtained. It is suggested that the quantitative nonlinear
2) Both maximum withstand voltage (VMW = 81 kVrms) and
indicators of LC at the conditions of a RR value lower than
minimum flashover voltage (VMF = 84 kVrms) were obtained to
0.24 and a DET value lower than 0.965 can predict the highest
assess the electrical performance of the 5-unit suspension
probability of flashover occurrence for the ice-covered
insulator string under wet-grown icing conditions, which is
suspension insulator.
considered as the most dangerous type of ice for outdoor
3) The nonlinear variation of LC in RP maps can
1 Flashover graphically reveal the dynamic behavior (initiation,
No Flashover propagation, extinguishment and re-ignition) of arcing
0.8 discharges on an ice-covered suspension insulator, by
visualizing the propagation of surface discharges at different
0.6 stages during the flashover process.

4) The nonlinear indicators of LC can be obtained to

0.4 quantitatively monitor the propagation of surface discharges
to flashover on an ice-covered suspension insulator. A
0.2 recurrence rate (RR) value lower than 0.24 and a deterministic
(DET) value lower than 0.965 are proposed as the predictive
Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V
0 values for the highest probability of flashover occurrence.
Different Stages During Flashover Test
The results obtained in this paper propose a graphical
(a) RR variation during the flashover test. monitoring method to predict most hazards of ice-covered
outdoor insulators, which is one of methods in development
1 for monitoring outdoor insulators. However, from the
Flashover viewpoint of increasing requirements for safety and reliability
0.99 No Flashover of power systems, more work is still needed to develop
monitoring methods based on information extraction from LC
0.98 characteristics during the operating lifetime of outdoor


This research work was carried out within the framework of
the NSERC/Hydro-Quebec/UQAC Industrial Chair on
Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V Atmospheric Icing of Power Network Equipment (CIGELE)
Different Stages During Flashover Test and the Canada Research Chair on Engineering of Power
(b) DET variation during the flashover test. Network Atmospheric Icing (INGIVRE) at Université du
Québec à Chicoutimi, in collaboration with the support from
Figure 9. Quantitative nonlinear indicators of LC for flashover prediction of Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (Grant
ice-covered suspension insulator.
51277131), National Basic Research Program of China
(Program 973, Grant 2014CB239501 and 2014CB239506).
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[7] F. Meghnefi, C. Volat and M. Farzaneh, “Temporal and Frequency Yong Liu (M’12) was born in Tangshan, China, on
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[8] C. Volat, F. Meghnefi, M. Farzaneh and H. Ezzaidi, “Monitoring Since 2009, he has been a Lecturer at School of
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Neural Networks”, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 17, No. 2, University, China. He is now working as a Research
pp. 443-450, 2010. Fellow with the NSERC/Hydro-Quebec/UQAC
[9] M. Farzaneh and J. Zhang, “A Multi-Arc Model for Predicting AC Industrial Chair on Atmospheric Icing of Power
Critical Flashover Voltage of Ice-covered Insulators”, IEEE Trans. Network Equipment, Canada. His main research
Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1401-1409, 2007. interests are ageing evaluation and performance monitoring of outdoor
[10] Y. P. Liu, S. Gao, D. C. Huang, T. Yao, X. Wu, Y. Hu and W. Cai,
“Icing Flashover Characteristics and Discharge Process of 500 kV AC
Transmission Line Suspension Insulator Strings”, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Masoud Farzaneh (M'83-SM'91-F’07) is Director-
Electrl. Insul., Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 434-442, 2010. founder of the International Research Center
[11] M. Farzaneh, J. Zhang and X. Chen, “Modeling of the AC Arc CENGIVRE, Chairholder of the NSERC/Hydro-
Discharge on Ice Surfaces”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 12, No. 1, Quebec/UQAC Industrial Research Chair CIGELE,
pp. 325-338, 1997. and Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair
[12] IEEE Standard 1783/2009TM, Guide for Test Methods and Procedures to INGIVRE related to power transmission engineering
Evaluate the Electrical Performance of Insulators in Freezing Conditions, in cold climate regions, at University of Québec at
New York: IEEE, 2009. Chicoutimi (UQAC). His field of research
[13] M. Farzaneh (Chair), T. Baker, A. Bernstorf, K. Brown, W. A. Chisholm, encompasses high voltage and power engineering,
C. de Tourreil, J. F. Drapeau, S. Fikke, J. M. George, E. Gnandt, T. including the impact of cold climate on overhead
Gutman, R. Hartings, R. Kremer, G. Powell, L. Rolfseng, T. Rozek, D. L. transmission lines. He has authored or co-authored about 600 technical papers,
Ruff, D. Shaffner, V. Sklenicka, R. Sundararajan and J. Yu, “Insulator and 17 books or book chapters. To date Professor Farzaneh has trained about
Icing Test Methods and Procedures”, A Position Paper prepared by the 130 postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Actively involved with
IEEE Task Force on Insulator Icing Test Methods, IEEE Trans. Power IEEE and CIGRÉ, he was President of IEEE DEIS for 2013, and is member of
Delivery, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 1503-1515, 2003. the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical
Insulation, Convenor of CIGRE WG B2.44 on coatings for protection of
[14] T. Suda, “Frequency Characteristics of Leakage Current Waveforms of a
overhead lines during winter conditions, as well as member of the Executive
String of Suspension Insulator”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 20,
Committee of CIGRE Canada. He is a Fellow of The Institution of
No. 1, pp. 481-487, 2005.
Engineering and Technology (IET) and Fellow of the Engineering Institute of
[15] X. L. Jiang, S. H. Wang, Z. J. Zhang, S. J. Xie and Y. Wang, “Study on Canada (EIC). His contributions and achievements in research and teaching
AC Flashover Performance and Discharge Process of Polluted and Iced have been recognized by several prestigious prizes and awards at national and
IEC Standard Suspension Insulator String”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, international levels.
Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 472-480, 2007.
[16] Yong Liu and B. X. Du, “Recurrent Plot Analysis of Leakage Current on
Flashover Performance of Rime-Iced Composite Insulator”, IEEE Trans. Boxue Du (M’00-SM’04) received the M.E. degree in
Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.465-472, 2010. electrical engineering from Ibaraki University in 1993
[17] F. Amarh, G. G. Karady and R. Sundararajan, “Linear Stochastic and the Ph.D. degree from Tokyo University of
Analysis of Leakage Current Envelope Process”, IEEE Trans. Power Agriculture and Technology in 1996. He was with
Delivery, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 1063-1069, 2002. Niigata College of Technology, Japan and was an
[18] B. X. Du, Yong Liu, H. J. Liu and Y. J. Yang, “Recurrent Plot Analysis Associated Professor. Since 2002, he has been a
of Leakage Current for Monitoring Outdoor Insulator Performance”. Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering,
IEEE Trans. Dielec. Electr. Insul., Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 139-146, 2009. Tianjin University, China. His research interests focus
on dielectric failure mechanisms of polymer insulating
[19] B. X. Du and D. S. Dong, “Recurrence Plot Analysis of Discharge
materials, electrical insulation technology, monitoring
Currents in Tracking Tests of Gamma-Ray Irradiated Polymers”, IEEE
of outdoor insulators and partial discharge measurements. He is a member of
Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 974-981, 2008.
IEEJ and senior member of CSEE.
[20] B. X. Du, L. Gu and Yong Liu, “Application of Nonlinear Methods in
Tracking Failure Test of Printed Circuit Boards under Reduced
Pressure”, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 548-
554, 2010.
[21] Yong Liu and B. X. Du, “Recurrent Plot Analysis of Leakage Current in
Dynamic Drop Test for Hydrophobicity Evaluation of Silicone Rubber

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