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The activity sheet covers concepts related to the normal distribution through various example problems.

The activity sheet provides exercises to assess students' understanding of important concepts presented in the Normal Distribution lesson.

The activity sheet covers problems related to the normal distribution.


This activity sheet includes exercises to assess students’ understanding of important concepts
presented in the Normal Distribution lesson.

Normal Distribution
A data set is not provided for these exercises. The standard normal table is provided at the end
of this activity sheet.

Exercise 1
The Normal Distribution

Red Block Flight Simulator

Let the random variable X be the amount of time that an individual is able to “survive” in the
Red Block Flight Simulator. It is known that X follows a normal distribution with 𝜇 =
15 seconds and  = 3.75 seconds

(a) Sketch (as best you can) the normal curve with μ = 15 seconds and  = 3.75 seconds.

Distribution Plot
Normal, Mean =15, Standard Deviation = 3.75






5 10 15 20 25

There’s a very easy way to construct this graph in Minitab.

Minitab 17

1 Choose Graph > Probability Distribution Plot.

2 Choose View Single, then click OK.
3 From Distribution, choose Normal.
4 In Mean, type 15.
5 In Standard Deviation, type 3.75.
6 Click OK.

Minitab Express

1 Open the display probability dialog box.

 Mac: Statistics > Probability Distributions > Distribution Plots > Single
 PC: STATISTICS > Distribution Plot > Single Distribution
2 From Distribution, select Normal.
3 In Mean, enter 15.
4 In Standard Deviation, enter 3.75.
5 Click OK.

(b) Take at most 10 test “flights” at, and

record your survival times. Of the flights, what is your longest survival time (in seconds)?

(c) What proportion of survival times, according to the normal distribution with μ = 15 seconds
and  = 3.75 seconds, is longer than your best survival time? Hint: Convert your best survival
time to a z-score and use the normal table to calculate the answer.

(d) What proportion of survival times is shorter than your best survival time?

We can use Minitab to compute the probabilities in parts (c) and (d).

Minitab 17

1 Choose Graph > Probability Distribution Plot.

2 Choose View Probability, then click OK.
3 From Distribution, choose Normal.
4 In Mean, type 15.
5 In Standard Deviation, type 3.75.
6 Click the Shaded Area tab. Under Define Shaded Area By, choose X Value.
7 Click Right Tail, since we want the proportion of survival times greater than your best
time for part (c). In X value, type your best survival time, e.g. 13.14.
8 Click OK.
Minitab Express

1 Open the display probability dialog box.

 Mac: Statistics > Probability Distributions > Distribution Plots > Display
 PC: STATISTICS > Distribution Plot > Display Probability
2 From Distribution, select Normal.
3 In Mean, enter 15.
4 In Standard Deviation, enter 3.75.
5 Under Shade the area corresponding to the following, select A specified x value.
6 Click the Right Tail icon. This option shows the probability that a survival time is greater
than a specified x-value. In this case, we want the proportion of survival times greater
than your best time for part (c).
7 In X value, enter your best survival time, e.g. 13.14.
8 Click OK.

(e) I’m taking applications for my Halo 3 team, but I only want to interview applicants whose
flight survival times are in the top 1%. What should I set as the minimum survival time necessary
for consideration? First do this by-hand using the standard normal table. Hint: Determine the z-
score corresponding to the top 0.01 area in the right tail of the standard normal curve. Then
back transform the z-score into the original x scale, flight time in seconds.

You can verify your answer using Minitab:

Minitab 17

1 Choose Graph > Probability Distribution Plot.

2 Choose View Probability, then click OK.
3 From Distribution, choose Normal.
4 In Mean, type 15.
5 In Standard Deviation, type 3.75.
6 Click the Shaded Area tab. Under Define Shaded Area By, choose Probability.
7 Click Right Tail, since we want the x value corresponding to 0.01 in right tail. In
Probability, type 0.01.
8 Click OK.

Minitab Express

1 Open the display probability dialog box.

 Mac: Statistics > Probability Distributions > Distribution Plots > Display
 PC: STATISTICS > Distribution Plot > Display Probability
2 From Distribution, select Normal.
3 In Mean, enter 15.
4 In Standard Deviation, enter 3.75.
5 Under Shade the area corresponding to the following, select A specified probability.
6 Click the Right Tail icon. This option shows the x value corresponding to 0.01 in the right
tail. In this case, we want to know the minimum survival time required for consideration
to be in the Halo 3 Team.
7 In Probability, enter 0.01.
8 Click OK.

(f) Based on your best survival time, could you apply for my Halo 3 team? Why or why not?

Exercise 2
The following letter appeared in the popular “Dear Abby” newspaper advice column in
the 1970s:

Dear Abby: You wrote in your column that a woman is pregnant for 266 days. Who said so? I
carried my baby for ten months and five days, and there is no doubt about it because I know the
exact date my baby was conceived. My husband is in the Navy and it couldn’t have possibly been
conceived any other time because I saw him only once for an hour, and I didn’t see him again until
the day before the baby was born.

I don’t drink or run around, and there is no way this baby isn’t his, so please print a retraction about
the 266-day carrying time because otherwise I am in a lot of trouble.

San Diego Reader

Whether or not San Diego Reader is telling the truth is a judgment that lies beyond the scope of
this exercise, but quantifying the plausibility of her story does not. According to the collective
experience of generations of pediatricians, pregnancy durations, let’s call them X, tend to be
normally distributed with  = 266 days and  = 16 days. Perform a probability calculation that
addresses San Diego Reader’s credibility, presuming she was pregnant for 308 days. What would
you conclude and why? Show the work behind your answer, including a z-score and probability.

Exercise 3
Tall Fish Tales Inn serves fresh catfish filets at their all-you-can-eat Friday fish fry. Catfish filets
served at the Inn have weights that are normally distributed with mean μ = 6.3 oz. and standard
deviation  = 0.04 oz.
(a) The Inn receives customer complaints for serving “tiny” filets, where
tiny qualifies as a filet weighing less than 6.21 oz. Determine a tiny filet’s z-
score and the probability that a randomly selected customer will be served
one. Construct a Minitab plot showing the desired probability.

(b) A waiter at the Inn has been serving all day and wants to leave for the evening with a good
tip. He randomly selects filets in hopes of getting a jumbo one, where jumbo qualifies as a filet
weighing more than 6.4 oz. Determine a jumbo filet’s z-score and the probability that a
randomly selected filet will turn out to be jumbo. Construct a Minitab plot showing the desired

(c) Determine the filet weight at which only 5% of filets weigh less than it. Use the normal table
and show your calculations. Construct a Minitab plot showing the desired weight.

Exercise 4
Let X represent the duration of an eight-week-old baby’s smile, where X is normally
distributed with mean μ = 9.1 seconds and standard deviation  = 2.2 seconds.

(a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen eight-week-old baby smiles
between 6 and 12 seconds? Compute the answer by hand and check it with Minitab
using the process described below.

Minitab 17

1 Choose Graph > Probability Distribution Plot.

2 Choose View Probability, then click OK.
3 From Distribution, choose Normal.
4 In Mean, type 15.
5 In Standard Deviation, type 3.75.
6 Click the Shaded Area tab. Under Define Shaded Area By, choose X Value.
7 Click Middle, since we want the proportion of eight-week-old babies with a smile
duration between two values. In X value 1, type 6. In X value 2 type 12.
8 Click OK.

Minitab Express

1 Open the display probability dialog box.

 Mac: Statistics > Probability Distributions > Distribution Plots > Display
 PC: STATISTICS > Distribution Plot > Display Probability
2 From Distribution, select Normal.
3 In Mean, enter 15.
4 In Standard Deviation, enter 3.75.
5 Under Shade the area corresponding to the following, select A specified x value.
6 Click the Middle icon. This option shows the probability that an eight-week-old baby’s
smile duration is between two x-values.
7 In X value 1, enter 6. In X value 2 enter 12.
8 Click OK.

(b) Determine the 90th percentile for the duration of an eight-week-old baby’s smile. That is, find
the value x such that the probability of being less than or equal to x is 0.90. Set up the correct
expression and show your work. Check your answer with Minitab.

Exercise 5
Every night when you get home from school, you take your dog Aiko for a walk. The length of
the walk is normally distributed with a mean of 𝜇 = 12 minutes and standard deviation of  = 4

(a) What proportion of walks last longer than 20 minutes? Answer to four decimal places.

(b) What proportion of walks last between 10 and 16 minutes? Answer to four decimal places.

Exercise 6
The Salty Spud Potato Chip Company uses a machine to fill 8 oz. bags with Super Salty chips.
Because of irregularities in the chips, there is some variability in the actual amount of chips that
the machine puts into each of the bags. The amount of chips put into the bags can be
adequately modelled with a normal distribution with μ = 7.98 oz. and  = 0.012 oz. You may
solve this problem using a z table or Minitab.

(a) What proportion of bags filled by this machine will contain less than 8 oz. of chips? Show
your work.

(b) What amount of chips (in ounces) is exceeded only 2.5% of the time? Show your work.
Answer to 3 or 4 decimal places.
Exercise 7
You played sports throughout high school and college, and your knees have taken a hit. Your
mom has had knee surgery, and you hope you don’t need it as well! Here’s a little information
about knee surgeries:

An article in Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy [“Effect of Provider Volume on

Resource Utilization for Surgical Procedures” (2005, Vol. 13, pp. 273–279)] showed a mean time
of 129 minutes and a standard deviation of 14 minutes for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
reconstruction surgery at high-volume hospitals (with more than 300 such surgeries per year).

(a) What is the probability that a randomly selected ACL surgery at a high-volume hospital
exceeds a time that is more than two standard deviations above the mean? Show your work,
either by hand or in Minitab.

(b) What is the probability that your ACL surgery at a high-volume hospital is completed in less
than 100 minutes? Show your work, either by hand or in Minitab.

(c) What surgery time (in minutes) is exceeded only 5% of the time? Show your work, either by
hand or using Minitab.

Exercise 8
The distribution of the 2010 overall MCAT scores is given in the table below. To get into
Harvard, you need to have a score above 36. What percentile does this score represent? Note:
The pth percentile has p percent of scores less than it. Show your work, either by hand or using

Table Information: Mean = 25, Standard Deviation = 6.4, Maximum = 44

Exercise 9
Adult men’s heights (in inches) are normally distributed with  = 70 and  = 3. Adult women’s
heights (in inches) are normally distributed with  = 67 and  = 2. Members of the “Beanstalk
Club” must be at least six feet (72 inches) tall. Show your work, either by hand or using Minitab.

(a) If a man is selected at random, what is the probability that he is eligible for the Beanstalk

(b) If a woman is selected at random, what is the probability that she is eligible for the Beanstalk

(c) [BONUS] If a man and a woman are selected at random from their respective populations,
what is the probability that the pair is eligible for the Beanstalk Club? Assume that we pick the
man and woman independently; for example, the man and woman are not a couple or related to
each other. Answer to 4 decimal places.

Exercise 10
The grades for a certain exam are normally distributed with mean 67 and variance 64.

(a) What percent of students get B’s (80-90)?

(b) What percent of students get F’s (< 60)?

Exercise 11
Manufactured parts have lifetimes in hours, X, that are normally distributed with mean 1000 and
standard deviation 100. If 800 ≤ X ≤ 1200, the manufacturer makes a profit of $50 per part. If X
> 1200, the profit per part is $75. Otherwise, the manufacturer loses $25 per part. What is the
expected profit per part?

Using the Standard Normal Distribution Table

The graph below depicts how to interpret the standard normal distribution tables provided on
the following pages.
Normal Distribution Plot
Mean=0, StDev=1
Table values represent
area to the LEFT of Z



z 0

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