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Automation and Robotics 2020

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1. NC, CNC, DNC, APT, Automation, FMS Page : 2

2. Robotics Page : 28
3. Answers: NC, CNC, DNC, APT, Automation, FMS Page : 51
4. Answers: Robotics Page : 56


h / ? What is the difference between NC and CNC ?
A t
Automation, FMS
ti  FMS y NC is an acronym for Numerical Control and CNC is an y The
Th difference
b NC and
d CNC is
i one off age and

acronym for
f Computer Numericall Control.
l y The earliest NC machines performed limited functions
and movements controlled by punched tape or punch
y As the
h technology
h l evolved,
l d the
h machines
h were equiped d
with increasingly powerful microprocessors (computers)
with the addition of these computers, NC machines
become CNC machines.
y CNC machines have far more capability than their
By  S K Mondal predecessor.
d contd…..
1 2 3

What is the difference between NC and CNC ? Where did CNC get started?
h dd d? IAS ‐ 1996
y Some of the enhancements that came along with CNC y 1940 Jhon Parson developed first machine able to drill Assertion
A i (A):
(A) The
Th temperature controll off an
electric iron is an example of servomechanism.
l d Canned
d Cycles,
l Sub
b Programming, Cutter h l at specific
holes f coordinates
d programmed
d on punch
h Reason (R): It is an automatic control system.
Compensation Work coordinates,
Compensation, coordinates Coordinate system cards.
cards (a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
correct explanation of A
rotation, automatic corner rounding, chamfering, and B
B‐ y 1951 MIT developed servo‐mechanism
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
spline interpolation. y 1952 MIT developed first NC machines for milling.
milling correct
co ect eexplanation
p a at o o
of A
(c) A is true but R is false
y 1970 First CNC machines came into picture
(d) A is false
f l but
b R is true
y modified 1970’s
97 machines are used.
4 5 6

Do all machines speak the same CNC 
D ll hi k th CNC What is a “Conversational Control”
h “ l l” Are CNC machines faster than 
language y CNC machine tool builders offer an option what is conventional machines?
l h
y No, while there is fairly standard set of G and M codes, k
known as the
h conversationall control.
l This
h controll lets
y Yes, No, Sometimes. When it comes to making a single,
there i some variation
is i ti ini their
th i application.
li ti F example
For l the operator/programmer use simple descriptive
simple part it is hard to beat a conventional mill or lathe.
a G0 or G00 command is universally regarded as the language to program the part. The control then
CNC machines move faster in rapid travel than
command for rapid
p travel. Some older machines do not displayed a graphical representation of the instructions
i l machines.
have a G00 command. On these machines, rapid travel is so the operator/programmer can verify the tool path.
commanded by using the F (feed) word address.

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 7

Page 2 of 58 8
Rev.0 9
Are CNC machines more accurate  GATE ‐ 1994 NC/CNC Machines‐Advantages
than conventional machines?
h l h CNC machines
hi are more accurate than
h conventional
machines because they have a high resolution
i l y High Repeatability and Precision e.g. Aircraft parts
y Volume of production is very high
encoder and digital read‐outs for positioning.
y Yes, they
y can be. But like anything
y g else it depends
p on y Complex contours/surfaces need to be machined. E.g.
who is running the machine, how well the machines has True or false?
y Flexibility in job change,
change automatic tool settings,
settings less
been maintained, quality of setup and so on. scrap
y More
M safe,
f higher
hi h productivity,
d i i better
b quality
y Less ppaper
p work,, faster p
yp pproduction,, reduction
in lead times

10 11 12

NC/CNC Machines‐Disadvantages IES ‐ 1999

C id the
h following
f ll i statements regarding
y Costly setup, skilled operators numerically controlled machine tools:
y Computers, programming knowledge required 1. They reduce non‐productive time
2 They reduce fixturing
y Maintenance is difficult
3. They reduce maintenance cost
Which of these statements are correct?
( ) 1, 2 and
(a) d 3 (b) 1 and d2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

13 CNC Machine Tool 14 15

IES ‐ 1995 DNC Di t

Direct numerical control(DNC)
i l t l(DNC)
C id the
h following
f ll i characteristics
h i i off y Direct Numerical Control is a system that uses a
production jobs: central computer
p to control several machines at the same
1. Processing of parts frequently in small lots time
2 Need to accommodate design changes of products.
2. products y Distributed Numerical Control (DNC): the central
3. Low rate of metal removal computer downloads complete programs to the CNC
hi which
hi h can be
b workstations
k i or PCs,
PC and d can get
4. Need for holding close tolerances
the information for the machine operations.
The characteristics
h t i ti which
hi h favour
f th choice
the h i off
y The speed of the system is increased, large files can be
numerically controlled machines would include
handled and the number of machine tools used is
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 expanded.
(c) 1,
1 3 and 4 (d) 1, 1 2 and 4
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 16
Page 3 of 58 17
Rev.0 18
Distributed numerical control (DNC) DNC Configuration‐2
y In early 1980s, Distributed numerical control (DNC)
comes into picture. Configuration 1
y Now, many CNC machines together with robots,
programmable logic controllers, and other computer‐
based controllers have been integrated into DNC
systems to make automated manufacturing systems

19 20 21

Components of DNC
Components of DNC Advantages of DNC
Advantages of DNC Satellite Computers
Satellite Computers
y Central computer y Greater computational capability and flexibility y Satellite computers are minicomputers and they serve 
y Bulk memory for storing programs y Central computer and bulk memory, which stores the  to take some of the burden of central computer, Each 
y Communication network
C i i   k NC programs
NC programs. satellite computer control several machine tools  
satellite computer control several machine tools. 
y CNC machines y Shop floor control
y Establishes the framework for evolution of future 
automation, CIM

22 23 24

IES ‐ 2009 GATE – 1993, IES‐2017 (Prelim)

( l ) IES ‐ 2007
I which
hi h off the
h following
f ll i machining
hi i manuall part With
Wi h reference
f to NC machine, hi which
hi h off the
h What
Wh are the h main i components off an NC machine?hi ?
programming is done? following statement is wrong? 1. Part program
p g
(a) CNC machining (b) NC machining (a) Both closed‐loop and open‐loop control systems are 2. Machine Control Unit
(c) DNC machining (d) FMS machining used 3. Servo
S motor
(b) Paper tapes, floppy tapes and cassettes are used for Select the correct answer using
g the code ggiven below:
data storage
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) Digitizers
g t e s may
ay be used as interactive
te act ve input
put dev
( ) 2 and
(c) d 3 only
l (d) 1 and d 3 only
(d) Post processor is an item of hardware

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 25

Page 4 of 58 26
Rev.0 27
JWM 2010 IES ‐ 2009 IES ‐ 1999
Consider the following components regarding numerical What
Wh is
i theh purpose off satellite lli computers ini Consider
C id the h following
f ll i components:
control system : Distributed Numerical Control machines? 1. A dedicated computer
1. Programme of instructions (a) To act as stand‐by systems 2. Bulk memory
2 Machine control unit
2. (b) To share the processing of large‐size
large size NC programs 3. Telecommunication
Tl i i lines
3. Processing equipment (c) To serve a group of NC machines p
Which of these components are required
q for a DNC
Which of these are correct ? (d) To network with another DNC setup system?
(a) 1,
1 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2 only ( ) 2 and
(a) d3 (b) 1 andd2
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3

28 29 30

JWM 2010 IES – 2002             S‐1  IES – 2002 Contd….. From S‐1 

Consider the following advantages of DNC systems : Match
M t h List
Li t I with
ith List
Li t II and d select
l t theth correctt C.
C DNC system
t 3. The
Th controller
t ll consists
i t off
1. Time‐sharing answer: soft‐wired computer and
List I List II h d wired
hard‐ i d logic
l i Graphic
G hi
2. Greater computational capability display of tool path is
((NC machine tool systems)
y ) ((Features))
3  Remote computer location
3. Remote computer location also
l possible
A. NC system 1. It has an integrated automatic tool
D. Machining centre 4. The instructions on tape is
changing unit and a component
prepared in binary
Which of the above is/are correct ? indexing device
decimal form and operated
p byy
( )    d    l  
(a) 1 and 2 only  (b)    d    l
(b) 2 and 3 only B CNC system
B. t 2. A numberb off machine hi t l are
tools a series of coded
(c) 2 only
y (d) 1, 2 and 33 controlled by a computer. No tape instructions
d the
th partt program isi
transmitted directly to the Codes:A B C D A B C D
hi tool
t l from
f th
the (a) 4 2 3 1 (b) 1 3 2 4
31 computer memory 32
(c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 1 2 3 4 33

Machining Centre Machining Centre Machining Centre

y A machining centre or work centre consists of a single, but y Some machines are equipped with two work‐tables that can be y The main components of a product are usually small (about 10%)
sometimes, two machine tools with the specific p feature of an moved into or out of the machine. While the work is g
g on one but are expensive
p (theyy represent
p about 550% of the p
product value)
automatic tool changer and capable of performing a number of works table, the next component can be set up on the other work‐ because they have considerable material value and usually require
operations (drilling, tapping, milling, boring and turning etc.) on table. When the job is complete on the first work‐table, it is a large amount of machining. For such components, the
a workpiece. moved out of the way and the second work‐table is moved into machining centre is generally most economical.
y Most machines are numerically y controlled, but other types
yp of position. y Machining g centres have high
g metal removal rate capabilities.
p The
controls will work as well. y For storing the preset tools, various magazine systems are used. high degree of accuracy and multi‐operation in the same set up,
y The major
j advantage g is that the jjob needs clampingp g on the work These preset tools are removed from their slots by a hand‐arm make the machining centres highly versatile and increase
holding surface only once; the machine then performs a variety of mechanism. When a particular machining operation is completed, productivity. Some models are made with manual tool change
machining g operations
p on all the jjob's faces except
p the base. the tool is removed from the spindle and returned to its storage facility.
y Work handling time is thus decreased because there is no
slot, then another tool is picked up and mounted in the tool
movement of the workpiece from one machine to another. spindle.
y A machining centre is mainly used for batch production of main
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 34 components of a product.Page 5 of 58 35
Rev.0 36
Punched Tape
Punched Tape
g p
Program Input Device  In the earlier NC machines, the most commonly used
program storage
t medium
di was paper tape.
t A paper tape
t is
y The p
g input
p device is the mechanism used to one inch wide tape is considered to have eight tracks
(called channels) that run along the length of the tape.
enter the part program into the NC/CNC control. The The channels are numbered 1 through g 8 from right
g to
main components of program input devices are: left. Arrays consisting of 1 to 8 holes are punched across
the width of the tape.
tape (Small holes between the third
y Punch tape recorder and fourth channels are for the tape drive sprocket teeth.
y Magnetic tape recorder

y Computer via RS‐232‐C communication

y NIC card for network communication

Fig. 5 axes CNC vertical axis machining centre configuration 37 38 39

Punched Tape and Parity Check

Punched Tape and Parity Check Pi
Prime Movers
yW e numerical
When u e ca data aaree tthee input,
put, cchannel
a e numbers
u be s 1,, y Practically every industrial process requires
2, 3, 4, and 6 are employed.
objects to be moved, manipulated, held, or
y The
Th tapet reader
d makes
k elementary
l t checks
h k on the
th subjected to some type of force.
accuracy with which the tape has been punched. This is
called Parity Check.
y There must be an odd number of holes in each row or y The three most commonly
y employed
p y methods for
the tape reader and machines stops. producing the required forces/motions are:
y If a command d needs
d an even no off holes
h l tot be
b punched,
h d ¾Electrical
l l – motors, solenoids
l d
an additional one must be punched in channel 5, the
parity check channel. ¾ Air – Pneumatics
y The sprocket drive holes are not considered in the parity ¾ Liquids
q ‐ Hydraulics
check. 40 41 42

Stepper Motor
Stepper Motor y For
F each
h pulse
l it receives,
i th drive
the di unit
it • The 1.8 degree stepping motor
y The stepper
pp motor is special
p yp of synchronous
type y manipulates the motor voltage g and current, is the predominant standard for
motor which is designed to rotate through a causing the motor shaft to rotate by a fixed angle
industrial automation.
specific angle (Called step) for each electrical (one step).
• Stepper motors are off
pulse received from the control unit.
p y A stepping motor provides open‐loop as
permanent magnet, hybrid or
l ti error and d maximum
i error is
i one step,
y The ferromagnetic multiple pole rotor moves g
digital control of the p
position of a workpiece
p in a variable reluctance type.
i id a multipole
inside lti l stator.
t t The
Th alternate
lt t teeth
t th on numerical control machine.
rotor and stator are magnetized
g to act as north
y In Robotics,
Robotics stepper motors are used for relatively
and south poles. light duty application (Open Loop Only)
y The
Th drive
d i unit i receives
i a direction
di i i
input (
(cw or y In computer peripherals stepper motors mostly
ccw)) and p
pulse inputs.
p used
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 43
Page 6 of 58 44
Rev.0 45
IES 2018 (Prelims)
IES‐2018 (Prelims) Choice of a stepper motor based on
Whi h one off the
th following
f ll i devices
d i produces
d y Load,
L d friction
f i i and
d inertia
i i – Higher
Hi h load
l d can cause
incremental motion through equal pulses? slipping.
(a) AC servomotor (b) DC servomotor y Torque‐speed curve and quantities such as
(c) Stepper motor (d) Series motor holding torque, pull‐in and pull‐out curve.
y Torque‐speed
Torque speed characteristic determined by the
drive –Bipolar chopper drives for best
Fig   Open loop control of a step motor 
Fig.  Open‐loop control of a step motor  y Maximum slew‐rate:
slew rate: maximum operating
frequency with no load (related to maximum
46 47
speed). 48

Performance characteristic of stepper motors
1. Pull in IES 2017 (Prelims)
IES‐2017 (Prelims) Servomotor
torque (inner y Servomotors are special electromechanical devices that
curve)) is
i the
th Consider
C id the
th following
f ll i statements
t t t regarding
di produce precise degrees of rotation.
q to pp motor:
a stepper y A servo motor is a DC or AC or brushless DC motor
start and combined with a position sensing device.
accelerate 1. The rotation angle of the motor is
without losing proportional
i l to the
h input
i pulse.
l y Servomotors are also called control motors as they are
steps. involved in controlling a mechanical system.
2. Pull ll out
2 The motor has full torque at standstill.
2. standstill y A reference
f input is sent to the
h servo amplifier,
lf which
h h
torque (outer 3. Speed and electric control signal of the controls the speed of the servomotor.
curve) is the
maximum motor vary mutually linearly. y In many servo systems, both velocity and position are
torque that monitored.
can be
b applied
li d Whi h off the
Which th above
b statements
t t t are correct?
at a given step‐ y Servomotors provide accurate speed, torque, and have ability
rate without (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only of direction control.
losing steps.
49 (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 50 51

Control Systems
Control Systems
Encoders p p y
•Open Loop Systems
y A device used to convert linear or rotational position 
•Closed Loop Systems

information into an electrical output signal.

Fig. Closed Loop Systems

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 52 Fig. Open Loop Systems

Page 7 of 58 53
Rev.0 54
Feedback GATE ‐ 2007 IES ‐ 1994
CNC systems use two different feedback principles. The
indirect feedback, which monitors the output of the Which type of motor is NOT used in axis or spindle 
Whi h    f   i  NOT  d i   i     i dl   Feed
F d drives
d i in
i CNC milling
illi machines
hi are provided
id d
servomotor. The direct feedback monitors the load drives of CNC machine tools? by
condition in the feedback loop and that is the reason (a) Induction motor (b) DC servo motor (a) Synchronous motors
that is more accurate than the indirect feedback. (c) Stepper motor  (d) Linear servo motor (b) Induction motors
(c) Stepper motors
(d) Servo‐motors.
Indirect Feedback

Direct Feedback 55 56 57

IES ‐ 2002 Basic Length Unit (BLU)

h ( )
I a CNC machine
hi tool,
l encoder
d isi used
d to sense and
d y In
I NC machine,
hi the
h displacement
di l length
l h per one pulse
control output from machine is defined as a Basic Length Unit
(a) Table position (BLU).
(b) Table velocity y In the CNC computer each bit (binary digit) represents 1
(c) Spindle speed BLU.
(d) Coolant flow Bit = BLU
y Example:
a p e: If oonee pu
se makes
a es a se
vo motor
oto rotate
otate by o
degree and the servo motor moves the table by 0.0001
mm one BLU will be 0.0001
mm, 0 0001 mm.
y The lead of a ball screw is related to the displacement
unit of the machine tool table.
58 59 60

GATE ‐ 1997 GATE – 2007 (PI)

( ) GATE – 2008 (PI)
I a point
i to point
i controll NC machine,
hi the
h slides
lid In
I a CNC machine hi feed
f d drive,
di a stepper
t motor
t A stepper motor has 150 steps. The output shaft of the
are positioned by an integrally mounted stepper with step g of 1.8o drives a lead screw with
p angle
motor drive. If the specification of the motor is pitch of 2 mm. The Basic Length Unit (BLU) for motor is directly
d l coupled
l d to a lead
l d screw off pitch
h 4 mm,
/pulse,, and the p
pitch of the lead screw is 33.6 mm,, this drive is which drives a table.
table If the frequency of pulse supply to
what is the expected positioning accuracy?
((a)) 10 microns ((b)) 20 microns the motor is 200 Hz, the speed of the table (in mm/min)
( a ) 1μ m (b) 10 μm
(c ) 50 μm (d ) 100 μm (c) 40 microns (d) 100 microns is

(a) 400 (b) 320 (c) 300 (d) 280

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 61

Page 8 of 58 62
Rev.0 63
Example IES 2011 Conventional
y A DC servomotor is coupled directly to a leadscrew IFS‐2015 y The
h table
bl off a CNC machine
h is driven
d by
b a Lead
d screw which
h h
which drives the table of an NC machine tool. A A DC servomotor is coupled directly to a lead is rotated by a DC servomotor. A digital encoder which emits
digital encoder, which emits 500 pulses per screw which drives the table of an NC machine
1000 pulses per second is mounted on the lead screw as a
revolution is mounted on the other end of the
revolution, tool. A digital encoder which emits 500 pulses per
leadscrew. If the leadscrew pitch is 5 mm and the revolution is mounted on the other end of the feedback device. If the lead screw pitch is 6 mm and motor
motor rotates at 600 rpm,rpm calculate lead screw.
screw If the lead screw pitch is 5 mm and the rotates
t t att 500 rpm, find
fi d
motor rotates at 650 rpm, calculate
(a) The linear velocity of the table 1
1. Basic length Units of the system
(i) The
Th linear
li velocity
l it off the
th table
t bl
(b) The BLU of the NC system
(ii) The BLU of the NC system 2. Linear velocity of the table.
( ) The
(c) Th frequency
f off pulses
l t
itt d by
b the
th encoder.
(iii) The frequency of the pulses transmitted by the
3. Frequency of pulses generated by the feedback device.
encoder [8 ‐ Marks]
[5 Marks]
64 65 66

GATE – 2010 (PI) GATE‐2018 (PI) GATE‐2016 (PI)

F a 3 –axes CNC table,
bl the
h slide
lid along
l the
h vertical
i l axis
The worktable in a CNC machine is driven by a A single axis CNC table is driven by a DC servo motor
of the table is driven by a DC servo motor via a lead
screw‐ nut mechanism. The lead screw has a pitch of 5 leadscrew with a pitch of 2 mm. The leadscrew is that is directly coupled to a lead screw of 5 mm pitch.
mm. This lead screw is fitted with a relative
(incremental) circular encoder. The basic length unit directly coupled to a stepper motor of step angle The circular encoder attached to the lead screw
(BLU) of the slide along the vertical axis of the table is generates 1000 voltage
oltage pulses per revolution
re olution of the lead
0.005 mm. When the table moves along the vertical axis 1.8°. The number of pulses required to move the
b 9 mm, the
by th corresponding
di number b off pulses
l generated
t d screw The table moves at a constant speed of 6 m/min.
screw. m/min
worktable by 50 mm is ______
by the encoder is p g frequency
The corresponding q y (in kHz) of the voltage
(a) 1400 (b) 1800 (c) 4200 (d) 9000
pulses generated by the circular encoder is_________.

67 68 69

GATE – 2014(PI)
I an open loop,
In l point‐to‐point
i i controlledll d CNC drilling
d illi
machine, a stepper motor, producing 200 angular steps per
Statement for Linked Answers questions: S‐1 GATE – 2008 Q‐1 (Statement in S‐2) 
( )
revolution, drives the table of a drilling machine by one In
I the
h feed
f d drive
d i off a Point‐to‐Point
P i P i open loop
l CNC The
Th Basic
B i Length
L h Unit
U i (BLU),
(BLU) i.e.,
i the
h table
angular steppp
per each ppulse g
generated byy a ppulse g
generator drive, a stepper motor rotating at 200 steps/rev drives a movement corresponding to 1 pulse of the pulse
(shown in figure). Each angular step moves the table by table through a gear box and lead screw‐nut mechanism generator, is
g Unit ((BLU)) along
one Basic Length g X axis with a lead screw (pitch = 4 mm,, number of starts = 1).
(p ) (a) 0.5
0 5 microns (b) 5 microns
Output rotational speed
having a pitch of 4 mm. If the frequency of pulse generator The gear ratio = Input rotational speed is given by U = 14 (c) 50 microns (d) 500 microns
is doubled,
doubled the BLU will
h stepper motor (driven
(d b voltage
by l pulses
l f
from a pulse
generator) executes 1 step/pulse of the pulse generator.
The frequency of the pulse train from the pulse
(a) become double of previous value generator is f = 10,000 pulses per minute.
(b) become half of previous value
( ) remain
(c) i the
h same
(d) becomeFor IES, GATE & PSUs 2020
zero 70
Page 9 of 58 71
Rev.0 72
GATE – 2008 Q‐2 (Statement in S‐3) 
( ) GATE – 2009 (PI) IES‐2017 (Prelim)
( l )
A customer insists
i i on a modification
difi i to change
h the
h BLU A stepper motor is to be used to drive the linear
The total angular movement (in degrees) of a lead‐screw
of the CNC drive to 10 microns without changing the
table speed. The modification can be accomplished by with a pitch of 5.0 mm to drive the work‐table by a axis of a certain mechatronics system. The motor
distance off 200 mm in
i a NC machine
hi isi output shaft is connected to a screw thread with a
( ) 14400
(a) (b) 28800
88 ( ) 57600
(c) 6 (d) 72000 30 mm pitch.
i h Linear
Li resolution
l i off 0.5 mm is
i l d WhatWh is
i the
h needed
d d step angle?
l ?

(a) 9° (b) 8° (c) 7° (d) 6°

73 74 75

IAS 2010 Main

IAS‐2010 Main IAS 2013 Main
IAS‐2013 Main
GATE‐2014 (PI) p p NC system
In open‐loop y pp g motor is
the shaft of a stepping
An open loop type NC machine has a stepper motor with
Each axis of NC machine is driven by a stepper motor connected directly to the lead screw x‐axis of the
a step of 0.9 degree. The lead screw of the machine is of
drive with a lead screw.
screw The pitch of lead screw is p mm.
mm machine table. The pitch of the lead screw is 3.0 mm.
4 mm pitch.i h
The step angle of stepper motor per pulse input is α The number of step angles on the stepping motor is 200.
degrees/pulse The ratio of gear drive in stepper motor
degrees/pulse. ((i)) If the tool has to be moved byy 2.877 mm,, how manyy
Determine how closely the position of the table can be pulses will have to be fed?
drive is g(number of turns of the motor for each single
controlled assuming that there are no mechanical errors
controlled, (ii) If the
th motor
t is
i rotating
t ti att 15 rpm, what
h t is
i the
th pulse
turn off the
h lead
l d screw). ) The
Th number b off pulses
l required
i d
in the positioning system. frequency and the feed rate of the machining operation?
to achieve a linear movement of x mm is
αg 360 g g 360 g Also, what is the required frequency of the pulse train [10 –Marks]
(a) x (b) x (c ) x (d ) x
360 p p 360 p pα and the corresponding rotational speed of the stepping
motor in order to drive the table at a travel rate of 100
mm/min? [8 Marks]
76 77 78

Control Systems possible in CNC Machine GATE ‐ 1992 Point‐to‐point  straight line mode

y Point
P i to point
i mode:
d In
I a point‐to‐point
i i type off NC system
((a)) Control of pposition and velocityy of the tool is
(b) Control of only position of the tool is sufficient
(c) Control of only velocity of the tool is sufficient
(d) Neither position nor velocity need be controlled

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 79

Page 10 of 58 80
Rev.0 81
GATE ‐ 2006
NC contouring i isi an example l off
((a)) Continuous ppath ppositioning
(b) Point‐to‐point positioning
( ) Absolute
(c) Ab l positioning
ii i
((d)) Incremental p

82 83 84

GATE‐2005 Co‐ordinate system
y All the
h machine
hi tooll use Cartesian
C i Co‐ordinate
C di system.
Which among the NC operations given below are 
continuous path operations?       y The first axis to be identified is the Z – axis,, This is
followed by X and Y axes respectively.
Arc Welding (AW) Milling (M)
Drilling (D) Punching is Sheet Metal (P)
Laser Cutting of Sheet Metal (LC)    Spot Welding (SW)
(a) AW, LC and M (b) AW, D, LC and M
( ) D, LC, P and SW 
(c) d (d) D, LC, and SW
(d) d

Right‐hand coordinate systems 86 87

IES ‐ 2000
A i (A):
(A) The
Th axis i off an NC drilling
d illi machine
spindle is denoted as z‐axis.
Reason (R): In NC machine tool, the axis
perpendicular to both x x‐ and y
axis is designated as
( ) Both
(a) h A and d R are individually
d d ll true and d R is the
correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the
correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 88
Page 11 of 58 89
Rev.0 90
IES ‐ 1996
A i (A):
(A) Numerically
N i ll controlledll d machines
having more than three axes do not exist.
Reason (R): There are only three Cartesian
coordinates namely x x‐y‐z
y z.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the
correct explanation
l off A
(b) Both
ot A aand d R aaree individually
d v dua y ttrue
ue but R iss not
ot tthee
correct explanation of A
( ) A is
(c) i true
t b t R is
but i false
f l
(d) A is false but R is true
91 5 axes CNC vertical axis machining centre configuration92 93

GATE 2015
GATE-2015 IES ‐ 2003             S‐1
Absolute and Incremental Coordinate System
A drill is p
positioned at p
point P and it has to p
proceed to
Whil part programming i
point Q. The coordinates of point Q in the in CNC machines, the
input of dimensional
incremental system of defining position of a point in
information for the tool
CNC part program will be path can be given in the
absolute co‐ordinate
a)) (3,12)
( )
system or in incremental
b) (5,7)
(5 7) co‐ordinate
di t system.t Th
above figure shows the
c) (7,12)
route to be
b followed
f ll d by
b theh
d) (4,7) tool from O to C, i.e., O ‐ A
‐ B ‐ C.
Absolute Coordinate System Incremental Coordinate System
94 95 96

IES – 2003 Contd.. From S‐1 
d M hi C t l U it
Machine Control Unit 
If incremental
i l co‐ordinates
di system is
i used,d theh co‐ GATE ‐2012 
GATE ‐2012 Same Q in GATE‐2012 (PI)
Same Q in GATE 2012 (PI) y The machine control unit (MCU) is the backbone of
CNC systems. Following six functions are being done by
ordinates of each point A, B and C are A CNC vertical milling machine has to cut a MCU:
(a) A: X 5.0, Y 10.0 (b) A: X 5.0, Y 10.0 straight slot of 10 mm width and 2 mm depth by a y Read coded instructions
B: X 20.0,
20 0 Y5.0
Y5 0 B: X 25
25, Y 15.0
15 0 cutter of 10 mm diameter between points (0, (0 0) y Decode
D d coded d d instructions
i i
C: X 10.0, Y 10.0 C: X 35, Y 5.0 and (100, 100) on the XY plane (dimensions in y Implement
p interpolations
p to g
generate axis motion
mm). ) The
Th feed
f d rate usedd for
f milling
illi is
i 50 mm/min.
/ i commands
(c) A: X 10.0, Y 5.0 (d) A: X 10.0, Y 5.0
Milling time for the slot (in seconds) is y Feed axis motion commands to amplifier circuits to drive
B X 15.0, Y 25.0
B: B X 5.0, Y 20.0
(a) 120 (b) 170 (c) 180 (d) 240 axis mechanisms
C: X 15.0, Y 35.0 C: X 10.0, Y 10.0
y Receive the feed back signals of position and speed for
each drive axis
y Implement
I l t auxiliary
ili control
t l functions
f ti such
h as coolant
l t
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 97
Page 12 of 58 98 ON/OFF, spindle ON/OFF, and tool change Rev.0 99
The following are the steps to be followed  Part Programming
while developing the CNC part programs.
while developing the CNC part programs
y Process planning
p g
y Axes selection y SIEMENS CONTROL
y Tool selection
T l  l ti
y Cutting process parameters planning
gp p p g
y Job and tool setup planning
y For a CNC machine
h controll unit (MCU)
( ) decides
d d cutting y Machining path planning
M hi i   th  l i
p feed, depth
p of cut, tool selection , coolant on off y Part program writing
p g g
and tool paths. The MCU issues commands in form of y Part program proving
numeric data to motors that position slides and tool
accordingly. 100 101 102

Table of Important G codes
CNC programming
Important things to know:
Programming Key Letters Code Meaning Format
y O ‐ Program number (Used for program identification)
G00 Rapid Transverse N__G00 X___ Y___ Z___
• Coordinate System y N 
N ‐ Sequence number (Used for line identification) G01 p
Linear Interpolation N__G01 X___ Y___ Z___ F___
y G ‐ Preparatory function G02 Circular Interpolation,  N__G02 X__ Y__ Z___ R___ F___
• Units, incremental or absolute positioning y X ‐ X axis designation
g CW N G  X
N__G02 X___ Y__Z__I ___J __K __ F __
 Y Z I  J  K   F 
y Y ‐ Y axis designation
G03 Circular Interpolation, N__G03 X___ Y___ Z__R__F___
• Coordinates: X,Y,Z, RX,RY,RZ
, , , , , y Z ‐ Z axis designation
y R ‐ Radius designation N__G03 X__ Y__Z__I __J __K __ F __
• Feed rate and spindle speed
p p y F – Feed rate designation G04 Dwell N__G04P___
y S ‐ Spindle speed designation
G17 XY Plane
y H ‐ Tool length offset designation
• Coolant Control: On/Off, Flood, Mist
Coolant Control: On/Off  Flood  Mist
y D ‐ Tool radius offset designation G8
G18 XZ Plane
y T ‐ Tool Designation G19 YZ Plane
• Tool Control: Tool and tool parameters y M ‐ Miscellaneous function
103 104 105

Table of Important G codes
p Table of Important G codes
Code Meaning Format
Inch Unit
G44 Tool length compensation  N__G44H__
N G44H p
Rapid traverse: G00
G21/G71 Metric Unit G49 Tool length compensation  y G00: 
G28 Automatic Return to Reference   cancel y to make the machine move at maximum speed. 
Point G8
G80 C
Cancel canned cycles
l  d  l y It is used for positioning motion. 
It is used for positioning motion  
G40 Cutter compensation cancel G81 Drilling cycle N__G81 Z__R__F__ G90  G00  X20.0  Y10.0
G41 C tt  
Cutter compensation left
ti  l ft N G D
N__G41D__ G82 Counter Bore Cycle N__G82Z__R__P__F_ End
G42 Cutter compensation right N__G42D__ G83 Deep Hole Drilling Cycle
eep o e g Cyc e N G83Z__ R
N__G83 R__ Q
Q_F__ absolute 

coordinates (10,10)
G90 Absolute positioning
G43 Tool length compensation  N__G43H__
(plus) G91
G IIncremental positioning
t l  iti i
Start (0,0)
G92 Absolute preset, change the  N__G92X__Y__Z__
datum position, Reposition 
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 106 Origin Point Page 13 of 58 107
Rev.0 108
Linear interpolation: G01  Circular interpolation: G02, G03 
Circular interpolation: G02, G03 Circular interpolation: G02, G03
Circular interpolation: G02, G03
y G01:  y G02, G03: 
y For circular interpolation, the tool destination and the circle 
For circular interpolation  the tool destination and the circle  Y
y linear interpolation at feed speed. center are programmed in one block 
G91 G0l X200.0 Y100.0 F200.0 y G02 is clockwise interpolation, G03 is counterclockwise  X R=-50mm
l i End Specify R with 
S if  R  i h 
⎧G 02 ⎫ ⎧ R ⎫ sign before it:
9 End G17 ⎨ ⎬ X __ Y __ ⎨ ⎬ F __;;
incremental  100.0 ⎩G 03 ⎭ ⎩ I __ J __ ⎭ ≤180° +R
coordinates ⎧G 02 ⎫ ⎧ R ⎫ >180° ‐R
G18 ⎨ ⎬ X __ Z __ ⎨ ⎬ F __;; Start R=50mm
⎩G 03 ⎭ ⎩ I __ K __ ⎭
⎧G 02 ⎫ ⎧ R ⎫
G19 ⎨ ⎬Y __ Z __ ⎨ ⎬ F __;;
⎩G 03 ⎭ ⎩ J __ K __ ⎭ G91 G02  X60.0  Y20.0  R50.0 F300.0
Start 200.0 X End  Circle center,  radius
, G91 G02  X60.0  Y20.0  R‐50.0 F300.0
109 110

Circular interpolation: G02, G03
Circular interpolation: G02 G03 Circular interpolation: G02, G03
Circular interpolation: G02, G03 Circular interpolation: G02, G03
Circular interpolation: G02 G03
N0010 G92   X200.0  Y40.0  Z0 ; Annotation for Circular Interpolation
Y y Specify Center with I, J, K N0020 G90   G03  X140.0  Y100.0  I ‐60.0  F300;
End y I0.0, J0.0, and K0.0 can be omitted. 
N0030 G02   X120. 0  Y60.0  I‐ 50.0; G92:
y I, J, K are the incremental 
Or To define working 
T  d fi   ki   y If X,Y,Z are all omitted in the program, that means 
If X Y Z are all omitted in the program  that means 
distance from the start of 
N0010 G92  X200.0  Y40.0  Z0; coordinate start and end of arc are same points. 
X the arc;
N0020 G90  G03  X140.0   Y100.0  R60.0  F300; N0020 G02 I20 0  (a full circle)
N0020 G02 I20.0  (a full circle)
y Viewing the start of arc as  N0030 G02  X120.0  Y60.0   R50.0;
Start the origin, I, J, K have  y If I, J, K, and R all appears in circular interpolation 
j positive or negative signs.
ii     i  i G  
G90:  i t ti  R i   lid  d I  J   d K   i
instruction, R is valid and I, J, and K are invalid
Center absolute  100 R50
i coordinates 60 R60
O 90 120 140 200

112 113 114

GATE 2014
GATE‐2014 GATE – 2007 (PI)
( ) GATE‐2018
p p g g p
For the CNC part programming, match Group A with 
Group B: The
Th interpolator
i t l t in
i a CNC machine
hi controls
t l Interpolator
I l in
i a CNC machine
Group A Group B (a) Spindle Speed (b) Coolant flow (a) controls spindle speed
P: circular interpolation, counter  I: G02 (c) Feed rate (d) Tool change (b) coordinates axes movements
clock wise
(c) operates tool changer
Q: dwell II: G03
(d) commands canned cycle
R: circular interpolation, clock wise III: G04
S: point to point countering IV: G00
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 115
Page 14 of 58 116
Rev.0 117
GATE ‐ 2004 GATE ‐ 2010 IES ‐ 2009
D i the h execution
i off a CNC part program block
bl k In
I a CNC program block,bl k N002
N G02
G G91
G X40X Z40…,
Z Interpolation in the controller refers to control of
N020 G02 X45.0
45 Y25.05 R5.0
5 the type
yp of tool motion will G02 and G91 refer to
be (a) Circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction which
h h one off the
h following
f ll in a CNC machine?
(a) Circular Interpolation – clockwise and incremental dimension ( ) Loading/unloading
(a) L di / l di off jobs
j b on machine
(b) Circular Interpolation ‐ counter clockwise (b) Circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction
andd absolute
b l d
dimension (b) Loading/unloading
L di / l di off tools
t l from
f th tool
the t l changer
(c) Linear Interpolation
(d) Rapid
R id feed
f d (c) CCircular
cu a interpolation
te po at o in cclockwise
oc se d
ect o aandd (c) Axes of machine for contouring
incremental dimension
(d) Circular
Ci l interpolation
i t l ti i clockwise
in l k i direction
di ti andd (d) Coolant and miscellaneous functions on machine
absolute dimension

118 119 120

GATE 2015
GATE-2015 GATE ‐ 2001 GATE ‐ 2005
The function of CNC machine controller is to In
I an NC machining
hi i operation,
i the
h tooll has
h to beb The
Th tooll off an NC machine hi has
h to move alongl a
a) Control spindle speed moved from point (5, 4) to point (7, 2) along a circular arc from (5, 5) to (10,10) while performing an
circular path with centre at (5, 2). Before starting the operation. The centre of the arc is at (10, 5). Which
b)Coordinate feed rates of axes operation,
p , the tool is at (5, 4)
4). The correct G and M one of the following g NC tool p path commands
c) Control tool rapid approach speed code for this motion is performs the above mentioned operation?
(a) N010 G03 X7.0
X 0 Y2.0
Y2 0 I5.0
I 0 J2.0
J2 0 (a) N010G02 X10 Y10 X5X Y5
d)Perform miscellaneous(M) functions (tool change,
(b) N010 G02 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0 (b) N010G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
coolant control etc.) (c) N010 G01 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0 (c) N010G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
(d) N010
N G X7.0
G00 X Y
Y2.0 I
I5.0 J
J2.0 (d) N010G02
N G X5 X Y5
Y X10
X Y10Y R5 R

121 122 123

GATE 2017
GATE‐2017 GATE-2015
GATE 2015
GATE – 2019 (PI)
( ) In a CNC milling operation, the tool has to machine
Circular arc on a ppart p
profile is beingg machined
I a NC milling
illi operation,
i the
h tooll path
h is
i generated
d the circular arc from point (20, 20) to (10, 10) at a
on a vertical CNC milling machine. CNC part
g absolute p programming
g g for the trajectory
j y
program using metric units with absolute sequence number 5 of the CNC part program. If the
shown in the figure
dimensions is listed below:
center of the arc is at (20,
(20 10) and the machine has
N60 G01 X30 Y55 Z‐5 F50
The corresponding
p g block incremental mode of defining position coordinates,
N70 G02 X50 Y35 R20
of the NC program is the correct tool p
path command is
(a) G02 X 120.0 Y 60.0 R 60.0; N80 G01 Z2
a) N05 G90 G01 X‐10 Y‐10 R10
((b)) G02 X 60.0 Y 120.0 R 60.0;; The coordinates of the centre of the circular arc are: b)N05 G91 G03 X‐10 Y‐10 R10
(c) G03 X 60.0 Y 120.0 R 60.0; (a) (30, 55) (b) (50, 55) c) N05 G90 G03 X20 Y20 R10
(d) G03
G X 120.0 Y 60.0
6 R 60.0;
6 d)N G90
d)N05 G G02
G X20
X Y20Y R10
(c) (50, 35) (d) (30, 35)
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 124
Page 15 of 58 125
Rev.0 126
GATE‐2014 (PI) p
Tool Compensation p
Tool‐Radius Compensation
A CNC instruction G91G01X30Y40F100 commands the y Tool‐radius compensations make it possible to 
y Tool‐Radius Compensation 
oo Rad us Co pe sat o program directly from the drawing, and thus eliminate 
program directly from the drawing  and thus eliminate 
movement of tool along the path at a feed rate of 100 y Left hand G41  the tool‐offset calculation 
y Right hand G42  G  (G ) D
G41 (G42) D××
mm/min (G91‐ incremental format and G01‐ linear
y Cancel tool‐radius compensation G40 y D××: the radius of tool to compensate is saved in a memory unit that 
is named D××
interpolation) The feed rate of the tool (in mm/min)
interpolation). y Tool‐Height Compensation y G41/G42 is directly related with direction of tool movement and 
which side of part is cut. 
along the X axis will be _______ y Positive G43 
os e G43
y Negative G44 
y Cancel tool‐height compensation G49
Cancel tool height compensation G49

127 128 129

GATE ‐ 2000 GATE 2014

Cancel Tool Compensation: G40 For machining a rectangular island represented by
I finish
fi i h machining
hi i off an island
i l d on a casting i with
CNC milling machine, an end mill with 10 mm coordinates P(0, 0), Q(100, 0), R(100, 50) and S(0, 50) on
y Note the difference between two ways a casting
ti using i CNC milling
illi machine,hi an end d mill
ill with
ith a
diameter is employed. The corner points of the
island are represented
p by
y ((0,, 0),
), ((0,, 330),
), (5
(50,, 330),
), and diameter of 16 mm is used. The trajectory of the cutter
N0060 G01 X2.000 Y1.700
X2 000 Y1 700
N0060 G40 G01 X2.000 Y1.700 M02
N0070 G40 M02 (50, 0). By applying cutter radius right center to machine
h the
h island
l d PQRS is
compensation the trajectory of the cutter will be
compensation, (a) ((–8,
8, –8),
8), (108, – 8), (108, 58), ((–8,
8, 58), ((–8,
8, –8)
(a) (‐5, 0), (‐5, 35), (55, 35), (55, ‐5), (‐5, ‐5) (b) (8, 8), (94, 8), (94, 44), (8, 44), (8, 8)
(b) (0, ‐5), (55, ‐5), (55, 35), (‐5, 35), (‐5, ‐5) ( ) (–8,
(c) ( 8),
) (94,
( 0),
) (94,
( 44),
) (8,
( 44), ) (–8,
( 8))
(c) (5,
(5 5),
5) (5,
(5 25),
25) (45,
(45 25),
25) (45,
(45 5),
5) (5,
(5 5) (d) (0, 0), (100, 0), (100, 50), (50, 0), (0, 0)
ramp off block effective to the end point
(d) (5, 5), (45, 5), (45, 25), (5, 25), (5, 5)

130 131 132

g p
Tool‐Height Compensation Tool‐Height Compensation
Tool‐Height Compensation Table of Important M codes
y M00 Program stop
G43 (G44) H×× y Example: y M01 Optional program stop
y N0010   G91  G00  X12.0   Y80.0  G91:  y M03 Spindle on clockwise
y H××: specified memory unit used to save height  y M04 Spindle on counterclockwise
M  S i dl     t l k i
y N0020   G44   Z‐32.0  H02;
N    G    Z   H iincremental 
t l 
compensation of tool. coordinates
y M05 Spindle stop
y Positive compensation (G43):  
y If we put 0.5mm into H02,  y M06 Tool change
real position = specified position + value saved in H××
y real position = ‐32.0 ‐
p 3 0.5 = ‐32.5
5 3 5 y M07 Coolant on ‐1
y Negative compensation (G44):  y M08 Coolant on‐2
real position = specified position ‐
p p p value saved in H×× y Cancel tool‐height compensation: G49 y M09 Coolant off
y M10 Clamps on
y M11 Clamps off
M  Cl   ff
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 133
Page 16 of 58 134 y M02 or M30 Program stop, reset to start Rev.0 135
GATE ‐ 2009  GATE 2016
GATE‐2016 GATE 2017 (PI)
GATE‐2017 (PI)
Match the following part programming codes with their  The p p
preparatoryy and miscellaneous codes used in CNC
respective functions. part programming and the functions are given in the
Part Programming 
g g Functions Table.
Codes Group I Group II
P  G01
P. G01 I  Spindle Stop
I. Spindle Stop P  G
P. G01 1. Circular interpolation, counter‐clock wise
 Ci l  i l i   l k  i
Q. G033
Q II. Spindle rotation, clockwise
p , Q. G033
Q 2. End of program
p g
R. M03 III. Circular interpolation,  R. M06 3. Tool change
i l k i S 
S. M02 4. Linear interpolation
  i  i l i
S. M055 IV. Linear interpolation
p The correct combination of code and the respective
function is
(a)P‐II, Q‐I, R‐IV, S‐III
Q (b) P‐IV, Q‐II, R‐III, S‐I
(c) P‐IV, Q‐III, R‐II, S‐I (d) P‐III, Q‐IV, R‐II, S‐I ( ) P‐4,
(a) P Q‐1,
Q R‐3,
R S‐2S (b) P
P‐4, Q‐1,
Q R‐2,
R S‐3S
136 137
(c) P‐1, Q‐4, R‐3, S‐2 (d) P‐2, Q‐1, R‐3, S‐4 138

IES ‐ 1993 
Block Format
Block Format A 'block'
'bl k' off information
i f i in
i N.C.
N C machine
hi program
N135 G01 X1.0 Y1.0 Z0.125 F5 Sequence and format of words: means
Sample Block N3     G2      X+1.4   Y+1.4      Z+1.4   I1.4   J1.4   K1.4    F3.2    S4    T4   M2 (a) One row on tape
• Restrictions on CNC blocks
• Each may contain only one tool move (b) A word comprising several rows on tape
• Each may contain any number of non-tool move G-codes sequence no destination coordinates dist to center of circle tool
• Each mayy contain onlyy one feed rate (c) One complete instruction
• Each may contain only one specified tool or spindle speed feed rate spindle speed
• The block numbers should be sequential preparatory function (d) One complete program for a job
• Both the program start flag and the program number must be miscellaneous function
i ll  f ti
independent of all other commands (on separate lines)
• The data within a block should follow the sequence shown
in the above sample block

139 140 141

IES ‐ 1996 Example 1

Example‐1 %
p g g g
Part program for Drilling three holes without using Canned  01001 <EOB> (Program number)
I manuall programmingi and d tape preparation
i for
f a Cycle. N010 G92 X0 Y0 Z50 <EOB>(Absolute presetting at A)
NC drilling machine, the spindle speed was coded
N020 G90 <EOB> (Absolute programming)
as S 684 (using the magic‐three code). The spindle
p in rpm
p will be N030 G71 <EOB> (Dimension in metric unit)
N040 T01 M06 <EOB> (Tool change, M06-Tool Change)
(a) 684
N050 S500 M03 M07 M10 <EOB>
EOB (Speed 500 rpm,
(b) 68.4
M03 – Spindle on, CW
(c) 840
M04 – Spindle
S i dl on, CCW
(d) 6840 M05 – Spindle stop)
M07 – Coolant 1 on M10- Clamp on
N060 G49 <EOB> (Cancel tool
height compensation)
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 142
Page 17 of 58 143 N070 G43 H25.00<EOB> (Positive compensation
Rev.0 (G43) 144
real position = specified position + value saved in H×× F
t off Canned
C d cycle
N120 G00 Z2.0<EOB>(Rapid return to X55.00 Y50.0 Z2.0)
N075 G00 X25.00 Y35.0 Z2.0 <EOB>(Rapid travel X25.0, N___G81 X___Y___Z___R___F___
N130 X75.0
X75 0 Y70.0<EOB>(Rapid
Y70 0<EOB>(Rapid travel to X75.00Y70.0Z2.0)
X75 00Y70 0Z2 0)
Y35.0, Z27.0 real position = 2 + 25)
N140 G01 Z-18.0 F125 <EOB>(X and Y not changing no
N080 G01 Z-18.0 F125 <EOB> ((X and Y not changing g g no R is Position of the clearance plane (same as the zz- axis
needd so specify,if Z = -15
15 (thickness
(thi k off plate)
l t )-3
need so specify, Z = -15 (thickness of plate) - 3 position of the clearance plane)
(Breakthrough distance or cone height) G01-
((Breakthrough g distance or cone height)
g ) G01-
linear interpolation
i t l ti cutting
tti ffrom X75
00 Y70
Y70.0 0 F is
i the
th feed
f d rate.
linear interpolation cutting from X25.00 Y35.0
Z2.0 to X75.00 Y70.0 Z-18.0)
Z2.0 to X25.00 Y35.0 Z Z-18.0)
N150 G00 Z2.0<EOB>(Rapid return to X75.00 Y00.0 Z2.0) G80 is cancel Canned cycle
N090 G00 Z2.0<EOB>(Rapid return to X25.00 Y35.0 Z2.0)
N160 M05 M09 <EOB>(M05 – spindle off off, M09 – Coolant off)
N100 X55
X55.00 Y50
0 EOB (R id ttravell tto X55X55.00
00 Y50
0Z2 0)
N170 X0 Y0 Z50<EOB> (Rapid travel to X75.00 Y00.0 Z2.0)
N110 G01 Z-18.0 F125 <EOB> (X and Y not changing no
need so specify, Z = -15 (thickness of plate) - 3 N180 M11 <EOB>
EOB (U l
(Unclamp) )
((Breakthroughg distance or cone height)
g ) G01- N190 M30 <EOB> ((Program
g Stop) p)
linear interpolation cutting from X55.00 Y50.0
145 146 147
Z2.0 to X55.00 Y50.0 Z-18.0)

IES 2016
IES ‐ 1995  A part programme for any arbitrary object is given as
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer follows:
using the codes given below the lists:
N001 G91 G71 M03 S600 EOB
List I List II
(A function connected (Associated parameter) N002 G00 X10.00 Y10.00 EOB
with NC m/c tool) N003 G00 Z
00 EOB
A. Interpolation 1. Tape preparation N004 G83 Z-60.00 F100 EOB
B Parity check
B. 2 Canned cycle
2. N005 G80 EOB
C. Preparatory function 3. Drilling
N006 M02 EOB
D Point
D. P i t to
t point
i t control
t l 4. Contouring
C t i
5. Turning The above programming format will be used as Canned
C d A
Code:A B C D A B C D Cycle for
(a) 4 1 2 3 (b) 4 1 2 5 (a) Drilling (b) Tapping
( ) 5
(c) 1 3 2 (d) 1 4 3 2 (c) Boring (d) Grooving
148 149 150

APT Language W d
Words IES ‐ 1998
y APT (Automatically
(A i ll Programmed
P d Tools)
T l ) Which
Whi h off the h following
f ll i are theh rules
l off
y The words to be used in the statements are built up from
y The APT language consists of many different types of programming NC machine tools in APT language?
statements made up of the following valid letters, numerals one to six letters
l or numerals
l with
h the
h first
f one being
b a 1. Only capital letters are used
and p
punctuation marks.
letter No special character is allowed in the words.
letter. words 2 A period is placed at the end of each statement
3. Insertion of space does not affect the APT word
y Numerals: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
/ A slash divides a statement into two sections. eg., 
GO/PAST,  ( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3
,,  A comma is used as a separator between the elements in 
p (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 alone
a statement generally to the right of the slash.
= An equals is used for assigning an entity to a symbolic 
name, e.g., P1 = POINT/25,50,30.
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 151
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Rev.0 153
The complete APT part program consists of  APT Language
the following four types of statements
the following four types of statements APT Language
APT Language Other capabilities of APT, the macro facility, with use variable argument as in a 
Oh   bili i   f APT   h  
FORTRAN subroutine, for example:
 f ili   i h    i bl      i    

P0 = POINT/0.0, 0.3, 0.1

Additional statements:
y Geometry FROM/P0
¾ MACHIN/DRILL, 2 CALL/DRILL, X=1.0, Y=1.0, Z=0.1, DEPTH=0.7
y Motion  / , X=2.0,
CALL/DRILL, , Y=1.0,
, Z=0.1,
, DEPTH=0.7
y Post processor when the definition of the macro DRILL is:
h  th  d fi iti   f th    DRILL i
For example: SPINDL/ON SPINDL/1250, CCLW
y Compilation control GOTO/X,Y,Z

154 155 156

Point (POINT) Point (POINT)

( ) Point (POINT)
( )

A = POINT/ 3,4,5 y
(3, 4, 5)

z L3
F C2

x x

157 158 159

Line (LINE) Line (LINE)

( ) Line (LINE)
( )
L14 = LINE/ P1, ATANGL, 40 The LEFT & RIGHT modifier indicates whether the line
L1 = LINE/ P1, P2 L15 = LINE/ 32, -3, 2, ATANGL, -15, XAXIS
is at the left or right
g tangent
g point,, depending
p p g on how
one looks at the circle from the point.
P3 L14
P1 L12
L16 L1

L1 20° P5

x 15° x
(32, ‐3, 2)
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 160
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Rev.0 162
Line (LINE)
( ) Line (LINE)
( ) Line (LINE)
( )
L2 = LINE/ P5,
L3 Right C3
Right L6
P4 C4
L8 L9
Left C3
Left L4
P5 The descriptive words LEFT and RIGHT are used by L8 L9

looking from the first circle written towards the L7
d circle.
i l
163 164 165

Line (LINE)
( ) Circle (CIRCLE) The Machining Plan

L3 = LINE/ P6, PARLEL, L5 Contouring:

C1 = CIRCLE/ 3, 6, 5, 4.3
L4 = LINE/ P5,
PERPTO L3 y Part surface: the surface on which the end of the
tool is riding.
y y
P6 L3
C1 y Drive surface: the surface against
g which the edge
g of
L4 4.3
the tool rides.
y Check surface: a surface at which the current tool
L3 (3,6,5) motion is to stop.

x x
166 167 168

The Machining Plan The Machining

g Plan The Machining Plan

Motion commands:
Check surface
Drive surface CS CS CS GOLFT/ : Move left along the drive surface
GORGT/ : Move right along the drive surface
Direction of 
cutter cutter motion GOUP/ : Move up
p along
g the drive surface
DS DS DS GODOWN/ : Move down along the drive surface
GOFWD/ : Move forward from a tangent position
Part surface GOBACK/ : Move
M b k d from
backward f a tangent
t t position

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 169

Page 20 of 58 170
Rev.0 171
Machining Specifications
GO/TO, L1, TO, PL2, TO, L3
GORGT/L3, PAST, L4 Postprocessor commands for a particular machine tool are:
GOFWD MACHIN/ : usedd to t specify if the
th machine
hi t l andd call
tool ll the
postprocessor for that tool:
Present tool MACHIN/ DRILL, 3
GOBACK position
COOLNT/ : allows the coolant fluid to be turned on or off:

tool position 172 173 174

Machining Specifications Machining Specifications Machining Specifications

FEDRAT/ : specifies the feed rate for moving the tool along the TOLERANCE SETTING: Nonlinear motion is accomplished in PARTNO: identifies the part program and is inserted at the start of
part surface
f i inches
in i h per minute:
i straight-line
straight line segments,
segments and INTOL/ and OUTTOL/ statements the program.
dictate the number of straight-line segments to be generated. CLPRNT: indicates that a cutter location printout is desired.
INTOL/ 0.0015 CUTTER: specifies a cutter diameter for offset (rough versus finish
SPINDL/ : gives the spindle rotation speed in revolutions per
OUTTOL/ 0.001 g) If a millingg cutter is 0.5 in. in diameter and we have
then the tool will be offset from the finish cut by 0.05 in.
TURRET/ : can be used to call a specific tool from an automatic
t l changer:
tool h

175 176 177

30 40

Machining Specifications IES‐2008

Name the four types of statements in a complete APT

L3 20
FINI: specifies the end of the program. part program. Prepare part program for geometry 135°
p of the contour shown in the figure
g below:
[15‐Marks] L4
30 40 80 L1

20 C2

C1 20
20 R P1
R P2 20

80 L1

R P1
P2 20
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 178
Page 21 of 58 179
Rev.0 180
Answer: Contd…. Contd….


P0 = POINT/0
0 0.0,
0 0 0.0
P1 = POINT/110.0, 20.0, 0.0 SPINDL/500, CLW FINI
P2 = POINT/20.0, 20.0, 0.0 COOLNT/ON
P3 = POINT/90.0, 110.0, 0.0 FROM/P0
P4 = POINT/20.0, 100.0, 0.0
GO/TO, L1, TO, PL1, TO, L5
P5 = POINT/50
0 130.0,
130 0 0.0
L5 = LINE/P1,
PL1=PLANE/P1, P2, P3
181 182 183

IES ‐ 1997 IES ‐ 1995 GATE 2008 (PI)

GATE ‐2008 (PI)
Suppose point P1 in APT programming is coded by statement
Whi h off the h following
f ll i are valid
lid statements forf In
I APT language,
l the
h cutter motion
i in
i incremental
i l
point to point motion of the tool in APT language? coordinate mode is addressed as P1 = POINT/XSMALL, INTOF, LN1, CR1
1. GO/TO/............ (a) GO/TO/..... The
h coded
d d geometric situation without
h causing error is

2 GO DLTA/............
2. DLTA/ (b) GO/TO.....
3. GO/TO, ………. (c) GO DLTA/....
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (d) GO FWD/...
( ) 1 and
(a) d2 (b) 2 and d3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3

184 185 186

Computer Aided Design (CAD): Used for creating the CAD
product database

y Geometric Modeling

y Engineering Analysis

y D i Review
Design R i and
d Evaluation
E l i
Computer Aided  Computer Aided 
y A t
t d Drafting
D fti D i  & 
Design &  E i
Drafting (CADD)
g( ) ((CAE))
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 187
Page 22 of 58 188
Rev.0 189
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
 Aid d M f i  (CAM) IES ‐ 2006
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM):
d d f ( ) Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tools (CNC) Which
Whi h item
i best
b describes
d ib a CAM technology?
h l ?
y Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP)
p g( ) ((a)) Geometric modeling
g ((b)) Documentation
y Computerized material Resource Planning (MRP) Distributed Numerically controlled machine Tools (DNC) (c) Drafting (d) Numerical control
y NC part programming
y Robot Programming
y Computerized Scheduling
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
y Computerized process control
y Computerized Manufacturing Control by FMS Automated material handling System (AMH)
y Shop floor control
Sh  fl   t l
y Computer Aided Quality Control (CAQC) Automated storage and retrieval Systems (AS/RS)
y Computer Aided Inspection
190 191 192

Automation Fixed Automation or Hard automation

Fixed Automation or Hard automation
y Automation is the process of following a predetermined y Used to produce a standardized product, High initial
ISRO‐2011 sequence of operations with little or no human intervention,
using specialized equipment and devices that perform and investment for custom‐engineered equipment
control the manufacturing gp
process. y Used for very large quantity production (Mass
In CAM " Part
P t programming"
i " refers
f to t Why go for Automation? Production) of one or few marginally different
1. Increased productivity
p y components Relatively inflexible in accommodating
(a) Generation of cutter location data
2. Reduced cost of labour
product variety.
(b) On‐line
On line Inspection 3. Improved quality
4. Reduced in‐process inventory y Highly specialized tools, devices, equipment, special
(c) Machine Selection 5 Reduce Manufacturing time
5. purpose
p p machine tools,, are utilized to p produce a
6. Increased safety product.
(d) Tool Selection There are three types of Automation y Very efficient,
efficient high production rate , low unit cost.
1. Fixed Automation
y e.g., single spindle and multi‐spindle lathes, sewing,
2 Flexible Automation
small parts.
3. Programmable Automation 194 195

Flexible Automation
Flexible Automation Programmable Automation
Programmable Automation
y It is also known as FMS,, and uses C
/C yC
Can change
g the design
g of the p
product or even change
g the
y High investment for a custom‐engineered system product by changing the program.
y Produce different products on the same equipment in
anyy order or mix. Continuous p production of variable y Used for the low quantity production of large number of
mixtures of products different components.
y Medium
M di P d ti Rates
Production R t
y Equipment are designed to be flexible or programmable.
y Flexibility
y to deal with product design
g variations
y e.g., CNC milling machine High investment in general purpose equipment

y Most suitable for batch production

y Lower production rates than fixed automation
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 196
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Rev.0 198
IES ‐ 2012 What is an FMS? FMS Components
y A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a y Most FMS systems comprise of three main
Programmable automation is suitable for
manufacturing system in which there is some systems
(a) Low production volume and large varieties of parts amount off flexibility
fl ibili that
h allows
ll the
h system to
y Work machines (typically automated CNC
react in the case of changes.
g machines) that perform a series of operations;
(b) Low production volume and small varieties of parts y Two categories of flexibility y An integrated material transport system and a
( )
(c) High production volume and small varieties of parts y Machine
M hi flexibility,
fl ibilit covers the
th system's
t ' ability
bilit to
t be
b computer that controls the flow of materials,
changed to produce new product types, and ability to tools,, and information ((e.g.
g machining g data
(d) Hi h  d i   l
(d) High production volume and large varieties of parts
  d l   i i   f  change
h the
h order
d off operations
i executed
d on a part.
and machine malfunctions) throughout the
y Routing g flexibility,
y which consists of the abilityy to system;
use multiple machines to perform the same operation
on a ppart, as well as the system's
y abilityy to absorb y Auxiliary work stations for loading and
large‐scale changes, such as in volume, capacity, or unloading,
l d cleaning,
l inspection, etc.
capability. 200 201

FMS Goals Advantages of FMS Disadvantages of FMS

y Reduction in manufacturing cost by lowering direct y Faster,
F t lower‐
l costt changes
h from
f one partt to
t another
th y Limited
Li i d ability
bili to adapt
d to changes
h in
i product
d or product
labor cost and minimizing scrap, re‐work, and material which will improve capital utilization mix (e.g., machines are of limited capacity and the
t y Lower direct labor cost, due to the reduction in number tooling necessary for products, even of the same family,
y Less skilled labor required.
q of workers is not always
y feasible in a g
given FMS))
y Reduction in work‐in‐process inventory by eliminating y Reduced inventory, due to the planning and y Substantial pre‐planning activity
the need for batch processing.
processing p g
programming gp
y Expensive, costing millions
ll off dollars
d ll
y Reduction in production lead time permitting y Consistent and better quality, due to the automated
control y Technological
ec o og ca p problems
ob e s o of eexact
act co
po e t pos
to g
manufacturers to respond more quickly to the variability and precise timing necessary to process a component
of market demand. y Lower cost/unit of output, due to the greater
d ti it using
i the
th same number
b off workers
k y Sophisticated
S hi ti t d manufacturing
f t i systems t
y Better process control resulting in consistent quality.
y Savings from the indirect labor, from reduced errors,
rework, repairs and rejects
202 203 204

IES ‐ 1996 IES ‐ 2006  IES ‐ 2004

Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
Whi h  f  h  f ll i   i     l   h d? Flexible
Fl ibl manufacturing
f i allows
ll for:
f Consider
C id theh following
f ll i characteristics:
h i i
1. CNC machine…… Post processor
p ((a)) Tool designg and pproduction g machine tool
1. Single
2. Machining centre….Tool magazine (b) Automated design 2. Manual materials handling system
3. DNC…………. FMS
DNC  FMS ( ) Quick
(c) Q i k and d inexpensive
i i product
d change
h 3. Computer
C controll
((a)) 1, 2 and 3
, 3 ((b)) 1 and 2 ((d)) Q
Qualityy control 4. Random sequencing
4 q g of p
parts to machines
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3 Which of the above characteristics are associated with
fl ibl manufacturing
flexible f t i system?t ?
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 205

Page 24 of 58 206
Rev.0 207
IES – 2019 Prelims.
l IES ‐ 2012 C
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
t I t t dM f t i (CIM)
y A number
u be oof act v t es aand
activities d ope at o s vviz.. des
operations g g,
Whi h one off the
h following
f ll i systems is
i consisting
i i Rank order clustering as applied to manufacturing 
R k  d   l i     li d    f i  
analyzing, testing, manufacturing, packaging, quality
of processing stations, material handling and automation is
control etc.
control, etc are involved in the life cycle of a product or
storage, computer control system and human (a) A technique of identifying process sequence in  a system.
l b ?
labour? production of a component
y Application of principles of automation to each of these
(b) A just in time (JIT) method activities enhances the p productivityy onlyy at the
(a) Portable manufacturing system
(c) An approach of grouping the machines into cells in  individual level. These are termed as ‘ islands of
(b) Focused integrated system a
an FMS system
S syste automation' .
(c) Flexible manufacturing system (d) A tool to generate bill of materials y Integrating all these islands of automation into a single
(d) Automated
A d integrated
i d system system
t enhances
h th overall
the ll productivity.
d ti it
y Such a system
y is called as “ Computerp Integrated
Manufacturing (CIM)”.
208 209 210

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
t I t t dM f t i (CIM) C
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
t I t t dM f t i (CIM) C
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
t I t t dM f t i (CIM)
y The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) defined CIM 
y g g ( ) y CIM basically involves the integration of advanced yC M bas
CIM ca y involves
basically vo ves tthee integration
teg at o oof adva ced
as technologies such as computer aided design (CAD),
technologies such as computer aided design (CAD),
computer aided manufacturing (CAM),(CAM) computer
‘CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing computer aided manufacturing (CAM), computer
numerical control (CNC), robots, automated material
numerical control (CNC),
(CNC) robots,
robots automated material h dli systems,
handling t etc.
enterprise through the use of integrated systems
handling systems, etc. y Todayy CIM has moved a step p ahead byy includingg and
d data
d communications coupled
l d with
h new y Today CIM has moved a step ahead by including and integrating the business improvement activities such as
integrating the business improvement
impro ement activities
acti ities such as customer satisfaction, total quality and continuous
i l philosophies
hil hi that
h i
improve improvement. These activities are now managed by
customer satisfaction, total quality and continuous
i ti l and
d personall efficiency'.
ffi i ' computers.
improvement. These activities are now managed by
211 212 213

CIM: Advantages
y Nicely suited for batch due to the high flexibility and 
l df b hd h h h fl b l d CIM Ad t
CIM: Advantages
automation of CIM systems y Higher quality of finish
g q y
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) y Suited for volume and mass due to the fully automated  y More choice, Can design in own requirements
nature of CIM y cheaper products
y Monitoring of system at all times y Parts easily manufactured and changed
y Great machine utilisation y Random introduction of parts
y Fewer errors and waste y Less lead time
y Improvements in productivity and quality control y Higher quality of finish
Computer aided  y Greater consistency y System is constantly monitored soil there is a 
S t  i   t tl   it d  il th  i    
Management  Planning (CAP) &  y Cheaper products breakdown: the type and location of breakdown is easily 
Information system C
Computer aided 
  id d  y Parts easily manufactured and changed
P   il   f d  d  h d id tifi d  ki   i t
identified making maintenance easier 
) Process Planning  y Less lead time y reduces cost of maintenance
(CAPP)  y Less labor y After the high initial greater profits will be achieved
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 214
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Rev.0 216
CIM Di Ad t
CIM: Dis‐Advantages IES 2017 (Pre)
IES‐2017 (Pre) Lean Production
Lean Production
y A detailed manufacturing gp q
plan is required. g
Consider the following benefits of CIM: y A manufacturing strategy is presented that attacks the
y It requires an expensive investment. materials cost, indirect costs, and general
1. Less direct labour administration costs in addition to labour costs. The
y The hourly price rate is high.
2. Less scrap and rework material costs include the cost of storing and handling
y Compared to conventional machines require more
3. Higher machine use
 Hi h   hi   the materials within the plant. The strategy is called lean
f l handling
h dli and d maintenance.
y Cutting
g speeds
p must be used and high
g qqualityy cutting.
g Which of the above are correct?
y Periodic maintenance should be performed regularly by
experts and authorized persons. (a) 1, 2 and 3  (b) 1 and 2 only y In the 1980s
9 a strategy
gy veryy different from CIM has
y Involve difficulties in adapting working patterns of new (c) 1 and 3 only  (d) 2 and 3 only emerged. This new strategy requires a systems‐level
technology change for the factory,
factory a change that will affect every
y Workers training needed. segment of the company, from accounting to shipping,
y Reduction in short term profit. that begins with the manufacturing system.
217 218 219

Ten steps to lean production

Ten steps to lean production Ten steps to lean production
Ten steps to lean production Ten steps to lean production
Ten steps to lean production
y Step
Step‐I:: Design
es g oor Reco gu e tthee Ma
Reconfigure u actu g
System‐Design cells and manufacturing system with y Step‐IV: Integrate Preventive Maintenance ‐ Make y Step‐VIII: Integrate the Vendors ‐ making them JIT
Internal and External Customers in Mind.
Mind Internal machines
hi andd people
l reliable
li bl and d dependable.
d d bl ffolks.
lk DoD steps
t 1‐7.
customers are employees. y Step‐V:
p Level & Balance the manufacturing g system
y ‐ y Step‐IX:
p Autonomation = Automate + Robotize +
y Step‐II: Setup Reduction – Changing Methods and Smoothing the material flow. Computerize
g g designs
g of toolingg and dies to reduce setup
p y Step‐VI:
Step VI: Integrate Production Control ‐ begin to pull y Step‐X
Step X Restructure the rest of the company
time. Do SMED everywhere. SMED = Single Minute material to final assembly linking the cells to final
Exchange of Dies. assembly.
bl Integrate
I t t kanban
k b pull. ll Minimize
Mi i i information.
i f ti
y Step‐III: Integrate Quality Control into the
y Step‐VII:
p Integrate
g Inventoryy Control ‐ Reduce WIP in
f t i system.
t I
t to
t preventt defects.
d f t the links.
Pokayokes. Empower the internal customers. Every
worker is an inspector.
220 221 222

IES-2010 Conv. IES‐2016

Types of Material Handling Devices Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) Statement (I) : Automated guided vehicle (AGV) is a
y These are battery‐powered, driverless vehicles for automatic programmable
bl mobilebil vehicle
hi l without
ith t human
y Industrial truck transport of parts and tooling on the shop floor. intervention and used for material handling.
y Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) y These moves on fixed paths laid underneath the factory Statement (II) : Automated storage and retrieval
floor, and transport materials from the workstation to storage g
locations, load stations, etc. system (AS/RS) is a part of CNC machine and used
y Conveyors
y Thoughg the p path of travel is laid underneath the factoryy for machining operation.
y Cranes and Hoists  floor, it is made of segments which allow the AGV to have a (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and 
flexible p path. These are one of the first choices for ( ) p ()
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I).
automating the material movement.
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but 
y A class of AGVs called rail‐guided
g vehicles ((RGVs)) have fixed Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I).
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)
rails on which they move. This is far more restricted in terms
of the path the RGV can take and service only a few (c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false.
workstations. (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 223
Page 26 of 58 224
Rev.0 225
GATE 2019 (PI)
GATE‐2019 (PI) FMC‐Flexible
FMC machining cell
Flexible machining cell
The layout for an AGV y An arrangement with more than one machining centre
system is
i shown
h in
i figure.
The loading time is 0.5 with integrated material handling arrangement is
minutes and the called as FMC.
unloading time is also 0.5
minutes. All distances are
in meters. Considering a
vehicle velocity of 50
m/min, availabilityy of 0.95
and traffic factor of 0.9,
the number of vehicles
required to satisfy a
demand of 50
delivery/hour is_____
226 227

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 27 of 58 Rev.0

Robotics IES‐2017 Syllabus
IES‐2017 Syllabus
y Robotics  Transformations
y Robot Classification

y Robot Specification, notation
p , For
y Direct and Inverse Kinematics 

y Homogeneous Coordinates and Arm Equation of four 
Axis SCARA Robot

1 2 3

Matrix Multiplication : Mondal’s Method Matrix Multiplication : Mondal’s Method Matrix Multiplication : Mondal’s Method

Step‐1: Step‐2:
Step 2:
p Write first matrix no of times equal to the no of In second matrix the elements which is present
columns present in second matrix. Here second vertically will be multiplied horizontally.
matrix has 2 columns so we have to write first ⎡ a1 × l1 b1 × m1 c1 × n1 a1 × l2 b1 × m2 c1 × n2 ⎤
⎡ a1 b1 c1 ⎤ ⎡ l1 l2 ⎤ matrix twice. ⎢ a b2 c2 a2 b2 c2 ⎥⎥
⎢a b2 c2 ⎥⎥ ⎢m m2 ⎥⎥
⎢ 2
⎢ 2 ⎢ 1 ⎡ a1 b1 c1 a1 b1 c1 ⎤ ⎢⎣ a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3 ⎥⎦
⎢⎣ a3 c3 ⎥⎦ ( 4×3) ⎢⎣ n1 n2 ⎥⎦ ( 3×2) ⎢a c2 ⎥⎥
⎢ 2 b2 c2 a2 b2 ⎡ a1 × l1 b1 × m1 c1 × n1 a1 × l2 b1 × m2 c1 × n2 ⎤
⎢a × l b × m c × n c2 × n2 ⎥⎥
⎢⎣ a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3 ⎥⎦ ⎢ 2 1 2 1 2 1 a2 × l2 b2 × m2
4 5
⎢⎣ a3 × l1 b3 × m1 c3 × n1 a3 × l2 b3 × m2 c3 × n2 ⎥⎦

Matrix Multiplication : Mondal’s Method 2D Transformations 1. Translation

Given a 2D object,
object transformation is to change the object
y Re‐position a point along a straight line
Step‐3: add 1 Position (translation)
1. y Given a point (x, y), and the translation distance (t
Given a point (x  y)  and the translation distance (tx, t
⎡ a1 × l1 + b1 × m1 + c1 × n1 a1 × l2 + b1 × m2 + c1 × n2 ⎤ 2. Orientation (rotation) The new point: (x’, y’)
⎢a × l + b × m + c × n a2 × l2 + b2 × m2 + c2 × n2 ⎥⎥ x’ = x + tx
⎢ 2 1 2 1 2 1
33. Mirror image
g ((Reflections )
⎢⎣ a3 × l1 + b3 × m1 + c3 × n1 yy’  = y + t
 y + ty
a3 × l2 + b3 × m2 + c3 × n2 ⎥⎦
4. Size ((scaling)
4 g) y In Matrix form

5. Shapes (shear) ⎡ x ⎤ ⎡t x ⎤ ⎡ x + t x ⎤
⎢ y ⎥ + ⎢t ⎥ = ⎢ y + t ⎥
All transformations are Euclidean Transformations ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ y⎦ ⎣ y⎦

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 7

Page 28 of 58 8
Rev.0 9
2. Rotation GATE‐2014
y Homogeneous transformation matrix of translation A robot arm PQ with end coordinates P(0, 0) and Q(2, 5) 

⎡1 0 t x ⎤ (i) Rotation about origin rotates counter clockwise about P in the XY plane by 90

l k b h l b o. 

Txy = ⎢⎢0 1 t y ⎥⎥
(ii) Rotation about any arbitrary Point P The new coordinate pair of the end point Q is

(a) (–2  5)
(a) (–2, 5) (b) (–5  2)
(b) (–5, 2)
⎢⎣0 0 1 ⎥⎦
(c) (–55,  –2)
(c) ( 2) (d) (2  –5)
(d) (2,  5)

10 11 12

GATE‐2019 GATE‐2016 MCQ

The position vector O P of P(20,
P(20 10) is rotated anti‐
anti The figure below represents a triangle PQR with initial
clockwise in X‐Y plane by an angle θ = 30° such that the coordinates of the vertices as P(1,3), Q(4,5) and R(5,3.5). Point P(3, 1) is to be scaled by a factor of 2 and then
i P occupies i position
i i Q,Q as shown
h i the
in h figure.
fi Th
The The triangle is rotated in the X‐Y
X Y plane about the vertex
P by angle θ in clockwise direction. If sinθ = 0.6 and cosθ rotated by 45° in the counter clockwise direction.
coordinates (x, y) of Q are
= 0.8,
0 8 the new coordinates of the vertex Q are C di
Coordinates off the
h new point
i are:
(a) (13.40, 22.32)
(a) (4.6, 2.8)       ( ) (4, )
(a) (4, 8 ) ( )(
(b) (2.828, 5.657 )
, 5 57 )
(b) (18.66,
( 8 66 12.32))
(b) (3.2, 4.6) (c) (6, 2 ) (d) (5.657, ‐2.828)
(c) (22.32,
3 8.26) (c) (7.9, 5.5)
(d) (12.32, 18.66) (d) (5.5, 7.9) 

13 14 15

3 R fl ti
3. Reflections GATE‐2013
(i) x‐axis reflections In a CAD package, mirror image of a 2D point
( ) is to be
b obtained
b d about
b a line
l which
h h passes The transformation matrix for mirroring a
(ii) y –axis reflections
point in x‐y plane about the line y = x is
( ) Reflection about origin
(iii) through the origin and makes an angle of 45o given by
counterclockwise with the X
axis. The coordinates
(i ) Reflections about y = x line
(iv) R fl i   b        li ⎡ −1 0 ⎤ ⎡0 1 ⎤
(a) ⎢ ⎥ (b) ⎢ ⎥
of the transformed point will be ⎣ 0 1⎦ ⎣1 0 ⎦
( ) Reflection about y = ‐x line 
(v) R fl i   b        li  
(a) (7.5, 5) (b) (10, 5) (c) (7.5, ‐5) (d) (10, ‐5) ⎡ 0 −1⎤ ⎡1 0 ⎤
(c ) ⎢ ⎥ (d ) ⎢ ⎥
⎣ −1 0 ⎦ ⎣ 0 −1⎦

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 16

Page 29 of 58 17
Rev.0 18
4. Scaling 5. Shear 3D Transformations
1. Co‐ordinate Frames
2. Mappings
3. Generalized homogeneous transformation 
4. Transformation of vectors

19 20 21

Co‐ordinate Frames
di t F Mappings MCQ for IES only
Mapping refers to changing the description of a point (or
vector) in space from one frame to another frame with
f t robotic
to b ti manipulation
i l ti and d control.
t l
Select the INCORRECT statement from the following:
(a) II frame is rotated with respect to the I frame, the origin
of both the frames is same. This is referred as changing g g the
(b) II frame is moved away from the I frame,
frame the axes of both
frames remain parallel. This is a translation of the origin of
the II frame from the I frame in space
(c) II frame is rotated with respect to the I frame and moved
away from
f it, i.e., the
h II frame
f is translated
l d and d its orientation
22 23 is also changed. (d)All of these 24

IES 2018 (Prelims)

IES‐2018 (Prelims) Representation of a frame Relative 
Representation of a frame Relative
Consider the following g statements regarding
g g
Generalized homogeneous 
Generalized homogeneous homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix: to a fixed reference frame.
to a fixed reference frame
1. A homogeneous transformation matrix can be
transformation matrix
transformation matrix considered to consist of four sub‐matrices.
⎡ nx ox ax px ⎤
(HTM) 2 The upper left 3 × 3 sub‐matrix
position vector.
sub matrix represents the
⎢n oy ay p y ⎥⎥
3. The
Th upper right
i ht 3 × 1 sub‐matrix
b t i representst the
th F =⎢ y
rotation matrix. ⎢ nz oz az pz ⎥
4. The lower left 1 × 3 sub‐matrix represents perspective ⎢ ⎥
transformation. ⎣0 0 0 1⎦
Which of the above statements are correct ?
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 1 and 4 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 4
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 25
Page 30 of 58 26
Rev.0 27
Representation of a Rigid body in 
Representation of a Rigid body in D
Description of Object
i ti f Obj t r r r
space e ttransformation
The a s o at o matrix
at o tthe
T for e e d e ecto
end‐effector The vectors n, o, and a represent the X, Y, Z
with respect to the coordinate frame {n o a} is
written as axes of the end − effector frame.
⎡ nx ox ax px ⎤ ⎡ nx ox a x d x ⎤ Matrix T is applicable
pp to any
y co-ordinate
⎢ n o a d ⎥ ⎡ r r r ur ⎤
⎢n p y ⎥⎥ n o a d
oy ay T =⎢ y y y y⎥
=⎢ ⎥
Fobject =⎢ y ⎢ nz oz a z d z ⎥ ⎣ 0 0 0 1 ⎦ frame and any
y joint
j of the manipulator.
⎢ nz oz az pz ⎥ ⎢
⎣0 0 0 1⎦

n is normal vector in the X axis.
⎢ ⎥ r
⎣0 0 0 1⎦ In th e tra n s fo rm a tio n m a trix T , th e v e c to r d is o is orientation vector in the Y axis.
th e tra n s la tio n o f e n d − e ffe c to r fra m e fro m th e r
r r r a is approach
pp vector in the Z axis.
re fe re n c e fra m e a n d v e c to rs ( n , o , a ) d e s c rib e
th e o rie n ta tio n o f e n d − e ffe c to r. 29 30

IES 2019 (Prelims)

IES‐2019 (Prelims)
3D Translations of a Vector
3D Translations of a Vector Rotate the vector v = 55i + 3j + 8k byy an angle
g of 3D Translations of Frames
3D Translations of Frames
90° about the x‐axis. The rotated vector (Hv)
would be
⎡1⎤ ⎡ −8⎤ ⎡3⎤ ⎡5⎤
⎢3⎥ ⎢5⎥ ⎢ −8⎥ ⎢ −8⎥
(a) ⎢ ⎥ (b) ⎢ ⎥ (c ) ⎢ ⎥ (d ) ⎢ ⎥
⎢ −8⎥ ⎢1⎥ ⎢5⎥ ⎢3⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣5⎦ ⎣3⎦ ⎣1⎦ ⎣1⎦

31 32 33

Example 3D R
3D Rotation of a Vector 
i f V
3D Rotation
3D Rotation
Consider a frame {2} which is obtained from the Example
frame {1} by translating it 2 units along y and 1 Principal Axis Rotation
p The co‐ordinate of p
point P in frame {{1}} are
unit along z. Find HTM and 1P if 2P = [ 0 2 3 ]T [ 3 2 1 ]T . The p
position vector P is rotated
about the z axis byy 45o . Find the co‐ordinate of
point Q, the new position of P.

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 34

Page 31 of 58 35
Rev.0 36
GATE 2016
GATE‐2016 3D R
3D Rotation of Frames
i fF T
Translation and rotation combined
l i d i bi d
A point
i t P(1,
P( 3, ‐5)) is
i translated
t l t d by
b 2îî + 3ĵĵ ‐ 4k
k and
d then
rotated counter clockwise by 90o about the z
axis. The Example
p Example
new position of the point is Frame {{2}} is obtained from the frame {{1}} byy Frame {{2}} is rotated w.r.t frame {{1}} about the x‐
(a) (‐6, 3, ‐9)
rotating g of 330o.
g it about its z – axis byy an angle g of 60o. The p
axis byy angle position of the origin
(b) (‐6, ‐3, ‐9)
Find HTM. of frame {2} as seen from frame {1} is 1D2 = [ 7 5
(c) (6, 3, ‐9)
7 ]T. Obtain the transformation matrix 1T2 and
(d) (6, 3, 9)
1P if 2P = [ 2 4 6 ]T.
37 38 39

Rotation Matrix R (For IES Only) r r r
Orientation is specified by the submatrix R. The vectors n, o and a are in three mutually
1.The scalar dot pproduct of two different
This is general rotation matrix. perpendicular directions and hence the
columns is zero, that is
⎡ xˆ.uˆ xˆ.vˆ xˆ.wˆ ⎤ ⎡ nx ox ax ⎤ rotation
i matrix i R is
i an Orthogonal
O h l rr
n.o = 0 or nx ox + n y o y + nz oz = 0 .....(1)
R = ⎢⎢ yˆ .uˆ yˆ .vˆ yˆ .wˆ ⎥⎥ = ⎢⎢ n y oy a y ⎥⎥ T
f i . Because
B the
h vectors rr
o.a = 0 or ox ax + o y a y + oz az = 0 .....(2)
⎢⎣ zˆ.uˆ zˆ.vˆ zˆ.wˆ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ nz oz az ⎥⎦ i the
in th dot
d t products
d t are all
ll unit
it vectors,
t rr
a.n = 0 or ax nx + a y n y + az nz = 0 .....(3)
( )
it is
i also
l called
ll d Orthonormal
O th lTTransformation
f ti .

40 41 42

3.The vector p
product of two different columns This means that the orientation is completely
2.The scalar dot product of any column with gives the third column in a cyclic order, that is r r
defined by any two of the three vectors n, o
r r r r
itself is unity, that is n × o = a .....(7) q
and a from this three equations yyou mayy
rr r r r
n.n = 1 or nx2 + n y2 + nz2 = 1 .....(4) o × a = n .....(8) replace
p first three equations.
q This cross p
rr r r r
o.o = 1 or ox2 + o y2 + oz2 = 1 .....(5)
( ) a × n = o .....(9) equations are recommended because it indicate
rr iˆ ˆj kˆ correct Right Handed Frame but dot product
a.a = 1 or ax2 + a y2 + az2 = 1 .....(6)
nx ny nz = ax iˆ + a y ˆj + az kˆ equations are scalar and same for Left hand
ox oy oz and Right hand frame.
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 43
Page 32 of 58 44
Rev.0 45
4.The determinant of the rotation matrix is unity, MCQ for IES only MCQ for IES only
Consider the following statements regarding robotics:
that is How many variables of a rotational transformation 
1. All rotational transformation matrix are orthogonal
nx ox ax matrix are independent?
(a) 9 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6 ‐1
ny oy ay = 1 2 For any rotational transformation matrix (R = RT)
3. For any rotational transformation matrix (RRT = 1)
nz oz az 4. Scale factor σ > 1 is used for enlarging and σ < 1 is
used for reducing.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
5 R −1 = RT
5. and RRT = I ( ) 1 and 2
(a) ( ) 1, 2 and 3
O l three
th off the
th nine
i elements
l t are independent
i d d t or, the
th (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
rotation matrix representation has redundancy. 46 47 48

MCQ for IES only MCQ for IES only MCQ for IES only

Which of the following can be matrix representation of a In homogeneous transformation matrix  Consider 2 frames x, x y,
y z and u,
u v,
v w with a common
⎡ 2R 2
D1 ⎤ origin. Let there be a point P in the space such that 1P
⎡0.707 0 1 7⎤ ⎡ 0.707 0 0.707 7⎤ T1 = ⎢ 1
⎥ and 2P represent position vector 0f point P with respect
⎢ 1 0 −0.707 5 ⎥⎥ ⎢0.707 0 −0.707 5 ⎥⎥ ⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦
(a) ⎢ (b) ⎢ to x, y, z and u, v, w frame respectively.
⎢ 0 1 0 3⎥ ⎢ 0 0.707 0 3⎥ Where 2 R1 and 2 D1 is rotational transformation matrix
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ Given: 2P = 2R1[1P]
⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦
and translation vector respectively, Then 2T1 is 2 2
Where R1 is rotation matrix. Then R1 can be written as
⎡0.707 0 0.707 7 ⎤ ⎡ 0.707 0 −0.707 7 ⎤
⎢0.707 0 −0.707 5 ⎥⎥ ⎢ 0.707 0 −0.707 5 ⎥⎥
⎡ 2 R T 2 R1T 2 D1 ⎤ ⎡ 2 R T − 2 R1T 2 D1 ⎤ ⎡ uˆ.xˆ uˆ. yˆ uˆ.zˆ ⎤ ⎡ xˆ.uˆ xˆ.wˆ ⎤ ⎡ uˆ.zˆ uˆ. yˆ uˆ.xˆ ⎤ ⎡ xˆ.wˆ xˆ.uˆ ⎤
(c ) ⎢ (d ) ⎢ (a) ⎢ 1 ⎥ (b) ⎢ 1 ⎥
xˆ.vˆ xˆ.vˆ
⎢ 0 1 0 3⎥ ⎢ 0 1 0 3⎥ ⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ (a ) ⎢⎢ vˆ.xˆ vˆ. yˆ vˆ.zˆ ⎥⎥ (b) ⎢ˆ ˆ
⎢ y.u yˆ.vˆ yˆ .wˆ ⎥⎥ (c) ⎢ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ⎥
⎢ v.z v. y v.x ⎥ (d ) ⎢ y.w
⎢ˆ ˆ yˆ.vˆ yˆ .uˆ ⎥⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣⎢ wˆ .xˆ wˆ . yˆ wˆ .zˆ ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ zˆ.uˆ zˆ.vˆ zˆ.wˆ ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ wˆ .zˆ wˆ . yˆ wˆ .xˆ ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ zˆ.wˆ zˆ.vˆ zˆ.uˆ ⎦⎥
⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦ ⎡ 1R T − 1R2T 1D2 ⎤ ⎡ R
1 T 1
R2 D2 ⎤
T 1
(c) ⎢ 2 ⎥ (d) ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦
50 51

Example for IES Only

Example for IES Only Example for IES Only
Example for IES Only
In this case, assume the same p point pp(7, 33, 1)T, attached Answer:  In this case, assume the same p p(7, 33, 1)T, attached
point p
to Fnoa is subjected to the same The matrix equation representing the transformation is:  to Fnoa is subjected to the same
transformations, but the transformations are performed transformations, but the transformations are performed
in a different order. Find the coordinates of the point pxyz = Ry ( 90 ) × Trans ( 4, − 3, 7 ) × Rz ( 90 ) × pnoa in a different order.
relative to the reference frame at the conclusion of 0 0 4 ⎤ ⎡ 0 −1 Fi d the
Find th coordinates
di t off the
th point
i t relative
l ti tot the
th reference
⎡0 0 1 0 ⎤ ⎡1 0 0⎤ ⎡7 ⎤ ⎡ 8 ⎤
transformations. ⎢0 1 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢0 1 0 −3⎥⎥ ⎢⎢1 0 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 3 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 4 ⎥⎥
frame after transformations are completed
1. A rotation of 90° about the z‐axis, =⎢ × × × = 1. A rotation of 90° about the a‐axis,
⎢ −1 0 0 0⎥ ⎢0 0 1 7 ⎥ ⎢0 0 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ −1⎥
2 Followed by a translation of [4, ‐3,
2. 3, 7], ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 2 Then a translation of [4,
2. [4 ‐3,
3 7] along n‐,
n o‐,
o a‐axes
a axes
3. Followed by a rotation of 90° about the y‐axis. ⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣0 0 0 1⎦ ⎣1⎦ ⎣ 1 ⎦
3. Followed by a rotation of 90° about the o‐axis.

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 52

Page 33 of 58 53
Rev.0 54
Example for IES Only
Example for IES Only The following set of matrices, written in the proper order to
Answer:  A frame F was rotated about the yy‐axis 990°, followed byy a represent transformations relative to the reference frame or
The matrix equation representing the transformation is:  rotation about the 0‐axis, 30°, followed by a translation the current frame describes the total transformation:
of 5 units along the n
axis, and finally, a translation of 4
pxyz = Ra ( 90 ) × Trans ( 4, − 3, 7 ) × Ro ( 90 ) × pnoa units along the x‐axis. Find the total transformation
T = Trans(4,
(4 0,
0 0) x Ry(90) x Ro (30) x Trans(5,
(5 0,
0 0)
⎡1 0 0 4⎤ ⎡ 0 0 1 0 ⎤ ⎡ 0.866 0 0.5 0 ⎤
matrix ⎢0
⎡ 0 −1 0 0 ⎤ ⎡1 0 0 4 ⎤⎡ 0 0 1 0⎤ ⎡7 ⎤ ⎡0⎤ 1 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 0 1 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 0 1 0 0 ⎥⎥
⎢1 0 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢0 1 0 −3⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 0 1 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 3⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 5⎥⎥ =⎢ × × ×
=⎢ × × = ⎢0 0 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ −1 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ −0.5
05 866 0 ⎥
0 00.866
⎢0 0 1 0⎥ ⎢0 0 1 7 ⎥ ⎢ −1 0 0 0⎥ ⎢1 ⎥ ⎢0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0 0 0 1⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦
⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦⎣ 0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣1 ⎦ ⎣1 ⎦
⎡1 0 0 0.5⎤ ⎡ −0.5 0 0.866 1.5 ⎤
⎢0 1 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 0 1 0 0 ⎥⎥
⎢ =
⎢0 0 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ −00.866
866 0 −00.5 33⎥
5 −44.33
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
55 56
⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 1 ⎦ 57

What is RUR?
Origin of the word  ROBOT
Origin of the word ‘ROBOT’ Objective Question
Objective Question
y RUR was a play.
y Origin of the word ‘robot’
robot can be traced in the Czech Robot is derived from a Czech word
word ‘robota’, which means ‘forced’ or compulsory
p y (a) Rabota y The first use of the word ‘robot’ appeared in 1921
labour. (b) Robota in the play Rossum’s Universal Robots (RUR)
( )
(c ) Rebota
written by the Czech writer Karel Capek.
(d) Ribota
y It was a fictional manufacturer of mechanical
creatures designed a robot to replace human
58 59 workers. 60

What is an industrial robot? IES ‐ 2006 History of Robots

A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional Which
Whi h one off theh following
f ll i is
i the
h third
hi d basic
b i
y 1954‐ Devol & Engleburger – establish Unimation
p designed
g to handle material,, pparts,, tools or component of robots besides power supply and
specialized devices through variable programmed control (memory) console? Incorporation.
motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.
tasks (a) Software (b) Coaxial cable
y 1961‐ Robots are used in die casting application.
(c) Mechanical unit arm (d) Microcomputer
y 1968‐ AGVs (automated
( d guided
d d vehicles)
h l ) implemented.
l d

y 1970‐ Stanford
S f d arm developed.
d l d

y 1979‐ SCARA robot

b t for
f assembly
bl developed
d l d in
i Japan.

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 61

Page 34 of 58 62
Rev.0 63
Generations of Robot
Generations of Robot y The
e tthird
d ge e at o robots
generation obots aaree tthose
ose eenabled
ab ed w
human intelligence. The technological growth in
with y Fourth generation may be a reality only during this
y The first generation robots are the repeating, non ‐ computers led to high speed processing information millennium. It is difficult to predict its feature. It may be
servo, pick and place, or point to point kind. Nearly 80% and, thus, robots also acquired artificial intelligence, true android or artificial biological robot or a super
of industries use these robots.
robots It has been predicted that self‐learning
lf l i andd conclusion
l i – drawing
d i capabilities
these first generation robots will continue to be in use through past experience. On‐line computation and humanoid capable of producing own clones. This might
f a long
for l time.
i control, artificial vision, and active force/ torque provide for fifth and higher generation robots.
y The addition of sensing g devices and enabling g the robot interaction with environments are some of the
to alter its movement in response to sensory feed back significant characteristics of these robots. This
marked the beginning of second generation.
generation These technology is still in its infancy and has to go a long way.
robots exhibit path–control capabilities. This
technological breakthrough came around 1980s and is
yet to mature. 64 65 66

MCQ Indian Scenario

Indian Scenario  Indian Scenario 
y Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) is a
Consider the following statements about first generation  laboratory of the DRDO develops NETRA, an y Defence
f robot
b ‘Daksh’
‘ k h’ by
of robots: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ((UAV).
) It is mainlyy a y It is an electrically
y p
powered and
1. The first generation robots are repeating, non servo,  surveillance robot. remote controlled robot which is
pick‐and‐place, or point to point kind.
p , p p used to locate,
locate handle and destroy
2. The technology for these robots is fully  developed and  risky objects safely.
at present about 80% robots used in the industry are of 
t  t  b t 8 %  b t   d i  th  i d t     f  y The main role of this military robot is
this kind. to recover improvised
p explosive
Select the incorrect answer using the codes given below: devices.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only y This
Thi robot
b t can even climb
li b stairs.
t i
(c) both 1 and 2  (d) neither 1 nor 2 Moreover, it can also scan objects
using its portable X‐ray Device. Used
67 68
for Bomb disposal also. 69

Indian Scenario  Indian Scenario

Indian Scenario 
y Developments
eve op e ts related
e ated to robotics
obot cs from
o tthe
eN S
(National Institute of Science and Technology
y DRDO labs to develop military robots for next gen
Policy) 2030 report: Which of the following is a flying robot?
warfare and would be deployed in difficult warfare zones y By 2013‐2014 — Agricultural robots (a) PUMA
y By 2013‐2017 — Robots that care for the elderly (b) KUKA
like the LoC with the abilityy to differentiate between a (c) NETRA
y By 2013 – 2020 ‐ Nano robot
y By 2015 — To have one third of its fighting capacity
threat and friend.
provided by robots
y By 2017 ‐Medical
Medical robots performing low
invasive surgery
y By 2017‐2019 — Household robots
y By 2035 — To have first completely autonomous robot
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 70
Page 35 of 58
soldiers on the battlefield 71
Rev.0 72
Ad t fR b t
Advantages of Robots Di d t fR b t
Disadvantages of Robots Di d t fR b t
Disadvantages of Robots
y Robotics and automation can, in many situation, increase y Robots a e cost
are y, due to
costly, y Robots a
aree not
ot intelligent
te ge t o or se t e t, They
sentient, ey ca eve
can never
productivity, safety, efficiency, quality, and consistency of
products ¾High initial cost of equipment improve the results of their jobs outside of their
y Robots
b h
have repeatable
bl precision at all
ll times ¾High
h installation
ll costs predefined programming.
y Robots can work in hazardous environments (Painting, welding, y Incorporating industrial robots does not guarantee
¾High maintenance costs
h dli toxic
handling i materials,
i l handling
h dli explosive)
l i ) results. Devising a specific production plan from the
y Remote areas (Deep sea, space and other planets) ¾Need for programming
g g to the end is absolutelyy crucial.
y Robots work continuously without any humanity needs and ¾Need for training
illnesses, need no environmental comfort. y Robots can store large amounts of data but the storage,
¾Need for peripherals access and retrieval is not as effective as the human
y R b
Robots can be
b much h more accurate than
h humans,
h they
h may have
mili‐ or micro inch accuracy due to sensors. brain, can perform the repetitive tasks for long but they
y R b t can process multiple
Robots lti l stimuli
ti li or tasks
t k simultaneously,
i lt l y Robot can take the place of the humans in several d nott gett better
do b tt with
ith experience
i such
h as the
th humans
h d
humans can only one.
situations,, replace
p humans,, lead to unemployment.
p y
y Robots replace human workers who can create economic
problems 73 74 75

What Can Robots Do?
Asimov's three laws of robotics
' h l f b i
Industrial Robots
MCQ First law (Human safety):
Which of the following places would be LEAST  y A robot may not injure a human being, being or,
or through
•Material handling
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
•Material transfer likely to include operational robots?
y p
•Machine loading and/or unloading S
Second d law
l (R b
(Robots are slaves):
l )
•Spot welding (a) warehouse
C ti arc welding
ldi Material Handling 
y A robot must obey y orders ggiven it byy human beings,
•Spray coating
Manipulator (b) factory except where such orders would conflict with the First
( ) h
(c) chemical research laboratories
l hl b Law.
Third law (Robot survival):
(d) private homes
y A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
Assembly  protection does not conflict with the First or Second
Spot Welding  76 77
Law. 78

IES 2017(Prelims)
IES‐2017(Prelims) What are the four D’s of robotics? Wrist Configurations
Consider the following g statements regarding
g g
the laws of Robotics: Four D’s
y Wrist assembly is attached to end‐of‐arm
Wrist assembly is attached to end of arm
1. A Robot
b shall
h ll not injure a human
h b
being or, I the
Is h task k
y End effector is attached to wrist assembly 
through inaction, allow a human being harmed. 1 Dirty
1. yFFunction of wrist assembly is to orient end effector 
i   f  i   bl  i     i   d  ff  
2. A Robot must obey orders given by humans 2. Dull y Body‐and‐arm determines global position of end 
except when such orders conflict with first law. 3. Dangerous
y Two or three degrees of freedom:
3 A Robot must always protect its own existence.
3. existence 4. Difficult y Roll 
Which of the above statements are correct? If so,
so a human will probably not be able to do the y Pitch
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only job efficiently for hours. Therefore, the job is y Yaw

(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 appropriate for automation or robotic labour.
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 79
Page 36 of 58 80
Rev.0 81
E d Eff
End Effectors
MCQ y The special tooling for a robot that enables it to  Grippers and Tools
Grippers and Tools
Which of the following terms refers to the perform a specific task
rotational motion of a robot arm? y Two types:
(a) swivel y Grippers – to grasp and manipulate objects (e.g., 
to grasp and manipulate objects (e g  
(b) retrograde parts) during work cycle
( ) roll
(c) ll y Tools –
Tools  to perform a process, e.g., spot welding, spray 
to perform a process  e g  spot welding  spray 
((d)) yyaw

82 83 84

R b tC t lS t
Robot Control Systems Degrees of Freedom
IES ‐ 2000
y Limited sequence control –
q p p
pick‐and‐place  y The degree of freedom or grip of a robotic system can be
C id theh following
f ll i characteristics
h i i off a robot:
operations using mechanical stops to set positions
1. The tip of the robot arm moves from one point to compared to the way in which the human body moves.
y Playback with point‐to‐point control –
Playback with point to point control  records 
another with its in‐between path not being defined.
work cycle as a sequence of points, then plays back  y For each degree of freedom a joint is required.
2. It can be used for drilling holes at difference points in a
the sequence during program execution
 d i     ti
workpiece. y The degrees of freedom located in the arm define the
y Playback with continuous path control –
y p
3. It can be used for V butt joint welding between two configuration.
fi ti
greater memory capacity and/or interpolation 
p y p ( p
capability to execute paths (in addition to points)) y Each of the five basic motion configurations utilizes three
4. The memory capacity required for its control unit is low.
y Intelligent control – exhibits behavior that makes  degrees of freedom in the arm.
Which of these are the characteristics associated with a point
it seem intelligent  e g  responds to sensor inputs  
it seem intelligent, e.g., responds to sensor inputs, 
to point robot? y Three degrees of freedom located in the wrist give the end
makes decisions, communicates with humans
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1,1 3 and 4
effector all the flexibility.
85 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4 86 87

Degrees of Freedom (contd.)
fF d ( td ) D
Degrees of Freedom (contd.)
fF d ( td )
y A total of six degrees of freedom is needed to locate a ¾ The radial traverse: is the extension and retraction
robot’s hand at any point in its work space. of the arm or the in‐and‐out motion relative to the
y Althoughg six degreesg of freedom are needed for base.
maximum flexibility, most robot employee only three to ¾ The vertical traverse: provides the up‐and‐down
five degrees of freedom.
ti off the
th arm off the
th robotic
b ti system.
y The more the degrees of freedom, the greater is the
y The three degrees of freedom located in the wrist,
complexity of motions encountered.
which bear the names of aeronautical terms, are
y The three degrees of freedom located in the arm of
¾Pitch or bend: is the upup‐and‐down
and down movement of the
a robotic
b i system are:
¾The e rotational
otat o a reverse:
eve se: iss tthee movement
ove e t o
of tthee aarm
Y i the
is h right‐and‐left
i h d l f movement off the
h wrist.
assembly about a rotary axis, such as left‐and‐right
swivel of the robot
robot’ss arm about a base.
base ¾Roll or swivel: is the rotation of the hand.

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 88

Page 37 of 58 89
Rev.0 90
Use MCQ IES 2019 Prelims.
y 6 (DOF) required for arbitrary task in 3D.
y Painting and welding can be done by 5 DOF The number of moveable joints in the base, the What is the minimum number of degrees of
b t freedom that a robot needs to have in order to
arm, and the end effectors of the robot determine?
locate its end effectors at an arbitrary point with
y Electronics assembly usually done by 4 DOF, ( ) degrees
(a) d off freedom
f d an arbitrary
b orientation in space?
SCARA robot.
(b) payload capacity (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
y For extra flexibility/working volume, 5 or 6 DOF
robot mounted on 2 or 3 DOF gantry or wheeled ((c)) operational
p limits
mobile robot. (d) flexibility
y Redundant robot with more than 6 DOF for
avoiding obstacles,
obstacles more flexibility etc.
91 92 93

Question: Discuss various ways of classifying a Question: What is the difference between SERIAL
d theh following
f ll statements about
b manipulator
l in
robotics: robot. and PARALLEL Robot?
1. A manipulator with 6‐DOF is called a spatial Answer:
y Fixed or mobile.
mobile Answer:
2. A spatial manipulator with more than 6‐DOF is
known as redundant manipulator.
manipulator y Serial or parallel. y Serial robot — A fixed base, links and joints
3. A planer manipulator can only sweep a 2‐D space or a y According to degree of freedom (DOF). connected sequentially and ending in a end‐
plane and can have any number of degree of freedom.
freedom effector
ff t
y Rigid or flexible.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: y Parallel robot — More than one loop, no natural
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 y Control
C l — Point‐to‐point,
P i i autonomy andd
g end‐effector
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1,
1 2 and 3
94 95 96

Types of Robot (Based on Coordinate axis)
y Cartesian
C t i or Gantry
G t
y It's
I ' a robot
b whose
h arm
has three prismatic
joints whose axes are
coincident with a
Cartesian coordinator.
y Used for pick and place
work, application of
sealant, assembly
operations, handling
machine tools and arc
PUMA 560 serial robot Parallel robot — welding.
Gough‐Stewart platform
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 97
Page 38 of 58 98
Rev.0 99
y Despite the fact that Cartesian arm gives high Types of Robot
y Cylindrical
C li d i l
precision and is easy to program, it is not robot(R2P):
y It's a robot whose axes
preferred for many applications due to limited form a cylindrical
manipulatability. coordinate system.
y Used for assembly y
y Gantry configuration is used when heavy loads operations, handling at
ac e too
machine tools,
s, spot
must be precisely moved. welding, and handling
at die casting
y The Cartesian configuration gives large work machines.

volume but has low dexterity. 100 101 102

IES 2016
IES‐2016 MCQ Types of Robot
A Cylindrical Robot can reach any point in a cylinder of Consider the following statements about 3‐DOF 3 DOF
cylindrical arm configuration and its workspace: y Spherical or Polar
a height
g L and radius 2L, except
p for the p
points in an
1. It uses a revolute joint and two perpendicular
inner cylinder of height L and radius L. The volume for
prismatic jjoints.
p y It's a robot whose
the Cylindrical Robot work envelope will be 2. Its workspace is a hollow cylinder. axes form a polar
(a) 9.42 L3 (b) 6.24 L3 Select
l the
h correct answer using the
h codd given below:
b l coordinate
di t system.
9 12 L3
( ) 9.12
(c) 9 86 L3
(d) 9.86
(a) 1 only y Used for machining,
(b) 2 only welding, spray
( ) both 1 and 2
(c) painting
i ti etc.
(d) neither 1 nor 2
103 104 105

Types of Robot
Types of Robot These five revolute (5R) joints
y Its mechanical stiffness is lower than Cartesian p p
Articulated or Revolute or Anthropomorphic (3 )
Robot(3R): are associated with the basic
manipulator movements of a
and Cylindrical configurations y It's a robot whose arm
vertically articulated robot.
has at least three
rotary joints.
y The wrist positioning accuracy decreases with the
y Used for assembly
increasing radial stroke.
stroke operations die casting,
operations, casting
fettling machines, gas
y The
Th construction
t ti is i more complex.
l welding arc welding
and spray painting.
y Needs smaller
y Ex. PUMA560
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 106
Page 39 of 58 107
Rev.0 108
MCQ Types of Robot
Types of Robot
y The anthropomorphic structure is the most y SCARA robot(2R1P)
Consider the following statements about articulated
configuration: y The SCARA acronym stands
dexterous one. for Selective Compliant
1. The articulated arm is often referred as an
Assembly Robot
y Because of all joints are revolute,
revolute and the anthropomorphic
p p manipulator.
Arm or Selective
S l ti Compliant
C li t
2. The work volume of this configuration is spherical Articulated Robot Arm.
positioning accuracy varies with arm endpoint shaped.
h d
y It's a robot which has two
location in the workspace. Select the correct answer using g the codes g
given below. parallel rotary joints to
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only provide compliance in a plane
y The arm endpoint can reach the base point and ( ) both
(c) b th 1 and
d2 (d) neither
ith 1 nor 2 y Used
U d for
f pick
i k andd place
l work,
application of sealant,
below the base.
assembly operations and
109 110
handling machine tools 111

y SCARA has vertical major axis rotations so that

gravitational load, Coriolis, and centrifugal forces do
IES 2018 (Prelims)
IES‐2018 (Prelims)
y This is an example of a
not stress the structure as much as they would if the
basic SCARA robot axes were horizontal. It can move very fast due to this
configuration. advantage The degrees of freedom of a SCARA robot are
y Note the three rotary y Best suited to planner task.
((a)) six ((b)) five ((c)) four ((d)) three
joints and the single y This
Thi configuration
fi ti provides
id high
hi h stiffness
tiff t the
to th arm
in the vertical direction, and high compliance in the
vertical joint used in horizontal plane.
this horizontally y It provides a larger work envelope than the Cartesian,
l d cylindrical,
li d i l or spherical
h i l configurations.
fi ti
configuration. y Disadvantages g to the revolute configuration.
g It
requires a very sophisticated
h d controller,
ll and
(3R1P)(4 DOF Robot) programming is more complex than for the other
h configurations.
fi i
112 113 114

IES 2017 (Prelims)

IES‐2017 (Prelims) Types of Robot IES 2016
Consider the following features relating to
y Parallel
P ll l robot
b Which of the following Robots has application for
Robot kinematics with reference to SCARA
Robot: One use is a mobile mobile platform
p handling
g in cockpit
p flight
1. Shoulder and elbow rotational axes are vertical. platform handling
cockpit flight
2. The Robot could perform insertion tasks along the simulators. It's a robot (a) SCARA Robot  (b) Articulated Robot
vertical direction.
direction whose
hose arms ha e
3. Its general configuration is analogous to that of a concurrent prismatic (c) Parallel Robot  (d) Cylindrical Robot
human arm. or rotary joints.
Which of the above features are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 115
Page 40 of 58 116
Rev.0 117
PUMA Robot
PUMA Robot
y PUMA is an industrial robot.
IES ‐ Conventional
y Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly,
What are the five different types of robot systems?
or Programmable Universal Manipulation Arm)

PUMA robot
y The functioning of this robot is like a human arm. Answer: 
1 Cartesian or Gantry robot
y A totall off 6 variables
bl are required,
d for
f specifying
f the
2. Cylindrical robot
position and orientation of a rigid body in space.
3. Spherical or Polar robot
y Therefore PUMA has 6 axis of rotation with 1 DOF 4 Articulated or Revolute Robot
(degree of freedom) per axis. 5. SCARA robot

118 y Each DOF has an actuator for motion. 119 120

IES ‐ 2012 IES 2011

The configuration of a robot using a telescoping arm that 
Th   fi i   f    b   i     l i    h   Trajectory of a robot mean : MCQ
can be raised or lowered on a horizontal pivot mounted  (a) Path traced by the end effectors
on a rotating base is called What is the name for the space inside which a 
(b) Kinematics of Robot robot unit operates?
(a) Polar 
(c) Robot joints
(b) Cylindrical (a) environment
(d) Robot programming
(c) Cartesian coordinate  (b) spatial base
(d) Jointed arm ( )d
(c) danger zone
(d) work envelop

121 122 123

Robot Notation
Robot Notation Robot Notation
Robot Notation
y The p y
physical g
configuration of the robot
ROBOT Configuration (arm and Body)
f ( d d ) Symbol
b l
manipulator can be described by means of a joint
notation scheme.
scheme Cartesian LLL
Linear joint ( L ) Orthogonal 
y The notation system can be expanded to include joint (U) Cylindrical TLL, LTL, LVL
O  P i
Or Prismatic Joint (P)
ti  J i t (P)
wrist motions by designating the two or three (or Polar TRL
more)) types
t off wrist
i t joint.
j i t R l    J i d 
Revolute or Jointed arm TRR VVR
y Separates body
and arm assembly from wrist Rotational joint (R) Twisting joint (T)
gj ( ) Wrist Configuration Symbol
assembly using a colon (:) Two –axis wrist :RT
y Eg. A polar coordinate robot with a three‐axis Three‐axis wrist :TRT
wrist might be designated as TRL: TRT
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 124
Page 41 of 58
Revolving joint ( V‐joint, V from the “v” in revolving) 125
Rev.0 126
R b i A W ldi C ll
Robotic Arc‐Welding Cell
Robot Notation: Example
Robot Notation: Example IES‐2017 (Prelims)
IES‐2017 (Prelims)
y Robot performs 
Th number
The b off degrees
d off freedom
f d i a 3D
in D flux‐cored arc 
fl d   
welding (FCAW) 
Robot of TRL : R type configuration is : operation at one 
(a) 4 (b) 3 while fitter 
hil  fi  
changes parts at 
the other 
(c) 2 (d) 1 workstation

127 128 129

R b tP i
Robot Programming TTeach by lead through or Lead through 
hb l d h h L d h h Lead through Programming
yO e p
On line og a g: Here
programming: e e tthee robot
obot aarm itself
tse iss
used during the direct programming operation.
1. Powered lead through 
¾ Teach by lead through y Work cycle is taught to robot by moving the y Common for point‐to‐
C  f   i
¾ teach by pendent manipulator through the required motion cycle and point robots
y Off line Programming: It involves creating the simultaneously
i lt l entering
t i th program into
the i t controller
t ll y Uses teach pendant
p g
program for a robot task,, without the need to be memory for later playback. 2. Manual lead through 
connected physically to the robot or even to be anywhere y Convenient for 
near its physical presence.
presence We may coupled it with y This is used for programming continuous path continuous path 
simulation. Program is prepared at a remote computer operations such as are found in spray painting. control robots
terminal and downloaded to robot controller for y Human programmer 
execution. physical moves 
130 131 132

Lead through Programming Advantages Teach by Pendant

Teach by Pendant Teach by Pendant
Teach by Pendant
y For work that requires p
point to p
point, and p
point to y The robot arm is p g
programmed byy moving
g the end
y Advantages:
Ad t point with coordinated path, movements this is the effectors to a desired position using the joystick, and
y Easily learned by shop  normal method of programming. once the arm is at the required position and
personnel orientation a key in the keyboard is pressed to record
y It involves the programmer using a hand‐held pendant
y Logical way to teach a robot
g y the point in memory.
hi h transmits
t it commands d though
th h a cable
bl to
t theth
y No computer programming
robot controller, the robot then responds to these y On a six axis robot this will be recorded as a six
y Disadvantages:
Disad antages commands. coordinate location x, y, z, α, β, γ.
y Downtime during 
y In this way the programmer can lead the robot y In this way all the points to which the robot is desired
through a task. to go will be recorded in memory within a ‘point file’.
y Limited programming logic 
p g g g
capability  y Tech
T h pendants
d h
have as many different
diff configurations
fi i y An
A ‘instruction
‘i i file’
fil ’ is
i then
h created d using
i the
h keyboard
k b d
y Not compatible with 
as there robot models. Essentially they all contain command. This file contains the instructions as to
supervisory control sufficient controls to send the necessary instruction to what the robot should do between each point, e.g. the
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 133
the controller. Page 42 of 58 134
robot may be instructed to move fromRev.0 point 1 to 135
Teach by Pendant
Teach by Pendant R b
Robot programming languages
i l Fi G
First Generation Languages
i L
p p
point 2 at a speed of 200 mm/s. At p point 2 it mayy be
y Textual programming language to enter commands y Combine teach pendant procedures with the
instructed to open its gripper, operate a spot welding
into robot controller.
gun, or open a valve to allow adhesive to be dispensed. command
d statements.
t t t
y When
Wh using
i on‐line
li programmingi methods,
h d
y Thus two files will be constructed, one with the instructions can be given to the robot by using control
d i d end
desired d effector
ff t l ti
locations, and
d one with ith the
th y Mainly control motions ( Motion level language)
switches, knobs and buttons in conjunction with
instructions connecting the robot operation and simple coded commands. This method allows simple y Example:
p VAL (Victor’s Assemblyy Language)‐
g g for
sequence and speed of movements. programs to be constructed. PUMA Robot.
y We may use a computer for on line programming, this y For more complex programs a robot language must be
makes more complex programs easier to create. used and for off‐line working a programming language y Incapable to use complex sensor data, limited
i essential.
is ti l communication ability with other computer.
y Commercial robot languages are all termed ‘explicit’
languages. Each robot manufacturer provides their
own language with the control system. 137 138

Second Generation Languages
dG i L F
Future Generation Languages
y Structured programming languages y They should be model based or task based language. Consider the following statements about robot
y Capability:
C bilit motion
ti control,
t l can use sensor data,
d t can y If we give
i command
d ‘Tighten
‘Ti ht a nut’
t’ it mustt find
fi d the
th 1. In on‐line programming, the manipulator executes the
communicate with other computers.
computers nut and the spanner,
spanner pick them up,
up and place them in commands as soon as it is entered and the programmer
p g
can verify whether robot executes the desired task.
Example an orderlyy fashion and finally,
y it should tighten
g the
2. In
I off‐line
ff li programming,
i th robot
the b t is
i nott tied‐up
ti d and
y AML: A Manufacturing Language nut with the spanner. can continue doing its task i.e. there is no loss of
y MCL: Manufacturing control Language y These languages should allow complete offline
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
y RAIL programming. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
( ) Both
(c) B th 1 and
d2 (d) Neither
N ith 1 nor 2
139 140 141

MCQ Subsystems of Industrial Robots
A typical vocabulary of robot programming includes Anatomy of Robot
Anatomy of Robot y Actuators
command verbs for:
y Anatomy and Sub‐System of robots
Anatomy and Sub System of robots y Transmission systems
T i i   t
1. Definition of points, paths, frames etc.
2 Motion of joints,
2. joints links and end effector.
effector y Manipulators y Power supplies & power storage system
3. Interaction with sensors, environment, and other y Robot control y Sensors
Select the correct answer using the codes given below: y Microprocessors & controllers
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 y Algorithms & software (higher level & lower level)
( ) 1, 2 and 3
(c) ( ) 1 and 3

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Rev.0 144
Question: compare of pneumatic & hydraulic
Actuators actuators T
Transmission Systems
i i S
y Actuators are basically prime movers providing both Answer: y The transmission system used in robot to transmit power
force and motion. y Air used in p
pneumatic actuators is clean and safe. and motion consists of chains, timing belts, metal belts,
y Pneumatic cylinders, hydraulics, permanent magnet y Oil in hydraulic actuator can be a health and fire cables
bl and d pulleys
ll andd linkages.
li k
motors,, stepper
pp motors,, linear motors are some hazard especially
p y if there is a leakage.
g y Gear boxes and harmonic drives serve to p provide speed
conventional actuators. y Pneumatic actuators are typically light‐weight, reduction.
y More
M advanced
d d ones are based
b d on hi‐tech
hi t h polymers,
l portable and faster.
faster y Ball
B ll screws are usedd with
ith suitable
it bl mechanisms
h i t convertt
shape memory alloys, piezo patches, and pneumatic y Air is compressible (oil is incompressible) and hence rotary motion to linear motion and if needed back to
muscles. pneumatic actuators are ‘harder’
harder to control.
control oscillatory motion.
y Hydraulic actuators have the largest force/power
y Brushless servo motors also exist for low noise levels, density compared to any actuator.
actuator y Drive stiffness is an important consideration in robotics
and printed armature motors are used for quick and so also is backlash.
y With compressors, accumulators and other
response components, the h space requirement
i i larger
is l than
145 electric actuators. 146 147

Power Supplies
S li Sensors Question: What are the desirable features in
y Hydraulic and Pneumatic power packs:
y The sensors for feedback in robots consists of
These consist of a motor driving a positive displacement Answer:
pump or compressor to generate the h high
h h pressure fluid
fl d flow.
fl t h
t and
d encoders
d and
d potentiometers
t ti t t sense
to y High accuracy.
Hi h 
In using hydraulic systems the necessity of having an oil tank y High precision.
g p
motor motions
motions, simple switches
switches, force sensors
increases the weight of the system, additionally the issue of
ensuring that the oil is free of contaminants is to be handled.
y Linear response.
acceleration sensors, optical systems,
y special
p cameras
In pneumatics power pack dry air is desired. y Large operating range.
L   i  
and vision systems. y Low response time.
y Electric motors:
It use what are known as PWM (pulse width modulation) y Easy to calibrate.
amplifiers These are electronic devices,
amplifiers. devices consisting of y Reliable and rugged.
R li bl   d  d
transistors used as switches to rapidly switch on and off the
y Low cost
l in
i a controlled
t ll d manner to t control
t l motor
t speeds.d Such
S h
drives have higher efficiency. 148 149
y Ease of operation 150

MCQ 5 Types of Industrial Robot Sensors MCQ

Consider the following sensors and select which of the 
What is the name for information sent from robot 1. Status sensors
following sensors are used in robotics:
sensors to robot controllers? 1. Status sensors.
2. Environment sensors
( ) 
(a) temperature 2. Environment sensors
(b) pressure 3. Quality sensors
3 Quality control sensors
(c) feedback
( ) g
(d) signal 4. Safety sensors 4. Safety sensors

5. Work cell control sensors 5. Work cell control sensor
(a) 2  3 and 4
(a) 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1  4 and 5
(b) 1, 4 and 5
(c) 2, 3, 4 and 5  (d) All of these

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Rev.0 153
i Why are ADC and DAC required in 
Why are ADC and DAC required in Software
y The software used consists of several levels.
y Electronics robots? y Motor control software consists of algorithms which help
y Analog output, need ADC for digital control. the servo to move smoothly utilizing the data from feed
There are a host of electronic circuits, motor controllers,
back units.
y A digital‐to‐analog converter (DAC) needed so that
analog to digital converters and digital to analogue y At the
th nextt level
l l there
th i software
is ft t plan
to l theth trajectory
t j t
motor currents can be commanded to the current‐ of the end effector and translate the same into
converters, frame grabbers and so on utilized to handle
commands to individual motor controllers.
sensors and vision systems and convert the inputs from driver circuits. The current flowing through the
y The output of sensors is also to be interpreted and
them into a form usable by the processor for control of motor is controlled in analog circuitry by adjusting decisions made.
the voltage across the armature as needed to y At
A theh highest
hi h l l there
level h i software
is f which
hi h accepts
the entire system in conjunction with the algorithms and
commands from the user of the robot and translates it
software developed specifically for the purpose. maintain the
h desired
d d armature current. into appropriate actions at the lower level.
154 155 156

Manipulators The relationships among the five major systems that make
y The mechanical unit,
unit often called the "arm
arm," that MCQ p an industrial robot are shown in this diagram.
up g
does the actual work of the robot.
Which of the following terms is NOT one of the
y It is composedd off mechanical
h l linkages
l k andd joints with
h five basic parts of a robot?
actuators to drive the mechanism directlyy or
(a) peripheral tools
indirectly through gears, chains, or ball screws.
(b) end effectors
y Manipulator are built as serial chains or parallel
(c) controller
chains or occasionally a combination of both.
(d) drive and sensor
y Links and joints (revolute
( and prismatic)) that are
mostlyy used in manipulators.
y In spatial manipulators (open chains) adjacent axes
are parallel or perpendicular to each other.
157 158 159

IES – 2018 (Prelims)
( l )
Robot control
Robot control Consider
C id the
h following
f ll i statements : Direct and Inverse Kinematics
Direct and Inverse Kinematics
For control of the robot we have several levels: 1. Robots only take permissible action.
2. All actions that are obligatory for robots are
y Control of individual motors and actuators.
Control of individual motors and actuators
actually performed by them subject to ties and
y Planning trajectory & individual actuators in motion.
g j y conflicts among g available actions. Will be discussed in class
y Planning trajectories of end effector. 3. All permissible actions can be proved by the robot
to be
b permissible
i ibl and d iti can be b explained
l i d in
y Acting upon sensors input ordinaryy English.
y Planning tasks Which of the above statements are correct?
( ) 1 and
(a) d 3 (b) 1 andd 2 (c)
( ) 2 and
d 3 (d) 1,2 and
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 160
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Rev.0 162
IES 2017(Prelims)
IES‐2017(Prelims) MCQ
Consider the following statements with
Statement (I): The inverse kinematics problem is to
determine the jjoint angles, g , g given the p position and
Denavit‐Hartenberg Notation
orientation of the end‐effector. y The definition of a manipulator with four joint‐link
reference to SCARA Robot : p
parameters for each link and a systematic
y procedure for
Statement (II): Computing the position and orientation of
1. It has four degrees of freedom end‐effector of manipulator when the joint angles are known, assigning right‐handed orthonormal coordinate frames,
2. It has only one forward kinematic solution.
 It h   l    f d ki ti   l ti is known as forward kinematics problem.
problem one to each link in an open kinematic chain, chain was
(a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually proposed by Denavit and Hartenberg (1955) and is
3. It has two inverse kinematic solutions. known as Denavit‐Hartenberg
Denavit Hartenberg (DH) notation.
true and d Statement (II)( ) is theh correct explanation
l off
Which of the above statements are correct? Statement (I) y A frame {i} is rigidly attached to distal end of link i and it
(a) 1 and 2 only  (b) 1 and 3 only (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually moves with link i. An n‐DOF manipulator will have (n+1)
true but Statement ((II)) is not the correct explanation
p of frames
a es with thee frame
a e {{0}} o
or base
ase frame
a e ac
g as thee
( )    d    l   (d) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 only  (d)      d  Statement (I) reference inertial frame and frame {n} being the "tool
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false frame .
163 (d) Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true 164 165

• Figure shows a pair of adjacent links, link (i‐1) and link i, iii. The origin of the ith coordinate frame, frame {i}, is
their associated joints,
joints joints (i‐1),
(i 1) i and (i+1),
(i+1) and axes (i‐
(i located
l t d att the
th intersection
i t ti off axisi off joint
j i t (i+1),
(i ) that
th t is,
2), (i–1 ), and i, respectively. axis i, and the common normal between axes (i‐1) and i
• Line
Li AB, AB ini the
th figure,
fi i the
is th common normall to t (i‐2)‐
(i ) (common normal is CD), as shown in the figure.
and (i‐1)‐axes and line CD is the common normal to (i‐
iv Finally, yi‐axis
iv. axis completes the right
hand orthonormal
) and d i‐axes.
coordinate frame {i}
• A frame (i) is assigned
g to link i as follows:
i. The zi‐axis is aligned with axis i, its direction being
Note that
h theh frame
f {i} for
f link
li k i is
i at the
h distal
di l end d off
arbitrary. The choice of direction defines the positive link i and moves with the link.
sense of joint variable θi .
ii The xi‐axis
ii. axis is perpendicular to axis zi‐1 and zi and points With respect to frame {i‐1}
{i 1} and frame {i},
{i} the four DH‐
away from axis zi‐1, that is, xi‐axis is directed along the parameters — two link parameters (ai, αi) and two
DH convention i f
for assigning
i i f
frames to links
li k and d common normal CD. CD j i patameters (di , θi ) — are defined
joint d fi d as:
identifying joint link parameters 166 167 168

y Link Length (ai) — distance measured along xi‐axis y Two parameters, ai and αi are known as link parameters y Joint distance (di) is the perpendicular distance between
f the
th pointi t off intersection
i t ti off xi‐axis
i with
ith zi_1‐axis
i and are constant for a given link.
link the two adjacent common normals ai‐1
i and ai measured

(point C) to the origin of frame {i}, that is, distance CD. along axis (i‐1).
y For industrial robots,, the links are usually
y straight,
g , that
y Link twist (αi) — angle between zi_1‐ and zi‐axes is, the two joint axes are parallel, giving link length equal y In other words, joint distance is the translation needed
measured about xi‐axis
axis in the right
hand sense.
sense to physical link dimension and link twist equal to zero.
zero along joint axis (i
(i— 1 ) to make ai_1 intersect with ai.i
y Joint distance (di)— distance measured along zi_1 axis
y For two links connected by either a revolute or a y Joint angle (θi) is the angle between the two adjacent
from the
h origin
i i off frame
f {i } (point
{i‐1} ( i B) to the h
prismatic joint, the relative position of these links is common normals ai_1 and ai, measured in right‐handed
intersection of xi‐ axis with zi_1‐axis (point C), that is,
measured by the displacement at the joint,
joint which is direction about the axis (i‐1).
(i‐1) It is the rotation about joint
distance BC.
either joint distance or joint angle, depending on the axis (i‐‐1) needed to make ai_1 parallel to ai. These two
y Joint angle (θi) — angle between xi_1‐ and xi‐axes axes t
type off joint.
j i t parameters
t are called
ll d joint
j i t parameters.
measured about the zi_1‐axis in the right‐hand sense.

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Rev.0 171
y The convention outlined above does not result in a
Consider the following statements about robotics in DH 
unique attachment of frames to links because convention:
alternative choices are available. 1. Link parameters (ai and αi) are constant for a given 
y F example,
For l joint
j i axis
i i has
h two choices
h i off direction
di i to
2. For industrial robots, links are usually straight.
point zi‐axis,
‐axis one pointing upward (as in Fig.)
Fig ) and
3. θi and d
d di are called joint variable.
ll d bl
other pointing downward. Which of the above statements are correct?
y To minimize such options and get a consistent set of (a) (a) 1 only (b) 3 only
frames, different algorithm is there to assign frames to ( )
(c) 1 and 3 only  ( )
(d) 1, 2 and 3

all links of a manipulator.

Refer fig. in the next slide 173 174

y Thus,
Manipulator Transformation Matrix Tn = 0T1 ( q1 ) × 1T2 ( q2 ) .......... n −1Tn ( qn )

y This model describes position and orientation of the last

link ((tool frame)) with reference to the base frame as a Where, i −1Ti ( qi ) for i = 1, 2,...., n is the homogeneous link,
function of joint displacements q1 through qn. transformations matrix between frames {i − 1) and {i}
y An n‐DOF
n DOF manipulator consists of (n+ 1) links from base y The
h tooll frame,
f f
frame { } can also
{n}, l beb considered
d d as a
to tool point and a frame is assigned to each link. Figure translated and rotated frame with respect p to base
h the
h (n+1)
( ) frames,
f f
frame { } to frame
{0} f { } attached
{n}, h d
frame {0}. The transformation between these two
to the links of the manipulator.
frames is denoted by end‐effector
end effector transformation
y The position and orientation of the tool frame relative to
matrix T. In terms of tool frame orientation (n, o, a)
the base frame can be found by considering the n
and its displacement (d) from the base frame {0},
consecutive link transformation matrices relating frames
fi d to
fixed t adjacent
dj t links.
li k Geometric relationship between adjacent links frame {n} is the tool frame, thus, T is equal
175 176 T = 0Tn = 0T1 × 1T2 × ........ × n −1Tn 177

y Above equation is known as the kinematic model of the y where coefficient rij, are functions of joint displacements F ti
Function atan2(y, x)
t 2( )
DOF manipulator.
i l t qi. For
F the
th known
k joint
j i t displacements
di l t q1 for
f i = 1, 2, ..., n, y Two‐argument
T t arctangent
t t function
f ti denoted
d t d by
y It p
provides the functional relationship
p between the tool the end‐effector orientation (n o a) and position d can be atan2(y,y x)
frame (or end‐effector) position and orientation and computed from above equation.
y It gives angles in the entire range [ ‐ π, π ].
displacement of each link qi, which may be angular or
linear, depending on joint being revolute or prismatic. y This function is defined for all (x , y) ≠ 0, and
That is,
is T = f(qi),
) i = 1,
1 2,
2 ..., n equals the unique angle θ such that
nx ox ax dx r11 r12 r13 r14 x y
cos θ = , and i θ=
d sin
ny oy ay dy
r21 r22 r23 r24 x +y
2 2
x + y2

nz oz az dz r31 r32 r33 r34

or x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ Where, r = x 2 + y 2
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 178
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Rev.0 180
y Implementation of two argument, four‐quadrant
Examples atan2(y, x)
l t 2( )
atan2 function y atan2(1,
t ( 1)) = atan2
t (5,
( 5)) = 45°°
x atan2(y, x)
atan2(y  x) y atan2(1, ‐1)
1) = atan2 (5, ‐5)
5) = 135
Positive atan(y/x) y atan2(‐1, ‐1) = atan2 (‐5, ‐5) = ‐135°
zero [sign(y)]π/2 y atan2(‐1, 1) = atan2 (‐5, 5) = ‐ 45°
Negative atan(y/x)+[sign(y)]π

y In any
an value
alue of θ,
θ wee can add 2π
2 = 360°.
360° In third y atan2(0,
atan2(0 1) = 0

quadrant yyou mayy use
q y atan2(1, 0) = 90°
⎛ y⎞ ⎛ y⎞ y atan2(0, ‐1) = 180°
θ = − 180° + tan −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ or 180° + tan −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ x⎠ ⎝ x⎠ y atan2(‐1,
( 0)) = ‐90°
181 182 183

Precision of Movement Resolution
Robot Dynamics
Robot Dynamics y The
Th response speed
d and
d stability
bili isi concerned
d with
ih y Control
C l resolution
l i is
i the
h smallest
ll increment
i that
the dynamic performance of the robot. the robot arm can move by means of digital to
y Another measure of performance is precision of the analog converter commands for position feedback
robot'ss movement.
robot movement We will define precision as a control.
function of three features: y If a linear robot arm is to move a distance ‘d’ by ‘n’
1. Resolution
l i bit digital to analog converter through the
2.. Accuracy
ccu acy controller then the linear resolution will be d/2n.
y For the rotary motion one has to divide the angular
3. Repeatability
range by 2n to obtain the angular resolution.
Angular resolution multiplied by the arm length
gives the control resolution.
184 185 186

Resolution E
l E
y Spatial
S i l resolution
l i is
i defined
d fi d as the
h smallest
ll Question
Q i Solution
S l i
increment of motion achieved by robotics y The number of control increments can be
manipulator at its tool or end effector. Ui
Using our robot
b t with
ith 1 degree
d off freedom
f d and
d we will
determined as follows:
y The spatial resolution of a robot is the smallest assume it has one sliding joint with a full range of 1.0
1 0 m.
m y Number
N b off increments
i = 212 = 4096
increment of movement into which the robot can
The robots control memoryy has a 12‐bit storage
g capacity.
p y y The total range g of 1 m is divided into 4 40969
divide its work volume.
increments. Each position will be separated by 1
y Spatial resolution depends on two factors: The problem is to determine the control resolution for
m/4096 = 0.000244
0 000244 m or 0.244
0 244 mm
¾ The system's control resolution this axis of motion. y The control resolution is 0.244 mm.
¾ and
d the
th robot's
b t' mechanical
h i l inaccuracies.
i i y This example deals with only one joint. A robot with
several degrees
g of freedom would have a control
resolution for each joint of motion. To obtain
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 187
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Rev.0 189
l IES 2019 Prelims
IES‐2019 Prelims. Accuracy
y This
Thi example
l deals
d l with
i h only
l one joint.
j i A robot
b with
ih Using
Ui a robot
b t withith 1 degree
d off freedom
f d and
d y There
Th is
i not yet a unified
ifi d definition
d fi i i off robot
b accuracy.
several degrees of freedom would have a control havingg 1 sliding
g jjoint with a full range
g of 1 m, if y The International Standards Organization,
g , the Robot
resolution for each joint of motion. the robot's control memory has a 12‐bit storage Industries Association, and the National Bureau of
y To obtain the control resolution for the entire capacity the control resolution for the axis of
capacity, Standards (now National Institute of Standard and
robot, component resolutions for each joint would motion will be Technology) have been making strides towards
have to be summed vectorially.
vectorially definitions of accuracy
accurac and devising
de ising standard tests to
(a) 0.236 mm (b) 0.244 mm make performance measurements of robot accuracy.
y The total control resolution would depend on the
wrist motions as well as the arm and body motions. ( ) 0.252 mm
(c) (d) 0.260
6 mm y The following definitions are used.
y Since some of the joints are likely to be rotary while  y Robot Accuracy : A measure of difference between the
others are sliding, the robot's control resolution can  actually attained position/path of a robot end effector
be a complicated quantity to determine.
li t d  tit  t  d t i and
d the
th input
i t position/path
iti / th commanded d d by
b the
th robot
b t
190 191 controller. 192

Accuracy Factors Affecting Robot Accuracy
y Absolute
Ab l Accuracy
A : A measure off difference
diff between
b 1. "Environmental" factors, such as temperature,
the actually attained position/path of a robot end humidity,y, and electrical noise.
effector and the input position/path (in absolute world 2. "Parametric" factors, including kinematic parameters,
coordinate frame)) commanded byy the robot controller. such as robot link lengths,
lengths joint zero‐reference
zero reference angles,
dynamic parameters such as structural compliance,
y Relative
l i Accuracy : A measure off difference
d ff b
between di
i compliance,
li fi i
friction parameters, varying
the actually attained position/path of a robot end inertia, and other nonlinearities, such as hysterisis,
effector and the input position/path (relative to an backlash, etc.
intermediate reference frame) commanded by the robot 3 "Measurement"
3. Measurement factors,
factors such as resolution and
controller . nonlinearity of encoders, resolvers, etc.

193 194 195

Factors Affecting Robot Accuracy Robot Repeatability Robot Repeatability

4. "Computational" factors, such as robot‐path y Repeatability is the ability of the robot to reposition y ‐programmed point when commanded to do so.
p errors from digital
g computer
p round‐off,, itself to a p position to which it was p previouslyy y Repeatability will generally always be better than
steady‐state control error, tracking control error, etc., commanded or trained. Repeatability describes the accuracy exclusive of drift.
5 "Application"
5. Application factors,
factors such as installation errors,
errors part positional error of the tool tip when it is automatically y Both
B h short‐term
h and
d long‐term
l repeatability
bili exist.
presentation errors, errors in defining workpiece returned to a position previously taught.
y Long‐term
g repeatability
p y is of concern for robot
di f
frame, etc. y Repeatability
R bili and d accuracy are similar.
i il B repeatability
But bili applications requiring the same identical task to be
y Each categoryg y of inaccuracyy mayy not be totallyy and accuracy refer to two different aspects of the robot's performed over several months.
months Over a long time period,
independent from one another. For instance, precision. Accuracy relates to the robot's capacity to be the effect of com‐ponent wear and aging on repeatability
temperature change affects link length, length friction programmed
p og a ed to
o ac
e eag given
e target
a ge popoint.. Thee ac
ua mustt be
b considered.
id d
coefficients, drifts in control electronics, and programmed point will probably be different from the
measurementt sensitivity.
iti it target point due to limitations of control resolution.
Repeatability refers to the robot's ability to return to 197
For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 196
Page 49 of 58 Rev.0 198
Robot Repeatability MCQ
y For many applications where the robot is frequently Statement
St t t (I):
(I) Even
E robots
b t do d nott provideid good
p g for new tasks,, onlyy short‐term repeatability.
repeatability is important. Short‐term repeatability is Statement (II): Errors due to mechanical sources
influenced most by temperature changes within the decrease repeatability .
control and the environment, as well as tran‐sient (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
conditions between shut downed start‐up
start up of the system.
system individuallyy true and Statement ((II)) is the correct
explanation of Statement (I)
y The factors that influence both short‐term and long‐
(b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are
term repeatability commonly are referred to as drift. individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct
explanation of Statement (I)
(c) Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
( ) Statement (I)
(d) ( ) is false but Statement (II)
( ) is true
199 200 201

IES 2018 (Prelims)

IES‐2018 (Prelims) IES 2010 IES – 2019 (Prelims)
( l )
Consider the following g statements relatingg to the Consider the following statements:
term ‘Robot Repeatability’ : Assume
A that
h the
h joint
j i mechanisms
h i at serial
i l link
li k
Good dynamic performance is usually difficult to achieve
1. It isi a statistical
t ti ti l term
t associated
i t d with
ith accuracy in
i i robots
in b which
hi h contain i a rotary base
b b
manipulators are frictionless. The joint torque t
the action. 1. Position, speed and acceleration of the other joints cause
required to bear an arbitrary end point force F is
2. It is a measure of the ability of the robot to variations in the reflected torque and moment of inertia. ( ) J‐1F
(a) ( ) JF
2. The moment of inertia reflected at the base depends
p upon
p the
position the tool tip in the same place repeatedly.
repeatedly (c) JTF (d) J‐11FT
weight of the object being carried.
33. It does not describe the error with respect p to 3 The moment of inertia reflected at the base also depends upon
absolute coordinates. the distance between the base axis and the manipulated object.
Which of the above statements are correct? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
((a)) 1 and 2 onlyy ((b)) 1 and 3 onlyy (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 only (d) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 202 203 204

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 205

Page 50 of 58 206
Automation: NC, CNC, DNC & APT
Page No-8, Slide No-61, GATE – 1997 Ans. (b)

1Pulse 1 360
Page No-2, Slide No-6, IAS – 1996 Ans.(d) ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ →
Page No-3, Slide No-11, GATE – 1994 Ans. True. Conventional mechanical systems have their own P 3.6
limitation due to backlash of screws marking and reading inaccuracies etc. High resolution encoders and B LU = mm = mm = 0.01mm = 10 μm
360 360
digital read-outs can be used for positioning of the order of micrometer, millimeter also.

Page No-3, Slide No-15, IES –1999 Ans. (b) Maintenance cost is very high in NC CNC machines Page No-8, Slide No-62, GATE – 2007(PI) Ans.(a)
Page No-3, Slide No-16, IES –1995 Ans. (d) MRR is high in NC CNC machines.
Page No-4, Slide No-25, IES – 2009 Ans. (b) 1Pulse 1.8 200
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→
Page No-4, Slide No-26, GATE – 1993, IES-2017 (Prelim). Ans. (d) The software that converts CL-file 1
CAD/CAM data to specific machine tool commands is called a Post Processor. Post Processor software is = rotation
an essential component of any CAD/CAM system used to produce machined parts.
P 2 1
B LU = mm = mm = mm = 10 μm
Page No-4, Slide No-27, IES – 2007 Ans. (c) In NC Machine Punched tape is used so no Part program. 200 200 100

Page No-5, Slide No-28, JWM– 2010 Ans. (a) Components regarding numerical control system (Now a
days we will consider CNC) Page No-8, Slide No-63, GATE – 2008(PI) Ans. (b)

1. Part program I.e. Program of instruction. 1

2. Mechanical Control Unit (MCU) 1Pulse 1 150 P 4
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ B LU = mm = mm
3. Processing Equipment 150 150 150
Page No-5, Slide No-29, IES – 2009 Ans. (c) In DNC system, several NC machines can be controlled by
a large central computer. Here, direct link may be established between the programming computer and
the large central control computer. Table speed = × 200 mm / s ( 200 pulse / s )
Page No-5, Slide No-30, IES – 1999 Ans. (c) 4
= × 200 × 60 mm / min = 320 mm / min
Page No-5, Slide No-31, JWM– 2010 And. (d)
Page No-9, Slide No-64, Example
Page No-5, Slide No-32 &33, IES – 2002 Ans. (c)
Page No-7, Slide No-46, IES – 2018 (Prelim) Ans. (c) rotation
1Pulse 1 500
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ →
Page No-7, Slide No-50, IES – 2017 (Prelim) Ans. (d)
(a) In one rotation,table will move 5mm
Page No-8, Slide No-56, GATE – 2007 Ans. (a) In 600 rotation,table will move600 × 5mm i.e.600 × 5mm / min
= 3000mm / min = 3m / min
Page No-8, Slide No-57, IES – 1994 Ans. (d) Feed drive in CNC is by servo motor
P 5
(b) B LU = mm = mm = 0.01mm = 10 μm
Page No-8, Slide No-58, IES – 2002 Ans. (a) 500 500
(c) For one rotation weneed 500 pulse
For 600 rotation weneed 500 × 600 pulse,in onemin
500 × 600
∴ In one second we need pulse / s = 5000 Hz

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 51 of 58 Rev.0

Page No-9, Slide No-65, IFS-2015 Page No-9, Slide No-68, GATE – 2018(PI) Ans. 5000

1 1
rotation rotation
1Pulse 1 500 1Pulse 1.8 200 ⎯⎯⎯⎯→
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯
500 360
(i) In one rotation,table will move 5mm 1
= rotation
In 650 rotation,table will move650 × 5mm i.e.650 × 5mm / min 200
= 3250mm / min = 3.25m / min P 2
B LU = mm = mm = 0.01 mm
P 5 20 0 200
(ii) B LU = mm = mm = 0.01mm = 10 μm For 0.01mm movement weneed one pulse
500 500
(iii) For one rotation weneed 500 pulse 1
∴ For1mm movement weneed pulse
For 650 rotation weneed 500 × 650 pulse,in onemin 0.01
500 × 650 ∴ For 50 mm movement weneed pulse = 5000 pulse
∴ In one second we need pulse / s = 5416.67 Hz 0.01
Page No-9, Slide No-69, GATE – 2016(PI) Ans. 20
Page No-9, Slide No-66, IES – 2011 Conventional

In one second1000 pulse isgiven. 1

1 Pulse 1 1000
∴ In one min1000 × 60 pulse isgiven. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ →
And using this1000 × 60 pulse 500 rotation takes place in onemin.
P 5
500 1 B LU = mm = mm = 0.005 mm
∴ In1 pulse = rotation takes place.i.e.120stepmotor is used. 1000 1000
1000 × 60 120 For 0.005mm movement weneed one pulse
1 1
rotation ∴ For1mm movement weneed pulse
1Pulse 1 120
⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → 0.005
P 6 ∴ For 6 m i.e.6000 mm movement weneed pulse / min
(1.) B LU = mm = mm = 0.05mm = 50 μm 0.005
120 120 6000
(2.) In one rotation,table will move 6mm = pulse / s = 20000 Hz = 20 kHz
0.005 × 60
In 500 rotation,table will move500 × 6 mm i.e.500 × 6 mm / min
= 3000 mm / min = 3m / min Page No-9, Slide No-70, GATE – 2014(PI) Ans. (c) BLU means , movement of table corresponding to
the one pulse supplied to the motor. If we double the frequency velocity of table will be double but for
(3.) In one second we need 1000 pulse / s = 1000 Hz
BLU we have to supply only one pulse. And one pulse move table same amount.
Page No-9, Slide No-67, GATE – 2010(PI) Ans. (b)
Page No-9 & 10, Slide No-72 & & 73, GATE – 2008 Q-1 Ans. (b)
For 0.005mm movement weneed one pulse
1 rotation
∴ For1mm movement weneed pulse 1Pulse 1 1 800
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯
→U= ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→
0.005 200 4
9 P 4
∴ For 9 mm movement we need pulse = 1800 pulse B LU = mm = mm = 0.005 mm = 5 μm
0.005 800 800

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 52 of 58 Rev.0

Page No-10, Slide No-73, GATE – 2008 Q-2 Ans. (a) Page No-10, Slide No-77, IAS – 2010 Main

1 1
rotation rotation
1Pulse 1 1 400 1Pulse 1 200
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯
→U= ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ →
200 2 200
P 4 P 3
B LU = mm = mm = 0.01 mm = 10 μm B LU = mm = mm = 0.015 mm
400 400 200 200
Pulse μm For 0.015mm movement weneed one pulse
Initially the velocity of the table was10000 ×5 = 50000 μm / min
min Pulse 1
∴ For1mm movement weneed pulse
Now if we give5000 pulse / min. 0.015
Pulse μm 100
Velocity of the table will be same = 5000 × 10 = 50000 μm / min ∴ For100mm movement we need pulse / min
min Pulse 0.015
Page No-10, Slide No-74, GATE – 2009(PI) Ans. (a) = pulse / s = 111.11Hz
0.015 × 60
For 5mmmovement 360degree rotation needed
360 we are sending pulse / min
∴ For1mm movement degree rotation needed 0.015
5 1
360 If we send one pulse rotation will occur
∴ For 200mmmovement × 200 = 14400degree rotation needed 200
5 100 100
∴If we send pulse / min then rotation / min will occur = 33.33rpm
Page No-10, Slide No-75, IES – 2007 (Prelim) Ans. (d) 0.015 0.015 × 200

For 30mm movement 360degree rotation needed Page No-10, Slide No-78, IAS – 2013 Main
360 1
∴ For1mm movement degree rotation needed rotation
30 1Pulse 0.9 400
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → rotation ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→
360 360
∴ For 0.5mmmovement × 0.5 = 6degree rotation needed
30 1
= rotation
Page No-10, Slide No-76, GATE – 2014(PI) Ans. (d) 400
P 4
B LU = mm = mm = 0.01 mm
α 400 400
1Pulse α 360 × g For 0.01mm movement weneed one pulse
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ → → g ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
rotation ⎯⎯ →
360 1
∴ For1mm movement weneed pulse
α αp 0.01
B LU = ×p = mm
360 × g 360g 2.87
∴ For 2.87mm movement weneed pulse = 287 pulse
αp 0.01
For mm movement one pulseneeded
In one rotation 4 mmmovement of the table takes place.
∴ For1mm movement pulseneeded In15rotation / min rotation 4 × 15mm / min
= 60mm / min movement of the table takes place.
⎛ 360g ⎞
∴ For x mm movement ⎜ × x ⎟ pulseneeded
⎝ αp ⎠ For one rotation weneed 400 pulse
∴ For15rotation / min weneed 400 × 15 pulse / min
400 × 15
= pulse / s = 100 Hz

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 53 of 58 Rev.0

Page No-10, Slide No-80, GATE – 1992 Ans. (b) Page No-15, Slide No-121, GATE – 2015 Ans.(b)

Page No-11, Slide No-84, GATE – 2006 Ans. (a) The functions of a CNC Controller are:

Page No-11, Slide No-85, GATE – 2005 Ans. (a) 1. To read and store program information.
2. To interpret the information in a logical command sequence
Page No-11, Slide No-89, IES – 2000 Ans. (a) 3. To control the motion of the machines mechanical members.
Page No-12, Slide No-93, IES – 1996 Ans. (d) It is not Cartesian coordinate. It is motion of tool. 4. To monitor the status of the machine.

Page No-12, Slide No-95, GATE – 2015 Ans. (c) Page No-15, Slide No-122, GATE – 2001 Ans. (b)

In the incremental system of defining a point we look for how much increase in the coordinate GO2: Circular interpolation clockwise
value is there. GO3: Circular interpolation counter-clockwise
Coordinates of point P are (3, 5) Page No-15, Slide No-123, GATE – 2005 Ans. (d)
Coordinates of point Q are (7, 12) GO2----Circular interpolation clockwise
So, increase in coordinates is (4, 7) GO3---- circular interpolation anti-clockwise
Page No-12, Slide No-96 & 97, IES – 2003 Ans. (a) But it should be For point P1(5, 5) to P2(10, 10)
(a) A: X 5.0, Y 10.0
Page No-15, Slide No-124, GATE –2019(PI) Ans. (a)
B: X 20.0, Y5.0

C: X 10.0, Y -10.0

Page No-12, Slide No-98, GATE – 2012 Ans. (b)

Page No-14, Slide No-115, GATE – 2014 Ans. (a)

Page No-14, Slide No-116, GATE – 2007(PI) Ans. (c)

Page No-14, Slide No-117, GATE – 2018 Ans. (b) Page No-15, Slide No-125, GATE –2017 Ans. (d)
As interpolator provides two functions: Page No-15, Slide No-126, GATE – 2015 Ans. (b)
1. It computes individual axis velocities to drive the tool along the programmed path at given feed Page No-16, Slide No-127, GATE – 2014(PI) Ans. 60 mm/min
Page No-16, Slide No-131, GATE – 2000 Ans. (b)
2. It generates intermediate coordinate positions along the programmed path.
Page No-16, Slide No-132, GATE – 2014 Ans. (a)
Page No-15, Slide No-118, GATE – 2004 Ans. (a) Here N020 is sequence number
Page No-17, Slide No-136, GATE – 2009 Ans. (c)
And G02---- circular interpolation clockwise
Page No-17, Slide No-137, GATE – 2016 Ans. (c)
Page No-15, Slide No-119, GATE – 2010 Ans. (c)
Page No-17, Slide No-138, GATE – 2017(PI) Ans. (a)
Page No-15, Slide No-120, IES – 2009 Ans. (c)
Page No-17, Slide No-141, IES – 1993 Ans. (c) A 'block' of information generally transmits one complete
instruction for a designated machine movement.

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 54 of 58 Rev.0

Page No-17, Slide No-142, IES – 1996 Ans. (c) Magic three-code: The first digit of the code is obtained Page No-26, Slide No-225, IES – 2016 Ans. (b)
by adding 3 to the number of digits before the decimal point of rpm. Last two digit in magic three code is
first two digits of rpm. AGV : These are battery powered, driverless vehicles for automatic transport of parts and tooling
on the shop floor.
325 rpm will be
These moves on fixed paths laid underneath the factory floor, and transport materials from the
Three digits are in rpm so first digit will be 3 + 3 = 6 workstation to storage locations, load stations, etc.

Last two digit will be 32 Automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) is needed for CNC machine tooling.

Magic three code of 325 rpm = S632 In the tool magazine a particular tool to be use and after use that should be placed in that location
10 rpm = (2 + 3) 10 = S510
Page No-27, Slide No-226, GATE – 2019(PI) Ans. 5
100 rpm = (3 +3) 10 = S610
Travelling distance = ( 40 + 55 ) × 2 m = 190 m
3257rpm = (4 +3) 32 = S732
Ideal travelling time required for one job = 190 m = 3.8 min
840 rpm = (3 + 3)84 = S684 50 m / min
Considering traffic factor actual travelling
Page No-18, Slide No-148, IES – 1995 Ans. (a)
Ideal Time 3.8
time required for one job = = = 4.2222 min
Page No-18, Slide No-149, IES – 2016 Ans. (a) traffic factor 0.90
Adding loading and unloading time = 0.5 + 0.5 + 4.2222 = 5.2222 min
G81 - Drilling cycle
Ideal delivery per AGV per hr = = 11.489 / hr
G82 - Counter bore cycle 5.2222
Considering availability factor
G83 - Deep hole drilling cycle
actual delivery per AGV per hr =11.489 × 0.95 = 10.915 / hr
Page No-18, Slide No-153, IES – 1998 Ans. (d) 50
No of AGV required = = 4.58 ≈ 5
Page No-22, Slide No-184, IES – 1997 Ans. (c) 10.915

Page No-22, Slide No-185, IES – 1995 Ans. (c)

Page No-22, Slide No-186, GATE – 2008(PI) Ans. (b)

Page No-23, Slide No-192, IES – 2006 Ans. (d)

Page No-23, Slide No-193, ISRO - 2011 Ans. (a)

Page No-24, Slide No-199, IES – 2012 Ans. (a)

Page No-24, Slide No-205, IES – 1996 Ans. (a)

Page No-24, Slide No-206, IES – 2006 Ans. (c)

Page No-24, Slide No-207, IES – 2004 Ans. (a)

Page No-25, Slide No-208, IES – 2019 (Prelims.) Ans. (c)

Page No-25, Slide No-209, IES – 2012 Ans. (c) It is problem of dynamic routing in industrial

Page No-26, Slide No-218, IES – 2017(Prelims) Ans. (a)

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 55 of 58 Rev.0

Page No-30, Slide No-26, IES – 2018 (Prelims) Ans. (b)

Page No-31, Slide No-32, IES – 2019 (Prelims) Ans. (d)

[ New Vector ] = [ HTM ][ Old Vector ]

Page No-29, Slide No-12, GATE – 2014 Ans. (b) ⎡5 ⎤ ⎡ 1 0 0 0 ⎤ ⎡5 ⎤ ⎡ 5 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢3⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ −8⎥⎥
⎡ 1R 1
D2 ⎤ ⎢3⎥ ⎢ 0 cos 90 − sin 90
Page No-29, Slide No-13, GATE – 2019 Ans. (d) [ New Vector ] = ⎢ 2 ⎥ = =
⎣0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎢8⎥ ⎢ 0 sin 90 cos 90 0 ⎥ ⎢8 ⎥ ⎢ 3 ⎥
From given diagram, ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣1 ⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣1 ⎦ ⎣ 1 ⎦

Page No-31, Slide No-34, Example Ans. 1P = [ 0 4 4 ]T

Page No-31, Slide No-36, Example Ans. Q = [ 0.707 3.535 1]T

Page No-32, Slide No-37, GATE – 2016 Ans. (a)

Page No-32, Slide No-38, Example Ans.

2D Rotation counter-clockwise ⎡ cos 30° − sin 30° 0 0⎤

⎢ sin 30° cos 30° 0 0 ⎥⎥
⎡ x⎤ ⎡cos θ − sin θ ⎤ ⎡ x ⎤ ⎢
⎢ y ⎥ = ⎢ sin θ cos θ ⎥ ⎢ y ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 1 0⎥
⎣ ⎦ New ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ Old ⎢ ⎥
⎡cos 30° − sin 30° ⎤ ⎡ 20 ⎤ ⎡ cos 30°× 20 − sin 30°× 10 ⎤ ⎡12.32⎤ ⎣ 0 0 0 1⎦
=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥
⎣ sin 30° cos 30° ⎦ ⎣10 ⎦ ⎣sin 30°× 20 + cos 30°× 10 ⎦ ⎣18.66⎦ Page No-32, Slide No-39, Example Ans. 1P = [ 9 1.803 13.464 ]T

Page No-29, Slide No-14, GATE – 2016 Ans. (a) x coordinate will increase and y coordinate will Page No-33, Slide No-47, MCQ for IES Only Ans. (c) Only three of the nine elements are independent
decrease. or, the rotation matrix representation has redundancy. There are a total of 6 constraints on the 9
elements of R, implying that there are effectively 3 independent variables in R, i.e., any rotation matrix R
Page No-29, Slide No-15, MCQ Ans. (b)
can be written as a function of 3 independent variables. The choice of these 3 independent variables to
After scaling operation, define R is not unique and many different combinations of variables can be chosen in terms of which the
set of all rotation matrices can be parameterized.
⎡ x′ ⎤ ⎡ 2 0 ⎤ ⎡3⎤ ⎡ 2 × 3 + 0 ×1⎤ ⎡ 6 ⎤
⎢ y′⎥ = ⎢ 0 2 ⎥ ⎢1⎥ = ⎢ 0 × 3 + 2 ×1⎥ = ⎢ 2 ⎥ Page No-33, Slide No-48, MCQ for IES Only Ans. (b) Scale factor σ < 1 is used for enlarging and σ > 1
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
After rotation operation, is used for reducing.

⎡ x′′ ⎤ ⎡cos 45° − sin 45°⎤ ⎡ 6 ⎤ ⎡ cos 45°× 6 + − sin 45°× 2 ⎤ ⎡ 2.828⎤ Page No-33, Slide No-49, MCQ for IES Only Ans. (c)
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥
⎣ y′′⎦ ⎣ sin 45° cos 45° ⎦ ⎣ 2⎦ ⎣ sin 45°× 6 + cos 45°× 2 ⎦ ⎣5.657 ⎦
1.The scalar dot product of two different
Page No-29, Slide No-17, GATE – 2013 Ans. (b) columns is zero, that is
n.o = 0 or nx ox + n y o y + nz oz = 0 .....(1)
Page No-29, Slide No-18, GATE – 2019 Ans. (b) rr
o.a = 0 or ox ax + o y a y + oz az = 0 .....(2)
The transformation matrix for mirroring a point in x-y plane about the line y = x is a.n = 0 or ax nx + a y ny + az nz = 0 .....(3)

⎡0 1 ⎤
⎢1 0 ⎥
⎣ ⎦

Page No-30, Slide No-24, MCQ for IES Only Ans. (d)

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 56 of 58 Rev.0

2.The scalar dot product of any column with
itself is unity, that is
rr Page No-38, Slide No-94, MCQ Ans. (d) Each rigid body has six degrees if we consider spatial motions.
n.n = 1 or nx2 + n y2 + nz2 = 1 .....(4)
rr A manipulator with less than 6 – DOF has constrained motion in 3D space.
o.o = 1 or ox2 + o y2 + oz2 = 1 .....(5)
a.a = 1 or ax2 + a y2 + az2 = 1 .....(6) Page No-39, Slide No-103, IES – 2016 Ans. (a)

Page No-33, Slide No-50, MCQ for IES Only Ans. (c) Page No-39, Slide No-104, MCQ Ans. (c)

Page No-33, Slide No-51, MCQ for IES Only Ans. (a) Page No-40, Slide No-110, MCQ Ans. (c)

Page No-34, Slide No-59, Objective Question Ans. (b) Page No-40, Slide No-114, IES-2018 (Prelims) Ans. (c)

Page No-34, Slide No-62, IES – 2006 Ans. (c) Page No-40, Slide No-115, IES-2017 (Prelims) Ans. (d)

Page No-35, Slide No-67, MCQ Ans. (d) Here both the statements are correct. Page No-40, Slide No-117, IES – 2016 Ans. (c)

Page No-35, Slide No-72, MCQ Ans. (c) Page No-41, Slide No-121, IES – 2012 Ans. (b)

Page No-36, Slide No-77, MCQ Ans. (d) Page No-41, Slide No-122, IES – 2011 Ans. (a)

Page No-36, Slide No-79, IES-2017 (Prelims) Ans. (a) Third law (Robot survival): A robot must protect Page No-41, Slide No-123, MCQ Ans.(d)
its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Page No-42, Slide No-128, IES-2017 (Prelims) Ans. (a)
Page No-37, Slide No-82, MCQ Ans. (c)
Page No-43, Slide No-141, MCQ Ans. (c)
Page No-37, Slide No-86, IES – 2000 Ans. (c)
Page No-43, Slide No-142, MCQ Ans. (c)
Page No-38, Slide No-92, MCQ Ans. (a)
Page No-44, Slide No-151, MCQ Ans. (c)
Page No-38, Slide No-93, IES-2019 (Prelims) Ans. (d)
Page No-44, Slide No-153, MCQ Ans. (d)
3 DOF required to locate end effectors in arbitrary space. Page No-45, Slide No-158, MCQ Ans. (a)

Global positioning of industrial robot is by arm only with Page No-45, Slide No-161, IES-2018 (Prelims) Ans. (b)

¾ Rotational reverse Page No-46, Slide No-163, IES-2017 (Prelims) Ans. (d)
¾ Vertical traverse
Page No-46, Slide No-164, MCQ Ans. (b)
¾ Radial traverse
Page No-47, Slide No-173 & 174, MCQ Ans. (d)
For orientation of end effectors we need 3 degrees of freedom
Page No-49, Slide No-191, IES-2019 (Prelims) Ans. (b)
¾ Pitch or bend: is the up-and-down movement of the wrist.
¾ Yaw: is the right-and-left movement of the wrist. Control Memory = 12 bit
¾ Roll or swivel: is the rotation of the hand.
Number of increment = 212 =4096
Therefore the minimum number of degrees of freedom that a robot needs to have in order to locate its end
effectors at an arbitrary point with an arbitrary orientation in space is 6 Total range of sliding joint = 1 m = 1000 mm

Control Resolution = 1000 / 4096 mm = 0.244 mm

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 57 of 58 Rev.0

Page No-50, Slide No-201, MCQ Ans. (a)

Page No-50, Slide No-202, IES-2018 (Prelims) Ans. (c) Robot repeatability has nothing to do with
accuracy, It is a measure of the ability of the robot to position the tool tip in the same place repeatedly.

Page No-50, Slide No-203, IES – 2010 Ans. (a)

Page No-50, Slide No-204, IES-2019 (Prelims) Ans. (c)

Static force analysis is about finding relationship between end effectors force 'F' and joint torque (T).

Moreover, static force analysis uses matrix(J) which can be derived by velocity analysis. Relation between
F and T

F = end effectors force

T= joint torque

T= [J]T{F}

For IES, GATE & PSUs 2020 Page 58 of 58 Rev.0

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