Industrial Attachment Report
Industrial Attachment Report
Industrial Attachment Report
I, Nicholas Omondi Omollo hereby declare that this industrial attachment report is my original work
and has never been submitted before to any institution for academic award or any other institution of
higher learning for the award of degree or any other purpose.
Nicholas Omondi Omollo
First, I want to thank the almighty God for bringing me up to this far and keeping me safe throughout
my entire industrial attachment training period.
The development of this report took effort and guidance of people whom I want to cherish.
I am very grateful to my mother Miss Margaret Auma and my brother Mr. Alex Omollo whose
prayers, unrelenting financial support and pieces of advice motivated me throughout the entire
industrial attachment period.
I also pay much tribute to my friend Hon.Albert Amollo whose financial support has remained quite
unrelenting to me throughout my training.
I am also very grateful to my Industrial attachment-based supervisor Mr. Luke Ouma who was never
tired of my endless inquiries and also taking his time to check on my progress each day of my
attachment period.
My gratitude also goes to the ICT department where I was being attached and the entire Migori
County Assembly Fraternity for creating a conducive environment for me and also for equipping me
with the best know-how required of me in my field of study.
I cannot forget to thank the entire Kisii University lecturers particularly those from SPASS for their
constructive training and the knowledge they imparted in me throughout the 3 years of training at
Kisii University. I thank you all.
I dedicate this report to my mother Margaret Auma, Migori County Assembly ICT department staff
and my university supervisor who have contributed to the success of this report.
The purpose of this report is to provide the details, background of the institution of attachment, a
description of all the activities undertaken during the attachment period, the lessons
learnt, challenges faced during the same and how the challenges were overcome.
Douglas Adams (1996) argues that,” first we thought the pc was a calculator. Then we found out
how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII-and we thought it was typewriter. Then we discovered
graphics, and we thought it was television. With the world Wide Web, we’ve realized it’s a
This project which contributed to part of the above allowed me to acquire the vast knowledge of
objective ICT skills and also how to apply ICT knowhow in the world today.
1. MCA-Migori County Assembly
2. ICT- Information Communication Technology
3. HOD-Head Of Department
4. ASCII- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
5. IT- Information Technology
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………….……………...……..i
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………….…….vii
CHAPTER ONE………………………………………………………………….……………….……1
1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………...……………….…1
1.1 PURPOSE……………………………………………………………………………………….….1
1.2 Background of Migori County Assembly……………………………………………...…………..2
1.2.1Main functions………..……………………………………..……………………………….……3
1.2.2 Mission, Vision and core values………………………………………………………………….4
1.2.3 Organizational Structure……………………,,,…………………………..………………………5
1.2.4 Management Structure Of ICT department………..……………………………………………..6
CHAPTER TWO……………………………………………………………………………………….7
2.0 PROJECT BACKROUND……………………...……………………………….……...……….....8
2.1 Period of Attachment……………………….………………………………………………………8
2.2 Objectives…………………………………………………………………..………………………8
2.3 Key responsibilities…...……………………………………………….…………………...………9
CHAPTER THREE………………………….………………………………………………………..10
3.1 Major activities involved…………………...……………………………………………………..10
3.2 Key Achievements.………………………………………………………………………………..11
3.3 Skills acquired………………………..…………………………..……………………………….12
3.4 Challenges faced…….……………………………………….……………………………………13
3.5 How I overcome the challenges……………………………………………….………………….14
CHAPTER FOUR………………………………...…………………………………………………..15
4.0 ATTACHMENT CONCLUSION……………….………………………………………………..15
4.1 Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………..15
4.2 Conclusion……………….………………………………………………………………………..16
4.3 Recommendations…………………..…………………………………………………………….17
CHAPTER FIVE………………………………..…………………………………………………….18
5.1 References………………………………….…………….……………………………………….18
Industrial Attachment was introduced to inspire the students with practical and technical skills, as a
partial fulfillment for the award of a Certificate, Diploma or a Degree and to introduce the students
into working life.
The training time allows the students to link the theoretical principles learnt in the higher learning
institutions and the real life professional and technical application. It gives the students the practical
skills and the work environment philosophy, to use their skills and principles learned in class to serve
the institutions and the society in general.
Due to the above reasons, Kisii University has organized 12 weeks of training in any institution of
students’ choice to give every student an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge achieved
during the course of study and to acquire new skills in managing relationship and carrying out the
jobs assigned.
This is the reason why I joined Migori county Assembly to be trained in order to get practical skills
and cut a niche for myself in the technological world of today.
The purpose of this program is to fulfill part of the requirement for the award of Bachelor’s Degree
in Mathematics and Computing at Kisii University.
Migori county Assembly located in Nyanza region, Migori County along the Kisii-Migori highway,
Suna-East sub county. It is the legislative arm of the County Government of Migori. It is one of the
forty-Seven (47) county Assemblies established under article 176(1) of the constitution 2010.
The Organization was established in April 2013 with the aim to ensure that the resources given to
the county are utilized well and for the intended purposes.
The first Assembly came in following the general elections held on 4th March 2013 and commenced
operations on Thursday ,April,18th 2013.
The organization is divided into departments i.e
➢ Administration
➢ Clerk Chambers
➢ Hansard
➢ Human Resource
➢ Public Relations
➢ Procurement
1.2.1. Main functions
❖ Representation of members of the public from various wards
❖ Oversight-to ensure that resources allocated to the county are utilized well and for the
intended purposes.
❖ Legislation-Making and passing policies, development plans that are of interest to the
• The Speaker
• Deputy Speaker
• The Clerk
1.2.2 Mission, vision and core values
To foster economic, social, political and cultural development of Migori County through effective
representation of, independent oversight and proactive legislation.
To be a leading Legislative Institution committed to transforming lives of people of Migori.
Core values
• Responsiveness
• Team Spirit
• Integrity
1.2.3 Organizational Structure
The structure of the county Assembly is derived from the provision of Article 177 and 178 of the
Constitution of Kenya and as specified in the county government Act, 2012 section 7.
1.2.4 Management of ICT department
• Ensuring proper office infrastructure and facilities for the ICT, Research and Library staff
• Installation and configuring of computer hardware, software, networks and printers as per
• Ensuring the operation of the help desk services supporting county Assembly
2.1 Period of attachment
The field attachment which lasted for a period of twelve weeks started on 8th June and ended on 8th
September of the year 2022. The period was characterized by executing duties both in office and in
field and sometimes being a busy institution, it was forcing me to go on weekends depending on the
2.2 Objectives
With the stiff competition in the information and Communication Technology industry, I joined MCA
with determination to cut a niche for myself in the profession. This entailed doing much on my own
without waiting for directive from my internal supervisor and getting out of the way to create
contact with other Information and Communication Technology Industries. Some of the objectives I
set included.
2.3 Key responsibilities
Migori County Assembly being a busy organizational, I was involved in different activities that
constituted to the smooth running of Migori County Assembly.
Some of the duties I was assigned include,
❖ Basic Configuration and deployments
ICT being the center part of the Migori County Assembly, several technological machines
were being deployed and as a ICT department, I took part in setting up computers and iPad.
I was responsible for troubleshooting of wireless network incase there was any problem
causing a malfunction.
I was responsible in posting of order papers so that Members of County Assembly can
Being that I was being attached in printing and technical services office , I was responsible in
I was installing different machines such as digital conference microphones at Migori County
Assembly plenary.
❖ Software installation
County Assembly.
Migori County Assembly being a busy organization, and as an ICT department , I was mainly
➢ Server management and regulating the number of WIFI users based on the strength of
the network
At times, the strength of WIFI networks becomes very weak hindering daily
After getting trained and equipped with technical know-how on how to install and
I was also responsible in the management of ICT database where I was recording
I was helping them to connect their iPad on network to enable them download
order papers using sky drive cloud computing services during plenary sessions.
those undertaking their field attachment, to make their bylines active. During the field
and doing more research on the technology of today by consulting different kind of IT
specialists to enable me gather more knowledge on the ICT industry almost on a daily basis.
The profession also requires personal drive to enable one execute programs of human
✓ Installing of CCTV cameras at the assembly plenary and to one the staff members at
his home.
3.3 Skills acquired
During the three-month period I managed to acquire several skills which are pertinent
to a computer specialist survival in the competitive IT industry.
For one to be able to execute some of the assignment perfectly they must be able to
learn some of these skills.
Skills learnt include;
• Communication skills
Migori County Assembly being a legislative institution where meetings were
being held almost after every two weeks, I was being given a chance to at least
great the multitude of staff members and this gave me courage and confidence
• Typing skills
Typing is on e of the key areas where IT rely on, my three months stay at Migori
• Creativity Skills
programs and also solving inputs well to give a well desired output. My satay at
3.4 Challenges faced
As a young aspiring Computer and mathematics specialist, full of energy and the urge to
adventure, my stay at the Migori County Assembly did not go short of challenges. One
challenge may have yielded another challenge.
• Inadequate Computers
of interns and this was not different from my department and therefore getting a
free computer was therefore a problem which at times forced us to share some.
IT is a wide area which involves both hardware and software part of the
computer. Getting tools to deal with the hardware part such as repairing faulty
Migori county Assembly does not offer accommodation for interns and there
getting a room in the locality was a problem due to the high demand by interns
and staffs. This was a challenge to me as my residential area was not close to the
▪ Meeting deadlines
With the few computers available and dilapidated, meeting deadlines was a
3.5. How I overcome the challenges
Challenges just like any other day are things to be overcome. Having in mind that I have
to cut a niche for myself in the mathematics and computing profession, I knew what I
wanted and I had to go for it. I had to fight tooth and nail to ensure that my
professionalism is not compromised by doing the following;
➢ Purchasing a laptop
In relation to the dilapidated facilities, I had to go and extra mile to make myself smile by
purchasing a laptop which helped me in meeting deadlines and also developing different
software during my leisure time.
➢ Borrowing of some tools
Being that there were few tools which could not allow complete whatever I was
repairing on time, I decided to borrow some of them and also improvising some like
4.1. Summary
Migori County Assembly has been one of the most legislative institutions in the country under Article
176(1) of the constitution 2010. Since establishment, it has managed to pass many bills and laws
which has been of more help to the county of Migori.
The institution has also nurtured talents to students from all over the country by equipping them with
the technical know-how in every aspect of learning I being a beneficiary on the three month
attachment period.
During the period, I managed to gather a lot of skills necessary for an mathematics and computing
specialist who would like t6o be successful in the technology of today. For instance, CCTV
installation are one 0f the key areas required in the world of today to enhance security purposes. This
is one of the major activities I was involved in that enable me cut a niche in the ICT industry.
MCA has a well-structured institution management headed by the speaker who has made sure that the
programs work smoothly.
The institution has also lived to its dream of informing and educating among other roles of any
established legislative house.
4.2 Conclusion
The Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology through the Migori County Assembly
provides a good background for future dissemination of information to the people. It also provides a
chance for training young, energetic learners to practice their skills by giving them full opportunity
and a better background to work as IT practitioners.
4.3 Recommendations
While it should be noted that the program, BSc in Mathematics and Computing, was well executed
in terms of units being covered, it is also in order for the department to review the syllabus with
view of incorporating more practical. It is understandable that the degree program was initially
offered for those who yearned to work in the ICT industry and policy makers. This however has
changed and the degree holders are expected to do technical jobs like installation of different
software and applications, coding, maintenance of different hardware parts of the computer among
others. It therefore calls for the department to engage its students on practical by engaging them on
more practical units.
The idea to have the field attachment at the end of third year of studies was good as it gives
students’ opportunity to adjust in their field of study while on their last academic year but however,
it has also presented numerous challenges to students who extremely perform well at their
industrial attachment places and the companies would like to retain them. In my opinion, it would
be in order if the department will review when students go for their attachment with the view of
having it at the end of the fourth year of study.
Lastly, the ICT department should find means of assisting students in the department in securing
attachment places especially those taking IT related courses. This is because of the competitive
nature in the ICT industry.
5.1 References
1. Thomas, P. (2009). Bhoomi, Gyan Ganga, e-governance and the right to information: ICTs and
development in India. Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 26, Issue 1, February 2009.
2. McCormick, R. And Scrimshaw, P. (2010): Information and Communications Technology,
Knowledge and Pedagogy. Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 37-57, October 2010.
3. Celebic, G. And Rendulic, D. I. (2011): Handbook: Basic Concepts of ICT. Open Society for Idea
Exchange, Zagreb