Time Management: The Students' Performance
Time Management: The Students' Performance
Time Management: The Students' Performance
Macan, Shahani, Dipboye and Phillips (2000) defined time management as an
instrument to success. They said that in our modern world, time is very important because in
our daily routine we need to use fair amount of time. We need to balance and not to waste time
on planning and doing useless things. Also Brigitte, Claessens, Eerde, and Rutte (2005) added
that managing time is a responsibility of every student and they must do it because it plays a
big role on their academic performances and other activities. Time of students should be
organized and well distributed to their specific activities. Time management is important tool
in our everyday lives because it helps us to save time, get organized and get more things done
at a given time. It is the process of organizing and planning how much time you will spend on
specific task. We have to spend the right amount of time on every activity or task that we make.
But in our modern time, activities, tasks, and school projects seems like to be endless. Most of
the time, teachers give too many activities and students aren’t finish with the activities given
to them from the day before. Usually, these circumstances cause students to manage their time
improperly. This affects the overall academic performances of the students.
Effective time management enables you to gain control over your time. The goal is not
control for the sake of control, but in order to become more effective, reduce your stress,
increase your self-esteem and gain a sense of inner peace. Time management increases your
productivity allowing you to accomplish helps you accomplish your important goals by guiding
you to direct and focus the appropriate amount of time and energy towards their achievement.
You cannot hope to achieve any level of success in your personal or professional life without
devoting some of your valuable time and effort to your goals.
We can’t change or alter time ‐ every day has the same number of hours, every hour the
same number of minutes. Time is a static phenomenon, yet minutes may seem to crawl by
during a long wait in a line‐up, and somehow weekends pass all too quickly. Time management
is closely connected with learning and study issues at the high school level. It’s probably the
single most important skill necessary for success at schools. How you use your time has a major
impact on your academic accomplishments, satisfaction, and stress level.
Some students are good at planning time efficiently ‐ they have schedules and to‐do
lists galore making them productive. Other students work effectively when they do study, but
because of procrastinating or poor time planning, are always behind, always cramming, and
always doing things at the last minute. The inconsistencies in our perception of the passage of
time are very indicative of the connection between time management and things like
procrastination and laziness.
We cannot control time, but we can learn to use it more efficiently and effectively by
planning carefully. Effective time management is a tool for improving the quality of your life.
This study aims to show the importance of time management as a student.
Mastering time management does more than just increase productivity but It can also
yield important health benefits as well. When time is managed wisely, it minimizes stress and
improves the overall quality of your life (Mayberry, 2015). Time is one of life’s most valuable
possessions, as it is something you can never get back. Subsequently, one of the most essential
life skills to master is time management. After all, time management is really life management.
Learning how to make every day count for something is the objective. But it takes ridding your
life of procrastination and a great deal of self-discipline. Without proper time management
skills, we simply cannot do all the things we mean to do and inevitably, we feel guilty and
stressed because of this (Boisjoly, 2017).
Some have better time management skills and understand the need to start early on tasks
and properly assess the time things will take or leave enough buffer to accomplish them in
time. Finding a proper time management, is the key to success. In fact, a recent study shows
that students who sacrifice sleep for additional study time are more likely to have difficulty
understanding new material or trouble with testing (Williams, 2015). What's important is not
always urgent. By finishing the most important tasks first, you’ll find yourself feeling less
stressed and better able to focus on all the other items on your list (Burns, 2009).
If we insist on being perfect in every task, we minimize the chance that we will actually
complete the task. In fact, perfect is the enemy of good (Jackson, 2009). The implementation
of realistic time management plans can improve productivity and the quality of life. There is
no reason to feel virtuous if you are doing these things and using all your free time in the
process (Pisano, 2001).
Time management is a skill that every student must know and apply. Many students are
complaining about lack of time and running out of time when doing a certain task and got
frustrated because they are not able to make it before deadline. Managing time is really
important especially to students because it enhances their productivity and gives them high
grade (Laurie & Hellsten, 2002). However, students still have a hard time doing tasks and starts
to procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a result, student will not able to
recognize their potential in one activity, get distracted easily and ending up procrastinating.
Time management is quite essential to any student, it is one of the keys to higher academic
achievements (Kelly, 2004).
Theoretical Framework
This chapter will present and discuss theories that are applicable to our study. These
will help the readers understand the concept and behind stories of this study and establish the
relationship of this study’s variables. Time management is considered as an inclusive process
that is done through administrative functions which is deeply dependent on high personal
talents and skills so it can then produce positive effects to society and individual at the same
time. Nonetheless, all of that must be restricted to a specified period of time in order to make
persons adjust with present and future situations (Alghamdi, 2008, p30). It is of importance to
point out to the fact by (Alsalmi, 2008, p25) that the more the company is able to manage time
effectively, the more it fulfills its aims correctly in the right time. And for the sake of
effectiveness, one must give priorities to some tasks over the others in order to distribute the
sufficient time to get the best results, and effectiveness can be then measured by the quantity
of finished tasks in that specified time.
According to Maslow (1954),” As long as the efficient use of time helps us meet higher goals
of fulfilment, spiritually and wellbeing, we perceive it as helpful. But for the sake of interests
in better efficiency, if we give up bigger things like agenda and self-satisfaction in life, then
this can be seen as a moot victory”. Maslow’s theory talks about the human needs and hierarchy
that are required to satisfy human wants. As a student, without been in a good state of mind, it
is very challenging to make study plans and proper time management schedule. This theory
reflects on how a student can manage his/her self-better in order to feel satisfied (Jeffrey, 2011).
Maslow’s theory is related to the student time management in the aspect of purpose and
satisfaction. No matter how much a student needs to work, he/she has to realize the purpose of
study and the targeted aim. Spending too much time at work or other activities can make a
student lose focus on his/her purpose.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The independent variable is the
time management of the students; Cemaloglu & Sevil (2010), posit that there is a significant
and positive relation between time planning and academic achievement of students. This
finding corroborates the prior study of Eilam & Aharon (2003), Davis (2000) and Green &
Skinner (2005). The other independent variable are the impediments of time management.
Procrastination, number of activities and tasks given on the same time, laziness and stress.
Procrastination is much worse among college students. According to Steel (2007) 80%-95% of
college students procrastinate, with 75% of them considering themselves as procrastinators.
They often think that they can work better when there is pressure or minimize the importance
of the goal being completed. Procrastination is a self-perpetuating cycle of self-defeating
behaviour that keeps stress operating at high levels (Jeffrey, 2011). Most people who practice
procrastination often tell themselves that there is no need for a change since they have been
doing it and there has never been problems. There quite some hidden self-reinforcement
payoffs that makes it very hard for a person to change such an attitude. If time is not managed
usefully, it can cause a lot of stress for a student which will make it really hard to focus. We
will look at stress and the cause of it and also how to manage your time properly in other to
avoid stress. Stress is the represents both a psychological and a physiological reaction to a real
or perceived threat that requires some action or resolution Linden, 2005). Laziness is really the
number one enemy of each student that causes them to be unproductive that effects to
ineffective time management. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the academic
performance of students. If having proper time management can really affect the students’
academic performance.
Time management
Number of Students’ Academic
activities and Performance
Figure 1
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to know how students manage their time and how does it affect their
academic performance.
Null Hypotheses
Ho1. Setting clear goals helps the students to identify what to prioritize. To-do lists are
your best friend. They can increase your productivity, help to clear your mind, and save you
energy and stress.
Ho2. Improper time management causes the high school students to feel lazy and to be
unproductive that leads to low academic scores. Procrastination, laziness and number of
activities given on the same time are some of the reason why effective time management is no
Ho3. Learning to value the work can help students to be motivated in doing a task. Set
yourself time-bound goals and start doing it with willingness.
Research Design
The study will use a descriptive-correlation research design. Descriptive research
attempts to describe, explain and interpret conditions of the present. Its purpose is to examine
a phenomenon that is occurring at a specific place(s) and time. It is concerned with conditions,
practices, structures, differences or relationships that exist, opinions held processes that are
going on or trends that are evident. While correlational research describes what exists at the
moment (conditions, practices, processes, structures, etc.). It aimed to determine the nature,
degree and direction relationships between variables or using these relationships to make
predictions (Creswell, 2002).
Sampling Design
The sampling that will be used in this study is the convenience sampling. The secondary
school is ‘convenient’ because access to the respondents is easily negotiated through existing
contacts. The use of convenience sampling technique is discouraged due to its inability
generalize research findings, the relevance of bias and high sampling error. Nevertheless,
convenience sampling is the only option available in the study at hand. The secondary school
is “convenient” because access to the respondents is easily negotiated through existing contacts
(Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2012).
The respondents of our study will be the students who belongs to the special programs
(Honor’s class, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM), Special Program
in Sports(SPS), Special Program in Arts(SPA), Special Program in Journalism(SPJ) and
Special Program in Foreign Languanges(SPFL)) from Grade 7 to Grade 10 in Davao City
National High School.
Research Instruments
The study will make use of close-ended dichotomous questionnaires. A set of questions
will be given to the respondents and is only answerable by two options, yes or no. Figure 2
depicts the format of the questionnaires. The questionnaires will feature the following
a) Procrastination
b) Stress
c) Laziness
Please answer the following questions honestly. Please check your answer on the space provided.
__ Yes __No
__ Yes __ No
__ Yes __ No
Figure 2
The following ethical considerations were used to observe in gathering the data:
Asking letter permissions. Letter permissions were written; letter was addressed to the
school principal, Wenefredo E. Cagape, Ed. D, Ph.D. After that ask approval to the adviser Ms.
Anne Georgette Bustamante.
Checking, tallying, collating and recording of the data. After doing the research, gather
the data results and summing up all the results.
Summary of the research. When results are done. Provide a summary of the outcome of
the study.
Statistical Treatment
Data will be treated with the use of “Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS)”.
The independent variable is how students manage their time. The second independent variable
is the impediments students had encountered in doing their assigned tasks and activities which
are the procrastination, number of activities and tasks given on the same time and laziness. The
dependent variable is the academic performance of the students.
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The Researchers