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Time management is actually a form of life management and controlling your life means

controlling your time and controlling time means controlling the events in life (Kottler, 2011).

This will help them to keep track of their achievements and will make them thrive to do more as

they get to know their capabilities. This process will help the students to highlight their daily

habits which prevent them from doing their tasks regularly thereby making way for those habits

to be ignored.

Time management can be described as the act of organizing your schedule in such a way

that you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively (Chen, 2011). Harold (2014), with his

scientific management technic, had a target and his target was aimed at putting an increase to his

worker’s productivity. In order to achieve this, time and motion studies was conducted by him in

order to figure out how he could maximize the amount of work completed in a specific period.

Time management is a tool for increasing the goal of productivity especially for students who

work and study at the same time.

Having the accurate awareness of time usage can help to monitor one’s self at all times and

also to keep track of an unnecessary activity which does not need attention. (. Clark, 2014) Time

management is not about getting more things done in a day. It is about getting the things that

matter most done. Time management is the ability to decide what is important in your life both at

work, at home and even in our personal life. Time is that quality of nature which keeps all events

from happening at once. To manage your time, you need to go through a personal time survey

and estimate the way your time is being spent. Time management is a set of principles, practices,

skills, tools and system that help you use your time to accomplish what you want.
Time management is a skill that many of us seem to learn through necessity. The problem

with learning a skill through necessity is that, more often than not, bad habits creep in and,

although the skill may be useful in general, we do not use it to its full potential. Time

management is a skill that takes time to development and perfection. It also is a skill that is

different for everyone. Time management refers to the development of processes and tools that

increase efficiency and productivity.

Grades in higher institutions often depend on the completion of a range of tasks, including

those with various deadlines, lengths and priorities. This multiple tasks, and then grades are

determined by the quality of efforts put in. Thus, academic performance would be expected to be

influenced by time management skills. Therefore, as increasing demands are placed on students,

students’ ability to manage time becomes an essential component for academic success. Proper

time management becomes important in education especially at higher levels because it suggests

among other factors, how fast manpower can be available in the life of a nation.

However, there are many activities that unnecessarily consume time and its utilization.

These makes time to be wasted or fly away without achieving much. Although, Yager (1999) is

not comfortable with the phrase “wasting time”, to him, time cannot be wasted but mismanaged.

Time wasting is misconception, he says. The Researcher however feels that whatever is

mismanaged is wasted.

To Uğur (2000 p 18), time management is the effort of using time efficiently as an

essential resource to reach aims and targets. Efil (2000) define it as an individual’s power to

determine a particular target among various priorities, most of which are vital, and achieving the

target(s) determined, and also the skill of using a certain time period most efficiently to achieve a
goal. Özgen (2000) defines it as planning time that enables us to carry out goals, targets and

activities within our social life. Alay and Koçak (2003) state that comprehending and

implementing time management does not solve the problem for individuals in itself, but it does

help individuals reach effective solutions and consequences.

Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic performance and

achievements. Each and every student should have time management ability which includes

setting goals & priorities, using time management mechanism and being organized in using time.

Here time management is only possible through self-motivation; performance, ability and

motivation (Brigitte, Claessens, Eerde, & Rutte, 2005). These are the few activities performed by

today’s university students, which act as a barrier between them and their academic performance.

Due to miss management of time they gap behind.There is no one right way to manage our time;

however; it is important to get to know our self, so we can make good decisions about how to use

our time.

According to Campbell and Svenson (1992), time management refers to the way students

manage their time in order to have better academic performance which is invaluable for

academic success. Thus, it is important for students to know the first step of time management i.

e. giving priority to the important matters, and should remain focused on issues essential for

success [5, p. 35]. In line with these notions, Gloe (1999) argued that the techniques of time

management are the best ways to manage course materials successfully. These includes group

discussion, exchanging ideas and sharing views on key points, which ultimately help students to

perform better in the examination leads to superior academic performance [6, p. 440].
Other researchers have described time management as the way by which an individual more

efficiently accomplishes tasks and goals; having balance, flexibility, and control over time;

setting priorities and scheduling tasks [7, p. 763]. Recently, Kaushar (2013) found that time

management plays a vital role in students’ academic performance. The researcher also argued

that lack of time management skills act as the barrier to better academic performance [8, p. 59].

Time management has a positive impact on academic performance. Academic success has,

on another perspective, a positive impact on motivation (generating motives) and on work time

(which will be shorter if the task aims rapidity, and longer if the task is complex and requires

continuous effort) performance (Elena-Simona Indreicaa and et al, 2011).

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