Current Trends in ELT

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The key takeaways are that globalization has led to an increased need for English proficiency globally, fueling a boom in English teaching. However, English teachers will face ongoing challenges to continue developing themselves to meet the needs of a diverse and changing student population.

The three features of globalization that have implications for English according to the text are: 1) It involves political, technological and cultural processes, not just economic. 2) The flow of globalization is multi-directional, not just from developed to developing countries. 3) ICT is extensively used as a medium for English communication and teaching.

The text says that the growth of opportunities for international trade and companies has led to more people using and learning English, fueling a boom in the field of English teaching. It is projected to continue booming for decades to come as the number of English learners increases.

Kim, Current Trends in English Teaching 1

Current Trends in ELT

Yong Kim
Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana
Kupang, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]


Owing to the use of English as a global lingua franca, the trends in English
teaching could probably be well perceived by considering the language‟s
inseparability from globalization. First of all, since globalization has affected
almost the whole aspects of life in the world, English, which is used as the main
means of communication in those sectors, is also closely connected to them.
Consequently, any consideration of the teaching of English should be linked to
them. Secondly, its multiple forms or uses in some specific locations has
emerged the phenomena of Englishes and been challenged as the only type to
be learned. Finally, the massive use of ICT has also contributed to the many
new possibilities of using technology for teaching English.

Keywords: globalization, Englishes, English language teaching, ICT

2 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 1-13

The use of English as the first international language makes it
impossible to discuss issues related to the language without relating it to
globalization. Its massive use in almost all sectors of life throughout the world;
the intensive efforts of public and private schools to enable learners to master it;
its dominant role in the global media, international forums, business, politics,
finance, diplomacy, entertainment and sports; indicate that English is not only
the main global language but also an integral part of the whole process of
globalization. As a result, all things related to English, including its teaching
trends, are fundamentally very complex topics, and might be commenced by
discussing the nature of globalization.
As a starting point in this paper, discussion on globalization is focused
on three features which have significant implications to English. First,
globalization is not only about economic processes, but political, technological
and cultural processes as well. Second, the stream of globalization does not
only flow from the developed countries (U.S. or Western World) to the rests of
the world, but also—vice versa—from developing countries to developed ones.
Third, information and communication technology (ICT) has been intensively
and extensively used not only as a medium for communication in English but
also as the medium for English teaching.
In the following sections, discussions about the recent trends in English
teaching will be presented in relation to the implications of the three features of
globalization to English.

English Teaching Boom

Since globalization is closely related to the global economic, political,
technological and cultural processes, it transforms contemporary social life in
all its dimensions. And due to the fact that English is used as the main means of
communication in the processes, the necessity to be proficient in the language
dramatically increases. The growth of opportunity for transnational companies
to invest in many different countries and the shifting pattern of trade and new
working practices (like the raising prevalence of screen based labor) make the
number of people using and learning English considerably increase. According
to Cooke (as cited in Pennycook, 2001), English even serves as the main gate to
get a better job, especially in multinational companies. In most international
forums, English is the main means of communication. Crystal (as cited in
Graddol, 2000, p. 8) estimates that 85% of international organizations now use
English as their working language. English is also the most commonly used
language in the sciences. In 1997, the Science Citation Index reported that 95%
of its articles were written in English, even though only half of them came from
authors in English-speaking countries (Wikipedia, 2006).
Kim, Current Trends in English Teaching 3

To meet the increasing need of English mastery by individuals who do

not want to cut out of the international society, more and more English teachers
and language teaching facilities are required. As a consequence, English
teaching is and will be one of the most prospective fields throughout the world.
According to the Guardian (2004), the field of English teaching is and will
continue to boom for a half the world population would use English in 2005.
Two billion people will learn English in the period of 2010-2015. The 'boom'
will proceed up to 2050, since when English learners is estimated to decrease
from 2 billion to 500 million people.

Diversity of English Teaching

If we observe our daily life, it will be obvious that globalization is not
only going in one direction—from the developed countries (U.S. or Western
World) to the rests of the world—but also—vice versa—from developing
countries to developed ones. Pennycook (as cited in Maybin & Swan, 2010)
emphasizes that “… to suggest that globalization is only a process of US or
Western domination of the world is to take a narrow and ultimately
unproductive view of global relations” (p. 114). To illustrate, let‟s see these
examples. Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, and Levis do spread from the
U.S. to the other parts of the world. However, Toyota, Sony, and Hanamasa
from Japan, kung-fu from China, Keroncong (music) from Indonesia, and tango
(dance) from Argentina also spread to America, Western World, and the other
parts of the world. In relation to English teaching, it is clear that on one side
English and English teaching affect the whole languages and their teachings in
the world. On the other hand, each language (and teaching) in the world also
has the potential to affect English and its teaching. According to Baumgardner
& Brown (2003), while English is taught outside of its native regions, the local
context must be involved. This encourages the varieties of the English
language, be they in the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation
(McKay, 2002, pp. 53-55). English used in Hong Kong is unique, and so is the
English in India, the Philippines, Australia, South Africa, and other places.
That‟s why some experts suggest that English language should no longer be
written as "English", but "Englishes".
The diversity of the English language has actually been reflected by the
grouping of English speakers, which is divided by Kachru (as cited in Graddol,
2000, p. 10) into three circles: “inner circle”, “outer circle”, and “expanding
circle.” The inner-circle belongs to users of English as mother tongue (first
language), which was estimated by Crystal (1997) to reach 375 million
speakers. Speakers in this group include those who use English since they were
born in Canada, America, Britain, Australia, and several other countries. The
outer-circle covers the users of English as a second language, which reached
about 375 million people. Speakers belong to this group include users who use
4 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 1-13

English since they were born in Nigeria, Singapore, Philippines, and various
other countries.
Different from the speakers in the inner circle, speakers in the outer
circle tend to add a local element into English and creating its own variety of
English as a result of code-switching. In general, speakers in this group are
adept at using a range of international English language when dealing with
people from outside the group. But when dealing with speakers of their own
group, they tend to use their own English.
The third group, expanding-circle, covers the users of English as a
foreign language. According to Crystal (1997) the number of English speakers
in this group ranges from 100 million to 1 billion speakers. Different from
members of an outer circle, speakers included in an expanding-circle use
English only in specific environments (classroom, office). The language is not
used within their community (family, country). Expanding-circle groups could
be found in Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and various other countries.
The speakers in an expanding-circle world usually have no local model
of English. However, their English accents and patterns of error may reflect
characteristics of their mother tongue (Graddol, 2010, p. 11). As a consequence,
the phenomenon of the formation of a unique variety of English called „creole‟
also takes place in this third group. The creole is usually formed from a pidgin,
or a variety of language that was developed by a group of speakers who do not
fully master the language.
Since the population number of each groups keeps on changing (by
birth), the composition of the number of English speakers in each group
continues to change. The following comparison of the estimated number of
speakers between the 1990's (Crystal, 1997) and 2000 (Graddol, 2000) shows
this very clearly.

Table 1: Number of English Speakers by Group

Group 1990s 2000
“inner-cicle” 320-380 million 375 million
“outer-circle” 150-300 million 375 million
“expanding-circle” 100-1000 million 750 million

Population growth due to births in the group of countries belong to the

expanding-circle, provides a special challenge and opportunity as well to the
field of English teaching. The high need for English mastery has driven many
countries to lower the age at which the language is taught in schools. Since
1982 South Korea started teaching English since primary school (Lee, 2001).
Indonesia began to teaching English since elementary school in 1994. The
Taiwanese government has officially allowed the teaching of English in
Kim, Current Trends in English Teaching 5

primary school since 2002 (Wang, 2008). Such policies and practices have
emerged a new sub-section of English teaching called Teaching English to
Young Learners (henceforward TEYL).
TEYL has actually been a new sub-section of English teaching. Its
emergence was due to the fact that children learn a new language in very
different ways from adults or adolescents. These differences could be easily
seen through the fact that children are often more passionate and lively learners
than adults. They often seem less embarrassed than adults at using a new
language, and their lack of inhibition is an advantage for them to get a more
native-like accent. On the other hand, children tend to lose interest more
quickly and are less able to keep themselves motivated on tasks they find
difficult. They also find it difficult to talk about the language they are learning.
These differences are basically generalizations necessary to be unpacked
in order to find out the detail of what lies underneath as characteristic of
children as language learners. A deep understanding on this matter will
hopefully help us teach a new language to children effectively. To achieve this,
the field of TEYL needs to be studied by considering the linguistic,
psychological and social development of the learners. Cameron (2005)
“The field of teaching young learners, particularly in teaching English,
has expanded enormously in the last 10 years but is only just beginning
to be researched. We need therefore to draw on work from beyond
language classrooms: in child development, in learning theory, in first
language development, and in the development of a second language in
bilingual contexts. (p. 2)

In addition to the birth factors, changes in the composition of the

number of English speakers is also caused by the speakers‟ migration from one
group to another, i.e. from an expanding-circle to an outer-circle or from an
outer-circle to inner-circle caused by the increasing intensity of communication
between peoples and migration. This phenomenon is expressed by Graddol
(2000, p. 10) through the model in Figure 1 below. This model shows that the
number of English speakers in the 21st century will most likely be dominated
by users of English as a Second Language (ESL) for many speakers of EFL
change their status to be ESL speakers. This status change is due to the
tendency for EFL speakers‟ children to use English as ESL since their
childhood. As a result, the varieties of English will keep on increasing.
6 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 1-13

Figure 1:
Transfer among groups of English speakers

750 mil.
375 mil.
Speakers L2 EFL Speakers

375 mil.
Speakers L1

Based on the discussions above, we can see two contrastive but equally
developed sides of the English. On one hand, the language has established itself
as the main lingua-franca of the international community. On the other hand, it
is also the means of communication of a particular community in a smaller
scale, which uses it as a second or foreign language. Thus, English is no longer
recognized as an exclusive property of certain groups of speakers only. It has
become the possession of speakers around the world.
The status of English as the possession of speakers around the world,
especially in the context of ESL and EFL, emerges at least three key issues in
English teaching and English. First, which English grammar will be taught as a
standard of to students? Second, which pronunciation should be taught? Third,
should native cultural elements be included in the curriculum? The issue of a
standardized English grammar (which usually refers to the one belongs to
native English speakers) to be taught is still often debated. However, since
English has no central authority for guarding its purity, the emphasis on
Standard English seems not very relevant. Kachru (1985) argues that even
native English speakers no longer have the exclusive privilege to control
English standardization (p. 30). The best solution for this is probably to conduct
linguistic and teaching researches by using new paradigms and perspectives to
find the right teaching strategies in such multicultural and multilingual
situations. Maybin and Swann (2010) reveal that the core elements of
pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of English as the global lingua franca
has been tried to be set based negotiations between the actual uses of non-native
English speakers (p. 119).
The key implication of this phenomenon to the teaching of English in
the ESL/EFL context is the need for conducting classroom action research
(CAR) which can give insight to teachers about their own beliefs, mood and
Kim, Current Trends in English Teaching 7

perceptions of students, and the weaknesses to improve and solve. In other

words, English teachers in the ESL and EFL contexts are highly recommended
to carry out CAR. In addition, learning goals based on student needs must also
be prioritized. If the objective of an Indonesian student to learn English is for
obtaining a high TOEFL score, he should be taught the American standard
grammar. If his goal is to communicate in English with various nations in the
world, he should be taught the elements of English as an international language.
Until the end of the 20th century, the teaching of English still
emphasized the importance of mastering native-like pronunciation. However,
the existence of a local variety of English (especially in ESL contexts) that have
been institutionalized, such as “Singlish” (Singaporean English), “Chinglish”
(Chinese English) and Filipino English eradicated the emphasis. In EFL
settings, learners are usually given the freedom to decide what native-like
pronunciation (American, British, or Australian) they would like to study. It is
not “fair” to force all students to adopt American or British English if they are
learning the language for communicating with other speakers of ESL/EFL.
Jenkins (2000) claims: "Received pronunciation (RP) is an unattainable and an
unnecessary target for second-language Learners." He suggests that the syllabus
of English pronunciation practice must retain basic distinctive sounds, which by
Maybin and Swann (2010) refer to as English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
pronunciation, but need not be directed to produce speech which is identical to
native speakers‟ (p. 119). As long as the speech is clear and easy to catch by
listeners, it is adequate.
The issue of the essence of integrating cultural matters of the native
speakers into the teaching of English is highly dependent on the objective of
learning the language. In this context, teachers should re-conceptualize
language and culture interrelationship and adapt it to the students‟ needs. If the
students learn English to enable themselves to live in the land of native
speakers, the curriculum must include the native cultural elements. In such a
situation, the teachers need and must have a good understanding of American,
English, or Australian literature and culture. However, if the program is
intended to enable students to communicate with others from different
countries, integrating elements of native culture is no longer relevant. What is
needed is intercultural awareness—derived from an adequate understanding of
cultural diversity among nations around the world. In such a situation, teachers
do not have to be experts in the culture of English native speakers.

ICT and English Teaching

The third dimension of globalization which is inseparable from the trend
of English teaching is the development and highly intensified use of
information and communication technology (ICT). The rapidly growing ICT is
both a contributor and the results of economic and social development of the
8 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 1-13

world society. ICT has deeply pervaded and greatly affected the field of English
teaching. The following is a brief discussion about ICT and its role in English
Many people regard the Internet as the main armada of global English.
The high growth of computer and the Internet use has made information, which
is 80% written in English (Mc-Crum R. et al., 1986), very easy to access. The
accelerated growth of the Internet can be seen in the data that in the United
States alone 3.4 trillion e-mail messages were sent during 1998. This means that
on average each person the United States sent more than 10,000 emails in 1998
(eMarketer, 1999). American Management Association International‟s (1998)
study revealed that e-mail has overcome the amount of face-to-face and via
telephone business communication. More than 95% of students in US used the
Internet to conduct research, search for work, or contact friends (Diederich,
1998). Although US has long been the main users of the Internet in the world,
industrialized countries now begin to catch up. In 2010, the number of the
Internet users in China is expected to be more than in the U.S. (NUA The
Internet Surveys, 1999).
At the initial appearance of the Internet, English teacher regarded it only
as one of the alternative media to teach language (Warschauer, 1995). But at
present the Internet has become the fourth revolution in human cultural
development revolution—after the discovery of language, writing, and printing
technology. Unlike the three previous revolutions, the revolution triggered by
the Internet took place very quickly. As a result of this revolution, many
activities in the field of language use and teaching could be carried out quickly
and accurately. The followings are some ICT-assisted language use and
teaching activities.

Computer-Mediated English
English is undoubtedly the lingua-franca of the Internet due to several
reasons: the political hegemony of the US, English domination in the fields of
science, business and diplomacy, and the Internet technology was invented in
1960s to 1970s in US (Hafner and Lyon, as cited in Maybin & Swann, 2010, p.
147). Along with the spread and development of the Internet technology, the
number of language used in it is also increases. According to the Almanac,
2007 (as cited in Maybin & Swann, 2010, p. 147), among the 1.2 billion
users—equals to one sixth of world population— of the Internet in 2006,
hundreds of millions communicated in other languages than English or in ESL
and EFL. In the fall of 2004, native speakers of English who used the Internet
were only 1/3 of total users around the world (see chart below)
Kim, Current Trends in English Teaching 9

Online language populations (September 2004).

Adapted from Maybin & Swann, 2010
(N= 801.4 Million)
Portuguese 2% Others
3% 12%
Italian English
4% 35%
German Chinese
7% Spanish 14%

The computer-mediated English uses some different discourses and

linguistic elements which are different from 'conventional' English. To
illustrate, look at the following examples. The use of acronyms, such as ASAP
(as soon as possible), TTYL (talk to you later), lol (laugh out loudly), bf (boy
friend), WYATB (wish you all the best) and BRB (be right back); spellings
eccentric or non-standard such as "Type back SEARCH !!!!"; capital letters for
all words, like "MAKE SURE YOU DO IT !!!"; lowercase for all words, like"
she is coming home this summer "; asterisk for emphasis, eg" She's * really *
angry with you "; writing literally laughter, for example," he ... he ... he ...; and
emoticons, like :-) for 'smile', ;-) for 'wink', and :-( to 'frown'. Realizing its
usefulness as a means of global-computer-mediated-communications, the
linguistic elements and discourse of computer-mediated English also needs to
get serious attention in English teaching.

Web-based Learning
English can now be learnt not only in the traditional (or face-to-face)
classes but also in “cyberspace” or web-based classes. At present, one can
attend a "language class" in the Internet just in seconds in anytime and from
anywhere. Web-based learning—sometimes also called technology based or
distance learning, online education, and e-learning—is one of the fastest
growing areas in education. It is widely accepted that advances in information
technology and new developments in learning science provide opportunities to
create well-designed, learner-centered, interactive, affordable, efficient, flexible
e-learning environments (Khan, 2005). For this reason, it is clear that web-
10 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 1-13

based learning provide various new possibilities and latest trends for teachers
and learners. Therefore, going through the Internet is probably the most
promising alternative way to study English.
In web-based classes, students can easily ask for lessons or exercises
which accord with their language level. Thousands of English web-based
classes offer trainings for a variety of basic language skills (listening, speaking,
writing, and reading). These skills can be put on the web and made interactive
in a variety of ways. One of these ways is the Internet communication tools
such as m-learning, email, blogs, chat. These tools provide integrated
environment for teachers and students. Many web-based classes also facilitate
the study of vocabulary, pronunciation and all branches of linguistics. This is
made possible by ICT that can hold and present vast amounts of real language
data in a compact audio-visual.
To see how web-based classes facilitate English teaching effectively and
interestingly as well, let‟s see some most common technologies we can use in

E-mail is possibly most commonly used and easiest to use the Internet
application we can apply in language learning. By getting a single e-mail
account, teachers and students can integrate e-mail based activities into their
curriculum (LeLoup & Ponterio, 1997). If they have the necessary access,
equipment, and foreign contacts, students can also correspond with native
speakers of the target language. Another profit teachers and students can get by
learning using e-mail is possibly the fact that creating a personal email account
(G-mail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) is free. In practice, for instance, a teacher can
create a topic to write and send it to students via e-mail. Receiving the e-mail,
the students start to write and send it back to the teacher. Receiving the
composition, the teacher can comment and provide feedback for each work and
send it back to the students to rewrite.

A blog is a web-based space for writing where all the writing and
editing of information is managed through a web browser and is immediately
and publicly available on the Internet (Godwin, 2003). On the Internet, a blog is
a personal or professional journal that is frequently updated and intended for
general public consumption. The essential characteristics of the blog are its
journal form, typically a new entry each day, and its informal style. Many blogs
include photo, audio, and video information. These features, particularly since
they normally enable uploading and linking of files, make blogs very well
suited to serve as on-line personal journals for students. Language learners
Kim, Current Trends in English Teaching 11

could use a personal blog, linked to a course, as an electronic portfolio, showing

development over time.
By publishing the blog on the Internet, the student has the possibility of
writing for their classmates. Pinkman (2005) indicates that blogging becomes
communicative and interactive when participants assume multiple roles in the
writing process, as writers who write and post, as readers/reviewers who
respond to other writers‟ posts, and as writer-readers who, returning to their
own posts, react to criticism of their own posts. Readers in turn can comment
on what they read, although blogs can be placed in secured environments as

Nowadays every the Internet messenger services have audio functions,
and technological equipments such as laptop computers, also have cameras on
them. So students can talk with their instructors and peers far away. In the same
way, they can also speak with native speakers of language and compare their
pronunciation with a native speaker. Speaking skills can be developed by using
this application. In addition, students and teachers do not have to pay for this;
they just pay for the Internet access.

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are probably the most familiar communication
technology we can use in English teaching. With mobile phones learners can
surf on the web and they can at least learn vocabulary from the dictionary that
cell phone include. Learners can search for new words or exercises in English.
Learners can also send Short Message Service (SMS) to ask questions to their
friends or teachers. Teachers can give feedback by using their cell phones to
their students. Recent mobile phones use wireless the Internet to exchange
voice messages, e-mails, and small web pages. This enables learners to use their
mobile phones to learn English vocabulary, and do exercises. Moreover,
recording facility provided in cell phones makes it possible for students to
record their voice and the voice of a native speaker. Playing the voices, the
students compare their pronunciations with that of the native speaker.

IPods are one of the mobile media devices which enable users to
produce, organize, deliver, and use texts, images, audio and video. This
technology makes it possible to develop all skills of English. For instance,
teachers can send text messages and students read and answer the message.
Students also can record their voices so that they can do listening and speaking
exercises at the same time. In addition, students can read or listen to authentic
materials such as English songs, short stories, poems, news, or vocabulary. In
12 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, FEBRUARI 2011: 1-13

short, IPods provide a variety of possibilities for language learners to enhance

their listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and writing.

The use of English as the main international language provides great
opportunity and challenge as well to the field of English teaching. On the one
hand, the number of people who are and will be learning English is so great that
this field will 'boom'. On the other hand, the variety of the learners‟
characteristics, age, objective, location, and culture and the accelerated changes
taking place in the world community make English teaching very complex and
dynamic as well. The emergence and use of information and communication
technology also contributes to new possibilities in English teaching. The
consequence of all these phenomena are: for decades to come, the field of
teaching English would be very prospective. However, such a huge opportunity
will be in vain if English teachers do not continue to develop themselves in
order to meet all the challenges that always go along with the opportunities.

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