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Advanced Test Equipment Rentals

E stablished 1981 800-404-ATEC (2832)

HP E6000A Mini-OTDR

User’s Guide
Notices Control Serial Number: First warranties of Merchantability Certification
Edition applies directly to all and Fitness for a Particular Pur-
This document contains proprie- instruments. pose. Hewlett-Packard Company certi-
tary information that is protected fies that this product met its pub-
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No part of this document may be This Hewlett-Packard instrument The remedies provided herein Hewlett-Packard further certifies
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 Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, the warranty period, HP will, at sequential damages whether merly the United States National
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Hewlett-Packard GmbH products that prove to be defec- other legal theory. the extent allowed by the Insti-
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E6000-91011 E0199
ble for errors contained herein or warrant that the operation of the
for incidental or consequential instrument, software, or
Fifth Edition
damages in connection with the firmware will be uninterrupted or E1098, October 1998
furnishing, performance, or use error free. E0199, January 1999
of this material.
Limitation of Fourth Edition
Printing History Warranty E0298, February 1998
New editions are complete revi- Third Edition
The foregoing warranty shall not
sions of the guide reflecting E0797 July 1997
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improper or inadequate mainte- E0897 August 1997
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occasionally made to the guide
between editions. The date on
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thorized modification or misuse,
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operation outside of the environ-
E0397 March 1997
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mental specifications for the
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First Edition:
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ration or maintenance.
updated guide, contact your
Hewlett-Packard representative. No other warranty is expressed E0996: September 1996
or implied. Hewlett-Packard spe-
cifically disclaims the implied

Hewlett-Packard GmbH
Herrenberger Str. 130
71034 Böblingen
HP E6000A Mini-OTDR

User’s Guide
Front Matter

The following general safety precautions must be observed during

all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument.
Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings
elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Hewlett-Packard
Company assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply
with these requirements.
General This is a Safety Class 3 instrument (no protective earth
command and DC input voltages less than 60V DC) and has been
manufactured and tested according to international safety
Operation – Before applying power Comply with the
installation section. Additionally, the following shall be observed:
• Do not remove instrument covers when operating.
• Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired, the
instrument must be made inoperative and be secured against any
unintended operation.
• Adjustments described in the manual are performed with power
supplied to the instrument while protective covers are removed.
Be aware that energy at many points may, if contacted, result in
personal injury.
• Any adjustments, maintenance, and repair of the opened
instrument under voltage should be avoided as much as possible,
and when unavoidable, should be carried out only by a skilled
person who is aware of the hazard involved. Do not attempt
internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of
rendering first aid and resuscitation is present. Do not replace
components with power cable connected.
• Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable
gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an
environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
• Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized
modification to the instrument.
• Be aware that capacitors inside the instrument may still be
charged even if the instrument has been disconnected from its
source of supply.

Front Matter

Safety Symbols
The apparatus will be marked with this symbol when it is necessary
for the user to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect the
apparatus against damage.

Hazardous laser radiation.

Electromagnetic interference (EMI)

WARNING The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure,

practice or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to,
could result in injury or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a
WARNING sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and

CAUTION The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating

procedure, practice or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered
to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the equipment.
Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION sign until the indicated conditions are
fully understood and met.

Front Matter

Initial Safety Information for Laser Source

E6001A E6002A E6003A E6003B

Laser Type FP-Laser FP-Laser FP-Laser FP-Laser
Laser Class
According to IEC 825 (Europe) 3A 3A 3A 3A
According to 21 CFR 1040.10 1 1 1 1
(Canada, Japan, USA)
Output Power (Pulse Max) 50 mW 50 mW 50 mW 50 mW
Pulse Duration (Max) 10 µs 10 µs 10 µs 20 µs
Pulse Energy (Max) 500 nWs 500 nWs 500 nWs 500 nWs
Output Power (CW) 500 µW 500 µW 500 µW 500 µW
Beam Waist Diameter 9 µm 9 µm 9 µm 9 µm
Numerical Aperture 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Wavelength 1310 1310 1310/1550 1310/1550
±25nm ±25nm ±25nm ±25nm

E6004A E6007A E6008B

1310 nm 1550 nm
Laser Type FP-Laser MQW-Laser FP-Laser FP-Laser
Laser Class
According to IEC 825 (Europe) 3A 2 3A 3A
According to 21 CFR 1040.10 1 2 1 1
(Canada, Japan, USA)
Output Power (Pulse Max) 50 mW n/a 120 mW 200 mW
Pulse Duration (Max) 10 µs n/a 20 µs 20 µs
Pulse Energy (Max) 500 nWs n/a 2.4 µWs 4.0 µWs
Output Power (CW) 500 µW 500 µW 500 µW 500 µW
Beam Waist Diameter 9 µm 9 µm 9 µm 9 µm
Numerical Aperture 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Wavelength 1310/1550 635 ±10nm 1310 1550
±25nm ±25nm ±25nm

Front Matter

E6010A E6012A
1625 nm 1550 nm 1625 nm
Laser Type FP-Laser FP-Laser FP-Laser
Laser Class
According to IEC 825 (Europe) 3A 3A 3A
According to 21 CFR 1040.10 1 1 1
(Canada, Japan, USA)
Output Power (Pulse Max) 200 mW 200 mW 200 mW
Pulse Duration (Max) 20 µs 20 µs 20 µs
Pulse Energy (Max) 4.0 µWs 4.0 µWs 4.0 µWs
Output Power (CW) 500 µW 500 µW 500 µW
Beam Waist Diameter 9 µm 9 µm 9 µm
Numerical Aperture 0.1 0.1 0.1
Wavelength 1625 ±20nm 1550 ±25nm 1625 ±20nm

E6005A / E6009A
1300 nm 850 nm
Laser Type FP-Laser MOCVD
InGaAsP GaAlAs
Laser Class
According to IEC 825 (Europe) 3A 3A
According to 21 CFR 1040.10 1 1
(Canada, Japan, USA)
Output Power (Pulse Max) typ ≤ 30 ns 20 mW 40 mW
Output Power (Pulse Max) typ > 30 ns 10 mW 20 mW
Pulse Duration (Max) 10 µs 100 ns
Pulse Energy (Max) 200 nWs 4 nWs
Output Power (CW) 50 µW 20 µW
Beam Waist Diameter 50 µm 62.5 µm
Numerical Aperture 0.2 0.27
Wavelength 1300 ±25nm 850 ±25nm

Front Matter

NOTE The following laser safety warning labels are fixed on the panel of the
Mini-OTDR modules (that is, all modules except the E6006A and
E6007A submodules):

Front Matter

The following symbol is fixed to the panel of the Mini-OTDR modules,

next to the laser output:

A sheet of laser safety warnings is included with the laser module. You
must stick the labels in the local language onto the outside of the
instrument, in a position where they are clearly visible to anyone using
the instrument.

Front Matter

NOTE The following laser safety labels should be fixed to the E6007A

The laser safety labels for the USA, according to 21 CFR 1040.10
Class II, are already attached to the module.
A sheet of laser safety warnings is included with the laser module. You
must stick the labels in the local language onto the outside of the
instrument, in a position where they are clearly visible to anyone using
the instrument.

WARNING Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other

than those specified for the laser source may result in hazardous
radiation exposure.

Front Matter

WARNING Refer Servicing only to qualified and authorized personnel.

WARNING Do not enable the laser when there is no fiber attached to the optical
output connector.
The optical output connector is at the top right corner of the
instrument, under the right cap.
The laser is enabled by pressing the blue RUN/STOP button. The laser is
enabled when the red LED on the RUN/STOP Button is lit.

WARNING Under no circumstances look into the end of an optical cable attached
to the optical output when the device is operational.
The laser radiation can seriously damage your eyesight.

There is a safety circuit which monitors the average laser power

output. If the average is greater than the limit for the module, the
laser will be disabled.

WARNING The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye

NOTE All modules also have a CE class A label (HP Part number 7121-5585

Front Matter

The recommended position for the laser safety warning label is at

the rear side of the instrument near the optical output.
You must return instruments with malfunctioning laser modules to
a HP Service Center for repair and calibration, or have the repair
and calibration performed on-site by HP personnel.

Front Matter

The Structure of this Manual

This manual is divided into four parts:
• Chapter 1 tells you how to set up your Mini-OTDR.
• Chapter 2 shows you what you can do with your Mini-OTDR.
• Chapters 3 to 6 give you a step-by-step guide to making typical
measurements and using other Mini-OTDR features.
• The appendices contain additional information not required for
routine day-to-day use.

Conventions used in this manual

• Mini-OTDR keys are indicated by small capitals, for example
• Menus are indicated by small capitals enclosed by square
brackets, for example [SETTINGS], [FILE].
• Menu items are indicated by small capitals enclosed by angled
brackets, for example [FILE]<OPEN>, <SET OFFSET>.
• Modes are indicated by italics, for example OTDR mode, Fiber
Break Locator.
• Dialog is indicated by Courier font, for example OK.

Bellcore Certification of Excellence

Hewlett-Packard is officially designated Bellcore Certification
Eligible, and is awarded Bellcore’s Certification of Excellence for
its OTDR Data Format.

Front Matter

Table of Contents
Initial Safety Information for Laser Source ........................ 6
Bellcore Certification of Excellence ................................... 13

1 Getting Started
1.1 Features of the Mini-OTDR ...................................33
The Front panel ................................................................... 33
The hardkeys ....................................................................... 33
1.2 The Mini-OTDR module ........................................36
Inserting and Removing a Module ..................................... 37
Adding a Connector Interface ............................................. 39
1.3 Switching on the Mini-OTDR ................................40
1.4 The Applications Screen .........................................41
1.5 OTDR Mode ............................................................42
Taking a Measurement ....................................................... 43
The parameter windows ...................................................... 45
The Cursor and Select keys ................................................ 47
1.6 The popup menu .....................................................49
Zooming .............................................................................. 50
1.7 The Settings screens ................................................51
The Measurement Settings screen ...................................... 53
The Trace Checker Parameters screen ................................ 56
1.8 The File Utilities screen ..........................................59
1.9 EasyMode .................................................................62
1.10 Getting Help ..........................................................64

Table of Contents
2 Additional Features
2.1 How the OTDR Works .......................................... 69
Events ..................................................................................69
What You Can Measure with the OTDR ............................70
2.2 External connections .............................................. 71
Switches ..............................................................................73
Inserting and Removing a Floppy Disk, Flash Disk, or SRAM Card
Adding a Shoulder Strap .....................................................75
Inserting and Removing a Submodule ................................77
2.3 Battery Handling .................................................... 78
Inserting and Removing a Battery .......................................78
Charging the Batteries .........................................................80
Battery Storage ....................................................................81
Battery safety .......................................................................81
Connecting an AC/DC Adapter ...........................................82

3 Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace

3.1 How to Connect the Fiber ..................................... 85
3.2 How to Change the Refractive Index Setting ...... 85
3.3 How to Make an Automatic Measurement .......... 87
3.4 How to Run a Manual Measurement ................... 89
How to Change the Measurement Span ..............................89
How to Change the Optimization Mode .............................89
How to Run the Measurement .............................................90
3.5 How to Alter measurements in real time ............. 91

Table of Contents
3.6 How to Use the Event Table ...................................93
How to Display the Event Table ......................................... 93
How to Lock the Event Table ............................................. 95
3.7 How to Use the Trace Checker ..............................96
How to Set the Trace Checker Parameters ......................... 96
How to run the Trace Checker ............................................ 98
3.8 How to Set the Horizontal Offset ...........................101
How to Hide Events before the Offset ................................ 103
How to Clear the Horizontal Offset .................................... 103
3.9 How to Set the Fiber End .......................................103
3.10 How to Print the Measurement ...........................105
3.11 How to Save the Measurement ............................109

4 Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace

4.1 How to Add a Landmark or Event Comment ......115
How to Add a Landmark .................................................... 115
How to Add an Event Comment ......................................... 117
4.2 How to Add a Reflective Event ..............................118
How to Set the Level-Markers for Measuring Reflectance 119
How to Set the Level-markers for Measuring Insertion Loss 123
4.3 How to Add a Non-Reflective Event ......................127
4.4 How to Measure the Total Loss of the Fiber ........127
4.5 How to Calculate Reflectance or Insertion Loss for ex-
isting Events ...................................................................129
How to Calculate Reflectance ............................................ 129

Table of Contents
How to Calculate Insertion Loss .........................................130
4.6 How to Display and Compare Two Traces .......... 130
How to Use the Vertical Offset ...........................................133
4.7 How to Add a Logo ................................................ 134
How to copy a Logo to the Mini-OTDR .............................134
How to Include a Logo ........................................................135

5 Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration

5.1 How to Set the General Configuration ................. 139
How to Set the General Parameters .....................................139
How to Save the Instrument Configuration .........................143
5.2 How to Set the OTDR Settings ............................. 144
5.3 How to Set the Trace Information ........................ 146
How to Set the Default Trace Information ..........................146
How to Set the Information for the Current Trace ..............147
5.4 How to Set up the Printer Configuration ............ 149
5.5 How to Connect to a PC using the RS232 ............ 151
How to Set the Instrument Setup .........................................151
5.6 How to Update the Firmware and Languages .... 152
How to Update the Firmware ..............................................154
How to Update the Languages ............................................155

6 Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes

Table of Contents
6.1 How to Recall Settings in EasyMode .....................159
How to Save a Template ..................................................... 159
How to Read from a Presaved Template ............................ 160
How to change the file name .............................................. 162
How to save multiple settings ............................................. 163
How to change the Start Fiber number ............................... 164
How to customize the file name ......................................... 164
How to change the Storage Directory ................................. 165
How to save Trace Info labels ............................................ 165
How to Clear Some or All Settings .................................... 166
How to Take the Measurements ......................................... 166
6.3 How to Use the Fiber Break Locator ....................167
6.4 How to Use Source Mode .......................................169
6.5 How to Use the Power Meter Submodule .............170
How to Show the Power relative to a Reference Value ...... 173
How to Send Code Modulated Output ............................... 173
6.6 How to Perform an Insertion Loss Measurement 174
How to Set up the Power Meter .......................................... 174
How to Take a Reference value .......................................... 174
How to Take the Measurement ........................................... 178
6.7 How to Use the Visual Fault Finder submodule ..178

A Installation and Maintenance

A.1 Safety Considerations ............................................185

Table of Contents
A.2 Initial Inspection ................................................... 185
Internal Back-Up Battery ....................................................185
A.3 AC Line Power Supply Requirements ................ 186
Line Power Cable ................................................................186
A.4 DC Power Supply Requirements ......................... 188
A.5 Operating and Storage Environment .................. 189
Temperature and Humidity .................................................189
Altitude ................................................................................189
Installation Category ...........................................................189
A.6 Parallel Interface ................................................... 190
A.7 Serial Interfaces ..................................................... 190
A.8 Programming user tasks on a PC ........................ 190
A.9 Claims and Repackaging ...................................... 191
Return Shipments to HP ......................................................191
A.10 Installing New Firmware .................................... 192

B Accessories
B.1 Instrument and Options ........................................ 197
Accessories supplied ...........................................................199
Accessories available ..........................................................199
B.2 Connector Interfaces and Other Accessories ...... 200

C Specifications

Table of Contents
C.1 Definition of Terms ...............................................203
Horizontal Parameters ........................................................ 212
Vertical Parameters ............................................................. 212
Source Mode ....................................................................... 213
Pulsewidth .......................................................................... 213
Output Connector ............................................................... 214
Documentation .................................................................... 214
Scan Trace .......................................................................... 214
Display ................................................................................ 215
Interfaces ............................................................................ 215
General ................................................................................ 215
Environmental .................................................................... 216
Power .................................................................................. 216
C.2 Module Specifications/Characteristics ................217
Specifications: Optical Performance .................................. 217
Characteristics .................................................................... 219
C.3 HP E6006A Power Meter Submodule ................221
Characteristics .................................................................... 221
Specifications ...................................................................... 222
Supplementary Performance Characteristics ...................... 222
General Specifications: ....................................................... 223
C.4 HP E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule ......224
Characteristics .................................................................... 224
Supplementary Performance Characteristics ...................... 224
General Specifications: ....................................................... 224
C.5 Declaration of Conformity ...................................225
Supplementary Information ................................................ 226

Table of Contents
D Single-Mode/Multimode Module Perform-
ance Tests
D.1 General .................................................................. 229
Equipment Required ............................................................229
Test Record .........................................................................229
Test Failure ..........................................................................230
Instrument Specification .....................................................230
Performance Tests ...............................................................230
Conventions used in this Appendix .....................................230
D.2 Test I. Dynamic Range ......................................... 231
D.3 Test II. Event Deadzone ....................................... 239
D.4 Test III. Attenuation Deadzone ........................... 245
D.5 Test IV. Distance Accuracy (Optional) .............. 250
D.6 Performance Test Form Sheets ........................... 255
D.7 Test V. E6006A Submodule ................................. 270
Test Equipment Required ....................................................270
Optional Test Equipment ....................................................270
Uncertainty/Accuracy Test at Reference Conditions ..........270
Total Uncertainty/Accuracy Test ........................................273
D.8 Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule 279
Test Equipment Required ....................................................279
General ................................................................................279
Test of Output Power Level (CW) ......................................280
Optional test: Center Wavelength .......................................281

Table of Contents
E Cleaning Procedures
E.1 Cleaning Materials ................................................289
E.2 Cleaning Fiber/Panel Connectors ........................289
E.3 Cleaning Connector Interfaces ............................290
E.4 Cleaning Connector Bushings ..............................290
E.5 Cleaning Detector Windows .................................291
E.6 Cleaning Lens Adapters ........................................291
E.7 Cleaning Detector Lens Interfaces .......................291

F Environmental Profile
F.1 Product Summary .................................................295
F.2 Materials of Construction .....................................295
F.3 Energy Use/Efficiency ..........................................296
F.4 Operation Emissions .............................................296
F.5 Batteries ..................................................................297
F.6 Materials of Packaging ..........................................298
F.7 Learning Products .................................................298
F.8 HP Manufacturing Process ...................................298

G Overview

Table of Contents
G.1 Function Overview ................................................ 301

H E6000B
H.1 New Options ......................................................... 313
The Mini-Keyboard .............................................................313
H.2 Increased Internal Memory ................................ 314

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 The Front Panel ......................................................................................... 33
Figure 1-2 Mini-OTDR hardkeys ............................................................................... 35
Figure 1-3 The Mini-OTDR module........................................................................... 36
Figure 1-4 Removing a module .................................................................................. 37
Figure 1-5 Adding a Connector Interface ................................................................... 39
Figure 1-6 The Applications Screen ........................................................................... 41
Figure 1-7 Blank Trace Screen ................................................................................... 43
Figure 1-8 The Trace Screen....................................................................................... 44
Figure 1-9 The parameter windows ............................................................................ 45
Figure 1-10 Viewing Full Trace (Left) and Around Current Marker (Right)............. 48
Figure 1-11 The popup menu...................................................................................... 49
Figure 1-12 Settings menu navigation arrows ............................................................ 51
Figure 1-13 The Measurement Parameters menu ....................................................... 53
Figure 1-14 The Trace Checker Parameters menu ..................................................... 56
Figure 1-15 The File Utilities screen .......................................................................... 60
Figure 1-16 EasyMode popup menu........................................................................... 63
Figure 1-17 The Mini-OTDR’s Help Display ............................................................ 65
Figure 2-1 Reflective (Left) and Non-Reflective (Right) Events ............................... 69
Figure 2-2 Mini-OTDR external connections............................................................. 71
Figure 2-3 Switches and other features (viewed from behind the Mini-OTDR)........ 73
Figure 2-4 Inserting a Floppy Disk, Flash Disk, and SRAM Card............................. 74
Figure 2-5 Adding hinges for the shoulder strap ........................................................ 75
Figure 2-6 Inserting a submodule ............................................................................... 77
Figure 2-7 Removing a Battery................................................................................... 79
Figure 2-8 Connecting an AC/DC Adapter ................................................................ 82
Figure 3-1 Altering the Refractive Index.................................................................... 86
Figure 3-2 Realtime settings menu ............................................................................. 92
Figure 3-3 The Event Table ........................................................................................ 94
Figure 3-4 Taking a New Measurement with a Locked Event Table ......................... 95
Figure 3-5 Select Event Masking................................................................................ 97
Figure 3-6 Trace Check failed message...................................................................... 99
Figure 3-7 Trace Checker Table ................................................................................. 100
Figure 3-8 Trace with Horizontal Offset set ............................................................... 102
Figure 3-9 Trace with an End set at Marker A ........................................................... 105
Figure 3-10 Typical Printout....................................................................................... 108

List of Figures
Figure 3-11 The Save menu........................................................................................ 110
Figure 4-1 Landmark text box .................................................................................... 116
Figure 4-2 Landmark and Event Comment ................................................................ 118
Figure 4-3 Level-markers for analyzing reflectance .................................................. 120
Figure 4-4 Measuring Reflectance: setting the level-markers.................................... 122
Figure 4-5 Level-markers for analyzing insertion loss............................................... 124
Figure 4-6 Measuring Insertion Loss: setting the level-markers ................................ 126
Figure 4-7 Declaring an End at the edge of the backscatter ....................................... 128
Figure 4-8 Selecting the empty trace .......................................................................... 131
Figure 4-9 Two traces on the same picture................................................................. 132
Figure 4-10 Cursor diagram - adjust Vertical Offset.................................................. 133
Figure 5-1 Instrument Configuration General Parameters Screen ............................. 140
Figure 5-2 Entering Numerical Data .......................................................................... 141
Figure 5-3 Keyboard to Enter Text............................................................................. 142
Figure 5-4 OTDR Settings screen .............................................................................. 144
Figure 5-5 Default Trace Info Configuration screen .................................................. 146
Figure 5-6 Trace Info Screen...................................................................................... 148
Figure 5-7 Printer Setup Configuration ...................................................................... 150
Figure 5-8 Instrument Setup screen............................................................................ 152
Figure 5-9 Firmware/Language Update configuration page ...................................... 154
Figure 6-1 Saving the current settings in a template. ................................................. 160
Figure 6-2 Task Configuration screen ........................................................................ 162
Figure 6-3 Connect Fiber message ............................................................................. 166
Figure 6-4 The Fiber Break Locator........................................................................... 168
Figure 6-5 Source Mode ............................................................................................. 169
Figure 6-6 Applications Screen when the E6006A submodule is attached................ 171
Figure 6-7 The Power Meter Screen........................................................................... 172
Figure 6-8 Taking a Power Meter Reference value.................................................... 175
Figure 6-9 Fiber setups for performing an Insertion Loss Measurement ................... 177
Figure 6-10 Applications Screen when the E6007A submodule is attached.............. 179
Figure 6-11 The Visual Fault Finder Screen .............................................................. 180
Figure A-1 Line Power Cables – Plug Identification ................................................. 187
Figure C-1 Attenuation deadzone definition .............................................................. 203
Figure C-2 Near-end backscatter level for 3 different near-end reflectances............. 204
Figure C-3 Elements of the distance accuracy ........................................................... 205

List of Figures
Figure C-4 Determining the location of a reflective event ......................................... 206
Figure C-5 Definition of event deadzone.................................................................... 208
Figure C-6 Loss error samples for 1 dB loss (arbitrary units) .................................... 209
Figure D-1 Dynamic Range Test Setup: Single-Mode ............................................... 231
Figure D-2 Dynamic Range Test: Full Trace View.................................................... 236
Figure D-3 Dynamic Range Test: Position Marker at End of Frontreflection ........... 238
Figure D-4 Event Deadzone Test Setup...................................................................... 240
Figure D-5 Event Deadzone Test: Position Marker A................................................ 242
Figure D-6 Event Deadzone Test: Position Marker B ................................................ 244
Figure D-7 Attenuation Deadzone Test: Position Marker A ...................................... 247
Figure D-8 Attenuation Deadzone Test: Position Marker B at End of Reflection ..... 248
Figure D-9 Attenuation Deadzone Test: Position Marker A at Start of Reflection.... 249
Figure D-10 Distance Accuracy Test Setup................................................................ 250
Figure D-11 Distance Accuracy Test: Position Markers ............................................ 252
Figure D-12 Distance Accuracy Test: Around Marker View..................................... 253
Figure D-13 Test setup 1310 nm and 1550 nm: Reference Measurement ................. 271
Figure D-14 Test setup 1310 nm and 1550 nm: Measurement of the DUT ............... 272
Figure D-15 Measurement of the Output power......................................................... 280
Figure G-1 The Mini- OTDR menu system................................................................ 302
Figure G-2 The OTDR Mode menu options............................................................... 303
Figure G-3 The Instrument Config menu options....................................................... 304
Figure G-4 Configure the instrument.......................................................................... 305
Figure G-5 View a Trace ............................................................................................ 306
Figure G-6 Use the printer .......................................................................................... 307
Figure G-7 Add/Delete Landmarks ............................................................................ 308
Figure G-8 Read from/Write to a Floppy Disk........................................................... 309
Figure H-1 Attaching a screen keyboard .................................................................... 314

List of Figures

List of Tables
Table D-1 Pulse Width dependent settings for Dynamic Range Test: Single-Mode
(E6001A-E6004A) ............................................................................................. 234

List of Tables


1 Getting Started
Getting Started

This chapter introduces the features of the HP E6000A Mini-OTDR

(Optical Time Domain Reflectometer). Here you will find a quick
description of the instrument, an explanation of how to insert a
module and Connector Interface, and a description of the main
Mini-OTDR screens.

Getting Started
Features of the Mini-OTDR

1.1 Features of the Mini-OTDR

The Front panel

Figure 1-1 shows the front panel of the Mini-OTDR. The front
panel contains the screen, the hardkeys discussed below, and three
• The red Laser-On LED behind the blue Run/Stop key is lit
whenever the laser is active.
• The red battery charging light is lit when the battery is charging.
• The green power on light is lit when the power is on.

Figure 1-1 The Front Panel

The hardkeys
There are four keys on the front of the Mini-OTDR.

Getting Started
Features of the Mini-OTDR

• The blue RUN/STOP key starts or stops a trace acquisition.

• The CURSOR keys enable you to navigate around the menu
system, or to move markers and so on. The four corners of this
key are also referred to in this manual as the UP key, DOWN key,
LEFT key and RIGHT key.
• The SELECT key enables you to select the currently highlighted
object, or to activate the popup menu.
• The HELP key, marked ?, gives you information about the
currently highlighted object. If no object is highlighted, you see
more general help information.
The RUN/STOP and HELP keys do not change their meaning
wherever you are in the menu system.

Getting Started
Features of the Mini-OTDR

The CURSOR keys and the SELECT key can be used for more specific
purposes. The current interpretation of these keys is shown in the
diagram at the right of the screen.

Figure 1-2 Mini-OTDR hardkeys

Getting Started
The Mini-OTDR module

1.2 The Mini-OTDR module

Figure 1-3 shows a Mini-OTDR with a module inserted in the back.

Figure 1-3 The Mini-OTDR module

• You keep the module in place with the module catches. When the
module is in place, the catches should be perpendicular to the
• You connect fibers to the Optical Output Connector. For more
details, see “Adding a Connector Interface” on page 39.
• You add submodules to the submodule slot. Submodules
currently available are the Power Meter (HP E6006A) and the
Visual Fault Finder (HP E6007A). See “Inserting and Removing
a Submodule” on page 77.

Getting Started
The Mini-OTDR module

Inserting and Removing a Module

NOTE You should switch off your Mini-OTDR before inserting or removing a

Figure 1-4 Removing a module

1 Open the connector covers

The slot in the back of the Mini-OTDR is used for the various
OTDR measurement modules. When you are inserting or removing
a module, open the connector covers at the top of the module.
You can now see the Optical Output Connector where fibers are
attached and the module catches either side of the module.
2 Rotate the module catches

Getting Started
The Mini-OTDR module

Make sure that the module catches run parallel to the screen, as
shown in Figure 1-4.
3 Add/remove the module then rotate the catches again
When the module is in place, turn the catches 90 degrees so that
they are perpendicular to the screen. This locks the module in place.
Then close the connector covers.

Getting Started
The Mini-OTDR module

Adding a Connector Interface

Figure 1-5 Adding a Connector Interface

Before you add the connector interface, you must have inserted a
module to you Mini-OTDR.
On the left of the module when viewed from behind, you see an
Optical Output Connector (see Figure 1-5).

Getting Started
Switching on the Mini-OTDR

NOTE Before you attach a connector and fiber, you should clean them both.

See “Cleaning Fiber/Panel Connectors” on page 289 and “Cleaning

Connector Interfaces” on page 290.

Insert the Connector Interface into the Optical Output Connector.

You can now attach a fiber to the Connector Interface.

1.3 Switching on the Mini-OTDR

When you switch on the Mini-OTDR it goes through self test.

If the Mini-OTDR indicates a problem with the module, switch off
the instrument, make sure the module is properly inserted and
snapped into the Mini-OTDR, and try switching the instrument on
If you have no reaction, check that the machine is connected to a
power source (AC/DC adapter or battery). See “Battery Handling”
on page 78.

Getting Started
The Applications Screen

1.4 The Applications Screen

The Applications Screen is the controlling screen that allows you to

choose the best application for what you want to do.

Figure 1-6 The Applications Screen

There are 7 different applications for different tasks and user

• OTDR Mode contains all the features for making, viewing, and
analyzing traces. OTDR mode gives you the full functionality of
a “classical” OTDR. See “OTDR Mode” on page 42.
• Fiber Break Locator is a simplified trace setting that enables you
to locate fiber breaks quickly.

Getting Started

• Source Mode enables the stabilized laser source for loss

measurements and identification with fixed modulation
If a submodule is installed, this icon is labeled Power Meter or
Visual Light.
• Instrument Config enables you to set up the configuration for
general features concerning the Mini-OTDR.
• File Utility enables you to look at the internal directory structure
of the Mini-OTDR or an added device, and to copy, delete, or
print files. See “The File Utilities screen” on page 59.
• Easy OTDR enables you to view a trace, and to perform simple
operations like Print and apply presaved settings. See
“EasyMode” on page 62.
• Multi Fiber Test (Task Mode) allows you to measure and save
many traces on different fibers with different measurement
setups. See “How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset
Measurement Setups” on page 161

NOTE You can change the Boot Into mode in Instrument Config. This
changes the mode that appears when you power on.

Use the Cursor keys to move to the application you want, and then
press SELECT.

1.5 OTDR Mode

Select OTDR Mode from the Applications Screen (or switch on

after configuring Boot Into OTDR Mode, see note above).

Getting Started

The first time you select OTDR Mode you see a blank trace window.

Figure 1-7 Blank Trace Screen

Taking a Measurement

NOTE Before you take a measurement you should attach a fiber to the
Connector Interface. See “Adding a Connector Interface” on page 39.

To produce a trace, press the RUN/STOP hardkey.

The light behind the RUN/STOP hardkey goes on. After a short
initializing phase, the OTDR displays the first result.

Getting Started

Wait until the trace is free of noise, then press the RUN/STOP
hardkey to stop the measurement.

Figure 1-8 The Trace Screen

• When you have taken a measurement, the graph of the reflected

power is displayed as a function of distance. This graph is called
the trace.
• Below the trace, the event bar shows you the position of the
detected events: non-reflective events such as splices, reflective
events such as connectors, as well as any defined landmarks.
You can add and remove the event bar by selecting
[View]<EVENT BAR> from the popup menu.
• The markers are your means of marking and analyzing single
events, parts of the trace, and distances. In the marker-

Getting Started

information window, you see information such as the distance,

attenuation, and loss at or between the markers.
• No matter when you zoom to a point of interest on the trace, you
do not lose orientation, as there is an overview display in the full-
trace window. You always know where you are. The full-trace
window is shown in the bottom left-hand corner of the display.
In the title bar you can see the name of the measurement file
(UNNAMED if you have not already saved the measurement).
• The most important measurement parameters of the displayed
trace (such as measurement range, pulsewidth, wavelength) are
always shown in the parameter window. See “The parameter
windows” below.

NOTE If the parameters are changed for the next measurement, the
parameters of the actual trace are still displayed, but they are grayed to
indicate that they will change on the next measurement

• On the right-hand side of the screen you can see the Current
mode (Marker) and the current interpretation of the CURSOR
and SELECT keys. See “The Cursor and Select keys” on page 47.

The parameter windows

You see the following information in the parameter windows at the
foot of the trace window:

Figure 1-9 The parameter windows

Getting Started

• A-B: the distance between the markers

• One of the following (selectable in the [ANALYSIS] menu):
• 2pt.L: 2-point loss between the markers. This is the
difference in power level between the marker points
• 2pt.Attn.: 2-point attenuation. This is the 2-point loss per
length unit.
• LSA-Attn.: LSA Attenuation. This is the least square
approximation for the fiber loss per length unit between the
• ORL: Optical Return Loss. This represents the fraction of
power reflected back to your Mini-OTDR.
• Ins.L. at A/B: the insertion loss of the event close to the
• Refl. at A/B: the return loss (in dB) of the event close to
the marker.
• Cum.L. to A/B: the cumulative loss between the initial
backscatter value interpolated to the start of the fiber, and the
marker point.
• Range: the start position and the measurement span, selectable
from the [SETTINGS] menu. The Ranges available are module-
• PWidth: The pulsewidth in seconds (ns or µs), selectable from
the [SETTINGS] menu.
• Optimize: The Optimizing mode. This is the range for
measurements, and is selectable from the [SETTINGS] menu.
Possible Optimizing modes are
• Resolution: for short fibers,
• Dynamic: for long fibers, and
• Standard: for a compromise between Resolution and

Getting Started

If you have specified Automatic measurements, you see Auto

Res., Auto Dyn., or Auto Std. For more information see “The
Settings screens” on page 51
• Refr.Ind.: the Refractive Index, selectable from the
[SETTINGS] menu. The Refractive Index is between 1.0 and 2.0.
• Sample Dist.: the distance in the specified units (such as
meters) between adjacent samples. This is a function of the
Refractive Index and the number of data points.

The Cursor and Select keys

In OTDR Mode, the CURSOR and SELECT keys have the following
effect when selecting markers:
• The UP key toggles the highlighted marker between A, B and AB
(both markers highlighted). AB is only available if you have
selected <AB MARKER> from the [VIEW] menu.
• The LEFT and RIGHT keys move the highlighted marker.
• The DOWN key zooms in around the current marker, which stays
in the center of the grid. If both markers are highlighted,
zooming is performed around the mid-point of the markers.
Pressing the DOWN key for a second time restores the full trace.
The Cursor key diagram to the right of the trace shows the
current mode. If you see a horizontal magnifying glass, you are

Getting Started

viewing the whole trace. If you see a vertical magnifying glass,

you are viewing around the current marker.

Figure 1-10 Viewing Full Trace (Left) and Around Current Marker (Right)

NOTE You can also see what is being viewed by looking at the text beneath the

In Full Trace mode, it says Marker A (or Marker B). In Around

Marker mode, it says Around A (or Around B).

• The SELECT key opens a popup panel, offering 9 menu options

further functions. You can move to a menu option with the
CURSOR keys, and select it by pressing SELECT again. See “The
popup menu” on page 49 for more details

Getting Started
The popup menu

1.6 The popup menu

If you press the SELECT key in OTDR mode. you normally see a
popup menu, offering fast access to 9 menus and important

Figure 1-11 The popup menu

The following functions are available:

• [CANCEL] - exit the popup menu and return to normal OTDR
• [FILE] menu - File utilities, including loading and storage of data
and printing a trace.
• [CONFIG] menu - configure the Mini-OTDR.

Getting Started
The popup menu

• [ZOOM] - use the Cursor keys to zoom in and out of the current
trace. See “Zooming” on page 50.
• [SETTINGS] menu - change measurement parameters. See “The
Settings screens” on page 51.
• [VIEW] menu - change the appearance of the trace.
• [CLOSE] - return to Applications Screen
• [EVENTS] menu - add or delete events and landmarks.
• [ANALYSIS] menu - analyze the trace.
Use the cursor keys to move to the function you require, and press
SELECT again to select it.

NOTE You can also select an option by highlighting the option, then leaving the
popup menu - for example, cursor LEFT to select [ZOOM], UP to select
[FILE], DOWN or RIGHT to select [ANALYSIS], and so on.

NOTE If you do not select any option, the popup menu disappears after
approximately 10 seconds.

When you select [FILE], [CONFIG], [VIEW], [EVENTS], or

[ANALYSIS], you see a list of menu options. Use the UP and DOWN
cursors to move to the option you want, and press SELECT or
To return to the main trace screen, select the <CLOSE .. MENU>
option at the top of the menu.
Figure G-2 on page 303 summarizes the options available in each
menu. For more information, press the HELP key on the Mini-

Select [ZOOM] from the popup menu to zoom in and out of the
current trace. Use the RIGHT and UP keys to zoom in, and the LEFT
and DOWN keys to zoom out.

Getting Started
The Settings screens

You can see a diagram of the full trace showing the segment shown
in the main picture in the bottom left corner of the screen.

NOTE You can zoom around the current marker by selecting Around Marker
mode before selecting [ZOOM]. You enter Around marker mode by
pressing the DOWN key. Press the DOWN key again to restore the full

If you are not in Around Marker mode, the trace is zoomed from the
beginning of the fiber.

Press the SELECT key to return to the main OTDR screen.

1.7 The Settings screens

Select SETTINGS from the popup menu.You see one of the two
Settings menus: Measurement Settings or Trace
Checker Parameters.
You switch between the settings menus by selecting one of the
arrows at the bottom left of the Settings menu (Figure 1-12).

Figure 1-12 Settings menu navigation arrows

To change a parameter in the settings menu, move to the

appropriate box and press SELECT. You can then change the
appropriate parameter.
For details on how to change variables, see steps 3 to 5 in “How to
Set the General Parameters” on page 139.

Getting Started
The Settings screens

NOTE If you want to save the current settings in a file, select Store... to see
the Store menu. Select <SAVE AS..> and specify a filename with the
extension .SET. To recall the saved settings, select <LOAD..> from the
Recall... menu.

You can also recall the saved settings in EasyMode (see “Function
Overview” on page 301).

NOTE Changes made to the settings menu only affect subsequent

measurement acquisitions. However, you can apply the changes that
you have made to a trace that is currently running by pressing RUN/
STOP again.

Getting Started
The Settings screens

The Measurement Settings screen

The Measurement Settings menu contains a list of parameters that
you can set (Figure 1-13).

Figure 1-13 The Measurement Parameters menu

You can change the following parameters:

• Range: the start position and the measurement span. If the
Range displays Auto, the OTDR selects a suitable measurement
range for your fiber.
You can choose from one of the predefined ranges, or select
Range Input.. and input a range of your choice.
• PulseWidth: the length of the pulses launched by the OTDR
into the fiber. Short pulses improve resolution, but longer pulses
are required for higher dynamic on long fibers.

Getting Started
The Settings screens

• Wavelength: laser wavelength. This is only selectable if you

have a dual-wavelength OTDR module. The available
wavelengths depend on how your module has been configured.
• Meas. Mode: The Measurement Mode: Realtime to update
the settings while making a measurement, Averaging to
reduce noise level (normal OTDR measurement mode), or
Continue to continue averaging a measurement that you have
• Auto: Automatic setting. This calculates appropriate values for
Pulsewidth and Range.
Use Automatic settings if you do not know the length of your
fiber. You can then find the length of the fiber, change the
settings and repeat the measurement.
When you select Auto, the Range and PulseWidth are set to
Auto, and suitable values are chosen by the Mini-OTDR.
• Scatter.Coeff.: the scatter coefficient, or how much light
will be scattered back in this fiber. This affects the value of return
loss and reflectance measurements.
• Refr. Ind.: the Refractive index, which describes the
relationship between the speed of light in a vacuum and within a
given medium. The Refractive Index influences the distance
scale of the OTDR.
The Refractive Index can be set to any value between 1.0 and
• Avg. Time: Averaging time of a measurement. The
measurement is stopped automatically when this time has
elapsed. Larger Averaging Times increase the dynamic range by
reducing the noise floor of the OTDR. The specified dynamic
range is reached after 3 minutes.

NOTE This parameter can also be configured to be Number of Averages:

a specified number of measurement acquisitions. Number of Averages
is a power of 2.

Getting Started
The Settings screens

You specify the parameter used for Averaging in the OTDR Settings
page of the Instrument Configuration menus (see “How to Set
the OTDR Settings” on page 144).

• Optimize Mode: Resolution for short fibers, Dynamic

for long fibers, or Standard as a compromise between
Resolution and Dynamic.
• DataPoints: the maximum number of data points. A high
value improves the resolution of the trace, but may limit the
number of traces that you can store in the internal flash disk.
• FrontC. Thres: the Front Connector Threshold. This is a
threshold for reflectance of the Front Connector.
If reflectance is above this threshold, you receive a warning
message, saying Front Connector check failed. If
you see this message, you should clean your Connector.

NOTE If you have chosen Reflection Height (see note below and “How to Set
the OTDR Settings” on page 144), the Front Connector Threshold is
not adjustable.

• Refl. Thres: the Reflectance Threshold. Events with a

Reflectance above this threshold are displayed in the Event Bar
and Event Table.

NOTE The way in which the Reflectance and Front Connector Thresholds are
calculated depends on how you have configured the Reflectance
Parameter in the Instrument Config OTDR Settings screen (see “How
to Set the OTDR Settings” on page 144).

A Reflection Height Threshold value of 0.0 dB, or a Front Connector

Threshold value of -.- dB means that the Threshold is not checked.

• NonRefl Thres: the Non-Reflectance Threshold. Events

with an Insertion Loss above this threshold are displayed in the
Event Bar and Event Table.

Getting Started
The Settings screens

• End Thres: End Threshold. The first Event with an insertion

loss greater than or equal to this value is declared as type End,
and all subsequent Events are ignored. See “How to Set the Fiber
End” on page 103.

The Trace Checker Parameters screen

The Trace Checker Parameters menu allows you to set the limits
checked by the Trace Checker (see “How to Use the Trace
Checker” on page 96).
If any of these limits are exceeded, a fault is detected and reported
in the Trace Checker table.
Events in the Trace Checker Table are listed in order of severity. So,
the Event whose values most exceeds its limits is listed first, with
the remaining Events being listed in order of importance.

Figure 1-14 The Trace Checker Parameters menu

Getting Started
The Settings screens

You can change the following parameters from this screen:

• NRefl. Limit: Non-Reflectance Limit. All Events with an
Insertion Loss greater than this limit are reported in the Trace
Checker Table.
Gainers are never entered in the Trace Checker table. This is
because it is not possible to accurately measure the true
Insertion loss of a gainer without taking a two-way Averaging
The Non-Reflective limit can be anything up to 5 dB. Enter a
value of 0 dB to deactivate this test. If the limit is not active,
you see a value of -.-- dB in the NRefl. Limit edit field.
• Refl. Limit: Reflectance Limit. All Events with a
Reflectance greater than this limit, are reported in the Trace
Checker Table.
So, if the Reflective limit is -30dB, all Events with a
Reflectance greater than -30dB (that is, between -30dB and
0dB) are reported in the Trace Checker Table.
The Reflective limit can be anything up to -65dB. Enter a value
of 0 dB to deactivate this test. If the limit is not active, you see a
value of -.- dB in the Refl. Limit edit field.
• New Events: Check for new events.
If you select New Events, the Trace Check compares the current
trace with the most recent locked Event Table. If the Trace
Check finds any Events which do not appear in the Event Table,
they are reported in the Trace Checker Table.
If you select New Events, you should also set at least one
other parameter in the Trace Checker Param. window.
This feature is best used with a locked Event Table. See “How
to Lock the Event Table” on page 95.
The check for New Events uses the current Scan Trace
• Total Link Loss: Loss over whole fiber. This is calculated
as the loss between the Horizontal Offset (see “How to Set the
Horizontal Offset” on page 101) and the Fiber End.
An End Event must be present before this test can be
performed. See “How to Set the Fiber End” on page 103.

Getting Started
The Settings screens

If the Loss between the Horizontal Offset and the Fiber End is
greater than this limit, this is reported in the Trace Checker
The Total Link Loss limit can be anything up to 50dB. Enter a
value of 0 dB to deactivate this test. If the limit is not active,
you see a value of -.- dB in the Total Link Loss edit
• Attenuation: Attenuation Limit. If the LSA attenuation
between any 2 Events is greater than this limit, the first Event is
reported in the Trace Checker Table.
The Attenuation limit can be anything up to 5.000dB/km. Enter
a value of 0 dB/km to deactivate this test. If the limit is not
active, you see a value of -.-- dB/km in the Attenuation
edit field.
• Event Masking: Specify events to be masked. See “How to
Mask Events” on page 96.
If Event Masking is On, some or all Events are ignored when a
Trace Check is performed. They are therefore never entered into
the Trace Checker Table. If Event Masking is Off, no Events
are masked.
• Link Length: Distance to Fiber End. This is calculated as the
difference between the Horizontal Offset (see “How to Set the
Horizontal Offset” on page 101) and the Fiber End.
An End Event must be present before this test can be
performed. See “How to Set the Fiber End” on page 103.
If the Fiber End Horizontal Offset is more than Length
Tolerance km (see below) from the Link Length, this is reported
in the Trace Checker Table.
In other words, if the Link Length is 100km, and the Length
Tolerance is 2km, the recorded fiber length must be between
98km and 102km, otherwise you see an entry in the Trace
Checker Table.
The Link Length limit can be anything up to 500 km. Enter a
value of 0 km to deactivate this test. If the limit is not active,
you see a value of ---- km in the Link Length edit field.

Getting Started
The File Utilities screen

• Length Tolerance: Accepted margin of error used for

checking the Link Length (see above).
The Length Tolerance limit can be anything up to 50 km. Enter
a value of 0 dB to deactivate this test. If the limit is not active,
you see a value of -.--- km in the Link Tolerance edit
If no Length Tolerance is set, the distance between the
Horizontal Offset and the Fiber End must be exactly the same as
the Link Length.
If no Link Length has been set, the value of the Length
Tolerance is irrelevant.

1.8 The File Utilities screen

You see the File Utilities screen by selecting File Utility from the
Applications screen, or by selecting <UTILITY> from the [FILE]
menu in OTDR mode.

Getting Started
The File Utilities screen

The File Utilities screen allows you to perform standard operations

on one or more files.

Figure 1-15 The File Utilities screen

You can use the UP and DOWN cursors to look at files on the current
device (by default, this is the Mini-OTDR’s internal directory
structure). At the bottom of the screen, you see information about
the currently highlighted file.
Press SELECT to select the highlighted file or directory. When a file
is selected, you see a tick next to it. You may select as many files as
you like.
You may perform the following operations from the File Utilities
Delete: Delete the currently selected file(s).
If no file is selected, this option is grayed.

Getting Started
The File Utilities screen

NOTE If you choose Delete, you are asked to confirm this for each file
selected. You may choose Delete All, to delete every file selected
without being asked to confirm again.

Copy All and Print All offer a similar facility for the Print and
Copy options.

Copy: Copy the currently selected file(s). When you select this
option, you may choose a new directory or a different device.
If no file is selected, this option is grayed.
Print: Print the currently selected file(s).
You must have a printer connected to the Mini-OTDR. For more
information, see “How to Print the Measurement” on page 105.
If no file is selected, this option is grayed.

NOTE You may only print traces. Traces usually have the extension .SOR,
.TRC, or .TPL.

Device: Select a device from INTERNAL, FLOPPY, SRAMCARD,

and FLASHDISK. The files displayed at the left of the File Utilities
screen correspond to the current device.

NOTE Before you select FLOPPY, SRAMCARD, or FLASHDISK, you must insert
a floppy disk, an SRAM Card, or a Flash Disk as appropriate.

See “Inserting and Removing a Floppy Disk, Flash Disk, or SRAM

Card” on page 74 for details.

Format: Format a device. You may choose between Internal,

Flash Disk, SRamCard and Floppy.

WARNING Formatting a device will destroy all data on the device.

If you try to format the internal device, your configuration is lost and
your Mini-OTDR must be reconfigured.

Getting Started

RmDir: Delete a directory. After you have selected RmDir move

to the directory you want to delete, changing device if necessary.
Then cursor RIGHT to Delete and press SELECT.

NOTE You cannot delete a directory if there are any files in that directory.

MkDir: Create a new directory. When you have selected MkDir

enter a name using the on-screen keyboard. You are now able to
save files in the new directory.
Reclaim: Reclaim the internal memory. This may be necessary if
you have deleted a number of files and require the maximum
possible contiguous memory for storing new files.

1.9 EasyMode

You enter EasyMode by selecting Easy OTDR from the

Applications screen. You see a trace screen like that in OTDR

Getting Started

mode. However, when you press SELECT to see the popup menu, a
more limited range of options is available.

Figure 1-16 EasyMode popup menu

The following functions are available on the EasyMode popup

• [CANCEL] - exit the popup menu.
• [SAVE] - save the current file. [SAVE] is equivalent to
[FILE]<SAVE AS..> in OTDR mode. See “How to Save the
Measurement” on page 109
• [PRINT]- print the current trace. [PRINT] is equivalent to
[FILE]<PRINT> in OTDR mode. See “How to Print the
Measurement” on page 105.
• [ZOOM] - zoom in and out of the current trace, as in the OTDR
Mode popup menu option. See “Zooming” on page 50.

Getting Started
Getting Help

• [SETTINGS] - read settings from a template or a settings file.

A template (“.TPL”) contains values from the Settings menu and
Event Table which you can save before entering EasyMode. See
“How to Read from a Presaved Template” on page 160.
A settings file (“.SET”) just contains values from the Settings
menu. See the note on page 52.
• [OFFSET] - change the offset. Use the cursors to move the vertical
position of the trace on the screen. [OFFSET] is equivalent to
• [CLOSE] - return to Applications Screen, as in the OTDR Mode
popup menu option.
• [EVENTS] - show or hide the Event Table. Equivalent to
[VIEW]<EVENT TABLE> in OTDR mode. See “How to Use the
Event Table” on page 93.
• [TASK] - Enter Task Mode. Task mode enables you to view a
series of fibers with up to 4 preset measurement setups.
See “How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset Measurement
Setups” on page 161.
Use the cursor keys to move to the function you require, and press
SELECT again to select it.

1.10 Getting Help

To get help on the Mini-OTDR you press the help key ? to activate
the online documentation. The key can be found in the lower right-
hand corner of the instrument

Getting Started
Getting Help

Press SELECT to see the Help screen of the item currently

highlighted. Alternatively, cursor right to Index, and select one of
the listed screen.

Figure 1-17 The Mini-OTDR’s Help Display

To leave the online documentation and resume your task, press the
HELP key again. Alternatively, cursor right to Done and press

Getting Started
Getting Help


2 Additional Features
Additional Features

This chapter introduces additional features of the HP E6000A

Mini-OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer). Here you will
find descriptions of how an OTDR works, and how you can add
external features to your Mini-OTDR.

Additional Features
How the OTDR Works

2.1 How the OTDR Works

The OTDR repeatedly outputs an optical pulse into the connected

fiber and measures the reflections from this pulse. The trace
displayed on the screen is a graph of this reflected power
(backscatter) as a function of the distance along the fiber.

Events are changes in the fiber causing the trace to deviate from a
straight line. Events can be Reflective or Non-Reflective.
Reflective Events occur when some of the pulse energy is reflected,
for example at a connector. Reflective Events produce a spike in the
trace (you see a steep rise and fall in the graph: see the first diagram
Non-Reflective Events occur at parts of the fiber where there is
some loss but no light is reflected. Non-Reflective Events produce a
dip on the trace (see the second diagram below).

Figure 2-1 Reflective (Left) and Non-Reflective (Right) Events

The OTDR calculates the distance of such an “event” in the fiber

from the time it takes the reflected signal to return. The further

Additional Features
How the OTDR Works

away an event is, the longer it takes for its reflection to return to the
By examining the trace of the reflected signal, the parameters of the
fiber and the connectors, splices and so on can be determined.

What You Can Measure with the OTDR

The OTDR displays the relative power of the returned signal
against distance. With this information important characteristics of
a link are determined:
• the location (distance) of events on the link, the end of the link
or a break,
• the attenuation coefficient of the fiber in the link,
• the loss of an individual event (for example a splice), or the total
end-to-end loss of the link,
• the magnitude of the reflection (or reflectance) of an event, such
as a connector.
• the cumulative loss to an event can be measured automatically.
A fully automatic function is available for these measurements. The
OTDR sets itself up to achieve the best results.
In addition to these features the OTDR is able to compare
measurement results:
• You can load up to two traces and display them on the OTDR’s
• Scan Trace is a full automatic analysis of the trace that locates:
• Reflective events resulting from connections and mechanical
• Non-reflective events (typically fusion splices).
• Fiber End: the end of the fiber.
The Mini-OTDR detects the fiber end by scanning the trace
for the first Event with an insertion loss greater than the End

Additional Features
External connections

Threshold. See “How to Set the Fiber End” on page 103 for
more details.
As a result, the event parameters’ loss, reflectance, and distance
are calculated and listed.

2.2 External connections

Figure 2-2 shows the external connections to the Mini-OTDR.

Figure 2-2 Mini-OTDR external connections

There are 3 flaps on top of the Mini-OTDR:

• Under the left flap you see switches. See “Switches” below.
• Under the middle flap you see the floppy disk drive and the
PCMCIA Slot for 2 MB SRAM cards or flash disks. For

Additional Features
External connections

more information, see “Inserting and Removing a Floppy

Disk, Flash Disk, or SRAM Card” on page 74.
• Under the right flap you see interfaces to connect with
Centronics and RS232.
• You can attach a shoulder strap to points on either side of the
Mini-OTDR. See “Adding a Shoulder Strap” on page 75.
• You insert the battery behind the flap in the bottom right corner
of the Mini-OTDR. See “Inserting and Removing a Battery” on
page 78.
• You can insert a submodule if you have already inserted a
module into the back of the Mini-OTDR. See “Inserting and
Removing a Submodule” on page 77

Additional Features
External connections

You can see a number of switches and other features under the flap
at the top left of the Mini-OTDR:

Figure 2-3 Switches and other features (viewed from behind the Mini-OTDR)

• You change the brightness of the picture with the backlight

• You change the contrast of the picture with the contrast switch.
• You use the DC input connector when you want to attach an AC/
DC connector. See “Connecting an AC/DC Adapter” on page 82
for more details.
• You turn the Mini-OTDR on and off with the power on switch.
The power on switch can be activated when the flap is up or

Additional Features
External connections

Inserting and Removing a Floppy Disk, Flash Disk, or


Figure 2-4 Inserting a Floppy Disk, Flash Disk, and SRAM Card

To insert a floppy disk, flash disk, or 2 MB SRAM card, open the

center flap at the top of the Mini-OTDR (see Figure 2-4). You see
two slots here - at the front there is a PCMCIA slot for an SRAM
card or a flash disk; at the back there is a slot for floppy disks.

Additional Features
External connections

Adding a Shoulder Strap

Figure 2-5 Adding hinges for the shoulder strap

Additional Features
External connections

You can attach a shoulder strap to the connection points on the left
and right sides of the Mini-OTDR.
The shoulder strap has a hinge at each end, consisting of a black
knob and a larger ring on the strap itself (see Figure 2-5).
To attach the strap, push in the ring. Do not try to attach the strap
by pushing in the knob.
To remove the shoulder strap, pull the black knob away from the

Additional Features
External connections

Inserting and Removing a Submodule

NOTE You should switch off your Mini-OTDR before inserting or removing a

Figure 2-6 Inserting a submodule

Additional Features
Battery Handling

1 Insert a module
The submodules E6006A and E6007A go in the submodule slot at
the top of main Mini-OTDR modules. Follow the steps in “Inserting
and Removing a Module” on page 37.
2 Lift the Connector cover and rotate the module catches
If you are looking at the Mini-OTDR from the front, the submodule
slot is under the left Connector Cover on the module. The
submodule will only fit into the module if the module catches run
parallel to the screen, that is if the module is unlocked.
3 Now insert the submodule
The submodule slips easily in and out of its slot (Figure 2-6). When
the submodule is in place, you can now connect an Optical Output
Connector and a fiber, and lock the module.

2.3 Battery Handling

Inserting and Removing a Battery

The battery should be inserted in the slot at the foot of the Mini-
OTDR (see Figure 2-7.)

Additional Features
Battery Handling

NOTE Only use the HP spare NiMH battery pack (Product Number E6000-
68950) or comparable batteries. Other batteries may be damaged by
the Mini-OTDR battery charger.

Figure 2-7 Removing a Battery

Before inserting or removing the battery, pull down the cap at the
bottom of the right-hand side of the machine. The battery will then
slide in and out.

Additional Features
Battery Handling

Once you have inserted or removed the battery, replace the cap

CAUTION Do not insert the battery while operating the instrument.

Charging the Batteries

The Mini-OTDR has a built-in charger. It is able to charge the
battery operating or non-operating. Fast-charge is typically
performed non-operating in 2 hours.
• When you charge the battery for the first time, insert the battery
and connect the AC-Adapter (see “Connecting an AC/DC
Adapter” on page 82).
• If your battery is new or it has been in storage for a long time,
you may need to charge it two or three times to achieve optimum
performance levels.
• For the best battery performance and accuracy of the fuel gauge
(showing percentage use of the battery), completely discharge
the battery, then make a complete fast charge cycle (non-
operating), and completely discharge the battery again.

NOTE You must ensure that the charging cycle is not interrupted by a battery
discharge, and that the discharge cycle is not interrupted by battery

• It is best if you charge the battery at a limited and controlled

temperature (10°C to 35°C, 50°F to 95°F).
• It is normal for the battery to become warm during charging or
after use.
• When completely charged, the battery will discharge down to
80% before a new charging cycle is activated.

Additional Features
Battery Handling

Battery Storage
• Remove your battery from the Mini-OTDR when not in use.
Store at room temperature (59°F to 86°F, 15°C to 30°C), and in
a dry place for optimal performance.
• A charged battery will gradually lose its charge if left in storage.
It is therefore better if you top-off the charge before use.
• It is good practise to recharge the battery every 2-3 months
during storage.

Battery safety
Your battery has passed a UL-listed safety test. For the best results,
wipe the battery with a soft dry cloth if it becomes dirty.
Do not disassemble or attempt to open the battery under any
• The battery can explode, leak or catch fire if heated or exposed
to fire or high temperatures.
• Do not short circuit the battery by directly connecting the metal
terminals (+,-). Be certain that no metal objects such as coins,
paper clips and so on touch the terminals.
• Do not drop the battery or subject it to mechanical shock.

Additional Features
Battery Handling

Connecting an AC/DC Adapter

Figure 2-8 Connecting an AC/DC Adapter

To connect an AC/DC adapter charger, open the flap at the top of

the Mini-OTDR (on the left-hand side when viewed from the front).
You see an input connector next to the On/Off button. Attach the
lead from the charger to this connector (Figure 2-8).


3 Sample Sessions: Measuring

a Trace
Sample Sessions:
Measuring a Trace

This chapter contains a number of sample sessions of step-by step

guides showing how to use common features of the Mini-OTDR.
In these sample sessions we use:
• A Mini-OTDR HP E6000A with an optical module HP E6003A
(1310/1550 nm, single-mode).
• A length of fiber of about 40 km, terminated at one end with a
Diamond HMS-10/HP connector and unterminated at the other
end. The fiber has a refractive index of 1.462, and is to be used
at a wavelength of 1310 nm.
• A connector interface to match the connector on the fiber being
The sample sessions in this chapter show you how to do the
• Set up your Mini-OTDR,
• Run a Measurement: Automatically, Manually, and in Real
• Use the Event Table and Trace Checker,
• Set the Horizontal Offset and Fiber End,
• Print and Save the Measurement.
You can see some further Sample Sessions in the following

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Connect the Fiber

3.1How to Connect the Fiber

Connecting the fiber to the Mini-OTDR is very easy. You do not

need any tools.
1 Clean the connectors. See “Cleaning Fiber/Panel Connectors”
on page 289.
2 Attach the required optical connector interface to the optical
output. See “Adding a Connector Interface” on page 39.
3 Connect the fiber to this interface.
4 Turn on the Instrument.

3.2 How to Change the Refractive Index Setting

To get the most accurate distance measurements, you have to enter

the correct refractive index of your fiber:

NOTE This example shows you how to set the Refractive Index setting. You can
set other parameters from the Measurement Settings page in a similar

1 Switch on your OTDR. If you see the Applications screen, select

OTDR Mode. You see an empty trace screen with two markers
(Figure 1-7).
2 Select [SETTINGS] from the popup menu. You see a menu headed
Measurement Settings (see Figure 1-13 on page 53 and
Figure 1-14 on page 56).
3 If you are not already viewing the Meas. Parameter page
(Figure 1-13), cursor to either of the arrows at the bottom left of
the screen. Press SELECT to bring up the next page.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Change the Refractive Index Setting

4 Use the Cursor keys to move to the <REFR. IND.> box, and press
5 Use the Cursor keys to alter the Refractive Index. Use the LEFT
and RIGHT keys to move to a different digit. Use the UP and
DOWN keys to change the value of the highlighted digit.

Figure 3-1 Altering the Refractive Index

6 When you have the Index you want, move to OK and press the
7 Move to OK in the Measurement Settings menu and press
the SELECT key.

NOTE Parameters changed in the [SETTINGS] page only affect subsequent

traces. The current trace is unaltered.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Make an Automatic Measurement

If you alter the settings while a measurement is running, press RUN/

STOP again to start a new trace with the parameters that you have just

NOTE You can alter the Refractive Index Setting for just the current trace by
selecting <ADJUST REFR.IND/DIST> from the [ANALYSIS] menu.

3.3 How to Make an Automatic Measurement

NOTE Before you run a trace, you may want to make the correct settings and
configure your instrument.

See “How to Change the Refractive Index Setting” on page 85, “How to
Set the General Configuration” on page 139, “How to Set the OTDR
Settings” on page 144, and “How to Set the Trace Information” on
page 146.

To let the Mini-OTDR set up itself for the measurement:

1 Select [SETTINGS] from the OTDR Mode popup menu.
2 If you are not already viewing the Meas. Parameter page
(Figure 1-13), cursor to either of the arrows at the bottom left of
the screen. Press SELECT to bring up the next page.
3 Cursor up to <AUTO> and press SELECT. Automatic settings are
now enabled.
You see the text Auto in the Range and PulseWidth boxes,
and the Mini-OTDR selects suitable settings for your fiber.
4 Exit the SETTINGS menu by selecting OK.
5 Select [VIEW] from the popup menu. You see a list of menu
6 If there is a tick next to <AUTO SCAN>, Automatic Scanning is

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Make an Automatic Measurement

already enabled. If Automatic Scanning is not enabled. move

down to <AUTO SCAN> and press SELECT or cursor right.
7 Leave the menu by cursor left, or selecting <CLOSE VIEW
8 Press the RUN/STOP hardkey.
The light behind the RUN/STOP hardkey goes on. After a short
initializing phase, the OTDR displays the first result.
9 Press the RUN/STOP hardkey, or wait for the end of the
measurement time, as indicated in the lower right corner.
The light behind the RUN/STOP hardkey goes off. No more
samples are being taken.
The OTDR now generates an Event Table and displays the
Event Table and Event Bar, if you have requested them from the
[VIEW] menu.

NOTE If you have a color Mini-OTDR (E6000A option 003), you can select
whether or not the current display is color by the VIEW - PREFERENCES
option COLOR MODE.

A color screen is usually preferable, but if you are working outside, with
light reflecting on your screen, you may wish to switch to a monochrome

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Run a Manual Measurement

3.4 How to Run a Manual Measurement

When you already know about the fiber under test, you can set the
parameters exactly. This section describes how to setup and run a
measurement manually.

How to Change the Measurement Span

1 Select [SETTINGS] from the OTDR Mode popup menu.
2 If you are not already viewing the Meas. Parameter page
(Figure 1-13), cursor to either of the arrows at the bottom left of
the screen. Press SELECT to bring up the next page.
3 Move to <RANGE> and press SELECT. You see a list of preset
typical ranges.
4 Highlight a preset range and press SELECT.
4 Select <RANGE INPUT>, and use the Cursor keys to control the
start and span values.

NOTE If you want the Mini-OTDR to select a suitable range for your fiber, you
can select Auto at the bottom left of the Settings screen.

How to Change the Optimization Mode

1 If you are not still in the Measurement Settings menu,
select [SETTINGS] from the popup menu.
2 If you are not already viewing the Meas. Parameter page
(Figure 1-13), cursor to either of the arrows at the bottom left of
the screen. Press SELECT to bring up the next page.
3 Move to <OPTIMIZE MODE> and press SELECT. You see three
4 If you want to increase the dynamic range of the measurement,

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Run a Manual Measurement

move to <DYNAMIC> and press SELECT.

5 Exit the Settings menu by selecting OK.

NOTE Parameters changed in the [SETTINGS] page only affect subsequent

traces. The current trace is unaltered.

The parameter values displayed on the Trace Screen always refer to the
current trace. Any parameter that has been changed for subsequent
traces is grayed.

NOTE If you alter the settings while a measurement is running, press RUN/
STOP to start a new trace with the parameters that you have just set.

How to Run the Measurement

Now that you have set the range correctly, the measurement can be
1 Press the blue RUN/STOP hardkey.
2 Wait for the trace to become free of noise. This takes some
seconds. Alternatively, wait until the measurement time expires.
3 Press the RUN/STOP hardkey.

NOTE If you have selected <AUTO SCAN> from the [VIEW] menu, the OTDR
has automatically scanned the trace for events. You can view the events
by selecting [VIEW]<EVENT TABLE> or [VIEW]<EVENT BAR>.

To scan an existing trace, select [ANALYSIS]<SCANTRACE>

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Alter measurements in real time

3.5 How to Alter measurements in real time

1 Select [SETTINGS] from the OTDR Mode popup menu.

2 If you are not already viewing the Meas. Parameter page
(Figure 1-13), cursor to either of the arrows at the bottom left of
the screen. Press SELECT to bring up the next page.
3 Move to <MEAS.MODE> and press SELECT. Select Realtime
from the menu, and confirm by selecting OK.
4 Start a measurement by pressing the RUN/STOP key. You see a
dialog box saying Realtime Measurement Started.
5 Select [SETTINGS] from the popup menu. You now see a smaller
settings screen above the trace. This screen shows variables that

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Alter measurements in real time

can be changed while the measurement is running.

Figure 3-2 Realtime settings menu

6 Move to a parameter that you want to change and press SELECT.

7 Use the UP and DOWN cursors to alter the value of the parameter.
When you have the value you want, press SELECT.
8 Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you have the settings you require.
9 Cursor RIGHT to Averaging and press SELECT. The
Measurement Mode has now been changed back to Averaging.

NOTE If you select OK, the measurement stays in Realtime.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Event Table

3.6 How to Use the Event Table

You can also add events By default, the OTDR automatically scans the trace for non-
manually. See the online reflective events (for example splices) and reflective events (for
documentation for further example connectors). These events are shown on the event bar and
information. in the event table.

NOTE If you do not want traces to be scanned automatically, select <AUTO

SCAN> in the [VIEW] menu. There will now no longer be a tick beside

To reactivate automatic scanning, select [VIEW]<AUTO SCAN> again.

This section describes how to read the event table.

How to Display the Event Table

To display the event table on the screen:
1 Select [VIEW] from the popup menu.
2 If you do not have an Event Table visible above the trace, there
will be no tick next to <EVENT TABLE>. Cursor DOWN to

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Event Table

<EVENT TABLE> and press the SELECT key.

Figure 3-3 The Event Table

For each event in the table, you can see the type of the event and its
location. You also see the following measurement results:
• The reflectance of the event.
• The insertion loss of the event.
• The attenuation between this event and the next one.
• The cumulative loss, that is the sum of the splice, reflectance,
and attenuation loss up to the point of the current event.

NOTE If you activate [VIEW]<SNAP TO EVENT>, as you cursor up and down

the Event Table, the highlighted marker moves to the highlighted event.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Event Table

In the Event Table, you see a box around the Event nearest to the
highlighted marker (if not in Snap to Event. If <SNAP TO EVENT> is
active, the maker is inverted).

How to Lock the Event Table

3 Select [EVENTS] from the popup menu. Select <LOCK EVENT
The first 3 columns in the Event Table (No., Type and
Location) are locked.
Subsequent Scan Traces do not look for new events. However
the measurements for existing Events are recalculated with each
new Scan Trace.

Figure 3-4 Taking a New Measurement with a Locked Event Table

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Trace Checker

To unlock the Event Table, select <LOCK EVENT TABLE> again.

If you change the parameters for the next measurement, the
table is automatically unlocked.

NOTE You should only lock the event table if you are making measurements
on the same fiber, or one that is very similar.

If you measure a different fiber with different results, the displayed

events will not produce useful measurements.

3.7 How to Use the Trace Checker

How to Set the Trace Checker Parameters

1 Select [SETTINGS] from the OTDR Mode popup menu.
2 If you are not already viewing the Trace Checker
Parameters page (Figure 1-14), cursor to either of the arrows
at the bottom left of the screen.
Press SELECT to bring up the next page.
3 Set the limits as required.
For more information, see “The Trace Checker Parameters
screen” on page 56.

How to Mask Events

4 Cursor to the Event Masking edit box, and press SELECT.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Trace Checker

You see a window asking you to mark Events to be masked

(Figure 3-5). The Events that are already masked have a tick
beside their entry.

Figure 3-5 Select Event Masking

5 Cursor to the Event(s) to be masked (or unmasked), and press

6 When all required Events are selected, select Ok.

NOTE To select all Events for masking, select Do All.

To deselect all events select Do All again.

Masked Events are not checked by subsequent Trace Checks. This

means that these Events will not appear in the Trace Checker Table.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Trace Checker

Masked Events are indicated by a x between the entries for No.

and Type in the Event Table.

NOTE You can mask an individual event by selecting <MASK AN EVENT> from
the [EVENTS] menu.

7 Select OK to exit the Measurement Settings screen.

How to run the Trace Checker

8 If you don’t already have a trace loaded, take a trace as normal,
either using the RUN/STOP key, or by opening an existing file
using <OPEN..> from the FILE menu.
9 If you are checking for New Events, lock the Event Table.
See “How to Lock the Event Table” on page 95.
10 Select <TRACE CHECKER> from the [ANALYSIS] menu.
The Trace Checker checks the current trace against limits set
above. You see a message Trace Checker active.., at
the top of your Trace screen.

NOTE If you have not set any Trace Checker Param. Limits, no Trace Check
is performed.

If there is no current trace, no Trace Check is performed and you see

an error message.

11 After the Trace Check has been performed, you see the message
Trace checking done! at the top of your Trace screen.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Trace Checker

You are told whether the check has passed or failed (for
example, Figure 3-6).

Figure 3-6 Trace Check failed message

What you see depends on the test result, and the current
configuration of your Mini-OTDR:
• Trace Check passed: you see PASSED at the top right of your
Mini-OTDR screen.
• Trace Check failed, Trace Checker Table not displayed: you
see the screen in Figure 3-6.
• Trace Check failed: Trace Checker Table already showing:
you see a FAILED message and the Trace Checker Table is
This example assumes the second case (Trace Checker failed, no
Trace Checker Table displayed).
12 Select Details to continue.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Use the Trace Checker

You now see the new Trace Checker Table (Figure 3-7).

Figure 3-7 Trace Checker Table

Events in the Trace Checker Table are listed in order of severity. So,
the Event whose values most exceeds its limits is listed first, with
the remaining Events being listed in order of importance.
The Trace Checker table gives you the following information:
• The number and location of the Event.
• The limit that has been exceeded (Reason) (see “The Trace
Checker Parameters screen” on page 56). This relates the
parameters in the Settings screen.

NOTE The Reason given refers to the exceeded limit and not to the type of

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Set the Horizontal Offset

So, a Reflective Event can be reported as both Reflect and Non-

Reflect, depending on the limit exceeded.

• The value of the Limit which has been exceeded.

• The actual Value recorded.
• The number of the Event at which the limit has been exceeded
(Relat. Evt. No.).
For Link Loss and Link Length (over the whole fiber), this is
the End Event.
The Trace Checker Table is also included in a printout. See “How to
Print the Measurement” on page 105.

NOTE If you want to perform a Trace Check whenever a Scan Trace is

performed, select <AUTO TRACE CHECK> from the [VIEW] menu.

NOTE If you want to view the Trace Checker Table, or to stop viewing it, select
<TRACE CHECKER TABLE> from the [VIEW] menu.

You cannot see the Trace Checker Table and the Event Table
simultaneously. This means that selecting the Trace Checker Table
deselects the Event Table, and vice versa.

3.8 How to Set the Horizontal Offset

You use the Horizontal Offset to set all distances (for example the
marker position, or locations in the Event Table) relative to this
point. You do this as follows.
1 Move your marker to the point where you want to set the offset.
If you want to precisely position the marker, press the DOWN
Cursor to view around the marker.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Set the Horizontal Offset

2 Select the menu option [VIEW]<SET H-OFFSET to A>

NOTE If the current marker is marker B, the submenu option will be called

The position of the current marker is now set to 0 km and distances

are reset accordingly (Figure 3-8).

Figure 3-8 Trace with Horizontal Offset set

If you move the marker away from the offset, you see a dashed
vertical line marking the offset. Printouts also contain this line (see
“How to Print the Measurement” on page 105).

NOTE Landmarks are always positioned relative to 0 km, while Events have
an absolute position on the fiber.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Set the Fiber End

This means that when you set a Horizontal Offset, the location distance
of the landmark stays the same, but the position of Events changes by
the amount of the Offset.

By default, all Events to the left of the Offset are displayed in the
Event Table and the Event Bar at the foot of the trace

How to Hide Events before the Offset

3 Select the menu option [VIEW]<EVENTS BEFORE OFFSET>
Events to the left of the Horizontal offset are now hidden in the
Event Bar and Event Table.
Events to the left of the horizontal offset have negative distances
in the Location column of the Event Table.

How to Clear the Horizontal Offset

4 Select the menu option [VIEW]<CLEAR H-OFFSET>.
The offset is cleared, and you see all events in the Event Table
and Event Bar even if Events Before Offset is not set.

NOTE If you change the Measurement Span in the [SETTINGS] menu, and the
Horizontal Offset does not lie inside the range of the current span, the
Horizontal Offset is also deleted.

3.9 How to Set the Fiber End

1 Select [SETTINGS] from the OTDR Mode popup menu.
2 If you are not already viewing the Meas. Parameter page
(Figure 1-13), cursor to either of the arrows at the bottom left of
the screen. Press SELECT to bring up the next page.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Set the Fiber End

3 Cursor to End Thres. and press SELECT. Follow “How to

change a numerical setting” on page 141 to select a new
threshold value.
If you select an end threshold of, for example, 3.0 dB, an End
will be set at the first event with an insertion loss of 3 dB or
more. If you select a threshold of 0 dB, no End will be set.
4 Select [ANALYSIS]<SCAN TRACE> to run a scan trace.
The first Event which exceeds the specified End Threshold is
now set to type End, and subsequent Events are ignored.
4 Use the Cursors to move the current marker to an Event.
Select [EVENTS]<DECLARE END> from the popup menu. An
End is set at the event near the current marker.

NOTE If the current marker is not at an event, no End is set.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Print the Measurement

The end Event is listed as type End in the Event table, and marked
on the Event Bar with a special symbol (see Figure 3-9). All events
to the right of the End Event are removed.

Figure 3-9 Trace with an End set at Marker A

If you add an Event after the End (<ADD REFL. EVENT> or <ADD
NON-REFL. EVENT> from the [EVENTS] menu), the End is removed,
and its Event reverts to its original type.

3.10 How to Print the Measurement

This example demonstrates how to print the results of a


Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Print the Measurement

NOTE You may need to configure your printer before you can print a trace.

See “How to Set up the Printer Configuration” on page 149.

1 Attach an external printer to the Centronics interface of the

Mini-OTDR. See “The Mini-OTDR module” on page 36.
Either (print the current trace):
2 Select [FILE] from the popup menu. Cursor DOWN to the
<PRINT> option. and press SELECT.
Or (print a stored trace):
2 Select [FILE] from the popup menu. Cursor DOWN to the
<UTILITIES> option. Select the file(s) that you want to print listed
in the menu at the left of the File Utilities screen.
Cursor RIGHT, and select <PRINT>.

NOTE Usually, you only see “.SOR” and “.TRC” files, unless you select the
All Files button.

NOTE Printing from the File Utilities menu allows you to Batch Print, that is
select more than one file to be printed.

The measurement is printed after a short initialization period.

Printing will take approximately 1-2 minutes. A printer icon will
appear towards the bottom right of the screen while the print is
The print gives you:
• The measurement parameters that show further trace
information, detailed instrument information, and the most
important parameters (range, pulsewidth, and so on).
• The trace.
• Information about the markers (position, attenuation, loss, and
so on).

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Print the Measurement

• The event table.

• The horizontal offset (marked as a dotted vertical line on the
• The Labels and Comments set in “How to Set the Trace
Information” on page 146.
• The Trace Checker Table. See “How to Use the Trace Checker”
on page 96.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Print the Measurement

This gives you all the information necessary to document the

measurement, or to repeat it using the same parameters.

Figure 3-10 Typical Printout

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Save the Measurement

NOTE You can print a screen hardcopy by pressing and holding the HELP key
for 4 seconds. A correctly configured printer must be attached.

3.11 How to Save the Measurement

Saving a measurement not only saves the results, but also saves the
parameter measurement, event table, and horizontal offset.
When you recall the measurement later, you can do further
analyzing, or compare it with other measurements. You can also
repeat the measurement using exactly the same parameters as the
first time.
To save the measurement on the Mini-OTDR’s internal memory:
1 Select [FILE] from the popup menu.
2 Cursor DOWN to the <SAVE AS...> option. and press SELECT.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Save the Measurement

You see a screen listing the current files on the device.

Figure 3-11 The Save menu

3 If you want to save the file on a different device (for example, a

floppy disk), select Device, and choose the device that you

How to save with the default name

4 The default name is written under Name: on the right. The file
name by default follows the scheme Tmmdd_nn.SOR, where
mm is the current month, dd is the current day and nn is the
consecutive number of the measurements saved on that date
If you want to save to this name, select Save.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Save the Measurement

How to save with an existing name

4 Cursor left to the Internal File Directory. The Internal File
Directory is a list of all .SOR and .TPL files in the current
directory. You can navigate to parent or subdirectories.
Select one of the filenames in the internal directory. The listed
default name is changed, and you can follow the step above.

NOTE If you want to see all files in the directory, not just*.SOR and *.TPL,
select the All Files button first.

The default name is written under Name: on the right. The file
name by default follows the scheme Tmmdd_nn.SOR, where
mm is the current month, dd is the current day and nn is the
consecutive number of the measurements saved on that date
If you want to save to this name, select Save

How to save with a new name

4 Select New Name. A keyboard appears where you can select
letters for a new file name. Use Del to delete unwanted
characters, and select OK to confirm the new name. The file is
automatically given the suffix .SOR.

Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace
How to Save the Measurement


4 Sample Sessions: Analyzing

an Existing Trace
Sample Sessions:
Analyzing an Existing
Chapter 3 “Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace” showed you how
to measure a trace, and to make simple settings.
This chapter contains further step-by step guides showing what you
can do to analyze a trace after it has been measured.
The sample sessions in this chapter show you how to do the
• Add a Landmark and Event Comment,
• Add Reflective and Non-Reflective Events,
• Measure Total Loss, Reflectance, and Insertion Loss,
• Display and Compare Two Traces,
• Add a Logo.
If you have not used a Mini-OTDR before, you should first read the
previous chapter. The equipment used in this chapter is the same as

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Landmark or Event Comment

4.1 How to Add a Landmark or Event Comment

There are 2 ways of documenting points on a fiber:

• A landmark documents a point on the fiber. For example, if
there is a man hole 20 km from the start of the fiber, you can add
a landmark at 20 km.
• An event comment documents a particular event. The position
of the event comment can change, for example if you change the
refractive index of the fiber.
Both landmarks and event comments can help identify the physical
location of an event.

How to Add a Landmark

1 Move your marker near the point you wish to mark.
So, for example, if you want to add a landmark at 20 km, use
the LEFT and RIGHT cursors to move the current marker to
around 20.00 km.
2 Press the Down cursor to view around the marker. Move the
marker so that it is at the exact point you require.
3 Select [EVENTS] from the popup menu
4 Select the submap entry <LANDMARK><ADD/MOD.>.
You see a screen keyboard asking you to enter the Landmark
text (Figure 4-1).

NOTE If there is a landmark near to the marker, but not at exactly the same
position, you see a dialog asking Modify landmark at xxx km ?

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Landmark or Event Comment

If you select No, you see an empty text field where you can add a new
landmark name. If you select Yes, the edit field contains the text for the
existing landmark.

Figure 4-1 Landmark text box

5 Use the screen keyboard to add a landmark name.

Move to the letters you want, and press the SELECT key. Move
to Del to delete the previous character, and to CAPS to change
the case of subsequent letters
6 When you have finished the Landmark text, move to OK and
press the SELECT key.
The landmark is now shown on the Event Bar and in the Event
Table. You can specify whether the Event Bar and Event Table are
shown from the [VIEW] menu.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Landmark or Event Comment

NOTE You can save landmarks by selecting [EVENTS]<LANDMARK><SAVE

AS...>. Previously saved landmarks can be loaded by

How to Add an Event Comment

1 Select the appropriate event in the event table, or position the
marker at an event.
You can position the marker more accurately if you press the
DOWN cursor to view around the marker.
2 Select [EVENTS] from the popup menu
3 Select the menu option <ADD/MOD. EVENT COMMENT>.
4 You see a screen keyboard, similar to Figure 4-1.
If there is already a comment for this Event, you see the label
for the Event in the Event comment text: edit field.
Otherwise, the edit field is empty.
5 Use the screen keyboard to add a Comment. When you have
entered the Comment, move to OK and press the SELECT key.
6 When you have finished the Event Comment text, move to OK
and press the SELECT key.
The Comment is now shown under the Event in the Event Table.
You can specify whether the Event Table is shown from the [VIEW]

NOTE To delete an Event Comment, move to the Event and select <DELETE
EVENT COMMENT> from the [EVENTS] menu.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

Figure 4-2 shows an Event Table containing a landmark and event

comment. The landmark is also marked in the Event Bar at the foot
of the trace.

Figure 4-2 Landmark and Event Comment

4.2 How to Add a Reflective Event

If your trace contains a Reflective Event that has not been detected
by your Scan Trace, you can add an Event manually, as described

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

1 Use the LEFT and RIGHT cursors to move a marker to the position
where you want to add the Event.
To position the marker more accurately, press DOWN to zoom
around the marker.
2 Select the menu item [EVENTS]<ADD/MOD. REFL. EVENT>.

NOTE If your marker is already at an existing Event, you are asked if you want
to modify this Event.

How to Set the Level-Markers for Measuring

You now see 3 level-markers on the trace, and a message box
asking you to adjust the level-markers (Figure 4-3). Below this
message, you see 4 buttons labeled Zoom, Marker, Cancel, and

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

Two level-markers are to the left of the Event, and are joined by a
regression line. A third level-marker is to the right of the Event.

Figure 4-3 Level-markers for analyzing reflectance

3 Press SELECT to continue.

The Ok box above the trace is now highlighted.
You can now use your LEFT and RIGHT cursors to highlight any
of the other buttons, and SELECT to select the highlighted

How to Zoom while Adding an Event

If the level-markers are too close together, or outside the screen
area, you may want to change the horizontal and vertical zooming.
You do this as follows:
4 Cursor left to Zoom, and press SELECT.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

You now see a message saying Add Reflective Event

change the zoom.
5 Use your Cursor to change the zoom as required.
See “Zooming” on page 50.
6 When the zooming is as you want it, press SELECT to continue.

NOTE You exit zoom directly into Marker mode. This is the mode that you
enter when you select Marker from the message box.

How to adjust the level-markers.

7 If you are not already in marker mode, cursor to Marker, and
press SELECT.
You see a message in the box above the trace telling you to
adjust the level-markers.
You adjust the level-markers by moving the position of the
current marker (marker A or marker B).
8 Use your LEFT and RIGHT cursors to move the current marker
(marker A or marker B) to the Event.
9 Press UP to acknowledge the marker position.
The first level-marker is now highlighted.
10 Use your LEFT cursor to move the first level-marker as far left as
you can.
11 Press Up to acknowledge the position of the first level-marker.
The second level-marker is now highlighted.
12 Use your RIGHT cursor to move the second level-marker as close
as you can to the Event.
You cannot move this marker to the right of the current marker
(marker A/marker B).
13 Press UP to acknowledge the position of the second level-
The third level-marker is now highlighted.
14 Use your LEFT and RIGHT cursors to move the third level-marker

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

to the peak of the reflection.

15 If any of the level-markers are not correctly positioned, press UP
to return to step 8.
The regression line at the left of the marker now shows the path
of the trace. The level-marker to the right of the marker should
be at the peak of the Event (Figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4 Measuring Reflectance: setting the level-markers

NOTE As you move the level-markers, the Reflectance value in the Parameters
window changes accordingly.

This value is listed as Refl. at A or Refl. at B, depending on the

current marker.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

If you have chosen the Reflection Parameter to be Reflection Height,

reflectance is listed as Refl.H. at A or Refl.H. at B.
See “How to Set the OTDR Settings” on page 144.

16 When you have positioned the level-markers correctly, press

SELECT to continue.
17 Press SELECT again to select Ok.

How to Set the Level-markers for Measuring

Insertion Loss

NOTE If you just want to measure the insertion loss, select [Events]<Add/
Mod. Non-Refl Event> and observe the following steps.

See “How to Add a Non-Reflective Event” on page 127.

You now see 4 level-markers on the trace, and a message asking

you to adjust them (Figure 4-5). These four level-markers allow you
to analyze the Insertion Loss.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

Two level-markers are to the left of the Event, and are joined by a
regression line. Two more level-markers are to the right of the

Figure 4-5 Level-markers for analyzing insertion loss

18 If you cannot see the Event properly, or see all four markers, use
the zoom facility.
See “How to Zoom while Adding an Event” on page 120.
19 If the current marker is not at the Event, move it there using the
LEFT and RIGHT cursors.
20 Press UP to acknowledge the marker position.
The first level-marker is now highlighted.
21 Use your LEFT cursor to move the first level-marker as far left as
you can.
22 Press UP to acknowledge the position of the first level-marker.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

The second level-marker is now highlighted.

23 Use your RIGHT cursor to move the second level-marker as close
as possible to the Event.
You may not move this level-marker to the right of the current
24 Press UP to acknowledge the position of the second level-
The third level-marker is now highlighted.
25 Use your LEFT and RIGHT cursors to move the third level-marker
as close as you can to the event.
You may not move this level-marker to the right of the current
26 Press UP to acknowledge the position of the third level-marker.
The fourth level-marker is now highlighted.
27 Use your LEFT and RIGHT cursors to move the fourth level-
marker, so that the regression line to the right of the Event
closely follows the path of the trace.
You may use the zoom function to increase the horizontal zoom
range. See “How to Zoom while Adding an Event” on
page 120.
28 Press UP to acknowledge the position of the fourth level-marker.
29 If any of the level-markers are not correctly positioned, press UP
to return to step 19.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Reflective Event

The two regression lines at the left of the marker now show the
path of the trace (Figure 4-6).

Figure 4-6 Measuring Insertion Loss: setting the level-markers

NOTE As you move the level-markers, the Insertion Loss value in the
Parameters window changes accordingly.

This value is listed as Ins.L. at A or Ins.L. at B, depending on

the current marker.

30 When you have positioned the level-markers correctly, press

SELECT to continue.
31 Press SELECT again to select Ok.
You can now see the Reflective Event in the Event Table, and in the
Event Bar at the bottom of the Trace window.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Non-Reflective Event

Added Events are indicated by an A between the entries for No and

Type in the Event Table. Modified Events are indicated by an M.

4.3 How to Add a Non-Reflective Event

Most of the steps for adding a Non-Reflective Event are also

required to Add a Reflective Event. Cross-references in this
example refer to steps in “How to Add a Reflective Event” above.
1 Follow “How to Zoom while Adding an Event” on page 120 to
move your marker to where you want to add the event.
3 You now see 4 level-markers on the trace, and a message asking
you to adjust them (see Figure 4-5).
4 Follow “How to Set the Level-markers for Measuring Insertion
Loss” on page 123, to set the splice markers.
You can now see the Non-Reflective Event in the Event Table, and
in the Event Bar at the foot of the Trace window.
Added Events are indicated by an A between the entries for No and
Type in the Event Table. Modified Events are indicated by an M.

4.4 How to Measure the Total Loss of the Fiber

This section describes the examination of the fiber’s total loss.

Analyzing the loss is one of a number of measurements that can be
made using the OTDR. Others include measuring attenuation,
insertion loss or reflectance
To measure the total loss, first mark the start and the end of the

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Measure the Total Loss of the Fiber

1 Activate marker B using the UP key (marked A↔B on the screen

diagram). When marker B is activated, it is highlighted at the top
of the screen.
2 Use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to place marker B where the
backscatter and the left rising edge of the end-reflection meet
3 Press the DOWN key to view around the marker, and thereby
check the position of the marker.
4 Place the marker as close as possible to the left rising edge for
best accuracy. Use the Zoom function for better accuracy.
The marker should now be near an Event.
5 Select <DECLARE END> from the [EVENTS] menu.
An End is set at the Event. See “How to Set the Fiber End” on
page 103 for more details.

Figure 4-7 Declaring an End at the edge of the backscatter

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Calculate Reflectance or Insertion Loss for existing

6 Press the DOWN key to see the whole trace again.

7 Press the UP key to activate marker A.
8 Move the marker to the far left-hand side and press the DOWN
key to select the start of the fiber
You now see the deadzone from the front-panel reflection at the
start of the fiber.
9 Position the marker so it cuts the trace in the same vertical
position as the backscatter extrapolated back to 0 m to take into
account the loss in the deadzone.
10 Select [ANALYSIS] from the popup menu.
11 If there is no tick next to <2-PT LOSS>, highlight it and press
You see the result in the text beneath the trace as 2pt.L.

NOTE For a simpler method of viewing the loss, look at Cum.L. to A (or B) in the box beneath the trace. This gives you the
cumulative loss to the current marker.

4.5 How to Calculate Reflectance or Insertion

Loss for existing Events

How to Calculate Reflectance

1 Move the active marker to an Event.
2 Select the [ANALYSIS]<ANALYZE REFLECTANCE> menu option.
3 Follow the steps in “How to Set the Level-Markers for
Measuring Reflectance” on page 119 to position the level-
markers properly.
4 Read the Reflectance for the Event in the Marker Info. window.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Display and Compare Two Traces

The Reflectance is written at Refl. at A (or Refl. at B,

depending in the current marker).

NOTE If you have chosen the Reflection Parameter to be Reflection Height,

reflectance is listed as Refl.H. at A or Refl.H. at B.
See “How to Set the OTDR Settings” on page 144.

5 Remove the level-markers by deselecting


How to Calculate Insertion Loss

1 Move the active marker to an Event.
3 Follow the steps in “How to Set the Level-markers for
Measuring Insertion Loss” on page 123 to position the level-
markers properly.
4 Read the Insertion Loss for the Event in the Marker Info.
The Insertion Loss is written at Ins. L. at A (or Ins. L.
at B, depending in the current marker).
5 Remove the level-markers by deselecting

4.6 How to Display and Compare Two Traces

1 Make the first trace as normal, either using the RUN/STOP key, or
by opening an existing file using <OPEN..> from the FILE menu.
2 If it is not already open, select [FILE] from the popup menu. A
menu appears with two trace names at the bottom. One of the
traces is the one that you have just selected (the ‘Current trace’).

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Display and Compare Two Traces

There will be a tick next to this trace

3 Cursor down to the other trace and press SELECT. If you are
currently only displaying one trace, this trace will be called

Figure 4-8 Selecting the empty trace

NOTE If you have set a Horizontal Offset (see “How to Set the Horizontal
Offset” on page 101), this is retained when you select an empty trace.

However, when you select an existing trace, the Horizontal Offset set for
this trace is used.

4 Make a second trace, as in step 1. You now see two traces (Figure

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Display and Compare Two Traces


Figure 4-9 Two traces on the same picture

NOTE The new trace will be darker than the original trace.

If you have a color display, the second trace has the same color as the

The next time you make a trace, it will replace the one you have just
made. If you want to show just one trace again, select <CLOSE...> or
<CLOSE ALL> from the [FILE] menu.
If you want to replace a different trace, follow step 3 to change the
current trace.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Display and Compare Two Traces

How to Use the Vertical Offset

If you are viewing two similar traces, it is possible that one trace
will obscure much of the other one. If this is the case, you may want
to use the Vertical Offset to move one trace up or down.
You use the Vertical Offset as follows:
5 Select [VIEW] from the popup menu. Select the menu item
The diagram for the Cursor changes (Figure 4-10). You see
single arrows for UP and DOWN and double arrows for LEFT and

Figure 4-10 Cursor diagram - adjust Vertical Offset

6 If you want to move the current trace slightly, use the UP and
DOWN cursors for fine tuning.
If you want to move in larger increments, use the LEFT cursor to
move down, and the RIGHT cursor to move up.

NOTE When a vertical offset has been set, you see a tick next to
<ADJUST V-OFFSEt> in the [FILE] menu.

To clear the vertical offset, select [FILE]<CLEAR V-OFFSET>.

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Logo

4.7 How to Add a Logo

To add a specified logo to the screen and printout, you should do the

How to copy a Logo to the Mini-OTDR

1 Create a PCX image, with 200 x 100 pixels. Make sure that the
file has the extension .PCX.

NOTE Your .PCX image can be monochrome or with 7 colors. If your original
image has more colors, you may want to save it with 7 colors to preserve
its clarity.

Your PCX file must not be bigger than 25 kilobytes.

2 Record the file on a floppy disk, and insert the disk into the Mini-
OTDR’s floppy disk drive.
3 Select [FILE] from the popup menu, and the <UTILITIES> menu
3 Select File Utility from the Applications Screen.
4 You now see the File Utilities screen. Select Copy.A dialog box
appears containing a list of files.
5 Select Device from the dialog box. You see a submenu listing
the available devices. Select Floppy, if it is not selected
already. The <COPY> menu now lists the files on the floppy disk.
6 Move to the correct .PCX file containing the logo, and press
SELECT. A tick appears next to the filename.
7 Move to Copy and press SELECT. You see a dialog box asking
you to select a device name. Highlight Internal and press

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Logo

How to Include a Logo

8 Select [CONFIG] from the popup menu. Select the menu item
<INSTRUMENT CONFIG>. You see the General Parameters
screen (Figure 5-1).
9 Use the cursor keys to move to Logo and press SELECT. You see
a list of the internal .PCX files. Select the file that you have just
10 Move to the bottom of the General Parameters Screen
and select OK. Confirm that you do want to change the changes
just made.

NOTE To include a logo in a printout, follow step 5 on page 151

Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace
How to Add a Logo


5 Sample Sessions:
Instrument Configuration
Sample Sessions:
Chapter 3 “Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace” and Chapter 4
“Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace” showed what you
can do in OTDR Mode of the Mini-OTDR.
This chapter shows you how to Configure your Mini-OTDR. It
should be used in conjunction with the previous two chapters.
The sample sessions in this chapter show you how to set the
• General Configuration,
• OTDR Settings,
• Trace Information,
• Printer Configuration,
• Instrument Setup,
• Firmware/Language Update.
Although the sample sessions in the previous chapters can be
followed for all configurations, you should follow at least the first 2
sections in this chapter to guarantee the correct results.
The equipment used in this chapter is the same as before.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the General Configuration

5.1How to Set the General Configuration

1 Switch on the OTDR. You will see one of 4 possible screens:

a If you see a series of boxes like Figure 1-6, you are in the
Applications Screen. Cursor Right to Instrument
Config and press SELECT.
b If you see an empty trace like Figure 1-7, you are in OTDR
mode or EasyMode.
Press SELECT to access the popup menu:
• If the top right option is [CONFIG.], you are in OTDR Mode.
Select [CONFIG.], then select <INSTRUMENT CONFIG.>
from the submenu that now appears.
• If the top right menu option is [PRINT], you are in
EasyMode. Select [CLOSE] from the popup menu. You
are now at the Applications Screen, and can follow step a.
c If you see a menu like Figure 6-2, you are in the Multiple Fiber
Test. Select Cancel from the popup panel to enter
EasyMode, then follow step b.
d Otherwise, you are in Fiber Break Locator (Figure 6-4) or
Source Mode (Figure 6-5). Move to the Close box and press
SELECT. You are now at the Applications Screen, and can
follow step a.

How to Set the General Parameters

2 You now see a window with the headings Instrument
Configurations and General Parameters. The

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the General Configuration

window contains two columns of features that can be changed.

Figure 5-1 Instrument Configuration General Parameters Screen

You can move to any of these boxes and press Select. You can
change the default setting using one of the following methods.
Note that the changes are not applied until you save the settings
(see step 7 below).

3 How to select a setting from a list

a Move to the box headed Language and press SELECT. You see
a list of the available languages for the User Interface.
b Cursor DOWN to the language you want and press SELECT. The
language that you have just selected appears in the dialog

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the General Configuration


Figure 5-2 Entering Numerical Data

4 How to change a numerical setting

a Move to the box headed Time and press SELECT. You see the
current time.
b Cursor LEFT and RIGHT to highlight the digit(s) that you want
to change. Cursor UP and DOWN to increase or decrease the
highlighted digit.
c When you have the correct time, cursor right to OK and press

5 How to change a text setting

a Move to the box headed Operator and press SELECT. You see

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the General Configuration

a keyboard with the Current Operator name.

b Move to the letters you want, and press the SELECT key. Move
to Del to delete the previous character, and to CAPS to
change the case of subsequent letters.

Figure 5-3 Keyboard to Enter Text

c When you have the text you want, move to OK and press

NOTE You can also add text from an external keyboard such as a PC or an
organizer. Attach a serial line to the Mini-OTDR, and type keyb. See
the OTDR Programming Guide (HP Product Number E4310-91018) for
more details.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the General Configuration

You can also operate your Mini-OTDR remotely using the HP E6090A
OTDR Toolkit software. See the OTDR Toolkit Operating Instructions
(English edition: HP Product number E6090-91013) for more details.

6 Set other features in the General Parameters screen as required:

• Follow step 3 to select units from Meter [m], Feet [Ft],
and Miles [mi].
• Follow step 3 to select Bellcore revision type.
Bellcore revision 1.1 conforms to standards, but you may
need to use Bellcore revision 1.0 for backward
• Follow step 4 to set the Date. Confirm with OK, then use the
same procedure to set the Year.

NOTE The date is entered in European format dd/mm, for example 08/02 for
8 February

• Follow step 3 again to set the screen and settings that appear
when you switch on (Boot into and Power-on
Settings respectively).

How to Save the Instrument Configuration

7 When you have chosen the configuration you want, move to the
Save box and press SELECT. The configuration that you have
just specified is saved as the default configuration.
8 Select OK to return to the previous screen (Applications Screen
or Trace Screen, depending how you selected Instrument
Configuration in step 1).

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the OTDR Settings

5.2 How to Set the OTDR Settings

1 Move down to Page Index and press SELECT. Select OTDR

Settings. You see a screen headed OTDR Settings
(Figure 5-4).

Figure 5-4 OTDR Settings screen

At the top of the OTDR Settings screen you see a two-column list
of features that may appear on the trace screen (Event Bar, Event
Table, and so on).
2 Use the CURSOR and SELECT keys to move to these features and
select and deselect as required.
At the bottom of the OTDR Settings screen, you see boxes where
you can choose the Reflection Parameter and Averaging Mode.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the OTDR Settings

The Reflectance Parameter determines the way in which the

Reflectance of Events is displayed (this affects the Reflectance
Threshold and the Front Connector Threshold):
• Reflectance: The physical value of the reflective Event. This
remains constant for all settings.
• Reflection Height: The height above the backscatter. This may
change if the Pulsewidth or Scatter Coefficient are altered.
The Averaging Parameter determines when Averaging is stopped:
• Averaging Time: after a specified period of time has elapsed.
• Number of Averages: after a specified number of measurement
3 Cursor to each box, and select the Reflectance and Averaging
Parameter that you want.
What you select affects the parameters that appear in the
Settings menu on the Trace screen. See “The Settings screens”
on page 51.
4 Continue selecting screens from the Page Index to alter
other configurations. You are also able to alter the Default
Trace Info, Instrument Setup, Printer Setup,
and Firmware/Language Update.

NOTE If you have a color Mini-OTDR (E6000A option 003), you can select
whether or not you want color displayed in the Instrument Setup

A color screen is usually preferable, but if you are working outside, with
sunlight reflecting on your screen, you may wish to switch to a
monochrome display for better contrast.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the Trace Information

5.3 How to Set the Trace Information

How to Set the Default Trace Information

1 Access the Instrument Configuration Screen by following step 1
from “How to Set the General Configuration” on page 139
2 Select Default Trace Info.from the Page Index
menu. You see a screen listing 5 labels and 5 comments.

Figure 5-5 Default Trace Info Configuration screen

3 Move to the box headed Comment 1 and press SELECT. You

see a keyboard on the screen (see Figure 5-3), Add letters from
the keyboard until your comment is complete.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the Trace Information

4 Confirm your comment by moving to OK and pressing SELECT.

5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining comments.
6 By default the labels are Cable ID, Fiber ID, Orig.Loc.,
Term Loc. and Operator. If you want to change any of these
labels, move to the appropriate box and press SELECT. Enter the
text as before, selecting Del to delete unwanted text.
7 Cursor down to the Save box and press SELECT. The new
Comments and Labels are now saved.
8 Select OK to exit Instrument Configuration. If you now return to
the Applications Screen, select OTDR Mode.
You now see the Trace screen, where you can set features for traces.

How to Set the Information for the Current Trace

You can also use the following procedure to alter the labels and
9 Select the popup menu by pressing the SELECT key.
See Figure 1-2 on page 35 for an illustration of the Mini-OTDR
10 Select [FILE] from the popup menu.
You select [FILE] by pressing the UP cursor twice, or by
pressing UP, then SELECT.
11 Select <TRACE INFO> from the file submenu.
You select a submenu by pressing the DOWN cursor until the
submenu item is highlighted, then pressing SELECT.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set the Trace Information

You see a list of comments and labels (Figure 5-6).

Figure 5-6 Trace Info Screen

12 Select Defaults from the Trace Info screen. You see the labels
and comments that you have just set.
13 Cursor UP to each label and press SELECT. You see a keyboard
on the screen which lets you modify the comment. Press Ok in
the keyboard when you have completed each comment.
14 If you want to delete any label, press Clear.
You see a menu allowing you to clear any individual label, or
All labels.

NOTE The default comments are intended as a starting point for the file
information, and should be modified for the current trace.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set up the Printer Configuration

15 Confirm by selecting Ok. When you print or save a

measurement, the comments and labels are also printed/saved.
See “How to Print the Measurement” on page 105 and “How to
Save the Measurement” on page 109 for information on
printing/saving measurements.

5.4 How to Set up the Printer Configuration

NOTE For information on how to print a file, see “How to Print the
Measurement” on page 105.

1 Select [CONFIG.] from the popup menu

2 Cursor Down to the <INSTRUMENT CONFIG.> option and press
SELECT. You see the configuration for General

NOTE Alternatively, if you start from the Applications screen (Figure 1-6), just
select the Instrument Config. box

3 Move to Page Index and press SELECT. Select Printer

Setup. You see a window showing the current printer

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Set up the Printer Configuration


Figure 5-7 Printer Setup Configuration

4 Cursor UP to the box headed Printer. If the printer listed there

is not the one you want, press SELECT. Choose a printer from the
available ones listed.

NOTE Most HP printers (but not the Thinkjet) will work in the HP LaserJet,
100dpi setting. For non-HP printers, set emulation mode on your
printer, and select an appropriate print option.

So, select the HP LaserJet/HP DeskJet for HP emulation, PCL for

PCL emulation, or Epson 8-pin for Epson emulation.

Choose a 150 dpi option if you want a compact printout

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Connect to a PC using the RS232

5 If you want to change the printed logo, cursor DOWN to

Printout Logo and press SELECT. Choose a logo from the
available .PCX files. Select Default for the default Logo, or
Select for the one that is currently highlighted.
If you want to create a new logo, follow the steps in “How to
Add a Logo” on page 134
6 Look at the options on the right of the Printer Setup
window. There is a tick next to the features that will appear on
the printout. If you wish to add or delete any of these features,
move to that item and press SELECT.
7 When you have the printer configuration you want, select OK to
return to the main trace window

5.5 How to Connect to a PC using the RS232

This is a brief example of how you configure your Mini-OTDR for

connecting to a PC. For more details and information about the
hardware settings, please consult the HP OTDRs Programming
Manual (E4310-91016).

How to Set the Instrument Setup

1 Follow step 1 in “How to Save the Instrument Configuration” on
page 143 to bring up the Instrument Configuration screen.
2 Select Page Index to see a list of the Configuration screens.
Select <INSTRUMENT SETUP> from this list.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Update the Firmware and Languages

You see the Instrument Setup screen (Figure 5-8).

Figure 5-8 Instrument Setup screen

3 If necessary, change the baudrate to 19200. To change the

baudrate, select the RS232 Baudrate box and choose the
required menu option.
4 If necessary, select Handshake and change to Hardware.
5 Select Save to save this configuration.

5.6 How to Update the Firmware and Languages

Follow these instructions to update a new version of the Mini-

OTDR firmware, or to update the languages of your Help and User

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Update the Firmware and Languages


NOTE Updating the firmware and the language involves rebooting your Mini-

Before starting an update, make sure that you have saved all traces,
settings, and so on, that would be lost during a reboot. The internal
memory is not deleted by the update.

To update the firmware or languages, you need the floppy disks pro-
vided with your Mini-OTDR. There are 2 floppy disks for the firm-
ware update, and 3 for the language update.

NOTE Make sure that the language update disks and the firmware update
disks are for the same revision of the Mini-OTDR software.

The update revision is noted on each disk.

1 Connect your Mini-OTDR to an AC/DC power supply.

See “Connecting an AC/DC Adapter” on page 82
2 Access the Instrument Configuration Screen by following step 1
from “How to Set the General Configuration” on page 139
3 Select Firmware/Language Update from the Page
Index menu.
4 You see a screen where you can set the languages or Update the

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Update the Firmware and Languages

Language or Firmware (Figure 5-9).

Figure 5-9 Firmware/Language Update configuration page

How to Update the Firmware

5 Cursor to Update Firmware and press SELECT.
You see a message reminding you to save all important data (see
first note in this section).
6 Select Yes to continue.
You are now asked to insert update disk #1.
7 Insert the disk and press SELECT.
8 Follow the remaining instructions that you see on your Mini-
OTDR screen.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Update the Firmware and Languages

How to Update the Languages

After the firmware update, you return to the Firmware/Lan-
guage Update screen, so that you can update the languages
configured on your Mini-OTDR.

NOTE You can also follow these instructions to change the languages
configured on your Mini-OTDR without updating the firmware.

9 Cursor up to First Language and press SELECT.

You are asked to insert the Language Update Floppy disk. This
disk contains the information about which languages you can
10 Insert the disk in your Mini-OTDR floppy disk drive and press
You see a list of available languages.
11 Cursor up or down to the language that you want, and press
12 Repeat this process as required for Second Language and
Third Language.
If you only require 1 or 2 languages, you can select None for
the extra language options.

NOTE You cannot choose the same language twice.

So, for example, if you choose French as both the second and third
language, you will see an error message, and the Mini-OTDR will
suggest an appropriate configuration.

13 When you selected your required languages, cursor to Update

Language and press SELECT.
You see a message telling you to make sure that you have save
all important data.
14 Follow the instructions on the Mini-OTDR screen.
After the update, your Mini-OTDR automatically reboots.

Sample Sessions: Instrument Configuration
How to Update the Firmware and Languages


6 Sample Sessions: Other

Mini-OTDR Modes
Sample Sessions: Other
Mini-OTDR Modes

Chapter 3 “Sample Sessions: Measuring a Trace” and Chapter 4

“Sample Sessions: Analyzing an Existing Trace” showed what you
can do in OTDR Mode of the Mini-OTDR. “Sample Sessions:
Instrument Configuration” on page 137 showed you how to
configure your Mini-OTDR.
This chapter shows you how to use other modes of the Mini-OTDR.
The available modes are seen as options on the Applications Screen
(see “The Applications Screen” on page 41).
The sample sessions in this chapter show you how to do the
• Recall Settings in EasyMode,
• Test Multiple Fibers,
• Use the Fiber Break Locator,
• Use Source Mode,
• Use Source Mode with the Power Meter and Visual Fault Finder
If you have not used a Mini-OTDR before, you should first read the
previous chapters. The equipment used in this chapter is the same
as before.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Recall Settings in EasyMode

6.1 How to Recall Settings in EasyMode

Templates allow you to save settings from previous traces to use in

EasyMode. All templates have the extension “.TPL”.
The template includes the settings which have been specified in the
OTDR Settings page of the Instrument Configuration
menus (see “How to Set the General Configuration” on page 139).
Formats which may be saved in a template are: the Event Table
(which is locked), all measurement parameters, and the strings set
in “How to Set the Trace Information” on page 146.

How to Save a Template

1 Select the settings you want to save. These may be variables
from the [SETTINGS] menu, Trace Information, or information
from the Event Table.
2 Run a measurement (see “How to Run the Measurement” on
page 90).
3 Select [FILE] from the popup menu. Cursor DOWN to the <SAVE
AS...> option. and press SELECT.
4 Select New Name. Enter a name for the template using the

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Recall Settings in EasyMode

onscreen keyboard, making sure that it has the extension “.TPL”.

Figure 6-1 Saving the current settings in a template.

NOTE Only files with the extension .TPL can be used as templates. If you use
any other extension, your file will be saved as a normal trace, and will
not be displayed in the EasyMode Settings menu.

5 Select OK to confirm. Then click the Save box in the Save As

6 Exit OTDR mode by selecting [CLOSE] from the popup menu.

How to Read from a Presaved Template

7 Select Easy OTDR from the Applications screen.
8 Select [SETTINGS] from the popup menu. You see a directory
structure. Move to the presaved .TPL or .SET file. Press SELECT

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset Measurement Setups

to read from this file.

NOTE Settings (.SET) files just contain information from the Settings screen.
For information about saving a settings file, see the note on page 52.

9 Start a new trace by pressing the RUN/STOP key. The new trace
is made with the settings that you have previously saved.

NOTE For more details about the facilities available in EasyMode, see
“EasyMode” on page 62.

6.2 How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset

Measurement Setups

Task Mode allows you to measure and save many traces on

different fibers with up to four different measurement setups per
You can save a setup as a setting (*.SET), template (*.TPL), or
Trace (*.SOR) file, then measure a series of fibers with these
presaved parameters.
For details on how to save a file, see “How to Save the
Measurement” on page 109, or “How to Save a Template” on
page 159.
1 Select Multi Fiber Test from the Applications screen.

NOTE Alternatively, you can select [TASK] from the EasyMode popup menu.
See “EasyMode” on page 62.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset Measurement Setups

You see the Task Configuration menu (Figure 6-2).

Figure 6-2 Task Configuration screen

2 Cursor up to the first Measurements edit field, and press

SELECT. Select the file containing your desired setting. If the file
is on a different device (for example, a floppy disk), select

How to change the file name

The measurements are saved to a file. By default, the name of this
file is derived from the Measurements name, and the fiber num-
For example, if you use the measurements from DEMO.SOR with a
fiber numbered 100, the saved trace will have the default name
DEMO_100.SOR. This default name is written in the appropriate
Save As... edit field.
You can select a different name as follows:

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset Measurement Setups

3 Cursor to the Save As.. edit field next to the measurement

you have just set.
4 Press SELECT.
You see a screen keyboard, containing the current Save As
5 Use the screen keyboard to enter a new name.
You see a highlighted point in the edit field, where characters
are inserted or deleted. Use the left and right cursors to move
this point, which is still highlighted when you cursor down to
new characters or the Del button.
6 Add your own file extension by entering a . followed by
characters of your choice.
If you do not specify a file extension, the default extension
.SOR is used.

NOTE File names are a maximum of 8, and file extensions are a maximum of
3 characters long.

If you attempt to add to an 8 character file name or to a 3 character

extension, you will hear a beep and no characters will be added.

How to save multiple settings

7 If you want to measure the fiber with more than one setup, repeat
step 2 (and steps 3 to 6 if required) for the remaining
Measurements (and Save As) edit fields.

NOTE If you choose the same name for more than one setting, the first
measurement is saved to a file, and this file is overwritten when the
second measurement is taken.

So, for example, if you save two separate measurements as

USER_01.SOR, the first measurement will be saved to the file
USER_01.SOR, and this file will be overwritten when the second
measurement is taken.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset Measurement Setups

How to change the Start Fiber number

8 If you want, change the Start Fiber number, by which the first
fiber is identified.
The default names of traces saved in Task mode automatically
contain the fiber number.
For example, if the Start Fiber number is 100, the first fiber saved
with settings from DEMO.SOR will have the name
DEMO_100.SOR, the next fiber saved will be DEMO_101.SOR,
and so on.

How to customize the file name

Task Mode contains a number of different facilities which you can
use to set up future file names. These facilities are discussed in this

Auto Copy Names

9 Select Auto Copy Names.
If Auto Copy Names is active, you see a tick in the box to the
left of Auto Copy Names.
When Auto Copy Names is active, all similar names are updated at
the same time. When a file name is updated, all file names with the
same number of characters are updated.
So, if you have defined file names TEST_01.SET,
TEST_02.SET, TEST_03.SET, and update the first file name to
TEST2_01.SET, the other file names are similarly updated (to
TEST2_02.SET, TEST2_03.SET, and so on).
10 To deselect this feature, Select Auto Copy Names again.
The tick disappears.

Include the Start File number

By default, the body of the file name contains the fiber number (see
“How to change the Start Fiber number” above). However, you can
specify that the fiber number is used as the file extension as follows.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset Measurement Setups

11 Specify a File Name with only digits in its extension (for

example, DEMO.000).
Files are now saved with an extension corresponding to the fiber
number. So, if fiber number 100 is saved with settings from
DEMO.000, the measurement will be saved in the file DEMO.100.

NOTE The saved file name will be the same for ALL numerical extensions.
This means that you should avoid using the same file body name if you
have a numerical extension.

So, for example, you should not specify filenames of both DEMO.001
and DEMO.002, as both measurements will be written to the same file.

How to change the Storage Directory

12 By default, traces from task mode will be stored in the top-level
directory in the Mini-OTDR internal memory.
If you want to store your traces somewhere else, select
Storage Directory, and choose a new directory and/or

How to save Trace Info labels

13 If you want to save the Trace Info associated with the saved
trace, select Info.
You see the current Trace Info labels (see Figure 5-6).
14 If you want to alter any of the labels, cursor to the appropriate
edit field and press SELECT. Edit the label using the screen

NOTE You can save the Fiber number in any of the Trace Info comments, by
using the string #000.

For example, if you specify a Fiber ID of Fiber #000, and the current
fiber number is 100, the Fiber ID is saved as Fiber 100.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Test Multiple Fibers with Preset Measurement Setups

15 Select Ok to return to the Task Configuration screen.

How to Clear Some or All Settings

16 Cursor to Clear and press SELECT.
You see a menu allowing you to clear an individual setting.
17 Select First set to clear the first row, Second set to clear
the second row, and so on. Select All to clear all settings.
Both the Measurements and the Save As... file name are

How to Take the Measurements

18 Select Start to start the measurement.
You see the message, Connect Fiber nnn and press
OK!, where nnn is the next fiber number (Figure 6-3).

Figure 6-3 Connect Fiber message

19 If you have not yet done so, attach a fiber to your connector

How to Preview a Realtime Measurement

20 Select Preview to view the measurement in realtime.
21 Adjust the Markers as appropriate, to view the values in the
parameter windows.
See “The Cursor and Select keys” on page 47.
22 To view a particular part of the trace, use the DOWN cursor to
zoom around the current marker.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Fiber Break Locator

23 When you have seen enough of the preview measurement, press

SELECT to return to the connect fiber message (Figure 6-3).

How to View the Actual Measurement

24 Press Ok to start the measurement

NOTE If you want to return to the Task Configuration screen (Figure 6-2),
select Config.

To abandon the measurement entirely, and return to the EasyMode

screen, press Cancel.

The fiber attached to your Mini-OTDR is measured for each

selected measurement setup. If you have not specified any
measurement setup, you see an error message, and no
measurements are performed.
Files are saved to the conventions explained in “How to change the
file name” on page 162 and “How to customize the file name” on
page 164.
You now see the message, Connect Fiber nnm and press
OK!, where nnm is the next fiber number (incremented by 1).
25 If you want to measure another fiber, connect the new fiber to
your Mini-OTDR, and select OK. If you do not want to view any
more fibers, select Cancel.

6.3 How to Use the Fiber Break Locator

1 Select Fiber Break Locator from the Applications Screen. You

see the Fiber Break Locator screen.
2 Move to Refractive Index, Wavelength, or
Threshold, and press SELECT. Adjust the value as required
3 Press the RUN/STOP key to activate the laser source.The light

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Fiber Break Locator

behind the RUN/STOP key will be lit and the text Measuring
will flash beneath the screen. After a few seconds a trace will

Figure 6-4 The Fiber Break Locator

4 The first break above the specified threshold level will be

marked, or you will see the text No Break Found.
5 Select Save or Print to save or print your trace as required.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use Source Mode

6.4 How to Use Source Mode

1 Select Source Mode from the Applications Screen.You see two

diagrams on the Source Mode screen. The Source Mode diagram
is on the right.

Figure 6-5 Source Mode

NOTE The left-hand diagram shows the current submodule. If no submodule

is installed, you see Not installed in the screen.

See “How to Use the Power Meter Submodule” on page 170 and “How
to Use the Visual Fault Finder submodule” on page 178.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Power Meter Submodule

2 If you want to change the Wavelength or Modulation Frequency,

use the cursor keys to move to the appropriate box on the screen.
Press SELECT, and select the required value.
3 Press the RUN/STOP key to start a trace. The light behind the
RUN/STOP key will be lit, and the Operation button on the screen
will flash on and off.

6.5 How to Use the Power Meter Submodule

1 Switch off the Mini-OTDR, and insert a module. Insert an

E6006A Power Meter submodule into the submodule slot in the
module (see “Inserting and Removing a Submodule” on
page 77).
2 Attach the required optical connector interface to the optical
3 Connect the fiber to this interface.
4 Attach the other end of the fiber to a Source, such as the
HP E5974A Dual Laser Source.
Alternatively, attach the other end of the fiber to the module
currently installed in the Mini-OTDR
5 Switch on the OTDR. The third box in the Applications screen
will now be called Power Meter. Move to this box and press

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Power Meter Submodule


Figure 6-6 Applications Screen when the E6006A submodule is attached

You now see the Power Meter screen. You see 2 diagrams: the
Power Meter is on the left, the Source is on the right. In the

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Power Meter Submodule

Power Meter screen, you see the current power level, which is
updated 3 times per second.

Figure 6-7 The Power Meter Screen

NOTE If the left-hand diagram is not titled Power Meter, you do not have a
Power Meter submodule installed, or it is installed incorrectly. If you
have a submodule in the back of your instrument, check that both the
module and the submodule are in their slots properly.

6 Move to the Power Meter (left-hand) diagram. If you want to

alter the units used, select dBm/W to toggle between dBm, dB,
and Watts.
7 If you want to alter the Wavelength, select λ from the Power
Meter diagram.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Power Meter Submodule

The Power Meter toggles between the available wavelengths for

the module.
8 If you want to freeze the display, press Hold. You see “Hold”
written in the Power Meter (left-hand) screen. The display is
now not updated, so you will not see any new power levels.
Press Hold again to unfreeze the display.

How to Show the Power relative to a Reference Value

9 Select Disp/Ref from the left-hand screen. All subsequent
power levels are shown relative to the current power level.
9 Select Set/Ref from the left-hand screen. Manually input a
reference value (see “How to change a numerical setting” on
page 141). All subsequent power levels are shown relative to this
The power level is now shown relative to the Reference value set.
The Reference value is written after “Ref.” in the Power Meter (left-
hand) window.

NOTE If you reset the units (by selecting dB/W), the absolute power level is
shown again. To return to the relative power level, select dB/W for a
second time.

How to Send Code Modulated Output

10 Cursor to the Source Mode (right-hand) diagram. Select Mod.,
until you see the word “Code” in the Source Mode window.
If the Power Meter detects the code, it switches to the correct
wavelength of the source, and you see LI in the Power Meter
You have now selected Code modulation. You can use Code
modulation when you have connected the power meter submodule

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Perform an Insertion Loss Measurement

to another remote OTDR or source, and you want to use the

wavelength of this source.

NOTE Code is equivalent to selecting the Dual λ or Single λ mode from the
HP E5974 handheld Dual Laser Source.

6.6 How to Perform an Insertion Loss


How to Set up the Power Meter

1 Install a Power Meter submodule, and select the Power Meter
screen (see “How to Use the Power Meter Submodule” on
page 170).
2 Cursor to Mod. on the Source (right-hand) diagram. Press
SELECT until you see CW in the Source window.
3 Staying in the right-hand diagram, cursor UP to λ. Press SELECT
until you see the correct wavelength for your measurement in the
Power Meter window.
4 Cursor Left to the Power Meter (left-hand) diagram. Select λ
until the wavelength in the power meter window is the same as
the wavelength you have selected for the Source.

How to Take a Reference value

5 Attach output connectors to the module and the power meter
submodule. Connect the module and submodule with a fiber
(Figure 6-9, first picture).
6 Switch on the Source.
Select On/Off from the Source window.
7 Select dBm/W from the Power Meter diagram until the
measurement in the Power Meter window is in dB.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Perform an Insertion Loss Measurement

8 Wait for the measurement to stabilize, then select Disp/Ref.

The measurement is taken as a reference value, which you can
see next to Ref: in the Power Meter window.

Figure 6-8 Taking a Power Meter Reference value

9 Switch off the Source.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Perform an Insertion Loss Measurement

Select On/Off from the Source window.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Perform an Insertion Loss Measurement

Steps 5 to 9: take a Reference value

Steps 10 to 14: take the measurement

Figure 6-9 Fiber setups for performing an Insertion Loss Measurement

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Visual Fault Finder submodule

How to Take the Measurement

10 Insert the Device Under Test in the link between the Source and
the Power Meter (Figure 6-9, second picture).

NOTE Figure D-14 on page 272 shows how you might set up the Device Under
Test (DUT) for measurements using the power meter.

11 Switch on the Source.

Select On/Off from the Source window.
12 Read the insertion loss for the DUT from the Power Meter
13 Switch off the Source.
Select On/Off from the Source window.
14 Disconnect the DUT.

6.7 How to Use the Visual Fault Finder


1 Switch off the Mini-OTDR, and insert a module. Insert a 6007A

Visual Fault Finder submodule into the submodule slot in the
module (see “Inserting and Removing a Submodule” on
page 77).
2 Attach the required optical connector interface to the optical
3 Connect the fiber to this interface.
4 Switch on the OTDR. The third box in the Applications screen
will now be called Visual Light. Move to this box and press

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Visual Fault Finder submodule


Figure 6-10 Applications Screen when the E6007A submodule is attached

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Visual Fault Finder submodule

You now see the Visual Fault Finder screen. You see 2
diagrams: the Visual Fault Finder is on the left, the Source is on
the right.

Figure 6-11 The Visual Fault Finder Screen

NOTE If the left-hand diagram is grayed, as in Figure 6-5, you do not have a
submodule installed, or it is installed incorrectly. If you have a
submodule in the back of your instrument, check that both the module
and the submodule are in their slots properly.

5 Cursor to the left-hand diagram. If you want to alter the

modulation, select MOD. You can choose CW for Continuous
Wave modulation, or 1Hz for a light flashing at a frequency of
1 Hertz.
6 Remain at the left-hand diagram and select ON/OFF. The Visual

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Visual Fault Finder submodule

Fault Finder is activated, and the circle at the top of the screen is
7 Examine the fiber attached to the submodule. Red light shows
through the casing where there are breaks or a remote fiber
outlet. If you have chosen a 1 Hz Modulation, this light is

WARNING Under no circumstances look into the end of an optical cable attached
to the optical output when the device is operational. The laser radiation
can seriously damage your eyesight.

The Visual Fault Finder works on fibers with coatings of up to

3 mm, and at distances of up to 5 km.

Sample Sessions: Other Mini-OTDR Modes
How to Use the Visual Fault Finder submodule


A Installation and
Installation and

This appendix provides installation instructions for the Mini-

OTDR. It also includes information about initial inspection and
damage claims, preparation for use, packaging, storage, and

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
Safety Considerations

A.1 Safety Considerations

The Mini-OTDR is a Class 3 instrument (that is, an instrument with

no protective earth command and DC input voltages less than 60V
Before operation, review the instrument and manual for safety
markings and instructions. You must follow these to ensure safe
operation and to maintain the instrument in safe condition.

A.2 Initial Inspection

Inspect the shipping container for damage. If there is damage to the

container or cushioning, keep them until you have checked the
contents of the shipment for completeness and verified the
instrument both mechanically and electrically.
Appendix D “Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests”
gives a procedure for checking the operation of the instrument. If
the contents are incomplete, mechanical damage or defect is
apparent, or if an instrument does not pass the operator’s checks,
notify the nearest Hewlett-Packard office.

WARNING To avoid hazardous electrical shock, do not perform electrical tests

when there are signs of shipping damage to any portion of the outer

Internal Back-Up Battery

This instrument contains a lithium battery. Replacing the battery
should be carried out only by a qualified electrician or by HP
service personnel.

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
AC Line Power Supply Requirements

There is a danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced.

Replace only with the same or an equivalent type (PANASONIC
CR 2477). Discard used batteries according to local regulations.

A.3 AC Line Power Supply Requirements

The HP E6000A can operate through the supplied AC adapter

between 100V and 240V ± 10%, at a frequency in the range from
50 to 60 Hz. The maximum power consumption is 30VA with all
options installed.

Line Power Cable

According to international safety standards, the charger has a three-
wire power cable.
The type of power cable shipped with each instrument depends on
the country of destination. Refer to Figure A-1 for the part numbers
of the power cables available.

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
AC Line Power Supply Requirements

NOTE You only need to use the line power cable to connect to the AC adapter.

Figure A-1 Line Power Cables – Plug Identification

WARNING To avoid the possibility of injury or death, you must observe the
following precautions before switching on the instrument.
• If this instrument is to be energized via an autotransformer for
voltage reduction, ensure that the common terminal connects to the
earth pole of the power source.
• Insert the power cable plug only into a socket outlet provided with a
protective earth contact. Do not negate this protective action by the
using an extension cord without a protective conductor.

The following work must be carried out by a qualified electrician.

All local electrical codes must be strictly observed. If the plug on
the cable does not fit the power outlet, or if the cable is to be

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
DC Power Supply Requirements

attached to a terminal block, cut the cable at the plug end and rewire
The color coding used in the cable depends on the cable supplied. If
you are connecting a new plug, it should meet the local safety
requirements and include the following features:
• Adequate load-carrying capacity (see table of specifications).
• Ground connection.
• Cable clamp.

WARNING To avoid the possibility of injury or death, please note that the HP
E6000A does not have a floating earth.

A.4 DC Power Supply Requirements

WARNING When using a DC line supply, before switching on the instrument, make
sure that the supply meets the local protection requirements.

The HP E6000A can operate from a DC power source that supplies

between 16V and 24V. The maximum power consumption during a
quick charge is 30W with all options installed. Typical power
consumption is below 8W.

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
Operating and Storage Environment

A.5 Operating and Storage Environment

The following summarizes the HP E6000A operating environment

ranges. In order for the Mini-OTDR to meet specifications, the
operating environment must be within these limits.

Temperature and Humidity

Protect the instrument from temperature extremes and changes in
temperature that may cause condensation within it.
The temperatures and the humidity for the HP E6000A are given in
the table below. Please note the restricted operating range when you
are using the optional floppy disk drive.

Operating Storage Humidity

Temperature Temperature
All/Complete 0°C to 50°C -40°C to 60°C 95% at 0°C to 40°C
Systems except ...
... using Floppy 5°C to 45°C -40°C to 60°C 35% to 80% at 40°C
Disk Drive
Battery charging 0°C to 40°C

The HP E6000A can be used up to 3300m (10800ft.)

Installation Category
The HP E6000A has an Installation Category II and Pollution
Degree 2 according to IEC 664

NOTE The AC Adapter is for indoor use only

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
Parallel Interface

A.6 Parallel Interface

This is a CENTRONICS type parallel port for a parallel printer,

with a DB-25 connector.
If you do not use an HP C2950M Centronics cable, the EMI
performance of the optical time domain reflectometer cannot be

A.7 Serial Interfaces

There is one ST-compatible RS232 port, with DB9 connectors.

If you do not use an HP 24542 RS232 cable or the RS232 cable
supplied with the rack, the EMI performance of the optical time
domain reflectometer cannot be guaranteed.

A.8 Programming user tasks on a PC

You can select Input/output commands for sending and receiving

data from the serial interface and for initializing transmission
You should follow the following steps:
1 Initialize the Hardware Interface parameters
2 Check the automatic connection to the instrument
3 Send or receive commands to/from the Mini-OTDR.

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
Claims and Repackaging

The OTDR Programming Guide (HP Product Number E4310-

91018) shows how to perform steps 2 and 3. Step 1 depends
strongly on the Operating system.

NOTE The programming and speed performance depend on the Operating

system used on the PC. Generally speaking, speed and reliability are
better with Windows NT and Windows 95 than with Windows 3.1.

A.9 Claims and Repackaging

If physical damage is evident or if the instrument does not meet

specification when received, notify the carrier and the nearest
Hewlett-Packard Service Office. The Sales/Service Office will
arrange for repair or replacement of the unit without waiting for
settlement of the claim against the carrier.

Return Shipments to HP
If the instrument is to be shipped to a Hewlett-Packard Sales/
Service Office, attach a tag showing owner, return address, model
number and full serial number and the type of service required.
The original shipping carton and packing material may be reusable,
but the Hewlett-Packard Sales/Service Office will provide
information and recommendation on materials to be used if the
original packing is no longer available or reusable.
General instructions for repacking are as follows:

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
Installing New Firmware

• Put the Mini-OTDR in its softcase, then put the softcase into a
shipping box. The packaging has the following part numbers:

E6000-49304 Cushion convoluted

E6000-49303 Cushion convoluted
E6000-49302 Scored sheet
E6000-49301 Carton Corrugated

• The shipping box uses single wall corrugated carton (Material

1.40 per DIN 55468), which is the equivalent of 200-pound
bursting strength material.
• Inside the shipping box are 2 inserts. One insert is a folded
separator to keep the power supply and the power cord. The
second insert goes around the softcase. It is a corrugated part
including convoluted foam on the outer side.
• If you do not have the original shipping box you must use an
appropriate shock absorbing material.
• Seal the shipping container securely.
• Mark the shipping container FRAGILE to encourage careful
• In any correspondence, refer to the instrument by model number
and serial number.

CAUTION If you use foam to pack the box, make sure you use a soft foam. EPS and
most other foams may be too hard.

A.10 Installing New Firmware

To install firmware on the Mini-OTDR, you need the floppy disks

provided with your Mini-OTDR. There are 2 floppy disks for the

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
Installing New Firmware

firmware update, and 3 for the language update.

Follow the steps in “How to Update the Firmware and Languages”
on page 152

Appendix A. Installation and Maintenance
Installing New Firmware


B Accessories

The HP E6000A is a high performance time domain reflectometer.

It is available in various configurations for the best possible match
to the most common applications.
This appendix provides information on the available options and

B. Accessories
Instrument and Options

B.1 Instrument and Options

Product Opt Description

HP E6000A Mini-OTDR Mainframe

002 Hardcase
003 Color display
004 Software upgrade kit (CD)
005 Mass storage 20 MB (Flash Disk)
AB0 Traditional Chinese user interface
AB1 Korean user interface
AB2 Simplified Chinese user interface
AB8 Turkish user interface
AB9 Portuguese user interface
ABD German user interface
ABE Spanish user interface
ABF French user interface
ABJ Japanese user interface
ABZ Italian user interface
ACB Russian (Cyrillic) user interface
AKB Czech user interface
HP E6001A 1310 nm economy single-mode module
UK6 Calibration Report
HP E6002A 1310 nm high performance single-mode module
UK6 Calibration Report

B. Accessories
Instrument and Options

Product Opt Description

HP E6003A 1310/1550 nm high performance single-mode
UK6 Calibration Report
022 angled connector
HP E6003B 1310/1550 nm very high performance single-mode
UK6 Calibration Report
022 angled connector
HP E6004A 1310/1550 nm economy single-mode module
UK6 Calibration Report
022 angled connector
HP E6005A 850/1300 nm high performance multimode module
UK6 Calibration Report
HP E6006A Optical Power Meter
UK6 Calibration Report
HP E6007A Visual Fault Finder
HP E6008B 1310/1550nm Ultra High Performance single-mode
UK6 Calibration Report
022 angled connector
HP E6009A 850/1300 nm economy multimode module
UK6 Calibration Report
HP E6010A 1625 nm ultra-high performance single-mode
UK6 Calibration Report

B. Accessories
Instrument and Options

Product Opt Description

HP E6012A 1550 nm/1625 nm ultra-high performance single-
mode module
UK6 Calibration Report
022 angled connector

Accessories supplied
The following accessories are supplied with your Mini-OTDR:

E6000-68950 NiMH battery pack

Soft carrying case
Power cord
AC/DC adapter charger
User’s Guide
OTDRs Programming Guide
Upgrade CD
RS 232 cable

Accessories available
The following accessories are also available. To order these
products, please contact your Hewlett-Packard representative.

Product Description

E6000-68950 Spare NiMH battery pack

C2950A Centronics cable
24542U RS232 cable, 9-pin to 9-pin

B. Accessories
Connector Interfaces and Other Accessories

B.2 Connector Interfaces and Other Accessories

The HP E6000A Mini-OTDR is usually supplied with a straight

contact output connector interface.

NOTE If you want your Mini-OTDR supplied with an angled connector, please
order option #022.

Option #022 is only available for the E6003A, E6003B, E6004A, and
E6008B modules.

Straight Contact Connector

To connect to the instrument, you must
1 attach your connector interface (see list of connector interfaces
below) to the interface adapter,
2 then connect your fiber.

Model No. Description

HP 81000AI Diamond HMS/10 connector interface

HP 81000FI FC/PC connector interface
HP 81000GI D4 connector interface
HP 81000HI E2000 connector interface
HP 81000KI SC connector interface
HP 81000SI DIN 47256 connector interface
HP 81000VI ST connector interface
HP 81000WI Biconic connector interface


C Specifications

Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance,

measured with typical PC-type connectors. Uncertainties due to the
refractive index of fiber are not considered.
The HP E6000 Mini-OTDR is produced to the ISO 9001
international quality system standard as part of HP’s commitment
to continually increasing customer satisfaction through improved
quality control.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

C.1 Definition of Terms

Generally, the wavelengths are given by the specific OTDR module.

Therefore, the measurement conditions listed below do not contain
the wavelength. Unless otherwise limited, all specifications are
valid for the specified environmental conditions.
All data presented in the ± form are to be understood as peak-to-
peak variation divided by 2.

Attenuation deadzone: The distance from the start of a reflection to the point where the
receiver has recovered to within a ±0.5 dB margin around the
undisturbed and averaged backscatter trace.
Conditions: Reflective event with specified reflectance, at specified instrument
Figure C-1 Attenuation deadzone definition

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Backscatter coefficient: The ratio of the optical pulse power at the OTDR output to the
backscatter power at the near end of the fiber (z = 0). This ratio is
inversely proportional to the pulse width. It is expressed in dB.

NOTE A typical value is approximately 50dB for 1 µs pulse width, depending

on the wavelength and the type of fiber. The extrapolated backscatter
trace is a measure of the near-end backscatter power: see Figure C-2

Figure C-2 Near-end backscatter level for 3 different near-end reflectances

Distance accuracy: The linear sum of the distance offset error, distance scale error
multiplied by distance, and distance sampling error.
See Figure C-3

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Figure C-3 Elements of the distance accuracy

(Lotdr = position measured with OTDR, L = actual position)

NOTE The distance uncertainty does not include the group index uncertainty
of the fiber under test.

This is because the OTDR measures transit times and calculates

distances by dividing by the user-defined fiber’s group refractive

Distance offset error: The displayed location of the OTDR’s front panel connector on the
instrument’s distance scale. See Figure C-3.
Condition: A possible influence from finite distance sample spacing is

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Measurement: Select “optimize resolution” for best accuracy.

Since the precise location of the front panel connector is usually
not directly accessible, use a short fiber (for example 100m, to
exclude any influence from distance scale error) with known
length and open end to create a reflective event.
Measure the length of the fiber by determining the location of the
reflective event as shown in Figure C-4. Then calculate the
distance offset error by subtracting the measured length from the
known length.
The influence of the finite sample spacing can be excluded by
inserting additional fibers. The fiber lengths must be chosen so that
they do not coincide with multiples of the distance sample spacing.
For each combination, use the total length of fiber to determine the
distance offset error.
Finally, average all distance offset results
Figure C-4 Determining the location of a reflective event

Distance sampling The distance uncertainty due to finite distance sample spacing. See
error: Figure C-3.
Distance scale error: The difference between the average displayed distance between
two distinct locations on the fiber LOTDR, and correspondent actual
(true) distance, L, divided by the actual distance. in meters per
meter. See Figure C-3

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

( L otdr – L ) cT
∆S L = -------------------------- where L = -------
L 2N

c = the speed of light in a vacuum

LOTDR = the distance measured with the OTDR at the given OTDR group
index setting
T = the time of flight between the two locations on the fiber, measured
at the wavelength of the OTDR
N = the OTDR group index setting

NOTE 1 Relatively long lengths of fibers (for example, 10 km) should be used to
evaluate the distance scale error. This is to remove the influence of
finite distance sampling spacing.

NOTE 2 The distance scale error excludes the uncertainty of the fiber’s group
index N, because the same N is used in the calculation of L and LOTDR.

Measurement: Measure the time of flight, T, with a pulse generator, a laser source,
an opto-electronic converter, and a time interval counter by
determining the time difference with and without the length of
fiber of length L inserted.
The laser source should have the same wavelength as the OTDR.
Dynamic range (RMS): The amount of fiber attenuation that causes the backscatter signal
to equal the →noise level (RMS).
Measurement: It is recommended that you connect a single mode fiber to the
OTDR with a length of more than 20 times the pulse width in
Then you can determine the difference between the extrapolated
backscatter trace (as in Figure C-2), and the →noise level (RMS).
Conditions: Standard single mode fiber, at specified averaging time, ambient
temperature, and instrument settings.
Event deadzone: The displayed length of a reflective event from the start to the
point where the trace has fallen to 1.5 dB below the peak.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Conditions: Reflective event with 35 dB return loss, at specified instrument

Figure C-5 Definition of event deadzone

Loss accuracy, 1dB: The maximum loss error for any fiber section with a loss of 1 dB.
This is the maximum difference between the displayed loss
AOTDR, and the actual loss, A, of the section
Loss error1dB = max { AOTDR - A }
Conditions: A continuous fiber with no discrete losses greater than 1 dB, for a
power range from the beginning of the backscatter signal to the
point where the →signal-to-noise ratio is reached, at specified
instrument settings.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Measurement: Connect a long fiber (for example 50 km) to the OTDR, and
calculate the 1 dB loss error as follows:
Generate two undisturbed backscatter traces with a 1 dB vertical
difference. Measure this difference Aotdr, along the length of the
Measure the power difference, A, with a calibrated optical power
Calculate the loss errors along the length of the fiber and
determine the maximum within the specified power range as in the
formula above.
See Figure C-6.
Figure C-6 Loss error samples for 1 dB loss (arbitrary units)

Noise level (98%): The displayed power level such that 98% of the noise data points
lie below this level.
Conditions: Noise data points from locations after which the OTDR receiver
response disappears in random noise.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

NOTE This definition is needed to relate the →noise level (RMS) to practical

Noise level (RMS): The displayed level which corresponds to +1 standard deviation of
the linear noise amplitude statistics.
Conditions: Noise data points from locations after which the OTDR receiver
response disappears in random noise.

NOTE For purely Gaussian noise statistics, the RMS noise level is
approximately 1.9 dB below the →noise level (98%).

Reflectance accuracy: For the specified reflectance range, the maximum difference
between the measured reflectance of a feature on the fiber and
actual (true) reflectance.
Conditions: →signal-to-noise ratio larger than the specified value, at specified
instrument settings, →backscatter coefficient correctly set for the
specific fiber used.
Signal-to-noise ratio The difference between the actual backscatter level and the
(SNR): →noise level (98%), expressed in dB.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Definition of Terms - Power Meter Submodule

Noise: One half of the peak-to-peak change of displayed power level with
constant input power level.
Conditions: Observation time as specified (drift effects excluded).
Power range: The power range is defined from the highest input power level to
the smallest input power level that causes a noticeable change of
displayed power level.
Conditions: Wavelength and Averaging Time as specified.
Reference conditions: The specified conditions during the spectral responsivity
calibration, or conditions which are extrapolated from the
conditions during calibration.
Conditions: Power level, beam diameter or fiber type, numerical aperture,
wavelength, spectral width, ambient temperature as specified, at
the day of calibration.
→Noise and drift observed over 15 min., with a temperature
change of not more than 1 K.
Total uncertainty: The uncertainty for a specified set of operating conditions,
including noise and drift.
Conditions: Power level, beam diameter or fiber type, numerical aperture,
wavelength, spectral width, ambient temperature, recalibration
period as specified.
→Noise and drift observed over 15 min., with a temperature
change of not more than 1 K.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Definition of Terms - Visual Fault Finder Submodule

Output Power Level (CW) The output power at the specified wavelength, measured at the end
of a jumper cable.
Center Wavelength The wavelength representing the center of mass of selected peaks.
The power and wavelength of each used to calculate the mean
wavelength λ:
λ = Σ Pi λi / Σ P1
where: Pi is the power of a single peak.

Horizontal Parameters
• Start-km: 0 km to 100 km
• Span: 1 km to 400 km
• Readout resolution: 0.1 m
• Minimum sample spacing: 8 cm
• Refractive index: 1.00000 to 2.00000
• Length unit: km, ft, or miles
• Measurement points: up to 16000

Vertical Parameters
• Vertical scale: 0.1 to 10.0 dB/Div
• Read-out resolution: 0.001 dB
• Reflectance range: -14 db to -60dB
• Backscatter coefficient: 20 to 60 dB at 1 µs

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Source Mode

E6001A E6003A, E6005A, E6009A E6010A E6012A

E6002A E6003B,

built-in built-in built-in dual laser built-in built-in

laser dual CW source CW CW dual
CW laser laser laser
source CW source source

CW output power -3 dBm -17 dBm (850 nm), -3 dBm

-13 dBm (1300 nm)

CW stability ±0.1 dB ±0.15 dB ±0.15 dB ±0.1 dB /

(15 min., T=const.) ±0.15 dB
after 10 minute warm-up

Optical output User-exchangeable Connector Interfaces

Source Mode Modulation 270 Hz, 1 KHz, and 2 KHz squarewave

You can select any of the following pulsewidths:
• 10 ns, 30 ns, 100 ns, 300 ns, 1 µs, 3 µs, and 10 µs (all modules).
You can also select 5 ns for all multimode modules, and 20 µs
for E6003B, E6008B, and E6012A.
With the E6005A module. you can select a pulsewidth from 5 ns to
100 ns at 850 nm, and from 5 ns to 10 µs at 1300 nm.
With the E6009A module. you can select a pulsewidth from 5 ns to
100 ns at 850 nm, and from 5 ns to 1 µs at 1300 nm.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

Output Connector
• Optional Diamond HMS-10, FC/PC, DIN 47256, ST, Biconic,
SC, NEC D4. All options are user-exchangeable.

• 3.5” disk drive: for high density 1440 KByte floppy disks. MS-
DOS format compatible. Reduced operating temperature of 5° to
45° C, with 35% to 80% humidity at 40° C.
• Memory Card: PCMCIA Type II. SRAM up to 2 MB
• Flash Disk: 20MB with up to 3000 traces.
• Internal memory: up to 100 traces (typical with 4000 data
points selected).
• Trace format: compliant to Bellcore GR-196-CORE Issue 1
OTDR Data Standard.
• Trace information: 5 comment labels of up to 15 alphanumeric
characters, and 5 comments of up to 41 alphanumeric characters
are provided for each trace.
• Real-time clock and date: provided

Scan Trace
• Type of events: reflective and non-reflective.
• Maximum number of events: 100.
• Threshold for non-reflective events: 0.0 to 5.0 dB, selectable
in 0.01 dB steps.
• Threshold for reflective events: -14.0 to -65.0 dB, selectable in
0.1 dB steps.
• Threshold for fiber breaks: 0.1 to 10 dB, selectable in 0.1 dB

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

• VGA-LCD: 18.3 cm (7.2”), mono
• Display points: 640 x 480 points
• Measurement update rate: two measurements per second in
refresh mode.
Optional color display available.

NOTE For use in bright sunlight, we recommend the monochrome display.

• Maximum baud rate: 115200 bps
• Transmission time at 115200 baud for trace data: 4000 points at
approx. 1 second; 16000 points at approx. 4 seconds.

Standard parallel port (SPP).

• Automatic setup and analysis: provided.
• Instrument settings: storage and recall of user-selectable
instrument settings.
• Laser Safety Class (E6001A-E6005A and E6008B-E6012A):
21 CFR Class 1, IEC 825 Class 3A
• Recalibration period: 2 years.
• Dimensions: 194 mm H, 290 mm W, 75 mm D (7.7” x 11.4” x
• Weight: net < 2.8 kg (6.2 lbs) including battery pack.

Appendix C. Specifications
Definition of Terms

See “Operating and Storage Environment” on page 189

See also “AC Line Power Supply Requirements” on page 186 and
“DC Power Supply Requirements” on page 188.
• External Battery: NiMH typically 8 hours continuous
operation (minimum 4 hours). Charging time < 3 hours, non-
• Low battery indicator: provided.
• Battery charge status: provided.

Appendix C. Specifications
Module Specifications/Characteristics

C.2 ModuleSpecifications/Characteristics

Specifications: Optical Performance

Measured at 22 °C ± 3°C. Guaranteed specifications unless
otherwise noted

Module E6001A E6002A

Central Wavelength 1310 ±25 nm 1310 ±25 nm
Applicable Fiber single-mode single-mode
Pulsewidth 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs
Dynamic Range [dB] 13 18 23 28 19 24 30 35
typical 30
Event Deadzone2 5m 5m
Attenuation Deadzone 3 25 m 20 m
Attenuation Deadzone 4 10 m 10m

Module E6003A E6003B

Central Wavelength 1310±25 nm/ 1550±25 nm 1310±25 nm/ 1550±25 nm
Applicable Fiber single-mode single-mode
Pulsewidth 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 20µs
Dynamic Range1 [dB] 19/17 24/22 30/29 35/34 19/17 24/22 30/29 38/37 - / -
typical 40/39
Event Deadzone2 5m 5m
Attenuation Deadzone 3 20/25 m 20/25 m
Attenuation Deadzone 4 10/12m 10/12m

Appendix C. Specifications
Module Specifications/Characteristics

Module E6004A E6008B

Central Wavelength 1310±25 nm/ 1550±25 nm 1310±25 nm/ 1550±25 nm
Applicable Fiber single-mode single-mode
Pulsewidth 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 20µs
Dynamic Range1 [dB] 13/13 18/18 23/23 28/28 24/22 29/27 35/34 42/41 - / -
typical 30/30 45/43
Event Deadzone2 5m 5m
Attenuation Deadzone 3 25/25 m 20/25 m
Attenuation Deadzone 4 10/12m 10/12m

Module E6010A E6012A

Central Wavelength 1625 ±20 nm 1550±25 nm/ 1625±20 nm
Applicable Fiber single-mode single-mode
Pulsewidth 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 20µs
Dynamic Range1 [dB] 18 24 30 37 22/18 27/24 34/30 41 / 37 - / -
typical 40 - /40 43/ -
Event Deadzone2 5m 5m
Attenuation Deadzone 3 28 m 25/28 m
Attenuation Deadzone 4 14m 12/14m

Module E6005A E6009A

Central Wavelength 850±30 nm / 1300±30 nm 850±30 nm / 1300±30 nm
Applicable Fiber multimode 62.5 µm multimode 62.5 µm
Pulsewidth 10ns 100ns 1µs 10µs 10ns 100ns 1µs
Dynamic Range5 [dB] 19/17 26/22 - /28 - /34 12/12 18/18 - /23
Event Deadzone6 3m 3m
Attenuation Deadzone7 10 m 10 m

Appendix C. Specifications
Module Specifications/Characteristics

The guaranteed values above are tested specifications. HP OTDR

modules have the pulsewidths listed in “Pulsewidth” on page 213.

Notes (1-7):
1 Measured with a standard single-mode fiber at SNR=1 noise level
and with 3 minutes averaging time.
2 Reflectance ≤ -35 dB at 10 ns pulsewidth, and with span ≤ 4 km,
optimize resolution.
3 Reflectance ≤ -35 dB at 30 ns pulsewidth, and with span ≤ 4 km.
4 Reflectance ≤ -50 dB at 30 ns pulsewidth, and with span ≤ 4 km
(typical value).
5 Measured with a standard 62.5 µm guided index multimode fiber
at SNR=1 noise level and with 3 minutes averaging time, optimize
6 Reflectance ≤ -35 dB at 5 ns pulsewidth, and with span ≤ 4 km,
optimize resolution.
7 Reflectance ≤ -35 dB at 10 ns pulsewidth, and with span ≤ 4 km.


Distance Accuracy 8
Offset Error: ± 1 m
Scale Error: ± 10–4
Sampling Error: ± 0.5 sampling spacing
Loss/Reflectance Accuracy 9
Backscatter Measurements ± 0.05 dB (1dB step), typical
Reflectance Measurements10 ± 2.0 dB, typical
Acoustic Noise Emission
< 40dBA, not continuous.
Data are results from type tests per ISO 7779
(EN 27779).

Appendix C. Specifications
Module Specifications/Characteristics

Notes (8-10):
8 Total distance accuracy = ± (offset error + scale error*distance +
sampling error).
9 SNR ≥ 15 dB and with 1 µs, averaging time max. 3 minutes.
10 -20 dB to -60 dB

Appendix C. Specifications
HP E6006A Power Meter Submodule

C.3 HP E6006A Power Meter Submodule

Sensor element: InGaAs
Wavelength range: 800 - 1650 nm
Calibrated wavelengths: 850 nm, 1300 nm, 1310 nm, 1550 nm,
1625 nm
(special wavelength on request).
Power range: +10 to -70 dBm
Max. input power +13 dBm / 20 mW
(damage level)
Display Resolution 0.01 dB
Display Units: dBm, dB, mW, µW, nW, pW
Display Contents: Calibrated λ in nm
Modulation frequency in Hz
Reference value in dB
Display Updates per second 3
Optical input: User-exchangeable Connector Interface
Applicable fiber type 9/125 µm, 50/125 µm, 62.5/125 µm

Appendix C. Specifications
HP E6006A Power Meter Submodule


Uncertainty at reference
conditions: ± 3%
Power level: -20 dBm
Continuous wave (CW)
Wavelength: 1300±3 nm, 1310±3 nm, 1550±3 nm
Fiber type: 50/125 µm graded index, HP/HMS-10 connector
Spectral bandwidth: up to 10 nm
Ambient temperature: +18 to +28 °C
At day of calibration (add 0.3% for aging of over one year;
add 0.6% for aging of over two years).

Total uncertainty: ±5% ± 0.5 nW (1300, 1310, 1550 nm)

±10% ± 2.5 nW (850 nm)

Power level: +0 to -50 dBm

Continuous Wave (CW)
Wavelength: 850±3 nm, 1300±3 nm, 1310±3 nm, 1550±3 nm
Fiber type: SM to 50 µm graded index
(add 2% to total uncertainty for fiber 62.5 µm).
Straight and angled connectors
Ambient temperature: +10 to +40 °C
Within 2 years after calibration

Supplementary Performance Characteristics

• Automatic Zeroing Circuitry.
• Automatic Ranging.
• Modulation frequency recognition (270 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz) is
available at power levels between +10 and -45 dBm (peak

Appendix C. Specifications
HP E6006A Power Meter Submodule

• Wavelength encoding recognition (350 Hz, 550 Hz) is available

at power levels between +10 and -45 dBm (peak amplitude).
• Dual Wavelength measurement is available at power levels
between +10 and -45 dBm (peak amplitude).
• Reference value is presettable from +30 to -80 dBm.
• Each calibrated wavelength has its own reference memory.
• The actual display content can be transferred to reference
memory (DISP → REF).
• Hold Data functionality.

General Specifications:
Dimensions: ca. 120 mm H x 40 mm W x 25 mm D
(4.7” x 1.6” x 1.0”)
Weight: < 130 g.
Operating Temperature: 0 to +50 °C
Storage Temperature: -40 to +60 °C
Humidity: 95% R.H. from 0 °C to 40 °C non cond.
Recommended Recalibration Period: 2 years

Appendix C. Specifications
HP E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule

C.4 HP E6007A Visual Fault Finder


Source type: Laser diode
Center Wavelength: 635 nm ± 10 nm (visible red light)
Output power level (CW): 0 dBm maximum
Output power level (CW)
into 9 µm fiber (typ.): -3 dBm
Detection range: up to 5 km
Optical output: User-exchangeable Connector Interface
Laser Class II (21 CFR 1040), Class II (IEC 825-1)

Supplementary Performance Characteristics

• Continuous Wave and Blink Mode (1 Hz for better visibility).
• Single-Mode and multimode fibers applicable.

General Specifications:
Dimensions: ca. 120 mm H x 40 mm W x 25 mm D
(4.7” x 1.6” x 1.0”)
Weight: < 100 g.
Operating Temperature: 0 to 40 °C
Storage Temperature: -40 to +60 °C
Humidity: 95% R.H. from 0 °C to 40 °C non cond.

Appendix C. Specifications
Declaration of Conformity

C.5 Declaration of Conformity

Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard GmbH

Optical Communication Measurement
Herrenberger Strasse 110-140
D-71034 Böblingen

We declare that the system:

consisting of: HP E6000A1 Mainframe
and modules: HP E6001A 1310nm single-mode module
HP E6002A 1310nm single-mode module
HP E6003A 1310nm/1550nm single-mode module
HP E6003B 1310nm/1550nm single-mode module
HP E6004A 1310nm/1550nm single-mode module
HP E6005A 850nm/1300nm multimode module
HP E6006A Optical Power Meter module
HP E6007A Visual fault finder module
HP E6008B 1310nm/1550nm single-mode module
HP E6009A 850nm/1300nm multimode module
HP E6010A 1625nm single-mode module
HP E6012A 1550nm/1625nm single-mode module

conforms to the following standards:

Safety: IEC 1010-1:1990 incl. Adm. 1:1992 EN 61010:1993

Appendix C. Specifications
Declaration of Conformity

EMC2: EN 55011:1991 / CISPR 11 Group 1, Class A

EN 50082-1:1992
IEC 801-2:1991 ESD: 4kV cd, 8kV ad
IEC 801-3:1992 Radiated Immunity:3 V/m
IEC 801-4:1988 Fast Transients: 0.5kV, 1kV

Supplementary Information
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the
• Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC), and the
• EMC Directive (89/336/EEC).
1This product includes the AC/DC Adapter (Product Number
0950-3122) with CE Mark.
2 The system was tested in a typical configuration with HP systems.
This system also conforms to other standards not listed here. If you
need further information on conformance to a particular standard,
please contact your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office.

Böblingen, 10 June 1997 Wolfgang Fenske

last update: 14 September 1998 BID Regulations Consultant


D Single-Mode/Multimode
Module Performance Tests
Module Performance

The procedures in this section tests the optical performance of the

instrument. The complete specifications to which the HP E6000A is
tested are given in Appendix C “Specifications”. All tests can be
performed without access to the interior of the instrument. The
performance tests refer specifically to tests using the Diamond
HMS-10/HP connector.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests

D.1 General

Equipment Required
Equipment required for the performance test is listed below. Any
equipment meeting the same specifications can be used.

Single-mode Modules (E6001A - E6004A, E6003B, E6008B,

E6010A, and E6012A)
• Optical Attenuator HP 8156A #101
(Return loss > 40 dB, Repeatability < 0.01 dB).
• Single-mode fiber with 3 dB coupler and known length
(between 4 and 5 km), for example, the HP Recirculating Delay
Line (P/N 08145-67900).
• 3× Optical Connector Interface HP 81000AI.
• Single-mode fiber: length 25 ± 2 km.

Multimode Module (E6005A/E6009A)

• Optical Attenuator for 850/1300 nm, 62.5 µm MM,
attenuation 30-50 dB (including insertion loss).
• Multimode fiber with 3 dB coupler and known length (between
4 and 5 km).
• 3 × Optical Connector Interface HP 81000AI.
• 1 × Universal Thru Adapter HP 81000UM.
• Single-mode fiber, length 25 ± 2 km.

Test Record
Results of the performance test may be noted in the performance
test record. The test record can also be used as a permanent record
and may be reproduced without written permission from Hewlett-

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests

Test Failure
If the HP E6000A fails any performance test, return the instrument
to the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales/Service Office for repair.

Instrument Specification
Specifications are the performance characteristics of the instrument
that are certified. These specifications, listed in Appendix C
“Specifications”, are the performance standards or limits against
that the HP E6000A can be tested. Appendix C “Specifications”
also lists some supplemental characteristics of the HP E6000A and
should be considered as additional information.
Any changes in the specifications due to manufacturing changes,
design, or traceability to the National Bureau of Standards will be
covered in a manual change supplement or revised manual. The
specifications listed in such a change supersede any previously

Performance Tests
Perform each step in the tests in the order they are given, using the
corresponding test equipment.
Make sure that all optical connections in the test setups given in the
procedure are dry and clean. For cleaning use the procedure given
in Appendix E “Cleaning Procedures”.

NOTE The screens shown in the example figures are taken from the Single-
Mode tests. Multimode tests will produce similar output, but the
settings may be slightly different.

Conventions used in this Appendix

See “Conventions used in this manual” on page 13

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

D.2 Test I. Dynamic Range

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure D-1 (single-mode

module), or Figure D-1B (multimode model). Terminate the far
The fiber is terminated by wrapping it five times around the
shaft of a screwdriver (or some similar object with a diameter of
around 5 mm).
If you are using the HP Recirculating Delay line, connect part 1
to the Mini-OTDR.

NOTE The specific measurement techniques of the HP E6000A require a fiber

length which is adapted in attenuation and backscatter to the
requirements of the selected pulsewidth. The fiber specified for this test
is of general type and valid for all pulsewidths. A shorter fiber should
not be used, as the uncertainty of the measurements would increase by
some dB.

Figure D-1 Dynamic Range Test Setup: Single-Mode

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

Figure D-1B Dynamic Range Test Setup: Multimode

NOTE Instead of the 62.5m recirculating delay line, you can use a 62.5µ
multimode fiber of length > 4km.

If you use such a multimode fiber, you do not require the coupler
(within the dotted box in Figure D-1B).

2 Turn on the OTDR, and after the selftest has passed, recall the
default settings.
3 Set the OTDR:
[SETTINGS] menu:
• <RANGE> - select <RANGE INPUT...>:
Start: - enter value ST from Table D-1, Table D-1A, or
Table D-1B. Confirm with <OK>.
Span: - enter value SP from Table D-1, Table D-1A, or
Table D-1B. Confirm with <OK>.
• <PULSE WIDTH>: enter value PW from Table D-1, Table D-
1A, or Table D-1B.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

• <WAVELENGTH>: If a dual wavelength module is installed,

select the required wavelength
• <MEAS. MODE>: Averaging
• <OPTIMIZE MODE>: Dynamic
• <AVG. TIME>: 3 min

NOTE If the averaging parameter is listed for Number of Averages, you should
do the following:

• Exit the [SETTINGS] menu

Press Ok.
• Enter the Instrument Config screen.
• Bring up the OTDR Settings page
• Select Averaging time
Move to the Averaging Mode box and press select, select
Averaging time from the menu you see.
• Save this configuration
Select Save.
• Exit the Instrument Config screen
Select Ok.
• Return to the settings screen
Select [SETTINGS].

You now see a box for Avg. Time.

[VIEW] menu:


Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

• <2 PT. LOSS>.

Table D-1 Pulse Width dependent settings for Dynamic Range Test: Single-Mode

Pulsewidth Start Span View start View end Viewed

distance position of distance
marker B

PW ST SP Bpos Vend V

10 µs 0 km 200 km 180 km 200 km 20 km

1 µs 0 km 150 km 130 km 150 km 20 km
100 ns 0 km 70 km 50 km 70 km 20 km
10 ns 0 km 70 km 50 km 70 km 20 km

Table D-1A Pulse Width dependent settings for Dynamic Range Test: Single-Mode
(E6003B, E6008B, E6010A, and E6012A)

Pulsewidth Start Span View start View end Viewed

distance position of distance
marker B

PW ST SP Bpos Vend V

10 µs 0 km 100 km 40 km 60 km 20 km
1 µs 0 km 100 km 40 km 60 km 20 km
100 ns 0 km 50 km 30 km 45 km 15 km
10 ns 0 km 50 km 30 km 45 km 15 km

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

Table D-1B Pulse Width dependent settings for Dynamic Range Test: Multimode

Pulse Start Span View start View end Viewed

width distance position of distance
marker B

PW ST SP Bpos Vend V
850/1300nm 850/1300nm 850/1300nm 850/1300nm

10 µs 0 km — / 150 km — / 130 km — / 150 km — / 20 km

1 µs 0 km — / 100 km — / 80 km — / 100 km — / 20 km
100 ns 0 km 70 / 70 km 50 / 50 km 70 / 70 km 20 / 20 km
10 ns 0 km 70 / 70 km 50 / 50 km 70 / 70 km 20 / 20 km

4 Terminate the fiber, start the measurement and wait until

measurement stops.
RUN/STOP, wait while measuring

NOTE After the measurement has stopped the fiber must not be terminated.

5 View the complete trace. See Figure D-2.

DOWN (Full Trace)

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

NOTE If you can already see the full trace, please ignore this command

Figure D-2 Dynamic Range Test: Full Trace View

6 Use Cursor keys to position marker A and B at 2.5 km ± 0.5 km

7 Select marker B
UP (A/B) until only B is highlighted.
8 Zoom to 0.5 dB/Div and 500m/Div
[ZOOM], then use cursors.
The current zooming figures are written below the trace to the
left and right hand side.
9 Select offset
10 Offset the trace until the extrapolated beginning of the

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

backscatter is on a horizontal grid line. The extrapolated

beginning of the backscatter is the level that the backscatter
would reach if it was continued back to 0 km from the OTDR,
that is if there was no initial reflection.
Use the Left and Right cursors to offset by large increments,
and the Up and Down cursors to ‘fine tune’.
11 Close Offset
12 Select Marker A
UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted.
13 Use the cursor keys to position marker A at the end of the front
reflection on the level of the extrapolated beginning of the
backscatter (that is, the crossing of the frontreflection and the

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test I. Dynamic Range

horizontal grid line).

Figure D-3 Dynamic Range Test: Position Marker at End of Frontreflection

14 Position marker B at Bpos km. View the trace around marker B

and zoom the trace around marker B to 2 km/Div and 1 dB/Div.
The value for Bpos is given in Table D-1, Table D-1A, or Table
D-1B, depending on the module you use.
UP (A/B) until only B is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys →
Bpos km. Use DOWN (Around B) to get better resolution.
{<==> ZOOM} → 2 km/Div
{ZOOM} → 1dB/Div.
15 Note the value of the sample spacing, “Samp.Dist.”. Calculate
the number of peak samples (dots) from the viewed distance V
divided by the sample spacing.
Calculate 2% thereof.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test II. Event Deadzone

To get 98% Noise Level disregard 2% of the largest noise peaks

samples (dots).
Example: PW = 10 µs → V = 50km, sample spacing = 10.28
→ number of peak samples = 50 km / 10.28 m = 4863
→ 2% thereof = 97.
16 Check the calculated 2% of the highest peak samples within the
viewed distance V: that is from Bpos to Vend according to the
values given in Table D-1, Table D-1A, or Table D-1B.

NOTE To check out and disregard the 2% of the highest peak samples you
need to zoom in further to get dots.You may have to change the color of
the trace to view them more clearly.

17 Position marker B at a point on the trace that equals the 98%

Noise Level
18 Note 2-pt-loss between A and B as “Dynamic Range98%” at the
actual pulsewidth.
19 Calculate the dynamic range as follows:
Dynamic Range = Dynamic Range98% + 1.9 dB
20 Repeat steps 4 to 19 with all pulsewidths described in the test

D.3 Test II. Event Deadzone

NOTE The setup simulates a return loss of 35 dB. To care for the fact that – due
to the coupler – the light pulse travels through the attenuator twice to
sum up, the attenuator needs to be set to a value 3 dB larger than the
simulated return loss, that is. 35 dB + 3 dB = 38 dB.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test II. Event Deadzone

As this value includes the Insertion Loss of the attenuator, you may
need to determine the Insertion Loss first.

1 Make sure that all optical connectors are clean and connect the
equipment as shown in Figure D-4.
If you are using the HP Recirculating Delay Line, connect port
2 to the OTDR, port 1 to the input of the attenuator, and port 3
to the output of the attenuator
Be sure to use the appropriate Single-Mode/Multimode delay
line for the module to be tested.

Figure D-4 Event Deadzone Test Setup

2 Turn on the OTDR, and after the self-test has passed, recall the
default settings and the resolution mode.
3 Set the linestyle to solid
4 Make sure that the length unit is set to meters.
5 Set the Start and Span to 0.00–10.00 km, and the Averaging time

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test II. Event Deadzone

to 3 min.
[SETTINGS]<AVG TIME><3 MIN> (see the note on page 233).
6 Select the required wavelength.
7 Either (Single-mode module)
Set the pulsewidth to 10 ns.
7 Or (Multimode module)
Set the pulsewidth to 5 ns.
8 Set up the attenuator.
a Set λ to the actual wavelength.
b Set the attenuation to 38 dB (see Note on page 239).
c Enable the attenuator output.
9 On the OTDR start the measurement.
10 Wait until the backscatter noise is reduced (about 10 s), then
position marker A close to the beginning of the first reflection
after the front reflection. See Figure D-5.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test II. Event Deadzone

UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys

Figure D-5 Event Deadzone Test: Position Marker A

11 Set the start position close to the position of marker A. The start
position should be just before the front edge of the reflection. Set
the measurement span to start position+2 km.
[SETTINGS}<RANGE><RANGE INPUT...>. Use Cursor keys to
specify Start and Span. Confirm with OK.

NOTE The start position should be a little before the front edge of the
reflection. For example, if the reflection is at 2.2 km, use a start position
of 2 km.

12 Run the measurement.


Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test II. Event Deadzone

13 Position marker A on top of the first reflection on the trace.

UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys to
set marker A
14 Position marker B about 5 m right from marker A.
UP (A/B) until only B is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys to
set marker B.
UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys.
Use DOWN (Around A) to get better resolution.
15 Set the y-axis scale to 0.5 dB/Div and the x-axis to 0.5 m/Div.
{<==> ZOOM} → 0.5 m/Div and [⇑ ⇓ Zoom] → 0.5 dB/Div.
Close by OK.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test II. Event Deadzone

16 Select offset, and move the peak of the reflection 3 divisions

(1.5 dB) above the center of the graph.
SELECT to Confirm.

Figure D-6 Event Deadzone Test: Position Marker B

17 Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to position marker B where the down

slope of the reflection crosses the horizontal center line of the
graph. See Figure D-6.
18 Position marker A at the beginning of the event.
UP (A/B) until A is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys.
Use DOWN (Around A) to get better resolution.
19 Note the width of the reflection in the test record. The width is
the distance between the markers A and B.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test III. Attenuation Deadzone

20 Stop the measurement.


D.4 Test III. Attenuation Deadzone

NOTE The setup simulates a return loss of 35 dB. To care for the fact that – due
to the coupler – the light pulse travels through the attenuator twice to
sum up, the attenuator needs to be set to a value 3 dB larger than the
simulated return loss, that is. 35 dB + 3 dB = 38 dB.

As this value includes the Insertion Loss of the attenuator, you may
need to determine the Insertion Loss first.

1 Connect the equipment as for the event deadzone test (see Figure
2 Turn on the OTDR, and after the self-test has passed, recall the
default settings and the resolution mode.
3 Set linestyle to SOLID.
4 Set 2 pt. loss
5 Make sure that the length unit is set to meters.
6 Set the Start and Span to 0.00–10.00 km.
7 Either (Single-mode module)
Set the pulsewidth to 30 ns.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test III. Attenuation Deadzone

7 Or (Multimode module)
Set the pulsewidth to 10 ns.
8 Set up the attenuator.
a Set λ to the actual wavelength.
b Set the attenuation to 38 dB (see Note on page 245).
c Enable the attenuator output.
9 On the OTDR start the measurement.
10 Wait until the backscatter noise is reduced (about 10 s), then
position marker A close to the beginning of the first reflection
after the front reflection.
UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys
11 Stop the measurement.
12 Set the start position close to the position of marker A and the
measurement span to 2 km.
[SETTINGS]<RANGE><RANGE INPUT...>. Use Cursor keys to
specify Start and Span. Confirm with OK.

NOTE The start position should be a little before the front edge of the
reflection. For example, if the reflection is at 2.2 km, use a start position
of 2 km.

13 Start the measurement.

14 Select marker B
UP (A/B) until only B is highlighted.
15 Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to position marker B on the peak of the
event. You may choose DOWN (Around B) to get better
16 Select marker A

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test III. Attenuation Deadzone

UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted.

17 Position marker A 70 m ± 1 m to the right of marker B, that is
after the event. Do this by checking A-B.

NOTE When noise is seen on the trace, a position referring to the mean value
of the trace should be selected.

Figure D-7 Attenuation Deadzone Test: Position Marker A

18 Select marker B
UP (A/B) until only B is highlighted.
19 Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to position marker B on top of marker
20 Use the LEFT key to move marker B until the 2 pt. Loss shows
+0.5dB or -0.5dB.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test III. Attenuation Deadzone

NOTE When noise is seen on the trace, a position referring to the mean value
of the trace should be selected.

Figure D-8 Attenuation Deadzone Test: Position Marker B at End of Reflection

21 Set resolutions to: x-axis: .5m/Div, y-axis: 0.5dB

{<==> ZOOM} → 0.5 m/Div and [⇑ ⇓ Zoom] → 0.5 dB/Div.
Close by OK.
22 Select marker A
UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted.
23 Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to move marker A to the start of the
front reflex.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test III. Attenuation Deadzone

NOTE The best approximation of the start position of the reflection is: last
point on backscatter + half sample spacing, that is Samp. Dist. (see “”
on page 211).

Figure D-9 Attenuation Deadzone Test: Position Marker A at Start of Reflection

24 Note the distance between the A-B markers as the attenuation

deadzone in the test record.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test IV. Distance Accuracy (Optional)

D.5 Test IV. Distance Accuracy (Optional)

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure D-10.

If you are using an HP Recirculating Delay Line, connect port 2
to the OTDR, and leave port 1 open.

Figure D-10 Distance Accuracy Test Setup

2 Turn on the Mini-OTDR, and after the self-test has passed, recall
the default settings and the standard mode.
3 Set the OTDR:
[SETTINGS] menu:
• <RANGE>: 0 - 10 km.
• <PULSE WIDTH>: 1 µs
• <WAVELENGTH>: If a dual wavelength module is installed,
select the required wavelength
• <MEAS. MODE>: Averaging
• <OPTIMIZE MODE>: Resolution
• <AVG. TIME>: 3 min (see the note on page 233).

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test IV. Distance Accuracy (Optional)

• <REFR. IND.>: 1.45800

• <DATA POINTS>: 16000

[VIEW] menu:

• <2 PT. LOSS>

[CONFIG] menu
4 Run the measurement, wait 10 seconds, then stop the
5 Move marker A to the beginning of the endreflection.
UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys
6 Set the start position close to the position of marker A. The start
position should be before the position of marker A (for example,
if marker A is at 4.5 km, the start position should be 4.0 km).
[SETTINGS}<RANGE><RANGE INPUT...>. Use Cursor keys to
specify Start and Span. Confirm with OK.
7 Set the OTDR:
[SETTINGS]<RANGE INPUT>: Start 4 km, Span 2 km
8 Run the measurement, and wait until the measurement has
9 Set marker to the beginning of the range (4.000 km).
UP (A/B) until only A is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys.
10 Set marker B to the beginning of the end reflection

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test IV. Distance Accuracy (Optional)

UP (A/B) until only B is highlighted. Use LEFT/RIGHT keys.

Figure D-11 Distance Accuracy Test: Position Markers

11 Select DOWN (Around B).

12 Zoom the display to 0.1 m/Div and 0.2 dB/Div
13 Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to reposition marker B to the

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test IV. Distance Accuracy (Optional)

beginning of the endreflection.

Figure D-12 Distance Accuracy Test: Around Marker View

NOTE The true location of the beginning of the event cannot be determined by
finite sample spacing. This is taken care of by the sampling error.

The best approximation of the start position of the reflection is: last
point on backscatter + half sample spacing, that is Samp. Dist. (see “”
on page 211)

14 Note the distance between markers A and B (A <–>B) plus the

position of marker A (4.000 m), as Measured Distance to the test
15 Repeat steps 12 to 14 with the pulsewidth set to 100ns.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test IV. Distance Accuracy (Optional)

16 Evaluate the measurement data.

a Note the length of your optical fiber to the test record.
b Note the start position to the test record.
c Distance accuracy
The distance accuracy is defined as:
Distance accuracy = (Measured Distance × Scale Error
+ Offset Error ± 1/2 Sampling Spacing)
Sampling Error = Sample Spacing
Distance accuracy = ± Fiber Length × 10-4 ± 1 m ± 0.08 m

Measured Distance Known Fiber Length of Delay Line

Offset Error ±1m
Scale Error ± 10-4
Sample spacing with the 2km Span 0.161m

d Calculate the minimum and the maximum distances as

described in the test record.
Note them in the test record and compare them with the
measured distances.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

D.6 Performance Test Form Sheets

Please use copies of the following form sheets for your individual
performance tests

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Page 1 of 8
Test Facility:

______________________________________ Report No. ____________________________

______________________________________ Date: ____________________________

______________________________________ Customer: ____________________________

______________________________________ Tested By: ____________________________

Model: E6000A

Serial No. ___________________

Ambient temperature ______ °C
Options ___________________
Relative humidity ______ %
Firmware Rev. ___________________
Line frequency ______ Hz
Model HP _________ Module

Serial No. ___________________

Special Notes:








Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Model HP __________ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 2 of 8

Test Equipment Used:

Model No. Trace No. Cal. Due Date

1. Optical Attenuator __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

2. SM Fiber with 3 dB Coupler Recirculating Delay Line 08145-67900 ________ __ / ___ /___

3.____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

4.____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

5.____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

6.____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

7.____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

8. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

9. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

10.___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

11.___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

12.___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

13.___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

14. ___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Model HP ______ Module Report No. ________ Date _________ Page 3 of 8

No. Test Description

I. Dynamic Range 1310 nm Wavelength

Minimum Specification
Pulsewidth Dynamic Dyn Range = E6001A E6002A E6003B E6008B Meas.
Range98% Dyn Range98% + E6004A E6003A Uncertainty
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB

10 µs _______ _______ 28 35 38 42 _______

1µs _______ _______ 23 30 30 35 _______

100 ns _______ _______ 18 24 24 29 _______

10 ns _______ _______ 13 19 19 24 _______

II. Event Deadzone 1310 nm Wavelength

Event Deadzone Max Spec Meas.
Return Loss ≥ 35dB

Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 10ns

E6001A, E6002A,
E6003A, E6003B,
E6004A, E6008B _______ m 5m _______ m

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Model HP _______ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 4 of 8

No. Test Description

III. Attenuation Deadzone 1310 nm Wavelength
Maximum Specification
Attenuatio E6001A, E6002A, Meas.
n E6004A, E6003A, Uncertainty
Deadzone E6003B E6008B
m m m m

Return Loss ≥ 35dB

Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 30ns _______ 25 20 _______

IV. Distance Accuracy 1310 nm Wavelength (Optional test)

Fiber Length: ________ m Sample Spacing: ________ m (as ∆ on the screen)
Start Position: ________ m
| Distance Accuracy | = (Fiber Length x Scale Error + Offset Error + 1/2 Sample Spacing)
| Distance Accuracy | = (_________ m x 10-4 + 1m + ________ m)
| Distance Accuracy | = _______ m
Minimum Distance = Fiber Length - | Distance Accuracy|
Maximum Distance = Fiber Length +| Distance Accuracy|
Minimum Measured Maximum Meas.
Distance Distance Distance Uncertainty
(typical) (typical)

Meas.Span Pulsewidth m m m m

4 to 6 km
1 µs _______
100 ns _______ _______ _______ _______

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Model HP _________ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 5 of 8

No. Test Description

I. Dynamic Range 1550 nm Wavelength

Minimum Specification
Pulsewidth Dynamic Dyn Range = E6003A E6003B E6004A E6008B Meas.
Range98% Dyn Range98% + E6012A Uncertainty
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB

10 µs _______ _______ 34 37 28 41 _______

1µs _______ _______ 29 29 23 34 _______

100 ns _______ _______ 22 22 18 27 _______

10 ns _______ _______ 17 17 13 22 _______

II. Event Deadzone 1550 nm Wavelength

Event Deadzone Max Spec Meas.
Return Loss ≥ 35dB

Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 10ns

E6003A, E6003B,
E6004A, E6008B, E6012A _______ m 5m _______ m

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Model HP _______ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 6 of 8

No. Test Description

III. Attenuation Deadzone 1550 nm Wavelength
Maximum Specification
Attenuation Deadzone E6003A, E6008B, Meas.
E6003B, E6012A Uncertainty

m m m m

Return Loss ≥ 35dB

Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 30ns _______ 25 25 _______

IV. Distance Accuracy 1550 nm Wavelength (Optional test)

Fiber Length: ________ m Sample Spacing: _________ m (as ∆ on the screen)
Start Position: ________ m
| Distance Accuracy | = (Fiber Length x Scale Error + Offset Error +1/2 Sample Spacing)
|Distance Accuracy| = (________ m x 10-4 + 1m + ________ m)
|Distance Accuracy| = _______ m
Minimum Distance = Fiber Length - | Distance Accuracy|
Maximum Distance = Fiber Length +| Distance Accuracy|
Minimum Measured Maximum Meas.
Distance Distance Distance Uncertainty
(typical) (typical)

Meas.Span Pulsewidth m m m m

4 to 6 km
1 µs _______
100 ns _______ _______ _______ _______

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Model HP _________ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 7 of 8

No. Test Description

I. Dynamic Range 1625 nm Wavelength

Minimum Specification
Pulsewidth Dynamic Dyn Range = E6010A, E6012A Meas.
Range98% Dyn Range98% + Uncertainty
dB dB dB dB

10 µs _______ _______ 37 _______

1µs _______ _______ 30 _______

100 ns _______ _______ 24 _______

10 ns _______ _______ 18 _______

II. Event Deadzone 1625 nm Wavelength

Event Deadzone Max Spec Meas.
Return Loss ≥ 35dB

Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 10ns

E6010A, E6012A _______ m 5m _______ m

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Single-mode Modules

Model HP _______ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 8 of 8

No. Test Description

III. Attenuation Deadzone 1625 nm Wavelength
Maximum Specification
Attenuation Deadzone E6010A, E6012A Meas.

m m m

Return Loss ≥ 35dB

Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 30ns _______ 28 _______

IV. Distance Accuracy 1625 nm Wavelength (Optional test)

Fiber Length: ________ m Sample Spacing: _________ m (as ∆ on the screen)
Start Position: ________ m
| Distance Accuracy | = (Fiber Length x Scale Error + Offset Error +1/2 Sample Spacing)
|Distance Accuracy| = (________ m x 10-4 + 1m + ________ m)
|Distance Accuracy| = _______ m
Minimum Distance = Fiber Length - | Distance Accuracy|
Maximum Distance = Fiber Length +| Distance Accuracy|
Minimum Measured Maximum Meas.
Distance Distance Distance Uncertainty
(typical) (typical)

Meas.Span Pulsewidth m m m m

4 to 6 km
1 µs _______
100 ns _______ _______ _______ _______

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with the Multimode Module

Page 1 of 6
Test Facility:

______________________________________ Report No. ____________________________

______________________________________ Date: ____________________________

______________________________________ Customer: ____________________________

______________________________________ Tested By: ____________________________

Model: E6000A

Serial No. ___________________

Ambient temperature ______ °C
Options ___________________
Relative humidity ______ %
Firmware Rev. ___________________
Line frequency ______ Hz
Model HP _________ Module

Serial No. ___________________

Special Notes:








Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with the Multimode Module

Model HP __________ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 2 of 6

Test Equipment Used:

Model No. Trace No. Cal. Due Date

1. Optical Attenuator __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

2. MM Fiber with 3 dB Coupler Recirculating Delay Line __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

3. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

4. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

5. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

6. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

7. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

8. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

9. ____________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

10. ___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

11. ___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

12. ___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

13. ___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

14. ___________________________________________ __________ ________ __ / ___ /___

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with the Multimode Module

Model HP _______ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 3 of 6

No. Test Description

I. Dynamic Range 850 nm Wavelength

Pulsewidth Dynamic Range98% Dyn Range Minimum Meas.

= Dyn Range98% + 1.9dB Specification Uncertainty
E6005A E6009A
dB dB dB dB dB

100 ns _______ _______ 26 18 _______

10 ns _______ _______ 19 12 _______

II. Event Deadzone 850 nm Wavelength

Event Deadzone Max Spec Meas. Uncertainty
Return Loss ≥ 35dB
Conditions: Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 5ns
E6009A _______ m 3m _______ m

III. Attenuation Deadzone 850 nm Wavelength

Attenuation Deadzone Max Spec Meas. Uncertainty
Return Loss ≥ 35dB
Conditions: Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 10ns
E6009A _______ m 10 m _______ m

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with the Multimode Module

Model HP _______ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 4 of 6

No. Test Description

IV. Distance Accuracy 850 nm Wavelength (Optional Test)

Fiber Length: ________ m Sample Spacing: _________ m (as ∆ on the screen)
Start Position: ________ m
| Distance Accuracy | = (Fiber Length x Scale Error + Offset Error + 1/2 Sample Spacing)
| Distance Accuracy | = (_________ m x 10-4 +1m + ________ m)
| Distance Accuracy | = _______ m
Minimum Distance = Fiber Length - | Distance Accuracy|
Maximum Distance = Fiber Length +| Distance Accuracy|
Minimum Measured Maximum Meas.
Distance Distance Distance Uncertainty
(typical) (typical)

Meas. Span Pulsewidth m m m m

2 km
100 ns _______ _______ _______ _______

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with the Multimode Module

Model HP _______ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 5 of 6

No. Test Description

I. Dynamic Range 1300 nm Wavelength
Pulsewidth Dynamic Range98% Dyn Range Minimum Meas.
= Dyn Range98% + 1.9dB Specification Uncertainty
E6005A E6009A
dB dB dB dB dB

10 µs _______ _______ 34 n/a _______

1µs _______ _______ 28 23 _______

100 ns _______ _______ 22 18 _______

10 ns _______ _______ 17 12 _______

II. Event Deadzone1300 nm Wavelength

Event Deadzone Max Spec Meas. Uncertainty
Return Loss ≥ 35dB
Conditions: Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 5ns
E6009A _______ m 3m _______ m

III. Attenuation Deadzone1300 nm Wavelength

Attenuation Deadzone Max Spec Meas. Uncertainty
Return Loss ≥ 35dB
Conditions: Meas. Span. 2km
Pulsewidth 10ns
E6009A _______ m 10 m _______ m

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Performance Test Form Sheets

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with the Multimode Module

Model HP _______ Module Report No. _______ Date ________ Page 6 of 6

No. Test Description

IV. Distance Accuracy 1300 nm Wavelength (Optional Test)

Fiber Length: ________ m Sample Spacing: _________ m (as ∆ on the screen)
Start Position: ________ m
| Distance Accuracy | = (Fiber Length x Scale Error + Offset Error + 1/2 Sample Spacing)
| Distance Accuracy | = (_________ m x 10-4 +1m + ________ m)
| Distance Accuracy | = _______ m
Minimum Distance = Fiber Length - | Distance Accuracy|
Maximum Distance = Fiber Length +| Distance Accuracy|
Minimum Measured Maximum Meas.
Distance Distance Distance Uncertainty
(typical) (typical)

Meas. Span Pulsewidth m m m m

2 km
1 µs _______
100 ns _______ _______ _______ _______

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

D.7 Test V. E6006A Submodule

Test Equipment Required

Instrument or Accessories qty Required Characteristic
Lightwave Multimeter Meter 1 HP 8153A
Interface Module 1 HP 81533B
Optical Detector Head 1 HP 81524A #C01
Laser Source 1310/1550 nm 1 HP 81554SM 1310 ± 10 nm
1550 ± 10 nm
short term stability < ±0.005 dB
Optical attenuator 1 HP 8156A #101 attenuation > 50 dB
Return Loss > 45 dB
repeatability < ±0.01 dB
Patchcord 1 HP 81101AC
(HMS10/HMS10, 9/50 µm, SM)
Patchcord 1 81501AC
(HMS10/HMS10, 50/125 mm)
connector interface 4 HP 81000AI
connector adapter 1 HP 81000AA
Optional Test Equipment
Laser Source 850 nm 1 HP 81551MM 850 ± 10 nm
short term stability < ±0.01 dB
Optical Head 1 HP 81520A #C01 recommended

Uncertainty/Accuracy Test at Reference Conditions

NOTE Make sure that all equipment has warmed up, and all connectors are

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

Make sure that all patchcords are fixed to the table and will not move
during measurements.

Repeat each of the following steps for each of the specified

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure D-13.

Figure D-13 Test setup 1310 nm and 1550 nm: Reference Measurement

2 Disable the laser source and attenuator; zero the power meter
(press {ZERO}).

Reference Measurement
3 Set the laser source to 1310 nm (nominal).
4 Set both the power meter and the attenuator to 1310.00 nm.
5 Set the power meter to MEASURE mode; select parameter
T=100ms; switch AUTO range on.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

6 Enable the Laser Source and the HP 8156A output, and wait 3
minutes until the laser has settled.
7 On the power meter, press [dBm W] to get the display reading
in W.
8 Set the attenuation of the attenuator to a value where the power
meter reads 10.00 µW

Measurement of DUT
9 Connect the attenuator output cable to the DUT, as shown in
Figure D-14.

Figure D-14 Test setup 1310 nm and 1550 nm: Measurement of the DUT

10 Make sure that the E6006A DUT has warmed up.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

11 Set the DUT to 1310.00 nm.

12 Enable the laser source and the HP 8156A output, and wait
3 minutes until the laser has settled.
13 Set the DUT to display power levels in W.
14 Note the displayed measured value on the DUT in the test

Test of the other wavelength

15 Set the laser source to 1550 nm (nominal), and set the attenuator
and the DUT to 1550.00 nm.
16 Repeat steps 1 to 14 for this wavelength, replacing all settings of
1310 nm/1310.00 nm by 1550 nm/1550.00 nm.

NOTE The Reference Power Meter 81524A and the DUT are both of the same
type InGaAs. This means that the wavelength dependencies are equal.
As long as both the Reference Power Meter and the DUT are set to the
same wavelength, the actual wavelength of the source does not
noticeably add to measurement uncertainties, if the source is within a
±20 nm limit of the measuring wavelength.

Total Uncertainty/Accuracy Test

NOTE Make sure that all equipment has warmed up, and all connectors are

Make sure that all patchcords are fixed to the table and will not move
during measurements.

Repeat each of the following steps for each of the specified


Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure D-13.

NOTE If you are performing the optional accuracy test at 850 nm, it is
sufficient to measure at the highest power level. This means that you do
not need to use an attenuator: you can connect the laser source directly
to the optical head using an HP 81501AC patchcord.

2 Disable the laser source and attenuator; zero the power meter
(press {ZERO}).

Reference Measurement
3 Set the laser source to 1310 nm (nominal).
4 Set the Laser Source to ATT=0.
5 Set the power meter and the attenuator to 1310.00 nm.
6 Set the power meter to MEASURE mode; select parameter
T=100ms; switch AUTO range on.
7 Enable the Laser Source and the HP 8156A output, and wait 3
minutes until the laser has settled.
8 Set the attenuation of the attenuator to 0.00 dB.
9 On the power meter, press [dBm W] to get the display reading
in W.
10 Note the displayed reference measurement value on the power
meter in the test record.
11 Repeat steps 9 and 10 for all attenuation values listed in the test

Measurement of DUT
12 Connect the attenuator output cable to the DUT, as shown in
Figure D-14.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

NOTE If you are performing the optional accuracy test at 850 nm, it is
sufficient to measure at the highest power level. This means that you do
not need to use an attenuator: you can connect the laser source directly
to the optical head using an HP 81501AC patchcord.

13 Make sure that the E6006A DUT has warmed up.

14 Set the DUT to 1310.00 nm.
15 Enable the laser source and the HP 8156A output, and wait
3 minutes until the laser has settled.
16 Set the attenuation of the attenuator to 0.00 dB.
17 Set the DUT to display power levels in W.
18 Note the displayed measured value on the DUT in the test
19 Repeat step 18 for all attenuation values listed in the test record.

Test of other wavelengths

20 Set the laser source to 1550 nm (nominal), and set the attenuator
and the DUT to 1550.00 nm.
21 Repeat steps 1 to 19 for this wavelength, replacing all settings of
1310 nm/1310.00 nm by 1550 nm/1550.00 nm.

NOTE The Reference Power Meter 81524A and the DUT are both of the same
type InGaAs. This means that the wavelength dependencies are equal.
As long as both the Reference Power Meter and the DUT are set to the
same wavelength, the actual wavelength of the source does not
noticeably add to measurement uncertainties, if the source is within a
±20 nm limit of the measuring wavelength.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

Performance Test for the HP E6006A with Power Meter submodule

Page 1 of 3
Test Facility:

______________________________________ Report No. ____________________________

______________________________________ Date: ____________________________

______________________________________ Customer: ____________________________

______________________________________ Tested By: ____________________________

Model: HP E6006A Power Meter

Serial No. ____________________________
Options ____________________________ Revision _________________________
HP E6000A E600__A
Handheld OTDR Mainframe OTDR Module
Serial No. ____________________________ Serial No. ____________________________

Ambient Temperature ________________ °C

Relative Humidity ________________ %
Line Frequency ________________ Hz

Test Equipment used:

Description Model No. Trace No. Cal. Due Date

1. Std. Lightwave Multimeter __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____

2. Std. Optical Head Interface __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
3. Std. Optical Head __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
4. Laser Source __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
5. Attenuator __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
6. ________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
7.________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
8.________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
9.________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Power Meter Submodule

Model: HP E6006A Module Report No. _________ Date: __________ Page 2 of 3
Uncertainty/Accuracy Test at Reference Conditions
Reference setting of power level 10.00 µW
Wavelength Minimum Spec. E6006A, DUT Maximum Spec. Measurement
(-3.6% of Ref.) Measurement Results (+3.6% of Ref.) Uncertainty
1310.00 nm 9.640 µW _______ µW 10.360 µW _______ µW
1550.00 nm 9.640 µW _______ µW 10.360 µW _______ µW
Uncertainty/Accuracy Test
Wavelength 1310 nm
8156A 81524A Minimum Spec. E6006A, DUT Maximum Spec. Measurement
setting Reference (-5% of Ref. Measurement Results (+5% of Ref. Uncertainty
Measurement - 0.5 nW) + 0.5 nW)
0 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
5 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
15 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
25 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
35 dB _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ W
45 dB _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ W

Wavelength 1550 nm
8156A 81524A Minimum Spec. E6006A, DUT Maximum Spec. Measurement
setting Reference (-5% of Ref. Measurement Results (+5% of Ref. Uncertainty
Measurement - 0.5 nW) + 0.5 nW)
0 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
5 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
15 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
25 dB _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W
35 dB _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ W
45 dB _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ nW _______ W

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test V. E6006A Submodule

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Power Meter Submodule

Model: HP E6006A Module Report No. _________ Date: __________ Page 3 of 3

Optional Test
Wavelength 850 nm
8156A 81520A Minimum Spec. E6006A, DUT Maximum Spec. Measurement
setting Reference (-10% of Ref. Measurement Results (+10% of Ref. Uncertainty
Measurement - 2.5 nW) +2.5 nW)
n/a _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ µW _______ W

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule

D.8 Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder


Test Equipment Required

Recommended Required
Instrument or Accessories qty
Model Characteristic
Lightwave Multimeter Meter 1 HP 8153A
Optical Power Sensor 1 HP 81530A
Patchcord 1 HP 81101AC
(HMS10/HMS10, 9/50 µm, SM)
connector interface 2 HP 81000AI
Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1 HP 75450A #101
(optional test only)

• Make sure that all equipment has warmed up, and all connectors
are clean.
• Make sure that all patchcords are fixed to the table, and will not
move during measurements.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule

Test of Output Power Level (CW)

1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure D-15.

Figure D-15 Measurement of the Output power

2 Apply a 9/125 µm patchcord with HMS-10 connectors.

3 Set the 8153A:
dBm/W dBm
wavelength λ = 635 nm
sampling time T = 100 ms
Range AUTO

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule

4 Before you switch on the DUT, zero the 8153A:

press {ZERO} on the 8153A.
5 On the DUT, select Visual Fault Finder:
Select Mod CW
Select ON

and allow to settle.

6 Note the displayed power level on the 8153A in the test report.

Optional test: Center Wavelength

NOTE The laser has been vendor tested, and specifications are purely typical.
Therefore, this test is not mandatory.

1 Connect the E6007A output to the Optical Spectrum Analyzer

using an 81101A patchcord, and two 81000AI interface
• ensure that the OSA is switched on and has warmed up.
• ensure that the E6000A is switched on and has warmed up.
• enable the E6007A (DUT).
2 On the OSA:
• press AUTO/MEAS and wait until End of Automeasure
is displayed.
• choose USER and then select the type of source to be
measured as FP (for Fabry-Perot Laser).
To show the display in linear mode:
• press MENU
• select AMPT on the left side of the display
• press LINEAR on the right side of the display.
3 To ensure an interference free reading of the display, you should
stop the steady repeating calculations:
• select USER.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule


4 If the presentation of the graphic is not suitable, you may change
the resolution using the SPAN key.
5 If the signal is clipped, increase the reference level.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule

6 From the displayed measurements, check for Mean Wavelength.

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule

Performance Test for the HP E6007A

Page 1 of 2
Test Facility:

______________________________________ Report No. ____________________________

______________________________________ Date: ____________________________

______________________________________ Customer: ____________________________

______________________________________ Tested By: ____________________________

Model: HP E6007A Visual Light Source

Serial No. ____________________________
Options ____________________________ Revision _________________________
HP E6000A E600__A
Handheld OTDR Mainframe OTDR Module
Serial No. ____________________________ Serial No. ____________________________

Ambient Temperature ________________ °C

Relative Humidity ________________ %
Line Frequency ________________ Hz

Test Equipment used:

Description Model No. Trace No. Cal. Due Date

1. Std. Lightwave Multimeter __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____

2. Std. Optical Power Sensor __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
3. ________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
4.________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
5.________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____
6.________________________ __________________ ____________ _____ / ____ / ____

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule

Performance Test for the HP E6000A with Visual Light Source Submodule
Model: HP E6007A Module Report No. _________ Date: ________ Page 2 of 2

Output Power Level (CW)

Wavelength 635 nm
fiber type Minimum Measured value Maximum Measurement
Specification Specification Uncertainty
9/125 µm SM -5.00 dBm ________ dBm 0 dBm _______ dB
(-3 dBm typ.)

Optional Center Wavelength Performance Test

Minimum Measured value Maximum Measurement
Specification Specification Uncertainty
Wavelength 615 nm ________ nm 655 nm _______ nm
(625 nm typ.) (645 nm typ.)

Appendix D. Single-Mode/Multimode Module Performance Tests
Test VI: E6007A Visual Fault Finder Submodule


E Cleaning Procedures
Cleaning Procedures

In general, whenever possible use physically contacting connectors,

and dry connections. Fiber connectors may be used dry or wet. Dry
means without index matching compound. Clean the connectors,
interfaces and bushings carefully each time after use.

WARNING Make sure to disable all sources when you are cleaning any optical
Under no circumstances look into the end of an optical cable attached
to the optical output when the device is operational.
The laser radiation is not visible to the human eye, but it can seriously
damage your eyesight.

Appendix E. Cleaning Procedures
Cleaning Materials

E.1 Cleaning Materials

Lens Cleaning Paper 9300-0761
Special Cleaning Tips 9300-1351
Blow Brush 9300-1131
Adhesive Cleaning tape 15475-68701
Isopropyl Alcohol Not available from HP. This should be
available from any local pharmaceutical
Pipe Cleaner

WARNING To prevent electrical shock, disconnect the HP model E6000A from the
mains before cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with
water to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean

E.2 Cleaning Fiber/Panel Connectors

1 To clean the instrument panel connector remove the connector

2 Apply some isopropyl alcohol to the lens cleaning paper and
clean the surface and the ferrule of the connectors.
3 Using a new dry piece of cleaning paper, wipe the connector
surface and ferrule until they are dry and clean.

Appendix E. Cleaning Procedures
Cleaning Connector Interfaces

4 Lightly press the adhesive tape several times against the

connector surface to remove any remaining particles. After use
store the tape in the container.
5 Protect the connector surface with a cap.

E.3 Cleaning Connector Interfaces

NOTE If any index matching compound was used, use an ultrasonic bath with
isopropyl alcohol to clean the connector interfaces.

• Apply some isopropyl alcohol to the pipe cleaner and wash the
inside the connector interface.
• Using a new dry pipe cleaner, dry the inside the connector
• Remove the brush part from the blow brush and blow air through
the inside the interface to remove any remaining particles.

E.4 Cleaning Connector Bushings

As used on the HP 8158B Optical Attenuator and HP 81000AS/BS

Optical Power Splitter.
Normally the connector bushings require no cleaning. However, if
it appears that cleaning is necessary, use only the blow brush with
the brush part removed.

Appendix E. Cleaning Procedures
Cleaning Detector Windows

CAUTION NEVER insert any cleaning tool into the bushing as this may affect the
optical system.
NEVER use any index matching compound, cleaning fluid or cleaning

E.5 Cleaning Detector Windows

As used on the HP 81520A and HP 81521B Optical Heads (large

1 Use the blow brush to remove any particles from the surface.
2 Wipe the surface with cleaning paper or special cleaning tips.

E.6 Cleaning Lens Adapters

CAUTION Do not use any cleaning fluid or cleaning spray.

1 Using the blow brush, remove dust.

2 Wipe the surfaces with the special cleaning tips.

E.7 Cleaning Detector Lens Interfaces

As used on the HP 81522A Optical Head (small area) and HP

8140A and HP 8153A detector modules.

Appendix E. Cleaning Procedures
Cleaning Detector Lens Interfaces

Normally, the lens interface can be cleaned by using the blow

brush. If adhesive dirt must be removed perform as follows:
1 Using the blow brush, remove the dust from the lens surface.
2 Press the special cleaning tip to the lens surface and rotate the

NOTE Use alcohol for cleaning only when the above procedure does not help
or if the dirt is caused by oil or fat.


F Environmental Profile
Environmental Profile

Appendix G. Environmental Profile
Product Summary

F.1 Product Summary

The product reviewed consists of an E6000A and an E6003A as a

typical configuration.

Transport restrictions: none

Hazardous or restricted materials: no hazardous materials

no CFCs or brominated fire retardants

Parts requiring special disposal: Li-Ion Backup-battery

NiMH Mainbattery (recycling path)

F.2 Materials of Construction

Material % weight % recyclable/reusable


Aluminium 20 100
Steel 5 100

Plastic parts:

PC-ABS 25 100
TPU 7 100


NiMH 20 80
Printed Circuit Boards 20 0

Appendix G. Environmental Profile
Energy Use/Efficiency

F.3 Energy Use/Efficiency

Normal Operation: < 20 Watt

Standby: < 5 Watt

F.4 Operation Emissions

Ozone: No ozone emissions

Radio Frequency Noise: Meets CISPR 11 (CISPR22)

Appendix G. Environmental Profile

F.5 Batteries

Main Battery: DURACELL DR35: Recycling program is provided

by DURACELL world wide. Please contact your local Duracell

Argentina: tel: (54 1) 638 3000

Australia: tel: (61 2) 898 5500
Belgium: tel: (02) 725 51 30
Brazil: tel: (55 11) 521 2144
China: tel: (56 2) 204 8085
Columbia: tel: (57 1) 617 1251
Denmark: tel: (43) 208320
Finland: tel: (0800) 9 4522
France: tel: (1) 46 14 86 64
Germany: tel (0221) 5967 420
Hong Kong: tel: (852) 506 2121
Italy: tel (1678) 24189
Japan: tel: (813 5) 687 1500
Mexico: tel: (52 5) 373 7799
The Netherlands: tel: (0162) 42 92 88
Norway tel: (22) 884250
New Zealand: tel: (64 9) 622 2760
Singapore: tel: (65) 742 8712
Spain: tel (91) 747 2999
Sweden tel (08) 629 27 10
Taiwan: tel: (886 2) 702 6666
UK: tel: (0800) 716 434
USA: tel (1 800) 551 2355
Venezuela: tel: (58 2) 993 5609

The Lithium backup battery requires special disposal. Dispose in

accordance with local laws and regulations.

Appendix G. Environmental Profile
Materials of Packaging

F.6 Materials of Packaging

Material % weight % recyclable/reusable

PUR 25 100
Corrugated Paper 75 100

F.7 Learning Products

Manuals are 100% recyclable.

F.8 HP Manufacturing Process

Hewlett-Packard has eliminated ozone depleting substances such as

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), trichlorethane (TCA), and carbon
tetrachloride from its manufacturing process worldwide.
Hewlett-Packard is surveying and working with suppliers to
identify and eliminate any ozone depleting substances from their


G Overview

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

G.1 Function Overview

Figure G-1 shows how to navigate through the Mini-OTDR screens

and applications, and shows the different uses of the CURSOR and
SELECT keys.
Figure G-2 shows what you can change using the popup menu in
OTDR mode..
Figure G-3 shows what you can set after you select Instrument
Config. from the Applications Screen
Figure G-4 to Figure G-8 represent sample sessions for commonly
used features.

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-1 The Mini- OTDR menu system

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-2 The OTDR Mode menu options

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-3 The Instrument Config menu options

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-4 Configure the instrument

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-5 View a Trace

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-6 Use the printer

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-7 Add/Delete Landmarks

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview

Figure G-8 Read from/Write to a Floppy Disk

Appendix G. Overview
Function Overview


H E6000B

This Appendix describes the E6000B, which was introduced in

January 1999, and will replace the E6000A.
The E6000B has all the functionality of the E6000A, plus the extra
features discussed in this Appendix.

Appendix G. Overview
New Options

H.1 New Options

You can order the E6000B with all the options available for the
E6000A (see “Instrument and Options” on page 197), plus the
following 2 additional options:

Product Opt Description

HP E6000B Mini-OTDR Mainframe, including keyboard

connector PS2.
006 B/W Screen VGA-LCD
007 Mini-Keyboard (see “The Mini-Keyboard” below).

The Mini-Keyboard
If you order the HP E6000B, option 007, you receive a PS2
keyboard, that you can attach at the back of your Mini-OTDR, to
the right-hand side (see Figure H-1).
You can use the keyboard in place of the screen keyboard to enter
text (see, for instance, “How to change a text setting” on page 141).
You can also use the keyboard to control your Mini-OTDR using
the following Cursor keys:

keyboard key equivalent Mini-OTDR hardkey

Up arrow CURSOR UP
Down arrow CURSOR DOWN
Left arrow CURSOR LEFT
Right arrow CURSOR RIGHT
<Enter> or <Return> SELECT
<f1> HELP

Appendix G. Overview
Increased Internal Memory

Figure H-1 Attaching a screen keyboard

You can attach any standard PS2 keyboard to the keyboard

connection, with a mini-DIN connector (for example, the E6000B
#007 Mini keyboard E6000-61901).

H.2 Increased Internal Memory

The E6000B comes with 3 MB of memory for the internal data

storage (the E6000A has 1.44 MB). This means that you can save
more traces, and more detailed traces.
The memory for languages has also been increased. You can now
install up to 4 languages (including English) for the Help and User
Interface, instead of 3 on the E6000A.

Appendix G. Overview
Increased Internal Memory

For more information about installing new languages, see “How to

Update the Firmware and Languages” on page 152.

Appendix G. Overview
Increased Internal Memory

Numerics Backscatter coefficient 204 Cursor ...................47
Battery ...................78,
2pt.Attn .................46 185 D
back-up .............185
2pt.L .....................46
safety ...............81
storage ..............81 Data points .............55
A Declaration of Conformity
C Detector Lens Interfaces
A-B .......................46
AC Power ...............186 cleaning ............291
Change Detector Windows
Accessories .............199
Acoustic noise emission 219
of the measurement span cleaning ............291
89 Display ..................215
Add of the refractive index 85 Distance .................70
event comment ....117 Charging the Batteries 301
landmark ...........115 Distance accuracy ....204
Claims ...................191 performance test ..250
non-reflective event 127
Cleaning ................291 Distance between markers
reflective event ....118
connector bushings 290 46
Altitude, highest permitted for connector interfaces 290
use .................189 Distance offset error .205
detector lens interfaces
Applications Screen ..41 Distance sampling error 206
Attenuation .............70 detector windows .291 Distance scale error ..206
2-point ..............46 fiber connectors ...289 Documentation ........214
LSA .................46 panel connectors ..289 Dynamic range
Attenuation deadzone 203 Cleaning Materials ...289 performance test ..231
performance test ..245 Cleaning procedures .288 RMS ................207
Attenuation Limit .....58 Clear
Auto ......................54 horizontal offset ...103 E
Automatic measurement 87 Code Modulated Output 173
Automatic scanning ..87 Comments ..............146 E6000B ..................313
Automatic standard ..54 Connecting the fiber .85 EasyMode ..............42, 62
Averaging Parameter 145 Connector ...............44 recall settings ......159,
Averaging Time .......54, Connector Bushings 161
145 cleaning ............290 Efficiency ...............296
Avg. Time ..............54 Connector interfaces .39, End of the fiber .......127
200 End Threshold .........56,
B cleaning ............290 103
Contrast .................73 Energy Use .............296
Cum.L. to A/B ........46 Entering a number ....141
Backlight ................73 Cumulative Loss ......46 Entering text ...........141
Backscatter .............69

Environmental specifications Full-trace window ... 45 K
216, ............. 295 Function Overview .. 301
Event .................... 69 Keyboard .............. 142,
mask ............... 96 H 313
non-reflective ..... 44, 69
reflective .......... 44, 69
Event bar ............... 44 Hardkeys ............... 33 L
Event Comment ...... 115 Help ..................... 64
add event comment 117 Horizontal Offset .... 101 Labels ................... 146
Event deadzone ...... 207 clear ................ 103
Landmark .............. 44,
performance test . 239 Horizontal Parameters 212 115
Event Masking ....... 58 Humidity ............... 189 add landmark ..... 115
Event Table ........... 93 Length Tolerance .... 59
Lock Event Table 95 I Level Markers
External keyboard ... 142 for reflectance .... 119
Initial inspection ..... 185 insertion loss ...... 123
F Initial Safety Information 6 Line power cable .... 186
Ins.L. at A/B .......... 46 Link Length ........... 58
Inserting Lock Event Table .... 95
connect the fiber . 85 battery .............
82 Logo .................... 134
connection to the OTDR module .............77 Loss ..................... 46, 70
85 submodule ........ 77 Loss accuracy
end ................. 127 Insertion Loss ......... 46, 1dB ................ 208
measurement of the total 130 LSA-Attn .............. 46
loss ..... 127 level markers ..... 123
Fiber Break Locator 41, Insertion Loss Measurement M
167 174
Fiber Connectors Inspection .............. 185
cleaning ........... 289 Manual measurement 89
Installation Marker .................. 44
Fiber End .............. 103 of new software .. 192 distance between . 46
Fiber number (Task mode) of the paper roll .. 192 Marker-information window
164 Installation Category 189
File Utility ............. 42 Instrument Config ... 42,
Mask Events .......... 96
Firmware update ..... 154 304 Materials of Construction
Front Connector Threshold Instrument Setup ..... 151
55 Interface ................ 215
Meas. Mode ........... 54
Front panel ............ 33 parallel ............. 190
reflection .......... 129
automatic .......... 87
FrontC. Thres. ........ 55
change of the span 89

file-name ...........45 O event deadzone ....239
manual ..............89 form sheets .........255
parameters .........45 Power Meter .......270
printing .............105 Offset Visual Fault Finder 279
saving ...............109 horizontal ..........101
Popup menu ............49
total loss of the fiber 127 vertical ..............133
EasyMode ..........63
Measurement Mode ..54 Online documentation 64 Power ....................216
Measurement Settings 53 Operating environment 189 Power Meter ...........170
Memory .................314 Operation Emissions .296 performance test ..270
Menu system ...........302 Optical performance .217 Power on ................73
Mini-Keyboard ........313 Optical Return Loss ..46 Power range ............211
Modes Optimize ................46 Power specifications .216
optimization mode 89 Optimize mode ........46, Power supply requirements
Module specifications 217 55, ................89 AC ..................186
Modules .................36 Optional features .....197 Printer Configuration 149
Multi Fiber Test .......42 ORL ......................46 Printing a measurement 105
OTDR Mode ...........41, Printout ..................108
42, ................303 Product Summary
N OTDR Settings ........144 environmental .....295
Output Connector .....214 Pulsewidth ..............46, 53
Name of the measurement file Overview specifications ......213
......................45 available functions 301 PWidth ..................46
New Events ............57
Noise .....................211
Noise level
98% .................209
RMS ................210 Panel .....................289 Range ....................46, 53
NonRefl Thres .........55 Panel Connectors Read from a template 160
Non-Reflectance Limit 57 cleaning ............289 Real time measurements 91
Non-Reflectance Threshold Parallel interface ......190 Reference conditions 211
55 Parameter set up ......85 Refl. at A/B ............46
Non-Reflective Event 44, 69 Parameter window ...45 Refl. Limit ..............57
add..................127 PC Refl. Thres ..............55
NRefl. Limit ...........57 connect with RS232 151 Reflectance .............129,
Number of Averages .54, Programming User Tasks
145 190 level markers ......119
Numerical setting .....141 Performance tests .....228 Reflectance accuracy 210
attenuation deadzone 245
Reflectance Limit .....57
distance accuracy .250
dynamic range .....231 Reflectance Parameter 145
Reflectance Threshold 55

Reflection .............. 70 161 link length ......... 58
Reflection Height .... 145 Signal-to-noise ratio 210 mask events ....... 96
Reflective Event ..... 44, 69 Single-mode module 228 new events ........ 57
add ................. 118 SNR ..................... 210 non-reflectance limit 57
Refr. Ind. ............... 47, 54 parameters ........ 56
Source Mode .......... 42,
reflectance limit .. 57
Refractive Index ..... 47 169 total link loss ..... 57
Refractive index ..... 54 Code Modulated Output
173 Trace Information ... 146
Regression line ....... 120
specifications ..... 213 in task mode ...... 165
battery .............
82 Specifications
module .............77 module specifications 217 U
submodule ........ 77 Splice ...................
Repackaging .......... 191 Start Fiber number .. 164 Update
Return Loss ........... 46 Storage environment 189 firmware ........... 154
RS232 .................. 151 Submodule ............ 77 languages
Power Meter ...... 170 Language update
Visual Fault Finder 178
S 155

................... 185 T
Safety V
information for laser source
6 Task Mode ............ 42, Vertical Offset ........ 133
summary .......... 4 161
symbols ...........5 Vertical Parameters . 212
file name .......... 162
Sample Dist. .......... 47 start fiber number 164 Visual Fault Finder .. 178
Save a Template ..... 159 storage directory . 165 performance test . 279
Saving a measurement 109 trace information . 165
Scan Trace Temperature for operation W
specifications ..... 214 and storage ..... 189
Scatter coefficient ... 54 Template ............... 159, Wavelength ........... 54
Scatter.Coeff. ......... 54 161
Select ................... 47 presaved ........... 160
Text setting ............ 141 Z
Serial Interfaces ...... 190
Set up Total Link Loss ...... 57
parameters........ 85 Total uncertainty ..... 211 Zoom .................... 50
Settings screen ....... 51 Trace .................... 44
measurement settings 53 Trace Checker ........ 96
trace checker parameters attenuation limit .. 58
56 event masking .... 58
Settings Template ... 159, length tolerance .. 59


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