The Philcat Certification Self Assessment and Survey Tool Repaired Final
The Philcat Certification Self Assessment and Survey Tool Repaired Final
The Philcat Certification Self Assessment and Survey Tool Repaired Final
Goal The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
1. The TB DOTS center is Signages and signs are placed for easy access
easily located and to the center. EA
patients have convenient
and safe access to the
This standard will be achieved when:
1.1. There is appropriate Signages are placed to provide directions for
signage bearing the name easy access to the center. EA
of the TB DOTS center to
assist patients accessing
the center.
1.2. Physical access is The road to the center is spacious for easy
appropriate for the needs access. EA
of patients.
1.3. Entrances and exits are No parking sign is placed.
clearly marked and free of EA
obstruction and other
hazardous conditions.
1.4. There are resources to Daily and hourly schedules as well as the
inform patients of the duration of the treatment are posted to ensure
daily and hourly schedule the quality of the service.
of TB DOTS services, EA
ensure the quality of
patient waiting.
*Rating scale: 1
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 1/25
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Goal: The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
Standard 1: The TB DOTS center is easily located and patients have convenient and safe access to the center.
*Rating scale: 2
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 2/25
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2.2 There are resources and Pamphlet and magazines are provided for
processes to ensure the waiting patients. EA
quality of patient waiting.
2.3 The lighting in each area The room is well ventilated and well lit for
of the center is the patients comfort. EA
appropriate for the
assigned purpose of the
2.4 The privacy of the staff- Curtains are placed to provide privacy.
patient encounter is EA
*Rating scale: 3
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 3/25
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Goal: The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
Standard 2: The TB DOTS center provides for the privacy and comfort of its patients and staff.
*Rating scale: 4
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 4/25
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*Rating scale: 5
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 5/25
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3.6 There are documented, Flyers, pamphlets and posters are available EA
disseminated and for further information about TB.
implemented procedures
to identify and address the
risks of contamination of
staff and patients from
sources of infectious
(To be completed by sur vey team only. T he sur vey team must make comments on it ems where the survey team disagrees or parti all y disagrees with
inf ormation pr ovided by the TB D OTS center.)
Goal: The TB DOTS Center provides a safe and effective physical environment to its staff and patients.
Standard 3: The TB DOTS center provides for the safety of its patients and staff. 6/25
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*Rating scale: 7
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 7/25
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Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
Standard 4: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB
to rehabilitation.
*Rating scale: 8
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 8/25
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Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic ser vices at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
5. All patients have Laboratory with qualified and trained EA
continuous access to microscopists are available for diagnostic
accurate and reliable TB purposes.
diagnostic tests.
This standard will be achieved when:
5.1 All patients undergo Qualified and trained microscopists are EA
sputum microscopy by a available to examine the sputum collected.
qualified and trained
microscopist. 9/25
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*Rating scale: 10
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 10/25
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Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
Standard 5: All patients have continuous access to accurate and reliable TB diagnostic tests.
*Rating scale: 11
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 11/25
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*Rating scale: 12
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 12/25
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*Rating scale: 13
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 13/25
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Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
Standard 6: A care plan is developed and followed for all patients.
*Rating scale: 14
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 14/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
*Rating scale: 15
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 15/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
Goal: Patients receive adequate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic services at every phase of their management from screening for TB to
Standard 7: Patients have continuous access to safe and effective anti-TB medications throughout the duration of their treatment.
*Rating scale: 16
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 16/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
DOTS center.
8. Policies and procedures Vision, mission, policies and procedures are EA
for providing care to being developed and are followed so that the
patients are developed, staffs will be guided.
implemented and
monitored for
This standard will be achieved when:
8.1 The TB DOTS center's Staffs are aware of the vision and mission. EA
policies and procedures These are implemented and being followed.
are consistent with the
organization's goals,
statutory requirements,
accepted standards, and
the TB DOTS center's
8.2 Policies and procedures Proper referral is being implemented. List of EA
for patient referral to other referral centers, addresses and contact
services are implemented persons is available.
and monitored for
*Rating scale: 17
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 17/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
monitored and
procedures are policies
developedand case there is, it will be documented.
and implemented to
improve default rates. The
policies and procedures
are monitored for
8.4 Policies and procedures Policies and procedures are observed so t hat EA
for identifying and each external group are aware of their roles
working with external and responsibilities.
groups in providing DOTS
services are developed,
implemented and
monitored for
*Rating scale: 18
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 18/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
Goal: The management and staff adhere to clear and collaboratively developed policies and procedures for the efficient operation of the TB DOTS
Standard 8: Policies and procedures for providing care to patients are developed, disseminated, im plemented and monitored for effectiveness.
*Rating scale: 19
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 19/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
DOTS center.
9. Policies and procedures Records and reports were handled properly EA
for managing patient and securely to ensure consistency of t he
information are information.
developed, disseminated,
implemented and
monitored for
This standard will be achieved when:
9.1 Each patient is uniquely Each patient has a case number which is EA
identified from entry and being recorded in the TB registry logbook.
throughout the course of The case number is consistent with NTP
management. treatment card and all related documents.
9.2 The TB DOTS center NTP forms are recorded properly, filled up EA
maintains a database of correctly and is being updated with
patient records and related consistency.
registries and enables the
staff to easily access these
9.3 Policies and procedures Records and reports are handled with EA
for ensuring the security confidentiality and only authorized personnel
and confidentiality of are allowed to access.
patient information are
developed, implemented
and monitored for
*Rating scale: 20
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 20/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
*Rating scale: 21
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 21/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
Goal: The management and staff adhere to clear and collaboratively developed policies and procedures for the efficient operation of the TB DOTS
Standard 9: Policies and procedures for m anaging patient information are developed, disseminated, implemented and monitored f or effectiveness.
*Rating scale: 22
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 22/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
*Rating scale: 24
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 24/25
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The PhilCAT Certification Self-assessment and Survey Tool
Goal: The TB DOTS center staff provide efficient and competent DOTS services.
Standard 10: The TB DOTS Center has an adequate number of qualified personnel skilled i n providing DOTS services.
*Rating scale: 25
1. Non Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are not met.
2. Low Achievement - The requirements of standard / criterion are scarcely met
3. Moderate Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are generally met in most circumstances.
4. Extensive Achievement - The requirements of the standard / criterion are fully met in the majority of circumstances and have been for some time. 25/25