Dry Type Transformers
Dry Type Transformers
Dry Type Transformers
This technique applies the varnish coating in interchanging cycles of pressure and
vacuum. The VPI process uses polyester resin. The coils are then cured in an oven.
The VPI process is better than the standard dry-type transformer because it
includes pressure in addition to vacuum. This process allows better penetration of
the varnish in the transformer coil. These units offer an increased resistance to
Vacuum pressure encapsulated (VPE)
This method is usually superior to the VPI process. Several dip processes are
added to the construction process to encapsulate the coil assembly after which the
coatings are cured in the oven. These transformers feature better protection from
harsh and wet environments than their VPI type counterparts .
Encapsulated (sealed)
1. Technical Field
Applicant's invention relates generally to dry type transformers having an iron core, a
high voltage winding embedded in cast resin, and a low voltage winding, and more
particularly to a method of manufacturing the low voltage winding.
2. Background Art
Dry type transformers with primary voltages over 600 volts have generally been
constructed using one of three types of techniques, conventional dry, resin
encapsulated, or solid cast. The conventional dry method uses some form of vacuum
impregnation with a solvent type varnish on a completed assembly consisting of the core
and the coils or individual primary and secondary coils. Some simpler methods required
just dipping the core and the coils in varnish without the benefit of a vacuum. The
resulting voids or bubbles in the varnish that are inherently a result of this type of
process due to moisture and air, does not lend itself to applications above 600 volts. The
resin encapsulated method encapsulates a winding with a resin with or without a
vacuum but does not use a mold to contain the resin during the curing process. This
method does not insure complete impregnation of the windings with the resin and
therefore the turn to turn insulation and layer insulation must provide the isolation for
the voltage rating without consideration of the dielectric rating of the resin. The solid
cast method utilizes a mold around the coil which is the principal difference between it
and the resin encapsulated method. The windings are placed in the mold and
impregnated and/or encapsulated with a resin under a vacuum, which is then allowed to
cure before the mold is removed. Since all of the resin or other process material is
retained during the curing process, there is a greater likelihood that the windings will be
free of voids, unlike the resin encapsulated method whereby air can reenter the
windings as the resin drains away before and during curing. Cooling channels can be
formed as part of the mold. One type of such a transformer is manufactured by Square
D Company under the trademark of Power-Cast transformers.
Since the resin coating on solid cast coils results in a solid bond between adjacent
conductors than is possible with resin encapsulated coils, solid cast coils exhibit better
short circuit strength of the windings. Because the conductors in the coils are braced
throughout by virtue of the solid encapsulant there is less likelihood of movement of the
coils during short circuit conditions and short circuit forces are generally contained
internally. External bracing, foil-wound coils, or selective geometry in the shape of the
coils must be used in the resin encapsulated method to prevent movement of the coils
caused by the forces of short circuit faults. An added benefit is that by having greater
mass, there is a longer thermal time constant with the solid cast type coils and there is
better protection against short term overloads. The resin encapsulated method does
however have several distinct advantages over solid cast coils. They are simpler to
manufacture and require less resin and other materials, resulting in less weight and
lower costs. Additionally, the cast resin process requires an epoxy resin which also
requires fillers such as glass fibers to provide mechanical strength. The epoxy resins
generally are limited to a 185 deg.C. temperature, whereas resin encapsulated coils can
utilize polyester resins which can achieve 220 deg.C. ratings. Given these advantages, it
would be desirable to produce transformers with the resin encapsulated method if there
were a method to increase the strength of the coil windings to prevent movement
during short circuits. It would also be advantageous to provide better insulation at the
top and bottom portions of the coils to prevent moisture and other environment
contaminants from deteriorating the windings.
The air gap between the high and low voltage coils is dependent on having the same
geometry between the outer surface of the inner coil and the inner surface of the outer
coil. A large factor on the shape of the coil is the method of attaching the external leads
to the winding. For non-molded coils, there is generally a distinct bulge at the point
where this occurs. As a result, the air gap between coils will be uneven. Inductive
reactance of a transformer is determined by this air gap, along with the number of turns
in the coil and the physical dimensions of the coil. Controlling these factors will result in
limiting short circuit currents and thus controlling withstand ratings.
Accordingly, the principal object of the present invention is to provide a transformer with
a high voltage winding utilizing a cast resin method and a low voltage winding
constructed according to the resin encapsulated method which overcomes the above
mentioned disadvantages.
In one embodiment of the invention, the inner or low voltage coil is formed on a special
cylinder or mandril with a flat surface on a portion of the cylinder from which one
external lead which is welded to a conductor sheet, such as aluminum or copper, will
rest on during the start of the winding. The flat surface will allow the windings to retain
a circular shape. Along with the aluminum, a layer of insulating material will be including
during the winding process. The insulating material will have a pattern of thermo-set or
B-stage adhesive coated on it that will prevent movement of adjacent windings during
the resin impregnation process and will allow the various windings to retain a circular
shape. The resin will be able to provide a better bond between windings since the
various windings are held in place while processing. This bonding will provide extra
strength to the windings and prevent movement of them under short circuit conditions.
At a predetermined number of turns, spacers will be added to form air channels within
the windings and the process will be repeated until the desired number of turns has
been reached. The end of the winding will terminate at another flat surface and the
other external lead will be attached to maintain the circular shape.
The outer coil or high voltage coil is a cast resin coil and is also fabricated using a VPI
process, with the chief difference being that the resin is poured into a mold containing
the coil, allowing the curing to take place inside the mold. The transformer is then
assembled by inserting the inner coil over an iron laminated core and then inserting the
outer coil around the inner coil. The resultant assembly is then secured with appropriate
clamps and mounting feet, along with terminal means for external connections.
Other features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following
specification taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which there is
shown a preferred embodiment of the invention. Reference is made to the claims for
interpreting the full scope of the invention which is not necessarily represented by such