Oil Purification Plants REOIL Regeneration Systems
Oil Purification Plants REOIL Regeneration Systems
Oil Purification Plants REOIL Regeneration Systems
Oil Purification Plant................................................................................6
Substantial Plant Characteristics….....................................................7
Type Outline and Selection Assistance…...........................................9
Measuring Equipment…....................................................................10
REOIL Regeneration Systems...............................................................11
Oil Regeneration Unit Type, CRP3000..................................................17
Measuring Device Type TranSCoM X3....................................................19
Gas Content Measuring Unit VZ-212 A.................................................23
Electric Resistivity on Oil Samples Measuring Unit VZ220A..............25
Moisture and Temperature Measuring Unit VZ230..............................28
Hot Oil Spray Plant Type HOS.................................................................30
Reference List........................................................................................31
Insulation oil purification and drying
plants for transformers
In the course of restructuration of the vacuum plants division of ABB Switzerland AG, Micafil, the newly formed company
Micafluid AG took over the entire product line of oil purification plants in 2006 under a mutual agreement. Since all rights and
technology were transferred as well, Micafluid was able to profit from a development and research back-ground of 95 years, on
which Micafil had based their strong reputation.
Today Micafluid AG stands in close cooperation with transformer manufacturers, power producers and distributors as well as
with field servicing companies in order to develop new innovative solutions and technologies for the treatment of insulating
fluids. As a recent example the combination of totally new measuring systems (TranSCoM X3) with advanced oil purification
and drying technologies resulted from such cooperation.
In order to provide for a long-term operational safety on power transformers, it will be of decisive importance to maintain the
humidity content of the oil and the entire dielectric system as low as this is possible and economically justifiable. Worldwide
investigations lead to conclusions that a higher percentage of the investigated power transformers operate with increased
moisture content in the oil in the solid insulation. Depending on the total quantity of insulating materials, the operating tem-
perature, service intervals, size, voltage rating and age of the transformer as well as the measured moisture content, users
and service organisations must decide on the most appropriate technological approach for servicing the unit. Factors that in
the end will influence any decision, such as available capital investment, drying efficiency of a system, required operating
personnel, operating and maintenance costs, must carefully be taken into consideration before deciding on the appropriate
purification and drying technology.
The insulation of high voltage installations, very specifically of transformers, mainly consists
of a paper/oil dielectric system. In order to provide for a long operational lifetime of these
insulating media, these high voltage units are filled with purified oil and this oil will be treated
in periodical intervals.
Purification and regeneration will increase the dielectric strength of the oil and the ageing
process of the paper/oil system will be slowed down. Micafluid AG as experts in purification
and regeneration of insulating fluids offer perfect solutions for a professional treatment of
The oil regeneration plant models REOIL combine the purification technology of the VOP
plants with the Adsorption-regeneration technology, in which acidous and other ageing prod-
ucts are adsorbed while streaming through Fullers earth columns. On top, the Micafluid RE-
OIL plants are capable of automatically regenerate the
saturated Fullers earth.
Power transformers are very important and expensive components in the chain of
electrical power supply. They represent a high investment value.
In the wake of the liberalisation and deregulation of the European electrical power
market, efficiency and safety in generation, transmission and distribution of electri-
cal energy have gained utmost importance. In order to avoid severe supply short-
ages through equipment failure, maintenance and servicing of transformers be-
VKW on-line-purification plant servicing an energized 145MVA
came a prime factor for securing a perfect and continuing power supply.
Both product lines (VOP and REOIL) are fully-automatically controlled and thus being
able to work off-line (transformer not energized) as well as on-line (with the transformer
being energized). Out of a total of well over 180 standard type oil purification plants that
Micafluid has sold since taking over this product line, there are more than 30 on-line
plants in service in countries all over the world.
These guarantee values are valid for the treatment of naphthenic based insulating oils with normal froth behaviour,
under consideration of no additional air acceptance after oil treatment.
Approx. Value of oil content in the transformers: 1/2 lt insulating oil per 1 kVA
For unattendent operation additional safety equipments needed.
Mobile measuring equipment for a manifold of applications are used for estimating the insulation oil quality. The
measuring equipment can be used for commonly known insulating oils. The simple and over years reliable and
proven concept makes these installations maintenance and operational friendly.
Measuring range: water content 0.5-7 ppm / gas content 0.01-0.09 Vol %
Measuring range: water content 0.5—50 ppm / gas content 0.01—2 Vol %
New VZ (Micavac)
Exact measuring of the specific water drainage (g/h*t) during the transformer
drying in production and in the field. This measuring unit is independent and easy
to operate.
In 1996, Ekofluid organization was established as an engineering and servicing firm with focus in transformer
oil precessing fields.
Why „Oil Processing Technologies“? There are many fields where the different kinds of oils are used.
One of the biggest users of oils - power industry - in power and distribution transformers serve as huge market
for some of these technologies.
It is fact that the life of a transformer is the life of the insulation system. Knowing also what can happen
to service-aged transformer oil, the problem as whole can be put into one question:
Efficient cooling
When the properties of oil have changed - the oil can no longer perform - the continued operation of the
transformer will significantly reduce the life-time of the transformer insulation. Under such circumstances
oil has to be changed or treated.
Treatment methods:
In the process of Purification, water dirt and gases are removed from transformer oil. Regular
Purification will increase breakdown voltage (kV) to required level. Oil Purification is an effective
When oil in transformer, due to deterioration,reaches a stage where purification is no longer efficient, oil
has to be changed or regenerated. Adsorption clay is the material most frequently used for regenerating
of oils. This is a naturally occurring clay with a huge adsorbent properties as a result of high surface
activity. Regeneration is the complete treatment of oil to like new condition. Regeneration of oil
„in atransformer“ is far more efficient than simple oil change. The total volume of oil is recirculated a
number of times thorough the regeneration plant and „flusching effect“ of transformer is achieved.
It is obvious that regeneration as complete oil treatment methos is the best technical solution to aged
transformer oil. Apart from this it is also highly cost effective in comparison to an old procedure of oil
Existing old technology will use adsorption clay only once - then it has to be disposed of, with oil and
contaminants trapped inside. So large quantities of adsorption clay are required and after regeneration
waste, in th form of oil clay saturate with contaminants, has to be taken away and be disposed of
Ekofluid technology is based on activated adsorption clay being permanently installed in regenration
When clay, after certain time of Regeneration is no longer efficient “Readsorption“ will take place.
There is no need to remove clay from the plant. This unique system allows up to 300 readsorptions
of the activated adsorption clay before it has to be cheaply disposed of as a non-hazardous substance.
As it was said, after certain time when regeneration is no longer efficient and clay is saturated ba
contaminants “special precedure - readsorbtion“ will bring activated clay to ist original state.
After comparing these two technologies there is an obvious advantage : Saturated clay by contaminants
does not have to be disposed of as a hazardous substance. This results in 300 times less consumption
of clay and above all, technology becomes environmentally friendly and higly cost effective.
It may seem that rare usage in Euorope could bring hesitation to potential customers, on the contrary,
this makes the market much more attractive. This could be seen from the interest of leading
In 2006, REOIL 4000-2, the second fully automated unit for transformer oil regeneration was put into operation.
The mobile unit was set up for the markets of surrounding countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary
and /or Austria.
In 2006, the Filoil 4000-S unit was built for the company “Západoslovenská energetika - OTC Hlohovec“. -
West Slovakia Power Transmission Industry.
In 2006, the Filoil 4000-S unit was built for the company “Stredoslovenská energetika - Opravovňa
transformátorov Rimavská Sobota”. - Central Slovakia Power Transmission Industry.
In 2007, the new REOIL 4000-S unit was built for “LATVENERGO” - Latvia Power Transmission Industry.
In 2009, the new REOIL 5000-9/12 unit was built for “RWE” - German Power Transmission Industry.
Micafluid / Ekofluid offers services in the following two basic areas so far:
Ekofluid offers the construction and manufacture of the following custom-made units:
We believe that at Micafluid / Ekofluid we provided you with basic information’s of our technology and with your
The most effective method of transformer oil regeneration is on site and within transformer. The trailer -
mounted mobile regeneration plant has been designed specifically for on-site use to completely regenerate
insulating oils. Although the unit was designed so that it could be moved from one transformer site to
another , its versatility and efficiency has not been compromised by its mobility. Transformer oil can be
regenerated on-site in energized or de-energized transformers. The unit incorporates option for regular oil
purification - degassing and filtration - but its main application is in the removal of acidity,sludge and
other soluble oil decay products while leaving the oil in the quality exceeding requirements of
international standards for new transformer oil.The concept of oil regeneration on-site is highly cost
effective. There is no need to bring fresh adsorption clay and remove quantities of oily saturated clay
away from site.Plants control system offers the highest standard of safety and reliability. Since
regeneration is done on-site and within a particular transformer , the chances of spillage of oil during oil
change and oil transport are eliminated. Ekofluid`s continuous oil regeneration process is environmentally
Electric heater : Utilized low watt density heater ( 1.7 watt/sqcm) with total capacity of 80 kW
Clay treatment : Total of 1 500 kg of Fullers Earth within percolation filters providing "Readsorb process"
Plant control : Reoil system is controlled by Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and interfaced with a
Due to used computer systems two operators only are required for set-up. Once the system is
Plant efficiency : 5 000 L of regenerated oil per each reactivation ( ~ 5 000 L per day )
The fuller and inhibition plant type CRP-3000 is a regeneration plant, which is used together with an oil treatment
plant of adequate design and capacity. Its inflow is taken immediately after the oil heater and the regenerated oil
is directed back into the oil treatment plant right before the fine filter. Between the two connections (in-flow and
return flow) a manual stop valve will be incorporated. Connection between oil plant and regeneration plant via
flexible hoses.
During treatment, a part of the treated oil (3000 lt/h) flows over two fuller's tanks switched in parallel, whilst the
rest flows directly to the fine filter over the added manual valve (stop cock).
Oil feeding and heating-up is carried out by inlet gear pump and oil heater of the oil treatment plant
The final oil filtration is effectuated in the fine filter of the oil treatment plant, thus preventing fuller's earth particles
from entering the oil. When the treatment and regeneration processes are completed, during the last oil pass, the
oil treatment plant is switched over to the transformer to be filled and in addition the inhibition tank item 4 is
switched parallel to the main oil circuit, so that the inhibitor may gradually be
dissolved and conducted into the main oil volume.
A part of the oil (800 lt/h) thus flows over two inhibition tanks items 4, and the remainder oil flows directly to the
fine filter via the additionally incorporated manual valve.
After several passes (between 10-15) the clay become saturated and must be changed.The two columns are
movable by hydraulic unit for easy embty the clay. With optional vacuum system with drum heater new clay
can be refilled.
Length 2'000 mm
Wide 1’500 mm
Heigth ca.2320 mm
Weight empty ca 980kg
Layout :
Multispectral Ultrasound
Online Transformer Oil
Measuring Device Type TranSCoM X3
The TranSCoM technology has been developed during the last years by the scientists of the partner of
Micafluid AG, the new company Yucoya Energy Safety GmbH
With its outstanding multi-frequent ultrasound technology Yucoya Energy Safety GmbH is targeting at the pulsating heart of our
industrialized world—the electrical grid. The company aims especially at the power transformers in the grid whose safe function-
ing is a necessary precondition of a seamless supply of the modern society with electrical energy.
The technology developed by Yucoya Energy Safety GmbH can be described as applied molecular acoustics. The meaning of this
terminus is that ultrasonic waves are interacting with e.g. fluids on a molecular level. During a research period of over 15 years it
could be found out by the scientists of Yucoya Energy Safety GmbH that the ultrasound velocity in a fluid is not a constant but
slightly changing with frequency even for low frequencies (1-10 MHz). The multi-frequent ultrasound technology of Yucoya Energy
Safety GmbH takes advantage from these changes by providing a frequency-dependent acoustical spectrum with a bundle of ult-
rasound parameters for the fluid in real-time.
Thus it is possible to „grasp“ fast reacting chemical processes for some dominant variables. On the other side it is also easily pos-
sible to „grasp“ processes only moderately changing in time with a lot of variables involved.
The ageing of transformer oils for instance is such a process. Consequently—the first real-world application of the molecular-
acoustic technology of Yucoya Energy Safety GmbH is the detection of three relevant oil parameters, BDV, DDF and water content,
in transformer oils by the system TranSCoM X3.
As can be seen in Fig.2 TranSCoM X3 is the first part (the cornerstone)
of the TranSCoM technology family, which will be built up in the direc-
tion of three dimensions:
„TranSCoM X3“ denotes Transformer – oil Safety Condition and Monitoring for three (3) transformer oil parameters.
TranSCoM X3 is the first implementation of TranSCoM technology in a strictly industrial application – the purification and regene-
ration of transformer oil by VOP plants from Micafluid AG. In this combination of technologies TranSCoM X3 is fulfilling the task of
measuring the quality of the purified or regenerated oil during the corresponding VOP process. This task is carried out in a conti-
nuous measuring mode, realtime and online.
In Fig. 5 the TranSCoM X3 measuring device is located at position Z2 with oil flow direction „IN“ from bottomside up to oil flow direc-
tion „OUT“ at the topside of TranSCoM X3.
absolute water content in ppm, recalculated to the amount of water (mg H20/kg oil) at 20°C as indicated in the standard IEC 60422
breakdown voltage (BDV) in kV, as indicated in the standard IEC 60422
dielectric dissipation factor (DDF) tan δ which is dimensionless
relative humidity in % - equivalent to the amount of of active water (aw). The relative humidity is not included in the standard
IEC 50422, but give a clear hint to the remaining possibility of the transformer oil being investigated to absorb further humidity
(i.e. water).
The results of measurement tests will be provided as soon as possible in the official offer presented by Micafluid AG according to
availability. In this first and preliminary offer they could not just yet be included.
Fig. 6: The acousitc fields
A data base of previously measured oil and corresponding ultrasound parameter data represents the „core“ of
„TranSCoM X3“. The ultrasound and oil parameters are intelligently connected via multivariate statistical methods
and by means of neural networks adapted through fuzzy logic. This data base is according to the product develop-
ment plan of Yucoya Energy Safety GmbH in continuous build-up in the direction of new oil parameters to be inves-
tigated as well in the direction to cover a broader temperature range for each oil parameter as well for the investiga-
tion of different oils or other insulating fluids like organig or synthetic esthers, see Fig. 2. Currently the data base
build-up is focusing on Shell Diala D transformer oil.
The results are displayed on the display of the IPC (in a numerical mode for each single measurement) with a time-
series represantation (trends) during the whole measuring time. Any part of the trend curve displayed over the time
as x-axis can be zoomed out and investigated more intensively, see Fig. 8 and Fig.9.
Fig. 8: A simulation example of the preliminary GUI of TranSCoM X3 for BDV. Fig. 9: Preliminary GUI simulation for water content.
VZ-212 A
Une assurance qualité optimale Optimized quality assurance Optimale Qualitätssicherung durch
gràce à la mesure en continue et through continuous Online kontinuierliche Online-Messung und
l‘enregistrement des valeurs de measuring and registration of gas Registrierung des Begasungs-
pression des gaz d‘absorption Ps absorption pressure Ps [mbar] druckes Ps [mbar]
[mbar] Simultaneous determination and Gleichzeitige Bestimmung und
Consistant à la détermination registration of the water content Wa Registrierung des Wassergehaltes
simultanée et l‘entregistrement de [ppm] and air content CI [Vol %] in Wa [ppm] und Luftgehaltes CI [Vol
la teneur en eau WA [ppm] et la the oil %] im Öl
teneur en air CI [Vol %] de l‘huile 6-point recorder printing out the 6-Punktschreiber zum Belegen der
traitée measured results gemessenen Resultate
Enregistreur à 6 marqueurs pur Easy operation without special Einfachste Bedienung ohne Spezial-
sauvegarder les valeurs mesurées knowledge kenntnisse
D‘un emploi simple ne nécessitant Completely automatic operation Vollautomatischer Betrieb
aucune connaissance particulière. Elimination of complicated oil Umständliche Öl-Entnahme entfällt
Mesures entièrement automatiques sampling Wassermessung mit höchster
L‘opération compliquée de la prise Water measuring with highest Genauigkeit bei niedriger
d‘échantillon d‘huile est éliminée exactness at low residual moisture Restfeuchte
La mesure de teneur en eau reste Fast estimation of the oil basic Schnelle Abschätzung der Öl-
extrêmement précise à faible colour number on glass cylinder Farbkennzahl am Glaszylinder
valeur d‘humidité résiduelle possible möglich
Rapide estimation du nombre de la Retrofit installation possible Auch nachträglicher Einbau möglich
couleur d‘huile sur le cylindre en Maintenance free Wartungsfrei
verre est possible Environmental friendly measuring Umweltfreundliches Messverfahren,
Montage dans le future possible. procedure as no chemicals required da keine Chemikalien notwendig
Méthode de mesure ne nécessitant
aucun produit chimique
VZ-212 A
Appareil pur mesurer le contenu Gas content measuring device, Gasgehaltsmessgerät
des gaz, type VZ-212 A type VZ-212 A Typ VZ-212 A
This measuring device is used for con- Das Messgerät dient zur kontinuierli-
Cet appareil de mesure sert à mesurer tinuous measurement of gas content chen Messung des Gasgehaltes am
continuellement le contenue des gaz à at the inlet and oulet of the oil plant. Ein– und Austritt der Ölanlange. Die
l‘entrée et à la sortie de l‘huile de Regulation of the measuring cell is Regulierung der Messzelle erfolgt über
l‘installation. La régulationd e la cel- automatically carried out, over the den gesamten Messbereich automa-
lule de mesure est enregistrée auto- entire measuring range so that after tisch, sodass nach der Einregelungs-
matiquement sul l‘ensemble du champ adjustment time no supervision of the zeit keine Überwachung der Mess-
de mesure afin qu‘après le processus measuring probe is required. Sonde erforderlich ist. Alternativ kann
aucune surveillance de la sonde de Alternatively the measuring device can das Messgerät mit einem Schaltpunkt
mesure soit nécessaire. L‘appareil de be equipped with a switch point for für die Überwachung des max. zuläs-
mesure peut être muni d‘un point de supervision of the max. admissible gas sigen Begasungsdruckes ausgerüstet
contact pour la surveillance de la pres- blanket pressure. werden.
sion maximale des gaz.
Evaluation of the gas blanket pres- Die Auswertung des Begasungsdru-
L‘exploitation de la pression des gaz sure, divided in gas and water pres- ckes erfolgt automatisch auf einen
se fait manuellement par sure, is carried out manually, by me- Drucker oder manuell, mittels mitgelie-
l‘intermédiaire d‘un diagramme com- ans of the supplied break-even chart. fertem Vergleichsdiagramm bei beste-
paratif. henden Anlagen.
The measuring instrument type VZ220A conforms to the new IEC 61620 standard
This insturment is based on the so-called „low amplitude, low frequency, alternate square wave method“ and
permits accurate measurement of volume conductivity and relative permittivity. The measurement of volume
conductivity in the range of 0.01 pS/m to 20‘000 pS/m allows the use of this instrument for quality assessment
of high resistive liquids even at ambient temperature.
The VZ220A works with low voltage and low current levels and represents no danger at all for its operators.
Measuring method
The liquid in the test cell is excited with a low amplitude (30 V) low frequncy (0.5 Hz)
alternate square
wave voltage without any DC component (see figure 1).
Figure 1
By measuring the current through the liquid the capacitance C and the conductance G can be determined
and the values of relative permittivity εr and volume conductivity σ are given according to the following
εr = C/Co
σ = εo.G/Co
The derived dissipation factor tanδ for a given frequency f can be determined according to the following
tanδ = G/C·2ттf
For determination of conductivity or tanδ, the alternate square wave method is, by far, more sensitive than
the classic bridge method. It permits the determination of conductivity values down to 0.01 pS/m respectively
tanδ values down to 1E-6 (at 50 Hz). This high sensitivity allows accurate measurements of conductivity and
tanδ at low temperatures and consequently the characterization of liquids at room temperature can be
carried out with confidence.
Test cell
The application of a square wave excitation voltage with low amplitude of only ±30 V permits the develop-
ment of a test cell with simple design, easy to use and to clean. The compact test cell of the LCM-8716 is
composed of only two parts, a container and an active part. Two coaxial electrodes (stainless steel) are
attached on a cap (also stainless steel). This cap also supports two BNC connectors coupled to the two
electrodes. The electrodes possess a clean, polished surface. The vessel and the active part can be
cleaned according to procedures described in the appendix A. It is not possible and not necessary to
disassemble the active part for cleaning purposes.
The required amount of liquid for a test is about 210 ml. To reach this amount, fill in the liquid to be tested up
to 23 mm from the top edge of the vessel.
The temperature of the tested liquid can be determined by introducing the electronic thermometer in the cell
through the cover orifice.
A typical application of VZ220A is the quality assessment of mineral oil used in high voltage apparatus e.g.
power and instrument transformers, bushings, capacitors, etc.
Several investigations have demonstrated that the conductivity of oil is influenced by impurities and ionic
components, which are introduced in it. Therefore, the oil condutivity charaterizes well the quality of oil.
Further, it has been shown that the moisture in oil has no significant influence on its conductivity.
The following values of conductivity given at ambient temperature are typical for a mineral oil in its different
states of use.
Electronic measuring instrument
conductivity measurement range 10-14 … 2x10-8 S/m on four ranges
uncertainty of conductivity measurements ±1 digit ±1% of indicated value
relative permittivity measurements 0.001 for relative permittivity up to 1.999
uncertainty of permittivity measurements ±1 digit ±0.2% of indicated value
frequency of the measurement voltage 0.5 Hz
amplitude of the measurement voltage ±30 V square wave with no dc part
analogue outputs 2 V for 0 to 100%
weight 2.6 kg
size (width x depth x height in mm) 260 x 283 x 115
power supply in the field four batteries type AA
power supply in the lab 100 … 240 Vac 50/60 Hz
Operating temperature 0...35°C
Test cell
required amount of liquid 210 ml
vacuum capacitance ≈ 60 pF
capacitance drift with temperature < 50 ppm/°C
electrode gap 1.5 mm
temperature measurement electronic thermometer
weight 1.2 kg
size (height x diameter in mm) 125 x 82
Moisture and Temperature
Measuring Instrument
General information
Continuous on-line measurement of moisture in insulating oils
Ball valve installation—no need to shut down the process
Incorporates Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor—excellent lont-term stability
Integrated data logging, with over four years of measured history
LAN communication (RJ45 10/100Base-T)
2 additional ports for external sensors (not included) for 0...10VDC, 4...20mA or PT100
6 additional potentional free contacts (relays) for setpoint or alarm communication
Power supply 230 VAC, 50/60Hz
Shock proofed housing with internal cooling fan
Quantitiy 1
Baud rate 10Mbits/sec, 100Mbits/sec
Connector RJ45
Data format HTML
7 -ABB, Caracas 2