AberdeenGroup Predictive Analytics
AberdeenGroup Predictive Analytics
AberdeenGroup Predictive Analytics
March, 2014
Report Highlights
p3 p8 p10 p14
A Changing Establishing Technology Enablers Key Takeaways –
Manufacturing Predictive Business – Interoperability Shift from Reactive
Environment - Capabilities – Across the Enterprise to Proactive
Attrition in the Combining Data and
Workforce Analytics
As seen in Aberdeen’s December 2012 report, Asset
“We need to predict Management: Building the Business Case for the Executive,
failure, not just lingering uncertainty around an economic recovery is keeping
respond to it. Our capital and operational budgets tight. Indeed, companies are
pressured more than usual to get the most out of their current
maintenance asset base. To overcome this, many companies use specific
program is expensive capabilities and technologies to predict equipment or asset
and it is set to failure so they can avoid costly downtime while reducing
maintenance costs. This research report, based on responses
standards based on from 149 executives, will take a year-over-year (2012 to 2013)
manufacturing look at how leading companies use data and analytics to
recommendations manage the reliability and maintenance of their asset base.
While the majority of respondents are manufacturing
versus actual companies, asset management, and the use of analytics for asset
experience.” management, is also a strategy and process for other industries,
including power generation, automotive, telecom, Government,
~ Production IT management, etc. The study also reinforces that predictive
Manager, Large asset management must also take into account not just the asset
itself, but the environment around the asset.
Utilities Company
Business Context
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
acquisition and retention taking the place of logistic risks. This
talent issue is a growing concern and something manufacturers
cannot take lightly.
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
and lowered operational budgets in order to maintain operating
income (Figure 1). Although there has been a 10% drop from
2012 this is still the overwhelming top pressure. This can mean
delayed or altogether eliminated investments in new assets.
Such an environment puts additional pressure on maintenance
groups to get more out of their existing asset base and maximize
Return on Asset (RoA).
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
making it more difficult to keep assets productive. A predictive
maintenance approach will help address all of those top
pressures by reducing costs, lowering the need for new
investments, limiting and optimizing labor demands, and
subsequently improving return on assets.
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
These metrics show that even in the face of reduced operational
budgets the Best-in-Class save money by reducing maintenance
costs and improving productivity. The superior performance on
those three metrics is evident in the improved return on assets.
In fact, the Best-in-Class outperform their corporate return-on-
asset expectations by 20%.
Strategic Actions
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
operating procedure (SOP), and knowledge management
systems are being implemented. Predictive Maintenance is
another effective plan to address this issue, since maintenance is
only performed when warranted; the demand from maintenance
personnel is limited.
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
Establishing Predictive Business Capabilities
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
Figure 3: Business Capabilities
60% 56%
40% 34% 34% 34%
30% 27%
22% 20%
20% 14%
Historical asset data Centralized Budget allocated for Analytics are used to
and real-time data knowledge technology and provide predictive
used as actionable warehouse to store personel to support insights based on
intelligence for asset performance reliability centered captured information
optimized decision data from different maintenance
making plants activities
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
energy, emissions, and asset data in a single repository and
provide this information to key decision makers for these types
of decisions. The gap between the Best-in-Class and their peers
in having this integration has actually grown, going from 31%
more likely in 2012 to 92% more likely in 2013.This gives the
Best-in-Class visibility into any anomalies within their asset base
and alerts them if the asset is running at unacceptable
performance thresholds.
Technology Enablers
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
also more likely than their competitors to invest in an Enterprise
Asset Management (EAM) solution. An EAM system provides a
single platform for connecting workers, assets, processes,
knowledge, and decision-making capabilities based on collected
information. Predictive analytics builds on these investments in
EAM systems by merging historical data from controllers, sub-
meters, data historians, and paper-based systems with real-time
data to predict potential asset failures. All of which aids the
move from reactive to proactive maintenance.
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
remotely turn the assets on or off, forecast future failures,
monitor asset usage information, and regulate power usage.
This increased integration between systems is most likely tied to
“The knowledge and resources
needed for creating or maintaining two reasons, the limited workforce that is available for most
a mechanical integrity / reliability manufacturers and increased use of remote assets. Integrating
program is significant. Starting these two solutions allows Best-in-Class companies to more
“small” helps build the knowledge,
easily collect and monitor asset data at the equipment level and
but resources seem to always be a
constraint.” use that data to make predictive maintenance decisions with
limited employee involvement.
~ Production Staff, Medium Bulk
Chemicals Manufacturer In addition to enterprise solutions, Aberdeen also analyzed
specific modules or technology enablers that differentiate Best-
in-Class performance (Figure 5).
Workflows 76%
Analytics 65%
Dashboards 60%
44% Best-in-Class
Spare Parts Inventory 55%
34% All Others
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
Class use Master Data Management (MDM) to scrub out incorrect
or duplicated data, and make sure that information is
standardized. This ensures the data they collect is accurate and
reliable, which is vital for proper decision-making.
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
days, or even weeks, for a replacement to be shipped to get the
operation back online. The Best-in-Class avoid such a scenario
by gaining real-time access into their fill-rates, stock out rates,
inventory accuracy, and shelf turns.
Key Takeaways
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
providing it to key decision makers in an on-demand
fashion. This enables managers to avoid unplanned
downtime, plan maintenance before an asset breaks
down and increase overall plant availability.
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
Consider sustainability as a critical part of a
maintenance strategy. The most successful companies
integrate their energy management initiative with their
maintenance strategy. Not only does factoring energy
and emissions into maintenance help reduce operational
costs, but it can also shed light on potential asset issues.
For more information on this or other research topics, please visit www.aberdeen.com.
Related Research
Engineering Shortages? How Industrial Equipment Asset Management: Using Analytics to Drive Predictive
Manufacturers Can Cope; October 2013 Maintenance; March 2013
The Engineering Workforce Problem: Doing More with Asset Management: Building the Business Case for the
No More; April 2013 Executive; December 2012
Author: Reid Paquin, Senior Research Associate, Manufacturing ([email protected])
Asset Management: The Changing Landscape of Predictive Maintenance
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This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group’s methodologies
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