Boy Scouts Training Course

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Syllabus of Course for

Pre-ALT (Scout Wing)


1. Fundamentals of Scouting –
2. What is Youth Programme
3. 14 Programme Ideals
4. Leadership and Qualities
5. Camp Fire on Course

Scouting/Guiding is a non-formal educational movement with
training methods based on law and promise and suited to various age
It makes the Scout and Guides resourceful self-reliant, ever helpful
towards other. It helps to discover their talent faculties and talents as
well as encourages them express the same creativity.
At the end of the module, you should be able to…
1. The quantities in calculated through training.
2. Adopt and acquire sense of responsibility leadership development
of skills information about the B.S.G organization programmes.
3. Explain and accept the fundamentals.

Thoughts Reflection
What the Scout master does his boy will do. The Scoutmaster is
reflected in his Scouts from the self-sacrifice and patriotism of their
Scoutmaster Scouts in her, it the practise of voluntary, self-sacrifice
and patriotic service.


The Bharat Scouts & Guides is a voluntary, non-political, educational

Movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race or

The purpose of the movement is to contribute to the development of young

people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual
potential as individuals and as responsible citizens.As a member of local, national,
international communities.

Duty to God
Duty to Others
Duty to Self


The Scout/Guide Method is a system of progressive self-education through:

A Promise and Law
Learning by doing
Membership of small groups under adult leadership (Patrol System)
Progressive and stimulating programmes of various activities based on the
interest of the participants.

Emotional :

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and
the emotions of others. It is generally said to include three skills:

1. Emotional awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions

and those of others;
2. The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and
problems solving;
3. The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to regulate your own
emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person.


The Bharat Scouts & Guides is a voluntary, non-political, educational

Movement for young people, open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed
in accordance with the purpose, principles and methods conceived by the Founder
Lord Baden Powell in 1907.


The purpose of the movement is to contribute to the development of young

people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as
individuals as responsible citizens and as members of the local, national and
international communities.

The Method:

The Scout/Guide Method is a system of progressive self-education through:
 A Promise and Law
 Learning by doing
 Membership of small groups under adult leadership involving
Progressive discovery and acceptance of responsibilities and training
towards the development of character and the acquisition of competence,
self-reliance, dependability and capacities to co-operate and to lead.
 Progressing and stimulating programmes of various activities based on
the interest of the participants including games, useful skills and services
to the community taking place largely in an outdoor setting in contract
with nature.

The Association is a society registered under the societies Registration Act
and is a non-official organization and is non-political, non-sectarian and non-
communal in character.

1. The word „Dharma‟ may be substituted for the word „God‟ if so desired.
2. The promise is to be made on the occasion of the investiture and in the case
of a Rover or Ranger who is already a Scout or Guide; the promise is to be


The Aims and Objects of the association shall be to inculcate and promote
reverence for God (or Dharma) and selfless service to Motherland and Mankind.


The means and methods shall be-

(i) To develop character of boys and girls and young men and young women
and make them good citizen;
(ii) To promote physical, mental and moral development of boys and girls
and young men and young women;
(iii) To teach and train boys and girls and young men and young women in
Scout and Guide Crafts.
(iv) To develop powers of observation, self-discipline and self-reliance;
(v) To inculcate service to others;
(vi) To impart instruction in handicrafts useful to themselves and service
useful to society;
(vii) To teach to serve and live in harmony with others;
(viii) To work in cooperation with other agencies with similar aims and objects
(ix) To perfect and practice the Promise and the law.

Aims Objects, Methods & Fundamentals

The Aims of Scouting are four-fold. The first is the formation of character;
the second is the formation of sound health habits. The third is the training in
handicraft and the acquiring of useful skills; and the fourth is the cultivation of a
proper spirit of service efficiently. The pursuit of these aims leads to the
development of good citizenship, among boys.

In Aids to Scoutmaster Ship, Baden-Powell explains that the object of Scout

training is “to improve the standard of our future citizen hood, especially in
Character and Health; to replace self with service; to make the lads individually
efficient morally and physically, with the object of using that efficiency for service
for their fellowmen”. He also defines citizenship as “active loyalty to the

Our aim is to train the boys for good citizenship; Active citizenship is what
we want. We know selfishness is natural to boys, but we want to eradicate it. In
the place of “Self” we substitute “the ambition to be of service to fellowmen”. We
want our boys to become efficient, both morally and physically. And we want that
efficiency to be used by them for service to their fellowmen. We want them to
become actively loyal to the community. Training boys for good citizenship is our
ultimate aim. Our immediate aim, however, is our ultimate aim. Our building of
sound health-habits.Training in handicrafts and useful skills, and cultivation of
proper spirit of service. Through these we want to build in our boys a proper sense
of Service. Through these we want to build in them a proper sense of citizenship.

I. Character:-
We teach character through the Patrol system, the Scout Law, scout lore,
Wood-craft, and the responsibility of the Patrol Leader, team games, and
the resourcefulness involved in camp work. Character training includes
the realization of God the Creator through His work, the appreciation of
Beauty in Nature and through the love of plants and animals with which
out-door life has made one familiar.
II. Health And Strength:-
We secure health and strength through games and regularity in exercises,
and through knowledge of personal hygiene and diet.
III. Handicraft and skill:-
These are achieved occasionally through indoor activities, but more
especially through pioneering, bridge-building, camp expedients. And
self-expression through the arts, all of which tend to make for efficient
IV. Service of Others:-
The spirit of services is developed through the carrying into daily life of
the practice of religion, by “Good Turns” dealing with quite small
actions, as well as with community service, accidents and lifesaving.

The Scout Movement has its foundation on certain fundamental principles.

They are (1) Belief in God, (2) Practice of the Scout Law and Promise. (3) Use of
Out-door for activities. (4) Voluntary membership. (5) Patrol Method of Patrol
System. (6) Loyalty to country. (7) Faith in world friendship. (8) Independence of
political influence, (9) Learning by doing and (10) Service to others.
Faith in God and belief in his goodness is important. There is no place in the
Movement for those who do not believe in God. Duty to God is one of the duties
the Scout has to bear in mind. Scouts have to be taught that God is kind to
everyone and has abundant love for all.
The Scout Law and Promise are also of the greatest importance. The Law is
a code of conduct but more than that it is a good definition of what a Scout is. The
Scout Promise is a helpful beacon light that guides the Scout in his daily life. It
teaches him what he may do, and what he may not.
Out-door life and all activities in the open is the working principle followed
in the Movement. We do all our work in the great out-doors. Only rarely we do
our work indoors, and then we do so for the only reason that the weather is
Boys join scouting voluntarily. They join out of their free will. They do not
do so out of compulsion or under offer of inducement.
Patrol Method of administration of Troop is the key to success. It trains
boys in responsibility and leadership. This method makes boys worthy of the trust
we place in them. The Patrol method employs the natural gang-spirit sublimated
and linked to a high and noble purpose


The Aim of the Scouting / Guiding are four-fold.

1. Formation of character
2. Formation of sound healthy habits
3. Training in handicraft and acquiring of useful skill
4. Cultivation of a proper spirit of service

The pursuit of these aims leas to the development of good citizenship. In „Aids
to Scoutmaster ship‟. Baden Powell explains that the object of Scout training is
improve the standard of our future citizenship, especially in CHARACTER and
HEALTH; “to replace self with SERVICE, to make lads individually morally
and physically efficient, with the object of using that efficiency for service for
their fellowmen,” He also defines citizenship as “active loyalty to the
community.” Our aim is to train the scout/guide for good citizenship. Active
citizenship is what we want. We know selfishness is natural to individuals, but
we want to eradicate it. In the place of „self we substitute the ambition to be of
SERVICE to fellowmen‟.



I PRAY THAT EVERY HOME IN India may have children like Scouts and


I think the Scout/Guides are excellent material and the more they expand,
the better for the Country.


If had a dozen son – I have only one- I would send them all into the Scout
Movement, as soon as they could enter its lowest grade. And I would send the
daughters into the Girl Guides, under similar conditions, to begin at the beginning.


The real way to get happiness is by giving happiness to other people. Try to
leave this world a little better than you found it.


The greatest contribution to education in the 20th Century was made not by
an Educationist but by a Soldier who founded the Scout Movement.

Duties of Scouts as citizens --- Citizens of the World
Every Scout ought to prepare himself to be a good citizen of his country
and of the World.
For this you must begin, as boys, to look on all boys as your
friends, Remember, whether rich or poor, from town or from country,

you have to stand shoulder to shoulder for your country. If you are
divided among yourselves you are doing harm to your country. You
must sink your differences.
If you despise other boys because they belong to a poorer home
than yourself you are a snob. If you hate other boys because they
happen to be born richer than you, are a fool.
We must, each one of us, take our place as we find it in this world
and make the best of it, and pull together with the other around us.
We are very much like cricks in a wall, we each have our place,
though it may seem a small one in so big a wall. But if one brick
crumble or lips out of place, it begins to throw an undue strain on others,
cracks appear, and the wall totters.
Don‟t be too anxious to push yourself on. You will get
disappointments without end, If you start that way.
Work for the good of your country or of the business in which you
are employed and you will find that as you do this you will be getting all
the promotions and the success that you want.
Try and prepare yourself for this by seriously taking up the subject
they teach you at school, not because it amuses you, but because it is
your duty to your country, to improve yourself. Take up your
mathematics. Your history and your language learning in that spirit, and
you‟ll get on.
Don‟t think of yourself, but think of your country and the good that
your work in going to do to other people.
When you grow up

Then, when you grow up, you will become a voter and have a
share in governing your country.
And you will, many of you, be inclined to belong automatically to
the political party your father or friends belong to. I should not, if I were
you, I should hear what each party has to say. If you listen to one party
you will certainly agree that, is the only right one, the ret must all be
wrong, But if you go and list to another you may find that after all that
one is quite right and the first one wrong.
The thing is to listen to them all, and don‟t be persuaded by any
particular one. And then be a man make up your mind and decide for
yourself which you think is best for the whole country, not for some
little local question – and vote for that one so long as it works the right
way namely, for the good of the country.
Many people get led away by some new politician with some new
extreme idea. Never believe in one man‟s idea till it has been well
considered from all points of view. Extreme ideas are seldom much
good; if you look them up in history you will see almost that they have
been tried before somewhere are have failed.
Your forefather‟s worked hard, fought hard and died hard to make
your country for you. Don‟t let them look down from heaven and see
you loafing about with your hand in your pockets, doing nothing to keep
it up.
Play up? Each man in his place and play the game?
“A Friends of all the World”
Remember, too, that a Scout is not only a friend to the people
round him, but “a friend of the entire World”. Friend doesn‟t fight each
other. If we make friends with our neighbours across the sea in foreign

countries and if they keep friends with us, we than, want to fight. And
that is by far the best way of preventing future wars and of making sure
of lasting peace.
One thing which brings about wars is the facts that people of the
different countries know very little about each other personally, but are
told by their government that the right thing is to fight. So they fight and
are all jolly sorry for it afterwards.
If they had been good friends in peace time they would have
understood each other better and would never have come to blows.
Nowadays travelling has become so much easier and distances
have become so much smaller through motor transport, aeroplanes and
radio that people of different countries have a better chance of getting to
know each other more closely.
Then the Boy Scout and Girl Guide (Girl Scout) Movement have
spread among the nations. As Scout we can visit about fifty different
countries about the world and fine Brother Scouts in each of them. All
acting under the same Law and Promise and doing the same Scout work
as ourselves. Already thousands of Scouts of different nations are
making trips to each other‟s countries regularly to interchange visit. In
this way they have fun to seeing what other countries are like and what
is more important they are getting to know one another as friends and
not as mere “foreigners”.
The World Brotherhood of Scouting
As a Scout you join a great host of boys of many nationalities and
you will have friends in every continent.
This Brotherhood of Scouting is in many respects similar to a
Crusade. Scout from all parts of the world are ambassadors goods

will,making friend s, breaking down barriers of colour, of creed and of
class. That surely is a great Crusade, I advise you to do your best in that
work, for soon you will be a man and if quarrels should arise between
any nations it is upon you that the burden of responsibilities will fall.
Wars have taught us that if one nation tries to impose its particular
will upon other, cruel reaction is bound to follow. A series of Scout
Worked Jamborees and other meeting of Scouts from many countries
has taught us that if we exercise mutual forbearance and give and take,
then there is sympathy and harmony. These jamborees have showed
what a firm link the Scout Law is between boys of all nations. We can
camp together, go hiking together and enjoy all the fun of outdoor life
and so help to forge a chain of friendship.
If we are friends we will not want to be in dispute and by
cultivating these friendships such as have been cemented at our great
jamborees, we are preparing the way for solutions of international
problems by discussion of a peaceful character. This will have vital and
very far reaching effect throughoutthe world in the cause of peace.
Therefore, let us pledge ourselves to do out absolute utmost to establish
friendship among Scout of all nations and to help to develop and
happiness in the world and goodwill among men.
In spite of this, it is the spirit that matters. Our Scout Law and
Promise, when we really put them into practice, take away all occasions
for wars and strife between nations.
Do Your Part
So let us all do our parts. Those who are Scouts now would
determine to be better Scouts, not only in backwoodsman ship and
camping, but in sticking to the Law and carrying it out. If you are not a

Scout, come along and join this happy Brotherhood. There are great
times ahead, and we shall need you!
I hope I have been able in this book to show you something of the
appeal that lies in Scouting for all of us.
I want you to feel that you are really Scouts out in the wilds, able
to work carefully looked after by Patrol Leaders and Souter‟s.
I know that you want to be up and doing things for yourselves; that
these old explorer and frontiersmen appear to the spirit and adventure in
you; that despite all the modern inventions, you want to get out on your
own, finding for yourselves, enjoying the freedom of the open air.
I have just tried to suggest to you some ways of doing this and of
helping you to become real man.
Scouting is a fine game, if we put our backs into it and tackle it
well with real enthusiasm. As with other games, too, we will find that
we gain strength of body, mind and spirit from the playing of it. But
remember! It is a game for the open air, so whenever the opportunity
occur get out into the open, the Good Luck and Good Camping go
with you!

Conclusion of Subjects:
At the end of the course a participant should be able to explain and
accept the fundamentals of Bharat Scouts and Guides and the Method
and programme of the Scout section. Choose ways of helping each
boy develop as a whole person.


Q1. : Which are the four pillars of Scouting?

Q2. : Which are three Principles?

Q3. : What is Scout promise?

Q4. : On what is Scout movement based on?

Q5. : What is a system of progressive self-education though?

Q6. : On which occasion is promise taken or reaffirmed?

Q7. : What is Purpose?

Q8. : What is Character?

Q9. : What is Method?

Q1. : Which are the four pillars of Scouting?
Ans. : a) Scouting Develop Health and Strength
b) Character and Intelligence.
c) Hobbies and Handicraft.
d) Service to others.
Q2. : Which are three Principles?
Ans. : The three Principles are, 1. Duty to God,
2. Duty to others, 3. Duty to self.
Q3. : What is Scout promise?
Ans. : On my honour, I promise that
I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country
To help other people and
To obey the Scout law.
Q4. : On what is Scout movement based on?
Ans. : Our Fundamentals.
Q5. : what is a system of progressive self-education though?
Ans. : A promise and Law, Learning by doing, Membership of
Small groups under adult leadership progressive and
Stimulating programme of various activities.

Q6. : On which occasion is promise taken or reaffirmed?
Ans. : The promise is to be made on the occasion of the
Investitures and in the case of a Rover or Ranger who is
Already a Scout or Guide, the promise is to be reaffirmed
Q7. : What is Purpose?
Ans. : The purpose of the movement is to contribute to the
Development of young people in achieving their full
Physical intellectual, emotional, social spiritual
Potentials as individuals as responsible citizen and as
member of the local, national and international
Q8. : What is Character?
Ans. : The association is a society registered under the
Societies Registration Act and is a non-official
Organisation and is non-political, non-sectarian and
Non-communal in character.

Q9. : What is Method?

Ans. : A Promise and law, learning by doing, Membership of
Small group under adult leadership. Progressive and
Stimulating Programmes of various activities.

Scouting is an educational movement contributing to the total
development of the capabilities of young people. It though active
method of progressive self-education (The Scout Method) leisure
time activities such as camping, hiking, games, projects and
By the time a scout completes the youth programmes. He/ She will
be able to the 14 ideals running through all the 3 sections of
scouting are basic for the programme built for young people.

Thoughts Reflection
“He is a boy-God bless him full to the brim of fun and fight and
hunger and daring mischief and noise and observation and
excitement. If he is not, he is abnormal.”


Scouting is an educational Movement contributing to the total development

of the capabilities of young people through a clearly defines active method of
progressive self-education (The Scout Method) applied to leisure time activities
such as camping, hiking, games, projects and badges.

The Movement is designed to prepare young people to cope with life and
make a contribution to the society in which they live.

The contribution that Scouting is making in the development of a young

person is corresponding to each specific developmental steps --- establishing
values is done at an early stage; socializing and the ability to co-operate is next
done. To adolescents the Scout Method has been providing assistance in

developing the ability in making their own decisions and reaches a higher stage of
autonomy towards the family and peers (an essential step in their development).

Young people of all ages who form certain segment of the society are
dynamic in their needs. Their aspirations are changing faster than ever and are
faced with many options in the use of their free times. Scouting has been
continually delivering its educational programme adapted to the needs of young

The youth programme is not simply activities or progressive scheme but

something more --- constituting other elements such as education. Method,
structure and style and is based on the principles of Scouting, and is the means of
achieving the purpose of Scouting. It has 14 ideals relevant to the present and are
progressively developed in assisting the young people in all the 3 Sections of Scout
wing, The Pack, The Troop and the Rover Crew. Yet, it has its own characteristics
according to the different sections, at Pack level it is building in the child, a
capacity for self-expression and autonomous action; At the Troop level it is
designed to support the adolescent using Patrol system. The Patrol Leaders gains
practice in responsibility and in a qualities of leadership while the Scouts gain the
elements of self-denial and self-control involved in the team spirit of co-operation
and good comradeship and At the Rover Crew level it is to incorporate the older
youth into adult society exercising the practice of the principles of Scout Law in a
wider world.

The 14 ideals running through all the 3 Sections of Scouting are the basis for the
programme built for young people. It is progressive, provides basis for activities
which are useful, attractive and exciting; the educational function of which is
carried out in the group and in the open air when implemented.


Youth Programme is the totality of what young people do in Scouting
/Guiding (activities). How it is done (the Scout /Guide Method) and the reason
why it is done (the purpose).

This definition adopted in the last World Conference held in Paris, July,
1990, further explains the four key words. (i.e. TOTALITY, WHAT, HOW AND
WHY) which we may explain as:


The Youth Programme in Scouting / Guiding covers the complete span of a

young person‟s experience in the Movement. It starts when the youngest member
joins the Movement, typically somewhere between the age of six and eight, and
ends when the oldest member leaves, usually between the age of eighteen and
twenty sex. It is a progressive proves of education through largely recreational


The Youth Programme encompasses all activities that young people in

Scouting / Guiding take part in: camping and outdoor activities, community service
and community development projects, earning standard and proficiency badges,
games, ceremonies, patrol and troop / company meetings, etc. All of these must
have one thing in common; they must be attractive and challenging to young


The Youth Programme in Scouting / Guiding has one fundamental

dimension which determines how it is carried out, the Scout/Guide Method. As
defined in the constitution of the World Organization of the Scout / Guide
Movement, the Scout / Guide method is a system of progressive self-education

 A promise and law

 Learning by doing
 Membership of small group (for example the patrol system) involving
youths, under adult guidance, progressive discovery and acceptance of
the responsibility and training towards self-government directed towards
the development of character, and the acquisition of competence, self-
reliance, dependability and the capabilities both to cooperate and to lead.

 Progressive and stimulating programme of varied activities based on the
interest, of the participants, including games, useful skills, and services to
the community, taking place largely in an outdoor setting in contact with


The Youth Programme is based on the principles of Scouting / Guiding, duty

to God, duty to others and duty to self – and is the means to achieving the purpose
of Scouting / Guiding to contribute to the development of young people in
achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as
individuals, as responsible citizens and as member of their local, national and
international communities.


Promise & Law
Patrol System Contribute Development of Young
Activities Learning by doing People Intellectual Social Spiritual
Progressive Stimulating
Educational Programme








Themotto of the Scouts and Guides is to „be prepared‟ to serve. In following

their motto, many a time they have to work along with the local self-governing
bodies. Thus they should have through knowledge of these bodies. They should
visit these offices and try to understand their functions. They should find out the
telephone numbers, names and designations of the officials in charge of various
activities. They should gather information regarding the functions of various
departments. The Scout and Guides should know the procedure of filling
complaints as regards the shortcoming or malfunction of these departments.

To lodge / file complaints, they should compile a list of the addresses of

various departments of the local self-governing bodies, their phone numbers, the
timing of office hours and the names and designations of the official concerned.

The municipal Corporation looks after the administration of large cities.

Thus the city is divided into various wards for easy administration. The Scouts and
Guides should personally gather information from their respective wards.

Let us take a look at the various services provided by the different local self-
governing bodies.

1. Gram Panchayat :
The Gram Panchayat looks after the upkeep and development of
amenities (facilities) like the roads. Water and electric supply and the
overall administration of the village. The Gram Panchayat takes care of
the primary health center in the village. The maintenance of the death
ad birth records of the villages is also its responsibility.
The Gram Panchayat ensures that the villagers are provided with
the proper information regarding the innovative farming methods, the
new types of seeds. Fertilizers and pesticides, the safety methods
ensuring the health of livestock, the various vaccinations to be given to
the children and livestock.

2. PanchayatSamiti :
The PanchayatSamiti works at the Taluka level. It ensures that
every child in the village has access to primary education. It builds
and maintains the roads connecting various villages. It ensures that
all villagers get clean and safe drinking water. It provides the
villages with detailed information regarding the new farming
techniques and he pesticides/insecticides to be used to increase the
yield. It ensures provision of proper medical facility to the village
that are part of the Taluka. Various campaigns like „Grow More
Trees‟, „Clean Green Village‟,„Each one Teach one‟ are carried out
by the PanchayatSamiti. It also ensures proper maintenance of the
death and birth records.
3. Nagar Parishad (Muncipal Council) :
When the population of a place reaches a certain number, as in a
town, it is then governed by the Nagar Parishad. The Nagar
Parishad performs the following functions:
It takes necessary steps to keep the town garbage-free. It
looks after the proper maintenance of the sewage system of the
town. It provides various health facilities like hospitals and
nursing homes and ensures the success of vaccination programmes.
It also ensures provision of primary and secondary education
facility. It makes provision for library facilities and adult literacy
programmes. It looks after the transport facility in the town. The
Nagar Parishad is responsible for the construction and maintenance
of roads, bridges, gardens, museums, etc.

Youth ProgrammeActivities
a) World Conservation

b) Community Worker

c) Self Defense

d) Citizen

e) Sanitation Promoter

f) Hostess

Conclusion of Subject:
The Youth Programme is not simply activities or progressive
scheme but something more… constituting other element such as
education, method, structure and style and is based on the
principles of Scouting and is the means of achieving the purpose of


Q1. : What is Youth Programme?

Q2. : What was the definition adopted?

Q3. : What is Totality?

Q4. : What are the activities?

Q5. : How Youth carried out the Method?

Q6. : Why Youth Programme is carried?

Q7. : What does youth achieving?

Q8. : Youth Programme based on element?

Q9. : Which are the 3 sections of Scout the youth

Programme followed?
Q10. : To whose is the contribution?

Q1. : What is Youth Programme?
Ans. : Youth Programme is the totally of what young people
Do in Scouting / guiding (activities).
Q2. : What was the definition adopted?
Ans. : The definition in last word conference helps in Paris,
July, 1990 four key words (i.e. Totally, What, How, and
Q3. : What is Totality?
Ans. : The youth programme covers the completes span of a
Young person‟s experience in the movement.
Q4. : What are the activities?
Ans. : Scout takes part in camping and outdoor activities,
community‟s service and community development
projects earning proficiency badges games, ceremonies,
patrol and troop company meetings.
Q5. : How Youth carried out the Method?
Ans. : a)Promise and law.
b) Learning by doing
c) Membership of small group under the Adult Leadership
d) Progressive and stimulating programmes.

Q6. : Why Youth Programme is carried?

Ans. : Youth Programme based on duty to God. Duty to other,
and duty to self.

Q7. : What does youth achieving?
Ans. : The development of young people in achieving their
full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials
as individuals, as responsible citizens.
Q8. : Youth Programme based on element?
Ans. : The elements are such as education, method, structure
And styles.
Q9. : Which are the 3 sections of Scout the youth
Programme followed?
Ans. : a) Cub Section
b) Scout Section
c) Rover Section
Q10. : To whose is the contribution?
Ans. : The contribution is the Scout is an educational
movement contributing to the total development of the
capabilities of young people through active method.

3. 14 PROGRAMME IDEALS (Scout Section)
To develop love for community, adventure, Scouting skills,
to develop a sense of express reverence to god by proper worship
make things useful for others. This all things are put in 14 ideas of
Scout section.
By the time a boy completes the full course of the
programme, he or she will be able to:
Develop, undertake, beware make useful of improve realize.
Identity accept, understand study.

Thoughts for Reflection

Remember that the boy on joining wants to begin scouting
right away so don‟t dull his keenness by much preliminary
explanation at first meet his wants by games and scouting practices
and in still elementary details bit by bit afterwards as you go along.

By the time a boy completes the full course of the programme, he will be able to :-

1. Develop his character to become healthy and useful.

2. Accept and follow the rudiments of good citizenship.
3. Undertake practices and improve skills essential to become self-reliant and
prepare him-self to use them for helping others.
4. Undertake collective activities and challenges which contribute for his all-
round development.
5. Be aware of his capacities and use them in service to the community.
6. Improve his skill of observation to appreciate the wonders of nature and
develop a sense of and express reverence to GOD by proper worship.
7. Make things useful for others.
8. Realize that public property is his property as well and attempt to look
after it.
9. Identify himself as an integral part of his community and realize his duty to
10. Improve further Scouting skills to undertake adventurous activities and
develop love for adventure.
11. Understand our National heritage and culture and determine to keep them
12. Undertake individual and collective strategies to conserve natural resources
and prepare to educate others in this respect.
13. Develop the qualities of a dynamic leader and participate during his best,
effectively in all leadership opportunities made available to him.
14. Study about his country and people and contribute for National Integration.

Programme Ideas

 Programme details, Activities and Purpose

1. Develop his character to become healthy and useful

Purpose : The purpose of the Movement is to contribute to the
development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual,
emotional, social & spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and
as members of the local, national and international communities.

2. Accept and follow the rudiments of good citizenship






Purpose : Duty of any person of the country in his/her any age group is a
must to do responsibility of that person towards his/her country. There is no any
particular time which will call anyone to perform the duty towards country
however it is the birth rights of every Indian Citizen to understand and perform all
the duties towards their country as daily routine or whenever required according to
the type of duty. The Prime Minister of India, NarendraModi, has said to discuss
this topic in the schools, colleges and other places at the Republic Day celebration
of India 2016.

1. Undertake Practices and improve skills essential to become self-reliant and

prepare him/her to use them for helping others.


“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be

honorable, to be compassionate, and to have it make some difference
that you have lived and lived well.”
Someone who is in service of others says. “Consider me”.
Someone who is self-serving says. „What about me‟. And, someone who
is sacrificial says nothing.

We express true love in obedience to God and service to others not
reckless or selfish behavior and we choose these behaviors.
Happiness is a byproduct of helping others. No man ever finds
happiness by thinking of himself. True happiness comes when we lose
ourselves in the service of others – when we are merciful to our
fellowmen. The Strongest people make time to help others, even if they
are struggling with their own problems.

2. Undertake collective activities and challenges, which contribute for his /

her all round development.

The focus in on all-round development of the child, besides helping them
develop a perception towards learning and reasoning, as also to groom them
with good behavioral skills and developing a positive attitude towards life so
that they can grow into responsible citizens.

3. Be aware of his / her capacities and use them in service to the community.

“ If you really want to receive joy and happiness. Then serve others with all
your heart. Lift their burden and your own burden will be lighter.”

4. Improve his / her skills of observation to appreciate the wonders of nature

and develop a sense of express reverence to God by worshipping him.

How are your Observation Skills?
 This activity demonstrates our ability to remember details accurately.
 Testimony about personal experience is frequently used during an
 How accurately do people remember what they have seen?
 What factors may play a role in what we can remember and describe
about something we have witnessed?
 Consider these questions as you do the following activity.
 Build a habit of being mindful of your surroundings, especially ones that
you think you‟re already familiar with.
 Keeps an observation journal detailing irregular occurrences, sounds, and
events happening around you?
 When talking to someone, take into account their body language.

5. Make things useful for others

PURPOSE: Conserving Natural Resources

Resources are features of environment that are important and value of to
human in one form or the other. However, the advancement of modern
civilization has had a great impact on our planets natural resources. So,
conserving natural resources is very essential today. There are many ways that
one can conserve natural resources. All you need to do is to look around and see
what natural resources you are using and find out ways to limit your usage.
Most of the people use natural gas to heat their water and their home.

6. Realize that public property is his / her property as well and attempt to
look after it.

Public property is Property that is dedicate to public use and is a subset of
state property. The term may be used either to describe to use to which the
property is put, or to describe the character of its own ship. (Owned collectively by
the population of a state.)
7. Identify himself / herself as an integral part of his / her community, and
realize his / her duty to country.

Prepare him to do his duty to country and develop love for Universal
Brotherhood i.e. peace and good will among human being.
8. Improve further Scouting / guiding skills to undertake adventurous
activities and develop love for adventure.

“An adventure is an exciting or unusual experience. It may also be a bold,
usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome. Adventures may be
activities with some potential for physical danger such as travelling, exploring,
skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving, river rafting or participating in
extreme sports.”
9. Understand our National Heritage and Culture and determine to keep
them up.

Cultural Heritage is an expression of the ways of living developed by a
community and passed on from generation to generation, including customs,
practices, places, objects, artistic expressions and values. Cultural Heritage is often
expressed as either intangible or Tangible Cultural Heritage.
10.Undertake individual and collective practices to conserve nature resources
and prepare to educate others in this respect.


“The best way to conserve natural resources is to find ways to reduce
dependency of natural resources in everyday life. Resources are products of the
natural environment that humans use in some way or another. Oil, natural gas,
water and coal are all natural resources that are used in energy and food
11.Develop the qualities of a dynamic leader and participate doing his/ her
best, effectively in all leadership opportunities made available to him.


Dynamic Leadership is a dual-focused form of adaptive leadership that

allows a leader to react to changes by being proactive. A leader must employ a
fluid style of leadership that he adjusts based on the Marines he is leading and on
the circumstances in which he finds himself.”

12.Study about his / her country and people and contribute for the cause of
National Integration.

For binding the people in sentiment of oneness i.e. in the bond of
nationalism or what we call National Integration. It is necessary to all to
eliminate and evaporate the felling of regionalism, communalism, Linguisimetc.
among themselves. Now days in society media plays a very important role.
Without media, people in societies would be isolated, not only from the rest of
world but from the Government, law and orders, neighboring Towns and Cities.



Civil, Fair Play. Patrol works, Health Responsibility for
Respect for the Team Games, personal health,
Rights of Others Court of Honor, Hygiene.
Discipline. (Patrol Leader‟s Temperance
Leadership. Council) Scout Continence
Responsibility Law and Promise. Camping
Moral. Scout work and Strength Physical
Honor. Activities Development,
Chivalry, Appreciation of Games
Self-reliance. Nature. Swimming
Courage Nature lore and Hiking.
Capacity for Study of Climbing and
enjoyment. Astronomy Natural activities.
Higher tone of kindness to
Thought Animals. Service
Religion to Others.
Reverence (See below)
Technical Skill Scout craft Camp Unselfishness Scout Law and
Expedients Promise
Inventiveness Poineering Civil Duty Good turns
Rewards by Patriotism First aid
Badges in many Life Saving
form of Handicraft Service for Fireman ship
Intellectual Country Accident crops
Observation Hobbies Service for Hospital
Deduction Woodcraft Humanity Assistance
Self-Expression Tracking Service for God Other Community

It is a method of…

 Making a personal commitment to a simple code ofliving :- the Scout
Promise and Law
 Learning by Doing :- Active participation with others
 Working in small Groups :- in patrols to develop leadership, group
skills, and individual responsibility
 Stimulating Programmes :- Progressive activities based on the interests
of young people. Activities in contact with nature, a rich learning
environment where simplicity, creativity ad discovery come together to
provide adventure and challenge.

It has….

 A Spiritual Dimension: A commitment to seek the spiritual value of life

beyond the material world.
 A Social Dimension: Participating in the development of society –
respecting the dignity of others and the integrities of the natural world;
promoting local, national and international peace, understanding and co-
 A Personal Dimension: Developing a sense of personal responsibility
and stimulating the desire for responsible self-expression.

The 14 programmeideals are development of his character
become good citizen, self-reliant to help others duty to country
develop love for adventure effective leadership. National heritage
and culture dynamic leader and participant and contribute for
National integration.


Q1. : How to develop his character?

Q2. : What you will accept and follow?

Q3. : What makes all round development?

Q4. : How will you worship God by proper way?

Q5. : What you are going to take care of?

Q6. : How will you improve further Scouting skill?

Q7. : What will you keep up in Scouting?

Q8. : What will be your contribute for country?

Q9. : What you will develop in Scouting?

Q10. : For what his capacities will be use?

Q1. : How to develop his character?
Ans. : By becoming health and useful.
Q2. : What you will accept and follow?
Ans. : To accept and follow the rudiments of good citizenship.
Q3. : What makes all round development?
Ans. : Collective activities and challenges which contribute
for his all-round development.
Q4. : How will you worship God by proper way?
Ans. : By improve his skills of observation to appreciate the
wonders of nature and develop a sense of and express
reverence to God.
Q5. : What you are going to take care of?
Ans. : The public property is his property as well.
Q6. : How will you improve further Scouting skill?
Ans. : By undertake adventurous activities and develop love
for adventure.
Q7. : What will you keep up in Scouting?
Ans. : Our National heritage and culture.
Q8. : What will be your contribute for country?
Ans. : The people and country contribute for National Heritage.
Q9. : What you will develop in Scouting?
Ans. : A dynamic leader and participate and in all leadership

Q10. : For what his capacities will be use?
Ans. : His capacities will be used in service to the community.

Reference Books:
1. Boy Scout
2. Scouting Religion and Character
3. Ideas for Scout Troop
4. The spirit of Scouting

“Leader don’t create
Followers, they create
More leaders.”
By Tom Peters.
The process by which a person influences the activities of an
individual or a group in efforts towards the achievement of a goal is
By the end of the self-learning module the participants will be able to
describe their roles and responsibilities as Scoutmaster and members of
a team of leaders.

Great leaders find ways to
connect with their people
and help them fulfil their potential.
By Steven J Stowell.

Concept of Leadership:
Leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can
become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process
of self-study, education, training, and experience. This guide will help you
through that process.

To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain
things you must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired
through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and
studying to improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their laurels.

Leadership Is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish

an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and
coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes,
such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills.

 Meaning of a Leader :-
The leader is a person who influences the group to work willingly. In the school
management, the head of the school is the leader.
 Meaning of a Leadership :-
Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of other people for the
attainment of specified goals. It imp lies the existence of a leader and
followers as well as their mutual interaction.
 Definition of Leadership :-
The view of prominent thinkers as given below should help us to understand the
meaning, role and dimensions of leadership;
1. Good‟s Dictionary of Education States. “Leadership is the ability and
readiness to inspire, guides, direct or manage others.”
2. L.D. Haskeu defines Leadership as, “A relation between persons such that -
the ideas (will) of one person are being accepted and followed by other
3. According to La Piere and Farnsworth, “Leadership is a behavior that affects
the behavior of other people more than their behavior affects that of the
4. Leslie D. Zeleny defines a leader as, “A group member whom others follow
because he has demonstrated mastery of the social relationship in the group,
and, as a consequence, becomes its „Center of living.”
5. According to Pigor‟s definitions “Leadership is a concept applied to the
personality environment relation to describe the situation when a personality

is so placed in environment that his well-being and insight direct and control
others in the pursuit of a common cause.”
6. In the words of Ralph M. Stogdill, “Leadership is a process of influencing
the activities of an organized group in the task of goal setting and goal

 Nature of Leadership

Leadership has the following characteristics:

i) Leadership is an art.
ii) It is working with a group of people to achieve a common goal
iii) It is an activity of persuading the people to co-operate in the achievement of
a common objective.
iv) There is automatic existence of followers.
v) There is exemplary conduct shown by the leader.
vi) The leader as well as the followers has common interest.

 Qualities of Leadership :
Generally a leader is expected to possess the following qualities:
i) Good at Decision Making :
One of the main duties of the leader is to take decisions. He is able to decide
judiciously, impartially and quickly as well with his ability of decision
making, he is able to win the applause of every one. On the other hand, if
the head of an organization of hesitant type and is not good in decision
making, is a slur on the fair name of the organization.
ii) Bold and Courageous :
The leader is a bold and courageous person. He is not cowed down by the
problems all around. He is able to steer clear out of everything. He is able
to take stern action against the erring officials.
iii) Forceful :
The leader has a quality of forcefulness. He is forceful and effective. What he
says, he always means that; whatever he orders, is done.
iv) A True Leader:
He is a leader in the true. Sense of the word. In every work, he leads others. He
works hard and is a living example of hard working before others.
v) Mastery of the Routine work :
A good leader has a complete mastery of the work he is expected to do.
Without a mastery of the profession, he will fail to plan lead and direct well.
vi) Clarity of Vision :
The leader has clarity of vision. He knows well he different objectives and
understands fully the procedures to be adopted to achieve those goals. He is
very clear about everything. Only a man with clarity of vision is able to
show good leadership to others.
vii) Good at Human Relations :
A good leader has a human touch in whatever he does. He treats others,
especially the followers, from human point of view. He does not depend too
much on his formal authority. A contact with him imbibes in others good
qualities of head and heart. His approach to different problems is always
viii) Farsightedness :
A leader has a quality of farsightedness. He is able to think beforehand the
future problems. By his farsightedness, he is ever ready to combatthe
problem rightly and effectively.
ix) Man of Character :
The leader is a man of character. He is far above vices like gambling, drinking
etc. he is a man of high integrity in this context, C. RajagopalAcharya says,
“Character is as important for administration as sun light is to every form of
x) A Man of Self-Confidence :
The leader is full of self-confidence. He believes strongly in whatever he does.
He never loses self-control in the hours of difficulties. „He is always sure of
steering clear out of problematic situations.
xi) Good at Communication :

The leader is expected to give directions and commands. So he should be able
to issue instructions systematically. In fact, smooth runningof the institution
depends upon the skill of communication that strengthens the ties of the
leader with the followers.

i) Effective Direction :
An organization comes into existence with certain objectives. To attain
the objectives, the activities of the organization must be directed.
Direction of the activities is effected through leadership. In short,
effective leadership directs the activities of an organization towards the
attainment of the specified organizational goals.
ii) Sources of motivation :
Leadership is the motivating power to group efforts. Effective leadership
motivates the subordinates for higher productivity.
iii) Confidence :
Leadership creates confidence in the subordinates by giving proper
guidance and advice.
iv) High moral :
Good leadership increases the moral of the employees which,
in turn, contributes to higher productivity.
v) Development of team spirit :
Effective leadership promotes team-spirit and teamwork which
is quite essential for the success of any organization.
vi) Encouraging initiative :
A progressive, forward and democratic minded leader always
encourages initiative on the part of the followers.

vii) Overcoming resistance to change :
A leader overcomes resistance, if any on the part of followers
to organizational changes; through explaining to them the
utility of such changes to both-the enterprise and the


The importance of the leader can be described by the following functions:

1. The leader helps in guiding the members.

2. The leader inspires the members.
3. The leader secures the cooperation of the members.
4. The leader creates confidence in the members
5. The leader develops and maintains an environment conductive to
optimum work effort.
6. The leader acts as a counselor
7. The leader develops team spirit
8. The leader helps In motivating the members.
9. The leader helps in establishing cordial relation among the members.


Some of the main limitations of the educational leadership are:

1. Legal basis for Education

2. Lack of a Clear-cut National Policy on Education
3. Inadequate resources
4. Lack of priorities
5. Dominance of non-educationist and non-specialists.
6. Political pressures

7. Social pressures
8. Personal conflicts and antagonisms.

Styles / Types of Leadership:

A Leadership style is a leader‟s style of providing direction, implementing plans,

and motivating people. There are many different leadership styles that can be
exhibited by leaders in the political or other fields.

The well-known styles/types of leadership are: i. Autocratic, ii. Democratic

and iii. Laissez-faire leadership.

I) Autocratic Leadership :
Autocratic derives from the words auto (Greek for self) and cratic, which
impels rule Automatic leaders often view themselves like automobile
engines that drive people under their tutelage or command, whether it‟s a
mayor of a large city, a company CEO or an agency director. It may seem
incongruous to think of autocratic leaders as self-driven. But if their role in
business, government or other organizations is to drive others to perform at
their best and accomplish tasks without making mistakes, then the
description is appropriate.
In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge has total authority
and control over decision making. By virtue of their position and job
responsibilities, they not only control the efforts of the team, but monitor
them for completion – often under close scrutiny.
Here, everything, the whole authority is centralized with the leader. All
powers are with the leader. He shoulders the whole responsibility. This
type of leader does not discuss anything with the followers while taking
decisions. He dictates to others, assigns acts as a boss and the followers
have to carry out the orders irrespective of the fact whether they – like it or
not in a democratic setup of life, autocratic type of leadership is not liked
and so it may not succeed for a long time.


1) The leader is able to take the decisions quickly as he/she is to decide things
single handed. There is no wastage of time.
2) Secrets of the organization remain confidential. They are not leaked out to
3) Total responsibility is of the autocratic leader. So for everything, one person
is answerable.
4) Good control, overview
5) Unimpaired programme
6) Laws; Youth protection laws
7) No long discussion
8) Group members know what they must do
9) Rules give security
10) Discipline.


1. Decision taken by one person may not be liked by others. It may create
rift between the leader and the followers.
2. It may create problems in the implementation of the decisions. Certain
plans of the leader may not be put to practice in their true spirits
3. There may be environment of fear and hatred between the leader and the
employees. This type of leadership creates unhealthy environment.
4. Initiative and encouragement of the followers tack there. They work as
long as they are watched.
5. The spirit of co-operation between the leader and the followers goes on

2. Democratic Leadership


Involves a team guided by a leader where all individuals are involved in the
decision making process to determine what needs to be done and how it should be
done. The group of leader has the authority to make the final decision of the group
is called Democratic Leadership.

Democratic leadership in an organization involves the redistribution of
power and authority between employees and managers to provide employee
involvement in decision-making.

Unlike autocratic leadership, democratic leadership is fully decentralized.

No one acts as a boss to rule over others. He always takes the followers into
confidence while taking any decision. In plans and procedures, the leaders as well
as the followers are together. There is never any gap between the two. They swim
or sink together. The democratic leader always keeps the interest of the followers
in mind. He enjoys their full confidence and comes up to their expectations. He
shares the burden and shoulders the responsibilities on sharing basis.

Characteristics of Democratic Leadership:

Some of the primary characteristics of democratic leadership include:

 Group members are encouraged to share ideas and opinions, even though
the leader retains the final say over decision.
 Members of the group feel more engaged in the process
 Creativity is encouraged and rewarded.


1. The leader enjoys full faith and confidence of the followers. So he is able to
show good leadership to all concerned.
2. There is healthy spirit of co-operation between the leader and the followers.
3. There is due recognition to the initiative shown by the followers. That
results into quick realization of goals.
4. The followers remain activity involved in every work and activity initiated
by the democratic leader.
5. The responsibility is shared by one and all included in the group of the
leader. So the leader is not much tense any time.
6. There is a good deal of understanding between the leader and the followers.
The organization flourishes with their combined efforts.

7. In educational institutions democratic leadership helps in training the youths
rightly and thus they become the hopeful stars of the nation.


1. When the democratic leader discusses things with the followers, a lot of
time is utilized everybody wants to give his/her views. The results are
that decisions consume lot of time.
2. There being collective responsibility of everything no body owns the
mistakes. Everyone tries to find excuses.
3. Democratic type of working leads to groupism and that results to
infighting. Such an environment is not good for the educational

Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Leadership Concept:

Leadership styles in which a leader transfer decision making power to on for more
employees, but remains responsible for their decisions is called Delegative

Law Dictionary: When a leader gives authority to make decisions to the employees
but is responsible for the results.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Delegative /laissez-faire leadership as:

“A philosophy or practice characterized by a usually deliberate abstention

from direction from direction or interference, especially with individual freedom of
choice and action.”

Delegative leadership gives employees maximum room to grow. This

approach is also known as laissez-faire leadership because it involves handing over
control of projects and assigning decision making about everything from nuts and
bolts operations to big-picture vision. Despite its advantages, delegative leadership
may not be the best choice for every business, especially one with high employee
turnover. This management strategy is best for businesses with committed, long-
term staff with the knowledge and experience to make executive decisions.

It is also called free-rein type of leadership. Here, the leader remains almost
inactive. We may say that he plays very little roll. He gives complete freedom to
his followers in making decisions. The leader gives guidance when asked for it.
He does not interfere in the day today work in time group. The persons in the
group work in their own devised ways so as to achieve the objectives.

This type of leadership is needed only in special type of situations. The

leader leaves everything to the choice of the group and in so doing he does not find
any type of risk. In the teaching learning situations where projects are to be
allotted the teacher gives freedom to the students. Every student is free to take up
any project as per his choice. The teacher is available there just to guide and help

The following are the advantages of Delegative Leadership:
1. Freeing Up Management Time
When employees manage their own projects, department heads earning
higher salaries avoid tasks that could be completed by someone else at lower
cost. Managers who aren‟t tied up with project details have more time for
tasks such as accounting and strategic planning, and when they are free of
day-to-day troubleshooting, they can respond proactively to opportunities
and threats.
2. Building Employee Skill
An employee immerse themselves in projects where they have the power to
make autonomous decisions, they build skills through collaboration and
practice. Working together, they share knowledge through brainstorming
and exchanging ideas, which enhance creativity, by making mistakes, they
learn to take a wide range of variables into account and foresee obstacles
that can arise in the future. As they practice their skills, they grow more
proficient, better able anticipate consequences and work under pressure.
3. Boosting Staff Confidence
Employees build confidence as they take on new tasks through delegative
leadership; as they manage their own projects, they learn about their own
capabilities and strengths. Confident employees are willing to take on
increasing responsibility, freeing mangers from the chore of having to
double-check their work. When employees project confidence, customers
are more likely to trust them and grow comfortable with work that is not
carefully supervised.
4. Hybrid Leadership Style
Delegative leadership makes sense for businesses whose employees have the
necessary skills to plan and execute projects without close supervision.
Participative leadership also emphasizes employee involvement, but with
less autonomy and more management control, while authoritarian leadership
involves steering and managing unilaterally. Effective leaders blend
elements of different leadership styles, which allow employees to learn,
grow and take responsibility while stepping in when appropriate to provide
guidance and improve quality.
5. The followers enjoy full freedom. So there is least frustration or discontents.
6. Every individual is able to highlight his qualities.
7. Initiative taken by some persons gets due recognition. Thus there is
encouragement for everyone.
1. Leadership in the real sense is missing.
2. The followers remain unsatisfied due to lack of leadership
3. Efficiency and production are affected badly
4. Less group satisfaction
5. Less group productivity
6. Poorer quality of work
7. Less personal growth
8. Jobs fall back on someone else or are not completed.

Difference between Autocratic Leadership – Democratic Leadership

Sr No Autocratic Leadership Democratic Leadership

1 It is based on authority It is based on goodwill
2 It drives the members It trains the members
3 It creates fear It inspires
4 It is concentrated on the work I We word becomes tile watchword
5 It assigns the task It guides how to complete the task
6 It orders the members to be on time The leader reaches ahead of time

7 It fixes responsibility for any It tries to fix the breakdown
8 It makes work drudgery It makes work as play
9 It creates an environment of distrust It creates an environment of trust
10 It prepares the plan by itself Plan is prepared cooperatively
11 It alone ponders over problems It seeks the opinion of others
12 It itself takes credit for any success It gives credit to the members
13 It ignores the feeling of the It ties to understand the feeling of the
followers members
14 It thinks that the entire wisdom is It gives due consideration to the
inherent in it. views of the members
15 It always tries to find fault with the It attempts to find the strong points of
members the members
16 it keeps distance from the members It shares joys and sorrows of the

The WOSM Leadership Development Programme (WLDP) is a

learning framework that supports the development of current and potential

The WLDP Programme:

Providers opportunities for existing leaders to develop international

leadership skills and experiences to meet their needs and the organization at
national, regional and world level.

Actively develops potential leaders, specifically young man for current and
future roles.

WOSM has four characteristics as an organization, which in combination

provides an opportunity to consider international leadership from a unique
perspective. They have become central to the programme and are:

That WOSM is a value based organization delivering non-formal education

with an inter-generational perspective and in a cross-cultural setting.

The WLDP programme supports the vision of WOSM as a learning

organization and the strategic goals.

Leadership development, Strong and Growing Membership, The Voice of
boys and Young Man based on narrative experiences from members, leaders and
member organizations from all five WOSM regions.

There is the expectation that in the future the WLPD will be an

internationally recognized programme, attracting participants from external

The WLPD has been developed through a consultative process with the
regions, the target audience for the programme and educational specialists. The
programme has been designed to address needs at organizational and individual
level but the core content is a programme of eight modules designed to meet the
needs of the individual. There is no expectation that anyone will be required to
undertake all eight modules, though this is an option. The modules are:

 Understanding Leadership
 Personal Development
 Leading Teams
 Diversity
 Management Skills
 Communication
 Advocacy
 Setting Direction
The content of these modules is only one aspect of WLPD. The delivery
of the material is crucial to learning and may involve facilitated
workshops and seminars, coaching / mentoring the use of learning logs
and journals, applied project based learning and assessment.

All modules consist of

Theoretical information on the subject individual exercises easy to copy and

use, Group exercises - easy to copy and use, Discussion questions – for group and
plenary debates, or for individual reflection, Bibliography and references for
further reading.

It is proposed that in a phase 2 of the WLPD, further pathways for
development may be offered, designed to provide more specialist opportunities for
the development or leadership skill – such as active leadership, strategic
leadership, innovative leadership and social change leadership.

 Running a Scout Troop is enjoyable and a fun to adults but a

responsibility because a Scoutmaster deals with other people‟s children,
that too at a turbulent age.
 Responsibilities at a Troop Meeting are great, but grater when away from
Meetings, e.g. during Camps, Hikes and other outdoor activities etc.
 This means that a leader should be efficient to deal with emergencies.
 Other aspects of our responsibility lies in knowing scouts as individuals
(e.g. their parents, home back ground, school lives etc.)
 But a leader is a member of the Team and shares his responsibilities with
 The standards of the Troop are developed and maintained by the COH
under the intelligent supervision of unit Leaders.

After answering questions send them for a Group work with a copy of
Handout No. 42: “Responsibilities of Leadership”. When they come back, make
sure from them that they could understand the content – clear doubts, if any.

Then give them time to think individually or in consultation with others and
identify their future Training need, in a plenary session, sum up explaining the 6
means by which Training can be provided. i.e. Formal training, informal training,
personal support, self-training, training assignment and Training Study.

Some more Hints for Scoutmasters.

1. Motives determine outlook and our outlook is a great factor in efficiency.
Efficiency is the key to success.
2. Scouts can irritate you at times, control your temper.
3. Your attitude as a Scoutmaster should be that of an „elder brother‟ but NOT
A SCHOOL TEACHER. Scouts during Troop life should see in you an
altogether different Leader and not the same Class Teacher.

4. A scout master is a Boy Leader – a boy man.
5. Leadership is not a birth right. It is after all a skill that anybody can develop
and continue to improve.
6. When in difficulties consult Senior Leaders and Commissioners.
7. Contents of the Handout should be your guide-line.

S.T.A. : Compose a song about the job of a Scoutmaster. Tune it and sing it as a
Patrol item in the next campfire item.


 Leaders will not learn for learning sake, but only to satisfy needs, which
they have to perform their task better.
 Leaders learn when they have strong motivation for learning.
 Leaders learn through a series of successive steps or stages. The stages
should be short and linked to one another in a sequence, to provide
progressive learning.
 Each person learns according to his / her own rhythm. The training
sequence should be flexible enough to allow people to follow their own
 Leaders learn more efficiently through having experiences through
listening to lectures or watching demonstration.
 Leaders learn better when they have been associated in defining learning
 Leaders need an opportunity to apply their learning in an experimental
situation, to control and reinforce their learning.
 Learning is not the result of transmitting knowledge to passive receivers:
it calls for the active and sustained involvement of willing participants.

 Leaders learn in a non – judgment climate, the characteristics of which
are: openness, mutual understanding and acceptance, trust and caring.
 Experiences, which lead to a better self-image, are conductive to

Handout No. 42 Responsibilities of Leadership


 This is a yardstick not a catalogue

 Unless you believe that “Scouting is a game for boys and job of work for
men” and act by it you have no change of success
 Leadership is responsibilities no power.
 Personal example is vital

What makes for Success

1. A real desire to do the job of a Scoutmaster.

2. A genuine and continuing interest in the boys of Scout age and ever-growing
love for them.
3. Acceptance – Aims, Policies, Rules, Methods and Programme, Etc. of the
Bharat Scouts and Guides must be accepted by you.
4. Welfare of the boys- you are responsible for it in your Troop.
5. Acceptance of Training – A rich heritage of accumulated experience
available to Scouters. You can encourage others to come.
6. Persistence – you may be disappointed at times. But you have to learn to
accept disappointments as part of the job.
7. Absence of Prejudice – don‟t try to force your own interests, likes and
dislikes on the Troop. The needs of Scouts are to be satisfied and that is
what your job demands.
8. Courage to attempt the difficult to control a difficult boy and to perform a
difficult job too.
9. Enthusiasm and a sense of humor – children like these and do not disappoint
10. Have faith in the boy, and in Scouting. God helps you.
11. Humility – personal but not about the job. You can be proud of what you
are trying to do.
12. Ambition – Aim high.
13. Capacity to work: There is no alternative. The biggest room in the world is
the room for improvement.

14. Not to need the boys – The leader may receive the respect and even the love
of the boy, but if the Leader comes to need it he is finished. Let us not be to
prone to flattery.

Leadership to succeed must stem from the implementation of all these things. Use
these qualities as a personal yardstick and learn to assess your own strengths and



“The process by which a person influences the activities of an individual

or a Group in efforts towards achievement of a goal”.


The Task is the objective of the exercise, which can be practical and
involve technical skills, but need not necessarily be so.
 The Group is those who are performing the task, who need to work
together, to develop a spirit of unity and purpose.
 The individual within the group has his own personal motivation and
needs to be treated in a particular way to perform at maximum efficiency.
 These elements frequently conflict with each other, too much attention
paid to meeting the needs of one may lead to a failure to meet the need of
 He maintains the cohesion of the group by evaluating individual and
group progress, rewarding and encouraging as he does so, whilst at the
same time communicating feedback on task performance counseling and
supporting individuals as required.


 It may be less productive to define what a leader must “be”

 It can be useful early in leadership course for the participants to list those
admired qualities that they would expected to find in leaders that they
would follow.


An effective leader must:

1. Set an example
2. Understand the needs and characteristics of his group
3. Know and use the resources of the group (be able to obtain skills or
4. Communicate effectively (receive and give information)
5. Plan
6. Control and coordinate the group
7. Delegate. (Share leadership)
8. Evaluate
9. Help others to learn (manage learning)

The purpose of leadership training is to equip leaders with the skills and
knowledge to perform their roles effectively.

The policy will be supported by a Facilitation Scout and a toolkit which

outlines methods, techniques, and tools for trainers/facilitators to plan,
implement and measure training and learning opportunities.

The boy training, learning, and Development Framework marks a way of

providing training for adult members in response to the changing needs of
society, our organization, and our boy members. The emphasis is on a learner-
centered approach, where both the learner and the trainer/facilitator share the
responsibility for the learning process.

Over the last decade, WOSM, like most organizations, has faced increased
pressure to go beyond traditional task based training to facilitate whole person
development? Training is no longer seen as a one-off event which is applied
across a group of individuals without considering individual experiences,
competences and qualifications. Advances in communication technology also
allow us to think in new ways about how, when and where training and learning

can take place. The allow us to look at different and more creative ways to
deliver training for both leaders and members.

Using this approach we aim to :

 Enable learning
 Facilitate meaningful personal development
 Support the development of competences relevant to the Girl Guiding
and Girl Scouting role
 Help adult members to identify and achieve their potential as individuals
and as leaders in the Scouting Movement.

The Boy Scout policy and Guideline: Adult Training, Learning, and
Development is intended to apply to all forms of adult development and
training carried out by all Member Organizations regardless of their way of


This WOSM policy is based on the Fundamental principles of boy

scouting and boy guiding and it updates previous policy statements. The

 Acknowledges and reflects the changes in society and

 Consider the needs, experiences and expectations of adult learners

In order to create effective learning environments, Adult training, Learning,

and Development Frameworks should:

 Embrace new methods and developments in adult learning

 Recognize the learner-centered approach
 Create effective adult learning environments
 Assess and respond to the need of adult learners
 Ensure the delivery of learning opportunities for all adult members
regardless of their background or their experience.
 Use new technologies where appropriate, such as the internet, e-learning,
podcasts etc.


It is the responsibility of each National Association to design and

implement a national adult training, Learning, and Development, Framework
which follows the WOSM Policy and Guidelines: Adulttraining, Learning,
and Development and which provides opportunities for adult members to
reach their full potential in their roles as leaders.

The adult training, Learning, and Development Framework should be

implemented in accordance with other relevant policies.


 Support National Associations to develop a strategy on leadership and

 Assist National Associations to set up a national Adult Training,
Learning, and Development Framework
 Enable National Associations to consider principles in learning and
training situations.
 Promote the fundamental principles and values within a changing
 Identify people within and outside the Association who have the
necessary competences to support the Associations.
 Recruit and motivate talented and resourceful people to share
responsibilities within the Association
 Prepare individuals to fulfill existing and future roles and responsibilities
 Establish a system or monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of adult
training, learning and development.


 Develop their adult training, learning and development structure and

 Monitor and evaluate the adult training, learning and development in the

 Demonstrate the association‟s commitment to the development of leaders
at all level and responsibilities.



 Support for the development of learning and training strategies in

member organizations.
 Regular review of learning and training implementations.
 Adoption of emerging trends in adult learning
 Use of technologies for adult learning
 Use of non-formal education for young people and adults
 Sharing of best practices across all member organizations.


 Whole hearted faith and belief in the Rightness of his cause.

 Cherry energetic personality with sympathy and friendly understanding
of his followers.
 Confidence in himself through knowing his job.
 What he preaches he must himself practice.
 You cannot teach a man anything
 You can only help him to discover for himself

Our method of training is to educate from within rather than to instruct from
without; to offer games and activities which, while being attractive to the boys,
will seriously educate his morally, mentally and physically.

Patrol System:

Boy Guides and Boy Scouts within a unit work in group of around five to
eight peers, one of whom is the designated patrol leader. This group then
participates in unit activities and programmes.

Through experiential learning or „learning by doing‟ individuals learn

through performing a task as well as through study, discussion and observation

Progressive self-development: a member progresses individually through the boy
scout programme by choosing her own route and proceeding with her own chosen
activities at her own pace.

Through intergenerational learning, young people and adults cooperate together

and learn with and through each other.

Outdoor activities and learning through adventure help to build self-confidence,

self-awareness and character as well as raise awareness about the environment.

Service in the community encourages a sense of responsibility for society and its

Intellectual learning and international experiences promote respect, mutual

understanding and tolerance for others as well as a sense o responsibility for the
world in which we live.

Delivering Training, Learning and Development through Trainers / Facilitators.


 Use of computers and similar media

 On the job learning and support
 Experiential and action learning
 Experiences of personal development e.g. reflecting, sharing, arts
 Recognition of prior learning
 Mixed delivery (learning techniques using some or all of the above

Conclusion of Subjects:
Leadership is responsibility not power leadership to succeed must
stem from the implementation of all these things. Use these qualities as a
personal yardstick and learn to assess your own strength and failings.


Q1. : What is leadership?

Q2. : How will you achieve goal?

Q3. : What does a leader understand?

Q4. : How the leaders become effective?

Q5. : How will you deal with the group?

Q6. : Which qualities must be in leader?

Q7. : What to practice?

Q8. : How will the leader support?

Q9. : How will have confidence in him?

Q10. : How will the leader be cheerful person?

Q1. : What is leadership?
Ans. : Leadership is responsibility not power.
Q2. : How will you achieve goal?
Ans. : By which a person influences the activities of an
individual or a group.
Q3. : What does a leader understand?
Ans. : The leader must understand the needs and
characteristics of his group.
Q4. : How the leader become effective?
Ans. : Communicate effectively (receive and give information)
Q5. : How will you deal with the group?
Ans. : By control and coordinate the group.
Q6. : which qualities must be in leader?
Ans. : Planning, Evaluate, Counsel, Help others to learn,
(Manage Learning).
Q7. : What to practice?
Ans. : What he preaches he must him / herself practice.
Q8. : How will the leader support?
Ans. : whole heart faith and belief in the rightness of his cause.
Q9. : How will have confidence in himself?
Ans. : The leader will have confidence in himself through
knowing his job.
Q10. : How will the leader be cheerful person?
Ans. : The leader will cherry energetic personality with
sympathy and friendly, understanding for his followers.

It is an atmosphere as much as occasion. It is generally the last
part of the day‟s programme in a Camp. It is a special feature of
Scouting born with Scouting. It is Campfire, not Camp of Fire.
Necessary to be clear that we are trying to:
a) Demonstrate how campfires should be run, i.e. method, not the
b) Provide relaxation for the course. Both are essential and must be
born in mind by the staff.
c) Leader need not run the campfire but he must control it.

A boy is generally as sharp as needle. It is easy to train him in
matters appear training to observation and noticing things and discussing
their meaning.
“life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.”
English Proverb.

Necessary to be clear that we are trying to:-

(a) Demonstrate how campfire should be run. I.e. the method, not the content.
(b) Provide relaxation for the Course

Both are essential and must be borne in mind by the staff-

Fire should be laid and lit by Duty Patrol and the start should be dignified.
Duty P. Lor ASM should bring the Course to attention when Leader of the Course

Programme of contributions from Patrols already collected by Duty Patrol

should handed over to the Leader.

Leader need not run the campfire but he must control it.

Not necessary for every Patrol to contribute each night although preferable.
If any are excused, privilege should go to Duty Patrol.

Worth suggesting items, e.g. scene from recent news, history, religious
books etc., and charade. Campfire game, original song or round.

Emphasis always on corporate contribution by Patrol rather than by


Yarns on Campfire, National Training Centre should be included. Yarn

technique and giving information to Course can be demonstrated.

The discussion of some topic of general interest, either Scout or non-Scout,

is very much part of campfire technique; such subjects as Patrol versus Troop
Cooking. Similarly, quick fire- spot questions may be used, such as “Name three
uses of the sheepshank”, “what coloris a peacock‟s egg?”

Closing time can be a little elastic, but always stop when you feel you want
to go on.

Try to get all staff to contribute to the programme.

Campfire atmosphere is a good barometer of Course spirit.

I have some ideas to pass on to you. I personally feel that there should be
campfire every day in a course. Some hesitant leaders will try to avoid holding a
really good Campfire, Constructive criticism on the items contributed by
participants during the first half may yield very good results during the second half
of the course.

Bring in original ideas of B.P on Campfire in a Troop-To have a yarn by the

Leader or a short informal session on subjects covered in General Information
Courses daily are very useful.

I earnestly appeal to every member of the team to include a short session on

“Pachmarhi” in every Course during one of the Campfires.

A Short yarn during the Campfire

Note to the Leader :-

Give a short talk about campfire (what, why, when, where and how) and
distribute the following handout.


I. What is Camp fire ?
It is an atmosphere as much as an occasion. It is generally the last part
of the days programme in a Camp. It is a special feature of Scouting
born with Scouting. It is Camp fire, not Camp of fire.
II. Importance of Camp fire in Scout Training :
1. B.P. called the Chapters of “Scouting for Boys as “Camp fire
Yarns. This shows that the philosophy and techniques of Scouting
can be taught in Camp fires.
2. A place of inspiration and understanding each other.
3. A brotherhood circle that fosters Troop/Group spirit 3 rd point of
scout Law has its roots here.
4. Patrol system works well and leadership qualities develop;
5. Boys express themselves very freely in a Camp fire and the
Scoutmaster can see them in their true colors.
6. A taste of the music and art and histrionic talents developed.
7. Camp fire lets off the steam of boys and fills them with fun,
laughter and enjoyment.
8. Best place for the moral and spiritual Part of scout training
9. It is a ceremony and even Investiture of Patrol Leaders and
Seconds and Presentation of other awards and badges can be done
during the Camp fire to better effects.
III. Physical Arrangements :-
1. The Camp fire place must be dry and free from mosquitoes and
other insects.
2. Notice the prevailing winds-let nobody “gulp” the smoke.
3. Have a good supply of wood in the center of the fire.
4. Torch or Mashal is more effective to light fire than a match stick-
clear the dry grass in the circle before lighting.
5. Good seating arrangement to protect from ground chill. Stones not
a bad idea – Let not Physical discomfort spoil the spirit of the
IV. Design of the Camp fire :-
1. Always a circle – a symbol of oneness and brotherhood – Leaders
and Guests will also be on the circumference of the circle.
2. Fire is at the center. Extra firewood cab be kept around the fire to
mark the fire zone. The participants do not enter this.
V. Laying the Fire :-
Fire may be laid either on the ground or in a pit. Cone fire is
preferred – Log Cabin fire and Pagoda fire can also be used. Star fire
is also worth trying. This is prearrangement.
VI. Lighting the Fire and Opening Ceremony :
Appropriate to the occasion.
Back woods methods like – Flint and steel or Bow and drill will be
In huge gatherings – fireballs, fire smokes, other crackers may add to
the thrill. After the fire is lit (as the ceremony demands) the SM
ceremonially declares the campfire open It is his privilege.

Some Tips for Programme Planning:-

1. Collect all the items from Patrols quite in advance and closely
study the nature of every item.
2. Rearrange them in an order so that a good variety is maintained.
3. Add your own items, yells etc. Here and there, your assistants.
Commissioners or invitees, if any, should also be given chances.
4. Maintain a good balance of items – right place for every item
please – liveliness is essential.

VII. Conduct of a Camp fire :-
(a) Camp fire Dress :-
Boys like it very much – adds to the fun and jollity Protects from
chill – Bed sheets, dhuppata can be well improvised. Scouters
(and Commissioners) can also wear the campfire robes (campfire
cape) – The badges they earned previously may also be stitched on
the garb. This is a source of pride to the scouter and inspiration to
(b) The Beginning Part of it:
The Campfire leader of the Troop will be in charge. He assembles
the troop in campfire circle. Patrols take positions – Fire is lit –
Troop brought to attention and then S.M. is reported and requested
to open the Campfire – No harm if at times he in turn requests the
ASM to do it – this may add to the healthy spirit of the Troop.
Scout master need not run the Campfire but he is responsible to
control it.
(c) Leading the Campfires :-
Patrol items always to be preferred. Normally 5 minute‟s
maximum for an item. See that all members of the Patrol are
involved. The first song has to make every one participating in
both singing and good fellowship. Announce the next item and the
item to follow. Encourage participants by cheering them with yells
whenever an item is over. Look for originally. A yell of
appreciation after every item is meaningless. Change the items to
suit to the mood. If necessary be resourceful in creating the new
items and keeping the Troop in mood. Begin with brief, popular
items fairly boisterous. Towards the end the items should be
simple and effective-right place for a short and interesting yarn by
SM. Campfire will be enjoyable only when proper order is
maintained-no-talking during the time of items.
(d) Closing the Campfire :-
Closing time can be a little elastic but close it when all feel to go
on. Announcements, if any, should be very brief and quick.
Closing can also be made ceremonious – serene and serious
atmosphere to be created-either Taps or silent prayer will be
effective. The Patrol responsible for putting off the fire should be
alerted after dismissal of the Troop.
VIII. What items cab is presented at a Campfire.
Please remember that a Campfire item does not have to be funny
always or to do with singing only.
Some of the following can be tried:-
1. Stories (Short but funny)
2. Quiet games or singing games
3. Group Singing
4. Group dances
5. Folk dances
6. Jungle / Tribal dances
7. Devotional or Patriotic Songs.
8. Action Songs
9. Bhajans
10. Comics
11. Small Play lets
12. Dialogues
13. Mimicries
14. Physical displays
15. Occasional Foreign songs
16. Puppetry
17. Classical music
18. Dumb show
19. Melodies
20. Yells
21. Mono actions
22. Charades
23. Rounds
24. Shadow graphs
25. Midget acts
26. Scout craft skill
27. Imitations
28. Quiz.
29. Book reading
30. Surprise items
31. Instrumental music and so on.
IX. What items to be avoided :-
1. Vulgar items
2. Religiously objectionable items
3. Fearful scenes – like Ghosts etc.
4. Mean things and destructive criticisms
5. Things like dead bodies and dreadful cries
6. Anything belittling any class or creed
7. Anything against the Government or law of the country
8. Anything unscouty and purposeless.
X. In Tallies and other Functions :-
These can partly be publicity-oriented. Any V.I.P or Commissioner
can be requested to open the Campfire. The opening ceremony should
be thrilling – rehearsal essential Involve audience also. Take extra
care about uniform; cleanliness and orderliness.
Beware of over doing in the Campfire:
There will always be over – enthusiastic boys who may, at time just
by little act; spoil the sanctity of the campfire. Your individual
efficiency will go a long way. When necessary don‟t hesitate to use
your whistle sharply but sparingly.
XI. Improvisation in Campfires :-
In many of the items like play – acting, Dramatization, Fancy dress
etc., improvisation or making up with readily available material in the
surrounding may be essential here are a few suggestions for
1. Grey hair and moustache Ashes, paste, paint, cotton,
Maize, hairs etc.
2. Face Powder Ashes
3. Lipstick etc. Red ink, flower juice.
4. Musical instruments. Hand stick, plates, mugs
Tumblers, empty tins etc.
5. Long teeth Pieces of cardboard and palm
6. Garlands Scout ropes, paper balls etc.
7. Curtains etc. Duppatties and bed sheets
8. Crown etc. Green leaves, flowers etc.

Strictly speaking, make-up like the professionals when acting on stages with
cakes etc. is not required in campfire Boys should be inquisitive and


Camp fire is burning

Camp fire is burning
Draw nearer draw nearer
In the glooming in the glooming
Come sing and be merry

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Day is done….
Gone the sun….
From the sea,
From the hills,
From the sky,
All is well,
Safely rest,
God is nice.


Q1. : Which are the happiest hours of the camp?

Q2. : Who must control the campfire?

Q3. : How must the contribution be at campfire?

Q4. : What is Campfire?

Q5. : What did B.P. called the chapter of Scouting for boys?

Q6. : Which qualities develop in campfire?

Q7. : Any one tip for Programme planning Campfire?

Q8. : What is conduct of campfire?

Q9. : How must be the Campfire on Course?

Q10. : Which is the best place for the Scout Training?

Q1. : Which is the happiest hours of the camp?
Ans. : Campfire.
Q2. : Who must control the campfire?
Ans. : Leader need not run the campfire but he or she must
control it.
Q3. : How must the contribution be at campfire?
Ans. : The corporate contribution will be by patrol rather than
by individuals.
Q4. : What is Campfire?
Ans. : It is a special feature of Scouting born with Scouting. It
is campfire, not camp on fire.
Q5. : What did B.P. called the chapter of Scouting for boys?
Ans. : Campfire yours.
Q6. : Which qualities develop in campfire?
Ans. : Patrol system work well and leadership qualities develop.
Q7. : Any one tip for Programme planning Campfire?
Ans. : Maintain a good balance of items. Right place for every
item please liveliness essential.
Q8. : What is conduct of campfire?
Ans. : 1. Campfire Dress 2. The Beginning part of it
3. Leading the Campfire 4. Closing the campfire
Q9. : How must be the Campfire on Course?
Ans. : If must be a place of inspiration and understanding each
Q10. : Which is the best place for the Scout Training?
Ans. : The best place for the Scout training is the moral and
spiritual part.

At the end of self-learning module the Scoutmaster will be
demonstrate camp fire on course.

1. Scouting for Boys
2. Boy Scout
3. The spirit of Scouting
4. Spare time Activities for Scout and others.


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