Exploring and Analyzing Parts of A Business Letter

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Exploring and Analyzing Parts of a Business Letter

1. What is it (it’s definition) ?
Letter Head ( masthead )
Letter Head or commonly called the masthead. Situated on top of a letter. Neither official
letter to the government or the company. The letter contains the head of the company name,
company address, telephone number, fax, e-mail the company, company website, company
logo etc.

2. What is/are its function?

Head serves as the identity of the letter where the note was created, who sent a letter, and
can also be used as a promotional tool, especially for commercial letters.

Writing the letter head is free according to the tastes of each institution, but for the
government's official letter no rule that has been outlined by the institution concerned. The
basic rules are:
a) In the letter head should be listed: name of institution, address of the agency, the name
of the city where the institution is located.
b) It shall also be a logo or emblem of the institution, phone number, faxcimile, etc.
c) There should not be made too large so as not to disturb the beauty of the letter.
d) Writing parent organization shall not be greater than the name of the organization that
made the letter.

3. What are it’s elements?

Heading / letterhead
Heading typically printed by using an assortment of letters arranged a very interesting
shape on the top sheet of letter paper. The point, so that the recipient or reader letters are
easy mengetahuui the following things:

a. Name of the Company - Company Name

b. Complete addresses - Full address
c. Telephone number - The business phone number
d. Telex number - Telex Number (if applicable)
e. Facsimile number - Facsimile number (if any)
f. Telegraphic / cable address - Address wire / wire (if any)
g. Kind of business activity - Type of business (if deemed necessary may
be listed).

There are also companies that listed the:

h. Name of directors - The names of the directors (if
deemed necessary)
i. The address of the branch office - branch office Address
j. Bankers - Bankers (bank account)
k. Post Office (PO) box - number post town
l. Symbol pf the company - emblem / logo
4. Where is it located (it’s position)?

American Style
The heading is usually placed
According to the format but
Heading usually aligned to the left
in the top right corner of the letter
(sometimes centred)
October 19, 2005 (month-day-year) 19 October 2005 (day-month-year)
According to the format but usually Usually placed directly (or 1 blank
Date aligned to the left two lines below the line)
heading) below the heading.
Dear Mr./Ms. Smith,
Dear Mr./Ms. Smith:
Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Sir or Madam:
Salutation Gentlemen:
Dear Sirs,
After the salutation there is a comma
After the salutation there is a colon (:)
Sincerely, Sincerely,
Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely,
close Yours truly, Yours faithfully,
5. Provide example

1) American Style

When printing on blank paper you should type your address (without your name or phone
# ) as the heading. Align the heading according to the letter format.

City, ZIP

(2 blank lines)

Date of writing

If the letter is long you may place the date immediately below the last line of the heading.
Otherwise, place the date two lines below the heading.


The two styles of punctuation commonly used in business letters are mixed and open.

The most popular style is mixed punctuation. Mixed punctuation requires a colon after
the saluation and a comma after the complimentary close.

When no punctuation follows Mr or Ms, the salutation and the complimentary close,
open punctuation has been used. This style is popular in the UK but it is not considered
appropriate in the United States.

Dear Mr Last Name/Ms Last Name (no colon or comma)


Sincerely (no comma)

2) American style

100 Robin Drive

St. John, NY 155885
[email protected]

October 23, 2014

Dear Ms. McKensie :

I have a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. With experience working at both
the elementary and high school levels, as well as in activities outside of the traditional
classroom. I have a diverse background with much to offer.

My first classroom teaching experience was as a volunteer elementary school religion teacher
at a local church where I worked for three years during high-school. In addition, I worked for
several summers at a Sunny Beaches Arts Camp teaching theater, where I staged a play each

I have student teaching experience on the first and third grade level, in both suburban and
urban school districts. I particularly enjoyed working with “at-risk” children and careful
preparation of lessons allowed me to break down sometimes complicated concepts to simple
examples that my young students could grasp.

Last year, while studying in Milan, I taught English to high school students. Managing the
different of abilities among my students proved a difficult, but satisfying, challenge. I tailored
activities to maintain the interest of high-level students without intimidating less skilled
English speakers.

My resume is enclosed. I will forward an official copy of my transcript along with references
under separate cover. I will contact you next week to discuss employment opportunities. I
look forward to speaking with you.
Thank you for your consideration.


Anabelle Jones
British style :

Company Name (and logo)
Phone/Fax number
E-mail (optional)

(2 blank lines after letterhead)

Current date ---> The date may be written as month-day-year (US style) or
day-month-year (UK style).

(4 blank lines)

Mr./Ms. Name of person you are writing, title ---> The inside address includs the
recipient's name, title,
Company name company, and full address.
City, Zip
Country (use only if writing to another country)

(2 blank lines)

Dear Mr. /Ms. Last Name: or… Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name, ---> The salutation is a
greeting to the recipient. If you don’t know the name of the individual, address it to the
individual’s title in the company or "Dear Sir/Madam".

(1 blank line if there is a subject; 2 blank lines if there is no subject)

Subject Line (Optional): Title of subject ---> Indicates the subject or purpose of the
letter. It may be also placed
before the salutation.
(1 blank line)

Body Paragraph 1: Explain who you are and why you are writing this
(1 blank line)
Body Paragraph 2: Use facts, details and experiences to support your opinion or
(1 blank line)
Body Paragraph 3: Tell the reader what you want him to do or what you will do for
(1 blank line)
Short sentence: End your letter by saying something courteous to your reader.

(2 blank lines)

Sincerely, or... Sincerely yours, ---> Capitalize only the first word in the complimentary
close, and follow the phrase with a comma.

(3/4 blank lines) ---> Your handwritten signature

Your name ---> You should type your first and last names. This can be followed by a title
on the next line if appropriate.
Your title

(2 blank lines)

NKA/wgs or NKA:wgs ---> The typist's initials (if someone else types your letters) follow
the writer's initials, separated
by a slash or colon. The writer's initials are in capital letters,
the typist's are lowercase.

Enclosure (2) ---> Include this if there are additional items with the letter.

(2 blank lines)

cc: The names of the other recipients ---> The copie line is used to let the reader know
that other people are receiving a copy of the document. Follow the colon with the names of the
other recipients, listed either alphabetically or according to organizational rank.

23 Roanoke Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 555-1123
[email protected]

October 1st , 2013

Mr. James G. Webb

Delon Hampton & Associates
800 K Street, N.W., Suite 720
Washington, DC 20001-8000

Dear Mr. Webb,

Next May I will complete my bachelor’s degree in Architecture at Virginia Tech, and am
researching employment opportunities in the Washington area. I obtained your name from Professor
(lastname) who teaches my professional seminar class this semester. S/he indicated that you had
volunteered to provide highly motivated graduating students with career advice, and I hope that
your schedule will permit you to allow me to ask for some of your time and advice. I am particularly
interested in historic preservation and have done research on the DHA website to learn that your
firm does work in this area. I am also interested in learning how the architects in your firm began
their careers. My resume is enclosed simply to give you some information about my background
and project work.

Within two weeks I will call you to arrange a time to speak to you by telephone or perhaps visit
your office if that would be convenient. I will be in the Washington area during the week of
November 22. I very much appreciate your time and consideration of my request, and I look forward
to talking with you.


Kristen Walker
6. What is its relationship with other elements of a business letter?
Hubungan antara heading dengan signature yaitu di dalam heading Jangan menulis nama
anda pada bagian atas surat di atas alamat, karena akan muncul di bagian bawah tanda tangan.
Sehingga, nama pengirim harus berhubungan dengan heading yaitu seperti pejabat yang
berwenang dalam perusahaan yang tercantum dalam heading seperti Director, Sales Executive,
Personal Executive, Personal Manager, Hon, Treasurer.

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