Business Letter Writing

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Business Letter Writing

Points to remember *2:

Plan your letter before you start
writing to make sure it says everything
you want to say and says it in a logical
The layout and presentation of your
letter is important as they give the
reader the first impression of the firm’s
Points to remember *1:

Ask yourself if the letter represents your

organization in a correct way.
Ask yourself if the recipient will
understand your letter quickly.
Include just the right amount of
information in your letter (better include
too much than too little).
Points to remember *2:
Use a simple but polite style of
Accuracy is important.
Your letter should be clear. Take care
with abbreviations and figures.
Pay special attention to titles, names
and addresses, prices and specifications,
Elements of a business letter
letterhead or return body or text,
address, complimentary
date line,
personal or
confidential notation,
inside address, name and title lines,
attention line, enclosure line,
 salutation, copies line,
subject or reference postscript.
Mandatory elements:
Firm’s name,
Address (including zip code and area code)
Telephone number,
Optional elements:
A logo,
The executive’s name and title,

A good letterhead should be:

readable, informative and attractive BUT
not too attention occupying
If there is no letterhead, a company has to include its address
two lines immediately preceding the date line.
The date is written bellow the sender’s address,
sometimes separated from it by a space.
Two most common forms:
November 27, 2009 (AmE)
27 November, 2009 (BrE)
The month is never abbreviated, the day is never
spelled out, and endings for numbers (27th) are not
usually used.
The shortened date can also be used:
11/27/2009 (AmE)
27/11/2009 (BrE)
Confidential or personal notation
Private & confidential
Below the date but above the address of the
person you are writing to (recipient)
Between the date line and the inside address.
The same notation should be put on the
Inside address
The address of the recipient
Soundsonic Ltd.
25, Warwick Street, Forrest Hill,
London SE23 1JF
Always on the left and single spaced.
The recipient’s name (if stated) is followed by the
company’s name, the department or division, the
street address, city postal code and country
If one of the lines is very long, put half of it on the
next line, indenting two or three spaces.
The recipient’s name (if stated) and the title are
separated by a comma
The title can be underneath the name or omitted.
If you are writing to more than one person, make a
list of the names in alphabetical order.
Attention line
Attn: Sales Manager
This is used when you do not know the name of the
person you are writing to.
This line can also be printed before the address of
the company.
Subject title
SUBJECT: Quadraphonic sound systems
The subject title
 Provides a further reference,
 Saves introducing the subject in the first paragraph,
 Immediately draws attention to the topic of the
 Allows the writer to refer to it throughout the
 Quickly identifies the purpose of the letter,
 Should be less than one line/one or two words.
Reference line

Ref No: 99887/09
References indicate what the letter refers to (Your
Ref.) and the correspondence to refer to when
replying (Our Ref.).
When referring to an order number or to a reference
number used by you or your recipient, make sure you
quote all references accurately.
It can be placed instead of the subject title.
Dear Sir,
Dear Sirs,
Dear Madam,
Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Mr. James,

Should be written below the address and with a space

of one or two lines before the body of the letter.
It is followed by a comma (,) or a colon (:), which is
Body of the letter

Deals with:
how much information to give,
what sort of style to use,
how to make a letter as clear, informative and
accurate as possible.

All the necessary points should be made in a
logical sequence
Each piece of information linking with the
previous one in a pattern that can be followed.
SO, put the ideas and information in logical order.

The length depends on:

 the subject of the letter

the style and the language used.

The right length includes the right amount of

Avoid slang, jargon, buzz words, and elitist language.
Avoid the passive voice.
Use the active voice and active verbs.
Use full rather than abbreviated forms.
 Be brief. Give short but clear explanations, instructions,
Be specific. State the facts.
Be pleasant, positive, lively, and encouraging.
Use the word “you” in the opening sentence, but avoid
using too many “you”-s in your letter.
“I”-s should be used when you are speaking about yourself.
“We”-s should be used when speaking on behalf of your
company or a group of associates.
First paragraph:
State the main idea in the first or second sentence
of your letter.
These sentences should catch the reader’s eye and
get him to react to your letter.

In the first paragraph you will:

Thank your correspondent for his letter (if
Introduce yourself and your company if necessary,
State the subject of the letter,
Set out the purpose of the letter.
Second paragraph:
The main part of the letter is concerned with:

Points that need to be made,

Answers you want to give,
Questions you want to ask.
Final paragraph:
When closing the letter ….

Thank the person for writing, if you reply.

Encourage further enquiries and
Mention that you look forward to be hearing
from the person soon.
Important issues from the previous paragraphs
may be restated.
Complimentary close
Example: Yours sincerely,Yours faithfully, Yours
truly,Truly yours,

If the letter begins Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear

Madam, or Dear Sir or Madam, it will close with
Yours faithfully.

If the letter begins with personal name (Dear Mr

James), it will close with Yours sincerely.

Leave one line between the body of the letter and

the complimentary close.

The signature block consists of your typed

name, your handwritten signature and your
position in the firm.

The handwritten signature should be between

the complimentary close and the typed name
and title.
Name and title
Four or more spaces should be left below the
complimentary close for your name and title.

A courtesy title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms) may be


 Omit the name and title if they appear on the

Per pro
The term per pro is sometimes used in
signatures and means:
for and on behalf of.
Enclosure line

Enc.: or Encl.: Bill of lading (5 copies)

Enclosures may include leaflets, prospectuses,
They can be mentioned at the bottom of the
letter after Enc. or Encl.
If there are a number of documents, these are
Copies line - c.c. (carbon copies)
C.c. Mr. Jones
C.c. is written when copies are sent to people other
than the named recipient.
put c.c. and list the individuals receiving the copies
of the letter by full name and title.
b.c.c. (blind carbon copies) is written on the copies
themselves (not on the top copy) if you do not want
the named recipient to know that other people have
received copies.

A note for additional attention is usually put on
the left, two or three lines below the last line

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