Tank Warfare Tunisia 1943 Learner's Manual

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Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943

Graviteam (R)

Player version 2019.08.20

Use in conjunction with the official manual - version (2018.03.23)
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 2

Terminology 7
Overview 7


Camera 11
Unit Markers 12
Movement Options 13
Command Chaining 13
Area/Line of Sight (AOS) and Line of Fire (LOF) 14


Operational Mode Map View 15
Enemy Deployment Square 15
Concealment factor 15
Occupation factors 15
Visibility factor 16
Operational Mode: Deployment Phase 17
Unit Deployment 17
Units will not deploy! 18
Tactical Mode: Deployment Phase 19
The Tactical Battle 19
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 3

Unit Marker Color 20

Interface Menu Bar 21


Movement Modes 23
March 23
Attack 23
Attack tutorial briefing 24


Game Menu Options [Escape] 28
On-Screen Information Options [F8] 29

Unit Quick Selection Panel 30
Unit Markers 31
Unit Marker Color 33
Unit Movement 35
Movement Notes 38
Unit Data Bar 40
Stay Concealed 48
Fire Control 49
Maneuver Control 50
Uncontrolled Unit Action 51
How units become uncontrolled: 51
Abandoning knocked out vehicles 51
Enemy vehicle destruction 52

The Fire Control Panel 53
Area/Observed Fire 54
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 4

Smoke 55
Not Firing! 55
Fire Sector/Target Arc 56

Voice 57
Wire 57
Radio 58
Signal flares 58
Tank phone 59
Loss of communication link 59
Communication and Target Indication 59
Communication: Events and unit messages 60

Categories of artillery support 66
Commanders and artillery 66
Artillery tasking 67


Campaign Splash Menu 70
Campaign Map – Briefing 71
Campaign Mode Menu 72
The Campaign Map 73
Campaign Mode Supply 74
Force Data 76
Force List 77
Campaign Mode - Movement 80
Campaign Mode – Direct control (Player) 80
Campaign Map – Indirect control (AI) 80
Indirect (AI) Movement Orders 80
Movement factors 82
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 5


Campaign map attack 84
Engagement during Campaign movement 85
Tactical Deployment Phase 86
Using captured weapons and vehicles 87
Special Actions 87

Command Chaining 96
Mounting Infantry on Tanks 96
Reconnaissance 96


System requirements: 99
Screenshot 99
Game updating and add-on installation 99
ENCYCLOPEDIA Armor penetration diagrams 101


Movement Default 112


Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 6

What started out as a project to assist my fellow Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 gamers at the Few
Good Men (FGM) wargaming site has grown to the document that you see today. Without the
encouragement, feedback, and gamer’s comraderies of the Few Good Men this document would not
have evolved to its current state.

In that regard, I would like to thank (in no particular order): Badger73, HOA_KSOP, Rinaldi, and

While I have titled this document “Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943, Tutorial Guide and Manual” it is
in all ways an unofficial, charitable act aimed at promoting the game and acknowledging its
developers – Graviteam.

The fact that the game has inspired a group of people to take the time to produce this document
is a testament to the imagination, artistry and technical prowess of the developer. I believe
they have produced a gem of a game.

Documents written by gamers will always fall short of the technical excellence of an official
document. We do not have access to internal documentation. But sometimes we can value add by
providing a gamer’s perspective, particularly when the gamer and the developer do not share a
native tongue. I hope this document in some way does that.

Any errors or omissions are totally my fault and represent an honest attempt at the time of
writing. As I mention in the text, this document should be read in conjunction with the
official manual.

Finally, I would like to give a plug for the Few Good Men website, where Wargaming and History
Collide! - http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/ . Our interest is primarily in multiplayer games but
single player are not off the menu. While the project team have the common link of the FGM this
document is not an FGM publication or has any official FGM status.

Good gaming!
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 7

Terminology :
Squad single squad (section) or vehicle (tank, APC, gun, etc.)
Unit Combination of squads of the same type
Battlegroup (BG) group of Units
[LMB] left mouse button - used for selection
[RMB] right mouse button - used for orders or mode changing
[MMB] middle mouse button (mouse wheel)
Operational mode turn-based 2D map mode, in which units are moved
Operations Campaign
Tactical mode 3D mode where the real-time combat occurs.

If you are a grog-nard from the classic tiled wargames or modern iterations like the Combat
Mission (CMx2) series of games you will find the transition to Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943
(TWT43) challenging conceptually. While Graviteam games seem similar to CMx2/Close Combat etc
they are, in fact, a totally different take on squad/platoon/company level combat.

Players can micro-manage units during tactical play but that is not the most effective, or
enjoyable, way to play TWT43. You will be surprised to learn how few “clicks” it takes to play a
TWT43 scenario versus a scenario from Combat Mission, Steel Division, the venerable Close Combat
series to name a few. This is an RTS game like no other.

Many new players have found the pace of the in-game tutorials over-whelming. The goal of this
(unofficial) guide and manual is to present the learning in a clear, concise, self-paced format.
As a beginner it is not important to “play well” at the tactical level as much as it is to learn
the mechanics of how the player interacts with units and the map. The suite of options
available during play seems mind-boggling at first but once comprehended, their power allows the
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 8

player to control units with surprising subtly, enriching the gaming experience. The majority
of learning during the in-game tutorials is in Tactical mode with a brief introduction to
Operational mode.

Amongst our niche gaming community, the learning curve for Graviteam games is considered
difficult or awkward. This is a little unfair and largely due to TWT43’s transliterated
Russian-to-English language manual. Similarly, the User Interface (UI) has received a lot of
criticism from native English speakers. The UI is a reflection of Russian logic/flow and is a
bit jarring at times for western players, but with a little effort this can be overcome.

In every game the basic mechanics must be learned. There is no getting away from that. It is a
worthwhile endeavor because once you understand the concept behind TWT43, many hours of gaming
goodness await you. Good Luck!

Once you have completed the Basic Training, Defense and Attack tutorials, I recommend viewing
THE WARSIMMER’s Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwwacMv-IjQ “Graviteam Tutorial:
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 9


Although there are six TWT43 in-game tutorials this guide will only discuss:

 Basic Training
 Defense
 Attack

Above: the six TWT43 in-game tutorials

It is recommended that player’s take the time to view the other tutorials. Before playing a
campaign view “How to pass an operation?”.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 10


Basic training – Learning Concepts Defense – Learning Concepts
 Camera navigation  Operational mode map
 Unit identification/markers  Concealment
 Unit movement  Visibility [F2]
 Operational map [F10]  Operational mode Deployment
 Line of sight (LOS)tool [Ctrl+~]  Tactical mode Deployment
 Line of fire (LOF)tool [~]  Unit Marker color
 Command chains/sequencing
 Orders path
 First contact!
 Binocular view [TAB]

Attack – Learning Concepts

 Selecting multiple units [LMB]+drag
 Mounting [E] and disembarking [L] from
 March [M]
 Time: Fast Forward
 Show movement path [F8]
 Command level indicator
 Key Points [F5]
 Dismount infantry [L]
 Attack [O]
 Firing capabilities [‘]
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 11


Use this tutorial in conjunction with the TWT43 in-game Tutorial – Basic Training.

The map is viewed via the Camera controls. The game offers multiple key options for camera
control. While viewing the tutorial “Pause – [Enter]” is your friend.

camera Backward Num2 camera 1 Backward Down

Default position Num5 Down PageDown
Down Num9 Forward Up
Forward Num8 Left Left
Left Num1 Right Right
Lower to ground level Ctrl+Num5 Up PageUp
Pan mode Z
Right Num3 camera 2 Backward S
Rotation mode C Down End
Turn down Ctrl+Num2 Forward W
Turn left Num4 Left A
Turn right Num6 Right D
Turn up Ctrl+Num8 Up Home
Up Num7
Above: Moving around the map via the Camera controls
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 12

Unit Markers

Above: Unit Markers and the unit pop-up

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 13

Movement Options
Select a unit [LMB], then [RMB] at the
destination to display the movement options.

1. Move[M] 5. Take Defense [F]

2. March[H] 6. Recon [U]

3. Fast[J] 7. Assault[I]

4. Covert[K] 8. Attack[O]

Select an order [LMB] or use the shortcut

key. Orders can be chained (sequenced) by
using the [spacebar].

Right: [RMB] on destination for Movement


Command Chaining
A sequence of commands is called “Command Chaining.” For example, the player wants a unit to
move using “Recon” mode [U] for the first leg and then a short “Take defense” [F] movement to

1. Select a unit [LMB]

2. [Spacebar]
3. Select Recon [LMB] or use the shortcut [U]
4. [RMB] at destination
5. [Spacebar]
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 14

6. Select Take defense, or shortcut [F]

7. [RMB] at destination
8. [Escape] to finish chaining.

Use the Paths Display option to view or hide the path.

To follow a unit: select the unit [LMB], then use one of the following:

 zoom to selected object [CTRL+F],

 Follow unit [Q],
 [RMB] the squad button or the unit symbol.

To target an enemy unit, press [T], then [LMB+drag] a box over the target. It may be useful to
use binocular view [TAB].

Area/Line of Sight (AOS) and Line of Fire (LOF)

A critical aspect of tactical battles is “area of sight” (AOS - also known as Line
of Sight) over the battlefield. In simple terms, where your units can see.

The AOS [Ctrl+~] tool provides a green (visible) and red (hidden) overlay. The Left: Area
Line of Fire [~] tool is very useful when siting a defensive position. of Sight
Right: Line
of Fire
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 15


This tutorial introduces the player to the
Operational mode map.

Operational Mode Map View

In Operational Mode the map is divided into
cells/squares. The characteristics of each
square are as follows.

Enemy Deployment Square

Blue (or Red) squares, border and fill, mark
locations where enemy forces may be deployed.

Concealment factor
The color of the inner square indicates the
concealment factor.
 grey - open,
 red and orange - partial cover,
 yellow and green - good cover (green = best

Occupation factors
The border color of each square indicates the

 grey - any unit can occupy this square, units

can dig-in,
 orange - any unit can occupy the square but
are unable to dig-in, and Above: Operational mode - map view during
 red - infantry units only (without heavy deployment
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 16

Above : enemy square Inner square – concealment Blue marks – visibility

(Blue or red) Range: grey to green Outer square - occupation

If a square is not marked it may not be used in the scenario.

Visibility factor
Visibility: Blue marks inside each square indicate how far a target can be seen in each
direction from this location: 100, 500, 1000 and 1000m plus. Target type toggle [F2] or by the
Target Visibility icon on the Interface Menu Bar when in Operational mode.

The three target options are:

 tank/armored vehicle
 standing soldier
 soldier in prone position.

In the map square above far right, a tank can be seen up to 1000m (3 blue marks) to the north
and north-east of this position and 100m to the north-west (1 blue mark).
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 17

Operational Mode: Deployment Phase

Deploying units in operational mode can be achieved manually or by using the tools in the
Operational mode deployment panel.

Unit Deployment
Method One.
 Select a unit [LMB],
 select [N] – unit will move to a defensive square with maximum view to the front and minimal
to sides and rear.
 [LMB] to de-select.

Method 2.
 Select a unit [LMB],
 [RMB] new square.
 [RMB+drag] in direction of facing.
 [LMB] to deselect

Right: Operational mode deployment panel

1. Deploy in square [X]
2. Deploy in defense [N]
3. Target arc [V]
4. Manual deployment: [M] Move, [R] Rotate
5. Deploy in formation [I], [U], [P], [Ctrl+P],
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 18

When playing in defense, it is important that infantry

are not unduly exposed to fire. Infantry units with a
shovel next to their Unit Marker are dug-in on the first
move of the battle, if they have not been moved during
the deployment phase.

Units will not deploy!

In some scenarios the player will not be able to deploy (place) units. Generally, it will be
because the units have just “arrived” on the battlefield and have not had time to deploy (this
will be displayed in the Unit Quick Selection Panel). Often this is a pretext for an enemy
ambush or a counter-attack as a continuation of the previous battle in the campaign.

Select [Enter] or the Finish Deployment icon on the Interface Bar to finish the Operational
Deployment Phase.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 19

Tactical Mode: Deployment Phase

The tactical map (RTS) is then displayed. During this phase all orders are free (see Command
Level), which means they have no Command cost. Being on defense generally means units are in
static positions. Commands the player should consider in defense are: Stay concealed [Ctrl+G]
and Hold fire [Ctrl+U] (or use Unit Data Bar icons). When the player has completed deployment
- [Enter] or Finish Deployment icon.

The Tactical Battle

On the right side of the screen is the Event and groups message bar. After a
while an Enemy contact message will be received.

 [LMB] the Enemy contact icon to see the enemy unit.

 [RMB] the Enemy contact icon to see the spotting unit.

The messages in the Events and Groups message bar can be viewed anytime. If
you start getting information over-load, consider using one of the [Pause]
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 20

Unit Marker Color

During the battle the Unit Makers will change color to denote their current status.

Unit Markers - ENEMY Colors

Identified but currently out of LOS Identified but not visible by selected unit

Visible and identified Visible and identified by selected unit

Out of action

Unit Markers - FRIENDLY

Player unit Allied unit

Selected player unit blinking - having problems

Under fire blinking - under heavy fire

blinking - lost control blinking - hold fire status

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 21

Interface Menu Bar

At the top of the screen is the Interface Menu Bar. The interface menu bar varies according to
the mode of play.

1. Game Menu [Escape] 2. Binocular mode [TAB]

3. Show key points [F5] 4. Finish deployment [Enter]
5. Lock camera on selected unit [Q] 6. Show sight sectors [{]
7. Show LOS [Ctrl+~] 8. Switch map [F10]
9. Display Options[F8] 10. Visibility map type [F2]
11. Find and jump to selected unit [Ctrl+F] 12. Show line of fire [~]
13. Show firing capabilities of the selected squads and
vehicles [Ctrl+']
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 22


Right: en route to Sidi Salem in the
Attack tutorial.

Sidi Salem is a Key Point on this map

and it’s label is displayed in the
image. The Key Points toggle is [F5]
or use the interface menu bar (flag
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 23

Right: Tactical map [F10] view (Blue

circle Interface Menu Bar)of the
Attack Tutorial tank column (white
circle) en route to Sidi Salem in
March mode.

The destination is the area marked 1.

In March mode the fastest route will
be taken, in this example travelling
by road is faster than cross country.

So the tank column is not following

the purple line but following the
road network through Sidi Salem.

Movement Modes
March - maximum speed – will use
roads if available; the units will
try to avoid engagement with the
enemy, but are vulnerable to attack.
March is automatically selected when
[RMB] on allied and neutral cells.

Attack - movement in attack formation. Units attack the enemy when spotted. This order is
automatically selected when [RMB] on an enemy square.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 24

Attack tutorial briefing

The first task is to mount the infantry on the tanks. Select the passenger units (infantry) and
the transporting units (tanks).

 [LMB+drag] the selection box over the infantry and armor unit markers.

Order the infantry to mount the tanks [E] or the Mount icon on the left of the screen.

Order the tanks, once the infantry are mounted, to proceed to the deployment area.

 [RMB] on the destination point and select March from the menu or shortcut [M].

Use the fast forward command.

 [RMB] on the interface menu or [F11].

Toggle [F8] to view the three path options.

En-route to the destination you will be introduced to Key Points [F5] and the Command level

At the destination, disembark infantry from the tanks [L].

Issue an attack order.

 [RMB] beyond the enemy position, select Attack or shortcut [O]

During the early part of the attack, your units will be attacked by an anti-tank gun (ATG). You
may want to [Pause](or select [Enter]). Select a friendly unit, then view its AP/AT (Anti-
personnel/anti-tank) capability [‘].
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 25

Use the tanks to combat the


 Select a tank [LMB],

 Target [T],
 [LMB+drag] over the ATG.

Continue combat until a result

is declared.

It should not be long before

the After Battle Report
announces your Total Victory!

Repeat these tutorials as

necessary. Note how friendly
and enemy unit markers change

Get acquainted with the camera

navigation controls.

It is recommended that players

continue with in-game tutorial
“Tank battle”. Follow the
instruction carefully,
reviewing all that you have been taught to date as well as noting the new learning. The in-game
tutorials provide a brief introduction to the mechanics of game play. There is no getting away
from the learning curve. You will have to spend time with the game.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 26


Editor Note
This “manual” should be used in conjunction with the official version. I have written this
manual while learning how to play TWT43. So beware that I may have misunderstood parts of the
official version. The landscape format is great for tablet view and I recommend transferring a
copy onto tablet if you have one.

I have tried to keep the original author’s terminology so readers will not be confused if they
have to refer to the official manual. Having a tutorial guide and manual combined will result
in some duplication of material but the goal is to fast-track the player’s learning curve.

The game is an impressive accomplishment by the Ukrainian developers – Graviteam. I wish them
every success and hope at some stage in the future they invest in providing a professionally
written English manual.

The goal of this manual is modest and is aimed at the player new to the game. Like all computer
manuals it is best to read this and confirm the learnings on screen.

This is a powerful game, so it will take time to get to grips with its layered level of detail.
What may appear as arcane at first will make sense in due course. Be patient and the game will
provide a rewarding gaming experience. For first time RTS players it is best to ignore how
other games play and concentrate on learning a very new way of gaming. Enjoy!
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 27


The Interface menu bar is located at the top of the screen. Menu items will vary depending what
mode is selected. The example below is the most common.

1. Game Menu [Escape] 2. Binocular mode [TAB]

3. Show key points [F5] 4. Finish deployment, start combat [Enter]

5. Lock camera on selected unit [Q] 6. Show sight sectors [{]

7. Show LOS [Ctrl+~] 8. Switch to map [F10]

9. On-screen information [F8] 10. Visibility map type [F2]

11. Goto selected unit [Ctrl+F] 12. Show line of fire [~]

13. Show firing capabilities of the selected squads and vehicles [Ctrl+']
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 28

Game Menu Options [Escape]

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 29

On-Screen Information Options [F8]

Direction Facing indicator

Compass Show cardinal direction

Command Display the command hierarchy


Orders cost Indicate the cost of each order on

the fire control panel

Paths Display paths of movement orders

Paths and orders Display movement path, order cost,

and line of fire

Fire Tasks Fire tasks indicated by small


Countdown Show time left in scenario rather

than actual time of battle.

Fire Sectors Display fire sectors

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 30

Unit Quick Selection Panel
Units can be selected using the Quick Selection Panel. The panel is located at the bottom of
the screen and displays:

Blue Box – Name or number of the unit commander

Red Box – Unit strength
Yellow Circle - Unit capabilities (see table below)

Unit symbols can be displayed as: NATO (displayed), Russian,

Soviet, Wehrmacht, or Standard (select in Options Menu).
Above: Quick selection panel

Quick Selection Panel actions:

 [LMB] Deployment Phase: Select the 1st squad of the unit. Tactical mode: the unit.
 Second [LMB] select all combat ready squads in the unit.
 [RMB] move the camera to the senior active commander in the unit, but without selecting it.
 [ALT] or [SH] + [LMB] to select half squad.
 [Ctrl]+[LMB] combines units.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 31

When a unit symbol is selected, the panel below it

will display the squads and their current activity.

Unit Markers
Each unit has a marker (symbol) indicating its type (see Unit Marker table below). There are
four types (modes) of unit markers that can be toggled via [F6] or the interface menu.

 only selected units,  all units,

 squads (sections),  platoons.

Above: each unit has a marker displayed above it

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 32

Above: Unit markers

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Unit Marker Color

The color of Unit Markers indicate their current status:

Unit Markers - ENEMY Colors

Identified but currently out of LOS Identified but not visible by selected unit

Visible and identified Visible and identified by selected unit

Out of action

Unit Markers - FRIENDLY

Player unit Allied unit

Selected player unit blinking - having problems

Under fire blinking - under heavy fire

blinking - lost control blinking - hold fire status

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 34

Unit Marker -Visibility

When a friendly unit is selected [LMB] visible enemy unit markers provide spotting information.

Above : Communication system and target indication

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 35

Unit Movement
Select a unit that is to move [LMB]. Movement orders are given
by [RMB] on the destination. The Movement Options will be
displayed (right).

Select one of the following by [LMB] or by using the shortcut


Primary Movement Orders

1. Move [M]
2. Adopt Defense [F]

Secondary Movement Options

3. Formation order
4. Attack [O] (primary movement order).
5. Selected options are displayed in white.
6. Available option for selection are grey.

The default options are listed below. When an option is selected

it will be persistent. The movement options can be reset to
default in the Game Options menu.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 36

Above : Default/primary level orders

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 37

Above : Secondary level options for personnel movement

Above : Secondary level options vehicles

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 38

Movement Notes
The AI generally does an excellent job of moving units to the destination. It will always
attempt to comply with your orders and this may result in an unintended move or event.

For example, if a unit meets an impassable obstacle using “No formation” (wedge), the effected
squad will break off and seek a path independently. It is recommended that this mode only be
used in flat, clear terrain.

When moving in column, the leading squad will select the path of least resistance, i.e.,
avoiding obstacles. However, a mixed unit formation (vehicles, tanks, infantry) moving in column
may need to take alternate paths because of the terrain and the various units movement
characteristics, for example, on a steep grade that is impassable for vehicles, infantry may
clamber over it while vehicles will have to find another route.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 39

When using covert movement [K] units will attempt to move out of enemy sight. These areas are
generally low lying and can be problematic for vehicles, increasing their risk of bogging.

Movement by road is preferable for long distances. It is faster, minimizes bogging risk and
reduces fatigue.

The “Actively maneuver” option allows units to break formation when in contact with the enemy.
The unit will actively search for targets on the battlefield. However, this maneuvering can
increase the risk of bogging and moving beyond command radius.

In summary, movement is influenced by weather and terrain. Bad weather (rain, snow) may degrade
movement factors during the battle.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 40

Unit Data Bar

When a unit is selected [LMB]the Unit Data Bar will appear on the left side of the screen.

The Unit Data Bar (right)

details Unterfeldwebel
Theer’s Panzer III.

The icons in the Unit

Data Bar provide the
player with the factors
applicable to the unit.

The top five panels

provide indicative

The lower two panels give

the player control over
behavioral factors.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 41

Unterfeldwebel Theer’s Panzer III condition:

Group Type is tank/armored vehicle and it’s condition is 100% serviceable.

It has a crew of 5, all of whom are active. Number unfit for combat is in brackets when

There are 73 rounds of ammunition available.

Examine the Unit Data Bar tables below to view the range of factors it displays.
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Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 48

Stay Concealed
The factors in the two sections below Surveillance
vary according to the factors pertaining to the unit

The Unit Data Bar at right indicates that SSGT

Driscoll’s unit has 7 members (red circle).

The default setting for “Stay Concealed” is not

concealed, soldiers will stand or kneel, which is
good for visibility (note the “0” in the white

When Stay Concealed [Ctrl+G] is selected the icon

changes and the number of personnel under this
command is shown (blue circle). Soldiers will adopt
the prone position.

Stay Concealed can be used in combination with other

commands to alter unit behavior.

Stay Concealed plus:

 Move: Infantry = crawl and, if qualified, remove
 Fast: Infantry = run while no enemy is seen, then
 Observed fire: fire smoke rounds
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 49

Fire Control
The official manual describes Fire control:

Don’t transmit external target designation, fire on

external target designation.

And when not selected:

Do not fire on external target designation, do no

observed fire.

The section on Fire Orders discusses this tool in

more depth.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 50

Maneuver Control

Maneuver Control is similar to Fire Control,

except in reverse. The number indicates the
personnel under the player’s control.

The default behavior is described in the left

column. For example, a unit is moved by the
player beyond communication range of its leader
to complete a task. Once completing the
movement order the unit will attempt to return
to the leader.

The player may not want the unit to return to the leader. For instance, placing a unit in an
observation post/early warning surveillance.

Select the unit [LMB] and [Ctrl+M] – the unit will now stay at the destination.

Note, in this example, the OP units may see the enemy but that information will not be available
to the force until it gets back into communications range, and if it loses sight on the enemy
the information degrades – see Unit Marker colors.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 51

Uncontrolled Unit Action

When a unit's combat ability is lost it will attempt to withdraw to a safe area.

How units become uncontrolled:

 no leader;
 unit has insufficient experience (less than 40 points);
 unit has average experience (40-70 points), but the command level is less than 50.

Heavy weapons are abandoned if they run out of ammunition and the enemy is in the immediate
vicinity (less than 200 meters).

Vehicle will be abandoned if it is damaged and has lost combat ability.

Panic - units stop responding to orders, cease fire and abandon positions.

Panic occurs due to:

 heavy in-coming fire;
 low morale;
 lack of control (no leader).

Abandoning knocked out vehicles

Crews abandon vehicles and heavy weapons when the following conditions are met:
 Vehicle cannot fire from the main weapon and move.
 Fire broke out in the driving compartment.
 A key crew members is killed (gunner, commander, driver).

In some instances, vehicles and heavy weapons may be abandoned due to low morale or death of
crew members. Abandoning can occur quickly, in the event of fire, or over time representing
degradation of equipment.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 52

Enemy vehicle destruction

An enemy vehicle is considered destroyed when:
 Abandoned by the crew.
 Ammunition detonation.
 Fire and smoke.
 Long period of inactivity or obvious heavy damage.

The AI fires on vehicles until one of the above is evident. This may result in firing
continuing on destroyed or abandoned vehicles.

Crews can return to their vehicle or heavy weapon if there is no visible enemy nearby (in 250 m
radius). If the vehicle/heavy weapon is operable it can return to normal service.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 53

The Fire Control Panel

1. Commander observed fire [G]

2. Fire Sector/Target Arc [V]

3. Set priority target [T]

4. Halt and cancel orders [X]

5. Set delay [B]

6. Turn [R]

7. Reverse [Y]

Above: Instant orders and open fire orders

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 54

Area/Observed Fire
In some instances, the player may suspect enemy units are in a certain area and want to direct
fires at that location.

Above: Knitz Unit Quick Selection Panels (green), fire control panel (grey)
and lower two sections of the Unit Data Bar are displayed.

Place observed fire team under Fire Control

Select the leader (e.g., Knitz), the firing units (e.g., MG-34 and the GrW-34) [Ctrl+LMB].
[LMB] Fire control. Fire control indicates 16 members are under Fire control - Knitz (4), MG-34
(6) and GrW-34 (6). These units have been selected for the area (observed) fire mission.

To order the area (observed) fire mission:

1. Select the leader/observer [LMB], ensuring he has line of sight to the target.
2. Select [G] or the far left icon in the fire control panel (falling shells image) – this will
appear as the mouse pointer.
3. [RMB] on the target location for point fire, a red cross will appear to confirm the target
selection, or [RMB+drag] for area fire.
4. The number of tubes aimed at the target will be displayed (when in real time).
5. Next to this will be the hit percentage factor (when the observer is selected).
6. Delay between order and firing varies according to the observer and firing units experience,
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 55

stress and fatigue factors.

The observed fire mission will continue until ammunition is exhausted or cease fire is ordered

For indirect fire units (mortar, howitzer) the Show indirect fire abilities [|] overlay is

To fire smoke rounds the sequence has an additional step. Select an eligible firing unit then
the Stay concealed icon [Ctrl+G] prior to selecting Observed fire [G]. For a mix of HE and
smoke, when firing multiple mortars, select Stay concealed for one of the mortar’s in the squad.

The same order sequence is used with any on map firing unit (direct or indirect fire) – tanks,
anti-tank guns, infantry guns, mortars. Note: Off-board artillery has a different sequence.

Not Firing!
Right: Mortar and MG fire is going in at the grove
(yellow cross). But one mission has issues (red cross).

In deployment mode a red cross or channel registers the

target location.

When the mission starts the target indication will

change to yellow, or if the observer is selected the two
fire mission factors, if it stays red there is an issue
with the fire mission.

Most mission failures are because the observer does not

have line of sight to the target. Select the observer and use [~] or [Ctrl+~] to check line of
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 56

Other common problems:

 Target out of range of firing unit,
 firing unit out of communication range with the observer,
 observer killed or under fire,
 At Infantry selected,
 observed fire cannot be directed at friendly terrain.

Fire Sector/Target Arc

Conducting fire with “2. Fire Sector [V]” option:
 if conducting fire is on hold, units will fire only at priority targets within the sector.
 If conducting fire is allowed, units will fire only at targets in the sector or priority

Fire will be conducted at targets located closer than 75m (25m for small arms). Holding fire
and limiting the sector does not apply to throwing hand launched weapons, e.g., grenades.

To maximize the advanced features in the game it is important that players understand the
Communication and Targeting symbols discussed in the Communication section.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 57

Units communicate by the following methods:
 voice,
 wire, and
 radio.
 Other types: signal flares, tank phone.

Available types of communication are displayed in the unit’s property panel.

Voice communication is available to all unit (for enclosed vehicles the hatch must be open).The
maximum voice range, in optimum conditions, is about 100 meters. Range and quality of voice
communication is significantly reduced in combat, the voice indicator will be red in these

Wire is physically laid by signalers. Signalers are assigned to the commander’s platoon. If the
platoon is on the defensive, wire links are considered established prior to the start of battle.

Signalers operate in pairs and move covertly when possible. A signal’s squad can establish
three wire links or repair damaged links. To establish a wire link the respective units must not
move position. Wire links can be broken in combat. Wire communication enables accurate target
reporting in all conditions. Some signals formations have special equipment or vehicles in
service that can lay one channel per vehicle.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 58

Radio is generally available for vehicle and tank communication (infantry sometimes have
portable radio). Radio transmissions can be bidirectional or unidirectional (one-way from
commander to subordinates - the connection type indicator will be red). Some vehicle mounted
radio equipment only operate when the vehicle is stationary.

Signal flares
Signal flares allows units to communicate actions quickly and broadly. Each commander normally
has flares. In daytime smoke signals are used.

Flare Signals Allies Wehrmacht




Air Spot

Enemy Spotted
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 59

Tank phone
A Tank phone lets the crew communicate with nearby infantry without the need to open hatches.

Loss of communication link

Units that lose communication with their commander risk being out of the player’s control. They
also lose their commander’s influence, resulting in, loss of morale with the increased risk of
panic and possible surrender when under fire.

Units under AI control, i.e., have no orders from the player, will try to regain communication
with their commander by moving into voice communication radius except when they are in trenches.

Communication and Target Indication

Unit markers also indicate how the unit received targeting information.

Above: Communication system and target indication

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 60

Communication: Events and unit messages

During play, events and unit
messages will appear on the
right side of the screen.

The symbols and their

meaning are displayed in the
tables below.

[F3] Move to recent event.

[LMB] go to friendly unit.

[RMB] go to enemy unit –

Enemy Contact, Under fire
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 61
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 62

Above: Messages from allied units

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 63

Above: Events that are reported

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 64

In the first half of the Second World War the Wehrmacht generally had the advantage of
operational tempo over its adversaries. In brief, operational tempo is not just the ability to
cover the ground quicker, although that is important, but to think and transmit ideas and
intentions faster than the adversary can react, gaining tactical advantage. In the game this
command factor is reflected in the Command Level indicator. Command Level is derived from
factors such as leadership, experience, morale, stamina and equipment (radio). Later in the
document these factors will be discussed in the Force List and Battlegroup sections.

The Command level indicator is located on the interface menu bar. This displays how long a unit
will take to react to an order and its ability to reorganize, via the recovery rate, after

Above : Command level indicator

Order cost depends on its type and how many times it has been issued, not the number of units it
is issued to. There is no cost per order during the deployment phase, i.e., pre pressing the
Start Game button from Tactical mode.

When multiple units are selected, the lowest Command value is displayed.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 65


Selecting an air or artillery spotter will display the air and artillery support panel. The
type of artillery and ammunition available in the game is indicated below.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 66

Categories of artillery support

There are two categories of artillery support:
 Pre-planned (during the tactical deployment phase), and
 Unscheduled support during a battle.

Commanders and artillery

During the deployment phase all available artillery units can be employed. Availability of
artillery during the battle, i.e., unscheduled support, depends on the rank of the commanders in
the field. If a commander is killed in action the artillery support is lost.

A Battalion or Regimental commander can call any type of artillery, including divisional.

A Company commander can call regimental artillery. Battalion artillery is always available.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 67

Artillery tasking
Unscheduled artillery fire is “called in” by artillery spotters and commanders. Delay between
request and fire mission depends on the battery workload. Accuracy will depend on the spotters
LOS to the target, the spotter’s stress and skill level, and the quality of the communication

Pre-planned artillery (tactical deployment

phase-zero in mission) is “zeroed in”, creating
a reference point (indicated by an orange
triangle) for the fire mission. Once the
reference point is marked other artillery units
can use the reference point. Using reference
points reduces the time between being “called
in” and fired, with an increase in accuracy.

Multiple reference point missions can be made

during the tactical deployment phase. Three
rounds per “tube” are fired on zero-in

The artillery spotter on the map does not need

LOS to the target for the mission to proceed.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 68

Select the artillery [LMB] to be used in the Support

panel. [RMB] the artillery cursor zone to get the
artillery reference pointer. [RMB] for a point
target or [RMB+drag] for an area target. The beaten
zone indicates approximate accuracy (in meters) and
time until delivery.

The only difference for “Unscheduled” artillery

missions is the spotter must have LOS to the target.

Also see Appendix F for an example of off-board

artillery request.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 69

CAMPAIGN MODE (turn based)

Campaign (OPERATIONS) mode is a turn based macro view of the battlefield.

It is highly recommended that players complete the TWT43 in-game tutorial – “How to win an

Editor Note: The developer calls Campaigns, Operations. This can cause confusion when discussing
Operational mode. In this version of the manual, the term Operations is replaced with Campaign.

A campaign is comprised of a series of turns played on the campaign map. Each turn is a series
of tactical battles, some fought by the AI and others by the player. In campaign mode the
player moves units, organizes supply and reinforcement, assembles battlegroups and starts the
tactical phase (3D combat).

The map in campaign mode is divided into squares:

 Each square can contain 1 to 4 units (or battlegroup).
 Each unit consists of several squads, and each battlegroup – of 2-8 units.

In the turn-based campaign mode there are three types of units:

 Attack Units – tanks, motorized infantry, scouts, company commanders.

 Support Units – artillery, anti-tank guns, mortars.
 Auxiliary Units – spotters, supply HQ, transport, repairers.

Only “attack units” can attack by themselves.

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 70

Campaign Splash Menu

Selecting Campaign on the splash
screen will invoke the Campaign
campaigns the player has
installed are displayed.

1. The number of turns in each

campaign is displayed, e.g.,
Chouigui Pass – 4 turns.
2. Hovering over the operation
icon provides a campaign summary
3. Hovering over the
flag/scenario details gives the
scenario data to date (center
4. [LMB] on the icon invokes
the selection menu (right).
5. The default side for this
campaign is German. Generally,
it is better to play the default
side (on the left) first.

Above: Campaign (OPERATIONS) menu

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 71

Campaign Map – Briefing

Top right:
Historical background
and turn one briefing
for the player.

Centre: The campaign

briefing map.

Blue – German

Red – Allies

[F2] toggles map to

Campaign Deployment

Left of image:
Campaign mode menu

The campaign briefing

map, historical
background and turn 1
briefing are not just Above: Operations Map - Briefing
for flavor.

They contain valuable intel on the challenge in the upcoming turn.

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 72

Campaign Mode Menu

Right: The campaign mode menu bar

Hovering over the menu icons provides a description.

Zoom in/out
Pan the map
Operations phase – player turn
Operational score
HQ Reserves arrival
Air support
Show map only
View briefing [F2]
Show battalion and company structure
Forces list
Summary statistics
Next phase
Undo changes
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 73

The Campaign Map

Hovering over a unit symbol produces
it’s details.

The edges of the campaign map are

hatched. In the example to the
right, two of the player’s units
are in the hatched area. Light
colored units can enter the active
map in the current turn while shaded
arrive later. Supply can be traced
to units in the hatched section.

Unit symbols – NATO symbols and

colors displayed. See Game Options
for other selections.

Right: The campaign map with the

mouse hovering over Battlegroup
T4./11 para-eng Bn displaying its
pop-up. The BG has three units.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 74

Campaign Mode Supply

Ammunition supply and reinforcement
occurs at the beginning of each campaign
turn. Headquarters, supply trucks,
depots and repair crews can act as
sources of supply.

Units that can be resupplied by the

source unit are outlined in blue. A
yellow outer disk indicates it can
receive fuel. The level of supply
provided is indicated by color ranging
from green (full supply) to red (poor).

The level of supply can be extended from

HQ units by transport units under their

Right: The repair unit has been

selected (white unit-spanner). The
Panzer Grenadier units, 5./86, 6./86 and
7./86 can receive supply from it. 7./86
at full level (green) and the others at
medium level (yellow).
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 75

Units that cannot be supplied from external sources can replenish from reserves held within the
formation or continue with a reduced supply status. Running out of supply will result in the
unit not being able to move or participate in attacks.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 76

Force Data
Right: Hover or select a unit [LMB],
then [Spacebar] to see the Battalion and
Company relationships.

The Company Commander, Tubbs, has been

selected on the campaign map and the
unit disk turns light blue.

Command color relationships:

Blue: platoons under HQ unit (Tubbs)


Light green: Tubbs superior unit, the

Battalion commander.

Dark Green: Units in the same Regiment

or Battalion. The three dug-in units
are a different Company in the same

The anti-tank gun (at 11 o’clock on

Tubbs circle) is an attached unit.

To see a unit’s factors, hover or [LMB]

a unit, them [MMB] to view the Force
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 77

Force List
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 78

The entry for the unit [MMB] is highlighted (e.g., Captain Tubbs).

The unit symbols colored red, green and blue are the same as the disks on the campaign map.

ON THE WAY (1) - Reinforcement will be available at the end of turn 1

WAITING - Waiting to be deployed on the active map – exception Reserve Units.

The Force List icons are displayed in the table below. Note that reinforcement strategy is set
on this table or the Battlegroup list.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 79

Above: Campaign (OPERATIONS) Mode – Forces Table icons

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 80

Campaign Mode - Movement

In campaign mode there are two movement types:
 Direct Control (Player), and
 Indirect Control (AI).

Campaign Mode – Direct control (Player)

In Direct Control (i.e., player control) units can attack at long range - two squares. These
attacks are initiated with [Ctrl+RMB].

An attack ordered against one square [RMB] is available to all unit’s with attack capability.

Campaign Map – Indirect control (AI)

In Indirect mode the player gives orders to units (Defense, March or Attack) and the AI carries
it out. A unit given an Advance order will engage any enemy unit it encounters.

Indirect (AI) Movement Orders

There are three Indirect (AI) movement orders, toggled with the [RMB]:

Defense – eligible units dig defensive positions.

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 81

March – movement with

maximum speed. The cost
is reduced defensive
awareness and if
attacked the unit will
be placed in the
“arrived” status. March
is automatically
selected when a unit
destination is allied or
neutral territory.

Advance – movement is in
a deployed formation,
one cell per campaign
turn. The unit will
attack any enemy unit
encountered. This order
is automatically
selected when selecting
a unit in enemy
territory. To cancel an
order [RMB] on the unit

Right: Units in the red

box can “Advance” one
square to any node
within the black
boundary. March mode to
any node within the
yellow boundary.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 82

Right: Armor unit “Sessler” is

selected [RMB] (white), green
squares indicate where the unit can
move to.

Unit disk color:

The disk surrounding each unit
indicate its combat ready status:

Red: poor condition, cannot attack.

Green: above average condition
Blue: unit in reserve
Yellow: historical unit
Black: unit to be disbanded

Hatched/small red dot area:

The reinforcements that can move
onto the active map are colored
light blue (boxes).

Reinforcements colored aqua (circle)

cannot move to the active map in the
current turn.

Violet colored unit: friendly

country’s unit Above: Campaign map, green movement squares

Movement factors
Unit mobility is determined by its type, the presence of transport and towed weapons, as well as
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 83

vehicle condition. If a unit was entrenching or attacked in the previous turn, its movement is
restricted (by ~50% in both cases). If a unit’s personnel is exhausted, movement will be

If the unit has not moved for some time (turns) and not involved in combat, its mobility is
increased for one turn.

Terrain effects movement speed – roads are the fastest and rivers, mountains and swamps
impacting speed.

The mobility of combined units (Battlegroups) is determined by the slowest member of the group.

Right: Campaign map movement


Select a unit [LMB], move by [RMB]

on a green square, one [RMB] to
march and two to advance. In the
example, movement is to the green
square nearest the enemy unit
(question mark), moving the unit
into a combat position (see
Indirect AI Movement Orders) .
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 84


When the Player and AI’s Campaign turn is complete
the most important battle is selected by the AI.
The combatants are highlighted and the attacking
unit’s axis of advance is indicated.

Campaign map attack

There are two types of attack:
 Attack (one square)-[RMB] enemy unit
 Rush attack (two squares)-[Ctrl+RMB] when the
enemy is represented by a yellow dot.

Right: Attacking a unit on the campaign map.

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 85

Right: After giving an attack order an arrow will

appear indicating the axis of advance.

Start the tactical battle phase (RTS) by [LMB] on

the highlighted square. If the attack is
successful the victorious units automatically take
ownership of the square.

Units in Direct Control (Player) that did not move

during the battle phase dig defensive positions. In
Indirect Control mode, only units assigned the
defense order dig trenches.

Defeated units, black unit marker, are disbanded

before the beginning of tactical battles.

Engagement during Campaign movement

Units can be attacked while moving on the Campaign map, i.e., prior to the Tactical Deployment
Phase. Attacks occur if one of the following conditions are met:
 Ambushed,
 move more than 1 square on the campaign map and are engaged by the enemy,
 during a March order were engaged by the enemy, or
 move one square and that square was being attacked by the enemy.

Units are placed in the “arrived” state. They deploy near their attacked location and face the
nearest enemy key point. Infantry and armored vehicles are in columns, artillery and support
units are deployed in line. This deployment cannot be changed by the player in the Tactical
Deployment Phase. Recon units are not blocked.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 86

Tactical Deployment Phase

Tactical mode consists of the following phases:
 Deployment
 Initial Orders
 RTS Combat
 After Battle Statistics

There can be multiple tactical battles per Campaign turn.

1. Deploy automatically in square [X]

2. Deploy in defense [N]: - maximum

visibility to the front and minimal to
the rear and sides.

3. Set target arc [V], [RMB] to draw arc

4. Manual deployment: movement [M] or

rotation/facing [R]

5. Deploy in formation: [I], [U], [P],

[Ctrl+P], [O]
Above: Tactical Deployment bar
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 87

The Tactical deployment bar provides the player with a selection of tools to assist in deploying
units. Target arc [V] is very useful when siting anti-tank guns or other ambush positions.

Using captured weapons and vehicles

Captured weapons and vehicles are centrally collected after battle, in the controlled area. The
collected weapons are distributed to the units participated in battle (shown in the “CASUALTIES

Captures are distributed based on the distance and applicability in a particular unit: small
arms to infantry units, equipment to tank and artillery units.

Captures are used in two cases:

If a unit has not enough ammo (less than 25%) for standard weapons, in this case it will be
rearmed to captured small arms.

If vehicles or heavy weapons are in IV category (non-repairable), in this case captured

equipment will be used.

To use captures, their quantity, of the appropriate type, must be greater than or equal to 1 (in
the “CASUALTIES AND CAPTURES” table). Personnel experience is reduced when rearming to captures.
Units armed with captures are marked with ‘?’.

Captured weapons can be selected in the quick battle editor as well, by setting a value of less
than 25% in the ammo quantity section.

Special Actions
In some campaigns, units can conduct special missions aimed at disrupting the enemy and
improving friendly unit capability. Most special actions are performed automatically, the
player only needs to ensure that units are in vicinity of the headquarter or settlements.

Extend supply lines: improve the logistics system resulting in longer supply lines.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 88

Air supply: Provision of a forward supply base by air.

Mobilization: Commanders of partisan units can mobilize the local population in neighboring
settlements. Mobilization provides personnel to replenish units that have losses. The commander
must be located near a village or directly in it to do this. Mobilization is conducted daily,
during daylight hours.

Noise generators: Units with special noise generators aimed at reducing the morale of poorly
trained enemy troops. Noise generators operate each turn but only affect the enemy at night or
in a forest.

Disinformation: some headquarters and command units have propaganda specialist that aim to
weaken the enemy’s will to fight. Disinformation is conducted daily.

Agitation: is a stronger form of disinformation and is conducted several times a day. The aim
being to get enemy troops to defect.

Instructors and advisers: Units with foreign instructors and advisers increase the level of
training and morale of the troops. Conducted twice per day. To conduct this training, units are
not to move, participate in battles or dig trenches.

Diversion: some special (usually recon) units conduct attacks on enemy facilities and
communications. Diversions are more effective at night or during bad weather. Diversions can be
conducted once per day.

Air illuminating bombs: used at night to interfere with the sleep of the enemy personnel,
leading to increased fatigue levels.

Air supremacy: airfields located near combat areas.

Use of transport aircraft as ersatz-bombers: transport aircraft were used as bombers in areas
with weak enemy air defense. Although the bombing effectiveness was low its impact on enemy
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 89

morale outweighed the damage done.

The Battlegroup (BG) list displays the tactical organization of units (BG do not appear in all
scenarios). The player can select and deselect BG constituents and set the reinforcement
strategy. A BG can be comprised of 2 to 8 units.

BG mobility is determined by the slowest member of the group. If speed is required consider
removing slower members.

German BG were known as kampfgruppen.

Right: The unit popup for 2nd Company, 7th Tank Regiment (2./7 tnk)
at the end of a Campaign turn.

The unit is part of Battlegroup 2. The BG has:

 squads:30
 personnel: 129
 weapons: 29
 ammunition: 100%
 fuel: 69%

The blue text indicates that reinforcements are available.

Each line of icons represent a unit. This BG is comprised of 5 units.

Why is the second unit green?

Select [MMB] to view the Battlegroup List.

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 90

BG2 entry in the BG List is displayed above. Note that the second unit, 2 tnk coy, 3 tank
platoon is green. The reason for this is that the unit has an excellent morale rating of 75%.

Note that 1 tnk battalion, Bn cmd is rated at 86%. The unit’s morale is rated at 54%.
Selecting the unit indicates why. Unit 2 has been destroyed (Cat IV) and only one member
survived (20%).
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 91

Right: Battlegroup 6./II at the start of a campaign turn

– 86th Panzer Grenadier Regiment (86 MIR – 86th Motorised
Infantry Regiment).

This BG has 4 units and 3 unit vacancies.

[MMB] to view the battlegroup list.

The BG list for Battlegroup 6./II is displayed above. Note that the blue BG add/replacement
button at left is active. [RMB] to add a unit to this BG from the reserve.

The red BG button is to remove a unit from the BG and place it in reserve.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 92

8 hvy coy, Mortar platoon has been added to 6./II Battlegroup. Note that the reinforcement type
has not been selected for this unit (plus sign). [RMB] to select a reinforcement type.

Replacement option color coding:

Grey: Units from the same battalion

Blue: Same regiment
Green: other units, attached forces or reserves of the division.

Below: Reinforcement strategies.

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 93


A comprehensive list of after battle statistics are provided. The After Battle Report (ABR)
interface bar is displayed below.

1. Back [ESC]
2. Hit vectors
3. Area occupation
4. Impact filter
5. Identify victorious unit

Above: the ABR Interface Bar

Grey tile – enemy unit - Ohler

1. Dark Green – friendly unit - Spoon
2. Green - Squad

Above: ABR Quick Select Panel

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 94
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 95

Ammunition Color Chart

Cavity armor-piercing (APHE) or solid Shrapnel (SH) or canister rounds (CAN)

armor-piercing (AP)

Subcalibre rounds of all types Shaped charge (HEAT) and high-explosive plastic shells

Fragmentation (FRAG) or high- Smoke (SMK) or incendiary (FLAM) shells

explosive rounds (HE, HE-T, HEP-T)

Above: Damage codes

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 96


Command Chaining
A sequence of commands is called “Command Chaining.” For example, the player wants to set two
movement orders with different types of travel.
1. Select a unit [LMB]
2. [Spacebar]
3. Select Movement type, [LMB] or shortcut
4. [RMB] at destination
5. [Spacebar]
6. Select Movement type [LMB]
7. [RMB] at destination
8. [Escape] to finish chaining

Mounting Infantry on Tanks

1. [LMB] Infantry Unit
2. [CTRL+LMB] Tank that Infantry are going to ride on
ALT [LMB+drag] over the passenger unit and the vehicle.
3. Mount Command [E]

Use small formation.
Disable Fire at will[Ctrl+Y]
Stay concealed [Ctrl+G]
Use a chain command with “Take defense” [F] as final command.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 97


Tactical diagrams and armor
penetration charts are
available in tactical mode
(also see TWT in-game
tutorial Tank battle).

Select the firing

weapon/unit [LMB].

Select [~]

A green line will appear

with a target icon. If
necessary, zoom to the
target and place the target
icon over it.

This displays:
 Distance to target,
 Accuracy probability, and
 Hits score to date.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 98

Then select [}] or use the

tactical diagram icon on
the interface menu.

Vertical axis: Armor value

Horizontal: Distance

Yellow: Sub-caliber rounds

of all types (APCR, APDS,

Red: Cavity armor-piercing

(APHE) or solid armor-
piercing (AP)

In this example, the firing

unit probability of
penetrating the armor of
the target, in this aspect
(target facing), is low

Also see TWT3 In-game

tutorial: Tank battle.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 99

Appendix A. Miscellaneous
System requirements:
CPU AMD FX 8120 or Intel i5 3 GHz
Video card ATI Radeon 7800 or nVidia GeForce 680 2 GB
Operating system Windows 7 SP1, 8.1 or 10

You need to install additional software from the "docs\support\redists" folder in the main game
folder to run it properly. It is recommended to install the latest drivers for your video card.

Latest updates can be downloaded here:

Microsoft DirectX - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx7id=8109
nVidia drivers - http://www.nvidia.com/paae/home.html
ATI/AMD drivers - http://www.amd.com/en-us

When installing the game the required software will be installed automatically.
It is strongly recommended to disable forced anti-aliasing (smoothing) setting in the drivers!

To create a screenshot [F12]. The image will saved in the "users\scrshots" folder in the root
folder of the game. Images are saved in JPEG format with .jpg extension. Each screenshot name
consists from gtmf (game name) with a suffix: date in YYYY:MM:DD format, time since the start of
the day in seconds and the sequence number of the current game session. To create a screenshot
without the interface (in tactical battle or statistics mode) press [Ctrl+Back] key combination
to disable the interface. Then make a screenshot with [F12] key, and then enable the interface
again with [Ctrl+Back] key combination.

Game updating and add-on installation

Add-ons (DLC) and game mods are installed using special utility, which can be accessed by
clicking on the game version in the main menu (in the top right corner of the screen).
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 100
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 101

ENCYCLOPEDIA Armor penetration diagrams

Armor penetration diagrams can be viewed in the ENCYCLOPEDIA.

The chart displays an optimistic estimation of armor penetration over distance and armor aspect
by the firing unit. Note that penetration of armor does not always lead to destruction.
Alternately, it can be viewed as how close the armored unit can approach, in relative safety,
the weapon types.

1. Chart 2. Horizontal line represent armor thickness and angle.

3. Selected weapon 4. Select chart view
5. Dashes – armor penetration 6. Target
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 102

Ammunition Color Chart

Cavity armor-piercing (APHE} or Shrapnel (SH) or

sold armor-piercing (AP) canister rounds (CAN)

Shaped charge (HEAT)

Subcalibre rounds of all types
and high-explosive
plastic shells (HESH)

Fragmentation (FRAG) or high- Smoke (SMK) or

explosive rounds (HE, HE-T, HEP- incendiary (FLAM)
T) shells

Above: Ammunition Color Chart

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 103

Appendix B. Creating modifications

Players can modify existing content and create new content: single missions, sounds and textures
of soldiers and vehicles. To install a modification go to the "Modifications" section by
pressing the wrench shape in your profile. Choose the modification type and name it.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 104

After creating a modification it is necessary to set the folder ("Select folder") where the
files to replace will be stored. If needed, you can get list of game files (by clicking "Source
files" button) with the names and formats (for sounds and textures) and the game files
themselves for modifying (for textures) - they will be placed in the
modification folder.

After making all changes and creating the modification files, press "Build" button. Modification
archive will be created in the mod folder, which can be used in the game. To test the
modification press "Install" button – the game updater utility (see Section 5.1) will be
launched, which will install the modification.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 105

Appendix C. Unit Abbreviations

Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 106
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 107
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 108

Appendix D. Keyboard Shortcuts

CAMERA Backward Num2 camera 1 Backward Down
Default position Num5 Down PageDown
Down Num9 Forward Up
Forward Num8 Left Left
Left Num1 Right Right
Lower to ground level Ctrl+Num5 Up PageUp
Pan mode Z
Right Num3 camera 2 Backward S
Rotation mode C Down End
Turn down Ctrl+Num2 Forward W
Turn left Num4 Left A
Turn right Num6 Right D
Turn up Ctrl+Num8 Up Home
Up Num7

Check line of fire ~ Check area of sight Ctrl+~
Show sectors [ Protection diagram }
Command lines : Fire capability level
Show indirect fire abilities |
Automatic placement around selected in column I Deploy squads R
Automatic placement around selected O Deploy squads in defense M
Automatic placement around selected in inverted wedge Ctrl+P Prepare Ambush B
Automatic placement around selected in line U Rotate squads N
Automatic placement around selected in wedge P Toggle visibility map F2
Deploy automatically in main square X Undo Changes Back
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 109

Increase game speed F11 Pause Pause
Pause Enter


Set group 1 Ctrl+0 Group 1 0
Set group 10 Ctrl+9 Group 10 9
Set group 2 Ctrl+1 Group 2 1
Set group 3 Ctrl+2 Group 3 2
Set group 4 Ctrl+3 Group 4 3
Set group 5 Ctrl+4 Group 5 4
Set group 6 Ctrl+5 Group 6 5
Set group 7 Ctrl+6 Group 7 6
Set group 8 Ctrl+7 Group 8 7
Set group 9 Ctrl+8 Group 9 8
Alt+Dn Previous
Next Platoon Platoon Alt+Up

Advanced info F4 Show key points F5
Display briefing F7 Show order list and current targets F8
Markers display mode F6

Enable in-game menu Esc Disable in-game menu Esc
Interface display mode Ctrl+Back
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 110

Transfer unit's fire control under Al commander control Ctrl+O
Transfer units under Al commander control Ctrl+M
Stay concealed Ctrl+G
Hold Fire Ctrl+U
Fire at will Ctrl+Y
Save ammo Ctrl+E
Fire at infantry Ctrl+H
Fire at aircraft Ctrl+J

Actions menu in platoon parameters Space Next turn Enter
Briefing F2 Operation statistics F5
Close popup menu Esc Paste data Ctrl+V
Copy data Ctrl+C Platoon info I
Copy information Shift+C Return to Main Menu Esc
Exit briefing or tables Esc Save battle as mission Ctrl+S
Exit briefing or tables (add.) Enter Select reinf. strategy Space
Exit operational phase to menu Esc Statistics F3
Hide squad markers F6 Supply lines F4


Call support F2 Jump to selected squad Ctrl+F
Enable/disable binoculars Tab Lock camera on squad Q
Jump to recent event F3
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 111


Combine squad Ctrl+LMB Select fire sector V
Delay B Select half squad ALT+LMB
Dismount vehicle L Select half squad SH+LMB
Fire at infantry Ctrl+H Stay concealed Ctrl+G
Fire on area – observed fire G Targeting cancel N
Transfer unit's fire control under Al Ctrl+O
Halt and cancel X
commander control
Hold fire Ctrl+U Turn R
Mount vehicle E Undo changes Back
Movement: Assault I
Movement: Attack O
Movement: Covert K
Movement: Fast J
Movement: Halt and cancel X
Movement: March H
Movement: Move M
Movement: Recon U
Movement: Take defense F
Movement: Turn R
Multiple orders mode Space
Priority targets T
Reversal Y
Rotate squads N
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 112

Appendix E. Advanced Unit Movement Options

View movement option by 2*[RMB] on
the map.

The default settings for Move [M]

 Sparse column, 3 lines
 Modifiers: smoke

To change from Sparse to Dense, [LMB]

on the dense icon.

The setting is persistent.

Far right: Multiple modifiers can be


Red modifiers cannot be selected with

the current selections or with this

Movement Default
March [H]: Column, 3 lines, dense, fast move by road, tanks in front.
Move: Column, 3 lines, medium density
Fast Move: Column, fast move, tanks in front
Covert Move: Column, 1 line (abreast), medium density, Move covertly, fast.
Recon: Line, 1 row, medium density, fast, active maneuver, interrupt order after contact with
Assault: Line, 1 row, high density, buttoned, move behind vehicles.
Attack: Line, 1 row, medium density, tanks in front, active maneuver, buttoned, set smoke
Take defense: Fast move without formation, find cover at end of path.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 113

Appendix F. Quick Battle 1: Spring Walk

Congratulations on graduating from the tutorials! Quick Battle 1: Spring Walk is a good way to
continue learning about TWT43.

During the first play through resist the temptation to issue commands and follow the Events messages
and the changing status of unit markers.

Review Unit Markers on page 29.

Above: the farm in Quick Battle: Spring Walk

The view of enemy units at “the farm” in Spring Walk is typical. Enemy Unit Marker colors:

 The yellow markers indicate the enemy unit has been identified but currently out of LOS of the
selected friendly unit,
 the light yellow markers - identified but not visible by selected unit,
 white - visible and identified by selected unit, and
 blue - visible and identified.
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 114

The shape of the unit markers provide the following

information (right).

The small circle indicates the squad leader. Solid

dots - the members of the squad. Use [F6] to cycle
through the various modes of marker display.

Repeat this exercise with friendly unit markers.

This scenario is a good opportunity to learn how to

call in off-board fire missions.

Also note the flare color the enemy fires – in this

case black indicating your approach.

Once your mortar missions are called-in, consider

how to deploy your carrier group, straight up the
middle or should you think about a flanking move?

Have fun with this, check all the different options

and get the basics of the game well under control.

Resist the urge to over-command but experiment with

what to do with units under fire, options for your
maneuvering units, and information the game
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 115
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 116
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 117

AFTER BATTLE REPORT, 5, 87 Line of Fire, 13

AIR AND ARTILLERY SUPPORT, 4, 63 Line of Sight, 13
Area/Observed Fire, 54 Maneuver Control, 3, 50
ARMOR PENETRATION CHARTS, 5, 91 Movement Options, 12
Camera, 10 Occupation factors, 14
CAMPAIGN MODE, 4, 66 Quick Selection Panel, 3, 17, 29
Command Chaining, 12 Stay Concealed, 3, 46
COMMAND LEVEL, 4, 62 Uncontrolled Unit Action, 3, 51
COMMUNICATION, 4, 54 Unit Data Bar, 3, 18, 39, 40, 46
Communication and Target Indication, 4, 57 Unit Marker Color, 2, 3, 18, 32
Fire Control, 3, 46, 50, 54 Unit Marker -Visibility, 33
FIRE ORDERS, 3, 46, 53 Unit Markers, 2, 3, 11, 18, 19, 30, 32, 107
Force Data, 4, 72 Unit Movement, 3, 5, 34, 106
Visibility factor, 15
Game Menu Options, 27
Interface Menu Bar, 3, 15, 20, 22

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