Pavlovs House Companion

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8 AUG 2017

CONTENTS A WWII tactical and operational strongpoint defense game

Introduction 3
Stalingrad 10
62nd Army 11
13th Guards Rifle Divison 13
Pavlov’s House 15
Air Defense 26
Artillery 29 60 - 75 minutes ages: 12+ 1-3 players
Sappers 31
Volga River Crossings 33
Communications 36
In Pavlov’s House, you take control of the valiant defenders of a
Operations Uranus 38 Soviet strongpoint in Stalingrad as they hold out against constant
Appendices German attacks for almost two months. You also control the key leaders
62nd Army Units throughout the Soviet 62nd Army that made the defense of Pavlov’s
Defending Pavlov’s House 39 House possible.
Defenders of Pavlov’s House 40
Soviet Awards 42 Purpose of this Book
References and
Pavlov’s House Companion serves as a primer for the Battle of
Additional Resources 43
Stalingrad, gives a detailed look at the history surrounding Pavlov’s
House, and gives insight into the design process for this game.
Stalingrad 2 David Thompson
Operation Blue 4 If you are interested in playtesting and providing feedback for this
Battle of Stalingrad 6 game, please contact me via email ([email protected]) or
Battle of Stalingrad (2) 8 Geekmail (skirmish_tactics) on BGG.
13th Guards Rifle Division Fonts used in this manual include Baskerville and Gill Sans. Foundational GIS
Storm Group Assaults 24 datasets for maps were created in Mapbox Studio.
Air Defense Regional Corps 28
Artillery Deployments 30 Color photography from Za Rodinu on Flickr; used with permission.
Air Defense 26
Copy editing: Ted Davies and Mark Hansen
Artillery 29
Volga River Crossings 35
62nd Army Wire Communications 37

In June 1941, Germany initiated Operation Desperate to eliminate the Soviet Union from the
Barbarossa, the code name for the invasion of the war, Germany planned a new offensive for the
Soviet Union. Germany’s invasion was driven by summer of 1942: Operation Blue (or “Case Blue”
three primary goals: to control the oil fields of the from the German “Fall Blau”). This operation was
Caucasus, to seize the grain supplies of Ukraine, aimed at capturing the oil fields of the Caucasus. A
and to capture Slavs to use as part of Germany’s critical part of the effort was an advance on
slave labor force. Stalingrad, which would serve as a blocking
maneuver to protect the operation’s northern flank.
Germany achieved many early successes across the However, the Wehrmacht was halted in Stalingrad
Soviet Union, ranging from the Baltics in the north and capture of the city became an obsession for
to Ukraine in the south. Eventually the German Hitler.
advance was halted in Moscow in October 1941
during the Battle of Moscow.
“Not one step back”
— Stalin
The Soviet Union’s successful counterattack was a
key turning point in WW2. It forced Germany to It is the Battle of Stalingrad which is most closely
regroup and eventually opened up the Eastern associated with Stalin’s famous line: “Not one step
Front - the largest military confrontation in world back.” This slogan of Soviet resistance against
history. German invasion was epitomized by the Soviet
soldiers in Stalingrad, defending key strongpoints
across the city for over two months against constant
Wehrmacht assault. This is the story of one of
those strongpoints: Pavlov’s House.

Soviet soldiers, anti-tank riflemen N. Seregin and A. Bakaev with antitank gun, disguised
in a ruined building in anticipation of German tanks at Stalingrad 1942

Germany’s initial objectives for advancing on The German offensive to capture Stalingrad began
Stalingrad were the destruction the city’s industrial on 23 August 1942, using the German 6th Army
capacity and the deployment of forces to block the and elements of the 4th Panzer Army. The attack
Volga River. By blocking the river, Germany could was supported by intensive Luftwaffe bombing that
cut off the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea to reduced much of the city to rubble. The fighting
central Russia and disrupt crucial commercial river degenerated into house-to-house combat, and both
traffic. sides poured reinforcements into the city. By mid-
November 1942, the Germans had pushed the
On 23 July 1942, Hitler rewrote the objectives for Soviet defenders back at great cost into narrow
Case Blue, expanding them to include the zones along the west bank of the Volga River.
occupation of the city of Stalingrad. Both sides
began to attach propaganda value to the city based “That is to say that we have it
on it bearing the name of the leader of the Soviet
Union. In addition, if the city fell it would firmly now. Only a few small pockets
secure the northern and western flanks of the
German armies as they advanced on Baku and its
of resistance are left.”
oil fields. — Hitler

German soldier near Stalingrad


62nd Army
The 62nd Order of Lenin Army was formed in May 1942 as part
of the Stavka Reserve. By July, the Army was in action on the
Stalingrad Front against the German 6th Army. The 62nd Army
was responsible for the successful defense of Stalingrad and was
granted Guards status due to its performance in the critical battle.

The 62nd Army was commanded by Vasily Chuikov from 12

September until the end of the battle. The Major General was
forced to relocate his command post numerous times, as it was
destroyed by German attack and overrun on multiple occasions.

“The streets of the city are dead…

everything has perished in the flames.”
— Chuikov

62nd Army Command Post. Nikolay Krylov (Chief of Staff), Vasily Chuikov (Commander), Kozma
Gurov (Divisional Commissar), and Alexander Rodimtsev (Commander, 32nd Guards Rifle Corps)


62nd Army
Design Note
Pavlov’s House was originally conceived as a tactical/
skirmish level defense of “Pavlov’s House” itself,
without consideration for the operational level
elements of the game. However, when researching the
history surrounding the famous story of Pavlov’s
House, it became clear that only through the
coordinated actions of the 62nd Army could it have
been possible for the defenders to hold out until the
Red Army launched Operation Uranus (despite
Soviet propaganda that depicted the defense of the
house as a accomplishment of a rifle platoon alone).

Once I decided to incorporate the operational level

elements that are in the final version of the game, I
wanted to make sure the 62nd Guards Army’s
Command Post played a critical role in the game. The
command post decides which supplies to prepare for Vasily Chuikov
the house’s defenders. Without the supplies - which
require a great deal of planning and coordination
with the Volga Military Flotilla - the defenders of
Pavlov’s House could not have been successful. Be
careful during the game not to overlook the
importance of maintaining appropriate amounts of
food. A lack of food can lead to an immediate loss.
Ammunition is critical in maintaining the ability to
suppress. The ability of sappers to repair the building
and provide a last line of defense can be pivotal. First
aid, while not critical, can help avoid the loss of key

In addition to planning supplies, the 62nd Guards

Army Command Post is responsible for assigning The 62nd Guards Army Command Post
elements of the defenders of Pavlov’s House to storm action uses the famous hammer and sickle
group assaults. In your initial plays of the game, it can Communist symbol that was conceived
be easy to overlook this part of the game. But the only during the Russian Revolution. At the
way to achieve a high score in the game is through time of its creation, the hammer stood for
storm groups capturing key target buildings. industrial laborers and the sickle for the


13th Guards Rifle Division

The 13th Guards Rifle Division was formed in January
1942 when the 87th Rifle Division was awarded Guards
status for its actions in the Battle of Kiev and re-designated.

As Germany marched towards Stalingrad during Case

Blue, the Stavka sent the 13th Guards (at the time in the
middle of a refit) to Stalingrad as reinforcements. The
division arrived piecemeal and exhausted after a grueling
forced march. In addition, over 1,000 of the division’s men
were unarmed and most were short of ammunition due to
having been in the middle of their resupply.

The German 6th Army launched a major offensive into

Stalingrad on 13 September—the day before the 13th
Guards arrived at the front. Elements of the division were
sent across the Volga on 15 September, joining the fierce
fighting. Inexperienced, and lacking maps and knowledge
of Stalingrad’s streets, the division was hit hard in its first
hours of combat, losing more than 3,000 men in less than
24 hours. But within days the 13th Guards had helped
recapture key strongpoints, secured the central river
crossing, fought for the railroad station, and had battled
back and forth with the Germans for the key hill—
Mamayev Kurgan.

Some accounts claim that of the 10,000 men of the

division who crossed the Volga into the Battle of
Stalingrad, only between 280 and 320 of them survived.

“I am a Communist! I have no
intention of abandoning the city.”
— Rodimtsev
General Alexander Rodimtsev, commander of the 13th Guards

Badge of the Soviet Guards


13th Guards Rifle Division

Design Note
The 13th Guards Command Post forms the most critical tie
between the operational- and tactical-level elements of the
game in that through the command post you are able to
choose which defenders will be sent as reinforcements to
Pavlov’s House.

A key goal for the design of the defenders of Pavlov’s House

was making sure there were multiple viable paths to choose
from. One route is to start by reinforcing with Afanasyen
and Naumov as early as possible to gain more actions.
However, having a machine gun team or mortar team in The 13th Guards Rifle Division
place early is also important. The forward observer, when Command Post uses a five-pointed star
combined with artillery, makes for a flexible and potent inspired by the famous Communist Red
alternative to machine gunners and anti-tank gunners alike. Star symbol. The star is often
Finally, for storm group assaults to be successful, the 13th associated with communist ideology,
Guards Command Post needs to make sure there are especially when used in conjunction
personnel in Pavlov’s House who are ready to strike. with the hammer and sickle.

General A Alexander Rodimtsev (in cap) along with men from the 13th Guards Rifle Division.
To the far right is Anatoly Chekhov, a famous sniper who helped defend Pavlov’s House.

Pavlov’s House
In mid-September, the 13th Guards Rifle
Division played a key role in helping the
62nd Army defend Stalingrad’s city center
but their work was just getting started. From
20 to 22 September, German aircraft, tanks,
and infantry attacked central Stalingrad,
trying to cut off the 13th Guards from the
main body of the 62nd Army. The division
fought back but eventually the Guardsmen
were pushed back to a position just north of
the central landing stage. By 23 September, It was during this period that Chuikov realized the 62nd
the division had been virtually isolated from Army’s tactics would need to change if they were to be
the rest of the 62nd Army in the city center, successful in defending the city. This change in tactics was
and the division’s 1st Battalion was further embodied in Chuikov’s Order No. 166 which instructed
isolated and completely encircled in Fallen commanders not to use entire units at the company and
Fighters Square. Fortunately, by 25 battalion level to carry out operations. Instead, offensives
September the fighting in the city center had were to be organized on the basis of small groups with
lost intensity. The 13th Guards held only a sub-machine guns, hand grenades, and anti-tank rifles.
narrow strip of land that stretched along the This meant that only portions of a battalion or company
Volga for approximately 1,500 meters and were committed at any time—as a storm group—while
was only 100 to 300 meters deep. the other troops remained on the defensive.

Aleksey Yefimovich Zhukov, commander of the 3rd Battalion of the

15 42nd Guards, receives a report from one of his scouts.

Pavlov’s House
In late September, the 7th Rifle Company/3rd Rifle
Design Note
Battalion/42nd Guards Rifle Regiment established a
Pavlov and his storm group team start the game
storm group with the intent of taking the building
in Pavlov’s House. They must protect the house
that would come to be known as Pavlov’s House.
l o n g e n o u g h t o g i ve t h e o p e r at i o n a l
commanders a chance to determine the best
Prior to the war, the four story building had served
strategy for defending the house. Depending on
as a residential building for employees of the
the strategy you choose, it’s possible Pavlov and
regional consumer union. It was considered one of
his men may not have reinforcements for a few
the most prestigious apartment complexes of
turns. Pavlov and his men only have a limited
Stalingrad, as it overlooked 9 January Square. From
ability to fight off German personnel and no
a military perspective, the building offered a superb
anti-armor capability, so don’t leave them on
vantage point: you could observe the surrounding
their own for too long.
area and fire from all sides of the building.

Sergeant Yakov Pavlov led the storm group,

which consisted of up to five other men.
The German forces occupying the building
were few in number, and they were
preoccupied with the sounds of battle at the
nearby Railway Workers’ House. The storm
group was lucky, as no guard was left on
duty. Pavlov and his men sought out the
Germans inside and killed them with
grenades. Wehrmacht elements from the
71st Infantry Division’s 194th Infantry
Regiment, were positioned as close as 70 -
100 meters away, on the north side of 9
January Square, but did not launch an
immediate counter-attack, most likely
because they mistakenly believed Pavlov’s
House had been taken by a larger unit.
Sergeant Yakov Pavlov and the ruins of Pavlov’s
Instead, they concentrated on shelling the House after the Battle of Stalingrad
building. At dawn, Pavlov and his men
defended the building against at least two
relatively small scale attacks. Additional
attacks probably came over the next couple
days, though the frequency and intensity of
the attacks is unclear and historical accounts
are inconsistent.


Pavlov’s House
About two days after Pavlov’s storm group assault, A neighboring apartment complex that mirrored
Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev, a platoon commander the design of Pavlov’s House was also taken by a
from the 3rd Machine Gun Company/3rd Rifle storm group from the 42nd Guards Rifle
Battalion/42nd Guards Rifle Regiment led his Regiment. The defense of that building was led by
platoon to reinforce the building. Additional platoon leader Lieutenant Nickolay Zabolotny, and
reinforcements (most likely from the 7th Rifle the building came to be called Zabolotny’s House.
Company and 3rd Machine Gun Company) However, that building was destroyed in late
arrived over the course of the next few months. Se p tem b er by G er m a n a r ti l l er y s tr i k es,
underscoring the vulnerability of Pavlov’s House to
On 1 October, Chuikov issued Order No. 179, artillery strikes and aerial bombardment.
which focused on the construction of strongpoints.

“Every trench and every dug out should be “All these measures are aimed
reinforced and each building shall become a
towering fortress. To fulfill this task, new at making our defense
engineering works and obstacles must be built,
buildings and houses turned into firing points
unbreakable - for all the
for heavy machine guns, communications furious attacks of the Fascist
trenches dug, and minefields and barbed wire
emplacements set out. Our strongpoints must troops will shatter upon these
also be equipped with anti-tank guns and obstacles as sea waves are
broken by granite rock”
Sappers, almost certainly from the 13th Guards
Rifle Division's 8th Guards Sapper Battalion,
— Chuikov
improved the defenses of the building. They mined
the approaches with anti-armor and anti-personnel
mines, built barbed wire fences, and dug trenches
for gun positions and communication.

Telephone wire, probably laid by the 13th Guards

Rifle Division's 139th Signal Battalion, connected
Pavlov's House to the 13th Guards’ command post
via the nearby mill using a trench dug by the
sappers. The trench was also used to transfer water
and food, ammunition, medical supplies, weapons,
and troops.

The building was given the call sign of маяк (or

“mayak”—lighthouse). The Lighthouse was a
fitting name for a stronghold that was positioned at
the forward line of troops.
Soviet soldier in Stalingrad 1942 aims his
PPSH-41 from a destroyed apartment.

Pavlov’s House
With reinforcements and improved physical
defenses in place, Pavlov’s House was ready for “Some days we faced ten
German assaults. But the infantrymen in the
strongpoint could not hold out alone against the
or a dozen German
attacks. When the Wehrmacht launched attacks attacks. Without artillery
against Pavlov’s House, forward observers in the
building would call in artillery strikes from the strikes we would have lost
Northern Subgroup of Frontline Artillery (the
composite artillery unit tasked with supporting the
the house.”
62nd Army). The strikes were likely supported by — Georgi Potanski
the 13th Guards Rifle Division’s 32nd Guards
Artillery Regiment, based on its position on the Pavlov’s House was also frequently visited by
eastern bank of the Volga. However, there is very snipers in the 62nd Army. The most famous of the
little detailed literature on the specific breakdown visitors was Anatoly Chekhov, who was 19 years old
of how artillery units in the Northern Subgroup during the Battle of Stalingrad. Chekhov was
were tasked in support of infantry fighting in credited with 256 kills, and many of them likely
Stalingrad on a day-to-day basis. The defenders of came from Pavlov’s House.
Pavlov’s House may have also been supported by
artillery from the 384th Artillery Regiment and
other elements of the artillery subgrouping.

Soviet artillerymen firing a 76mm divisional gun

M1942 (ZiS-3) during the Battle of Stalingrad.

Pavlov’s House
In addition to defending Pavlov’s House, the
Design Note
building’s defenders were often called on to
The storm group mechanism was one of the last
participate in storm group assaults against German
additions to the design. I wanted the storming of
positions in nearby buildings. From late September
the Milk House to mark the end of the game,
until late November, elements of the 13th Guards
without adding new rules to the game just to
tried multiple times to clear key Wehrmacht
support one assault. By allowing the defenders of
strongpoints in the so called L-shaped House,
Pavlov’s House to participate in storm group
Railway Workers’ House, Milk House, and many
attacks against other Wehrmacht strongpoints, it
others. However, it was not until after the 62nd
allows the mechanism to be used throughout the
Army launched Operation Uranus on 19
game. And, as the key method of scoring points,
November that the 13th Guards began to achieve
preparing for and executing storm group assaults
some success in their storm group assaults.
can present some coordination challenges. You’ll
need to have enough defenders in Pavlov’s House
In late November, the 39th Guards Rifle
to dedicate to the assault, but extra defenders
Regiment’s 3rd Rifle Battalion led the effort to
means spending precious actions and stocking up
clear the Metal Workers’ House, the Voentorg
on food. In the course of the game, it can be easy
(“military supply store”), and School No. 6, which
to overlook the importance of storm group
were on 9 January Square's left (southern) flank. In
assaults, as you will often feel more pressure to
early December, the 34th Guards Rifle Regiment's
defend the house from Wehrmacht attacks. But if
2nd Rifle Battalion led the effort to clear the L-
you don’t remember this element of the game,
shaped House and the 42nd Guards Rifle
you’ll find it impossible to improve your score at
Regiment’s 2nd Rifle Battalion cleared the Railway
the end of the game and gain a higher award.
Workers’ House, which were on 9 January Square’s
right (northern) flank.

9 January Square. 1: Pavlov’s House. 2: Zabolotny’s House.

19 3: Metal Workers’ House. 4: Voentorg. 5: School No. 6.

Pavlov’s House
Meanwhile, the defenders in Pavlov's House were tasked with
clearing the Milk House, which was across 9 January Square. For
two months the defenders of the two strongholds (Pavlov’s House
and the Milk House) had skirmished. This was the first major
effort to clear the Milk House since mid-September.

The order to clear the Milk House came on 24 November. The

assault carried over onto 25 November. The attack was led by the
commander of the 7th Rifle Company, Senior Lieutenant Ivan
Naumov, and included Lieutenant Afanasyev, Pavlov, and most of
the other defenders. The storm group met with initial success, but
the Wehrmacht counterattacked in force and most of the
defenders from Pavlov’s House were killed or seriously injured.

Naumov tried to rally his men during the battle, but was killed.
Sergeant Ilya Voronov, the commander of a Maxim machine gun
crew in Pavlov’s House, was also part of the assault and served as
one of its inspirational leaders. He was caught by an explosion Each storm group card depicts the
during the attack and had to be evacuated. Twenty-five shell color of the Wehrmacht tracks that
fragments were pulled from his body and he lost a leg. Afanasyev, must be clear, the defense of the
Pavlov, and many others were also injured and had to be building being assaulted, and the
evacuated. point value of the assault.

This failed storm group assault

marked the propagandic end of
the defense of Pavlov's House,
due to a combination of Pavlov's
departure from the building and
near concurrent beginning of
Operation Uranus. It was not
until late December that the
13th Guards Rifle Division
successfully cleared and retained
control of the Milk House.

A Soviet storm group assault.


Pavlov’s House
Challenges of Historicity Taking Pavlov’s House
By the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, Pavlov's House There are significant differences in the number
had taken on mythological propagandic significance by of men reportedly involved in the initial storm
the Soviets. Exaggeration surrounding the strongpoint's group assault on Pavlov’s House. Most versions
story made it difficult to separate fact from fiction, a of the story suggest Pavlov and three other men
problem that has been exacerbated by circular were responsible for storming the building.
reporting, especially by Western sources. Other versions indicate there were a total of six
men, but two were left as guards when Pavlov
Date of the Storm Group Assault entered the building, which may be where the
For such an important story for Soviet propaganda, it is idea of the four man team originates. The most
surprising that so many different dates are given for the significant difference is a version of the story
storm group assault on Pavlov’s House. The earliest that suggests a platoon-sized element with
date mentioned in the review of literature was 22 approximately 30 infantrymen composed the
September. The latest date was 27 September. The storm group but that some of the men—to
most common dates given for the attack were 25 and include Lieutenant Afanasyev—were injured
27 September. An examination of maps used by the during the attack, and that ultimately only
13th Guards Rifle Division at the time indicates that it Pavlov and three others successfully completed
is highly unlikely the storm group assault was before 25 the mission. It’s worth noting that Afanasyev
September, as the building was depicted as being makes no mention of having been involved in
behind German lines. While it can’t be ruled out that the initial storm group assault on Pavlov’s
the depiction of the battlefield was incorrect due to the House in his book “Дом Солдатской
building being held by such a small force, that seems Славы” (House of Soldier’s Glory). Regardless,
unlikely. The real confusion lies in the dates of 25 and for a period of one to three days (and most
27 September. Tactical maps from the 13th Guards likely two), it seems that Pavlov’s House was
combine changes on the battlefield between these defended by only four to six men, and that
dates, so it is impossible to determine precisely on Pavlov was in command.
which date the attack occurred. Most texts state that
Pavlov and his men were reinforced by Lieutenant Ivan
Afanasyev and elements of his machine gun platoon
(from the 3rd Machine Gun Company) two days after
the house was seized. Some texts suggest the
reinforcement occurred the next day, others put this at
three days, but two is the most common. And, as
covered below, most texts (incorrectly) refer to the
defense of Pavlov’s House as having occurred between
27 September and 24 November. Therefore, there are
two likely scenarios. Either Pavlov and his men took the
building on 25 September and were reinforced on 27
September, or Pavlov and his men took the building on Design Note
27 September and were reinforced on 29 September. Despite some accounts that claim two
While such a small detail might seem minor in the additional riflemen supported the assault on
overall scheme of the story, it sets the stage for a long Pavlov’s House, the game assumes only four
list of factual errors that are pervasive across accounts men participated in the attack: Pavlov,
of Pavlov’s House. Glushenko, Chernogolov, and Aleksandrov.


Pavlov’s House
58 Days or 4 Months? Forward Observers and Artillery
A core part of the myth of Pavlov’s House is the Forward observers and artillery played a critical
claim that the defenders held out for “58 days.” In role in the defense of Pavlov’s House. However, for
truth—ironically—the defense lasted much longer. propaganda purposes Soviet authorities chose to
In order to reach the 58 days, there must be a omit the forward observers from the list of the
presumptive start date, which is assumed to be 27 defenders and do not mention the critical role of
September. For those using this date, it is not clear artillery in helping to defend the building.
whether they believe Pavlov took the house on 27
September or if the major defense of the house
began on this date. Regardless, a start date of 27
September results in an end date of 24 November,
which is logical because this is the date when the
defenders of Pavlov’s House were ordered to attack
the Milk House and Pavlov was injured. After the
failed assault on the Milk House, Lieutenant Anton
Dragan took charge of the building. Dragan had
already fought in key Stalingrad battles at the
Railway Station and Nail Factory. Dragan was in
charge until 10 January, was transferred briefly to
the Red October Factory, and then had to retake
the building on 30 January when it was found to
have been retaken by the Wehrmacht.

24 Defenders
According to Soviet propaganda, Pavlov’s House
was defended by 24 infantrymen. This was an
attempt to paint a picture of a small group of
defenders holding out against a numerically
superior enemy. The true number of defenders was
much higher (up to as many as 100 at one point)
and included machine gunners, anti-tank gunners,
sappers and forward observers.

Pavlov’s House or The Lighthouse? Soviet officers monitor the enemy

Some accounts suggest the code name дом from an artillery command post.
Павлова ( or “Dom Pavlova”: Pavlov’s House) was
used by the 62nd Army and especially forward
observers and artillery units on their maps during
the Battle of Stalingrad. This is not true. According
to multiple historical sources and an interview
given to Jones (p. 179), the code name Lighthouse
was used throughout the battle.


Pavlov’s House
Who was in Charge?
Some perpetuate the myth that Pavlov was in
command of the strongpoint throughout its “Naumov would not just say the
defense. However, most indicate that Lieutenant
Ivan Afanasyev brought a small force and took
words ‘For the Motherland,’ he
command within two or three days of Pavlov embodied them…his courage
taking the building, and while this is true, it is not
clear how long Afanasyev was in charge. In his was inspirational”
book, Afanasyev depicts himself as having lead the — Ivan Schylaev (13th Guards
defense of the building until the storm group
assault on the Milk House on 24 November. historian)
According to Afanasyev, Senior Lieutenant Ivan
Naumov (commander of the 7th Rifle Company)
along with Senior Lieutenant Ivan Aleksey Zhukov
(commander of the 3rd Rifle Battalion), arrived at
Pavlov’s House on 24 November in preparation for
the attack. Naumov was killed during the storm
group assault and thus, according to Afanasyev,
Naumov never led the defense of the house. This Design Note
account is in direct contrast to that given by Georgi Regardless of whether Naumov was in
Potanski, a forward observer who served in Pavlov’s command of Pavlov’s House (as per Potanski’s
House, in an interview he gave to Jones (p. 152). account) or if Afanasyev was in charge (the most
Polanski stated, “We were commanded by Captain common version of the story), you control how
Naumov - he was the real hero of our defense.” He the command structure of the building’s defense
went on to say, “Naumov fought side by side with will unfold during the game.
the rest of us soldiers, repelling German attacks.
He was an incredible hero.” Interestingly, Jones’ is Because of the cost of Naumov and Afanasyev,
the only text that indicates Naumov was in charge it can be tempting not to include them as
of the defense of Pavlov’s House, and it seems reinforcements. However, the Command action
possible that Potanski was somehow mistaken in his is critical to the management of the defenders’
account. While it is very difficult to reconcile the actions throughout the game. The storm group
two different versions from Afanasyev and Potanski, attribute can also be impactful, especially during
the definitive facts are: the final storm group assault on the Milk House.
• Pavlov lead the defense for one to three days,
• Afanasyev took over for an undetermined However, the most significant impact the trio
period between the end of September and the can have in the game is the Command Team
attack on the Milk House, special rule, which grants the defenders an extra
• Naumov may have also lead the defense, and action every turn. The investment for
he was certainly killed during the assault on the Command Team is heavy, but the reward is
Milk House. powerful. One point to keep in mind though:
one lucky shot from a Wehrmacht sniper can
drop a member of the command team. For that
reason, having a First Aid token on hand is
usually a good idea.

Air Defense
The Stalingrad Air Defense Regional Corps was
formed in June 1942 in preparation for the defense of
the city from the imminent aerial bombardment from
Germany’s Luftflotte 4. The corps combined anti-
aircraft regiments; air defense armored trains;
searchlight battalions; aerial observation, warning, and
communications units; and a fighter air defense

On 23 August, the day Luftflotte 4 began the assault on

Stalingrad, air defense coverage for Stalingrad was
provided by 326 guns across the Air Defense Regional
Corps. Approximately 63% of the corps' personnel “Right until afternoon we had
were women who were mobilized for the war. When
the German 6th Army launched the initial offensive to fight 'shot for shot' against
into Stalingrad on 13 September, the women manning anti-aircraft positions manned
M1939 37mm automatic air defense guns of the
1077th Anti-Aircraft Regiment on the city's northern by tenacious fighting women,
perimeter offered the only resistance against the 16th
Panzer Division.
until all were destroyed.”
— 16th Panzer Division
With Soviet aircraft heavily outnumbered and
outclassed for most of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Officer
ground-based elements of
the Air Defense Regional
Corps offered the only real
defense against constant
aerial attack.

A Junkers Ju 87 “Stuka” flies above Stalingrad.


Air Defense
Design Note
Just as in the actual Battle of the Stalingrad, the ground-
based air defense forces in Pavlov’s House play a critical role
if you are to have any chance of victory. Early on there will
be a seemingly endless wave of Junkers Ju 87s (“Stukas”)
wreaking havoc on the operational-level elements of the
game. If the Stukas are allowed free reign, they will cripple
your ability to provide the defenders of Pavlov’s House the
support they need to hold off the Wehrmacht.

The mechanism for Bombing Stalingrad was one of the first

elements designed for Pavlov’s House. In order to balance The 267th Separate Anti-aircraft
this portion of the game, it was necessary to develop a Battalion and 1083rd Anti-aircraft
system that allowed for disrupting the Stuka attacks. Each Regiment feature the silhouette of a
time you are faced with a Junkers Ju 87 card, you must make M1939 37mm automatic air defense
a critical decision—what is the proper level of anti-aircraft gun. These guns formed the backbone
investment? If you use too many readied anti-aircraft tokens of the ground-based air defenses for
against a single sortie, it may leave you defenseless to future the Stalingrad Air Defense Regional
strikes. But if you use too few anti-aircraft tokens, it could Corps.
result in significant damage to the 62nd Army.

On the game board, anti-aircraft

batteries from the 1083rd anti-aircraft
regiment and the 267th Separate
anti-aircraft battalion are featured.
These batteries provided the best
coverage for Pavlov’s House against
Stuka attacks from avenues of
approach from the west, north, and
south. However, batteries deployed
throughout the Air Defense Regional
Corps were instrumental in providing
redundant, overlapping air defense
coverage for Stalingrad.

The remains of a Heinkel He 111 medium bomber.


As the Wehrmacht was launching its initial offensive on
Stalingrad on 13 September, the Soviet military council
charged with defending the city established a front artillery
group. Artillery units were organized to provide support for
the Soviet 62nd Army in the north and the neighboring 64th
Army to the south. Each group consisted of artillery
regiments and a mortar regiment.

The 32nd Guards Artillery Regiment was the regiment

organic to the 13th Guards Rifle Division. Like the other
artillery units that supported the Battle of Stalingrad, the
32nd was removed from its upper-echelon unit and organized
within the Northern Subgroup of Front-Line Artillery.
“As soon as the Germans
There is a dearth of detailed English language accounts of
the specific employment doctrine for the front artillery group, started an infantry attack
so it is not clear which other artillery units assisted in the we called in our artillery
defense of Pavlov’s House, but the position of the 32nd based
on maps from the time indicate it would have been in units on the far bank, and
position to provide indirect fire support for the defenders of
the house. The 384th Artillery Regiment, subordinate to the
brought an immediate
193rd Rifle Division, most likely also provided support based bombardment.”
on its location.
— Georgi Potanski
Design Note
Michael K. Jones’ book “Stalingrad: How the Red Army
Triumphed” was one of the first texts I read when
researching Pavlov’s House. In the chapter dedicated to
Pavlov’s House, he interviews Georgi Potanski, a forward
observer who was in the strongpoint during its defense
against Wehrmacht assaults. In the interview Potanski
recounts the close coordination of the defense of the
building with artillery units positioned on the east side of
the Volga. This served as one of the key influences for the
expansion of Pavlov’s House from a purely tactical
strongpoint defense game to the inclusion of the
supporting operational elements.
The 32nd Guards Artillery Regiment
The decision to integrate the placement of Artillery tokens uses the silhouette of a M-30 122mm
on the operational side with forward observer Soviet howitzer. Each of the regiment’s three
counters on the tactical side serves as a thematic link battalions was equipped with a battery
between the two Soviet elements of the game and also of 122mm howitzers and two batteries
requires timing and coordination to be effective. of 76mm guns.


Sappers played a key role in the defense of
Stalingrad. A central part of General Chuikov’s
plan for defending the city was to create
“breakwaters”—a series of well-orchestrated
defenses consisting of strongpoints and infantry
armed with anti-tank rifles that would channel the
Wehrmacht into Soviet tanks and anti-tank guns.
These channeled approaches were mined by

During the Battle of Stalingrad, sappers would lay

in wait, heavily camouflaged, and observe the
battlefield. At night, they would navigate their own
defenses, clear German minefields, and lay new
mines of their own.

According to Beever (p. 149), sappers suffered the “In the course of the war
highest casualty rate of any specialization. Women
also served as combat engineers and were regarded hundreds of tons of soil
as noncombatants. Lieutenant Stanislava Volkov,
one of at least seventy-five women trained as
were turned over by the
sapper platoon commanders in 1942 alone, was sapper’s spade.”
told during her training that the average life
expectancy of a sapper platoon commander was — Stanislava Volkov
two months.

Sappers were instrumental in

supporting the defenders of
Pavlov’s House. They placed
mines along the wester n,
northern, and southern
approaches to the building,
constructed barbed wire fences,
and dug communications trenches
to link Pavlov’s House to the
command post for the 13th
Guards Rifle Division. This work
was almost certainly performed
by elements of the 8th Guards
Sapper Battalion, the sapper unit
attached to the 13th Guards.

Minesweeper Fedorov—Stalingrad January 1943.


Design Note
Sappers perform two very important roles in Pavlov’s
House. First, by using a sapper token a player can repair
damaged walls for the strongpoint, which is critical for
protecting the defenders. Although construction of field
defenses is not what sappers are typically known for, it
nonetheless was critical for shielding the infantrymen who
held out against aerial bombardment and artillery strikes
for two months. Second, by placing a sapper token on one
of the 8th Guards Sapper Battalion spaces a player can
can deploy critical anti-armor and anti-personnel
countermeasures that can serve as a last line of the
The 8th Guards Sapper Battalion
defense. However, getting the sappers into place can be
features a soviet sapper searching for
challenging, as their equipment must be moved across the
mines with a VIM-203 mine detector.
Volga using the Volga Military Flotilla. Early in the game,
The VIM-203 could operate for 30
the values of sappers may not seem to outweigh that of
hours continuously and could detect
food and ammunition tokens, but when you need sappers
mines at a depth of up to 50cm.
most, you may not have time to coordinate the delivery of
the sapper tokens.

Sapper with a VIM-203 mine detector.


Volga River Crossings

In October 1941, the Volga Military Flotilla was
created from vessels of the Volga Steamship Line
to ensure transportation on and the defense of the
Volga. As the German 6th Army approached
Stalingrad in 1942, the flotilla consisted of 7
gunboats, 14 armored cutters, 33 minesweepers, 2
floating anti-aircraft batteries, one rail-road battery,
and two naval infantry battalions. The flotilla was
charged with the following:
• Transporting supplies, reinforcements, and
casualties across the Volga;
• Providing fire support to the 62nd Army;
• Protecting lines of communication;
• Escorting transport ships;
• Eliminating enemy air threat with anti-aircraft
“About the role of the sailors
guns. of the fleet…had it not been
Under relentless attack from the Germans for them the 62nd Army
throughout the Battle of Stalingrad, the Volga
Military Flotilla crossed the Volga more 35,000
might have perished without
times, transporting more than 120,000 men and ammunition and rations.”
moving more than 13,000 tons of supples. During
the defense of the city, 5 — Chuikov
ar mored cutters and 16
minesweepers were lost to a
combination of mines,
artillery fire, and aircraft

The Volga Military Flotilla

was also augmented by the
44th and 160th Motorized
Pontoon Battalions, which
were attached to the 62nd
Army. The 44th Motorized
Po n t o o n B a t t a l i o n w a s
equipped with N2P 60 ton
pontoons and the 160th
Heavy Motorized Pontoon
Battalion was equipped with
SP-19 120 ton pontoons.

Volga Military Flotilla being bombed by aircraft from Luftflotte 4.


Volga River Crossings

Design Note
While moving supplies across the Volga might not be as
exciting as shooting at Stukas with anti-aircraft guns or
firing on Panzers with artillery, managing the Volga
Military Flotilla is nonetheless a critical—perhaps most
critical—operational element for success in Pavlov’s
House. Without critical supplies like food, ammunition,
and first aid, the defenders of Pavlov’s House will fail.
Keeping the flotilla at maximum efficiency is important,
so disruption to the flotilla spaces should be kept to a
minimum. And it’s often a good tactic to load and
deliver supplies in the same turn if possible so that you
don’t risk losing precious supplies to Stuka bombing. The Volga Military Flotilla features a
ZIS-5 N2P 60 ton Pontoon Carrier. This
type of vehicle was used by the 44th
Motorized Pontoon Battalion, which was
attached to the 62nd Army and supported
the Volga Military Flotilla.

Soviet soldiers crossing the Volga.


It would have been impossible for the defenders of Pavlov's
House to have held out against the constant Wehrmacht attacks
had it not been for the support from the 62nd Army, and that
support was enabled by the work of the 13th Guards Rifle
Division’s subordinate 139th Signal Battalion and the Red
Army’s other signal units that fought in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Soviet doctrine stressed reliable and redundant communications,

which were prioritized for the operational control and
coordination of combat units at the expense of administrative
units. The 139th Signal Battalion was part of a cooperation net,
which was established to ensure the synchronization of all
participating elements during the battle. The 139th used wire
and radio communications, supplemented by visual signals and
liaison officers. The primary links within the 13th Guards Rifle
Division and between the division and the 62nd Army was via

“On the famous Stalingrad

battlefield, Soviet forces set up, in
all, about 9,000 radio stations.” The 139th Signal Battalion features
— Maj. Gen. A. Novinitskiy a soviet signal troop repairing a
telephone line.
Signal Communications Troops

Design Note
In Pavlov’s House, the 139th Signal Battalion spaces
represent the efforts of the battalion’s subordinate telephone
platoons (operating under signal companies) to maintain the
wire communications links between the 13th Guards Rifle
Division and 62nd Guards Army command posts. The
greater the level of disruption to communications between
the command posts, the more the defenders will have to deal
with the fog of war. However, if telephone lines are
maintained (represented by the presence of wire
communications tokens in all four spaces), reliable
communications have been established and the effectiveness
of the command and control is improved considerably.

Soviet signalman establishing telephone links in Stalingrad.


Operation Uranus
On 19 November 1942, the Red Army launched
Design Note
Operation Uranus, a two-pronged attack targeting the
The beginning of Operation Uranus aligns
weaker Romanian and Hungarian armies protecting the
with the approximate end of the period of
German 6th Army's flanks. The Axis forces on the flanks
time represented in Pavlov’s House. Once
were overrun and the 6th Army was cut off and
Operation Uranus began, the Wehrmacht’s
surrounded in the Stalingrad area. Hitler ordered that the
ability to initiate offensives was limited,
army stay in Stalingrad and make no attempt to break
opening the opportunity for the defenders
out; instead, attempts were made to supply the army by
of Pavlov’s House to launch storm group
air and to break the encirclement from the outside. Heavy
assaults. Pavlov’s House was briefly
fighting continued for another two months. By the
abandoned by the Red Army, taken by the
beginning of February 1943, the Axis forces in Stalingrad
Wehrmacht, and then had to be retaken by
had exhausted their ammunition and food. The
the Soviets. However, these were minor
remaining units of the 6th Army surrendered.
skirmishes compared to the intense
exchanges that were fought during the
“The god of war has gone height of the Battle of Stalingrad.
over to the other side.”
— Hitler

Battle for Stalingrad—German POWs.


Appendix 1: 62nd Army Units Defending Pavlov’s House

Chain of Command

General Vasily Chuikov: 62nd Army Commander

General Alexander Rodimtsev: 13th Guards Rifle Division Commander
Colonel Ivan Pavlovich Yelin: 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment Commander
Senior Lieutenant Aleksey Yefimovich Zhukov: 3rd Rifle Battalion Commander
Senior Lieutenant Ivan Naumov: 7th Rifle Company Commander
Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev: Platoon Commander, 3rd Machine Gun Company


Appendix 2: Defenders of Pavlov’s House

Name Rank Unit Command Weapon Milk House Note

Ivan Naumov Senior 7th Rifle Company Company Mosin–Nagant Killed

Lieutenant Commander
Ivan Afanasyev Lieutenant 3rd Machine Gun Platoon Leader Mosin–Nagant Injured
Aleksey Anikin Lieutenant 3rd Machine Gun Platoon Leader M1910 HMG / Injured (later died of
Company DP 28 LMG wounds)
Aleksey Junior Mortar Platoon Platoon Leader RM-41 50mm Mortar Killed
Chernyshenko Lieutenant

Ilya Voronov Senior 3rd Machine Gun Squad Leader M1910 HMG / Injured
Sergeant Company DP 28 LMG
Andrey Senior 3rd Antitank Rifle Squad Leader M1937 ATG / Killed
Sobgayda Sergeant Company PTRD-41 ATR
Yakov Pavlov Sergeant 7th Rifle Company Squad Leader PPSh-41 Injured

Terenty Gridin Sergeant Mortar Platoon RM-41 50mm Mortar

Idel Chait Sergeant 3rd Machine Gun M1910 HMG / Killed

Company DP 28 LMG
Alexey Sergeant 3rd Machine Gun M1910 HMG / Killed
Ivashenko Company DP 28 LMG
Vasily Corporal 7th Rifle Company PPSh-41
Faizrakhman Corporal 3rd Antitank Rifle M1937 ATG /
Ramazanov Company PTRD-41 ATR

Alexander Soldier 7th Rifle Company PPSh-41

Nikita Soldier 7th Rifle Company PPSh-41
Ivan Svirin Soldier 3rd Machine Gun M1910 HMG / Injured (later died of
Company DP 28 LMG wounds)
Mikhail Soldier 3rd Machine Gun M1910 HMG /
Bondarenko Company DP 28 LMG

P. Dovzhenko Soldier 3rd Machine Gun M1910 HMG /

Company DP 28 LMG

Machine Gun Crew Antitank Crew Forward Observer

Mortar Crew Pavlov’s Storm Group Sniper


Appendix 2: Defenders of Pavlov’s House

Name Rank Unit Role Weapon Milk House Note

Grigory Soldier 3rd Antitank Rifle M1937 ATG /

Yakimenko Company PTRD-41 ATR
Talibay Soldier 3rd Antitank Rifle M1937 ATG /
Murzaev Company PTRD-41 ATR
Mabulat Soldier 3rd Antitank Rifle M1937 ATG /
Turdyev Company PTRD-41 ATR
Kamoljon Soldier 3rd Antitank Rifle M1937 ATG /
Turgunov Company PTRD-41 ATR

Shkuratov Soldier 3rd Antitank Rifle M1937 ATG /

Company PTRD-41 ATR
Niko Soldier 7th Rifle Company PPSh-41
Sukba Soldier 7th Rifle Company PPSh-41

Andrey Soldier 7th Rifle Company Mosin–Nagant

V. Kiselev Soldier 7th Rifle Company Mosin–Nagant

V. Avagimov Soldier 7th Rifle Company Mosin–Nagant

V. Sarayev Soldier 7th Rifle Company Mosin–Nagant

Stepanoshvili Soldier 7th Rifle Company Mosin–Nagant

Yefremov Soldier 7th Rifle Company Mosin–Nagant

Garya Hoholov Soldier 7th Rifle Company Mosin–Nagant PU

3.5 (sniper variant)
Anatoly Soldier 13th Guards Mosin–Nagant PU
Chekhov 3.5 (sniper variant)
Georgi Polanski Unknown Possibly 32nd Guards Mosin–Nagant
Artillery Regiment

Nikolai Unknown Possibly 32nd Guards Mosin–Nagant

Sarkisan Artillery Regiment

Machine Gun Crew Antitank Crew Sniper

Mortar Crew Pavlov’s Storm Group Forward Observer


Appendix 3: Soviet Awards

In Pavlov’s House, the level of victory is categorized by score and assigned a Soviet medal or award.

Award Description
Hero of the Soviet The highest honorary title that can be given to Soviet civilians and soldiers for
Union heroic acts.
Order of Victory The highest military decoration in the Soviet Armed Forces for World War II
Order of the Red Recognized military deeds. Before the establishment of the Order of Lenin, the
Banner Order of the Red Banner functioned as the highest military order of the USSR.
Order of Suvorov Awarded to army commanders for exceptional direction of combat operations.
Order of the Patriotic Awarded to all soldiers in the Soviet armed forces, security troops, and to partisans
War for heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War.
Order of the Red Star Given to Red Army and Navy personnel for exceptional service in the cause of the
defense of the Soviet Union in both war and peace.

42 Victory at Stalingrad
References and Additional Resources
Additional Reading and References on the Topic

• Afanasyev, I. (1970). Дом Солдатской Славы (House of Soldier’s Glory). Moscow: ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО
• Antill, P. D., & Dennis, P. (2007). Stalingrad 1942. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, Westminster, Maryland,
• Beevor, A. (2007). Stalingrad. London: Penguin Books.
• Bull, S., & Dennis, P. (2008). World War II street-fighting tactics. Oxford: Osprey Pub.
• Glantz, D. M., House, J. M., & Glantz, C. D. M. (2009). Armageddon in Stalingrad: September-
November 1942 (the Stalingrad trilogy, volume 2). Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.
• Hellbeck, J. (2015). Stalingrad: the City that Defeated the Third Reich. New York: PublicAffairs.
• Jones, M. K., & Glantz, D. M. (2010). Stalingrad: How the red army triumphed. Barnsley: Pen & Sword
• Kirchubel, R. (2015). Atlas of the eastern front: 1941-45. London, United Kingdom: Osprey Publishing.
• Joly, A. (2013). Stalingrad battle Atlas: Volume I. United States: Staldata Publications.
• Joly, A. (2014). Stalingrad battle Atlas: Volume II. United States: Staldata Publications.
• Joly, A. (2014). Stalingrad battle Atlas: Volume III. United States: Staldata Publications.
• Moynahan, B. (2008). Forgotten soldiers. London: Quercus.
• Pennington, R. (2010). Offensive Women: Women in Combat in the Red Army in the Second World War.
The Journal of Military History, 74, 775-820.
• Rottman, G. L., & Taylor, C. (2007). Soviet field fortifications: 1941-45. Oxford: Osprey Publishing.
• Saveliev, L. I. (1960). Дом сержанта Павлова (The House of Sergeant Pavlov). Воениздат МО СССР
(Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense).
• V’iunenko, N. P., and R. N. Mordvinov. Voennye flotilii v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine. Moscow, 1957.
• War Department (USA), Handbook on USSR Military Forces: Chapter , Tactics: 1 November 1945.

Pavlov’s House Scenarios for other Games

• ASL scenario, published in AH GENERAL volume 19 number 5.

• ASL scenario, ASL Journal #5.
• ASl scenario, The General, Volume 29, Issue 6.
• LnLP's Lock 'n Load Tactical: Heroes of the Motherland.
• LnLP's Lock 'n Load: Not One Step Back.
• 1A Games' Tide of Iron: Next Wave.
• L2 Design Group's Streets of Stalingrad (third edition).
• Critical Hit, Inc.'s Advanced Tobruk System Basic Game II: Streets of Stalingrad.


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