DRUG NAME: Hydroxyurea: Synonym (S) : Common Trade Name (S) : Classification

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DRUG NAME: Hydroxyurea

SYNONYM(S): hydroxycarbamide1


CLASSIFICATION: alkylating agent

Special pediatric considerations are noted when applicable, otherwise adult provisions apply.

Hydroxyurea, a hydroxylated molecule of urea, interferes with the synthesis of DNA via several proposed
mechanisms, with little or no effect on RNA or protein synthesis. Hydroxyurea inhibits the conversion of DNA bases
by blocking ribonucleotide reductase, thereby preventing conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides.
Hydroxyurea also inhibits the incorporation of thymidine into DNA, and may directly damage DNA.2,3 Hydroxyurea is
cell-cycle specific for the S phase and may hold cells in the G1 phase. Hydroxyurea may also stimulate production
of fetal hemoglobin and may have antiviral effects.2


Oral Absorption >80%,4 peak levels in 1-4 h

Distribution rapidly and widely distributed; concentrates in leukocytes and erythrocytes; found in ascitic
cross blood brain barrier? yes
volume of distribution1 20 L/m2; approximating total body water
plasma protein binding1 75-80%
Metabolism 50-60% metabolized by liver,4 small amount degraded by urease in intestinal bacteria
active metabolite(s) no information found
inactive metabolite(s) urea,2 acetohydroxamic acid3
Excretion nonlinear process; saturable hepatic metabolism and renal excretion
urine2-5 25-80% (50% as unchanged drug, 30% as urea)
feces no information found
terminal half life4 3-4 h
clearance 4.3-5.5 L/h/m2
Adapted from standard reference unless specified otherwise.

Primary uses: Other uses:
*Head and neck cancer Cervical cancer2
*Leukemia, chronic myelogenous Leukemia, acute myeloid6
*Melanoma Lung cancer, non-small cell4
*Ovarian cancer Myeloproliferative disorders2
Uterine cancer4
*Health Canada approved indication

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Developed: September 1994
Revised: December 2006, 1 October 2013


Contraindicated in patients who have a history of hypersensitivity reaction to hydroxyurea, any components of the
formulation, or marked bone marrow depression.

Caution: Use of hydroxyurea in combination with antiretroviral agents, particularly didanosine and/or stavudine, is
not recommended due to risk of serious toxicities, namely pancreatitis, hepatotoxicity, and peripheral neuropathy; if
the combination is used, monitor for toxicities.3

Previous or current chemotherapy: increased risk of bone marrow suppression; dose adjustment may be

Carcinogenicity: Hydroxyurea is carcinogenic.2,3

Mutagenicity: Mutagenic in Ames test and mammalian in vitro mutation test. Hydroxyurea is clastogenic in
mammalian in vitro and in vivo chromosome tests.
Fertility: Hydroxyurea should not be used in men contemplating fatherhood. No information found for women.

Pregnancy: FDA Pregnancy Category D.2,4 There is positive evidence of human fetal risk, but the benefits from use
in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk (e.g., if the drug is needed in a life-threatening situation or for
a serious disease for which safer drugs cannot be used or are ineffective).

Breastfeeding is not recommended due to the secretion of hydroxyurea into breast milk.3

The table includes adverse events that presented during drug treatment but may not necessarily have a causal
relationship with the drug. Because clinical trials are conducted under very specific conditions, the adverse event
rates observed may not reflect the rates observed in clinical practice. Adverse events are generally included if they
were reported in more than 1% of patients in the product monograph or pivotal trials, and/or determined to be
clinically important.7 When placebo-controlled trials are available, adverse events are included if the incidence is >
5% higher in the treatment group.

Hydroxyurea is generally well tolerated, serious side effects are rare.


Clinically important side effects are in bold, italics

allergy/immunology lupus erythematosus1

blood/bone marrow/ anemia (>5%)8; seldom seen without a preceding leukopenia
febrile neutropenia macrocytosis4; may mask folic acid deficiency
megaloblastic erythropoiesis; self-limiting, typically occurs soon after initiating therapy2
leukopenia (>5%)8; onset 24-48 h, nadir 10 days,4 recovery from myelosuppression is
usually rapid when hydroxyurea treatment is interrupted
thrombocytopenia (1-5%)8; onset 7 days, nadir 10 days,9 recovery from
myelosuppression is usually rapid when hydroxyurea treatment is interrupted, seldom
seen without a preceding leukopenia
constitutional symptoms chills
drowsiness; dose related2; incidence (>5%) with large doses8
fever; typically occurs within hours, though 21 days has been reported

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Developed: September 1994
Revised: December 2006, 1 October 2013


Clinically important side effects are in bold, italics

dermatology/skin alopecia (1-5%)8; typically occurs after long term use
miscellaneous dermatological toxicities; see discussion following Side Effects table
gastrointestinal emetogenic potential: rare10
anorexia (>5%)8
constipation (1-5%)8
diarrhea (>5%)8
mucositis, stomatitis (1-5%)8
nausea and vomiting (>5%)8
ulcerations of buccal mucosa and GI epithelium with hydroxyurea intoxication,2
potentiated with radiation therapy4
hepatobiliary/pancreas hepatotoxicity
lymphatics edema2
metabolic/laboratory decreased serum iron2
elevated blood urea nitrogen
elevated creatinine
elevated hepatic enzymes4
hyperuricemia (<1%)
neurology disorientation, hallucinations4 (<1%)8
dizziness (<1%)8
seizures (<1%)8
ocular/visual blepharitis1
pain headache (<1%)8
pulmonary acute pulmonary reactions; pulmonary infiltrates, fibrosis, dyspnea with or without
renal/genitourinary dysuria (<1%)8
suppressed renal tubular function
secondary malignancy secondary leukemia2; it is unknown if this is secondary to hydroxyurea or underlying
skin cancer
Adapted from standard reference unless specified otherwise.

Dermatological effects: Reports of skin reactions with hydroxyurea include dermopathy, vasculitic toxicities, leg
ulcers, and exacerbation of irradiation erythema. Rarely, skin cancers have also occurred.3

Hydroxyurea-induced dermopathy includes maculopapular rash, atrophy and hyperpigmentation of the skin and
nails, peripheral and facial edema, violet papules, and scaly erythematous skin lesions often resembling
dermatomyositis.2,3 Dermatomyositis-like lesions usually occur after several years of treatment, are usually benign,

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Developed: September 1994
Revised: December 2006, 1 October 2013

and are likely due to the chronic cumulative toxicity of hydroxyurea or one of its metabolites.5 Treatment withdrawal
is usually necessary and symptoms may take weeks to months to resolve. Nail pigmentation has been reported in
up to 5% of patients taking hydroxyurea; pigmentation typically occurs weeks to years after starting therapy.1,8,11

Vasculitic toxicities, including vasculitic ulceration and gangrene have been associated with hydroxyurea use,
particularly in patients receiving or who have received interferon. Due to potentially serious clinical outcomes,
hydroxyurea should be discontinued if cutaneous vasculitic ulcerations develop.12 Persons handling hydroxyurea
and its packaging are advised to wash their hands after contact.

Hydroxyurea can cause painful leg ulcers, often on the malleoli.2 Leg ulcers often coexist with dermatomyositis-like
lesions and may be caused by the same mechanism; mechanical injury, cutaneous atrophy, and poor wound healing
may have a role.5 There is no consistent correlation between dose and duration of hydroxyurea therapy and leg
ulcers.1,11 Ulcers generally improve following discontinuation of therapy2,11; recurrence has been reported with
reintroduction of hydroxyurea.

Hydroxyurea has the potential to enhance radiation injury to tissues; it can also induce a recall phenomenon in
previously irradiated tissue.3,8,16 The development of radiation dermatitis may occur weeks to years after radiation.
While the exact mechanism is not clearly understood, radiation’s effect on the microvasculature, or altered
cutaneous immunologic responses have been suggested.16 Dermatologic manifestations include maculopapular
eruptions with erythema, vesicle formation, and desquamation of the skin. Reactions range in intensity from a mild
rash to severe skin necrosis. Topical corticosteroids have been used to treat the dermatitis.16

Hyperuricemia may result from cell lysis by cytotoxic chemotherapy and may lead to electrolyte disturbances or
acute renal failure. It is most likely with highly proliferative tumours of massive burden, such as leukemias, high-
grade lymphomas, and myeloproliferative diseases. The risk may be increased in patients with preexisting renal
dysfunction, especially ureteral obstruction. Suggested prophylactic treatment for high-risk patients18:
 aggressive hydration: 3 L/m²/24 hr with target urine output >100 ml/h
 if possible, discontinue drugs that cause hyperuricemia (e.g., thiazide diuretics) or acidic urine (e.g., salicylates)
 monitor electrolytes, calcium, phosphate, renal function, LDH, and uric acid q6h x 24-48 hours
 replace electrolytes as required
 allopurinol 600 mg po initially, then 300 mg po q6h x6 doses, then 300 mg po daily x 5-7 days

Urine should be alkalinized only if the uric acid level is elevated, using sodium bicarbonate IV or PO titrated to
maintain urine pH>7. Rasburicase (FASTURTEC®) is a novel uricolytic agent that catalyzes the oxidation of uric
acid to a water-soluble metabolite, removing the need for alkalinization of the urine.19 It may be used for treatment or
prophylaxis of hyperuricemia; however, its place in therapy has not yet been established. Aluminium hydroxide (e.g.,
AMPHOGEL®) may be added orally if phosphate becomes elevated. If aluminium hydroxide has been added,
discontinue sodium bicarbonate.



cytarabine increased cytarabine hydroxyurea depletes deoxycytidine clinical importance
therapeutic and toxic triphosphate resulting in increased as yet unknown
effects uptake of cytarabine, phosphorylation
of cytarabine to the active triphoshate,
binding to DNA polymerase and
subsequent incorporation in to DNA21
didanosine (with or increased risk of unknown avoid concomitant
without stavudine)3,4,8,22 hepatotoxicity, use4; if used monitor
hepatic failure, for signs and
pancreatitis, and symptoms of
neuropathy hepatotoxicity,
pancreatitis, and

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Developed: September 1994
Revised: December 2006, 1 October 2013


fluorouracil increased fluorouracil hydroxyurea depletes deoxyuridine clinical importance
therapeutic and toxic monophosphate, leading to greater as yet unknown
effects inhibition of thymidylate synthetase by
fluorouracil and subsequent reduced
DNA synthesis
triglyceride measurement false-negative inhibition of glycerol oxidase by monitor triglycerides
by glycerol oxidase triglyceride hydroxyurea with a different assay
method9,23 measurement


Tablets: Apotex, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Genpharm supply hydroxyurea as a 500 mg capsule. Selected non-
medicinal ingredients in the Bristol-Myers Squibb product: lactose.3 Store at room temperature and protect from light,
excessive heat, and moisture.


Refer to protocol by which patient is being treated. Numerous dosing schedules exist and depend on disease,
response and concomitant therapy. Guidelines for dosing also include consideration of absolute neutrophil count
(ANC). Dosage may be reduced, delayed or discontinued in patients with bone marrow depression due to
cytotoxic/radiation therapy or with other toxicities.

BCCA usual dose noted in bold, italics
Oral: 20-30 mg/kg PO once daily1-3,5

80 mg/kg PO as a single dose every third day1-3,5

up to 12 g/day has been used for blast crisis1

 Dose on actual or ideal weight, whichever is less.

 Round dose to the nearest 500 mg.
 Doses can be divided (e.g., BID-QID).
 Administer with food or on an empty stomach.
 Adjust dose according to hematologic response.
 In patients unable to swallow hydroxyurea capsules; the capsules may be
emptied into a glass of water and taken immediately. Inert material used as
a vehicle in the capsule may not dissolve and may float on the surface.
 Patients and caregivers should be advised to not allow the powder to come
in to contact with the skin and mucous membranes and to wash their hands
after contact with hydroxyurea and its packaging.

Concurrent radiation: increased risk of bone marrow suppression3; hydroxyurea may potentiate
adverse effects usually seen with radiation, namely gastric distress and
mucositis3; hydroxyurea may cause irradiation erythema in patients who have
received radiation ; when used with radiation, hydroxyurea should be started at
least 7 days before radiation4

Dosage in myelosuppression: modify according to protocol by which patient is being treated; if no guidelines
available, refer to Appendix 6 "Dosage Modification for Myelosuppression"

BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 5 of 7 Hydroxyurea

Developed: September 1994
Revised: December 2006, 1 October 2013

BCCA usual dose noted in bold, italics

Dosage in renal failure4: initial dose adjustment may be required; use with caution and monitor
hematological parameters3; suggested initial dose modification:
Creatinine clearance Dose
>50 100%
10-50 50%
<10 20%
* e.g., if creatinine clearance = 30 mL/min, give 50% of full dose
Calculated creatinine clearance = N* x (140 - Age) x weight (kg)
Serum Creatinine in µmol/L
* For males N = 1.23; for females N=1.04

Dosage in hepatic failure: monitor hematological parameters3

Dosage in dialysis: hemodialysis: administer dose after dialysis on dialysis days; supplemental
dose not necessary4

continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: no information found

continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration: dose for creatinine clearance 10-50



safety and effectiveness not established in children ; hydroxyurea has been
used in pediatric patients1,9


1. DRUGDEX® Evaluations (database on the Internet). Hydroxurea. Thomson MICROMEDEX®, 2006. Available at:
www.micromedex.com. Accessed 4 October 2006.
2. McEvoy GK. AHFS 2006 Drug Information. Bethesda, Maryland: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc.; 2006. p.
3. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada. HYDREA® product monograph. Montreal, Quebec; 1 March 2006.
4. Rose BD editor. Hydroxyurea: Drug Information. UpToDate 14.2 ed. Waltham, Massachusetts: UpToDate®; 2006.
5. MARTINDALE - The Complete Drug Reference (database on the Internet). Hydroxycarbamide. Thomson MICROMEDEX®,
2006. Available at: www.micromedex.com. Accessed 4 October 2006.
6. The NCCN Acute Myeloid Leukemia Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology© (Version I). : National Comprehensive Cancer
Network, Inc.; 2006; accessed 28 November 2006.
7. Hilary Wass MD. Personal communication. Hematologist, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver Island Centre; 25 October 2006.
8. USP DI® Drug Information for the Health Care Professional (database on the Internet). Hydroxyurea (Systemic). Thompson
MICROMEDEX®, 2006. Available at: www.micromedex.com. Accessed 4 October 2006.
9. Rose BD editor. Hydroxyurea: Pediatric drug information. UpToDate 14.2 ed. Waltham, Massachusetts: UpToDate®; 2006.
10. BC Cancer Agency. (SCNAUSEA) Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting in
Adults. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Cancer Agency; 1 November 2005.
11. Aste N, Fumo G, Usala E, et al. Skin changes secondary to hydroxyurea therapy: A survey of 30 cases and review of the
literature. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia 2006;141(4):317-323.
12. Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada. Potential risk of cutaneous vasculitic toxicities associated with the use of HYDREA®. Montreal,
Quebec; 1 March 2006.
13. Vaiopoulos G, Terpos E, Viniou N, et al. Behcet's disease in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia under hydroxyurea
treatment: a case report and review of the literature. Am J Hematol 2001;66(1):57-58.
14. Karincaoglu Y, Kaya E, Esrefoglu M, et al. Development of large genital ulcer due to hydroxyurea treatment in a patient with
chronic myeloid leukemia and Behcet's disease. Leuk Lymphoma 2003;44(6):1063-1065.
15. Prabhash K, Bapsy P. Hydroxyurea induced non-healing leg ulcer. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology
16. Alley E, Green R, Schuchter L. Cutaneous toxicities of cancer therapy. Current Opinion in Oncology 2002;14(2):212-216.

BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual© Page 6 of 7 Hydroxyurea

Developed: September 1994
Revised: December 2006, 1 October 2013

17. DeVita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA. Cancer Principles & Practice of Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 2001. p. 2640.
18. Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia. Leukemia/BMT Manual. 4th ed. Vancouver, British Columbia:
Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre / BC Cancer Agency; 2003. p. 27.
19. Sanofi-Synthelabo. FASTURTEC® product information. Markham, Ontario; 2004.
20. Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia. Leukemia/BMT Manual. E-Edition ed. Vancouver, British
Columbia: Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre / BC Cancer Agency; 2010. p. 93-94.
21. Gwilt PR, Tracewell WG. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of hydroxyurea. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 1998;34(5):347-
22. Rose BD editor. Lexi-Interact™ Online. UpToDate 14.2 ed. Waltham, Massachusetts: UpToDate®; 2006.
23. McPherson RA, Brown KD, Agarwal RP, et al. Hydroxyurea interferes negatively with triglyceride measurement by a glycerol
oxidase method. Clin Chem 1985;31(8):1355-7.

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Developed: September 1994
Revised: December 2006, 1 October 2013

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